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Page 2 of 9. Olympian High School. “Where Champions Are Made”. Course Syllabus. A.P. Spanish Language. Instructor G.
Olympian High School “Where champions are made”

Mrs. Parra Course description 2014-2015 A.P. Spanish Language

Olympian High School “Where Champions Are Made”

Course Syllabus A.P. Spanish Language Instructor

G. Parra






[email protected]

California State University and University of California systems’ A-G requirements state that each student must have taken at least two years of World Languages as a minimum requirement, but students seriously interested in being accepted to such competitive universities are expected to take three to four years of a world language including AP Spanish Language and Literature classes. Course Description: Welcome to the A.P. Spanish Language class. This is an upper level college class designed for native Spanish students or students with high proficiency in the target language therefore the class will be conducted completely in Spanish. The AP Spanish Language course is a rigorous class that will give you the opportunity to obtain university/college credit (6 credits/when the student completes AP Spanish Language. If the following year the student takes the AP Spanish Literature he/she will receive 6 more credits for a total of 12 university credits for the two classes). The goal in this course is for the student to become proficient in the Academic Spanish Language and to continue to expand her/his oral, reading, written and listening skills using academic language or standard Spanish Language. Students will be exposed to authentic literature; they will have the opportunity to express themselves orally and in written language. They will also understand formal and informal recorded information. Students will engage in tasks that will help them acquire reading and written fluency with little or no significant pattern of errors in the target language. Students also learn about cultural and historical figures, places and events, vocabulary and symbols of their own and other cultures, to broaden their cultural horizons. The class activities include but are not limited to oral presentations, listening to short dialogues and longer lectures, reading authentic literature prose and poetry; reading magazines, research articles, reading letters, newspaper articles and instructions. Writing

will include writing research papers using MLA format, writing persuasive essays; informal writing include personal letters, commercial letters and e-mails, to different audiences and with different purposes. Texts and Materials: 

“Nuevas Vistas 2” con cuaderno de ejercicios/ Album

Libro “Encuentros Maravillosos”

Diccionario de Español – Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos

Spiral notebook Doble espiral college ruled 100 paginas 11x8 ½ in

Two pens (black or blue) to take notes and do homeworks

Two or black or blue pens to take notes

Highlighters, Glue

Color pencils or markers

Student Expectations: We expect to prepare all students to attend a 4 year college. For that purpose I will be using College Preparation ~ “Habits of Mind” and “College Readiness Skills” to Built Intellectual Perseverance- promote the value of a strong work ethic; cultivate sustain effort through repeated practice. Develop Meta-cognition-encourage thinking about the quality one’s own and others’ thought process; practice intellectual humility; be comfortable with the discomfort of ambiguity. Create Intellectual Curiosity-foster desire to know; value inquiry and investigation Students will develop the following levels of thinking: Knowledge- describe using discipline-specific academic language. Comprehension- summarize by distinguishing the main idea from supporting detail. Application- relate/apply the appropriate tools/processes to new situations Analysis- compare/contrast in order to support inferences and draw conclusions Synthesis- combine ideas in order to develop new insights Evaluation- justify according to a set of standards or criteria.

Student Participation: Throughout the year the student will be involved in a variety of activities which will support the Common Core Content Standards. These activities will include reading and writing tasks, oral exercises, cultural projects and oral presentations and discussions. Therefore it is of upmost importance the active student participation. Students are expected to come to class every day during the whole semester. (Please see the school calendar so that you plan your vacations accordingly, not during the academic time). Students need to come early and prepared to class; they are to bring their Spanish books, and their spiral note book every day as well as all materials needed, but most importantly students need to be ready to actively participate in class. Independent reading: In order to develop analytical skills, reading and writings skills, as well as to prepare the students for the AP exam, students are required to read in Spanish half an hour every day a novels, or book of more than 100 pages. Students will be asked to turn in a Reading Report every six weeks. Homework Policy: 

Please put effort on your homeworks, quality is essential to receive full credit

Homework is due at the beginning of each class.

Late homeworks will receive half credit

The purpose of homework is to support the learning that has already taken place in the classroom. It is an opportunity for students to practice and make sure they understand the concepts needed to pass quizzes (formative assessment), and exams (summative assessment); therefore it needs display quality work. Homework will be given every day, Monday through Friday, the packet will be collected on Fridays, and it is expected to be turned in ON TIME. In case of an excused absence, please notify the teacher in advance, if possible turn in your homework before your absence, otherwise the student will need to turn in the missing home work as soon as he/she gets back to school or during the following week from the absence. (1 week). It is the student responsibility to ask for and turn in the missing assignment. Remember the missing assignment won’t be accepted after the grace period (1 week) has passed. Grading Policy:  Formative and summative assessments tests 60% (which includes oral and written quizzes, chapter tests, projects, oral presentations, and formal writing)..  Semester Final Exam or EOC 10%

 Homeworks 15%  Classwork/ notes 15% Written work from text, class notes and activities, warmups. Note: Those students with prior arrangements will need to turn in their required work one week prior to the Progress Report or Final Grade of the Semester..

After the final grade has been recorded NO changes will be made unless it is a teacher’s error. NOTA: The final grade in this class is independent from the grade you will receive by the College Board in July. (La calificación final de ésta clase es independiente de la calificación que el College Board da a los estudiantes después del tomar en Julio el AP) Por lo tanto la calificación que reciba al terminar cada semestre será la nota final.

Also, in an AP class a student with a grade of D minus (D-) in scholarship in the first semester will be asked to go to the previous level in the second semester. Mastery Model: Students will have the opportunity to retake One Summative tests per semester if the grade has been lower than 70%. In order to be eligible to do the retake the student has to attend to one session of tutoring/study. The retake will give you a maximum grade of a B. Grades will be made available via www.jupitergrade.com. You will be assigned a class word and password which will allow you to access your current grade at any time. Please log on and include the parents and student’s e-mail so that I can send you the updated grade information. You are welcome to frequently check grades on line. Scholarship Grade:

Citizenship This grade will be based on the student active participation,

100 – 98 %


behavior, good manners, attendance and punctuality to

97 - 95 %


the class. IPhone and iPads for educational purposes only.

94 – 90 %


Their inappropriate use in the classroom will affect your

89 – 87 %


citizenship for that grading period.

86 – 83 %


If a student is found cheating in exams, or letting any of

82 – 80 %


79 – 77 %


76 – 75 %


74– 72 %


71 – 67 %


64 – 60 %


59 – 58 %


his/her friends copy on tests, a written assignment or project, that will give a mandatory F grade for the assignment; and an F in citizenship for that grading period. Punctuality Policy: Students are expected to be in class ready to start the class EARLY, before the last bell rings. Two tardies result in a “C” in citizenship Three tardies result in an “F” in citizenship

Plagiarism and Cheating: Plagiarism and/or cheating is serious academic offence therefore students involved in this action will receive equally serious consequences:

   

Student will receive an F grade in the assignment An F grade in Citizenship on the following Progress Report Referral to the Assistant Principal and the Counselor May include Parent-teacher conference, suspension and any consequences deemed necessary by all parties concerned.

Classroom Guidelines: 1. Be respectful: Treat others as you want to be treated. Use proper language at all times. 2. Be responsible: Come prepared. (mentally and with your book, notebook and homework) Arrive early to the class. ”Being on time is being late, being early is being on time. Being late is not acceptable” 3. Be honest: Put your maximum effort into all your work. Copying homeworks or trying to copy on test is not acceptable. OHS regulations will be followed. 4. Be considerate: Actively participate in class and let others participate as well. Use your time wisely. Cooperate with your classmates and the teacher. Course of Study: Theme 1

Personal believes, personal interests, self-

Personal and Public Identities

Image, National and Ethnic Identities.

Las identidades Personales y Publicas

Immigration and personal identity. Students study academic vocabulary in order to being able to understand written text and write and speak about it, to make comparisons and contras between and within languages and cultures.

Theme 2

Explore customs and values, family structure,

Families and Communities

childhood and adolescence in different

Las familias y las comunidades

societies and cultures. Read, speak about, and write about what constitute a family in different societies around the world.

Theme 3

Education and careers, present challenges

Contemporary Life

youth face in this contemporary society. Is it

La Vida Contemporánea

easy to finding a job in this society as compared to other societies in the world?

Theme 4

Economic issues, environmental issues, health

Global Challenges

care and medicine.

Los desafios mundiales

Theme 5

Access to technology, effects of technology on

Science and Technology

self and society, science and ethic.

La ciencia y la tecnología

Advantages and disadvantages of technology.

Theme 6

The following ideas will be explored: How is

Beauty and Aesthetics

beauty defined? Life expectancy worldwide,

Belleza y Estetica

and the scientific attempts to slow aging and extend life expectancy.


An extensive review of grammar will be made to address the specific students news

Please detach this page and send it with your student) A.P. Spanish Language Buena comunicación entre padres, estudiantes y maestros es esencial para que sus hijos(as) tengan éxito en la escuela. Por favor tome el tiempo de leer esta descripción del curso y fírmelo como constancia de que lo leyó. Por favor llene la siguiente información y regrese esta hoja a la clase de español con su hijo(a). Nombre del estudiante:


E-mail (correo electrónico): ______________________________________________________________ Nombre de la madre: __________________________________

Teléfono de casa:

E-mail (correo electrónico): ______________________

Número del celular o del trabajo:

Nombre del padre: __________________________________

Teléfono de casa:

E-mail (correo electrónico): ______________________

Número del celular o del trabajo:

The following is the information I want to share with the teacher about my child to help him or her to do better in the class. Esta es la información que quiero compartir con la profesora para ayudar a mi estudiante a hacer mejor en clase: Diga tres cosas en las que su estudiante es bueno: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mi estudiante podría mejorar en ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student signature


Parent signature
