10th & 12th Grade Advance Placement ... McKay, J. A History of Western Society
2007. 8th Edition. Palmer, R. A History of the Modern World 2007 10th Edition.
AP EUROPEAN HISTORY SYLLABUS Instructor: Mr. Barcena School Year: 2013 - 2014 Time: 3rd, 6th, & 7th Hours Course No. 238 Course Title:
Course Description: This class is designed for those students who wish to experience the challenge of a university-level survey course, examining the political, social, and economic history of Europe since 1450. Students are expected to read, write, analyze, interpret, and evaluate on the college level. The demands upon the student are such that skills that are necessary for success in the college environment will be developed and enhanced by participation in this course. Students may receive college credit for this course depending upon their performance on the A.P. European History Exam. The Student can be expected to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the social, cultural, economic, and political systems that developed in Europe. 2. Analyze and evaluate the impact of European history and culture on the world today. 3. Demonstrate college level performance proficiency in historical reading, writing, research, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and other thinking skills. Credits:
10th & 12th Grade Advance Placement
Prerequisites: 1. Successful completion of A.P. Geography, World Civilizations, Honors American History, or A.P. American History 2. Recommendation of the Social Studies teacher in the course prior to A.P. European History or 3. Approval of the A.P. European History teacher 4. Submission and approval of A.P. European History admission packet
Areas of Study: First Semester The Late Middle Ages Renaissance and Reformation Reformation and the Wars of Religion The New World and the Old Absolutism and Constitutionalism Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment French Revolution/Napoleon
Second Semester Industrial Revolution Reforms, Revolutions, and Romanticism Unification and Nationalism Imperialism WWI and the Russian Revolution Between the War and WWII Post WWII
Textbooks: McKay, J. A History of Western Society 2007. 8th Edition Palmer, R. A History of the Modern World 2007 10th Edition Viault, B. Modern European History 1990
Selected Readings From the Following: Carey, J. Eyewitness to History 2003 Golden, R. The Social Dimensions of Western Civilization Volume 1 & 2 2003 Kishlansky, M. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization Volumes I & II 2006 Lualdi, K. Sources of The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures Volume I & II 2006 Sherman, D. World Civilizations: Sources, Images, and Interpretations 2006 4th Edition Stavrianos, L. Readings in World History 1962 Stearns, P. World History in Documents 1998