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The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr ... Assignments for Your Nonfiction or Fiction Choice (These assignments should be  ...

BOOK ASSIGNMENT: Choose a nonfiction or fiction text from the list below; read it over the summer, and complete each of the written assignments for your chosen book. NONFICTION SELECTIONS:  The Warrior Woman: Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts by Maxine Hong Kingston  Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane  The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr  Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior by Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson  Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy FICTION SELECTIONS:  Last of the Breed by Louis L’Amour  Native Son by Richard Wright  I Am the Messenger by Marcus Zusak  A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows Assignments for Your Nonfiction or Fiction Choice (These assignments should be ready to turn in to your teacher on the day of your summer reading assessment.) ALL OF YOUR NOTES MUST BE IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING—NOT TYPED. 1. Top 10 Sentences—Select ten examples of interesting syntax* from the text. For each example: • Write the sentence, complete with page number citation in MLA format. • Analyze the use of this sentence in the context of the text. • Write your own sentence in the same syntactical structure. *Examples of unusual syntax: •

“Brother, continue to listen. You say that you are sent to instruct us how to worship the Great Spirit agreeably to his mind; and, if we do not take hold of the religion which you white people teach, we shall be unhappy hereafter. You say that you are right and we are lost. How do we know this to be true?” –Chief Red Jacket, “Chief Red Jacket Rejects a Change of Religion” (repetition of the phrase “you say” in order to reflect that the Native American chief sees the white man as an outsider and cares little for his opinion.) “I slowed still more, my shadow pacing me, dragging its head through the weeds that hid the fence.” –William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner uses commas in his sentence to slow down the sentence and reflect on what the character is doing—walking slowly to somewhere he does not want to go.)

2. Analysis Chart—If you selected a novel, use the TPCASTT chart provided. If you read a nonfiction work, complete the SOAPSTone chart.

“KNOW STUFF” ARTICLE ASSIGNMENT—In order to be critical members of society (and successful in AP English Language), you have to know what is going on in the world around you. You also need to know that “just the facts” can be considerably more or less the facts, depending on what the news source would you like you to believe. So, throughout the course of the summer, choose an article each week—they must be dated from five different weeks—and write a short (one or two paragraphs) rhetorical analysis of the item. Follow the steps below for each of your five articles. 1. Find a current news item—NOT an opinion piece. 2. Write a short rhetorical analysis of the item (a brief summary of the article with at least two direct quotations; include an analysis of the writer’s/article’s bias). Consider that a writer may have bias. A writer may be biased toward or against something. You must carefully read a biased writer. 3. You must rotate among conservative, liberal, and non-US news sources (see the list to the right). 4. You may choose a news source not on the list, but it must be reputable—if in doubt, just clear it with me first.

NEWS SOURCES FROM WHICH YOU MAY CHOOSE: Conservative: Wall Street Journal Fox News Christian Science Monitor The Weekly Standard The Washington Times Foreign: BBC (British) The Guardian (British) Deutsch Welle (German) NRC Handelsblad (Dutch)

Liberal: St. Louis Post-Dispatch The New Republic NPR Salon Slate MSNBC NBC/CBS/ABC CNN (?) The New York Times Newsweek

KNOW STUFF TEMPLATE Consider the template below as you analyze your articles. The paragraph with blanks is to give you an idea of sentence starters. You don’t have to follow it exactly.  Title of Article  Source and Type of Source (foreign, liberal, conservative)  Date of Article Through _____________________ and _____________________, this article shows _____________________ bias. This bias first appears _____________________, when the author states _____________________. This implies _____________________. Next, this bias is revealed in _____________________ when (the author) writes _____________________. This suggests _____________________ and hints at _____________________, making the reader believe _____________________. The _____________________ bias can also be seen in the way the author _____________________, suggesting that _____________________. Had the author chosen to _____________________, then the reader might conclude _____________________, but as it is written, the reader is led to believe that _____________________. Although words such as _____________________ and _____________________ suggest a tone of _____________________, these choices actually contribute to the impression that _____________________, because _____________________. In fact, _____________________. Furthermore, _____________________. The story ends with _____________________ pointing to _____________________ as _____________________. By _____________________, the author ensures _____________________. Tips: 1. Sometimes it helps to read two articles from different types of sources in order to know where to look for differences in how the topic is being treated. So, consider reading two, and analyzing one each week. 2. Avoid articles that focus on local news. Look for news about controversial topics—politics, war, economy, politics, and politics. 3. Some articles by the Associated Press are run in both “liberal” and “conservative” news sources. But, the news sources pick and choose—so, if an article appears only in one type of source, ask yourself, “why”? If the article were to appear in both types of sources, does that mean it’s perfectly balanced?

TPCASTT Analysis Chart Title of Novel: ______________________________________________________________________________ T

Title—What is your first impression of the title?


Paraphrase—paraphrase a significant paragraph from the novel. (Write the page number after your paraphrase and explain why the passage is significant. Remember that paraphrasing means rewording the authors’ words using your own diction and syntax. Your paraphrase should be close to the same word length as the original and should demonstrate a complete understanding of the author’s meaning.)


Connotation—list three examples of the author’s use of figurative language and interesting word choice.


Attitude—list three strong adjectives to describe the author’s tone (attitude); think complexity. After each adjective, cite phrases from the novel that demonstrate the tonal word.


Shifts—Identify and discuss at least two interesting shifts that relate to the work’s tone. Consider irony, sentence structure, changes in diction, or unusual punctuation.


Title—What is your final impression of the novel’s title? Be analytical.


Theme—What is the author trying to say about the human experience, motivation, or condition through this novel?

SOAPSTone A Method for Analyzing Text Title: ___________________________________________ Author: __________________________________ Claim with Textual Support Speaker: the individual or collective voice of the text

Occasion: the time and place setting; Larger occasion: an environment of

ideas, attitudes, and emotions that swirl around a broad issue. Immediate occasion: an event or situation that catches the writer's attention and triggers a response.

Audience: the group of readers to whom the piece is directed

Purpose: the reason behind the text; its claim or what the author wants his or her audience to think/do as a result of reading the text

Subject: the general topic and/or main idea (this should be very broad—just a couple of words)

Tone: the attitude of the author (affected by diction, syntax, and Figurative language)

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