Appeal to Logic or Reason - Western Reserve Public Media

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Appeal to Logic or Reason definition: a rhetorical strategy where the argument is made by presenting facts that lead the audience to a specific conclusion.
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Appeal to Logic or Reason Definition: A rhetorical strategy where the argument is made by presenting facts that lead the audience to a specific conclusion. Examples: • “OnStar service inside your car is better than carrying a cell phone because a cell phone can’t call for you when you’re injured.” • “There was no discernable difference in the ACT scores of graduating seniors who wore school uniforms and those who didn’t.” • “We are the only company who will roll over and save your unused phone minutes each month.” • “Stand firm, parents. If you say ‘no’ at first and then give in later, you are only teaching your children to beg, whine and pester you.”

1. If you were writing a paper encouraging your peers not to smoke, would appeal to logic work? What type of facts would you cite?

2. Name some famous appeals to logic and reason. (Example: O.J. Simpson’s lawyer said of the gloves used as evidence, “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”)

3. Appeal to logic and reason seems infallible. Can it ever be wrong? Can you give an example?

4. This year’s debate is about popular video games. State two logical reasons why they are harmful to people your age. State two for the helpful side of the argument.

5. What does tthe answer to #4 tell you about appeal to logic?