protecting answer keys, and proctoring home study tests. Parents are required to
.... Science: Students will expand their world by investigating scientific topics ...
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog “A Partnership for Excellence” Sponsored by the St. Vrain Valley School District
APEX Program 2013-2014
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
APEX Home School Enrichment Program 2013-2014 Course Catalog Before you get started…. ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Class Ratings Explained ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Parent/Student Agreement for All “4” or “5” Rated Classes:............................................................................. 4 A Note about Course Offerings: ......................................................................................................................... 4 Class Selection Instructions: ................................................................................................................................... 5 Kindergarten/1st Grade Program: ............................................................................................................................ 6 Elementary Classes: ................................................................................................................................................ 7 MATHEMATICS .................................................................................................................................................... 7 SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
LANGUAGE ARTS ................................................................................................................................................ 8 SOCIAL S TUDIES ................................................................................................................................................. 8 ART ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 DRAMA .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 MUSIC ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 WORLD LANGUAGES ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Middle School Classes: ......................................................................................................................................... 13 MATHEMATICS .................................................................................................................................................. 13 SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 LANGUAGE ARTS .............................................................................................................................................. 14 SOCIAL S TUDIES ............................................................................................................................................... 15 ART ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
DRAMA .............................................................................................................................................................. 17 MUSIC ............................................................................................................................................................... 17 WORLD LANGUAGE .......................................................................................................................................... 18 E LECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 High School Classes: ............................................................................................................................................ 20 MATHEMATICS .................................................................................................................................................. 20 SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 LANGUAGE ARTS .............................................................................................................................................. 22 SOCIAL S TUDIES ............................................................................................................................................... 23 ART ................................................................................................................................................................... 24 DRAMA .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 MUSIC ............................................................................................................................................................... 24 WORLD LANGUAGES ........................................................................................................................................ 25 E LECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Literature Scope and Sequence ............................................................................................................................. 27
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
Before you get started…. Class Ratings Explained The class rating determines how much homework and outside time each class will require. Please consider these ratings carefully as you select your student’s schedule. Ratings will be followed closely throughout the year.
The ratings are as follows: 1= No outside homework 2= Some outside homework, not to exceed 1 hour per week 3= Approximately 2 hours homework 4= Approximately 3 hours homework and parent involvement (1 hour teacher instruction, 3 hours parent-supervised work). 5= Approximately 4 hours homework and parent involvement (1 hour teacher instruction, 4-5 hours parent-supervised work).
Parent/Student Agreement for All “4” or “5” Rated Classes: The teacher will go over any new material, instruction and practice problems each week and for each assigned lesson, to ensure understanding in class. Students will be expected to complete assignments for the week at home. Parents are responsible for ensuring follow-up work is completed, reviewing lessons as necessary, grading daily homework, protecting answer keys, and proctoring home study tests. Parents are required to oversee the work of the student, not depend on the 1 hour of in-class instruction to achieve mastery. Consistency in completing the lessons is crucial. If your student is missing problems on daily assignments or having trouble completing assignments, this is an indicator that the concept has not been understood and needs to be reviewed. Students will be tested regularly at home and in the classroom. All tests will be graded by the teacher. Parents are to provide re-teaching experiences to the child to ensure understanding of lessons and concepts. Also, 4 and 5 rated classes may have some homework over the long holiday break in order to maintain continuity of instruction and to allow the class to finish all required material on time.
A Note about Course Offerings: This catalog includes all courses for all Apex sites for all years. Some courses listed here may not be offered at the site you are attending or may not be offered this year. Please refer to your site’s class grid for current course offerings first and use this catalog as a reference. The APEX program works on a 9:1 student-teacher ratio which means that our courses average between five and fifteen students per class. Some classes will be as small as two or three students and some may be larger when its beneficial to the class to have ar larger group, as is the case for PE, Choir, and Musical Theater. Classes fill once the course maximum has been reached.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
Class Selection Instructions: Email your completed schedule form to
[email protected] Please follow these instructions carefully as you select your final schedule for each student in your household: 1. Students must complete registration prior to submitting a schedule. Students/families who have all paperwork completed and submitted will be given class-choice priority over those who are still missing program paperwork. 2. All students in grades 2-12 must submit a final schedule. Students in K/1 do not submit schedules. 3. Select one class and one alternate for each period. Enter the class title, teacher’s name and course rating on the schedule form. We will not place your child in an alternate class selection without notifying you first. You can assume that your child got his/her first choice classes unless we contact you. Some classes show two teacher’s names. In that case, the first name is the Thursday teacher and the second name is the Friday teachers. Classes marked TBD have not been assigned to a teacher yet, but can still be selected. 4. Students will be placed in their selected classes on a first come/first served basis based on the day your schedule was received. If a class reaches its max, those students registering first will get in and the rest will be placed in their alternates. We expect some of our classes to fill very quickly. 5. The grid is never perfect for everyone. There are many factors that must be considered in putting it together. There may be a period or two that you must choose a class that was not one you really wanted. Please understand that we cannot correct this for your child and please do not contact us asking for changes to the grid. 6. Carefully read the class grid and note all the classes available at your child’s grade level in each period. The numbers under the class name are the grades that the class is offered for. Musical Theater is shown under two teachers, but it is all the same 2 hours block class. For all two hour block classes, students must take both hours. 7. Carefully read the course description for each class you are interested in enrolling your child in before selecting the course. 8. Carefully consider the class rating of each class before selecting the course. An explanation of the class rating system can be found on page four of this catalog. 9. Check the grades offered to see if the class fits your child’s ability. If you wish to enroll your child in a class that is above or below his/her grade this fall, please contact the site coordinator first. Some classes have placement testing required or consent of the instructor. You will choose the class now and take the placement test on orientation day in the fall to confirm it is the correct class for your student, but please be sure to list an alternate. 10. Our new class rotation schedule means that all our courses will be offered at least every other year. If you don’t see a class you need, it likely will appear on the grid again next year. Some classes were dropped due to low enrollment in previous years. 11. There will be a 3-4 week drop/add period in the beginning of the school year during which your students will have one final chance to make changes to their schedules if something ends up not being the right fit.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
Kindergarten/1st Grade Program: Hands-on Fun and Exploration! Our Kindergarten and First Grade students spend the majority of their day with their primary teachers and have a different schedule than the rest of our students. Rather than changing classes each hour, their class subjects are integrated into units that incorporate several subjects and projects across the curriculum. In addition to their core program, students spend 30 minutes with our music teacher and 30 minutes with our PE teacher each day we meet.
Boulder Sample Schedule
Longmont Sample Schedule
8:30-8:50 morning meeting 8:50-9:30 art/science/social studies 9:30-9:45 snack/restroom break 9:45-10:30 math 10:30-11:00 recess 11:00-11:30 lunch 11:30-12:00 PE 12:00-12:30 music 12:30-1:30 literature 1:30-2:10 art/science/social studies 2:10-2:30 recess 2:30-2:45 snack/restroom break 2:45-3:10 writing/journal 3:10-3:20 clean up and story 3:20 dismissal
8:15-8:35 morning meeting 8:35-9:15 art/science/social studies 9:15-9:30 snack/restroom break 9:30-10:15 math 10:15-11:20 literature 11:20-11:50 recess 11:50-12:15 lunch 12:15-12:45 music 12:45-1:15 PE 1:15-1:45 art/science/social studies 1:45-2:15 writing/journal 2:15-2:30 snack/restroom break 2:30-2:50 recess 2:50-3:05 clean up and story 3:05 dismissal
All subjects are taught with a focus on enrichment. The parent remains the primary educator and has primary responsibility for the child’s sequential learning program.Our program is structured to be a valuable complement to what you are doing at home, touching on many different subject areas as listed below: Social Studies: Students will explore history, geography, and Math: Students will develop their number sense through communities through collaborative, hands-on projects. Topics may include Colorado and world geography and historical hands-on activities, games, stories and pencil with paper stories. practice. Targeted skills will include recognizing, writing, counting and sequencing numbers. Additionally the students Art: Using a variety of media, students will explore color, will practice telling time to the hour, counting coins, creating patterns, recognizing shapes, graphing and simple texture, and shape to create individual works of art such as measurement, and beginning addition and subtraction skills. collages, mosaics, paintings and sculpture. Art will often be incorporated into projects related to the other subject areas as Science: Students will expand their world by investigating well. scientific topics through hands-on experiments, activities and Music: Students will be singing songs, doing movement stories. Topics may include insects, plants, animals, five senses, space, magnets, matter and weather. activities, learning about easy music symbols, rhythm, and playing rhythm and pitched instruments as well as learning Language Arts: Students will develop their early literacy skills about composers and different genres of music. through a variety of language arts experiences. Areas of focus Physical Education: Students will practice various locomotive will include handwriting, letter-sound recognition, word work (e.g. beginning and ending sounds, rhyming and high and movement patterns through a variety of games and frequency words) and responding to literature through activities. As students learn the rules to various games and discussions, drawings and writing. Students have many activities, they will have the opportunity to practice good opportunities for simple writing projects across the curriculum. sportsmanship, safety, and teamwork.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
Elementary Classes:
SCIENCE Class Title: Text:
MATHEMATICS Class Title: Text:
Math Masters 1 Code: E110 Various Rating: 1 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-3 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Our Math Masters Series is a hands-on math class supplementing your math curriculum at home. Students will begin with basic number skills and continue with addition and subtraction, time, calendars, measurement, fractions and money. This class will use games and activities to learn and reinforce math skills. Students may take weekly timed tests to improve their speed and accuracy on timed tests.
Class Title: Text:
Math Masters 2 Code: E115 Various Rating: 1 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Our Math Masters Series is a hands-on math class supplementing your math curriculum at home. Students will begin by reviewing basic number skills and continue with fractions, geometry, time, multiplication/division, and some algebra type problem solving. This class will use games and activities to learn and reinforce math skills. Students may take weekly timed tests to improve their speed and accuracy on timed tests.
Class Title: Text:
Rapid Math Code: E130 Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students will develop their mental math and estimation skills to solve problems quickly. They will learn strategies for mastering basic math facts, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, through tricks and shortcuts. Students will also explore essential concepts behind place value, decimals, fractions, shapes and word problems. By becoming more comfortable with math skills, students will gain confidence in their abilities.
Science 1 Code: E210 Various Rating: 1 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-3 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Science for the elementary grades will be all hands-on and inquiry based. Topics will be studied in units from life science, earth science, physical science, space and technology at a grade appropriate level that parents can build on at home using the text or curriculum of their choice. Class Title: Text:
Science 2 Code: E215 Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Science for the elementary grades will be all hands-on and inquiry based. Topics will be studied in units from life science, earth science, physical science, space and technology at a grade appropriate level that parents can supplement at home. This class will help students learn the scientific method, how to write up a lab, and prepare for more advanced lab based sciences in middle school and may include some quizes and tests. Class Title: Text:
Intro to Robotics Code: E230 Lego WeDo Rating: 1 Robotics Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-3 Fees: None Max: 14 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students will use Lego WeDo plus Simple and Motorized Machine sets along with the Snaps Circuits kits. Students will learn to build models, attach sensors and motors that are plugged into a computer, configure robot behavior using a simple programming tool, design simple machines and understand how they work, plus learn the basics of electronics circuits. A wonderful experience for boys and girls alike! Robotics units through the year will include four themes: Amazing Mechanisms, Wild Animals, Play Soccer and Adventure Stories. Class Title: Text:
Electronics/Robotics Code: E235 Lego Mindstorms Rating: 2 NXT, Electronics Snap Circuits Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 14 Can be taken more than once? No Description: THIS IS A TWO HOUR BLOCK CLASS. This course will explore the electronic and computing aspects of scientific technology by building and programming robots using Lego Mindstorms and Electronic Snap Circuits. Topics covered include: electronics of robots, electricity and circuits, robotic
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ programming, and computers and basic computing skills. Students will learn to work together to complete challenges with the robots they create and program, design simple machines and understand how they work, learn the basics of programming robots using a unique programming language created by Lego, and just plain have fun! A wonderful experience for boys and girls alike!
LANGUAGE ARTS Class Title: Text:
Literature Circles Code: E315 Various Rating: 3 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: With whole book studies as the starting point, students in this class will learn to love literature, using various interactive group, hands-on activities and literature circle roles. Students will develop and refine their reading comprehension strategies, as well as enrich their vocabulary. Reading selections will also provide a spring board for short writing exercises, such as journal entries and creative responses. Students will learn how to write effective paragraphs, incorporating effective structure, varied sentence types, and vivid language Note: This class is designed so that students can take it two years in a row, with alternating book lists each year. See book selections in the Literature Scope and Sequence attached to this document. Class Title: Text:
Writer’s Workshop Code: E325 Various Rating: 3 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Become a writer! Have fun using language to paint a picture with your words. Engage in activities that will help you access your creativity. Study the tricks of the trade through studying famous writers’ craft. This class will take a progressive approach to effective writing, in which students will start with sentence structure, word choice, and basic grammar, and then move into elaboration techniques, figurative language, and paragraph writing. Possible projects will include: personal narratives, journaling, procedural writing, fiction and poetry. Class Title: Text:
Myths & Folktales Code: E330 Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: In this class, students will explore the world of myths, folktales, fables and fairy tales. They will go on adventures with gods, heroes, and creatures in stories from all over the world. Through fun hands-on activities, interactive
projects, and brief written assignments, students will deepen their understanding of references to these stories in modern culture and literature. Students will explore both ancient myths as well as modern mythology such as The Chronicles of Narnia. Class Title: Puppets & Plays Code: E350 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-3 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Make literature come alive with this hands-on approach to reading designed to provide support and enrichment for emergent readers and writers. Students will listen to read-a-louds and then explore aspects of stories through engaging projects. They will also work together to create their own interpretations of the stories, in an activitybased, fun environment. Students will do projects to explore characters and setting; engage in Readers’ Theater to bring scenes to life; create puppets and scripts to learn about plot and theme; and occasionally present their final creations to parents and our K/1 students throughout the year. All reading levels and writing abilities welcome.
History 1: Ancient Code: E410 Times Text: Story of the World Rating: 2 Volume 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Ancient Times (5000 BC to 400 AD) . Our study begins with the earliest nomads and ends with the last Roman emperor. The focus will be on the people, the culture, and other important facts based on each area. Students will create maps, timelines, and engaging projects as they explore history the way it was meant to be read - as a story! NOTE: Although SOTW is written in a 4 part series, parents may opt to have students take the classes in the History series in any order they choose. Class Title:
History 2: The Code: E415 Middle Ages Text: Story of the World Rating: 2 Volume 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Medieval Times (400BC to 1600 AD) . This class continues where Ancient Times left off and will focus on the major historical events in the years 400 to 1600 AD. The focus will be on the people, the culture, and other important facts based on each area. Students will create maps, timelines, and engaging projects as they explore history the way it was meant to be read - as a story! NOTE: Although SOTW is written in a
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ 4 part series, parents may opt to have students take the classes in the History series in any order they choose. Class Title:
History 3: Early Code: E420 Modern Times Text: Story of the World Rating: 2 Volume 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Early Modern Times (1600AD to 1850 AD) . This class continues where Middle Ages left off and will focus on the major historical events in the years 1600 to 1850. The focus will be on the people, the culture, and other important facts based on each area. Students will create maps, timelines, and engaging projects as they explore history the way it was meant to be read - as a story! NOTE: Although SOTW is written in a 4 part series, parents may opt to have students take the classes in the History series in any order they choose. However, since the material in levels 3 and 4 is designed for students who are a little older, these two levels will be for grades 4-5 only. Younger students should take levels 1 and 2 first. Class Title:
History 4: The Code: E425 Modern Age Text: Story of the World Rating: 2 Volume 4 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Modern Age (1850AD to 1994AD) This class continues where Modern Times left off and will focus on the major historical events in the years 1850 to 1994. The focus will be on the people, the culture, and other important facts based on each area. Students will create maps, timelines, and engaging projects as they explore history the way it was meant to be read - as a story! NOTE: Although SOTW is written in a 4 part series, parents may opt to have students take the classes in the History series in any order they choose. However, since the material in levels 3 and 4 is designed for students who are a little older, these two levels will be for grades 4-5 only. Younger students should take levels 1 and 2 first. Class Title:
Passport to the Code: E440 World Text: Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-3 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Pack your bags and get ready to journey around the world as we explore locations, landmarks, peoples and their cultures. Students will learn about the world and maps as they collect stamps in their passports. Bon Voyage!
Class Title: Text:
Colorado History Code: E450 A Kid’s Look at Rating: 2 Colorado Prerequisite: None Grade: 3-5 Fees: $7 for workbook Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Ever wonder who Mount Evans is named after? Ever wonder why Boulder was established? Ever wonder what your own backyard looked like 100 years ago? 500 years ago? 1000 years ago? This Colorado History course is designed to answer all these questions and more. We'll explore Ancient Colorado, from the time of the American Indians to the fur trappers of the West. We'll explore Colorado's gold rush foundations and how a little mining town of Denver could transform into a booming metropolis. Who knows, you might even learn about a gunslinger or two! This course is designed to bring the past to life and to gain a greater understanding of what makes this state so great!
Class Title:
Road Trip USA: Code: E460 US Geography Text: Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-5 Fees: $10 for book Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Everyone loves a road trip! Come join us as we explore all the great places and landmarks in the good ol’ USA. On our trip, this US Geography class will take you to historic landmarks, unique natural and man-made points of interest, and even introduce you to some of our greatest American heroes. Who knows? You might even pick out a place or two you’d like to pack up your family van and visit next summer!
Class Title: Text:
Ameritowne Code: E470 Ameritowne Rating: 2 Workbook Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-6 Fees: $20 for field trip Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: We will be using the Young Ameritowne guide to bring activities and lessons into the classroom designed to teach about the free enterprise system. We will cover seven main concepts, including basic economics, banking, money management, government, communications, philanthropy, and business preparation. We will have a field trip on March 19, 2014 to the Young Americans Bank in Denver which is required. This is a hands-on lesson in free enterprise. The year will culminate with units on civics, entrepreneurship and government.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ ART Class Title: Art Code: E510 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Come explore the exciting world of visual art! Students compose, imagine, & observe the world around them while exploring elements of shape, form, line, space, and color and work with drawing, painting, sculpting, and paper craft in a variety of media.
Class Title:
Creative Code: E610 Dramatics Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students will explore the fun of creating a character and learn the basics skills in theatre arts including stage movement, skits, plays, puppets, and working together as a team. The class will put on one or two short plays per year, performing each semester during class time. Come explore, play and ham it up! Class Title: Musical Theater Code: E620 Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: $40 Max: 25 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: THIS IS A TWO HOUR BLOCK CLASS and will be taught by both our drama and music teacher. Students will audition, rehearse, costume, produce and perform a largescale musical theatre performance. Singing, dancing and acting will be incorporated into this class; however, lack of experience should not be a deterrent to participating. Instruction will be provided for required skills and there will be many roles available for students of all abilities and interests. This is a performance class; students are required to spend time in memorizing lines and rehearsing musical numbers. Performances will be at an outside venue during the spring. Students will be required to attend dress rehearsals and performances, dates TBD. PARENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO SERVE ON AT LEAST ONE PRODUCTION COMMITTEE PER CHILD ENROLLED IN THIS CLASS. Intro to Musical Theater Text: None Prerequisite: None Fees: None Can be taken more than once? Yes
MUSIC Class Title: Text: Prerequisite: Fees:
Class Title:
Description: This is a beginning class for younger students who wish to explore musical theater. The students will rehearse and perform a smaller musical theatre production for their peers and parents in a classroom setting. Students with little to no singing, dancing or acting experience are invited to come explore the fun of musical theatre with us! This class is strongly recommended for all elementary students before enrolling in the 2 hour Musical Theater Class.
Code: Rating: Grade: Max:
E630 2 2-5 15
Music Explorers Code: E710 None Rating: 1 None Grade: 2-5 $10 for recorder Max: 12 and book Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Recorders, drums, xylophones, singing and more! Come explore making music! Students will expand their music knowledge and abilities through a fun, hands- on, exploratory environment. We will be singing songs, doing movement activities, learning about written music, discovering rhythm and pitch, and playing rhythm instruments and recorders. Students will have the opportunity to perform each semester. Most activities will be in class except for minimal recorder practice at home. This class is strongly encouraged prior to taking an instrument class. New material is introduced each year, so this class can be repeated several times. Class Title: Text:
Piano 1 Code: E720 Alfred All in One Rating: 3 Piano Course Books 1 & 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-5 Fees: $12 for music Max: 10 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This group class will give students with little or no piano experience a chance to learn to play. Students will learn piano technique, note reading, rhythm and ensemble playing. This is a group piano class and is not designed for students taking private lessons with another teacher. Consistent, regular practice is a requirement of this class. Beginning students are expected to practice at least 10 minutes 6 days a week, for the 1st Semester, increasing to 15 minutes daily, 6 days a week by the end of 2nd Semester. Practice records are a part of students’ grades. Students will present their accomplishments each semester during an inclass recital. Class Title: Text:
Piano 2 Alfred All in One Piano Course Books 3 & 4 1-2 years piano study, Piano 1 or permission of
Code: Rating:
E725 3
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ Instructor $12 for music Max: 10 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class continues the developm of piano skills from Beginning Piano, beginning with Alfred All-In-One Book 3 and focuses on improving music reading skills, music theory and solo work. This is a group piano class and is not designed for for students taking private lessons with another teacher. Consistent, regular practice is a requirement of this class. Intermediate students are expected to practice at least 15 to 20 minutes 6 days a week. Practice records are a part of students’ grades. Students will present their accomplishments each semester during an in-class recital. Fees:
Class Title: Text: Prerequisite:
Strings 1 Code: E730 All for Strings 1 Rating: 3 None; Music Grade: 3-5 Explorers strongly encouraged Fees: $12 for music Max: 12 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is an exciting exploration of learning to play the violin, viola or cello. Holding the instrument, naming parts of the instrument, tone production, holding and moving the bow, music terms associated with playing, and performing songs will be taught. Parents will need to supply a properly sized violin, viola or cello. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend class, especially in the first 6 weeks, in order to be able to better assist the student with at-home practice. Students are strongly encourage to take our General Music class before taking this class to help them develop a basic understanding of music. NOTE: At Home practice and parental involvement required. Class Title: Text: Prerequisite:
Strings 2 Code: E734 All for Strings 2 Rating: 3 Strings 1 or Grade: 4-6 permission of the instructor Fees: $12 for music Max: 12 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is a continuation of Strings 1 for violin, viola or cello and is appropriate for students in their second year of playing. Students will learn accidentals, double stops, new key signatures, beginning vibrato techniques, and beginning shifting. They will also learn an ensemble selection each semester along with increasing their knowledge of notes, fundamentals and technique. Parents will need to supply a properly sized violin, viola or cello. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend class in order to be able to better assist the student with at-home practice. NOTE: At Home practice and parental involvement required.
Class Title: Text: Prerequisite:
String Ensemble Code: E735 None Rating: 3 2+ years of Grade: 4-12 previous strings study or permission of the instructor Fees: None Max: 20 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This beginning string orchestra class will give students the opportunity to continue learning to play the violin, viola or cello. Students will focuson learning to perform in an ensemble and advance to music with two or three parts. Tone production, ensemble playing, intonation, music terms associated with playing, and performing songs will be taught. Parents will need to supply a properly sized violin, viola or cello. Students will perform several times per year at school performances. NOTE: At Home practice and parental involvement required. Class Title:
World Percussion Code: E740 Ensemble Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-8 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Explore music in an exciting way with both pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments and objects. Following the ideas of “STOMP”, everything makes a noise and students will discover how to put that “noise” into a musical presentation. Explore sound and rhythm in ensemble playing on a variety of instruments. Rhythm will be taught through notation and rote technique. Class Title: Choir Code: E750 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: None Max: 25 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: No audition necessary! Choir will provide students with the opportunity to sing choral music suited to their abilities, needs and interests. Special attention is given to the changing voice and basic fundamentals of voice production, rehearsal procedures, attitude, song literature, and general music knowledge. Students will study a variety of musical styles and will perform twice per year.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ WORLD LANGUAGES Class Title: Text:
Spanish A Code: E810 Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This interactive Spanish class utilizes songs, games and hands-on activities to learn common Spanish phrases and vocabulary. Students will also learn about some common Spanish holidays and traditions. This course may be offered in two sections, one for grades 2-3 and one for grades 4-5. STUDENTS MUST HAVE INSTRUCTOR CONSENT TO PROGRESS TO SPANISH B. Class Title: Text:
Spanish B Code: E820 Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: Spanish A or Grade: 3-5 permission of the instructor Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: INSTRUCTOR CONSENT REQUIRED. This Spanish class is designed for students ready to take the next step in learning Spanish. Students will continue to learn common Spanish phrases and vocabulary, while adding verb conjugation and sentence formation. Students will also continue to explore some common Spanish holidays and traditions. As repetition and practice are key to language development, this class will have 1 hour of outside homework per week.
ELECTIVES Class Title:
Physical Code: E920 Education Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class focuses on teaching students skills through a variety of fun and exciting games. The students will practice sportsmanship and teamwork in a cooperative learning environment. The students will have the opportuntity to participate in multiple sports and physical activities.
Class Title: Text: Prerequisite: Fees:
Great Outdoors Code: E950 None Rating: 2 None Grade: 4-8 $125 (optionsal for Max: 15 overnight trip) Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Ready for the great outdoors? Activities in this class will prepare students to enter, enjoy and respect the great outdoors. Through the year, the instructor will guide the class in skills and activities which may include but not limited to: orienteering, survival techniques, the 10 essentials, forestry, mountain animal studies, leaf collections, mountain weather and other outdoor science activities. The class will culminate in an optional 3 day/2 night field trip to The Mountain Lab School at Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je in Bailey, Colorado April 7-9, 2014. Parent chaperones will be needed for the field trip.
Class Title: All About Cooking Code: E960 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 3-5 Fees: None Max: 6 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Come explore the kitchen with us! Students will learn basic cooking skills such as measuring, following a recipe, mixing, baking, stove-top preparation, menu planning and good nutrition. Through the course of the year, students will create yummy meals that they can take home and make for their families. We’ll explore everything from breakfast and snacks to dinner and dessert. Students will explore a recipe or two that are gluten free and dairy free, but the bulk of our cooking will not be. Students with food allergies or strong dietary restrictions should not take this class. All our wonderful recipes will be compiled into our very own cookbook for students to have and keep.
Class Title: Computer Skills Code: E970 Text: Typing Instructor Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 2-3, 4-5 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students will work through a self-paced typing program to learn touch typing skills and keyboarding through lessons, games and activities. Students will be issued a CD copy of the program so they can continue their typing practice at home. Students will also learn basic windows functions and how to use Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, and Powerpoint) to create fabulous documents they will be proud of. This class is appropriate for student with some computer experience as well as those just beginning their computer literacy.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
Middle School Classes: MATHEMATICS Class Title: Text:
Pre-Algebra Code: MMA120 Teaching Rating: 5 Texbooks PreAlgebra Prerequisite: Placement Test Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The Teaching Textbooks program uses a review method to ensure retention. The program also uses problems to prepare students for SAT/ACT tests. Students will complete all of Pre-Algebra through home assignments four days per week and one class period per week. Students will study numbers and operations, relationships among numbers, and number systems. They will understand meanings of operations and how they relate to each other and will learn to compute fluently. Students will be introduced to Algebra concepts and solving for unknowns. Upon completion of this course students will be prepared to study Algebra I. Students will receive a textbook, answer key and set of computer CDs with step-bystep solutions. Parents will be expected to work with their student daily at home on classroom assignments. Class Title: Text:
Algebra 1 Code: MMA130 Teaching Rating: 5 Texbooks Algebra Prerequisite: Completion of Pre- Grade: 6-10 Alg with a grade of C or better or placement test Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The Teaching Textbooks program uses a review method to ensure retention. The program also uses problems to prepare students for SAT/ACT tests. Students will complete all of Algebra I through home assignments four days per week and one class period per week. Students will understand patterns, relations and functions. They will learn to represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols. Students will solve for unknowns in varied situations, use graphing to represent mathematical systems, and compute fluently with number systems. Students will use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. Students will receive a textbook, answer key and set of computer CDs with step-by-step solutions. Parents will be expected to work with their student daily at home on classroom assignments. NOTE – Middle school students completing this course cannot earn high school credit.
Class Title: Text:
Geometry Code: MMA140 Teaching Rating: 5 Textbooks Geometry Prerequisite: Completion of Alg Grade: 8-12 1 with a grade of C or better Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The Teaching Textbooks program uses a review method to ensure retention. The program also uses problems to prepare students for SAT/ACT tests. Students will complete all of Geometry through home assignments four days per week and one class period per week. Students will study concepts including lines and angles, congruent triangles, quadilaterals, polygons, circles, bisectors, proofs and theorems and coordinate geometry. Students will receive a textbook, answer key and set of computer CDs with step-by-step solutions. Parents will be expected to work with their student daily at home on classroom assignments. NOTE – Middle school students completing this course cannot earn high school credit.
Class Title: Consumer Math Code: MMA170 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This course will provide students with the essential financial knowledge they need to manage their money. Students will learn basic money counting skills, percentages, saving, money sense ( how far your money will go) and work as a class to run a school store.
Class Title: Math Think Tank Code: MMA180 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Math Think Tank is an independent math study class, where students provide their own math curriculum and receive tutoring and help for the concepts and skills they are working on at home. Students must bring their math book from home each week and come prepared to work as a group and/or independently. This class is a great way for students of all abilities and levels to get an extra challenge or some additional explanation in their development and understanding of mathematics.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ SCIENCE Class Title: Text:
Physical Science Code: MSC210 Prentice Hall Rating: 4 Science Explorers: Physical Science Prerequisite: Completion or Grade: 7-9 concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Physical science is a pre-chemistry/ prephysics course for the upper middle and beginning high school student. The course emphasizes the study and proper use of fundamental science tools including the metric system, periodic table, and graphing techniques. Frequent laboratory activities introduce and reinforce concepts and principles of physical science. A strong emphasis will be placed on helping students understand the processes of scientific investigation and learn to design, conduct, communicate about, and evaluate such investigation. Students will focus on understanding common physical and chemical properties, forms of matter and energy, and the laws that define their interactions. Class Title: Text:
Life Science Code: MSC220 Prentice Hall Rating: 4 Science Explorers Life Science Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Life Science is an inquiry-oriented course about the principles and concepts concerning the biological world. Frequent laboratory activities introduce and reinforce concepts and principles of life science. A strong emphasis will be placed on helping students understand the processes of scientific investigation and learn to design, conduct, communicate about, and evaluate such investigation. Students will focus on use of microscopes, genetics, microbiology, botany, zoology, and human biology. Chapters on evolutionary theory and human reproduction are not covered during class. Laboratory experiments including dissections, plating of microbiological organisms and crafts are performed weekly. Hands-on participation in dissection is not required, but students are required to take notes. Class Title: Text:
Earth Science Code: MSC230 Prentice Hall Rating: 4 Science Explorers Earth Science Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course will explore the dynamic forces acting upon the Earth as well as the various resources important to humans. Plate tectonics, weathering and erosion, water resources, weather and climate and astronomy will all be addressed through thought-provoking activities which
encourage students to question why these natural systems function the way they do. Both hands-on resources as well as computer visualizations will be used during this course to allow students to gain a more complete understanding of the Earth and the forces acting upon it. Evolution will not be covered in this class. Class Title:
Inventions & Code: MSC270 Engineering Text: Various Rating: 3 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Great inventors have changed our world with the ideas they explored. In this class, students will delve into their lives, their thoughts and their inventions. Students will study various categories of inventions and will explore the scientific principles they are based on and the application of those principles in inventions. Each unit will culminate with a project focused on applying those principles to our own models and creations. Students will explore inventors from ancient times right up to the modern day marvels of engineering. Class Title: Text:
Electronics/Robotics Code: MSC235 Lego Mindstorms Rating: 3 NXT, Electronics Snap Circuits Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 14 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: THIS IS A TWO HOUR BLOCK CLASS. This course will explore the electronic and computing aspects of scientific technology by building and programming robots using Lego Mindstorms and Electronic Snap Circuits. Topics covered include: electronics of robots, electricity and circuits, robotic programming, and computers and basic computing skills. Students will learn to work together to complete challenges with the robots they create and program, design simple machines and understand how they work, learn the basics of programming robots using a unique programming language created by Lego, and just plain have fun! A wonderful experience for boys and girls alike!
LANGUAGE ARTS Class Title: Mythology Code: MLA330 Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: In this class students will explore the adventures of gods, heroes, and monsters in myths from all over the world. We will investigate the components of myths, the cultures and time periods from which they originate, and their connection with the natural world. Students will also compare and contrast characters and events that are similar in various stories, as
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ well as better understand references to myths in modern culture and literature. We will spend part of the year on ancient mythology from around the world, part on modern mythology, such as The Hobbit, and part creating our own myths. Class Title:
Intro to Code: MLA335 Shakespeare Text: Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Students will explore the works of Shakespeare from the perspective of both literature and drama. Students will focus on the stories and characters in Shakespeare’s plays, including the comedies, tragedies, and histories, as a way to become familiar with the greatest stories of all time. Class Title:
Literature & Code: MLA350 Composition 1 Text: See Lit/Comp Rating: 4 Scope & Sequence Prerequisite: 6th/7th grade Grade: 6-8 reading level and placement test Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: With whole book studies as the starting point, students in this class will explore the key components of literature, as well as investigate the historical and cultural context of each core work. Students will develop and refine their reading comprehension strategies and their ability to think critically about literature. Reading selections will also provide a spring board for writing exercises and the development of formal essays, through which students will explore writing techniques, sentence structure, and grammar. Literature selections will be determined at the beginning of the year, selected from our Literature Scope and Sequence attached to this document. Note: This class is designed so that students can take it two years in a row, with alternating book lists each year.
also provide a spring board for writing exercises and the development of formal essays through which students will explore writing techniques, sentence structure, and grammar. Literature selections will be determined at the beginning of the year, selected from our Literature Scope and Sequence. Note: This class is designed so that students can take it two years in a row, with alternating book lists each year. Class Title: Text:
Public Speaking Code: MLA370 Various Rating: 3 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: The objective of this introductory speech class is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of oral communication and public speaking and to help them gain confidence and handle their nerves in speaking in front of others. Students will become familiar with speechmaking as an ongoing process, the ethics of speaking, and a variety of speech types that will aid in personal relationships and career th th choices (This class is available for 9 and 10 graders also in Boulder only). Class Title: Writer's Workshop Code: MLA320 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: In this course, students will improve both their expository and creative writing skills while exploring the creative process through engaging exercises and fun interactive activities. Using various literary models of poetry and prose, we will analyze and imitate techniques that contribute to effective wriring. Students will develop their abilities to write a quality paragraph, multi-paragraph essay, and various fictional works. Each student will begin to uncover his or her unique voice and style This class will use a writer's workshop approach, including teacher-modeling, selfreflection, peer-conferencing, and one-on-one teacher/student conferences.
Literature & Code: MLA360 Composition 2 Text: See Lit/Comp Rating: 4 Scope & Sequence Prerequisite: Lit/Comp 1 or Grade: 8-10 placement test Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: With whole book studies as the starting point, students in this class will explore the key components of literature, as well as investigate the historical and cultural context of each core work. Students will develop and refine their reading comprehension strategies and their ability to think critically about literature. In addition, reading selections will
Class Title:
International Code: MSS410 Towne/World Geography Text: International Rating: 3 Towne Curriculum Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-10 Fees: $20 for field trip Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This course will allow students to have a truly hands-on experience with world economics, global resources and international relations through preparation for and involvement in the International Towne Field Trip trip to Young Americans Bank in Denver on March 19, 2014, which is required. The world geography component of this course will
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ be integrated within the International Towne curriculum to deepen students understanding of the peoples and resources of the world. Students will also learn about the mapping of the world's physical and resource features. Class Title: Text:
US History Code: MSS420 The American Rating: 3 Nation Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This American History course is designed to explore the intricate workings of this nation's fascinating past. We'll discover the different people that came to this land and the impact they had on the future. We'll trace the advancements of politics, economics, and social trends and tie them to what is going on today. Furthermore, we'll explore the Spirit of America, what it has meant to the past, and what it will mean to the future.
Class Title: Text:
Ameritowne Code: MSS470 Ameritowne Rating: 2 Workbook Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-6 Fees: $20 for field trip Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: We will be using the Young Ameritowne guide to bring activities and lessons into the classroom designed to teach about the free enterprise system. We will cover seven main concepts, including basic economics, banking, money management, government, communications, philanthropy, and business preparation. We will have a field trip on March 19, 2014 to the Young Americans Bank in Denver which is required. This is a hands-on lesson in free enterprise. The year will culminate with units on civics, entrepreneurship and government.
ART Class Title: Text:
Colorado History Code: MSS450 Various Rating: 3 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Ever wonder who Mount Evans is named after? Ever wonder why Boulder was established? Ever wonder what your own backyard looked like 100 years ago? 500 years ago? 1000 years ago? This Colorado History class will explore Ancient Colorado, from the time of the American Indians to the fur trappers of the West. We'll explore Colorado's gold rush foundations and how a little mining town of Denver could transform into a booming metropolis. Who knows, you might even learn about a gunslinger or two. This course is designed to bring the past to life and to gain a greater understanding of what makes this state so great! World History Code: MSS440 Various Rating: 3 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course will develop along an historical timeline from early humans through the ancient and medieval worlds to the last 500 years of history touching on various themes at points on the timeline. Themes will include: human migrations, regional cultures, empires, technological and artistic developments, exploration, revolutions, wars, political systems, environment and globalization. Activities in class will include group discussions, cartography, time line construction, role playing games, and student presentations. Students will be required to do grade appropriate reading and writing exercises on the various topics throughout the year.
Class Title: Art Code: MAR515 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This course gives students the opportunity to explore and create artworks in drawing, painting and 3D art. Art history will be integrated into many of the projects, looking at the lives of the masters and the techniques they used to create their masterpieces. Students will use a variety of art methods to develop skills in drawing and painting, using materials such as colored pencils, ink, pastels, watercolors and acrylic paints. Techniques and skills of dimensional and multimedia art will be explored in a variety of topics such as fiber, metal, glass, paper and waxes. Students will gain an understanding of how to use different mediums in creating works in traditional and abstract styles using creative expression.
Class Title: Text:
Class Title: Photography Code: MAR530 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Get ready to explore your camera like never before! Students in this class will learn about using a camera, compositional techniques, printing, digital editing and manipulating of images to produce quality photographs. Students must provide their own digital camera and memory card and may not use cell phone cameras.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ DRAMA Class Title: Intro to Theater Code: MDR610 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Introduction to Theater Arts provides students with opportunities to explore, investigate, and experience many aspects of theater in order to become knowledgeable, responsible theater-goers and informed theater participants. Units may include improvisation, pantomime, theater games, stage movements and acting, play reading and analysis, and elements of productions including set and costume design. Class Title: Musical Theater Code: MDR620 Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: $40 Max: 25 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: THIS IS A TWO HOUR BLOCK CLASS and will be taught by both our drama and music teacher. Students will audition, rehearse, costume, produce and perform a largescale musical theatre performance. Singing, dancing and acting will be incorporated into this class; however, lack of experience should not be a deterrent to participating. Instruction will be provided for required skills and there will be many roles available for students of all abilities and interests. This is a performance class; students are required to spend time in memorizing lines and rehearsing musical numbers. Performances will be at an outside venue during the spring. Students will be required to attend dress rehearsals and performances, dates TBD. PARENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO SERVE ON AT LEAST ONE PRODUCTION COMMITTEE PER CHILD ENROLLED IN THIS CLASS.
MUSIC Class Title: Text: Prerequisite:
Strings 2 Code: MMU730 All for Strings 2 Rating: 3 Strings 1 or Grade: 4-6 permission of the instructor Fees: $12 for music Max: 12 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is a continuation of Strings 1 for violin, viola or cello and is appropriate for students in their second year of playing. Students will learn accidentals, double stops, new key signatures, beginning vibrato techniques, and beginning shifting. They will also learn an ensemble selection each semester along with increasing their knowledge of notes, fundamentals and technique. Parents will need to supply a properly sized violin, viola or cello. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend class in order to be able to better assist the student with at-home practice. NOTE: At Home practice and parental involvement required.
Class Title: String Ensemble Code: MMU735 Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: None Max: 20 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This beginning string orchestra class will give students the opportunity to continue learning to play the violin, viola or cello. Students will focuson learning to perform in an ensemble and advance to music with two or three parts. Tone production, ensemble playing, intonation, music terms associated with playing, and performing songs will be taught. Parents will need to supply a properly sized violin, viola or cello. Students will perform several times per year at school performances. NOTE: At Home practice and parental involvement required.
Class Title: Text:
Piano 2 Code: MMU725 Alfred All in One Rating: 3 Piano Course Books 3 & 4 Prerequisite: 1-2 years piano Grade: 3-6 study, Piano 1 or permission of Instructor Fees: $12 for music Max: 10 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class continues the developm of piano skills from Beginning Piano, beginning with Alfred All-In-One Book 3 and focuses on improving music reading skills, music theory and solo work. This is a group piano class and is not designed for for students taking private lessons with another teacher. Consistent, regular practice is a requirement of this class. Intermediate students are expected to practice at least 15 to 20 minutes 6 days a week. Practice records are a part of students’ grades. Students will present their accomplishments each semester during an in-class recital. Class Title: Text:
Guitar 1 Code: MMU730 Hal Leonard Guitar Rating: 3 Method Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: $8 for music Max: 12 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is an exciting introduction of learning to play the guitar. Students will learn to read music, play melodies, learn to play lead lines and chord accompaniments and explore strum patterns. Students will be reading mainly from the music staff, but will learn tab and chord symbols too. Holding the instrument, naming parts of the instrument, music terms associated with playing, and performing songs will be taught, as well as performance opportunitites.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ Class Title: Text:
Guitar 2 Code: MMU731 Hal Leonard Guitar Rating: 3 Method Prerequisite: Guitar 1 Grade: 6-12 Fees: $8 for music Max: 12 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is a continuation of Guitar 1 and will continue to develop and advance student’s guitar playing skills and abilities. Students will continue to develop their skills in reading music, playing melodies, playing lead lines and chord accompaniments and exploring strum patterns. Students will also begin to explore accompanying singing. Students will continue to read from the staff as well as tab and chord symbols and will further develp their skills in these areas. Students will perform several times a year as a class. Class Title:
World Percussion Code: MMU740 Ensemble Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-8 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Explore music in an exciting way with both pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments and objects. Following the ideas of “STOMP”, everything makes a noise and students will discover how to put that “noise” into a musical presentation. Explore sound and rhythm in ensemble playing on a variety of instruments. Rhythm will be taught through notation and rote technique. Class Title: Choir Code: MMU750 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: None Max: 25 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: No audition necessary! Choir will provide students with the opportunity to sing choral music suited to their abilities, needs and interests. Special attention is given to the changing voice and basic fundamentals of voice production, rehearsal procedures, song literature, and general music knowledge. Students will study a variety of musical styles and will perform twice per year.
WORLD LANGUAGE Class Title: Text:
Spanish 1 Code: MFL810 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 Level 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course is offered to students with little or no exposure to the Spanish language. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the Latin American culture. Students will work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access
to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills.. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC Class Title: Text:
Spanish 2 Code: MFL815 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 level 1 Prerequisite: Spanish 1 Grade: 7-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This class is a continuation of level 1 Rosetta Stone and is appropriate for students with at least one year of previous Spanish studies. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the culture of the language. Students work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC Class Title: Text:
French 1 Code: MFL840 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 Level 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course is offered to students with little or no exposure to the French language. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the French culture. Students will work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC Class Title: Text:
French 2 Code: MFL845 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 Level 1 Prerequisite: French 1 Grade: 7-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course is offered to students with at least one previous year of study in French. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the French culture. Students will work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC
ELECTIVES Class Title: Logic Code: MEL900 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students will investigate logic and problem solving through fun classroom activities and one hour per week of home study. Students will apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems. They will monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving. They will make and investigate mathematical and logical conjectures, develop and evaluate arguments and proofs and select and use various types of reasoning. Students will communicate their thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teacher, and others. Class Title:
Physical Code: MEL920 Education Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 20 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: In this class, students will learn the necessary skills and rules for a variety of sports. Ultimate Frisbee, flag football, soccer, basketball, pickleball, team handball and floor hockey are just a few of the sports that will be covered. Students will develop sportsmanship and teamwork in a cooperative learning environment. All ability levels welcome! Class Title: Yearbook Code: MEL930 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Throughout the year, students will chronicle all the happenings at Apex and create a full yearbook for the student body at year's end. Students will learn principles of good writing, editing, formatting and graphic design and layout using computers to put together the yearbook. Students will be involved in planning spirit days and fun events for the student body. Class Title: Teacher Assistant Code: Text: None Rating: Prerequisite: None Grade: Fees: None Max: Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students may elect to spend assisting a teacher in the classroom. This elective
MEL990 1 6-12 1 one period is designed
to give students leadership experience and hands-on classroom teaching exposure. Students must specify which class they would like to be an assistant for and must be approved by the instructor and coordinator. LIMIT ONE TEACHER ASSISTANT PERIOD PER STUDENT. Class Title: Great Outdoors Text: None Prerequisite: None Fees: TBD Can be taken more than once? Yes
Code: Rating: Grade: Max:
MEL950 2 4-8 15
Description: eady for the great outdoors? Activities in this class will prepare students to enter, enjoy and respect the great outdoors. Through the year, the instructor will guide the class in skills and activities which may include but not limited to: orienteering, survival techniques, the 10 essentials, forestry, mountain animal studies, leaf collections, mountain weather and other outdoor science activities. The class will culminate in an optional overnight field trip to one of the outdoor programs available to us in Colorful Colorado. Location and cost to be determined. Parent chaperones will be needed for the field trip. For the 2012-13 school year, the field trip cost was $125 per student. Class Title: All About Cooking Code: MEL960 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 6 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Come explore the kitchen with us! Students will learn basic cooking skills such as measuring, following a recipe, mixing, baking, stove-top preparation, menu planning and good nutrition. Through the course of the year, students will create yummy meals that they can go home and make for their families. We’ll explore everything from breakfast and snacks to dinner and dessert. Students will explore a recipe or two that are gluten fee and dairy free, but the bulk of our cooking will not be. Students with food allergies or strong dietary restrictions should not take this class. All our wonderful recipes will be compiled into our very own cookbook for students to have and keep. Class Title: Text:
Computer Skills Code: MEL980 Various Rating: 2 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-8 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students will work through a self-paced typing program to learn touch typing skills and keyboarding through lessons, games and activities. Students will be issued a CD copy of the program so they can continue their typing practice at home. Students will also learn basic windows functions and how to use Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Publisher and Powerpoint) to create fabulous documents they will be proud of. Students may explore some basic web programming as well.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
High School Classes: MATHEMATICS Class Title: Text:
Algebra 1 Code: HMA130 Teaching Rating: 5 Texbooks Algebra Prerequisite: Completion of Pre- Grade: 6-10 Alg with a grade of C or better or placement test Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The Teaching Textbooks program uses a review method to ensure retention. The program also uses problems to prepare students for SAT/ACT tests. Students will complete all of Algebra I through home assignments four days per week and one class period per week. Students will understand patterns, relations and functions. They will learn to represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols. Students will solve for unknowns in varied situations, use graphing to represent mathematical systems, and compute fluently with number systems. Students will use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. Students will receive a textbook, answer key and set of computer CDs with step-by-step solutions. Parents will be expected to work with their student daily at home on classroom assignments.
Class Title: Text:
Geometry Code: HMA140 Teaching Rating: 5 Textbooks Geometry Prerequisite: Completion of Alg Grade: 8-12 1 with a grade of C or better Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The Teaching Textbooks program uses a review method to ensure retention. The program also uses problems to prepare students for SAT/ACT tests. Students will complete all of Geometry through home assignments four days per week and one class period per week. Students will study concepts including lines and angles, congruent triangles, quadilaterals, polygons, circles, bisectors, proofs and theorems and coordinate geometry. Students will receive a textbook, answer key and set of computer CDs with step-by-step solutions. Parents will be expected to work with their student daily at home on classroom assignments.
Class Title: Text:
Algebra 2 Code: HMA150 Teaching Rating: 5 Textbooks Algebra 2 Prerequisite: Completion of Alg Grade: 9-12 1 with a grade of C or better Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The Teaching Textbooks program uses a review method to ensure retention. The program also uses problems to prepare students for SAT/ACT tests. Students will complete all of Algebra 2 through home assignments four days per week and one class period per week. Students will study concepts including solving higher degree equations with multiple variables, powers and roots, systems of equations, and absolute value. Trigonometry is not included in this course. Students will receive a textbook, answer key and set of computer CDs with step-by-step solutions Parents will be expected to work with their student daily at home on classroom assignments. Class Title:
Trigonometry/ Code: HMA160 Pre-Calculus Text: Teaching Rating: 5 Texbooks PreCalculs Prerequisite: Completion of Grade: 10-12 Algebra 2 and Geometry with a grade of C or better Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The Teaching Textbooks program uses a review method to ensure retention. The program also uses problems to prepare students for SAT/ACT tests. Students will complete all of Trigonometry, Math Analysis and Pre- Calculus through home assignments four days per week and one class period per week. Students will study concepts including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, coordinate geometry, probability and statistics, matrices and determinants, vectors and introductory calculus. Students will receive a textbook, answer key and set of computer CDs with step-by-step solutions. Students will be required to have a a Ti83+ or comparable calculator. Parents will be expected to work with their student daily at home on classroom assignments. Class Title: Personal Finance Code: HMA170 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This course will provide students with the essential financial knowledge they need to manage their money. Studies will include economics, forms of income, saving and investing options, payroll deductions and employer payroll tax payments, investing and the stock market, entrepreneurial ventures, consumerism, banking and wise use of credit.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ Class Title: Math Think Tank Code: HMA180 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Math Think Tank is an independent math study class, where students provide their own math curriculum and receive tutoring and help for the concepts and skills they are working on at home. Students must bring their math book from home each week and come prepared to work as a group and/or independently. This class is a great way for students of all abilities and levels to get an extra challenge or some additional explanation in their development and understanding of mathematics.
SCIENCE Class Title: Text:
Physical Science Code: HSC210 Prentice Hall Rating: 4 Science Explorers: Physical Science Prerequisite: Completion or Grade: 7-9 concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Physical science is a pre-chemistry/ prephysics course for the upper middle and beginning high school student. The course emphasizes the study and proper use of fundamental science tools including the metric system, periodic table, and graphing techniques. Frequent laboratory activities introduce and reinforce concepts and principles of physical science. A strong emphasis will be placed on helping students understand the processes of scientific investigation and learn to design, conduct, communicate about, and evaluate such investigation. Students will focus on understanding common physical and chemical properties, forms of matter and energy, and the laws that define their interactions. Class Title: Text: Prerequisite:
Biology Code: HSC220 Glencoe Biology Rating: 5 Completion of or Grade: 9-12 concurrent enrollment in PreAlgebra or higher Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Text covers in-depth concepts of biology (biochemistry, modern genetics, genetic engineering, virology, prions, microbiology, botany, zoology and human biology). Chapters on evolutionary theory are not covered during class. Exams are taken at the end of each unit. Students may take quizzes and write weekly essays on current topics. Laboratory experiments include calorie determination, DNA extraction, bacterial growth, plant growth, plant
dissections, invertebrate and vertebrate dissections, and human blood typing. Students learn to apply the concepts to events in news and corporate activities, how to conduct literature searches and develop their own laboratory experiments. Class Title: Text:
Chemistry Code: HSC230 Prentice Hall Rating: 5 Addison Wesley Chemistry Prerequisite: Completion of Grade: 10-12 Algebra 1 with a C or better Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Students will explore the structure of matter, understand chemical and physical changes, write and balance chemical equations, make calculations related to chemical reactions, understand the structure, and use of the periodic table, compare, contrast and predict chemical interactions, describe the role of energy during chemical reactions and learn to conduct, document and report laboratory results. Additionally, the course will introduce basic reactions and nomenclature of organic compounds and concepts of nuclear decay. NOTE: This is a textbook approach to Chemistry and cannot be considered a lab science course for graduation and college admissions requirements. Lab work will be minimal. Class Title: Text:
Physics Code: HSC240 Conceptual Rating: 5 Physics Prerequisite: Completion of Alg Grade: 10-12 2 with a C or better Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. It provides a systematic understanding of the fundamental laws that govern physical, chemical, and biological processes. This Physics course is designed to instruct students in foundational physics concepts, prepare students to function in an increasingly technological society, develop the students analytical, problem solving, and laboratory skills and integrate math, science and technology. Topics include: motion in one dimension, Newton's Laws, forces, motion of projectiles/circular motion, work, power, momentum and energy of various types of systems , waves, and light. Class Title:
Inventions & Code: HSC270 Engineering Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Great inventors have changed our world with the ideas they explored. In this class, students will delve into their lives, their thoughts and their inventions. Students will study various categories of inventions and will explore the scientific principles they are based on and the application of those
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ principles in inventions. Each unit will culminate with a project focused on applying those principles to our own models and creations. Students will explore inventors from ancient times right up to the modern day marvels of engineering.
LANGUAGE ARTS Class Title: Mythology Code: HLA330 Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: In this class students will explore the adventures of gods, heroes, and monsters in myths from all over the world. We will investigate the components of myths, the cultures and time periods from which they originate, and their connection with the natural world. Students will also compare and contrast characters and events that are similar in various stories, as well as better understand references to myths in modern culture and literature. We will spend the first half of the year studying ancient mythology (Norse, Greek, Roman, etc.) and the second half exploring in depth the modern mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Class Title:
Literature & Code: HLA360 Composition 2 Text: See Lit/Comp Rating: 4 Scope & Sequence Prerequisite: Lit/Comp 1 or Grade: 8-10 placement test Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: With whole book studies as the starting point, students in this class will explore the key components of literature, as well as investigate the historical and cultural context of each core work. Students will develop and refine their reading comprehension strategies and their ability to think critically about literature. In addition, reading selections will also provide a spring board for writing exercises and the development of formal essays through which students will explore writing techniques, sentence structure, and grammar. Literature selections will be determined at the beginning of the year, selected from our Literature Scope and Sequence. Note: This class is designed so that students can take it two years in a row, with alternating book lists each year. Literature & Code: HLA370 Composition 3 Text: See Lit/Comp Rating: 5 Scope & Sequence Prerequisite: Lit/Comp 2 or Grade: 10-12 placement test Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is designed to integrate literature and writing for the upper high school student and prepare students for college writing. With With whole book studies as the starting
point, students in this class will explore the key components of literature, as well as investigate the historical and cultural context of each core work. Students will develop and refine their reading comprehension strategies and their ability to think critically about literature. In addition, reading selections will also provide a spring board for writing exercises and the development of formal essays through which students will explore writing techniques, sentence structure, and grammar. Literature selections will be determined at the beginning of the year, selected from our Literature Scope and Sequence. Note: This class is designed so that students can take it two years in a row, with alternating book lists each year.
Class Title:
Speech and Code: HLA380 Debate Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: The objective of Speech class is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of oral communication and public speaking. Students will become familiar with speechmaking as an ongoing process, the ethics of speaking, and a variety of speech types that will aid in personal relationships and career choices. Students will be introduced to the elements of debate and participate in one or more debates during the second semester. Class Title:
SAT/ACT Prep & Code: HLA390 Study Skills Text: Official SAT Study Rating: 3 Guide & The Real ACT Prep Guide Prerequisite: None Grade: 10-12 Fees: $30 for books Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Learn all you need to know about these college entrance exams, including standardized test-taking strategies, time management, and skills practice. We will spend half of the year on the SAT and half on the ACT, exploring all parts of both tests. Students will brush up on academic skills such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, algebra, geometry, and essay writing. With ample experience on practice tests and lots of instructor feedback, students will be well-prepared for the tests, as well as have the opportunity to develop important college study skills. This class is not open to 9th graders.
Class Title:
Class Title: Writer’s Workshop Code: HLA320 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: In this course, students will improve both their expository and creative writing skills while exploring the creative process through engaging exercises and fun interactive activities. Using various literary models of poetry and prose, we will analyze and imitate techniques that
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ contribute to effective wriring. Students will develop their abilities to write a quality paragraph, multi-paragraph essay, and various fictional works. Each student will begin to uncover his or her unique voice and style This class will use a writer's workshop approach, including teacher-modeling, selfreflection, peer-conferencing, and one-on-one teacher/student conferences.
SOCIAL STUDIES International Code: HSS410 Towne/ World Geography Text: Itowne Curriculum Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-10 Fees: $20 for field trip Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This course will allow students to have a truly hands on experience with world economics, global resources and international relations through preparation for and involvement in the International Towne Field Trip on March 19, 2014 which is required. The world geography component of this course will be integrated within the International Towne curriculum to deepen student's understanding of the peoples and resources of the world. Students will also learn about the mapping of the world's physical and resource features. STUDENTS MUST ATTEND THE FIELD TRIP IN THE SPRING. Note – this course will appear on a student’s high school trancript as “World Geography”.
Description: All students will be future members of a democracy that can only exist with citizen participation. A strong foundation in the principles of American civics, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, is necessary to produce informed citizens capable of votingand making responsible decisions. A knowledge of the rules, rights, and responsibilities of citizens helps to create a common political culture that furthers the American ideals of democracy and equality. Successful completion of this course satisfies the Colorado civil government graduation requirement.
Class Title:
Class Title: World History Code: HSS440 Text: TBD Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course will develop along an historical timeline from early humans through the ancient and medieval worlds to the last 500 years of history touching on various themes at points on the timeline. Themes will include: human migrations, regional cultures, empires, technological and artistic developments, exploration, revolutions, wars, political systems, environment and globalization. Activities in class will include group discussions, cartography, time line construction, role playing games, and student presentations. Students will be required to do grade appropriate reading and writing exercises on the various topics throughout the year. Class Title: Text:
Class Title: Text:
US History Code: HSS420 United States Rating: 3 History Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course will develop along an historical timeline from early humans through the ancient and medieval worlds to the last 500 years of history touching on various themes at points on the timeline. Themes will include: human migrations, regional cultures, empires, technological and artistic developments, exploration, revolutions, wars, political systems, environment and globalization. Activities in class will include group discussions, time line construction, role playing games, and student presentations. Students will be required to do grade appropriate reading and writing exercises on the various topics throughout the year.
Class Title: Text:
Government/Civics We the People & American Government Prerequisite: None Fees: None Can be taken more than once? No
Code: Rating:
HSS430 3
Grade: Max:
9-12 12
Current Events Code: HSS460 Various Rating: 3 Resources Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Would you like to know more about those scary headlines on the news each evening? Navigate away from Facebook and find out What's Happenin' in your world today. Here is a class that will increase your awareness and knowledge of current news-making events, both in the United States and abroad. Events will be selected as they are prominent in the news each week or for a period of time. Through class discussions and personal investigations, you will come to have a greater understanding of such happenings. A fuller understanding will be enhanced by learning about locations, regional conflicts and events leading up to a current conflict or situation. Prominent personalities and societal and cultural factors and attitudes will be studied, as they present themselves. A goal of the class is the encourage you to begin a life-long practice of discovering the facts behind the media hype and headlines.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ ART Class Title: Art Code: HAR515 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description This course gives students the opportunity to explore and create artworks in drawing, painting and 3D art. Art history will be integrated into many of the projects, looking at the lives of the masters and the techniques they used to create their masterpieces. Students will use a variety of art methods to develop skills in drawing and painting, using materials such as colored pencils, ink, pastels, watercolors and acrylic paints. Techniques and skills of dimensional and multimedia art will be explored in a variety of topics such as fiber, metal, glass, paper and waxes. Students will gain an understanding of how to use different mediums in creating works in traditional and abstract styles using creative expression. Class Title: Photography Code: HAR530 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Get ready to explore your camera like never before! Students in this class will learn about using a camera, compositional techniques, printing, digital editing and manipulating of images to produce quality photographs. Students must provide their own digital camera and memory card and may not use cell phone cameras.
scale musical theatre performance. Singing, dancing and acting will be incorporated into this class; however, lack of experience should not be a deterrent to participating. Instruction will be provided for required skills and there will be many roles available for students of all abilities and interests. This is a performance class; students are required to spend time in memorizing lines and rehearsing musical numbers. Performances will be at an outside venue during the spring. Students will be required to attend dress rehearsals and performances, dates TBD. PARENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO SERVE ON AT LEAST ONE PRODUCTION COMMITTEE PER CHILD ENROLLED IN THIS CLASS.
MUSIC Class Title: Text:
Guitar 1 Code: HMU730 Hal Leonard Guitar Rating: 3 Method Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: $8 for music Max: 12 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is an exciting introduction of learning to play the guitar. Students will learn to read music, play melodies, learn to play lead lines and chord accompaniments and explore strum patterns. Students will be reading mainly from the music staff, but will learn tab and chord symbols too. Holding the instrument, naming parts of the instrument, music terms associated with playing, and performing songs will be taught, as well as performance opportunitites. Class Title: Text:
DRAMA Class Title: Intro to Theater Code: HDR610 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Introduction to theater arts provides students with opportunities to explore, investigate, and experience many aspects of theater in order to become knowledgeable, responsible theater-goers and informed theater participants. Units may include improvisation, pantomime, theater games, stage movements and acting, play reading and analysis, and elements of productions including set and costume design. Class Title: Musical Theater Code: HDR620 Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: $40 Max: 25 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: THIS IS A TWO HOUR BLOCK CLASS and will be taught by both our drama and music teacher. Students will audition, rehearse, costume, produce and perform a large-
Guitar 2 Code: Hal Leonard Guitar Rating: 3 Method Prerequisite: Guitar 1 Grade: 6-12 Fees: $8 for music Max: 12 books Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This class is a continuation of Guitar 1 and will continue to develop and advance student’s guitar playing skills and abilities. Students will continue to develop their skills in reading music, playing melodies, playing lead lines and chord accompaniments and exploring strum patterns. Students will also begin to explore accompanying singing. Students will continue to read from the staff as well as tab and chord symbols and will further develp their skills in these areas. Students will perform several times a year as a class. Class Title: Choir Code: HMU750 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: None Max: 25 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: No audition necessary! Choir will provide students with the opportunity to sing choral music especially suited to their abilities, needs and interests. Special attention is given to the changing voice and basic fundamentals of voice production, rehearsal procedures, song literature, and general
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ music knowledge. Students will study a variety of musical styles and will perform twice per year. Class Title: String Ensemble Code: Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-12 Fees: None Max: 20 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: This beginning string orchestra class will give students the opportunity to continue learning to play the violin, viola or cello. Students will focuson learning to perform in an ensemble and advance to music with two or three parts. Tone production, ensemble playing, intonation, music terms associated with playing, and performing songs will be taught. Parents will need to supply a properly sized violin, viola or cello. Students will perform several times per year at school performances. NOTE: At Home practice and parental involvement required. World Percussion Code: HMU740 Ensemble Text: None Rating: 3 Prerequisite: None Grade: 4-10 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Explore music in an exciting way with both pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments and objects. Following the ideas of “STOMP”, everything makes a noise and students will discover how to put that “noise” into a musical presentation. Explore sound and rhythm in ensemble playing on a variety of instruments. Rhythm will be taught through notation and rote technique (offered for high school in Boulder only).
Class Title: Text:
Spanish 2 Code: HFL815 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 level 1 Prerequisite: Spanish 1 Grade: 7-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This class is a continuation of level 1 Rosetta Stone and is appropriate for students with at least one year of previous Spanish studies. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the culture of the language. Students work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC.
Class Title:
WORLD LANGUAGES Class Title: Text:
Spanish 1 Code: HFL810 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 Level 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course is offered to students with little or no exposure to the Spanish language. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the Latin American culture. Students will work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills.. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC.
Class Title: Text:
French 1 Code: HFL840 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 Level 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course is offered to students with little or no exposure to the French language. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the French culture. Students will work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC. Class Title: Text:
French 2 Code: HFL845 Rosetta Stone Rating: 3 Level 1 Prerequisite: French 1 Grade: 7-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: This course is offered to students with at least one previous year of study in French. The course includes reading, writing, and speaking, and also exposes the student to the French culture. Students will work at home using the Rosetta Stone method. They must have daily access to a computer on which the program has been installed* so that they are well-prepared when they come to class. The Rosetta Stone programs enable the student to speak fluently in the target language, and these skills are practiced in the classroom along with the addition and explanation of grammar, writing, and reading skills. *Installing the RS program requires up to 600MB on your PC or MAC
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞ Class Title: Text:
Latin Code: HFL870 Latin for Rating: 3 Americans Prerequisite: None Grade: 9-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? No Description: Students will learn Latin as a foundation for English vocabulary, grammar, and usage. Using the text and workbook, Latin for Americans, students will learn basic Latin vocabulary and grammar as well as a knowledge of Roman daily life. Learning Latin enhances student scores on standardized tests like the ACT and SAT, and is invaluable in the study of law, medicine, science, history, and foreign language.
ELECTIVES Class Title: Logic Code: HEL900 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 12 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students will investigate logic and problem solving through fun classroom activities and one hour per week of home study. Students will apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems. They will monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving. They will make and investigate mathematical and logical conjectures, develop and evaluate arguments and proofs and select and use various types of reasoning. Students will communicate their thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teacher, and others. Class Title:
Physical Code: HEL920 Education Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 20 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: In this class, students will learn the necessary skills and rules for a variety of sports. Ultimate Frisbee, flag football, soccer, basketball, pickleball, team handball and floor hockey are just a few of the sports that will be covered. Students will develop sportsmanship and teamwork in a cooperative learning environment. All ability levels welcome!
Class Title: Yearbook Code: HEL930 Text: None Rating: 2 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 15 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Throughout the year, students will chronicle all the happenings at Apex and create a full yearbook for the student body at year's end. Students will learn principles of good writing, editing, formatting and graphic design and layout using computers to put together the yearbook. Students will be involved in planning spirit days and fun events for the student body. Class Title: Teacher Assistant Code: HEL990 Text: None Rating: 1 Prerequisite: None Grade: 6-12 Fees: None Max: 1 Can be taken more than once? Yes Description: Students may elect to spend one period assisting a teacher in the classroom. This elective is designed to give students leadership experience and hands-on classroom teaching exposure. Students must specify which class they would like to be an assistant for and must be approved by the instructor and Coordinator. LIMIT ONE TEACHER ASSISTANT PERIOD PER STUDENT.
APEX Home School Enrichment Program Course Catalog ͟͠͞͡-͟͢͠͞
Literature Scope and Sequence Fall Semester beginning in an
Fall Semester beginning in an
EVEN YEAR Class: Lit Circles 2
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler The Wanderer
Alternate list/Titles
Grades 4th - 5th
Bud, Not Buddy
Stone Fox
Justin Morgan Had a Horse
Esperanza Rising
The Whipping Boy
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nihm
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Tempest
Dear Mr. Henshaw
(Shakespeare Can Be Fun Series)
(Shakespeare Can Be Fun Series)
Phantom Tollbooth
Class: Lit Comp 1
Grades 6th - 8th
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Out of the Dust
Across Five Aprils
Island of the Blue Dolphins
A Day of Pleasure
Fever 1793
A Christmas Carol
Love That Dog
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Jungle Book
Treasure Island
Harriet Tubman
A Wrinkle in Time
The Miracle Worker
Class: Lit Comp 2
Grades 8th - 10th
Julius Caesar
Romeo and Juliet
Taming of the Shrew
Of Mice and Men
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Around the World in 80 Days
The Importance of Being Ernest
Call of the Wild
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Count of Monte Cristo
Pride and Prejudice
The Giver
Tale of Two Cities
The Time Machine
short stories/poetry
short stories/poetry
Class: Lit Comp 3
Grades 10th - 12th
Merchant of Venice
The Great Gatsby
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Henry V
The Grapes of Wrath
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Wuthering Heights
The Scarlet Letter
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
A Separate Peace
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
King Arthur and His Knights
Advanced poetry
Advanced poetry
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
*This list is subject to change and revision. Final Book assignments will be determined at the beginning of the year based on student previous reading and previous year’s lists. Parents should carefully consider the content and reading level of the books in each a class list prior to placing their child in that level of Lit/Comp.