Author. Cost on Amazon. Assassination Vacation. Sarah Vowell. $10.20.
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Jared Diamond. $12.24.
AP Language and Composition 2012 Summer REading Assignment Advanced Placement Language and Composition (AP Lang) focuses on persuasive and expository writing, with an emphasis in rhetoric and argumentation. To prepare for this class, students should try to immerse themselves in the genre during the summer. Students must read FOUR works of persuasive nonfiction. Students should select their books based on their interests. Below, you will find a list of popular persuasive nonfiction. You can choose from this list, or you can choose different books in the genre and get them approved by your English teacher. Books need to be chosen before May 25, 2012.
Book Options Title
Cost on Amazon
Assassination Vacation
Sarah Vowell
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
Jared Diamond
Daniel Pink
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
S. Leavitt and S. Dubner
Getting Away with Murder*
Chris Crowe
Jean Edward Smith
Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know
Alexandra Horowitz
The Majesty of Law
Sandra Day O’Connor
Malcolm X: A Life of Reinventing*
Manning Marable
Nickeled and Dimed
Barbara Ehrenrich
Profiles in Courage*
John F. Kennedy
Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea
Guy Delsisle
Mary Roach
Sugar Changed the World
Marc Aronson
They Called Themselves the KKK*
Susan Campbel Bartoletti
You Couldn’t Ignore Me if You Tried
Susannah Gora
*Crosses with AP US History Book List
Summer Writing Component Directions: One of the options must be completed for each of the four books you have read. You may do the same option for each one or different options for all of them. The writing component must be typed and formatted in 2009 MLA Style. Hand-written copies will not be accepted. Any references used must be cited internally and be accompanied by a Works Cited page. Failure to cite sources is a violation of academic honesty and will result in a failing grade.
Option A Identify the central argument of the book, then agree with the claim, argue the claim, or qualify the claim by saying when it is accurate and when it is inaccurate. Provide evidence from history, literature, current events, or personal experience. No outside sources are required beyond the book you read, but you may use them as needed to provide evidence.
Option B Persuasive writing can appeal to emotion, logic or morals and values. Appeals to morals and values are called ethos; appeals to emotions are called pathos; appeals to logic and reason are called logos. Discuss the balance or imbalance of logos, pathos, and ethos in the book you read, citing specific bits of the book as evidence. No outside sources are required.
*Option C Write a book review. Do you recommend this book to other readers? Why or why not? Make this book review look professional. It should not be a simple summary of the book. Research book reviews online to find examples of phrasing.
Option D Do some creative writing that engages an issue presented in the book. For example, you could create a story or short film with characters whose setting, conflicts, attitude, or goals reflect the content of the book you read. You could write a poem or a series of poems that make arguments about the issue explored in the book you read. Whatever kind of text you write, include an explanation that links your creative work back to the book you read. Explain how your work is related to the author’s work.
Option E This is an open option. Prove any opinion about any aspect of the book you read. No outside sources are required.
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!# # Am I eligible to take AP classes? Students enrolled in 10th and 11th Grade for the 2012-2013 school year are eligible to take AP English Language and Composition. In order to be admitted to the class, students must complete the summer reading assignment while on summer break. A teacher-constructed test will be administered the first or second week of school to determine if that student has the skills necessary to succeed in an AP course. Students are limited to taking two college-level courses during the school year.