Chemistry, 9th Edition (AP Edition) Zumdahl – required. ○ This book will ...
Pearson Education Test Prep Series for AP Chemistry, 20142015 Edition –
AP Chemistry Summer Assignment: 20152016 Mrs. Lemon
[email protected] Welcome to AP Chemistry. I am excited to work with you this year. AP Chemistry is an equivalent course to 2 semesters of Introductory Chemistry in college. Taking a college level course in high school is difficult, requires dedication, and is a great investment in your education. So, prepare yourself for the future and arrive to school on August 13th ready to learn! Please feel free to contact me at any time over the summer if you have any questions and I will try to respond ASAP. PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS ENTIRE PACKET BEFORE SUMMER BREAK Required Textbooks: Chemistry, 9th Edition (AP Edition) Zumdahl – required ● This book will be provided to you before you leave school for the summer. I highly suggest that you simply leave it at home for the remainder of the school year. You will need it for reference and for homework problems, but we will rarely use them in the classroom. Pearson Education Test Prep Series for AP Chemistry, 20142015 Edition – required ● This book will be provided to you before you leave school for the summer. You will need this book almost every day, so I will suggest that you leave it in the classroom unless you need to take it home to study. Lab Notebook required ● You will be provided one of these on the first day of school. *********************************** Problem Sets Because we have so much material to cover and some of it should be a review of the material you learned in Honors Chemistry, there are some problems I have assigned for you to work on this summer. Remember you can always contact me to ask questions. ● Please read the chapter for review and complete the problems assigned . ● Please show all work and don’t forget significant figures ! ● Please highlight all final answers .
● Please only write all answers and work in a single column on the left side of the page. The solution manuals for each of these chapters has been provided for you in the Summer Work shared folder. If you get stuck, this will be an excellent resource to help you through the problem. However, I will caution you: DO NOT simply copy down the answers . This will not prepare you for the Unit 1 Test over this material, which will be given shortly after we return to school in August. This test will consist of “AP Style” multiple choice questions and short answers. ***Hint : There are LOTS of practice “AP Style” questions at the end of each chapter in your Pearson Test Prep Book (yellow). Due Dates: All assignments will be collected on the first day of class. However, I have given each chapter a “due date”. These are highly suggested dates for you to have completed each assignment. The entire summer assignment will take many hours to complete and cannot be done over the last week of the summer. You will not be prepared for this class if you procrastinate on this assignment. Assignment 1 Due June 29 Chemical Foundations Read: Chapter 1 pages 232 Questions: p.34–p.39, #30,31, 33, 36,37,39,55,63,66, 73,74,77,81,82,86,88, 91 Corresponding Pearson Chapter: “Topic 1”: Introduction: Matter and Measurement Rene McCormick Video: (Optional) If you are struggling with this material, I recommend watching this video for review. This video parallels the chapter in your book and goes through an explanation of concepts as well as multiple example problems. Feel free to skip around within the video, you do not necessarily have to watch the video from start to finish. Assignment 2 Due July 20 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Read: Chapter 2 pages 4272 Questions: p.73 – 79, #33,34, 47,48, 49, 52,55, 56, 61,63,66,67,70,72,75,88,89, Corresponding Pearson Chapter: “Topic 2”: Atoms, Molecules and Ions Rene McCormick Video: (Optional) If you are struggling with this material, I recommend watching this video for review. This video parallels the chapter in your book and goes through an explanation of concepts as well as multiple example problems. Feel free to skip around within the video, you do not necessarily have to watch the video from start to finish. Assignment 3Due 1st Day of Class Stoichiometry
Read: Chapter 3 – pages 81125 Questions: p. 127135 #33,38,42,47,49,51,53,55,57,66,73,76,81,85,90,94,102,104,109, 110,113,114,115 Corresponding Pearson Chapter: “Topic 3”: Stoichiometry: Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations Rene McCormick Video: (Optional) If you are struggling with this material, I recommend watching this video for review. This video parallels the chapter in your book and goes through an explanation of concepts as well as multiple example problems. Feel free to skip around within the video, you do not necessarily have to watch the video from start to finish. The summer work problems will be worth 30 points and will be graded for completion. There will be a 150 point test during the first full week of school over the material in your summer assignment. Good luck to you all! Looking forward to a great year! Mrs. Lemon