Apolipoprotein E phylogeny and evolution

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Jan 31, 2007 - domains.10 The crystal structure of the N-terminal ... drawn with DRAWTREE and edited in Adobe. Illustrator 10. To determine parsimony ...
cell biochemistry and function Cell Biochem Funct 2008; 26: 43–50. Published online 31 January 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/cbf.1396

Apolipoprotein E phylogeny and evolution Murat Kasap*, Ali Sazci, Gurler Akpinar and Emel Ergul Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli University, Umuttepe, Kocaeli, Turkey

Among apolipoproteins, apolipoprotein E (Apo E) plays a pivotal role in lipid transport and is proposed to be involved in neural repair. Because of a long divergence history of apolipoproteins, it is unclear how Apo E evolved in time. To investigate relationships among Apo E proteins, we used the information from molecular data and analysed the phylogeny of Apo E proteins from various species. Several phylogenetic trees were generated by using both character-based and distance-based phylogenetic methods. Apo E sequences of fish and frog were found to be less related to the Apo E sequences of other species. The most likely ancestor of Apo E among 18 organisms was estimated to be the Apo E of frog. Members of the groups formed by the Apo E proteins of various species shared similar feeding habits and diet. It may be suggested that Apo E evolution and very likely the evolution of other apolipoproteins are influenced by the organism’s feeding environment and diet. Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. key words — apolipoprotein E; phylogeny; evolution; diet

INTRODUCTION Apolipoprotein E is involved in triacylgliyeserol (TAG), phospholipid, cholesteryl ester and cholesterol transport in and out of cells.1 It facilitates cholesterol removal from the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid.2,3 In the peripheral nervous system, it has been shown to assist in the mobilization and redistribution of cholesterol in repair, growth and maintenance of myelin and neuronal membranes during development and injury.4 Three common APO E alleles have been identified in Humans: APO E2, APO E3 and APO E4.5 The most common isoform is E3 that is present in 40–90% of the population.6 Common APO E variants influence lipoprotein metabolism in healthy individuals. Apo E functions through interactions with low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLRs).3 Defective binding of Apo E to its receptor can cause diseases in humans such as hyperlipoproteinemia type III.7 The influence of Apo E on lipid levels has long been known to have major implications for the risk of coronary artery disease.8 The

* Correspondence to: Dr M. Kasap, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kocaeli, Umuttepe, 41380 Kocaeli, Turkey. Tel: þ90-262-3591230. Fax: þ90-262-3037003. E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Apo E4 allele of human Apo E is associated with late onset Alzheimer’s disease.9 The human Apo E possesses 299 amino acid residues organized in two independently folding domains.10 The crystal structure of the N-terminal domain (residues between 1 and 191) in its lipid free form has been determined.11 Apo E structure mainly consists of amphipathic helical regions. Proteins such as Apo E are known to be very unstable in solution and tend to form aggregates. Unlike many amphipathic proteins, however, the amino-terminal domain of Apo E can exist as a monomer in solution, although the C-terminal domain (residues 216–299, Mr 10 000) has to form multimers. To assess the conformational flexibility of Apo E, three new crystal forms of the amino-terminal domain were examined.12 Superimposition of the model structures from all three crystals indicated that lipid binding initiates an opening of the four helix bundle as the conformation of the Apo E reorganizes on the lipid surface.13,14 An important aspect that is lacking and in need of study for the Apo E family of proteins is the study of phylogenetic relationships among Apo E proteins of various species. If biological correlates can be established, a phylogenetic study may shed light on understanding of the function of Apo E proteins in different organisms. The earliest analysis of Received 21 September 2006 Revised 10 November 2006 Accepted 30 November 2006


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apolipoprotein evolution was performed in 1977 with only four protein sequences.15 In a later study, a hypothetical scheme for evolution of apolipoprotein genes was generated and the Apo E family of proteins was placed in the latter lineages of the tree.16 However, since that time, a considerably greater amount of information has accumulated which includes amino acid sequence data as well as nucleotide sequence data. The goal of this study is to analyse the phylogenetic relationships among Apo E proteins of different species, using the available molecular data and obtain answers to the questions of how various Apo E proteins are related and whether they have evolved from a common ancestor. METHODS Apo E sequences were retrieved from www.ncbi. nih.gov and the NCBI accession numbers are summarized in Table 1. Before obtaining a multiple alignment, dot plot analysis was performed in BioEdit to check whether the sequences were similar enough to be aligned unambiguously. Clustal X was used for sequence alignment with default parameters.17 Low scoring segments on the overall alignment were calculated for editing purposes and excluded for the subsequent analysis. To correct obvious alignment errors and remove sections of dubious quality, the

Table 1. Apo E sequence accession numbers in NCBI database Organisms

Protein accession numbers

Nucleotide accession numbers

H. sapiens Mus musculus T. glis P. pygmaeus B. taurus S. scrofa Rattus norvegicus O. mykiss O. cuniculus P. troglodytes H. lar P. anubis (baboon) X. tropicalis Zalophus californianus Macaca fascicularis O. aries

NP_000032 NM_009696 AAG21401 AAG28580 NM_173991 NP_999473 NP_620183 CAB65320 P18287 AAG28578 AAG28581 P05770 AAH75258 Q7M2U7 CAA32092 Q7M2U8

C. porcellus


D. rerio


NM_000041 NM_009696 AF303830 AH009952 X61171 NM_214308 NM_138828 AJ132620 M36603 AF200497 AF200506 M29322 BC075258 Q7M2U7 X13887 Komatsu et al. (1998)27 Matsushima et al. (1990)26 Y13652

Nucleotide sequences for O. aries and C. porcellus were traced from the cited references.

Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


sequences were edited manually in Seaview.18 Large gaps were minimized without disturbing the overall alignment. Small gaps were inserted in the aligned sequences to maintain positional homology that is needed for further phylogenetic inference.19 Gaps at the end of the sequences, representing missing sequence data for the shorter sequences were removed to consider the equal amount of data for all sequences. Once a multiple sequence alignment was prepared, the alignment was used for further evolutionary analysis. The phylogenetic analysis was conducted using PHYLIP.20 Two main tree-building algorithms were used: distance based and character based. Based on the matrix containing pair-wise distance values that were calculated using PROTDIST, a NeighbourJoining tree was built.21 To choose an out-group to infer the root of a tree, dot plots were compared in BioEdit as suggested by Salemi and Vandamme.22 The potential out-group was determined based on the knowledge that the chosen out-group should belong to a clearly distinct lineage with respect to the in-group sequences and it should not be so divergent that it could not be aligned unambiguously. As the representative of the character-based methods, trees were built with maximum parsimony method using the program PROTPARS. The input order of the sequences was randomized with a jumble number of 10. To evaluate the reliability of the inferred trees, bootstrap analysis was used.23 The sequence data were bootstrapped for 1000 times by randomly choosing columns from the original alignment by using the program SEQBOOT. The majority rule consensus trees were created by CONSENSUS and trees were drawn with DRAWTREE and edited in Adobe Illustrator 10. To determine parsimony informative and variable sites, we used the sequence data explorer of MEGA2. To build a rooted tree, we estimated the likely ancestor of Apo E by building 100 trees with PROMLK. PROMLK implements the maximum likelihood method for protein amino acid sequences under the constraint that the trees estimated must be consistent with a molecular clock. The projection of evolutionary conservation scores of human Apo E residues was calculated with ConSurf24 and drawn using PyMol.25 RESULTS Although more than 18 entries for Apo E were found in the gene bank database, only full-length Apo E sequences were considered in the analysis. Some of the full-length protein entries found in the gene bank Cell Biochem Funct 2008; 26: 43–50. DOI: 10.1002/cbf

apolipoprotein evolution lacked their corresponding nucleotide sequences, because the gene sequences were not entered into the database. Those publications26,27 were traced and the nucleotide sequences were manually entered to a word processor in FASTA format. Before obtaining a multiple sequence alignment, we checked whether the sequences were similar enough to be aligned unambiguously. For this purpose, we inferred homologies with dot plots. Because only sequence stretches that are part of a diagonal in a dot matrix are informative for phylogenetic analysis, out of 18 Apo E sequences only 13 of them were found to generate an unambiguous alignment. Clustal X was then used to align the sequences with default parameters. Initially, the alignments showed large gaps at the N-terminus region. Therefore, the gap-opening penalty was increased two fold and the alignment was redone. The ambiguous parts of the alignment were calculated, visualized and subsequently edited. Phylogenetic analysis using 13 Apo E protein sequences The aligned Apo E protein sequence data matrix was 321 amino acid long with 186 variable sites (Supplement 1). To carry out a character-based phylogenetic analysis, maximum parsimony method was used.28,29 The amino acid data matrix contained 125 potentially parsimony informative regions. For 13 species, a fully bifurcating unrooted tree containing 13 terminal nodes, 11 internal nodes and 23 branches (edges) was obtained (Figure 1). While several nodes are not well-supported, the majority of them do have high bootstrap values. Apo Es of orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), human (Homo sapiens), gibbon (Hylobates lar), olive baboon (Papio anubis) and monkey (M fascularis) formed a cluster indicating that they are of a monophyletic origin. The high bootstrap value at the root indicates a very robust clustering for this branch. Apo Es of two artiodactyla (sheep-Ovis aries and domestic cow-Bos taurus) were grouped as sister to the monophyletic cluster. Apo E of the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) is placed as sister to Apo E of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) but the low bootstrap value indicates two separate lineages. Apo E of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) stood alone in the maximum parsimony tree, although it is phylogenetically more related to the rodents than to the other species. Because we are dealing with a single form of the apolipoprotein family (which is the Apo E form) in our analysis, the history of the protein reflected the history Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Figure 1. An unrooted maximum parsimony tree showing the possible phylogenetic relationships among 13 Apo E sequences. The tree was created using amino acid sequences. Bootstrap values shown at the branch points were calculated from 1000 datasets

of the species rather than the history of gene duplications. However, an unrooted tree only places the individual species relative to each other without presenting the direction of evolutionary process. We therefore rooted the maximum parsimony tree by choosing an out-group to determine the direction of the evolutionary process. Examination of sequence identity matrix and dot plots indicated that Apo E of guinea pig is the best candidate among 13 Apo E sequences to become an out-group, because it is not very distantly or closely related to the other species. In the rooted tree, major speciation events were not supported with high bootstrap values. It is therefore essential to include more species in the analysis to infer some conclusions about the direction of the evolution. However, as in the unrooted tree, similar groups were formed (Figure 2). The methods used in phylogenetic analysis are based on assumptions about how the evolutionary process works. These assumptions can be implicit, as in parsimony methods or explicit, as in distance methods. Therefore, it is essential to apply different methods to a single molecular data to obtain robust results. We therefore carried out a distance-based phylogenetic analysis. For this purpose, the Neighbour-Joining method was used.21 To infer a tree with the program Neighbour.exe of the PHYLIP package for the Apo E alignment, pairwise evolutionary distances were calculated with the program PROTDIST, employing Jones–Taylor–Thornton matrix. Cell Biochem Funct 2008; 26: 43–50. DOI: 10.1002/cbf


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Figure 2. A rooted maximum parsimony tree showing the possible phylogenetic relationships among 13 Apo E sequences. The tree was created using amino acid sequences. Bootstrap values shown at the branch points were calculated from 1000 datasets

Figure 3. An unrooted Neighbour-Joining tree showing the possible phylogenetic relationships among 13 Apo E sequences. The tree was created using amino acid sequences. Bootstrap values shown at the branch points were calculated from 1000 datasets

The cladogram in Figure 3 represents the phylogenetic relationships among the species in the Apo E data set. Because the branch lengths are not drawn proportionally to evolutionary distances, what only matters is the topology of the tree. As expected, Apo E of orangutan, chimpanzee, human, gibbon, olive baboon and monkey forms a cluster. Similarly, domestic sheep and cattle, mouse and rat are each others’ sister species. Apo E of guinea pig was distantly related to the Apo Es of mouse and rat. The rabbit and the fish Apo Es did not group with others.

faster evolutionary mutation rate than the first and second codon positions. We therefore excluded the third position of each codon by removing every third nucleotide from the Apo E coding sequences before carrying out an alignment. The main goal of nucleotide-based phylogenetic analysis was to prepare evolutionary trees and compare them with proteinbased evolutionary trees to obtain a reliable overall picture describing the relationships of various Apo E sequences. Out of 18 different Apo E gene sequences that belong to 18 different species, only 13 of them were useful for phylogenetic analysis. The sequences belonging to Xenopus tropicalis, Oncorhyncus mykiss, Danio rerio, Sus sucrofa and Zalophus californiaus had less sequence similarity to the Apo E sequences of other species and generated alignments with large gaps. These sequences were therefore systematically eliminated from the alignment and an alignment with few gaps was generated. The aligned APO E nucleotide sequences were then edited in Seaview. The data matrix contained 655 nucleotides (Supplement 3). Once a multiple sequence alignment was prepared, it was used for further evolutionary analysis. PHYLIP

Phylogenetic analysis using APO E nucletoide sequences To obtain conclusive results about phylogeny of a given protein, it is necessary to make use of both protein and nucleotide sequences. While protein sequences are good for revealing relationships among distantly related species, nucleotide sequences are good for revealing relationships among closely related species. However, the third codon position may present a problem in evolutionary analysis with nucleotide sequences, since the third codon has a Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Cell Biochem Funct 2008; 26: 43–50. DOI: 10.1002/cbf

apolipoprotein evolution software package was used to implement two different tree building methods; the Neighbour-Joining and DNA parsimony. To infer a tree with the program Neighbour.exe, we calculated pairwise evolutionary distances by employing F84 matrix with a transitiontransversion ratio (Ti/Tv) of 2.0 with the program DNADIST. The distance matrix is then used by the program Neighbour.exe to create an NJ tree. To infer a tree with the program DNAPARS, the output file from SEQBOOT was fed to the program as the input file. The two trees obtained by Neighbour-Joining and DNA parsimony analysis using protein and nucleotide data displayed similar properties (Supplement 4 and 5), to the maximum parsimony trees. Similar groups were formed although some branches were not supported with the same bootsrap values.

Phylogentic analysis with 18 Apo E protein sequences Despite the gaps and ambiguities in overall alignment (as determined by calculating low scoring segments), all available Apo E sequences were analysed. The aligned Apo E sequence data matrix was 322 amino acid long with 295 variable sites of which 220 were potentially parsimony informative (Supplement 2). Gaps ranging from 26 to 2 amino acid long were found in the overall alignment and minimized. Maximum parsimony analysis of Apo E resulted in parsimonius


trees, but Figure 4 shows the strict consensus of the most-parsimonious trees. The overall analysis establishes an evolutionary relationship of 18 Apo E sequences. While several internal nodes that group major clades together are not well-supported, the majority of the clades do have high bootstrap values. As expected, Apo Es of two closely related organisms, mouse and rat, are placed together. Similarly, Apo Es of two fish species, D. rerio and O. mykiss, are grouped together with an amphibian, frog (X. tropicalis). Pig (Sus scrofa) and sea lion (Z californiaus) were placed as sisters to cows (B. taurus) and sheep (O. aries). Apo Es of orangutan, chimpanzee, gibbon, olive baboon and monkey were placed by this analysis in their expected location as sisters to the Apo E of humans. Apo E of rabbit stood alone in the evolutionary history, as indicated by low bootstrap value of the branch in which it was placed. The common tree shrew is placed in the midpoint of the tree. To determine the coalescence time and the most recent common ancestor for Apo E, ProMLK was used with a probability model of Jones–Taylor–Thornton and a constant rate variation among sites. The program implements the maximum likelihood method for protein sequences under the constraint that the trees estimated must be consistent with a molecular clock. Table 2 summarizes the likely ancestor occurrences for Apo E from 100 maximum likelihood trees with a molecular clock. The most likely ancestor of Apo E

Figure 4. An unrooted maximum parsimony tree showing the possible phylogenetic relationships among 18 Apo E sequences. The tree was created using amino acid sequences. Bootstrap values shown at the branch points were calculated from 1000 datasets

Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Cell Biochem Funct 2008; 26: 43–50. DOI: 10.1002/cbf


m. kasap

Table 2. Ancestor frequencies for Apo E from 100 maximum likelihood trees with a molecular clock Xenopus Oncorycus Donia Sus Mus Zalophus Cavia Bos Oryctologue Rattus Tupia Ovis

35% 16% 12% 9% 7% 4% 3% 5% 1% 4% 2% 2%

among 18 organisms was estimated to be the Apo E of frog (western clawed). We used the Apo E sequence of frog as the root and created a maximum parsimony tree as described previously (Figure 5). It appears that a gene speciation event occurred giving rise to two different Apo E species; one is the Apo E of the fish and the other is the Apo E of a rodent, C. porcellus and


its sister taxa. This estimation of formation of early forms of Apo E agrees with the general theory of evolution indicating that early forms of Apo E first appeared in fish and rodents and human Apo E evolved much later in the evolutionary lineage than other Apo E proteins. Projection of conservation of residues on human Apo E Overall analysis of molecular data along with available three-dimensional structures signifies that Apo E is a highly evolutionary conserved protein. Many of the amino acids are important for maintaining the three-dimensional structure of Apo E and its function. ConSurf analysis of human Apo E projected evolutionary conservation scores on human Apo E and indicated that Apo E is under strong evolutionary constrains and the majority of the protein consists of mainly conserved amino acids (the conservation begins in the vicinity of residue 43) (Figure 6). Especially, the residues Argl36, Hisl40, Lysl43, Argl45, Lysl46, Argl47 and Argl50 which correspond to the LDL-receptor binding region are highly conserved. The biological importance of these residues is reflected by a strong evolutionary pressure to resist amino acid changes. Any substitution of these basic amino acids with neutral or acidic residues results in defective binding of LDL receptor. The early part of the N-terminal domain (residues 23–45) is, however, highly variable compared with the rest of the protein (Figure 6). The variability of this part of the protein does not necessarily place less functional importance to the region, since deletion of the N-terminal domain (residues 1–43) results in an open structure indicating the importance of this part for integrity of apolipoproteins.30 One plausible explanation for less conservation of the residues would be the required flexibility to initiate the opening of Apo E for lipid binding. DISCUSSION

Figure 5. A rooted maximum parsimony tree showing the possible phylogenetic relationships among 18 Apo E sequences. The tree was created using amino acid sequences. Bootstrap values shown at the branch points were calculated from 1000 datasets

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There are a few different variants of the apolipoprotein gene family1 and thus it is logical to think that the protein has a long and complex evolutionary history for apolipoproteins. We do not know yet what type of mechanism of acquiring variation has led to today’s apolipoprotein diversity. Duplications from a common ancestor seem likely, but reorganization of genomes, point mutations and recombination may have accelerated formation of different subgroups. So far two important phylogenetic studies were performed with Cell Biochem Funct 2008; 26: 43–50. DOI: 10.1002/cbf

apolipoprotein evolution


Figure 6. ConSurf analysis of human Apo E protein reveals the evolutionary conserved regions

respect to the origin of apolipoproteins. A phylogenetic tree built from 26 apolipoprotein sequences, using parsimony method revealed that the common ancestor of Apo A-I, A-II, A-IV and E may have appeared 460 million years ago in an ordovician vertebrate which may be related with major apolipoprotein LAL1 and LAL2.31 In another study, evolution of Apo A was found to be a novel example of gene appearance and the human type of Apo A might have evolved from a gene duplication during recent primate evolution.32 In this study, the phylogeny of Apo E, as inferred from both the protein sequences and the corresponding gene sequences were analysed. Groups formed by the Apo E proteins of various organisms appeared to agree with the feeding habits and the diet. This is not surprising, considering the physiological role of Apo E in plasma lipoprotein metabolism, lipid transport within tissues and cholesterol absorption from the intestine. The cluster formed by Apo E proteins of human, monkey, olive baboon, chimpanzee, gibbon and orangutan indicated that consumption of similar food resources may have acted as the selective force for the formation of similar Apo E proteins and thus creating functionally Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

and structurally similar proteins. Likewise, groups formed by Apo E proteins of herbivores (sheep, cattle and pork) and rodents (mice, rat, pig) agree with the true nature of their eating habits. In a study of human Apo E allele distribution throughout the world, Corbo and Scacchi6 stated that even the allele distribution frequencies among populations change with respect to the changes occurring in societies’ feeding habits and diet. It is thus not surprising that Apo E proteins of fish and frog were found to be less related to the Apo E sequences of other species that we examined in this study. Considering their early presence in the evolutionary lineage and their feeding environment, such a divergence is expected. Based on the analysis made here and the analysis elsewhere,6 it may be suggested that Apo E evolution and most likely the evolution of other Apo proteins will be shaped largely by the organism’s feeding habits and diet. REFERENCES 1. Bolanos-Garcia VM, Miguel RN. On the structure and function of apolipoproteins: more than a family of lipid-binding proteins. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2003; 83: 47–68.

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Cell Biochem Funct 2008; 26: 43–50. DOI: 10.1002/cbf