8/10 – McKay Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance.
Lecture: ... 8/16 -- Lecture: Italian Renaissance Art -- Sculpture and Architecture.
AP European History Mr. Mercado
CALENDAR OF ASSIGNMENTS: 2012-13 UNIT ONE: LATER MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE Week 1: 8/7 – Introduction to course 8/8 – McKay Chapter 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages Lecture: 1.1 Crisis of the Later Middle Ages 8/9 – Homework: Christine de Pisan, The City of Ladies; merchant, Perry pp. 254-257; ―On Love and Marriage – Perry pp. 254-259; Qs 1-5 or 2-6 (depending on version) 8/10 – McKay Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance Lecture: Rise and Fall of the Italian City States (Pt I) Week 2: 8/13 -- Homework: ―Professor Burckhardt and the Renaissance; one-page précis (summary) Castiglione: The Courtier -- Weisner pp. 257-260; 1/2 page précis for each question Lecture: Rise and Fall of the Italian City States (Pt II) 8/14 -- Homework: Machiavelli: The Prince – Kishlansky pp. 223-227 Qs 1-6 (Note: questions may be located on different pages) Lecture: Humanism 8/15 -- Homework: Petrarch; Bruni; Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man (Question 1); Perry pp. 282-287; Qs 1-4 on p. 285 Lecture: Italian Renaissance Art -- Painting 8/16 -- Lecture: Italian Renaissance Art -- Sculpture and Architecture 8/17 -- Homework: Erasmus: In Praise of Folly – Kishlansky Vol. I, pp. 227-230; Qs 1-5 More’s Utopia – Kishlansky Vol. I, pp. 231-234; Qs 1-6 Lecture: (finish Renaissance architecture) The Northern Renaissance (Pt. 1) Week 3: 8/20 -- Homework: Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel – Perry pp. 299-301; Question: In what ways did the curriculum recommended by Gargantua reflect teachings of the Renaissance humanists? Lecture: Northern Renaissance Art 8/21 -- McKay Chapter 15A Lecture: Women in the Renaissance 8/22 -- Lecture: New Monarchs 8/23 -- Homework: Geography sheet due Lecture: The Commercial Revolution 8/24 -- Geography Exam Discussion: Outlines for FRQs
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Week 4: 8/27: Non-School Day 8/28: Discussion: Essay writing 8/29: Homework: Practice FRQ#1; Peer assessment of essays in class 8/30: Homework: Practice FRQ#2; Peer assessment of essays in class 8/31: Unit 1 FRQ Exam; FRQ Outlines Due UNIT TWO: REFORMATION AND RELIGIOUS WARS – 1350-1648 Week 5: 9/3 -- Labor Day (no school) 9/4 -- Unit 1 MC Exam 9/5 -- Review Exam 9/6 -- McKay Chapter 14A: Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church Lecture: Pre-Luther reform and theImpact of Christian Humanism. 9/7 -- Homework: Luther: The Freedom of a Christian and Of Marriage and Celibacy, Kishlansky pp. 256-261Qs 1-8 Lecture: Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther Week 6: 9/10 -- Homework: Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion and Catechism Kishlansky pp. 262-269; Qs 1-8 Luther: The Twelve Articles of the Peasants of Swabia and Admonition to Peace Kishlansky pp. 279-284; Qs 1-5 Lecture: Spread of Lutheranism and Hapsburg Resistance 9/11 -- Homework: McKay 14B Lecture: Calvinism; the English Reformation 9/12 -- Homework: Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent; Loyola, The Spiritual Exercises Perry pp. 327-332; Qs 1-4 Lecture: Elizabethan Settlement; Women in the Reformation 9/13 -- Homework: Chapter 15B Lecture: Catholic Reformation 9/14 -- Homework: Henry IV: Edict of Nantes – Kishlansky pp. 303-305; Qs 1-5 Lecture: Wars of Religion UNIT THREE: ABSOLUTISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM Week 7: 9/17 -- Lecture: Wars of Religion (Part II); Review for the Exam 9/18 -- Unit 2 Exam: MC and FRQ; FRQ Outlines Due 9/19 -- Review Exam 9/20 -- McKay Chapter 16A – Absolutism in Western Europe. Lecture: Absolutism in Western Europe 9/21 -- Documentary: Louis XIV
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Week 8: 9/24 -- Homework: Jean Bodin; Bishop Bossuet, Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan—Kishlansky pp. 330-334; Qs 1-5) Lecture: The Age of Louis XIV 9/25 -- McKay Chapter 16B -- Constitutionalism in Western Europe Lecture: Wars of Louis XIV; intro to Constitutionalism 9/26 -- Homework: James I, True Law of free Monarchies and 1610 speech to Parliament; Perry pp. 358-359; Qs 1-2; English Declaration of Rights (Bill of Rights)—Perry pp. 373375; Qs 1-2 Lecture: The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution 9/27 -- Quiz #1: Unit 1 Lecture: English Cabinet System and the Dutch Republic 9/28 -- Quiz #2: Unit 1 Lecture: Fall of Three Empires: HRE, Poland, Ottoman; Rise of Austria: Hapsburg Empire Week 9: 10/1 -- McKay Chapter 17 -- Absolutism in Eastern Europe Lecture: Austrian Absolutism 10/2 -- Quiz #3: Unit 2 Lecture: Prussian and Russian Absolutism 10/3 -- Quiz #4: Unit 2 Documentary: Land of the Tsars—Peter the Great 10/4 -- Homework: 1st Quarter Practice Test Unit 1 History Bowl 10/5 -- Homework: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Practice Exam Unit 2 History Bowl END OF FIRST QUARTER Week 10: 10/8 -- Non-school day 10/9 -- Homework: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Exam Unit 3 History Bowl 10/10 -- Midterm MC & FRQ Exam--Units 1, 2 & 3; FRQ Outlines Due 10/11 -- Review midterm exam 10/12 -- Intro to DBQ writing UNIT FOUR: 18TH CENTURY Week 11: 10/15 -- DBQ POV Activity 10/16 -- DBQ Grouping Activity 10/17 -- Homework: Practice DBQ due (German Peasants Revolt); Activity: Grade Mercado’s DBQ; Peer DBQ Assessment 10/18 -- Homework: Practice DBQ due (Queen Elizabeth) 10/19 -- McKay Chapter 18: Toward a New World-view Lecture: Scientific Revolution (Part I)
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Week 12: 10/22 -- DBQ Exam 10/23 -- Homework: Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres; Cardinal Bellarmine’s letter; Galileo, The Starry Messenger; Galileo, letter to Grand Duchess; Bacon, Refutation of Philosophies; Perry pp. 379-394 (11 questions) Lecture: Scientific Revolution (Part II) 10/24 -- Homework: Réne Descartes: Discourse on Method—Kishlansky pp. 54-58; Qs 1-5 Newton, Principia – Perry Vol 1. pp. 398-400 –Qs 1-4 Lecture: The Impact of the Scientific Revolution on Society 10/25 -- Homework: Locke: Second Treatise Concerning Government—Kishlansky pp. 63-67; Qs 1-3 Jefferson, Declaration of Independence—Perry Vol 1 pp. 407-408; Q 2 Lecture: The Enlightenment Discuss: Enlightenment Salon Activity 10/26 -- Homework: Voltaire, “A Plea for Tolerance and Reason” – Perry pp. 409-412 Qs 1-4 Lecture: The French Philosophes Week 13: 10/29 -- Review DBQ Exam results 10/30 -- Homework: Denis Diderot, Encyclopedia, Perry pp. 424-427; Qs 1-4 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Social Contract, ######### Lecture: The later Enlightenment and the challenge of Romanticism 10/31 -- Homework: Salon Activity Research due Lecture: Classical Liberalism 11/1 -- Class Activity: Enlightenment Salon 11/2 -- Class Activity: Enlightened Despotism Week 14: 11/5 -- McKay Chapter 19 – European Expansion in the 18th Century Lecture: Agricultural Revolution 11/6 -- Lecture: Population Explosion, Cottage and Textile Industries 11/7 -- The Atlantic Economy in the 17th and 18th centuries, Colonial Wars and Overseas Colonies 11/8 -- McKay Chapter 20 – Social Change in the 18th century 11/9 -- Unit 4 History Bowl UNIT FIVE: THE FRENCH REVOLUTION AND NAPOLEONIC ERA Week 15: 11/12: Veterans Day Holiday (no school) 11/13: Unit 4 Exam: MC and FRQ; FRQ Outlines Due 11/14: DBQ Exam 11/15: Review MC and FRQ Exams 11/16: McKay Chapter 21 Lecture: Causes of the French Revolution 11/19-11/23: Thanksgiving Holiday (no school)
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UNIT SIX: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Week 16: 11/26 -- Review DBQ results 11/27 -- Homework: Abbé de Sieyès: What is the Third Estate?; Kishlansky pp. 110-115; Qs 1-5 Declaration of the Rights of Man; Olympe de Gouges: The Declaration of the Rights of Woman; Kishlansky pp. 115-120; Qs 1-6 Lecture: The Age of Montesquieu (1789-1791): The National Assembly 11/28 -- Homework: Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France—Kishlansky pp.120-123; Qs 1-5 Lecture: The Age of Rousseau (1791-1799): The National Convention and the Terror 11/29 -- Lecture: The Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory 11/30 -- Lecture: Napoleon -- The Age of Voltaire (1799-1815) Week 17 12/3 -- McKay Chapter 22 Lecture: The Industrial Revolution and the Transportation Revolution 12/4 -- Lecture: Industrial Revolution in Continental Europe 12/5 -- Lecture: Social Implications of the Industrial Revolution 12/6 -- Units 5 & 6 MC Exam; FRQ Outlines Due 12/7 -- Review Exam Week 18 12/10 -- Homework: 1st Quarter Practice Test; History Bowl (Unit 1) 12/11 -- Quiz #5 (Unit 1); HW: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Practice Exam; History Bowl (Unit 2) 12/12 -- Quiz #6 (Unit 2); HW: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Exam; History Bowl (Unit 3) 12/13 -- Quiz #7 (Unit 3); HW : 2nd Quarter Practice Test ; History Bowl (Unit 4) 12/14 -- Quiz #8 (Unit 4); HW: 1st Semester Comprehensive Practice Exam; History Bowl (Units 5 & 6) Final Exam: 12/19 Winter Break: 12/20-1/4/13