science materials necessary for a truly college-level AP Biology class.” ... Mader,
Sylvia S. Biology. Blacklick ... and Connections, 5th Edition. .... One set has 11.
AP Biology
What do I need for my new AP Biology course? Donors Teachers ask. You choose. is teaming up with the College Board and Google to offer funding for the classroom materials needed to maximize your AP Biology course. Using, you can select the exact materials you need from our vendors. When creating your project, you’ll shop through our 24 vendors to find materials that will make your AP class a success. The suggestions below (and in the attached technology supply list) are based on recommendations from the College Board and previous requests by AP teachers on Please visit our site to view additional AP project ideas. Enter a keyword such as “AP Biology” or “lab” to search projects.
sample project request
“This is the first year that my school offers AP Biology. We lack resources. My students are in desperate need of supplies needed to complete the 13 labs that are part of the curriculum. This grant will ensure that my students have access to the science materials necessary for a truly college-level AP Biology class.” - Mrs. Lopez, Los Angeles, California
Item Category Textbook(s)
Item Name Vendor Audesirk, Gerald, Bruce E. Byers, and AKJ Books Teresa Audesirk. Biology: Life on Earth. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hillis, David M., David Sadava, H. Craig AKJ Books Heller, and Mary V. Price. Principles of Life. Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Average Price* $30.87
Mader, Sylvia S. Biology. Blacklick, OH: McGraw-Hill.
AKJ Books
Purves, William K., et al. Life: The Science of Biology. Cranbury, NJ: Sinauer Associates, Inc.
AKJ Books
Solomon, Eldra, Linda Berg, and Diana W. Martin. Biology. Independence, KY: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning.
AKJ Books
Starr, Cecie, and Ralph Taggart. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. Independence, KY: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning.
AKJ Books
AKJ Books
AKJ Books
Simon, Eric, Jane Reece, Neil Campbell and Martha Taylor. Biology Concepts and Connections, 5th Edition. Starr, Cecie. Biology Concepts and Applications. 6th Edition. Cengage. Venier Probeware
Digital Cameras
Light Box Systems
Technology Technology
Computers with spreadsheet software like: MicrosoftR Excel, MacintoshR Numbers or OpenOffice Calc Computers with internet access
4 function with Square Root
Lab: Chemicals
2% Agar containing the pH indicator dye phenolphthalein
Lab: Chemicals
1% Phenolphthalein solution
Sargent Welch, Frey Scientific Best Buy for Business , CDW-G,, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco, Frey Scientific Best Buy for Business , CDW-G,, Frey Scientific Best Buy for Business , CDW-G,, Frey Scientific CDW-G, Nasco,, Frey Scientific Frey Scientific, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch
$100.82 $113.13 $353.66 $353.66 $3.53 $6.89 $4.04
*prices may change over time
Item Category Lab: Chemicals
Item Name 0.1M NaOH
Lab: Chemicals
0.1M HCL
Lab: Chemicals
Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Lab: Chemicals Lab: Chemicals
15% Solution of KOH, potassium hydroxide solution (or NaOH, Drano) Ethanol
Lab: Chemicals
Glacial acetic acid (17.4M)
Lab: Chemicals
Hydrochloric acid
Lab: Chemicals
Carbol-fuschin (Ziehl-Neelson) stain
Lab: Chemicals
E. coli
Lab: Chemicals
Plasmid (pAMP), hydrated
Lab: Chemicals
Ampicillin, lyophilized
Lab: Chemicals
LB nutrient broth, sterile
Lab: Chemicals
10% Bleach solution
Lab: Chemicals
Vials of Lamda DNA, vials of lambda DNA cut with EcoRI, and vials of lambda DNA cut with HindIII
Lab: Chemicals
*Or samples of lamda DNA cut with other restriction enzymes Aragose
Lab: Chemicals
Methylene blue gel and buffer stain
Lab: Chemicals
TAE buffer 50x concentrate
Lab: Chemicals
Vendor Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Frey Scientific, Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Sargent Welch, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Sargent Welch, Frey Scientific Nasco, Frey Scientific, Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific
Average Price* $4.98
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific
$4.86 $4.01 $6.60 $6.75 $13.79 $5.04 $12.36 $9.32 $8.79 $9.65 $8.79 $6.30 $27.79
$11.19 $35.95 $21.45
*prices may change over time
Item Category Lab: Chemicals
Item Name Ammonia
Lab: Chemicals
Lab: Consumables
Reused plastic soda or water bottles
Lab: Consumables
Wicking: #18 nylon mason twine
Lab: Consumables
Fertilizer: Miracle-Gro Nursery Select, All Purpose Water-Soluble Plant Food or Peters Professional with micronutrients Soil: Jiffy-Mix (soil mix, not potting soil)
Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables
Vendor Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Sargent Welch, Frey Scientific, Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific
Nasco, Frey Scientific, Carolina Biological Supply Company Vermiculite Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Fast Plant Seeds Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Frey Scientific Lab Notebooks Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Miniposters Nasco,, Frey Scientific Miniposter supplies (manila folders), Frey Scientific Miniposter supplies (post-it sticky, School Specialty, notes) Frey Scientific Miniposter supplies (different colored Nasco,, Frey permanent markers) Scientific Liquid Soap (or dishwashing liquid) Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco,, Frey Scientific Clear plastic cups (wide-rimmed) Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Frey Scientific Germinating/non-germinating Carolina Biological Supply Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds or seeds of Company, Nasco, Frey several species of plants, including Scientific grasses; ; small glass beads; or dry, baked seeds small insects, such as crickets or Nasco, Sargent Welch, earthworms Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Hot glue guns Nasco,, Frey Scientific Absorbent cotton Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company
Average Price* $6.67 $60.39 10.95 $4.23 $9.93
$21.55 $4.73 $15.67 $3.60 $8.05 $8.09 $9.04 $4.55 $4.00 $6.02 $13.94
$7.15 $7.26 $15.49
*prices may change over time
Item Category Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables
Item Name Fiberfill Self-stick squares or circles of Velcro
Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables
Needle and thread Masking Tape
Lab: Consumables
Permanent glass-marking pens
Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables Lab: Consumables
Vendor Nasco, Frey Scientific, Nasco, Frey Scientific Nasco, Frey Scientific Nasco,, Frey Scientific
Average Price* $4.95 $2.42 $4.80 $2.37
Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Modeling Clay (several colors) Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco,, Frey Scientific Twist Ties Carolina Biological Supply Company,, Nasco, Frey Scientific Pink and blue pipe cleaners (Cut into Nasco,, Frey pieces about 3 cm long. One set has 11 Scientific pieces of each color; one set per group. Six beads per set; two pipe cleaners fit through one bead) Pop-it Beads Frey Scientific, Nasco,, Sargent Welch, Carolina Biological Supply Company Onion sets or scallions Frey Scientific Jars with lids Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Sand Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Nasco, Sargent Welch Razor Blades Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Scientific cleaning wipes, such as Carolina Biological Supply Kimwipes Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Disposable Gloves Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch,, Nasco Distilled Water Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Frey Scientific Biohazardous waste disposal bags or Carolina Biological Supply, plastic trash bags Frey Scientific Deionized Water Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Aluminum Foil Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco,, Frey Scientific
$12.75 $3.55
$6.72 $4.00
$65.95 $20.46 $5.09 $15.15 $4.40 $11.51 $6.35 $49.15 $14.72 $15.76
*prices may change over time
Item Category Lab: Consumables
Item Name Disposable plastic needle-nose transfer pipettes
Lab: Consumables
Butterfly Eggs
Lab: Consumables
Parafilm laboratory sealing film
Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables
Representative plant species such as Impatiens (a moisture-loving plant), Coleus, oleander (more drought tolerant), Phaseolus vulgaris (bean seedlings), pea plants, varieties of Lycopersicon (tomato), peppers, ferns, or even Wisconsin Fast Plants Clear cellophane tape
Lab: Consumables
Graph Paper
Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables
Small potted plants with many green leaves One-gallon size and small plastic food storage bags String
Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables
Petroleum Jelly
Lab: Consumables
Fruit Fly Cultures
Lab: Consumables
Choice Chambers (Constructed from two matching plastic water bottles and caps taped together at their center)
Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables
*Extra bottle caps Cotton Balls
Vendor Frey Scientific, Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch
Average Price* $26.33
Nasco,, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch,, Nasco Frey Scientific, Carolina Biological Supply Company Nasco, Frey Scientific
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco,, Frey Scientific Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Sargent Welch, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Frey Scientific
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Sargent Welch., Frey Scientific
$21.73 $6.60 $16.74
$13.68 $26.82 $16.00
$1.65 $3.40 $30.81 $3.78
*prices may change over time
Item Category Lab: Consumables
Lab: Consumables Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Equipment Lab: Benchware Lab: Benchware
Item Name Vendor Various Condiments/Food Products, Frey Scientific such as: capers, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, salad dressing, jelly or jam, peanut butter, yeast; and/or fruits like bananas, melons, or apples Clear plastic packing tape Nasco,, Frey Scientific Microwave Oven, Sargent Welch, Nasco, Frey Scientific Fast Plant growth chambers (lights) Carolina Biological Supply and Company, Nasco Incubator oven (Optional) Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welchm, Nasco Dissecting Microscopes Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Gel Electrophoresis Chambers Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Power Supplies Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch,, Nasco Staining Trays Carolina Biological Supply Company, Sargent Welch Hot plates with stir bars Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Food dehydrators or drying ovens Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Electronic balances (with 0.001gram Frey Scientific, Sargent Precision) Welch, Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company Scissors Carolina Biological Supply, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch,, Nasco Potometers (clear plastic tubing, a Nasco, Carolina Biological ring stand with clamp, and a 0.1mL or Supply Company 1.0mL pipette) Fans Carolina Biological Supply Company, Nasco, Spray Bottles Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Petri dishes Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Dissection Scissors Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco
Average Price* $10.99
$6.35 $203.29 $117.13 $406.37 $168.41 $44.41 $100.64 $12.92 $108.94 $450.75 $736.45 $4.84 $94.73 $18.13 $3.88 $4.41 $4.04
*prices may change over time
Item Category Lab: Benchware
Item Name Plastic syringes without needles (10mL or larger)
Lab: Benchware
Coplin Jars
Lab: Benchware
Thin-stem plastic dropping pipettes
Lab: Benchware
Plastic capillary tubes or plastic microhematocrits (µL)
Lab: Benchware
Small plastic petri dishes
Lab: Benchware
Slides and cover slips
Lab: Benchware
Lab: Benchware
Sterile Pipettes
Lab: Benchware
Sterile Inoculation loops (10 µL)
Lab: Benchware
OPTIONAL: Micropipettes, adjustable volume, 2–20 µL (and pipette tips)
Lab: Benchware
Test tubes (various sizes)
Lab: Benchware
Test tubes racks/holders
Lab: Benchware Lab: Benchware
Multicolor 2.0 mL microcentrifuge tubes and microcentrifuge tube holders 1L Flasks
Lab: Benchware
500 mL Graduated Cylinders
Lab: Benchware
Plastic bulb transfer pipettes
Lab: Benchware
1L Graduated Cylinders
Vendor Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Frey Scientific, Carolina Biological Supply Company
Average Price* $35.35
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco, Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Nasco Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco
$4.55 $35.89 $8.08
$4.50 $1.74 $32.79 $3.46 $168.82 $17.13 $9.17 $76.90
$12.72 $18.30 $17.22
*prices may change over time
Item Category Lab: Benchware
Item Name 8-10 L Containers
Vendor Carolina Biological Supply Company
Average Price* $36.95
Lab: Benchware
Syringes (without needles), different sizes
Lab: Benchware
Small Clamps
Lab: Benchware
Lab: Benchware
1 mL volumetric pipettes
Lab: Benchware
5 mL graduated/volumetric pipettes
Lab: Benchware
10 mL graduated/volumetric pipettes
Lab: Benchware
25 mL volumetric pipettes
Lab: Benchware
Pipette pumps or pipette bulbs
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco Carolina Biological Supply Company, Frey Scientific, Sargent Welch, Nasco
$5.19 $5.95 $32.79 $12.04 $40.21 $57.33 $16.36
*prices may change over time
Tech Supplies for any AP Course
The following materials are suggestions based on projects posted by teachers for their AP courses. We encourage you to search our vendor sites to find the materials that will work best for your students.
Best Buy for Business Apple Products (iPods, iPads, computers) Cameras, Camcorders Document Cameras eReaders (eg. Kindle, NOOK) Flash Drives
x x x x x
Printers, Scanners, Copiers Projectors
x x x
x x
SMART Technology Products Student Response/Voting Systems Televisions, DVD Players
Teachers' School Supply
Woodwind & Brasswind
x x x x x x x x x
Interactive Whiteboards Laptops, Desktops, Tablets
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x