AP Euro Calendar of Assignments: 2009-2010

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AP Euro Calendar of Assignments:2011-12. Page | 3. Week 8: 9/26: McKay Chapter 16B -- Constitutionalism in Western Europe. 9/27: Homework: Thomas ...
AP European History Mr. Mercado

CALENDAR OF ASSIGNMENTS: 2011-12 UNIT ONE: LATER MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE Week 1: 8/9 – Introduction to course 8/10 – McKay Chapter 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages Lecture: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages 8/11 – Homework: Christine de Pisan, The City of Ladies; merchant, Perry pp. 254-257; ―On Love and Marriage‖ – Perry pp. 254-259; Qs 2-6 Lecture: Crisis of the Later Middle Ages 8/12 – McKay Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance Lecture: Renaissance Society: Economics Week 2: 8/15: Homework: ―Professor Burckhardt and the Renaissance‖; one-page précis (summary) Castiglione: The Courtier -- Weisner pp. 257-260; 1/2 page précis for each question Lecture: Renaissance Society: Politics 8/16: Homework: Machiavelli: The Prince – Kishlansky pp. 223-227 Qs 1-6 (Note: questions located on different pages) Lecture: Humanism 8/17: Homework: Petrarch; Bruni; Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man (Question 1); Perry pp. 282-287; Qs 1-4 on p. 285 Lecture: Italian Renaissance Art -- Painting 8/18: Lecture: Italian Renaissance Art -- Sculpture and Architecture 8/19: Homework: Erasmus: In Praise of Folly – Kishlansky Vol. I, pp. 227-230; Qs 1-5 More’s Utopia – Kishlansky Vol. I, pp. 231-234; Qs 1-6 Lecture: Northern Renaissance and Christian Humanism: Erasmus, More, Rabelais, Montaigne Week 3: 8/22: Homework: Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel – Perry pp. 299-301; Question: In what ways did the curriculum recommended by Gargantua reflect teachings of the Renaissance humanists? Lecture: Northern Renaissance Art 8/23: McKay Chapter 15A 8/24: Lecture: New Monarchs 8/25: Homework: Geography sheet due Lecture: The Age of Discovery: Conquerors and the Conquered 8/26: Geography Exam Essay writing tips

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Week 4: 8/29: Homework: Practice FRQ; Essay peer assessment 8/30: Homework: Practice FRQ; Essay peer assessment 8/31: Review for Exam 9/1: Unit 1 Exam: McKay Chapters 12 & 13, parts of 15 9/2: Review Exam UNIT TWO: REFORMATION AND RELIGIOUS WARS – 1350-1648 Week 5: 9/5: Labor Day (no school) 9/6: McKay Chapter 14A: Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church Lecture: Pre-Luther reform, the Gutenberg Revolution, Impact of Christian Humanism. 9/7: Homework: Luther: The Freedom of a Christian and Of Marriage and Celibacy, Kishlansky pp. 256-261Qs 1-8 Lecture: Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther 9/8: Homework: Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion and Catechism Kishlansky pp. 262-269; Qs 1-8 Luther: The Twelve Articles of the Peasants of Swabia and Admonition to Peace Kishlansky pp. 279-284; Qs 1-5 Lecture: Calvin; Hapsburg resistance to Protestantism 9/9: Homework: McKay 14B Lecture: The English Reformation Week 6: 9/12: Homework: Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent; Loyola, The Spiritual Exercises Perry pp. 327-332; Qs 1-4 Lecture: Catholic Counter Reformation 9/13: Homework: Chapter 15B; Lecture: Religious Wars 9/14: Homework: Henry IV: Edict of Nantes – Kishlansky pp. 303-305; Qs 1-5 9/15: Review for Test 9/16: Unit 2 Jeopardy! UNIT THREE: ABSOLUTISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM Week 7: 9/19: Unit 2 Exam: MC and FRQ 9/20: Review Exam 9/21: McKay Chapter 16A – Absolutism in Western Europe. Lecture: Development of absolutism in Western Europe 9/22: Lecture: The Age of Louis XIV 9/23: Lecture: The Wars of Louis XIV

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Week 8: 9/26: McKay Chapter 16B -- Constitutionalism in Western Europe 9/27: Homework: Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan—Kishlansky pp. 330-334; Qs 1-5 James I, True Law of free Monarchies and 1610 speech to Parliament; Perry pp. 358-359; Qs 1-2 Lecture: The English Civil War 9/28: Quiz #1: Unit 1 9/29: Homework: English Declaration of Rights (Bill of Rights)—Perry pp. 373-375; Qs 1-2 Lecture: The Glorious Revolution 9/30: Quiz #2: Unit 1 Week 9: 10/3: McKay Chapter 17 -- Absolutism in Eastern Europe Lecture: Fall of Three Empires: HRE, Poland, Ottoman; Rise of Austria: Hapsburg Empire 10/4: Quiz #3: Unit 2 Lecture: Prussia and Frederick William the ―Great Elector‖ 10/5: Lecture: Russia and Peter the Great 10/6: Quiz #4: Unit 2 10/7: Non-school day (celebrating CA educational budget cuts) END OF FIRST QUARTER Week 10: 10/10: Non-School Day 10/11: Homework: 1st Quarter Practice Test; 1st Quarter Comprehensive Practice Exam Jeopardy! Review (in class) 10/12: Homework: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Exam Midterm MC & FRQ Exam--Units 1, 2 & 3 10/13: Review exam 10/14: Intro to DBQ writing UNIT FOUR: 18TH CENTURY Week 11: 10/17: Analyzing PoV 10/18: Practice DBQ due (peer review) 10/19: Practice DBQ due (peer review) 10/20: DBQ Exam 10/21: Lecture: Scientific Revolution

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Week 12: 10/24 – McKay Chapter 18: Toward a New World-view Review DBQ Exam 10/25—Homework: Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres; Cardinal Bellarmine’s letter; Galileo, The Starry Messenger; Galileo, letter to Grand Duchess; Bacon, Refutation of Philosophies; Perry pp. 379-394 (11 questions) Lecture: The Impact of the Scientific Revolution on Society 10/26— Homework: Réne Descartes: Discourse on Method—Kishlansky pp. 54-58; Qs 1-5 Newton, Principia – Perry Vol 1. pp. 398-400 –Qs 1-4 Lecture: The Enlightenment 10/27—Homework: Locke: Second Treatise Concerning Government—Kishlansky pp. 63-67; Qs 1-3 Jefferson, Declaration of Independence—Perry Vol 1 pp. 407-408; Q 2 Lecture: Classical Liberalism Class: Discuss Salon Activity 10/28—Lecture: The Philosophes Week 13: 10/31: Non-School Day (Halloween) 11/1: Homework: Voltaire, ―A Plea for Tolerance and Reason‖ – Perry pp. 409-412 Qs 1-4 Lecture: The later Enlightenment and the challenge of Romanticism 11/2: Homework: Denis Diderot, Encyclopedia, Perry pp. 424-427; Qs 1-4 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Social Contract, ######### 11/3: Class Activity: Enlightenment Salon 11/4: Class Activity: Enlightened Despotism Week 14: 11/7: McKay Chapter 19 – European Expansion in the 18th Century Lecture: Agricultural Revolution 11/8: Lecture: Population Explosion, Cottage and Textile Industries 11/9: Lecture: The Atlantic Economy in the 17th and 18th centuries, Colonial Wars and Overseas Colonies 11/10: McKay Chapter 20 – Changing Life of the People in the 18th century 11/11: Veterans Day Holiday (no school) UNIT FIVE: THE FRENCH REVOLUTION AND NAPOLEONIC ERA Week 15: 11/14: Review for Essay Exam; Unit 4 Jeopardy! 11/15: Unit 4 Exam: MC and FRQ 11/16: DBQ Exam 11/17: Review Exams 11/18: McKay Chapter 21 Lecture: The Age of Montesquieu (1789-1791) 11/21-11/25: Thanksgiving Holiday (no school)

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UNIT SIX: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Week 16: 11/28: Homework: Abbé de Sieyès: What is the Third Estate?; Kishlansky pp. 110-115; Qs 1-5 Declaration of the Rights of Man; Olympe de Gouges: The Declaration of the Rights of Woman; Kishlansky pp. 115-120; Qs 1-6 Lecture: The Age of Rousseau (1791-1799): The National Convention and Robespierre 11/29: Homework: Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France—Kishlansky pp.120-123; Qs 1-5 Lecture: Thermidor and the Directory 11/30: Lecture: Napoleon -- The Age of Voltaire (1799-1815) 12/2: McKay Chapter 22 Lecture: The Industrial Revolution and the Transportation Revolution Week 17 12/5: Lecture: Industrial Revolution in Continental Europe Lecture: Social Implications of the Industrial Revolution 12/7: History Bowl (Units 5 & 6) 12/8: Units 5 & 6 MC and FRQ Exam 12/9: Review Exam Week 18 12/12: Homework: 1st Quarter Practice Test Review FRQ Exam; History Bowl (Unit 1) 12/13: Quiz #5 (Unit 1); History Bowl (Unit 2); HW: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Practice Exam 12/14: Quiz #6 (Unit 2); History Bowl (Unit 3); HW: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Exam 12/15: Quiz #7 (Unit 3); History Bowl (Unit 4); HW : 2nd Quarter Practice Exam 12/16: Quiz #8 (Unit 4); History Bowl(Units 5& 6); HW: 1st Semester Comprehensive Practice Exam Week 19 12/19: Quiz #8 (Units 5 & 6); History Bowl (1st Semester) Final Exam: TBD

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SECOND SEMESTER UNIT SEVEN: EUROPEAN POLITICS 1815-1848 AND 19TH CENTURY SOCIETY Week 1: 1/3: Review 1st Semester Final 1/4: McKay Chapter 23: Concert of Europe—Conservatism vs. Liberalism/Nationalism Lecture: The Congress of Vienna and Conservatism 1/5: Homework: Karlsbad Decrees--Perry pp.151-152, Qs 3-4 John Stuart Mill: On Liberty – Kishlansky pp. 166-170 Qs 1-5 Lecture: Liberalism and the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 1/6: Homework: Pierre Proudhon: What is Property?—Kishlansky pp. 170-174 Qs 1-2 Marx and Engels: The Communist Manifesto—Kishlansky pp. 182-186; Qs 1-5 Lecture: Socialism Week 2: 1/9: Quiz #1: Periods & Dates (1st page; bold items only) Lecture: Nationalism and the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 1/10: Quiz #2: Periods & Dates (both pages; bold items only) Lecture: Romanticism, Realism, and Impressionism in Art 1/12: McKay Chapter 24 Lecture: The 2nd Industrial Revolution 1/13: Homework: Chadwick: Inquiry into the Condition of the Poor—Kishlansky pp. 140-144 Qs 1-6 Lecture: Urbanization; Social Structure and the Changing Family Week 3: 1/16: Martin Luther King Day (no school) 1/17: Homework: Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man (1871)—Kishlansky pp. 196-199; Qs 1-4 Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams—Kishlansky pp. 199-203; Qs 1-5 Lecture: Lecture: Fin-de-Siecle -- Philosophy and Science 1/18: Unit 7: History Bowl 1/19: Unit 7 MC and FRQ Exam 1/20: Review Exam

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UNIT EIGHT: THE AGES OF REALPOLITIK, MASS POLITICS AND IMPERIALISM Week 4: 1/23: DBQ Exam (IR) 1/24: Quiz #3: Periods and Dates Lecture: Second French Empire and the Crimean War 1/25: McKay Chapter 25 Lecture: Unification of Italy 1/26: Quiz #4: Periods and Dates Lecture: Unification of Germany and the Ausgleich 1/27: Homework: Emmeline Pankhurst, ―Why We Are Militant‖ (1/2 page précis) Lecture: The Age of Mass Politics -- Germany and France Week 5: 1/30: Quiz #5: Periods and Dates Lecture: The Age of Mass Politics -- Britain and Austria-Hungary 1/31: McKay Chapter 26: The West and the World Lecture: Causes of the New Imperialism 2/1: DBQ Exam 2/2: Lecture: Age of Imperialism in Africa and Asia 2/3: Homework: J. A. Hobson, Imperialism; Cecil Rhodes, Confession of Faith; Rudyard Kipling, ―The White Man’s Burden‖—Kishlansky pp. 216-223; all questions Week 6: 2/6: Unit 8 History Bowl! 2/7: Unit 8 Exam: MC and FRQ 2/8: Review Exam 2/9: Lecture: Causes of World War I 2/10: McKay Chapter 27: World War I Lecture: The Great War UNIT NINE: WORLD WAR I AND THE AGE OF ANXIETY Week 7: 2/13: Abraham Lincoln's Day (no school) 2/14: Homework: Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front; Perry pp. 305-307 Qs 1-3 2/15: Quiz #6: Periods & Dates Lecture: European Society during WWI 2/16: Homework: Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points; Kishlansky pp. 237-240; Qs 1-5 Lecture: The Versailles Treaty and Consequences of the War

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Week 8: 2/20: President’s Day (No School) 2/21: Homework: 1st Quarter Practice Test Lecture: Russian Politics and Society --1815-1917 2/22: Homework: 2nd Quarter Practice Test Lecture: Causes of the Russian Revolution 2/23: Homework: 1st Semester Comprehensive Practice Exam Lecture: Results of the Russian Revolution 2/24: McKay Chapter 28: The Age of Anxiety Lecture: Modern European Thought UNIT 10: TOTALITARIANISM AND WORLD WAR II Week 9: 2/27: Homework: 3rd Quarter Practice Test; 3rd Quarter Comprehensive Practice Test Lecture: European politics in the 1920s and the Great Depression 2/28: Third Quarter MC Exam: Units 1-9 (Renaissance through World War I) Homework: 2008 3rd Quarter Practice Test 2/29: Review Exam 3/1: McKay Chapter 29: World War II Lecture: Totalitarianism in Russia – Lenin and Stalin 3/2: Homework: Stalin: Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich – Kishlansky pp. 283-287 Qs 1-5 Week 10: 3/5: Lecture: Fascism in Italy 3/6: Homework: Mussolini: Fascist Doctrine; Hitler: Mein Kampf; -- Kishlansky pp. 255-263; all Qs Lecture: Nazi Germany 3/7: Quiz #7: Periods and Dates Lecture: Road to War 3/8: Quiz #8: Periods and Dates Lecture: World at War 3/9: Non-School Day UNIT 10: 1945 TO THE PRESENT Week 11: 3/12: DBQ Exam 3/13: Quiz #9: Periods & Dates Lecture: Results of World War II 3/14: McKay Chapter 30: 1945-1968 Lecture: The Cold War: 1945-1968 3/15: Homework: Winston Churchill, ―Iron Curtain‖ Speech; Kishlansky pp. 298-302; Qs 1-5 3/16: Lecture: De-Stalinization and Re-Stalinization: Khrushchev and Brezhnev Spring Break: 3/19-3/26

AP Euro Calendar of Assignments:2011-12

Week 12: 3/27: Homework: Kennan, Containing the Soviet Union; Perry pp. 424-426; Qs 3-5 Khrushchev’s Secret Speech; Perry pp. 353-354; Qs 1-3 Lecture – The Economic Miracle 3/28: Lecture: Decolonization 3/29: Quiz #10: Periods & Dates Lecture: The Cold War -- 1968-1991 3/30: Homework: Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex; -- Kishlansky pp. 291-295 Qs 1-5 Week 13: 4/2: McKay Chapter 31: 1968 to the Present Lecture: European Unity -- 1946 to the Present 4/3: Quiz #11: Periods & Dates; Lecture: European Society in the Post-War Era 4/4: Lecture: The 1990s and Beyond 4/6: Unit 10 History Bowl Week 14: 4/9: Unit 10 MC and FRQ Exam Homework: 4th Quarter Practice Exam 4/10: Review exams 4/11: DBQ Exam 4/12: Begin AP Review 4/13: Review: Reformation/Religious Wars Pt. 1 Week 15: AP Review 4/16: Review DBQ Exam Homework: 1st Quarter Comprehensive Exam 4/17: Review Reformation/Religious Wars Pt. 2 Homework: 1st Semester Comprehensive Practice Test 4/18: Review: Women in Euro History Homework: 1st Semester Comprehensive Exam 4/19: Review: Absolutism Homework: Third Quarter Practice Test 4/20: Review: Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment Homework: Third Quarter Comprehensive Practice Test

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Week 16: AP Review 4/23: Non-School Day (Special Review Session TBD) 4/24: Review: Renaissance Homework: 2008 Third Quarter Comprehensive Practice Test; Comprehensive Exam #1 4/25: Review: French Revolution Homework: Comprehensive Exam #2 (in Yellow Book) 4/26: Review: Industrial Revolution Homework: 1984 AP Exam 4/27: Review: 19th Century Homework: 1988 AP Exam Week 17: AP Review 4/30: Review: 19th Century Homework: Practice DBQ Exam (for those below a ―6‖ on all previous exams) 5/1: Review: 19th Century Homework: 1994 AP Exam 5/2: Review: 19th Century 5/3: Homework: 1999 AP Exam Review: 19th Century 5/4: Review: Preparing for the AP Exam Week 18: AP Review 5/7: Review: 20th Century Homework: 2004 AP Exam 5/8: Review: 20th Century 5/9: Non-School Day: Special Study Session: Review: 20th Century Homework: 2009 AP Exam 5/10: Review: Anything and Everything!

5/11: AP Exam—Afternoon Session Week 19: 5/14: Debrief AP Course 5/15-18: Schindler’s List Week 20: Finals Week 5/23: Last Day of School