Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church Worship Service

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Mar 10, 2018 - Day of Prayer ... Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church .... A Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Progr

Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church

...to the little church with a big heart.

11421 Bates Road, Apison, Tennessee 37302

Our mission is to be a family of believers that Know Jesus, Love People, and Treasure Truth.

Morning Praise and Sabbath School Sabbath Praise ~ 9:00-9:30 John MacFarlane Sabbath School Superintendent Mission SONlight Class Study ~ 9:30-10:45

Worship Service Sabbath, March 10, 2018

Sabbath School Class Descriptions and Locations Potter's Class ~ Library SS Lesson Study ~ Sanctuary Discipleship Group ~ Kitchen, across from the Sanctuary Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the Sanctuary st SS Lesson Study ~ Down the hall on left, just past the double doors; 1 classroom Cradle Roll (ages B-3) ~ Through double doors, down hallway, last door on left rd Kindergarten (ages 4-6/grades K-1) ~ Through double doors, down hallway, 3 door Primary (ages 7-9/grades 2-4) ~ Downstairs, down hallway, last door on right Juniors (ages 10-12/grades 5-7) ~ Downstairs, down hallway, last door on left Earliteen (ages 13-15/grades 8-10) ~ Upstairs to the left Crossroad Connections (ages 16-20) ~ In room for Families w/ Small Children Collegiate / Young Adults ~ Bible Study application discussion/Upstairs to the right

Calendar of Events Today:


Monday Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday Next Sabbath:

8:00 am Prayer Group 1:00 pm Day of Prayer 6:30 pm Youth Vespers & Game Night 2:00 am Clocks Ahead 1 Hour Daylight Saving Time 8:30 am Prayer Group 10:00 am Youth Basketball 9:00 am Kids in Stitches 6:00 pm LCA Executive Committee 7:00 pm LCA School Board 10:00 am Ephesians Prayer & Praise Group 8:00 pm Bulletin Info Deadline 6:30 pm Pathfinder Meeting 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting 9:00 am Kids in Stitches 7:00 pm Elders’ Meeting 6:00 pm Youth / Young Adult Vespers 6:30 pm Acts of the Apostles 8:00 am Prayer Group 9:30 am Finishing the Work Health Evangelism Intensive Speaker Evan Tyler Fox Following Service Fellowship Lunch 2:00 pm Adventurers 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 pm Health Evangelism – See Announcements

Church Needs Church Budget as of 02/17/18 LCA Financial Aid for 2017-18 School Year CI / Foyer/Hallway/Family Bathroom Phase

Budgeted $ 13,000 $ 15,000 $150,000

Received $ 5,468.00 $ 9,327.00 $ 70,094.00

Songs of Praise

Lonny Byrd, Aurora Byrd

Announcements and Welcome

Mark Sargeant

Call to Reverence


Invocation and Call to Worship

Christopher Beason

Gifts of Worship

Chrystal VanFossen

World Budget (Adventist World Radio)

Offertory Children’s Story Scripture Reading Invitation to Prayer

Dennis Crane Exodus 20:7

Brandon VanFossen

As We Come to You in Prayer

Worship in Prayer Special Music

No. 671 William Dean

Lonny Byrd, Jesse Rademacher Eric Smith, Bob Williams

Worship in Word Hymn of Response Benediction

Really? So You Think It’s That Simple? Pastor Martinez

Lord, I Want to Be a Christian

No. 319 Pastor Martinez



Pianist: Nancy Patton

Organist: Jeanie Hair

Media Services: Christopher Beason / Jocelyn Beason

As We Come to You in Prayer Now, Dear Lord, as we pray, take our hearts and minds far away. From the press of the world all around To Your throne where grace does abound. May our lives be transform'd by Your love, May our souls be refreshed from above.

PLEASE KNEEL At this moment, let people everywhere Join us now as we come to You in prayer.

Here to Serve Pastor ....................................... Brian Burgess .................. [email protected] ............................................................ Or ...................................... (423) 637.9412 Youth Pastor ............................Franky Martinez ............. [email protected] ............................................................ Or ...................................... (816) 651.6414 Head Elder ............................. Eric Schoonard ............................ (423) 504.0661 Head Deacon ............................ Barry Becker .............................. (423) 505.6415 Head Deaconess........................ Jeanie Hair ............................... (423) 364.4902 Church Clerk ............................ Jan Haveman ............................. (423) 779.6730 Treasurer .............................. Dr. Sunia Fukofuka ... [email protected] ............................................................ Or ...................................... (951) 233.4152 School Principal ................... Nancy Zima-Gentry......................... (423) 902.3883 School Treasurer ..................... Reggie Thomas............................ (423) 244.7825 Church Office ...................................... ........................................ (423) 236.4214 Church Secretary ......................Lisa Jennings ................ [email protected] Church School ...................................... ........................................ (423) 236.4926 Bulletin Editor ......................... Abby Doubleday ......... [email protected] Bulletin Info Deadline Tuesday 8pm ... ........................................ (386) 717.3347 Church Website .................................... ............................ www.apisonchurch.org

The celebration of the Sabbath ends tonight at 6:44 pm And begins again next Friday at 7:49 pm

Apison Church Notices A SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! We're happy you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please see Head Elder Eric Schoonard or today’s Resource Elder, Samuel Nzoikorera. Membership Transfers ~ 1st Reading Incoming: Clair Kitson, from Collegedale SDA Church, Collegedale, TN. Outgoing: Margaret Frost, to Detroit Oakwood SDA Church, Taylor, MI. Prayer Requests ~ Bereavement / Special Needs / Healing ~ Sue Bruce ~ continues to have trouble with MS, has not regained vision in left eye. Steve Springer's granddaughter Maya ~ born preemie, please pray as she grows. Dean Coulter ~ biking accident, currently in hospital. Prison Ministry ~ please find addresses on the bulletin board for fellow members in prison and encourage them by sending cards. Are you looking to be a committed man or woman who has a passion for souls to be trained and mentored to minister to the forgotten ones who are in our local jails? Call John for info 423-316-6722.

Apison Hour of Prayer (AHOPe) ~ join us as we seek the Holy Spirit for our lives, our church, the world church and government leaders. Sabbath, meet in the Church Library at 8 am. Sunday mornings join us at 8:30 am, 712-775-7031; access code 682-097-212#.

Beason Family ~ has adopted the Palmira, Cuba church where families live on less than $45 per month. Recently we learned that Pastor Jonny and Dayli are expecting. If you would like to help this young couple, please see one of the Beasons. Newborn needs and dollars will be delivered in mid-March. Baby Shower ~ for Georgina Carr. It’s a boy, Jeremiah Carr, born Feb 16. You are invited to celebrate with Georgina on Sunday, March 18, at 2:00 pm in the Church Fellowship Room. Instead of special gifts or baby items, we will be showering her with cards and gifts of money. So we know how to plan - please RSVP to Sherri Schoonard at [email protected] or 423-236-5293. If you cannot attend but would like to give a gift, please give to Sherri Schoonard or Darlene Rogers. Repurposed!! ~ Women & Teen Girls Spring Retreat is scheduled April 12-15. Join us at Cohutta Springs Conference Center. Final day to register is March 19. Contact www.gccs.com / events / spring retreat2018. LCA Constituency Meeting & Spring Concert ~ Sunday, March 25, at 6:00 pm in the LCA Gymnasium. Come participate in the School Constituency Meeting and enjoy the LCA Choir's Spring Concert. We look forward to seeing you there.

Youth Vespers and Game Night ~ Tonight at 6:30 at Pastor Franky's house.

A Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program ~ will begin soon here at Apison. If interested, come to one of the FREE introductory DVD presentations on Sunday, March 25, at 10:00 am or Thursday, March 29, at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Room. To sign up, call 423-236-4214.

Men's Ministry Steps to Christ Book Study ~ Sundays at 7 pm at Greg Williams’ office, 11014 Apison Pike. Join us as we seek a closer walk with Jesus.

International Vegetarian Food Fair ~ Mark your calendar for April 8, 1-4 pm. Contact Lizette to represent your home country 423-667-2921. See insert for info.

Kids in Stitches (Women Creating for Children) ~ meets Mondays and Thursdays 9 - 1 at the church. Join us! 423-883-4476.

Women’s Ministry ~ is looking for ladies interested in joining the team! Contact Penny White, 423-883-4476.

Acts of the Apostles Study ~ continues Fridays at 6:30 pm at the church. Everyone is invited. No childcare.

Much Appreciation and Many Thanks ~ to my Apison Church Family for your prayers and support before and after the recent surgery. ~ Abby Doubleday

Next Sabbath Here at Apison ~ Health Evangelism Regional Evangelism Intensive: 2:30 pm ~ “Getting Personal” 3:30 pm ~ “Relevant: Health Evangelism in the 21st Century, Studying Together” 4:30 pm ~ “Health Expo 2.0, Studying Together Part 2” 5:30 pm ~ Brainstorm Session Conducted by Wildwood Center for Health Evangelism

LCA Heating/Cooling System ~ is needing to be replaced with a cost of $16,000. Fortunately full enrollment helps us cover expenses like this, but if you are able to give extra after tithing and supporting the church budget, donations are welcome. New Church Directory ~ is available. Want a hard copy? Place $10 in a tithe envelope, mark it Directory, include your name and phone number. Area Announcements ~ see the bulletin board in the hall weekly.

Area Announcements Sunshine Bands ~ of music, ministry and friendship are welcome at The Lantern of Collegedale on the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths at 3pm. Evening Anthem Vespers ~ is presenting Wildwood Strings in concert March 10 at 6 pm, at Chattanooga First Church. This youthful ensemble will lift your thoughts upward as they praise the Lord with their inspiring arrangements of familiar hymns. Come and be blessed! 55+ Club ~ will meet at the Collegedale Church on Sunday, March 11, at noon. Following the meal, SAU professor Dr. Jud Lake will speak on “Ellen White and the Civil War.” Vegetarian Food assignments: A-D: Entrees; E-H: Potatoes, Rice or Pasta; I-L: Desserts; M-P: Potato, Macaroni or Tossed Salads; Q-T: Vegetables; W-Z: Sandwiches, Rolls or Bread. Food should arrive by 11:30 am. Islam and Christianity in Prophecy Seminar ~ Tim Roosenberg, author of R&H book Islam and Christianity in Prophecy and evangelist from the Idaho Conference will be presenting Monday, March 12, 6:30 pm at the Collegedale Church. It will make sense of Daniel 11 and current events and clearly explain the role of Islam in prophecy. Community-Wide Math and Science Night ~ on PI Day, March 14 at 6:30 pm at Collegedale Academy. In addition to middle school (CAMS), high school (CA) and college (SAU) level math and science projects/presentations, astronaut Don Thomas will be visiting and speaking to the attendees. Don Thomas is veteran of four space shuttle flights and the author of Orbit of Discovery: The All-Ohio Space Shuttle Mission. For questions, call 423.396.2124. Symphony Orchestra Concert ~ Southern Adventist University’s Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Laurie Redmer Minner, will perform on March 18 at 7:30 pm in the Collegedale Church. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, please visit southern.edu/music. CA Parent Night ~ (follow-up to Academy Day) Wednesday, March 28, 6:00 pm Collegedale Academy will be hosting a parent night for families that are new to CA. During this time, parents will learn about spiritual, academic, and extracurricular opportunities at Collegedale Academy. All who attend the parent night event and apply to CA that evening will have their application fee credited for the 2018-19 school year. For general info about Collegedale Academy, to schedule a visit, or to apply for enrollment visit GCSS.org or call 423.396.2124.

Atlanta Adventist Academy Open Enrollment ~ We know that you have many choices when it comes to secondary education, however, our team is working hard to make AAA the premier choice for Adventist Christian Education. Enrollment is open for the 2018-2019 school year. Apply by March 31 and receive $65.00 discount on Registration in August. Go to www.aaa.edu, click on admissions, create an account and complete the application. Review the application, pay the $100.00 app fee and submit. The deadline for new students is June 30th, enroll soon to ensure a seat in the new school year. Questions about enrollment, e-mail Mrs. Mann at [email protected]; questions about finances, e-mail Mr. Williams at [email protected] or call the main office 404-699-1400. AAA Alumni Sabbath ~ is April 21st at Carver Bible College - 3870 Cascade Road, Atlanta, GA 30331 (original AAA campus in 1979). Program: 3 pm ~ "Down Memory Lane" by Harold Cunningham 5:30 pm ~ Dinner 7 pm ~ "Coming Home" 8 pm ~ Games For questions, email [email protected] or for more info, visit https://www.aaa.edu/alumni-sabbath. Standifer Gap SDA School ~ is celebrating its 70th anniversary on Sabbath, September 29, 2018. They need alumni info. Please provide all your info to Becky Daugherty to [email protected]. Live-in Caregiver Available ~ Thomas McDonald, one of the members of the men's chorus, Covenant of Praise, has for many years been a live-in caregiver in the Greater Chattanooga area. He is currently looking for a new opportunity to provide compassionate, responsible and trustworthy care to a family who would have need of his services. Local references, contact 423-364-7266. The Samaritan Center ~ needs grocery bags! Our stores use 800 - 1000 plastic bags every day and are always running low. Exec Dir, Tony Dahlberg invites you to make a habit of "giving your baggage to the Lord and your plastic bags to us!" Resource For Happier Relationships ~ Hear Marriage and Parenting experts on the “Family Life Today” radio show weekdays at 9 am and 10 pm on 98.5 FM LifeTalk Radio in McDonald/Ooltewah area. Hear other uplifting programs and music 24 / 7. Can’t tune in on your radio? Listen online or get the FREE app at www.lifetalk.net