That is not affordable for me and probably most parents who both work. Nov 7 ...... money be transferred to education, s
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Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School Resurrection Catholic Secondary School St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School St. David Catholic Secondary School St. Mary's Secondary School
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Bell Time Consultation- Elementary
Nov 11 2013 9:56 PM does not coincide with work/ pickup times Nov 11 2013 9:53 PM We disagree because 8:50 is a late enough start time and pushes the entire day back Nov 11 2013$ 51 PM too late for a start and finish for some students...
Nov 11 2013 9:38 PM unable to be at the bus stop in time to pick u
my kids
Nov 11, 2013 9:38 PM already an early start so even earlier in the morning to get to the bus, also too early on the way home, most parents work later and can't get home in time
Nov 11 2013 9:23 PM it will cost more money in before school care
Nov 11, 2013 9:01 PM It interferes with working times, babysitting times, after school sport times, extracuricular sports, family times etc, etc etc........
Nov 11 2013 8:49 PM The day starts early enough for the young kids, makes it more difficult for bab sittin pick-up. Nov 11 20138:40 PM Getting to work on time. Nov 11 2013& 1315 PM we can change our hours work so easy
Nov 11 201384 PM my children won' t be getting home until 4 rn.... post school activities begin before 4 m
Nov 11, 2013 8:21 PM My children struggle to wake up for an 8: 30 start time as it is. And I already struggle to get there for 3pm after work to pick them up. These new times do not take parents jobs into consideration. Not everyone has or can afford child care!
Nov 11 2013 8:19 PM Work schedule conflict.
111 11, 2013 724 PM Because the proposed bell times for school interferes with my work schedule, that means having to pay for care before school and my expenses will increase.
Nov 11, 2013 7:06 PM Routine and work schedules( for parents) would need t change. Even 10 minutes is too much. Starting earlier woul be Dreferred rather than starting later.
Nov 11 2013 6:57 PM Younger children who are napping. Nov 11 20138:49 PM Personal reasons.
Nov 11, 2013 6:42 PM The proposed schedule conflicts with my husband's and my work schedules. Even 10 minutes make a big difference for us.
Nov 11, 2013 6:42 PM Later bell times make it impossible for parents to get to work by a reasonable time. I propose an even earlier bell time. Young children wake up early anyway, my children wake up at 6:30 and so I would be happy for them to start school at 8am rather than 9: 15am. If you are going to make a change to the bell time, make it earlier rather than later. High school children should go to school later since they either sleep in or are involved in sports or choir
practices and need more time in the morning. So high school children should be going to school between 9-9: 30am and elementary children should be going to school between 8- 8: 30am. Nov 11 2013 6:38 PM Activities after school will be affected
Nov 11, 2013 6:32 PM It will cause conflict with my work schedule. Might have to find a new job. Not all companies are acomodating. Nov 11 2013 6:29 PM Earlier bell times do not fit with our current work schedule
Nov 11 2013 5:55 PM Because my husband and I will be late on our school.
Nov 11, 2013 5,48 PM After school pick up time does not work for our family because my husband who picks my son up from school will no be able to pick him up because he works evening shift. And I work until 5pm so I cannot pick him up. Also, my son plays competitive hockey and his week day practices are at 4: 30 across town, not leaving any time to get to practice and hockey ear on in time to make his practices.
Nov 11, 2013 5:44 PM Too late. Other schools are done at 3:00 or 2:40 possibly- this is too late and will affect before/ after school care. No thank you to the change.
Nov 11 2013 5,42 PM Drive time to school for kids
Nov 11, 20135:40 PM Based on bell times for this year she is enrolled on an after school program when she just have enough time to go
home get changed and travel to this place. This propose change will completely disrupt our arrangements. Thank you but will support the current Bell Times. Thanks- Concerned working parents
Nov 11, 20134:17 PM Our children already start early which is great for them. They do not need to start later. As you said, children learn better early in the morning.
Nov 11 20134:15 PM My children have tutoring after school so they would be missing school if the time changed.
Nov 11, 2013 3.49 PM Morning day-care provider unable to get children to school 15 minutes later as they will be late for work. Work starts at9am
Nov 11, 2013 3,45 PM Children need time to complete homework before evening activities. By not getting home until 4: 15 they may not have time to complete homework.
Nov 11 2013 3:40 PM lLater start time means later drop off, which means later start time 0 work
Nov 11 2013 3:26 PM too late start for kids
Nov 11. 2013 3:25 PM If school started later I would not make it to work on time, our babysitter can't take my child to the bus stop so it
would require me hiring a second child care provider. High schools can afford to make changes because kids are old enough to be responsible for their own transportation, and can stay home alone. My 5 year old can' t Nov 11 20133:22 PM Too early. To and from school difficulty. Nov 11 2013 3:16 PM impacts after school activities and work schedules Nov 11 2013 3:13 PM interferes with work schedule
Nov 11 20132:28 PM I like the eady times.
Nov 11, 2013 2:27 PM My son is in SK, and will be in Grade 1 next year. My employer requires that I be in the office no later than 9 am. My son is too young to leave out on the school yard by himself for 20 mins, and if I wait with him until the bell rings at 8: 50 am I will be late for work every day. With the current bell time of 8: 30, 1 have half an hour to make it into work. To propose a change to 8: 50 would mean that either a) the school provides a yard duty teacher at 8: 30, b) I have to
start paying for before-school child care or c) I have to look for another job where I can come in after 9. Nov 11, 2013 2:26 PM you indicate that they work better earlier in the day but yet you want school to start later, this just doesn't make sense. Are you doing this for the school or for the school board? Also, this would big time interfere with the extra curcicular ie sports that they do in the afternoon which would then be late in day for them do finish homework. Do not support this at all and disappointed that you are bringing this up again. Nov 11 20131:05 PM Morning child care. Right now they are going to school as I' m leaving for work. Nov 11 20131:04 PM The ability to drop off my special needs child due to work starting at same time. Nov 11, 20131:00 PM I am a working parent and would not be able to drop my child off at school anymore.
Nov 11, 201312:55 PM The start time is just too late. I would need to arrange child care before school which right now I do not have to. Nov 11, 201312:48 PM I have after school activities that start at 4 p. m. I will not be able to attend them and they are very important to me.
Nov 11, 201312:40 PM Me and my sister would have to catch the bus at a later time by ourselves and we are too young to stand out there alone on a busy street. Nov 11 201312:39 PM Work schedules and extra- curricular activities.
Nov 11, 201312:37 PM My employment depends on me being in the office prior to 9 a. m. Currently my children can get on the bus and I can be at work by 9 a. m. Nov 11 201312:36 PM Daycare and work scheduling conflicts. Nov 11 201312:34 PM Current work schedule does not allow for personal drop off of my two children. Current time works great. Nov 11 201312:32 PM conflicts with full time job and child care needs
Nov 11, 201312:31 PM My youngest child is totally exhausted by 2:00 pm. Changing the bell times does not change the time he needs to gel
up in the morning, it only changes the times in which he is expected to be attentive and energetic. It is stated that younger children learn better at early times. Need to save money? Cancel the FDK program. My child was 3 and expected to be at school all day everyday. It's too much Nov 11, 201312:31 PM To suggest that this 20min difference in times will benefit the education of the children is a smoke screen for your
budgetary benefits of doing so. I believe the current 8: 55 start time is reasonable and balances the start time with the needs of working parents.
Nov 11, 201312:09 PM Later dismissal is not in the best interests of the Kindergarten students that I teach. They are tired at the end of the dav and are most on-task and engaged in the morning.
Nov 11, 2013 7: 11 AM The proposed schedule does not work with my work schedule. I work out of town and drop my child off at school each morning and this schedule would cause me to be 20 minutes later( than I my current late arrival time for work). Nov 11, 2013 5:54 AM children have very busy after school athletic commitments and the later time does not fit their schedules as travel to other city is required almost daily.
Nov 11, 2013 4:37 AM It will cost our family as I start work at 8:30 and cannot leave my child at 8 or 8: 10 every day if the bus is not expected until 8:45. 1 currently leave the house as she goes to the stop at 8: 10 and the bus arrives as I leave. I will need child care if the board makes this change. The million saved will likely continue to come out of parents'
budgets, not realistically translating to any savings. I' d like the board to care about this. If less students are being taught, costs to the board should decrease. I don't understand the shortage unless benefits and other institutional
costs are unsustainable. If you also move secondary start to a later time I am also going to incur after school care costs and extra transportation from a sitter or daycare I don't currently have as we use busses and sibling care at home after school now.
Nov 11 20134:15 AM No way to drop kids off or pick them up with new bell times Nov 11 20133:28 AM Would need child care before school
Nov 11, 2013 3:25 AM It's kinda late for my child( who is a special needs child) to start school. She has already adjusted to the routine and will definitely make an impact on her extra- co-curricular activities. Also, we can no longer afford to send her to the before and after school daycare as if the school bells will start at 8:50am.
Nov 11, 2013 2:52 AM The new proposed time plus the allowable maximum time on a school bus would potentially mean that the elementary students would get home at 4:40. This makes for a really long day especially for our younger students. Some jk students are starting when they're 3. Yes, they are starting later, but considering most families have two parents that work outside of the home, they still have to get up at the same time. Even though it' s 20 minutes it can have huge impact especially at that time of night-- extra curricular activities and other commitments.
Nov 11 20132:51 AM The research does not support your reasoning.
Nov 11 2013 2AB AM We have many after school activities. Nov 11, 2013 7-43 AM The bell time change adversely"affects co ordination of drop off and pick up tine with other schools and school systems which are other children attend. 0
Currently, our children, despite being within the bussing range, are not allowed to ride the bus due to bureaucratic technicality, making the proposal bell time even more problematic.0
Perhaps if my children were allowed to ride the current HALF empty bus, a change bell time would be more feasible for us.
Nov 11 20132:20 AM does not work with our work schedule
Nov 11, 2013 2:26 AM My employer grants me some flexibility, however these newly proposed bell times would not allow for me to continue within my current employment role. And financially I cannot afford before/ after school care five days a week for both of my children.
Nov 11 20132.22 AM It is more difficult to Get to work on time for those that start at 9am. Nov 11 2013 2: 18 AM childcare reasons Nov 11 2013Z17AM Blessed John Paul II
Nov 11 20132:12 AM Schedule Conflicts- After school pick up times are more suitable Nov 11 20131:47 AM This is a very lonp day for young children. I think it will be too much for them
Nov 11, 20131:41 AM I believe that 3:00 is early enough for elementary school kids to be back at home after school. Even a 10 minute move to 2: 50 means that kids are home for half the afternoon. That' s ridiculous!
Nov 11, 20131: 37 AM My child has not transitioned to walking alone to and from school presently. Current bell times allow me to drop her off and arrive at work at my 8 30 start time. We stil use extended care for after school. If this plan was to be implemented within one to two years, my child would be in the senior grades and I would be able to support this.
Nov 11, 20131: 34 AM Mornings are already rushed as it is. I know it is only 10 mins earlier, but 10 mins is huge when trying to get two kids
Nov 11 20131: 33 AM Nov 11 201318 AM Nov 11, 20131:23 AM Nov 11 20131:21 AM
out the door and to school on time. Plus, it makes for a longer time at the babysitter after school, resulting in a mone that we would have to pay each day. added day care would be required. Plus after school activities would be affected Conflicts with work times, before and after school care. More money out of my pocket as single parent After school care is more of an issue with my children coming off the bus 10- 15 minutes earlier. Currently they are ofl the bus at 3: 15-3: 20. This works very well for our family. Family circumstances
Nov 11, 20131: 16 AM We already had a change from 8: 35 to 8: 55. 1 wouldn't want to go any later than 9: 00. 1 that for many younger students, being at school after 3:30 is hard as they get tired. Ending the day at 3:45 it too late in the day. Nov 11 20131: 15 AM Would interfer with my work...husbands work and child care
Nov 11, 20131:04 AM It makes the morning routine even earlier and shorter. Public schools start at 9 i believe, thats a 40 minute difference. The time spent at school is still the same length so I' m not sure how moving times back 10 mins will save a million dollars.
Nov 11 20131,01 AM work, would need to find daycare before
Nov 11 20131MAM I find the start time and dismissal already too early because my kids walk to school.
Nov 11, 201312:58 AM My child has commitments after school that begin at 4: 300 My child would not have adult supervision in the morning and I would have to access and pay for child care Nov 11 201312A2AM Interferes with work schedule.
Nov 11 201312041 AM time for before and after school care. Also our bus route would be affected by change.
Nov 11, 201312:37 AM Impacts parent work schedules negatively; more need for before and after school programs. As well my child is young and learns better in the morning.
Nov 11 2013124 AM Employer not flexible with my start times
Nov 11, 201312:23 AM With my work schedule and before school day care which my children need, it will cost me more in daycare costs
and I start work at 9am so I can not drop them off any later then I already do Nov 11 2013121 AM Home too late.
Nov 11 20131218AM my current work schedule and child care arrangements
Nov 11, 201312:14 AM My children currently don't get home till after 4: 00 pm at the end of the day. If this bell time changes. It will be way t late. Also I catch my bus in the morning right after I get my kids on their bus. If the time changes I will need to get morning child care.
Nov 10 201311: 52 PM No change is needed,
Nov 10 201311A7 PM I interferes with work times Nov 10 201311: 25 PM I too much time for kids to be left alone in the morning n
ti J
Nov 10, 20131125 PM I wonder how this will actually save money for the board. The buses that come to our school are already at full capacity I' m told so money wouldn't be saved for transportation. Changing the bell times would affect many working families and their drop off/pick up arrangements. Also, students that have extra curricular activities directly after school would be affected by this later end time and getting to their activities on time. Also, changing the time would
affect those teachers and the arrangements they have for their families and travel arrangements. I have given some consideration into the affects in the high school as well since my oldest child is in grade 7. Busing was cut years ag and less children were eligible based on their location and age, but now the board wants to put more buses on the
road. We should be teaching our children independence and to use public transit as our city is spending so much
money to promote public transit. Those high school students who also have activities or jobs after school may have to give these up due to being in school later. Nov 10 Nov 10 Nov 10 Nov 10
20131121 PM 201311: 18 PM 201310:52 PM 201310:49 PM
no because its too much of a rush for other things Current bell times work i work antother job for financial reasons and this would have to be altered Daycare costs
Nov 10, 201310:40 PM Availability to get my child to school. We wouldn't be able to drop of our daughter and get to work on time. Since we are 0. 07 km of a difference of riding the school bus or walking, we want to make sure she gets to school on time safely, since she normally walks by herself. Nov 10, 201310:30 PM The government should not look to penalize school children and parents for their shortcomings. Rearranging school bell times is a definite inconvenience to working parents—even 10 minutes. Nov 10 201310:29 PM the time would be rushed getting our 2 kids to their after school activites. Nov 10 2013 9:51 PM work conflict
Nov 10, 2013923 PM it is already very late in a day by the time the little ones come home from school; they" travel" from school sometime half an hour, so after the bell time change it is going to be even later and no time for homework or after school activities
Nov 10 2013921 PM I do not think 10 minuets will make any change than completely disrupt children schedule.
Nov 10, 2013 9:06 PM Your statement implies that elementary students learn better earlier in the day, yet St. Agnes, the school I am concerned about is starting 20 minutes later. This would be very problematic to my family for a variety of reasons. And does not seem to benefit them in any way. Nov 10 20138:03 PM after school activities with conflict with later bell times.
Nov 10, 2013 7:45 PM There are to many after school activities i am involded in and this will make it harder to balance those and school work.
Nov 10, 2013 7:43 PM Children should be starting earlier NOT later than 9am. A later start time could increase behaviour issues out on the yard as children will still arrive early but have extra time to engage in activities that are not appropriate. Nov 10 2013 7:07 PM My work schedule- 10 minutes would make me to have after school program Nov 10, 20136:59 PM Don't feel it is best for the kids... maybe good for the school. This seems like alot of time and energy for no return.
Kids have been starting school at 9am or earlier for the last 40 years and now we are discussing a change...... for what....a minor 20 minutes.
Nov 10 2013648 PM school end would be too tale in the day
Nov 10 20136:19 PM late start time impacts family work schedules Nov 10, 2013 5: 17 PM First of all, why are the times later???? As stated, research shows that young children learn and are the most alert early in the morning. 1 can attest to this. 1 have been teaching primary for most of my 27 yrs as a teacher. They are most alert and most on task and focused in the morning. As the day precedes their attention span diminishes, they tire and teaching becomes difficult. I am appalled that you would go against research and have this school start even later. As it is, I have children coming to school who have spent hours at a day care prior and are already tired. Parent's word schedules will not change, which means that they will be at day care even longer in the moming. This will mean more tired children and to keep these little ones at school until 4 with the expectation that solid instructiona and learning time occur? 1 can guarantee this is not what will happen. This proposal not only goes against proven research findings but is not in the best interest of these little children- especially the younger ones. We are a school board that puts the children' s needs above everything else. I have to disagree with this proposal. As an experienced educator, this goes against what I know to be excellent pedagogical practice. Please reconsider this
proposal. This is not what is in the best interest of these little children. This is not creating optimum learning situations. If anything, elementary schools need to start earlier if we want optimum learning to occur.
Nov 10, 2013 4:45 PM " Maybe" wasn't a choice. It is already difficult getting my 2 children up for school, one of which does not sleep well. It is difficult enough getting them to school on time for 8: 30. This will also cut down on my work time as I have to end my work day 3 days a week to pick them up, meaning end 15 minutes sooner( clients are 15 min intervals), and it isn't an option to just start sooner unfortunately. Perhaps knowing how this 10 minute change actually saves money would help us to accept the inconvenience and support the chan e.
Nov 10, 20134:23 PM My children have after school activities this would conflict with. Also, it would change my work schedule. I believe that an earlier start would benefit them more than a later start- as stated in point 1 of the explanation for changes in
the first place. A later bell time for their age group is contrary to their benefit. The proposed change has no benefit t the children and is strictly a money saving measure, which I disagree with. Nov 10 2013 3:56 PM I don't have flexible work schedule.
Nov 10 20133:50 PM 11 can' t pick my kids up that early. If the proposed changes were 8: 40- 3: 10, 1 would definitely support that.
Nov 10 2013 3:34 PM does not work for daycare purposes Nov 10 2013 3:21 PM` child care reasons
Nov 10, 2013 3: 10 PM Studies suggest that younger children learn better earlier in the day, so moving to a later start and stop time would not be beneficial to the students' learning.
Nov 10, 2013 2:50 PM my job is arranged so! can drop off my 3 children in the morning. Cannot leave children unattended for 20 min and will have trouble finding someone to do daycare for the 20 min difference. Will have to change to public board school to make times work. However am willing to do that to save money. Nov 10 2013 2:37 PM 8:20am drop off and 2: 50pm pick up doesn' t work at all for us.
Nov 10, 2013 233 PM Later time starts impacts sports programs( both coaching and students), traffic congestion, and appointments.
Nov 10, 2013 2:10 PM You letter states that young students learn better earlier in the day and then you change our bell times to later? It is contradictory. If this is a money issue then say that. 1 prefer to work earlier in the day as well. You can save money in several other ways especially travelling time for teachers and supply teachers. Better planning for itineret teachers would save a bundle. Cut back on the amount of upper management- way too may consultants and S.
O.'s FDK is accounts for a huge amount of money- way too much spent on FDK and after school program. Way too much money spent on supply teacher wages for workshops during the day. This board runs soley on making teachers happy and cares very little for other employees. CUPE definitely knows who the WCDSB caters too. Please stop saying" yes" to every OECTA request and making the rest of us pick up the pieces. Did teacher think when they went into the profession that yard duty was not part of the job????? They've got you exactly where they want. Do something about it! Nov 10 2013 2:03 PM Complication in childcare
Nov 10, 20131:47 PM If studies show that young children learn better earlier in the day this school is at a disadvantage by having a later start time. It also has a negative impact on my work schedule and can't afford daycare. Nov 10 20131: 20 PM Work schedule will not allow me to pick up my children on time any longer. Nov 10, 2013 7:22 AM DEFINITELY NOT!!! We are already a later starting/ finishing school. It would disrupt our after school activities tremendously let alone the traffic problems at that time of day. Your proposal states that elementary students learn better earlier, secondary students learn better later. Yet, you have 32 Elementary schools starting later, only 5 earlier and 9 stayed the same. At the Secondary level 3 out of 5 are earlier. This makes your statement very contradictory. Also, the Public board only has half their schools times changed. Is the Catholic Board getting the brunt of this change? How much is this survey costing our Board?? Maybe we should cut the fat at the top.
Nov 10 201351 AM Personal, and to my understanding this will lead to loss of jobs. Nov 10, 20134:06 AM The demographics of the families in this school NEED to work- changing the times later would prevent parents to start at 9am. There also is a lacking of daycare in the area which does not help the situation. A loose, loose situation for both families and school
Nov 10, 2013 3:40 AM The later start time does not suit my obligations to look after my elderly parents( in there 90's) after work which will leave them on their own even later in the day. The later I leave the worse the traffic is.
Nov 10, 2013 2:57 AM I find it hard to give an answer for this survey. My son has started JK this year. It's enough of an adjustment to start school and meet deadlines of getting to school on time. As a new family to the system I am content with the present bell times. I don' t think changing them would be beneficial to our family. Thank you.
Nov 10, 2013 2:41 AM It impacts the amount of time that I would need childcare. The current times are perfect with my work schedule, no childcare needed.
Nov 10 2013238 AM I like the times there are now
Nov 10, 20132:21 AM I have my children on a set schedule and as a result they are all doing very well at school. I believe any disruption to this schedule would impact their learning. I also have a job and this would change my ability to keep my current schedule at work thereby giving me less time with my children on a daily basis.
Nov 10, 20131: 18 AM It does not work with our work schedules and it was noted that young children learn better earlier in the day but now you want my kids to go to school later, not earlier.
Nov 10 201312:51 AM Its gonna be complicated on time frame at my work.. Nov 10, 201312:35 AM I find it hard enough now trying to get the kids ready for the bus. With the time change that would require getting the bus 10 minutes earlier also!!
Nov 10, 201312:19 AM Most mornings we have to wake up the kids and then rush to get to school by 8: 30. We do not want to make the morning more stressful than it already is. Nov 10i 20131218 AM It is to early-8: 20 Nov& 201311:25 PM Getting the children on the bus in the morning would interfere with me getting to work on time.
Nov 9, 2013 10:08 PM Both my husband and I work 9- 5...the 10 minute later start would seriously impact our work schedule and result in us then needing to arrange daycare!
Nov 9, 2013 9:57 PM My husband and I both work full time and our children are up before 7 to go to daycare before school starts. The later time would affect them as they are tired by 330. Not to mention It states in the letter that younger children learn better in the day, so why would I want them to start later in the day. If you we're proposing starting earlier in the day we would be all for it. We just feel as parents of young elementary students the letter sent home is very contradicting
Nov 9, 2013 9:35 PM Three main reasons: 0 1. The aim of the changes is to move the start time for younger children' earlier' in the day since they learn better at those times. The change to the bell times for St. Agnes go against that.0 0
2. Personally, it is worse for us since work starts at 9am. Moving the belltime to 9: 20am would cause a significant challenge for accommodating our work start of day. 0 0
3. We believe that cost savings in the system can be found in other, more effective, mechanisms compared to transportation costs.
Nov 9 2013 8:57 PM It would not be convenient for my family
Nov 9, 3013 7:09 PM Children are more energetic in the morning and tired in the afternoon. The longer a school day stretches into the afternoon the more children's energy and ability to learn declines. Nov 9 2013 6,47 PM because I' m also studying and I don't have who put them on the bus at that time Nw 9 2013 6:18 PM too late Nov 9. 20136:11 PM Parent work schedules
Nov 9, 2013 6:08 PM I would have to leave work before my child leaves for school and the end time makes it difficult to get to sports activities that start early after school.
Nov 9, 2013 5:19 PM Too late in the day to end. Best time to teach students, research says, is early in the day. To get to after school activities would be very difficult; in fact, some of what we do now would have to be cancelled. Family time is totally disrupted when dismissal times are later in the day.
Nov 9, 2013 5:11 PM Because I have no one available to take my children to school. I would have to pay or make arrangements for someone to take my children to school, which I' m not now doing now. Nov 9 2013 3:46 PM Evening activities.
Nov 9. 2013 3:20 PM Family time schedule. I understand the reasons for looking at time change but our work schedule is already accommodating an 8:35am bus pick up. pushing that forward an extra 15 minutes won't work for us. Nov 9 2013 3:03 PM financials shift to parents who now need to find" before" care every morning
Nov 9, 2013 2.•51 PM My work start time is is 9am and i drop my daughter off at school. This would make me have to enroll her in before school for 15 minutes. I am likely not the only one that starts work at 9am. I don't want her in before school, i would rather drop her off. Make the bell times 10 minutes earlier, not later. Then parents don' t have to be late for work which typically starts at 9am.
Nov9 20133:43 PM Fill the buses you have before you start changing things. One student getting off a full size bus is crazy! Nov 9 2013 2:40 PM too late. Nvv9, 2013Z12PM Work schedule. 0 I must prefer the schedule that we have now.0 regards
Nov 9. 2013 2:02 PM Transportation, safety, bab sittin , work hours are not flexible Nov 9, 2013 1 A PM We just moved, and the one of the reasons I choose to enroll the kids at John Sweeney was because the bell times were exactly like their old school. So we don't need to change our jobs to accommodate that change. Nov 9. 2013 1: 27 PM Personal scheduling. My children do not use the bus system. They are dropped off and picked up based around personal scheduling.
Nov 9, 2013 11: 55 AM makes it more difficult for my schedule would prefer earlier start. and this time change is conflicting with your statement of younger kids learning better in morning why make finish time latter makes no sense, Leave it as is or earlier srart time
Nov 9, 2013 11: 53 AM we have a lot of after school activities and my two giris get off the bus late as it is
Nw9'20134:57AM It does not fit with my work schedule. Ncv9, 2013 4:44 AM Kids extraculicular activity
Nw9,20134:10 AM My daughter does not take the bus and we begin work at 0900. An 0850 start would not allow us to be on time for work after dropping her off at school.
Nov 9, 2013 3:42 AM this sytem worked for so many years And if you want make any changes let the parents know before school starts because we cant change our shifts? like You do.
Nov 9, 2013 2:23 AM My child is ready to be stimulated early in the morning and gets disengaged later in the day... it also very hard on parents... i have to work for 9am and as a single mom, i cannot afford morning AND after school care Nov 9, 2013 1- 41 AM Workina schedule
Nov 8,'201311: 57 PM It is a proposed change in the wrong direction. Your own study states younger children learn better earlier yet you propose starting later? Makes absolutely no sense at all. 0 It looks like it is a plan to save money only with no regard for the best interest of children. Do not make this change!
Nov 8 201311: 07 PM Impact it would have on parents getting to their jobs on time. Nov 8 201310:59 PM I I don't want my child to exit school later
Nov 8, 201310:58 PM We would have to find before school care for our daughter as our jobs do not permit us to start past 9am. The
current start time is far too late for those working parents, who can now drop off and go right to work. This new time will significantly impact families financially, who now would need to find before school child care. Nov
201310:16 PM Interferes with after school activities.
Nov 8, 2013 9:32 PM My daughter seems to enjoy starting early. My other kids who are now finished school, started school later in elementary seemed not to like getting to school later.
Nov 8, 2013 9:15 PM The public elementary school directly beside them has a 9 am start....the congestion on the street is already bad enough. Have both start at roughly the same time will cause gridlock and is not safe for the kids. Nov 8 2013 9:14 PM It interferes with after school activities
Nov 8, 2013 919 PM With the proposal now many families will need to find extra care for their kids instead to be able to bring your own kid everyday at the school. Personally it is very important for me to make sure my kids are on time and really prepared to start their school day every single day. If the schedule will change, I won't be able to make sure this is happening, and as an addition I will need to pay and find an appropriate person to take care of them every morning; this is almost impossible! we do not have extended family here to make sure our kids will be safe and with the right care; we do not make too much money to cover the extra expenses. Thanks. Nov 8. 20139:07 PM it negatively affects our family schedule and daycare situation
Nov 8, 2013 8;59 PM It' s much too late of a start time and there is no consideration to parents and how it will impact their lives, especially single parents.
Nov 8 2013 8:55 PM work
Nov 8, 2013 8;46 PM I am saying No because I have a son that has type 1 juvenile diabetes and needs to eat every couple of hours and needs to stay on a routine.
Nov 8, 2013 8.40 PM The bell times are late enough as they are. Nov 9, 2013 823 PM cannot reconcile work hours with drop off time. start work at 9am, with a drop off of 8: 50 1 wont be able to make it on time for work. daycare possible but means extra cost, Can the school board provide daycare for these extra minutes?
Nov 8, 2013 8:06 PM The later start time directly impacts on my start time for work. This means that I may have to look into the before school program for my child which is a further cost to my child care costs. My preference is to keep the start time as is.
Nov 8, 2013 8:04 PM Will need to be work before 9: 00 am. Nov 8, 2013 7:49 PM Doesn't align with our work schedule.
Nov 8, 20137:44 PM My home business, hockey and music lessons will all be affected by the later bell times. Earlier school bell would be a better fit for my family. Nov 8, 2013 724 PM It' s a short term gain for the board that has long term implications for families. After school activities will be impacted and before school care issues will arise.
Nov 8, 2013 7:24 PM the late time will not allow me to drop the kids to buss and go to work after. so i will need to arrange for baby sitter to drop kids to the school bus, which will an extra cost to me that i can' t affored at the moment.
Nova 2013718 PM could not aet anyone to drop my children off at the proposed time Nov S. 2013 6:50 PM That leaves very little time to get to appointments outside of a work day and in a different city. Nov 8 2013 6:16 PM more for the impact it will have on my children when they go to hi hschool Nov& 2013 5:36 PM Child care for my children would be effected. Nov& 2013521 PM Due to our lifestyle and business needs the current times work for our family. Nov& 2013 5:09 PM Because it's going to affect the after school sport programs my kids are; and my job schedure
Nov 8,20134:51 PM work and sitter schedules. also my daughter is more focused and attentive in the morning and moving belltimes means most chidlren will be tired and unfocused for a larger portion of their school day.
Nov 8 2013 4:50 PM it is clood the way it is
Nov 8, 20134:41 PM My child is in grade 4 so she is use to her routine. I just don't see a point for the 10 min change, it will mess with all kids and adults routine.
Nov 8 2013425 PM Nov 8, 20133:56 PM Nov& 20133:53 PM Nov& 2013 3:49 PM Nov S. 2013 3:48 PM
My child is involved in after school activities which she would not be able to get to with the new bell time. Cannot work with these times and my job to late of start time, for my work schedule Will interfere with safety of child as belltimes will not correspond with work schedules. Its a fact taht students learn better early in the day, this time change affects their learning and I think it's too long to have them wake up get ready for school and be there so late in the day. I think the school board needs to get their act tooether.
Nov 8, 2013 3:41 PM I don't believe that young children can perform better at later times of the day. I would suggest starting school earlier, not later, for example at 8: 30am.
Nov 8, 2013 3:36 PM school has already changed by 20 minutes for this school year and moving again would result in a 40 minute change for St. Anne Kitchener. This will put undue hardship on families due to daycare arrangements not to mention that the longer day would make it harder for the kids to concentrate later in the day.0 It is a fact that older students do better starting later and younger students fade more quickly in energy and focus as the day progresses.
Nov 8, 2013 3:30 PM I work, should start at nine, late everyday, don't want babysitter,( bad experience.) Don't want to loose job, will referred 8. 50
r J
Nov 8, 2013 3:13 PM Have to work from 9- 5 and would not be able to make it to work on time if my children have to be in schoold 20min later than current bell times.
Nov 6 2013248 PM Too late of an end time..
Nov S. 2013 2:44 PM I believe that younger students starting 20 minutes later in the morning will be a huge burden on working parents. Parents who at the moment do not need it, will have to seek and pay for daycare. My kids- and most elementary
school age children- do not have a problem getting up and out the door early in the morning. If anything, I think the bell times should be earlier. If this survey were about high school students, then I would have said' yes'. Nov& 2013 2:41 PM parents employment hours Nov 8 2013 2:37 PM impacts on parents work start time- most parents like to know their child is at school prior to going to work
Nov$` 20132.30 PM Too early for my children. They will be too tired.
Nov 8, 2013 2:16 PM My work schedule allows me the benefit of seeing my kids off to school, and making sure they arrive safely!
Nov S. 2013 2:12 PM I drop my kids off at school, and start work at 9am. with school starting at 9: 15am, then I wouldn' t be able to start work until 9: 30 am, and I wouldn' t get home until 7 m with my children at night.
Nov 8 2013 2: 11 PM Need to be at work before 9: 00, every difficult with new start times.
Nov 8, 20131: 54 PM This efffects getting kids to school and picking up, Effect the amount of money paid to a day care provider a couple hundred dollars a month.
Nov 8, 20131:45 PM the finish time of 3: 45 is already later than all of the public schools in the area and it already impacts after school activities for my children.
Nov 6 20131:42 PM This would impact end up costing our family more money in before school care. Nw 20131: 32 PM School should start at 8: 30 and end at 5:00 m. Nov 8 20131: 16 PM Conflicts with a work schedule that is designed to eliminate the need for child care.
Nov 8, 2013 7: 08 PM Makes for a longer day for kids and harder to involve them in after school activities. Also a problem work wise. Nov 8, 20131. 06 PM Most workdays start 8: 00 or 8: 30 a. m. so students should get use to getting and starting their day. Also, there a lot of after school activities that are no longer supported by the school so students need time to do homework and attend those activities
Nov 8, 20131: 05 PM difficult for our work schedule and drop off of our other child at daycare. also the later time means my son is home later which makes it difficult for after school activities, dinner preparation and bedtimes.
Nov 8, 201312:46 PM The change in bell times will be a financial strain as we would be forced to seek before school care for both our children. Unless the school board is going to provide early supervision for our children to be dropped off, or financial support to pay for before school care then we DO NOT support this change. NW 8 201312:34 PM 1have to get to work in the morning and kids would be left alone NW 8, 2013122 PM Nov' 20131/ 45 AM Nov 8, 201311:40 AM NW 8, 20134:28AM
I do NOT agree with later time change because of after school activities Would have to hire a bab sitter After school programs are difficult to get to with such a late dismissal. too late- work starts at 9: 00 am
sports, homework
Nov 8, 2013 3: 10 AM Current bell times align perfectly with my work schedule and changing it will cause me to need an am babysitter
Nov 8, 2013 258 AM will create too much stress in the morning routine at home. mother has to be to work buy 8: 30am and that leaves the children with their sick and ailing grandmother to prep for school too long of a period of time if the bell times are increased.
Nov 8, 2013 2:47 AM Our work schedules, and life can not allow the school times to start any later than 9am. 0
Children need to be up early and alert for the day ahead. Early morning start times also prepare children for secondary school, and the early times they start.
Nov 8, 2013 2:46 AM My son has outside school commitments that sometimes do not allow him to get to sleep until later. I want him to be able to sleep later. Nov 8, 2013 2:30 AM If it has been proven that elementary kids learn more and better earlier in the morning. So start elementary schools earlier and secondary schools later, especially since secondary schools are already getting off earlier!
Nov S. 2013 2:15 AM There is no benefit to the students. I understand that this may save money for board- as out lined in the information sent home- but it does not have a positive impact on school/ life. Studies have concluded that elementary school children learn better earlier in the morning, which is why two years ago a proposal to move the start of the day forward was issued. I' m not in favour of moving the start of the day back by ten minutes.
Nov 8, 2013 1: 48 AM Children are involved in other activities outside of school and they need time after school to eat and do homework. 20min makes a can make a big difference.
Nov 8, 20131:46 AM Hard enough trying to get my children to school/daycare on time, and with winter coming it will be that much harder Nov 8. 20131:34 AM Currently bell time OK Nov 8. 2013 1: 27 AM Nov 8 20131: 21 AM Nov 8 20131:04 AM Nov 8 201312:59 AM
I feel that it distru is the routine of my WHOLE family School end at 3: 40 is too late for my personal life I need to get to work earlier. A later bell time would mean a later bus pick up. lAfter school sports and programs that will be affected across kitchener/ waterloo
Nov 8, 2013 12:31 AM I Because if I need to drop them off that time dose not work.
Nov 7, 201311: 42 PM I have to be at work at 8: 30am. I drop the kids at the bus stop at 8am, if we push this back 20 minutes I will be late fo work. Plus, I think the kids are tired in the afternoon, and they learn better in the morning.
Nov 7, 2013 1126 PM Scheduling conflict Nov 7, 2D13 11: 18 PM Dont believe this is in my child' s best interst. Kid' s learn most early a. m. Our children should not suffer due to your cost savina and budgeting issues.
Nov 7, 2013 11- N PM the bell time works for our family Nov7, 2013 11: 04 PM si nificant increase in childcare expenses- would require both before AND after school care
Nov 7, 2013 10:59 PM not enough detailed information from school board to support there reason on how money would be saved! Nov 7, 2013 10:45 PM Early start times are more beneficial for my family's schedule( appointments, extracurricular activities, daycare pickup etc.
Nov 7, 2013 10:27 PM Before and after school daycare implications. Plus, my son wakes early and delaying the start of school makes it a longer and less productive day for him.
Nov 7. 2013 1023 PM Most people start work at 9. By changing the bell times the parents will need to make arrangments for the kids. That means parents will be spending more money so the shool board can save money. That is not fair for the working famil . The school board should find another way to save money. Nov7, 2013 10*15 PM Incompatibility with work schedules.
Nov 7. 201310:14 PM I' m already paying for after school daycare. By making the start time later I will now need to pay for morning care as well. That is not affordable for me and probably most parents who both work Nov 7, 2013 10:04 PM Proposed times would not fit in with work schedule. Now 7 2013 9SS PM Before/ after school arrangements
Nov 7, 2013 9:37 PM In terms of the time my husband and I start work our children all under 9 years of age need to be dropped of 30 minutes early, which is already quite discomforting. This change would cause us to have to drop our children off 45 minutes before the bell rings, I am not ok with this at all.
Nov 7. 20 3 9:36 PM lWork start time
Nw 7 20139:36 PM IThe delayed time would conflict with hockey schedule. Nov 7, 2013 9-27 PM Nov 7, 2013 9:27 PM Nov 7, 2013 M PM Nov 72013922PM
Work. This will cause a big problem for us Time change will make coordination with other activities too difficult. Childcare arrangements, work schedules, after school programes andbabsittin issues
Nov 7, 2013 9,14 PM Children are already used with the routine and 9 Am is more convenient to my family. Nov 7. 2013 M PM I prefer for kids to have the earlier start and we can spend more time as a family, activities and finish the homework.
Nov 7, 2013 9:03 PM I believe that the current times are beneficial to the students and for the respective parents/guardians. Why fix something that is not broken. The current bell times are congruent with my family's life and work schedule. Changing the belltimes will only create unnessessary change that may have a serious ripple effect. My vote is definitely no, do not change the bell times.
Nov 7, 2013 8:56 PM If school starts even later than it does now, I will not only have to get after school care but also before school care. My husband and I already take turns arriving to work" late" to facilitate drop off, but to push it even later would be unacceptable to our employers.
Nov 7 2013 8:44 PM This conflicts with our current schedule and will result in an extra cost form self
Nov 7 2013 8:40 PM It is to late to start school. We are parents that we work and we need that school starts sooner that latter
Nov 7, 2013 829 PM Pushing back bell times by 20 minutes takes away from much needed down time after school. Starting later in the morning does not help our children, in fact, it will encourage later bed times and will created wasted time in the morning. Keeping the same bell times would help kids learn that we have deadlines and are accountable to being somewhere by an acceptable time. 850 am is too late for a start time, 830 is an appropriate time for school to start Nov 7, 2013 8:28 PM Significant personal cost to arrange early morning care with drop off. Current 8:30am allows me to do drop off and et to work in time. Moving the times would make it impossible for me to do this.
Nw 7, 2013 8:18 PM Changing the bell times to either earlier or later is a bad idea. It is very disruptive to parents schedules; I will be late for work everyday now which might be cause for my termination. If the school board was going to change bbell times regardless of parents opinions, you should have given us the choice of earlier or later bell times.
I voted
against the earlier bell times two years ago because it was too early to get my son out of bed, but if times were changing no matter what, I would have chosen earlier so that I would not loose my job! Do not do this!!!
Nov 7, 2013 7.43 PM With everyone' s busy life and full schedules, starting and finishing school so late in the day will make everything more difficult. My children are awake by 7am, so for them to start school two hours later is absurd. This will push everything so late in the day and less family time. This is a ridiculous proposal. Zero support for it. Nov 7, 2013 7:35 PM There are already students in our playground ready for school at 8: 00- 8: 15. We need an earlier start not a later one. Nov 7 2013 6:52 PM we would have to get before school care Nov 7 2013 6.41 PM Leave to work at 8: 15 am
Nw 7, 2013 6:16 PM My child has been involved in karate for 3 years and we would not make it on time due to the change. 0 0
Also we do not get bus service so why should we be inconvenienced by this.
Nov 7, 2013 6*08 PM My child will still need to get up earily in the morning and will most likely be cranky by the end of the day I think it will be to Ion
Nov 7,,2013 5:41 PM Changing the bell times should not just be about money. Our children are more important than that. Their school homework load is quite heavy, expecially child in grade 7. Although school is priority and most important, so is activity outside of school hours. Evenings are full enough without finishing at a later time. This would definity overlap pre competitive gymnastics and jujitsu which my children have been involved in for years. A later finish also
means less time to do homework in the evening. Many after school programs begin at 4:30 and time is very tight as it is. A later start and finish time is not convenient for many parents. Thank you for taking the time to hear us. Nov 7 2013 5:29 PM It would affect my work hours and cause me extra money in daycare. Hundreds of dollars a month.
Nov 7, 2013 5:09 PM The bell time is already later than the previous school we attended. If it is pushed back even further than I will have
to arrange and pay for before school care. I am a mother of three children in a two working parent household. Even if I switched jobs, there isn' t an employer out there who would allow a start time after 9 am. I currently start at 8: 30
and have already asked my place of employment to make concessions. Also if I am to start paying for before school care, this may mean adding extra hours to my current workload to fit this into our budget, which overall decreases the amount of time I am able to spend with my family, volunteer with the school community as well as assist with homework. Unless the majority of your parents have the luxury of being a stay at home parent( which with three children and three college funds, I do not), this cannot be practical for any of us working parents. Nov 7, 2013 4:08 PM Student that are bus home could be arriving at 3:40/ 3: 45. This could limit available time to complete homework before attending non school athletic programs. As most for student in elementary school start between 4: 00 and 5:00 pm. What does this mean for inter school sports- as these would start later and finish later. No clear
understanding of saving since public school student pick up in our area is 8:45/ 9: 00 am so does this mean their bus is 20 min later? If not, will it not be too busy or if public earlier- how does it save money.
Nov 7, 2013 3:42 PM If younger students learn better earlier in the morning, than why would the bell time go later?D Also, it the past, parents have dropped their students off half an hour earlier for school because they do not have/ cannot afford care before school. I am afraid that if the bell times are so late, students will be dropped off much
earlier for school which will be very unsafe since there will not be a teacher to supervise them.
Nov 7, 2013 3:41 PM Children work better with earlier arrival. In addition, kindergartens start shutting down by 2:00pm and have a hard time focusing on tasks at hand.
Nov 7,2013 3:31 PM You highlight younger children learn better in the day and yet you want to start my 7 year old later. Our school is already a late start. I was totally good with the school starting at 8:40am but not 9: 20.
Nov 7, 2013 3:29 PM When you can figure out how to fill buses I may change my mind. Having 1 child get off a full size bus at the school is not appropriate. Full the buses then people may change their minds. Nov7, 2013 3:11 PM Da care issues
Nov 7, 2013 2A9 PM Teach Grade 8 and these students learn better in the morning. They are more focused in the morning. They have after school commitments and the proposed time changes will disrupt their ability to attend. Coaching activities will become an issue. Games will have to start later again impacting many students who have commitments after school.
Nov 7, 2013 2:28 PM It is already a strain on our family to try and make the schedule work with drop off and pick up for the bus. I am not able to flex my workday any further as I already have requested to start 30 min later and we have to rely on grandparents to try to be available every day to meet the bus. If there was an opportunity to drop my children off at school more than 15 minutes before school, then maybe it could work. Financially, I am not sure we can afford the before and after school program.... but I guess this may be something that we have to consider if things change.
Surely, if monetary savings is the goal, then lets look to the schools for fundraising opportunities( as was recommended at the previous consultation meetings) and try to minimize the change on families and our children. Nov 7 2013 2:14 PM it works well for us with current times Nov7, 2013 2.04 PM conflicts with work Nov? 20131: 52 PM We would then require before school care.
Nov7, 2013 1, 52 PM later start times would be greatly appreciated Nov 7, 2013 1: 37 PM If the change occured I would have to find before school care.
Nov 7, 2013 1: 37 PM My children have an hour bus ride already!! so this change would push their drop off time to 4:45- 4: 50, its simply so late for them to get home and having extra curricular activities to attend to and homework. Also, I thought young children best benefit from starting earlier so why the change?????
Nov 7, 2013 123 PM This time change, while slight, interfears with my children' s extra curricular activities. Our schools start time is excellent. This should stay the same. Maybe looking into those who start at 9am instead may be a better option. Nov 7, 2013 1: 17 PM If the start time is changed to 9: 15 1 will then have to find baby sitting for just 20 minutes which will cost me$ 20 a day. The start time now works perfectly with mine and my husbands work schedule that we don't require babysitting_ I would be okay if the start time was earlier like 8:45. Nov 7. 2013 1: 12 PM Itoo much of an impact on family Nov 7 201311: 57 AM I and" benefits to students". When the proposed bell time changes
first came out, the main reason for the proposal was that younger children learn better earlier in the day. To start at 9: 00 is late enough. To start 15 minutes later is that much worse. My children are in activities after school which start between 4:00 and 5:00. If my child gets home by 3:30, this does not leave enough time to have a nutritious meal and drive to the activity. Also, I have an older child in high school who is responsible for the younger sibling when we are not home. With already poorly aligned bell times between the schools, this increased gap between the siblings' start times and end times does not work at all for our family. I do not feel comfortable with my younger child being alone that much longer in the morning. Thank you for your consideration.
Od 21, 201312:14 AM one of the benefits is that I get to walk my daughter to school and still make it to work on time. Delaying it by 10 minutes means that there is no supervision on the schoolyard until 8: 55 which would, in turn, make me late for work.
I don't see how delaying the start of school by 10 minutes will make my child learn any differently, and that it is just in the name of saving money.
Oct 21 201312:04 AM- This would impact my husband and I having to pay for more before/after school care for our kids.
00211, 201131211 AM' My wife and I have full time jobs. Work for the vast majority of people begins at 9:00am. We would not be able to attend work on time with the changed times. The only option would be before school care, which we can not afford. I feel proceeding this way would be very irresponsible, and result in a difficult situation for working parents. Oct 20, 2013,111: 49 PM Most parents have jobs the are 9- 5. This in no way helps parents get their kids off to school and get to work on time. I miss her old school that started at 8: 30
OCt20 201311+47 PM It doesn't work for my schedule. And have no da car at this time
Oct20, 201311: 22 PM My daughters figure skate early in the morning and if the times move ahead, they will miss more school time.
Oct 20. 2013 11: 14 PM My child loves the sport teams at school and then has extra activities that they go to, they want to be apart of the school teams as much as possible before leaving for the other programs, they wont be able to be both If you change the times
Oct 20, 201311: 07 PM Financial-we currently have our daughter in after school care but with the later bell we would also require before school care, therefore our costs would raise approx.$ 60/ week.
Oct 20,201310:54 PM I am a working mother. We schedule all of our appointments for after school. This change in time makes it virtually impossible for me to get home, then take my children to their appointments.
Oct 20, 2013 10:12 PM I am at work by 8: 00 and would prefer the students start earlier as I go to a second job after work. It would be too rushed if we had a later start and end time.
i I
Oct 20,201310:03 PM Our son has a full night, getting out of school later impacts us. As a parent I would be working later to drop my son of as he isn' t old enough to walk himself so I have changed my working hours to accommodate. This would mean I would work until six, increasing my cost for after school care and less time spent with my son in the evening. He also has homework that totals an hour a night, he is being tutored and participates in cubs and swimming lessons. So, again less time allowed to participate in extra circular activities as home work is first and foremost. Let's be realistic,
but you would impacting any working class family as not all families have the flexibility to support such hours. We do not support this, we would have to move him to another school if this was the case.
Oct 20, 2013 9:27 PM We already had our bell times adjusted at St.Anne( Kit) this year by 20 minutes and now your proposing to do it again. This is concerning because the later finish for all students both walking and busing will be busier time for traffic volume and even more concern for road crossing and safety of all students. The later they finish the more traffic they will have to deal with- this is a major safety concern. Another point 1' d like to make is it may be saving the school board$$ by adjusting start times but in return you' ll be impacting parents of the students who have to rearrange ONCE AGAIN for before and after school care or parents having to adjust their work schedules to accomodate YOUR changes. I AM NOT HAPPY AT ALL WITH THIS PROPOSAL!!
Oct 20, 2013 9:13 PM Our bell times changed this year to a 20 minute later start. I don' t feel another change to a later time again is in the best needs of our families.
Oct 20 2013 9:05 PM Not being able to drop my child off at school and make it to my job on time.
Oct 20 2013 8:55 PM Because of the impact that it will have on the students at the secondary level. Oct 20, 2013 8:39 PM you stated that it was a benefit for younger children to learn earlier, but the school proposed bell time does NOT alig with this recommendation!( you are suggesting something backwards); later is not better for our school which is a small school, and at times unable to field a team of athletes to complete because of students' extra- curricular
activities OUTSIDE of school that sometimes start as early at 4pm; a LATER start to our day would definitely impact the teams from our school
Oct 20 2013 8:34 PM Childcare
Oct 20, 2013 7:51 PM It is too late in the rmoning for a chi;d's education. The optimal learning time is first thing in the morning. I would not support my children going to school even later than they do now—which is considered to be late currently( 9am start time as opposed to 8: 30).
Oct20 2013 7:34 PM need to get to work prior to proposed start time. Can't pay for before school child care
Oct 20 201 7:11 PM Work...b dropping off my kids for 9:00am it is better for me to get to work on time.
Oct 20, 2013M PM Late at the other end for so many meetings that make up a part of the day... staff, division, spec. ed, interviews... makes the day at the other end that much longer.
Oct 20, 2D13 6A8 PM Too early and conflicts with family scheduling. Oct 20, 2013 SAO PM I have family commitments that this would interfere with, especially since my own children are done school at 3pm. My own children, just like many of the children at St. Boniface begin after school activities at 4pm or earlier, delaying our bell time by 20 mins will greatly impact these children being able to participate in these after school activities. Oct 20 20136:04 PM Many students are coming to school around 8: 30- 8:40 so it would benefit to start earlier rather than later. Oct 20 2013 5:53 PM Work schedule. Children learn best at earlier times.
Oct 20, 2013 5:23 PM I will be unable to put my child on the bus and will have to pay someone. What the board gains in this financially the community will have to pay in child care costs. These costs should not be placed upon the boards stakeholders/community.
Oct 20 20'134x47 PM Cannot make this work due to work hours. 0020, 2013&-57 PM Lack of Child Care
Oct 20 2013 2:16 PM Creates scheduling conflicts with extra- curricular afterschool commitments. Oct 20 2013 2'06 PM It does not allow me to get to work on time and I would have to pay for additional child care Oct 20, 2013 2-05 PM The times are not convenient due to my work schedule. Before school care would be required for my kids. Oct 20, 2013 1. 59 PM The current start and end times have worked well all these years I don' t think it should be changed now. As the saying oes, if it isn't broke don't fix it. Oct 20, 2013 12:59 PM It will interfere with after school activities we have.
Oct 20, 2013 12.42 PM These bell times will make it impossible for me to get my child to the bus in the morning, and extremely rushed in the evening for their other activities. You state several times the elementary school children learn better in the early part of the day, et you change the bell times later and later. I do not support this change.
Oct 20 20131: 40 AM' Too late in the day. 20 minutes is a big change
Oct 20. 2013 12:56 AM Already getting my child up so early to get ready for school. We already have to put my child to bed so early in the evening which cuts into family time. Oct20 201312/ 4 AM Adverse affect to extra curricular activities and schedules.
Oct 19 201311: 36 PM Childcare would have to chanfle drastically. Oct 19 201311: 13 PM Personal preference.
Oct 19, 2013 9:19 PM We have already made a change for later bell times this current year and have had to accommodate with appropriat after school daycare. We are fortunate that our eldest can fulfill this role on the majority of days; but, he is not old enough for a licence to drive and cannot do all of the roles required.0 0
If you delay the start time, then you delay the start time for a large majority of parents at their place of work......... even
luckier if their place of work will accommodate such a late arrival for work. Once you have a later
start time for the parents, you will have an obligate later" at home" time. This directly impacts on the parents ability
to monitor the safety and development of their children as well as will add an increase'to the costs of daycare for a large majority.0 0
Children will also feel the direct impact of this change since a later" at home" time will mean that they are doing their homework during a time when they are not at their optimal time of learning. Oct 19 20138 0 PM End time is too late
Oct 19, 20138:26 PM If students in elementary learn better earlier in the morning, why are we starting even later?0 As well it doesn' t suit my personal schedule. Oct 19 20137:40 PM After school family commitments
Ck:t 2013 7:39 PM This change will not support our family's needs. Oct 19, 20137:23 PM Oh my goodness...there are so many!!!! 0 Children learn better earlier in the day.0 We have no air conditioning and later on in the day would be creating an unsafe and unsavory learning environment when the weather gets hot. As well it would not give our school any chance to warm up or get ready to go to other schools for our sports teams and will affect whether or not our students will be able to come out to sports teams as
well. Finally we as staff...have FAMILIES... so if you would like us to continue to do ANY extra curriculars in a time frame in which we would be able to coach and pick up our kids...this new bell time would not allow it to be a possibility!!! Money is not everything people!
Oct 19, 2013 71M PM The current times work with my work schedule. With the new proposed times I would have to find someone to care for my son during the morning and afternoon. Oct 19 2013 7.4116 PM I alreadv have a hard time with the 9am as I start work at 9- 9: 10 would make it difficult for work. Oct 19, 2013 6:33 PM I support the school starting sooner, but later hinders on our Free morning bab sitter!
Oct 19, 201316.32 PM My ability to coach/ participate in extra-curricular activities would disappear, which clearly affects the students. If it's been proven that younger children learn better earlier on in the day, then pushing the day back doesn't make sense either. I would support an earlier start and finish time, not later.
19 20136:11 PM Parent work schedules
Od 19, 2013 5:53 PM There was already a bell time change this year for St. Anne( K)( that we were not consulted about, may I add). Another change would make a 40 minute difference. We have already adjusted our work schedules once and doing it again is not something that we could do. We would be very upset and would highly consider switching our child over to the public board if there time fit us better.
Oct 19, 2013 5:32 PM' If the belltimes change, I will be inable to drop my child off at school and will require before school care. This poses financial and logistical issues for my family.
Oct 19, 20134;02 PM This is far too late compared to most other schools that you want to start at 8: 20. This will cause headaches with our family schedule and in no way benefits our kids.
Oct19, 2013 3:57 PM First of all any elementary student could tell you that your survey question is biased and lets not pretend that this is about benefiting students... that is insulting. Parents can barely get their young children up and organized for 8: 30 let alone 8: 20, especially in the Winter.
O t 19 2013 3,55 PM' Too early for students and difficult to adjust daycare
Oct19, 2013 3:38 PM tremendous inconvenience for a working parent- it puts more stress on the parents as they will have to revise their availability for start times at their own work environment and may therefor jeopardize their position because of their
availability!!! further more with a government that is already trying to eliminate the catholic school system is this not first step towards that? and lastly our children function by far better earlier in the morning, so great you are saving
money but how are you helping out our children- there is absolutely no benefit for our children Oct 19 2013 3:18 PM` child care reasons
Ott 19, 2013 3:15 PM' Child Care pick up time Oct 19, 2013 3.1) 4 PM Student drop-off/pick- up in relation to work schedule.
Oct 19 2013 301 PM A later day will have a significant impact on families daycare for their children. Oct19, 2013 2-30 PM` Too late... children learn better earlier.
Oct 19, 2013 2:11 PM small kids have been up early already and their attention to school will not be there. They will be tired by the time they come to school.
Oct 19 20131:46 PM We would then need before school care AS WELL AS after school care.
Oct 19, 2013 1: 45 PM 9: 00pm already seems like a late start time compared to the other elementary school that start at 8:30. Oct 19 20131: 29 PM Impact on after school activities and personal child care.
Oct 19, 20131: 16 PM I think an early start is bettet
Oct19, 2013 1: 14 PM My child is exhausted by 2: 30 pm.0 To be in school until 3:45 would be difficult.
Oct 19, 2013 1: 14 PM It is suggested that younger students learn better earlier in the day, so how does the later start benefit them? Oct 19, 2013 12:53 PM it's too late in the day and will have a negative impact on after school programs
Oct 19, 2013 122B PM Our students are in a school that has no air conditioning. When humidity sets in, the walls and the floors sweat. The temperature of the school does not promote a learning environment. If the school times are moved to later start and finish, we will be pushing the time further into the hottest time of the day and make the situation unbearable. If anything can be worked out, it should be an earlier time so that advantage can be taken of the early morning cooler air.
Oct 19, 201310:59 AM Children learn better earlier and yet John Sweeney's bell time would move 20 min later. I think it should stay at 8:30 to 3: 00.
Oct 19 2013 5:32 AM Work time
Oct 19 20134:38 AM Changing bell times affects arrangements for childcare.
Oct 19, 2013 2:27 AM Because the extended day program would start then at 7: 10am and our work schedules cannot accomodate this chan
Oct 19 20131: 16 AM Oct 19 20131: 13 AM Oct 19, 2013 1: 08 AM Oct 19, 2013 12:51 AM
Childcare would dramatically change from home to paid... 100% against this change. Small children learn best earlier in the day. I will be late for work every morning. Learning times prove better earlier in the day.
Oct 19, 2013 1228 AM 9. 10 would be too late for us to go to work.
Oct 19, 2013 1224 AM Start time is too late for our family. Both parents work and 9: 15 am start would mean we would need before school care and transportation to school as we need to be at work before 9: 15 am and would not be able to do this. We also
couldn't afford this option to be honesty. Oct 19, 2013 12.05 AM The main reason is that my son is on the ASD and is most productive in the morning. Aside from that, if school were
to be delayed by 30 mins I would be unable to drive him to school. As a single working parent those 20mins in the morning are important to me, and my son.
Oct 19, 2013 12:02 AM Do not have childcare for that early in the afternoon.
Oct 18, 201311: 51 PM Too late to start the day! Seriously, half the morning is over by 9:20. 1 prefer the morning to start at 8: 30. Kids are calmer in the morning and much higher quality learning takes place then. Having our students stay at school later in
the day does not make sense! Please reconsider this proposal. Money is not everything... Oct 18 201311:47 PM Due to being so close to a public elementary school that starts at that time Oct It 2013 11A PM Times of after-school commitments Oct 1& 201311A4 PM Childcare!
20131111AIIPM Child care
Oct 1
201311: 36 PM Work/Drop Off schedule would necessitate extra daycare costs
Oct 18, 20131137 PM This has nothing to do with student learning and everything to do with saving money. Cut out many of the useless programs at this board if you wish to save money.
Oct 18, 20131131 PM Day ends too late and children have lessons or sports in the evenings. Also, children wake up early and learn best earlier in the day. Oct 18, 201311: 18 PM I often need to get to meetings. 0
Starting earlier than 8: 50 would suit me to allow for a longer evening and time to get something to eat before meetin
Oct A 2013107 PM Affect childcare fees for my children.
Oct 18, 20131053 PM My children are early risers. We have several after school sports which require us to be home earlier. This is no way helps out our family life. Makes it far more difficult. Even the study suggests younger children learn better earlier in the day. I absolutely do not support this idea. Oct 1& 201310:43 PM Too late of a start in the day. Rather start earlier. Oct 1& 201310:42 PM Daycare in the am
Oct 18, 20131036 PM As an active sports coach, the end of the day at the current time puts us as the last team to arrive and the last team scheduled to play, often not finishing until 7 or later. As a small school, it will also interfere with the availability of students for sports teams because of other commitments. The trade would be virtually no sports for a later bell times
Oct 18, 201310:27 PM You said yourself elementary students learn better earlier. A later start in the day would not benefit either them or the secondary students with an earlier start.
Oct 18 201310.06 PM Daycare provisions.
Oct 18, 201310.04 PM No After school bus pick up available to me. Too late in the am for my husband and I to get to work and we don't have the money to afford before school care. Oct A 2013 9:47 PM You just stated earlier times would be better for younger students yet are proposing a later start time?
Oct 18, 2013 9:40 PM They have been this way and they work for parents who work and plan there schedules on these times. Plus the children have gone to school this time since they have been in kindergarten. If it is not broken don' t fix it. Oct 18, 2013 9:37 PM The last change had a great effect on the therapies that my son has after school. The time of his therapies were adjusted but his alertness is not as great as when he was getting out at 3: 05 and it is having an impact on the successfulness of these therapies. If school is to be adjusted by another twenty minutes I may have to start taking him out of school early and pick him up myself as these therapies are so important to all aspects of his future. Oct 18 2013 9:35 PM Parent community- childcare Oct18, 20139.321PINIII existing childcare arrangements. Concerns about the feasibility of a 3: 20 finish for my own family.
Oct 18, 2013 9:32 PM Child care is dependent on the current times as well as my work schedule is dependent on the AM start time.
Oct18 20139:22 PM Too late in the morning and it will mess everyone' s schedules
Oct 18, 20139:20 PM Many of our students are already up very early in the morning. Starting later will only prolong their TV watching or video gaming.
Oct 1$ 2013 9:19 PM We need an earlier time to help us align with St. Mary's HS times not later.
Od'18 2013 8:59 PM pay teachers less and bus drivers more- then the bell times do not have to change- thank you Oa 18, 2013 8:59 PM 1 work between 2 schools. If you change all the times it will be a nightmare trying to work out schedules with teachers having to travel between schools as well as Itinerant teachers. Oct 1$, 20138:48 PM Work schedule, transportation of other child and extra curricular activities. Those 15 minutes make a huge difference in ours hedulin ... too late a start.
Oet 18; 2013 8:46 PM As a working parent this is extremely challenging. I also find, that no matter what time the start may be, young children will be awake at the same time and extremely tired by the end of the day, regardless of start time. This also effects after school activities that children may be in. Oct'18, 2013 8:42 PM In your letter of Octoer 18, 2013, you state... 0
To align start and stop times to studies which suggested YOUNGER children learn BETTER EARLIER in the day and teenagers learn better later in the day. HOW, may I inquire, does going from September 2012 start time of 8: 35am to 2013 start time of 8: 55am to a proposed 9: freaking 15 am start time IN ANY FREAKING WAY follow wha YOUR freaking letter says about younger children. Really, I mean really what lobotomised moron decided that a 9: 1 am start time was" EARLIER" for younger students? Who the freaking freak is in charge of these decisions? I mean, where is the common sense. OMG. I think I just did an oxymoron... common sense and any form of goverment... but really education... yes lets just screw around more and more with our education and fall further and further behind. So just to completely clarify, to put in completely simple terms that even the lowest of life forms could completely and clearly understand. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Is that clear enough. come on.....
Oct 18, 2013 8:40 PM The start time is too late in the morning. Other schools are starting as early as 8:20. This is almost one hour later than other schools. I do not support this change.
Oct 18, 2013$: 37 PM 2 bell time changes in 2 years is not good for the heart of the community. Additionally, as a parent, my child has after school activities, one of which begins at 4 p. m. Lastly, I feel that what matters to people is not at the heart of the matter, rather it is the almighty dollar; how can we save money. OCt1$" 138.32 PM would rather an earlier start time Oi31$=2013$: 32 PM Care before school and after now needed. Young kids do better in the morning
OdIC 20138:32 PM I do not wish to start any earlier than 9: 00 a. m because the later dismissal time makes it difficult to get to appointments after school 0
ALSO- with all the buses doing double runs it is almost impossible to get buses for field trips so we go on trips whey we pay for a full day program but use about two thirds of the program because the bus companies cannot send a bus until after their last run then they want to pick us up early because their runs start earlier and we miss out on some good programs.
Oct 18, 2013 8:29 PM This is much too late to start school, and also ends late. It will impact on extra curricular activities, run both at the
school and outside of school, making it difficult to have much time before dinner and bed for a young child. Oct 18 2013$: 227 PM My work schedule. I have already had to adjust it for the new hours this current school year.
0018, 20138:15 PM too late in the day for many are tired, scheduling interviews, coaching, going to board meetings, the day is already long enough. 0di1 " 2013$: 08 PM After school childcare.
t18, 201386 PM My daughter has after school activities that include her coming back home on the bus, eating and driving there which usually takes half an hour in traffic.
OCt=! 20138# PM+ Upsets current work schedules and bab sittin 001$ 20137:59 PM Too late in day. Oct=18, 20137:58PM I have small children( not of school age) who are my first priority before and after school. I need to be there to meet their schedules that we've already worked so diligently to establish. Ending later in the day means that my day also gets Dushed back, pushing our evening routine later.
Oct 18, 2013 7:58 PM Many parents begin their work at 9 o'clock. They presently have enough time to drop their children off and then proceed to work. They will not have enough time under the proposed changes because supervision will only begin at 8: 55. As a school, there are increased number of incidences that occur in the afternoon. Starting later and ending at a later time will not be beneficial for the general happiness and productivity of our students.
Oct 18, 2013 7:56 PM The X and SK students are physically and emotionally exhausted by the end of the day. They are much fresher for learning in the morning. Adding additional time to the afternoon will only make matters worse. If you proposed
beginning the day ten minutes earlier and ending ten minutes earlier, I would support that fully. Oct 18 2013 7:54 PM daycare
Oct 19, 2013 7:53 PM The students are already tired at the end of the day. I recognize that it's only 10 minutes, but those can be a long 10 minutes.
Oct 18, 2013 7:51 PM: Student achievement is more successful in the early part of the day. Students who use the before and after school program will have a very long day in school.
Oct18 2013 7:49 PM Does not work with current family situations. Oct 18, 2013 7:48 PM 1 do not see how this puts students first? My students are exhausted by day's end, and even with a later start, adding an additional twenty minutes to the school would be pushing it.
Oct18, 2013 7:43 PM` I have a medical condition. Changing the bell time 20 minutes later will result in me not being able to make doctor's appointments after school and having to take more time off from work.
Oct 18, 2013 7:43 PM Difficult to make appointments after school as it is. 0 Coordinating the times with my own children' s school.
Oct 18, 2013 7:41 PM Negative student behaviour the later the day goes on. 0 The demographics of this school is largely middle class with both parents working. A later start time would negative) impact parents who work early. Oct 18 2013 7:40 PM Child care
Oct 18, 2013 7:39 PM Students at this school have many issues with behavior that escalate as the day progresses. If anything, our bell times should be earlier to enable students optimum learning time when they are fresh.
Oct 18, 2013 7:39 PM If impact the care I would need and the evening activities that we participate in as a family. I feel it is too late. Oct 18 2013 738 PM I would rather start earlier and finish earlier due to daycare expenses. Oct 18 2013 7:37 PM Our families schedule
Oct 18, 2013 7:37 PM Students are already tired at the end of the day and it would be a hardship for them to stay later. Young children work better early in the day and students with learning difficulties and behaviour problems will have difficulty staying on task.
Oct 18, 2013 7J6 PM I understand the need to save money, however this change in time will cause more money to be spent trying to find BEFORE school daycare as most working parents have already started their work-day by 9: 15am- we do not have the flexibility to change OUR start times. This is not a realistic change for families.
Oct 18, 2013 7:25 PM My children have ALREADY seen a bell time change this year. We have had to make MANY new day care arrangements to accommodate this year's bell time change... to see it changed even further( even later for these
elementary children) is not a reasonable request considering they learn best earlier in the day, and their day keeps getting pushed back!
Oct 18, 2013 7:22 PM the school belltimes are late already, we have a hard time making any appointments any minute counts at the end of the day, if the time was switchched for earlier it would work better.
Oct 18, 2013 721 PM our family would find it too early to begin school 8:20am. My children have extra curricular activities most evenings and this small change would effect them. I do not support this.
Oct 18, 2013 7:17 PM Daycare, after school activities. Although it' s only 15 minutes, it makes a drastic impact on our after school activities not enough time to get home, get changed, get fed and to places by 4:30). In addition, 9: 15 is a ridiculously late tim to start school.
Oct 18, 2013 7:17 PM Many of our students are in early day care( as paents work early) and having the day extended by 15 minutes at the end of the day would make for too long a day for them.
Oct 18, 2013 7:15 PM this would require me to pay for before school care that 1 currently do not need as I can get my child on the bus and still get to work on time.
Oct 18, 2013 7:15 PM I teach extra curricular activities after school, but have a tight time line for that( due to my own commitments after them). If the time goes later, I would have to cancel and deprive the kids of those activities. If the bell time was
moved earlier, I would fully support it. Thanks!
Oct 18, 2013 7:14 PM Elementary kids do their best work early by 340 they are exhausted. Their learning is more important than saving money
Oct 18, 2013 7:12 PM Currently, my daughter can leave for school and then I can leave for work. With the later time, I would have to leave before she does.
Oct 19, 2013 7:11 PM As a parent and a Secondary school teacher, 1 cannot afford to pay for daycare for morning hours before my daughter would start school, while I have to start my work day earlier according to the proposed bell changes. It would mean me being at work for 7: 30am( at the latest in order to be prepared to teach for an 8: 00am start time) but
my daughter not starting school until an hour later. At 5 years of age, she would need morning supervision each day. Is the board willing to provde supervision for students who would need to be dropped off an hour and half before thei day starts? If not, as a parent and WCDSB employee I would need to pay for day care before and after schoo. This is simply too expensive' Oct 18 2013 7:09 PM After school activities. I prefer the existing time as it is.
Oct 18, 2013 7:08 PM As the principal of OLOG, I was not asked for my input regarding what I( and staff) think is best for our school
community. Our demographics dictate that our students come from hard working parents who generally work in the labour force. Many of our parents begin work early and we sometimes need to bring our students in from the yard in the morning because they've been dropped off before supervision is even provided. A later start time means our kids are home an extra 10 minutes( many of them waiting to come to school to be fed) or they'll be in the yard waiting to come inside. In addition, I have the data to show that our behaviour increases as the day progresses. Most of our incidents occur in the afternoon. Our optimum teaching time with students at Grace is first thing in the morning-
after we have fed them. An earlier start/finish time would go a long way in supporting our kids and ensuring them a better start to the day. Oct 18,2013 7:05 PM Too difficult to get appointments after school as it is.0 Too late to end the day
Oct 18, 2013 7:06 PM As parents, we are not able to flex our schedules to accommodate the later start time. We are already flexing our schedules to get our children on the bus for 8:40am, and any later would not be possible without losing employment. Oct 18 2013 7:05 PM My own children have early starts at their school- child care Oct M 2013 7:05 PM IToo late dismissal to support appointments with dr/dentistletc
Oct 18 2013 7:04 PM IThis does not work for me personally due to circumstances with my own children.
Oct 18, 20137:04 PM I am an employee at this school and I do not wish to have my day extended by 20 minutes. All of my appointments dr etc) are in Kitchener and it is already difficult for me to make 4 Pm appointments. Changing the bell times to a later time would increase my absences. Oct 18 2013 7:02 PM Due to the fact that our extracurriculars are all afterschool. Oct 78 20138:56 PM We just had a change
Oct 18, 2013 6:54 PM School start time should be earlier as indicated at the beginning of the survery. I do not understand how starting school later benefits children.
Oct 18, 2013 6:50 PM It does not support the stated fact that younger students learn best earlier in the day and older students learn best later in the day. It is counter-intuitive. Oct 18 2013 6:44 PM parents also start work earl
Oct 18 2013 6742 PM Daycare
Oct 18, 2013 8:40 PM Many parents can't make it to work on time already because of the bell at 9am and have to hire care for before school this will impact them even more in the morning. There are a lot of after school programs but not as many in the morning. Oct 18, 2013 6:38 PM It is not realistic to start as late as 8: 50am when most parents need to be at work for 8: 30 or 9: 00am. This would
mean having to pay for both before and after school care instead of just after school care. Oct 18 20136:35 PM need to be at work for that time.
Oct A 2013 6:32 PM after school obligations at 3: 30
Oct 18, 2013 6:30 PM Students are involved in many extracurricular activities and the later end to the day would be more difficult for both families and staff members.
Oct 18 2013 6:29 PM Oct 1& 2013 626 PM Oct I&'201 8:22 PM Oct 18, 2013 6:19 PM
8: 20am if far too early to start school when you have 3 small children to get ready. Primary children are far more productive with the morning learning Learning for elementary school students is more optimal earlier in the morning. Our students are up early and most productive in the morning. More behaviour issues in the pm as well. 9: 00 is already too late. It should be the earliest time as in 8: 15.
Oct 18 2013 8:10 PM After school sports will finish too late.
Oct 18, 2013 6:07 PM The demographics of this school with parents who work in the labour force need earlier start time. Also, the needs of our students( e.g., behaviour, food, outside mental health supports) increase as the day goes on. Data shows our most productive and positive times are earlier in the day.
Oct 18 2013 8:02 PM Arrangements for transportation have been made based on existing times Oct 18 2013 5:58 PM end time- too late in the day, drive home too busy at that time
Oct 18, 2013 5:53 PM Elementary students learn better in the morning as indicated in the proposal yet these changes would result in St. Daniel students starting later in the day.
Oct 18, 20135:42 PM No, Because how we currently have it set up would impact our before care, I feel that the start times are late enough I think that if the high schools are starting earlier then it shouldn't effect the elementary times currently and they would be able to share busing, many parents who's children go to schools with later start times than ours wish they
too had an early start time!! I wouldn't change it. finding a way to eliminate the GRT busing and save the 1 million is great idea, but I feel the time diff is too much.
Oct 18, 2013 5:37 PM I already have planned all my schedule for the week based on the 8. 30 am start of school, I will be late for all my other activities and my kids will be rushing for their activities after school as well
Oct 18, 2013 5:31 PM Elementary students already start the day early enough. Pushing it back to much brings issues of after school care which cannot always be filled by afterschool programs that are very costly. Secondary students should be pushed back to an earlier start. I am a parent to both and my son at Resurrection would much prefer an earlier start as it lets him fulfill class and work obligations.
Oct 18, 2013 4:47 PM The younger students learn better earlier in the day. By moving the bell time later it is interferring with the best time for these students to learn.
Oct 18, 2013 339 PM Creates great difficulty with child care arrangements for family members whose bell times are changing in the opposite dorections. Savings should be found else where first. Perhaps a review of the amount of staff working out of the Board Office should be considered first.
Oct 18, 2013 3:33 PM our fmilies working hours cannot accomodate the proposed bell time changes and would seriously impact our family and our ability to have our children attend school with such a late start. We would need to pull our children from this system nd have them attend either a public school with an earlier start time or a private school with a later start time.
Oct 18, 2013 3:30 PM Bell times negatively impact family schedules and day care arrangements. Equivalent savings could easily be found by reducing Board staff or finding savings at the Board level which consistently consumes a disproportionate amount of money and resources. There are far too many consultants and Supervisory Officers and money wasted on standardized testing for starters. Oct 18 2013 3:26 PM there is no change. would like to start earlier
Oct 18 2013 2:58 PM 11 would prefer they change to earlier than later. I start work ealier. Oct 18 20131: 45 PM JPick up of my children at the end of the day.
iI Bell Time Consultation- Secondary
MmMe-. _R
Nov 11 20139:34 PM I do not agree with the time change, what is the difference of moving it 10 minutes later Nov 11, 2013 9:03 PM We wouldn't receive GIRT bus passes for after school to take the bus home after sports and clubs.
Nov 11, 2013 8:34 PM If the bell times changed to 10 minutes later I may have agreed, but 10 minutes earlier makes a big difference to students already leaving before 7:30 am to catch a bus
Nov 11, 2013 8:13 PM Earlier is not in the students best interest. What's the point of funding education in classrooms more if the times are earlier and teenagers learn better later in the day? they wont be awake to learn anything. speaking as a student who is chronically sleep deprived, this would probably cut out potential sleep times and every minute does count.
Nov 11, 2013 4:01 PM I feel that starting earlier doesn't fit with our students learning better. If anything they will be to tired to fully interact and learn in the first to second classes of the day. Changing the times may save money but what about the ability to learn for our students? Nov 11 2013 2:30 PM It conflicts with m morning routine of dropping m child off and going to work Nov 11 2013 2:25 PM to earl
Nov 11, 2013 2:21 PM - you have indicated that high school students work better in the afternoon, please explain why you are wanting them to go to school earlier than they normally do????? Plus she already takes the earlier bus instead of the one that she should be taking as the bus is sometimes late and she is rushed to get to class and then the teacher thinks she is late when in fact it's the bus that caused
the problem. Do not want her to take an even earlier bus, she would be out there in the dark
waiting for the bus, unacceptable!!
Nov 11, 20131: 10 PM My children stay up to finish work, study and work. If the bell times are bumped up 20 mins that means less sleep for them and less productivity on their end. Plus my children participate in after school activities and teams how will this early dismissal affect that??
Nov 11, 201312:46 PM Knowing my daughter and many of her friends..... I am not sure how productive they would be starting even earlier.
Nov 11,
12:41 PM the change to yellow buses has far too great an impact on students' ability to get to and from school with the number of after school activities taking place you will be running half empty yellow buses and parents will be paying much more in bus fares. I would rather see an increase in the cost of the bus pass from$ 5/ semester to as much as$ 20/ semester.
Nov 11, 2013 5:01 AM The million saved will likely continue to come out of parents' budgets in the form of child care as a result of these changes, not realistically translating to any savings. I' d like the board to care about this. I may have to have to incur after school care costs and extra transportation from a sitter or
daycare I don't currently have as we use busses and sibling care at home after school now. If less students are being taught, costs to the board should decrease. I don' t understand the shortage unless benefits and other institutional costs are unsustainable. •Those are tough items to cut back
but other sectors are unfortunately having to do this. Also, if my high school student occasionally misses the bus or it is late, I will already be off to work and it takes him nearly an hour to walk to the high school, with the later start I would not be able to drive him to get to class on time.
Nov 11 20133:33 AM Teenagers learn better later in the day! Nov 11, 2013 3:21 AM Its 10 minutes, it's barely noticeable time after school but it's 10 less minutes of sleep and this
moves lunch up even earlier than it already is
Nov 11 2013 2:26 AM Teen sleep habits, attendance issues- lates, esp for students that walk a distance.
Nov 11, 2013 2:08 AM My daughter needs an reasonable amount of sleep and changing the start time to 8: 01 would mean that she would have to wake up before 6: 00 am which I think is too early for anyone, especially a hi h school student. i
Nov 11, 20131: 58 AM I understand that with the bell time change, yellow school buses will be used instead of city buses. I think it is fantastic that teenagers are currently getting used to using city buses and these city buses provide much more flexibility when students stay after school for extra- curricular activities. It is socially responsible of the school board to instill city bus use in our high school students. I am
sure many of these students would not use city buses if they didn't have to for school. Once they get used to the city bus, they will use it more and more often for trips other than just to and from school. This, in turn, puts less cars on the road. Isn't this one of the things we should be teaching our kids to help them become responsible citizens? It would be a disservice to these students to move them back to yellow school buses.
Nov 11, 20131: 29 AM daily routine would be affected and day care would be required as current student gets younger siblings up and ready for school Nov 11 20131: 03 AM Earlier start and earlier finish allows for more opportunities for after school initiatives. Nov 11, 201312:56 AM Too difficult for teenagers together there on timen with late part time job and bus schedulers. A latertime would be better
Nov 11, 201312:38 AM Because these hours already differ greatly from a typical 9- 5 work day. Starting time is RIDICULOUS as it is. Don' t make it worse.
Nov 11 201312:14 AM Child care issues Nov 10 201310,09 PM student work
Nov 10 2013 9:22 PM 10 minutes will not make a difference.
Nov 10, 2013 9:09 PM This would pose a problem for team sports. St. Mary's already has the latest finish to their day. Nov 10, 2013 9:00 PM As studies have indicated, high school students would benefit from later start times as they are generally sleep deprived. Also, the earlier finish times mean they would spend more unsupervised time at home after school which is also not a smart idea at this age.
Nov 10, 2013 8:21 PM The use of yellow buses instead of city buses restricts after school activities our children may want to participate in or increases the amount of driving parents will need to do if our children do participate. The cost savings of aligning these times seems to be counter intuitive if the money is being turned around to be put into this form of busing.
Nov 10 2013 6,00 PM Too early. My child has a sibling to watch and get ready as well Nov 10, 2013 5:35 PM An early start does not benefit a high- school student in any way. u Every study I have read indicates the opposite. 0 There are better ways to save money. 0 1) Board Administration- There are multiple top level administrators. You need to publish the org chart and job descriptions for each level as I don't understand the need of this many highly paid executives. Before you impact students and parent, you should take care of your own back yard. I
propose you have an independent consulting firm perform a detail diagnostic of the board, its functions and compare that to best practices and other similar regions. I would rather see
administration between this board and the WDSB amalgamated. If you are serious about saving money, I would like to see a complete list of alternatives you explored and rejected before you landed on this option.
Nov 10, 2013 5:25 PM This is ridiculous. You state in the letter you sent home that teenagers learn better later. So then
why are you proposing to change the bell times to earlier? I disagree with this whole proposal. It will not benefit the children in any way in their learning. To propose that elementary start later and high school start earlier goes against sound pedagogical research that suggest the opposite? No
matter which way this is spun, it is a bad idea. My children are very busy with extracurricular activities and involved in their high school at many levels. Starting later was rejected by the community because of the impact it will have on our children' s work and extra curricular activities and as a result the decision was to start them earlier and start elementary later? This is a proposal that is NOT in the best interest of ALL children no matter the age. I do not support this at all. Leave
the learning environment alone. Find another way to" save" a million dollars- not at the expense of my children' s learning.
Nov 10, 2013 2:36 PM Later ending times has an impact on traffic congestion, coaching after school sports, and students getting to part time jobs. Nov 10 20131: 36 PM Too earl Nov 10 2013 6: 18 AM I think start times for high school should be later not earlier.
Nov 10, 2013 2:29 AM I have a special needs child and keeping them on a regular schedule is important. I have enough trouble now getting him out the door for school. I believe any change especially earlier would be detrimental to his learning and not help him meet all of his goals.
Nov 9 2013 8:56 PM It would not be convenient for my family
Nov 9 2013 7:11 PM Teenaged children need more rest and are less functional in the earlier morning hours
Nov 9, 2013 6:16 PM As highschool students get older, sports teams( e. g., hockey) play later in the evening and sometimes they don' t get home from away games until after midnight. Earlier pick up times in the morning means less sleep for these teenagers who need more sleep. Also, extra- curricular sports would end even earlier after school and it is already difficult to pick up our children from these activities when the parent works.
Nov 9 2013 4:05 PM Part time jobs and extra curriculars
Nov 9 2013 2:44 PM Needs to get siblings from school. Plus with early morning practices will be even earlier. Nov 9. 20131:44 AM Working schedule
Nov 9, 201312:18 AM The later bell time already compromises students ar SMHS in competing for jobs after school as Ress and St. Davids already finish earlier>
Nov 8, 2013 9:19 PM My daughter is actively involved in school sports- which routinely start at 3:30, meaning these will either now start later OR she will miss additional school time.
Nov 8 2013 8:13 PM The start time is too early for this age group. Nov 8, 2013 8:09 PM impacts on the limited time available after school to schedule medical appointments, attend after school activities, complete homework and part time work for the students and also therefore impacts on the parents, especially those who work full time
Nov 8 2013 8:08 PM Morning activities will have to start ridiculously earl Nov& 2013 7:53 PM AFTER SCHOOL JOBS AND ACTIVITIES
Nov 8, 2013 7:29 PM Teenagers learn better later and school already starts very early, think of those students that take almost an hour to get to school. I know tere will be monetary savings, but do we care how kids are learning?
Nov 8, 2013 6:14 PM My children not having use of the city bus after school hours. Nov 8 2013 3:23 PM Does not work with my schedule. Nov 8, 20131:42 PM Children coming from St. Dominic's attend 9- 3: 30( proposed 9: 15- 3:45) and the 40 minute change going to Resurrection has been a challenge, 1: 05 minutes earlier for my younger children moving from elementary to secondary is too much of a change. Not too mention, I keep hearing and reading about the studies indicating older children should go to school later but this proposed time
change isn't supporting that. So, you aren' t supporting what's best for our children? Nov 8 20131:40 PM after school routines and other activities
Nov 8, 2013 1: 27 PM I have problems with the proposed changes to the busing situation. I would be willing to pay up to 4 times more for the GRT pass if necessary but can not support school buses at the high school
level. My child and any other student involved in extra curricular activities would rarely be able to take advantage of the bus and I suspect you will have a lot of half empty buses. That strikes me as a huge waste of money.
Nov 8, 2013 12:59 PM The move to yellow buses. It would impact the students getting from the school for afterschool activities. It would impact the parents when the yellow buses are cancelled due to weather. I
would not feel safe having my child walk or ride their bikes from Hes eler.
Nov 8, 2013 3: 16 AM Status quo works fine for me and trying to get a teenager up and off to school even 5 minutes earlier is not something I look forward to.
Nov 8 2013 2:54 AM To early. Older children need more sleep. Nov 8, 2013 2.31 AM Start it later for secondary schools and earlier for elementary schools. Nov 8,2013 2"00 AM It would be too busy because Townshend gets out that same time and there is lots of cars on the roads and people everywhere in that time frame. I am worried about everyone' s safety because of the traffic and there is many careless drivers around now a days. I understand that it would be
easier for the school board but for the student and staff safety I feel like it would be better to keep the time the same and have both the schools times different.
Nov 8, 2013 1: 29 AM These students are still growing and developing, we shouldn' t take more sleep away from them. People already have trouble getting to school on time. Nov 8, 2013 1: 01 AM After school jobs, after school activities affected across all of kitchener/ waterloo
Nov 8, 2013 12:46 AM Teenagers have a very difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings and we also feel that letting them out at 2pm offers them too much idle time before parents are able to get home from work.
Nov 7, 2013 11: 28 PM family timing Nov 7, 2013 11: 11 PM impact family schedule
Nov 7 2013 9:24 PM too early not enough time for teenagers to sleep Nov 7 2013 9:22 PM It is far too disruptive to our schedule where we have other children in elementary school.
Nov 7, 2013 8,45 PM my sisters who are in elementary school will be left alone at the house longer than usual, too early start, I have a 30 minute walk to school
Nov 7, 2013 7:42 PM Students already struggle with arriving on time now and being awake enough to be productive. Starting even 20 minutes earlier will make a big difference. Nov 7, 2013 3:57 PM Leave for school before 7: 30. Meeting with teachers for class support- might no longer be available with change. Do not understand how this change benefit board and facts on savings. Not
summary in paper abt 1 million dollars, but detailed facts. Nov 7 2013 3:44 PM Teena ers have a hard time waking up in the morning
Nov 7, 2013 3:30 PM Extracurriculars will be effected for morning practice. hard enough getting a teenager out of bed now.
Nov 7, 2013 1: 26 PM This time change impacts my oldest being able to look after my little 2 once they get off their school bus. With all the proposed time changes to both secondary and elementary, this may leave me and quite a few other parents I know in a predicament. I may have to quit my job if these time changes o threw.
Nov 7, 2013 1: 18 PM All the research shows that teenagers should be starting school later not earlier. Nov 7, 2013 12: 16 PM students work after school Nov 7, 2013 3:06 AM we still need GIRT buses, so much easier to get to and from school. 0
Also, the information sheet said studies show teenagers learn better later in the day, yet we are
making our bell times earlier, doesn't make sense. 0 also, our lunch hour is too early already, and the bell times changing will make it even earlier Nov 6 201311: 48 PM Early start times are not good for secondary school students- studies show later the better Nov 6, 2013 11- 46 PM How are people suppose to pick up siblings with all these time changes going on. It leaves parents on the line with whether or not to transfer kids to another school to meet the proper needs and
times for everyones schedules. Kids have after school activities to get to and times forbid this. Nov 6 201311: 00 PM It will just mess everyone u , us teenagers work, and have things to do before 3
Nov 6. 2013 10:58 PM The children have after school jobs and after school programs. This is why we pay taxes! Leave the time alone. Public schools aren' t doing this so neither should we. Nov 6 2013 9:59 PM Mv teens er learns better with a later start time.
Nov 6 2013 7:33 PM wouldn't be able to make it to school on time Nov 6 20'13 6,55 PM Lots of assignments @ night and sleeps late. Thank you. Nov 6 2013 3:25 PM scheduling issues for commute
Nov 6, 2013 2*31 PM Early start along with Daughter attending elementary school makes drop offs in the morning too much in length.
Nov 6 2013 2:02 PM Kids think it is too early. Nov 6, 2013 1* 03 PM I selected no, because in your letter you stated that High School students learn better later in the
day,( I agree) and yet, you decide, based on money„ not the studies to make it earlier. I started high school at 9: 00 a. m. and that was early to me. My son stays up quite late some nights doing homework, and is tired enough first period. Make it 8: 30 to 2:30, if you want 10 minutes difference.
Nov 6, 2013 6:50 AM It would not be beneficial for students to start at 8am. Already an 8:20 start time is early enough, and I believe that it is not worth essentially finishing at 2pm, especially for students who participate in sports. Morning practices would most likely have to begin before 7am, leaving the student tired; games would still have to stay at their regular times depending on if other schools' bell times change and this would leave even more time between school and games for students, some of who
would potentially have to wait around for 3 or more hours for their game to begin.
Nov 6, 2013 4:44 AM Teenagers learn better later in the day, why make school earlier? and why add 5 minutes. you didn't take away 5 minutes like the letter suggested(- 5) there' s obviously 5 minutes added to the schedule you proposed. make school later if you want teens to learn better. simple as that.
20134:30 AM There are countless studies that have been made to prove that teenagers learn best after 9 am and now based on this information that has been gathered by the board- that is probably quite biasedyou expect to have results that are for the better? There will be more lates and increased absences.
furthermore,for students who live further away will have a harder time getting to school than they do now. I recommend further research and analysis before continuing with this switch. 0 St. David C. S. S. starts at 8: 26 and it was stated in the letter that there will be a 5 minute change
and the new time will be 8: 15. This is a basic math error. congratulations! Have a great day:)
Nov 6, 2013 12*03 AM I work so it will ruin my schedule
Nov 5, 201310:42 PM not safe for young people to wake even earlier to save money to pay for overpaid teacher salaries. Nov 5, 2013 7:34 PM My two children catch the bus at 7: 20 in the morning. This is an early start to the day and it is difficult enough to get them up on time.
Nov 5, 2013 7:07 PM With other children needing to be dropped off/ picked- up at other schools, this would dramatically affect these arrangements that have been made for the school year. Changing the time, would mean now, my high school student would not be home in time to be there for my younger child who is not legally old enough to be at home alone.
Nov 5, 2013 5:13 PM After school work schedule will be affected how do you expect us to pay for post secondary or do you want all of this generation to be swamp with OSAP loans!!! Nov 5 2013 5:01 PM Buses- I do not want to to a yell2w bus.
Nov 5 2013 3:37 PM mornings are going to be more stressful since school starts earlier. Nov 5 2013 2:03 PM Work schedules, activity schedules, day care schedules Nov 5, 2013 12:59 PM I am one of those parents that understand teens need more sleep than the average and learn better later in the day. Although it is only 10 minutes, in the morning this makes a big difference. I would support 10 minutes later. I did support the proposed change 2 years ago for a later start time.
Nov 5. 2013 4:04 AM One of the reasons put forward by the WCDSB in the initial proposal from last year indicated that younger children learn better earlier in the morning and that teenagers learn better later in the day.
I' ve selected no because the proposed bell times change would require my teenage son to attend school even earlier in the day which would suggest that his learning needs are not the first priority of this board. This is quite disappointing.
Nov 5, 2013 3:55 AM From all the information that has been provided to parents regarding time changes, I was under the impression that high students better performed when their school day started slightly later. I am not clear on how changing a start time to earlier will benefit that theory. Nov 5, 2013 1: 29 AM Due to my child' s disability, she needs to get up at 6: 30 now in order to catch the bus at 7:40. We cannot shave even 10 minutes from her morning routine. Nov 5, 201312:31 AM I do not undersrand how this will save money and where the saved money is going to be reallocated
Nov 5. 201312:25 AM We selected no because we think it unnecessary for students to be waking up very early to get to school. When students take buses and have to wake up at 6 just to catch the bus and come to
school on time and its very stressful. When they study late at home they don't get enough sleep. I suggest that school should start at 9: 00am and end at 3: 00pm. That would be best for high school students.
Nov4, 2013 11, 00 PM The time is not convenient for us
Novo 2013 8:43 PM The students have a current routine and I feel it doesn't need to change Nov4, 2013 8*41 PM 10 minutes doesn' t make that much of a difference to start earlier.
Novo 20138:37 PM start times are already early enough
Nov 4 20138:02 PM Daily routine and work schedule
Novo 2013$: 12 PM I how does this prepare them for the future?Adult life starts early not later. give me a break! Nov 4 2013 4:51 PM I believe that it is better to have secondary school begin later rather than earlier
Nov 4 2013 4:29 PM City bus comes to early and if yo2 take the next one youll be late Nov 4, 2013 3:45 PM I find that the 10 minute change is so unessesary. Nov 4 2013 3:33 PM I' m up early enough as it is most days. Nov 4, 2013 3:09 PM 1 have to skip first period already so much because I literally can' t get out of bed due to the amount of homework I' m stressed out with
Nov 4, 2013 3:54 AM Without the GIRT bus, there are students( like me) who participate in extra curricular activities and need a bus pass to get home from school after hours when there are no yellow buses.
i i
Nov 4, 2013 2:07 AM Seeing the overall goal for the wcdsb, beyond trying to save money and improve its schools, is to provide students the necessities they need in order to succeed in life, I have an extremely hard time
comprehending why bell times need to be changed for our schools. Realizing the money that would be saved, what is more important to the wcdsb? Saving money, or giving students the best possible chance in doing well in life? By changing these bell times, you will be interfering with after school jobs for students. By changing the bell times by a mere 20 minutes, depending on how many days I work during the school year( 42 weeks minus 3 for Christmas and march break-- so 39) 1 will loose taking into account my boss will pay me a half hour less then currently, seeing he currently pays me for 10 minutes I am not there, but would not do that for 30,) 1 could loose anywhere around$ 900
1100 depending on how many days I work in a school year But if this happened to me in grade 9 when I started, I would be loosing$ 4000
towards my education. ( Think about the grade 9's next year.) FOR SOME PROGRAMS, THAT CAN BE TUITION PAID FOR THE FIRST YEAR OF HIGH EDUCATION. Not only do we as students need the knowledge to get into our desired college or university, in this day and age, we also need the money. So what is more important? Saving one million dollars a year for the school board, and making education beyond high school slightly more out of reach financially for all students, or finding a way to make due without an extra one million dollars in the school boards pocket, but giving students a better chance at education beyond high school?( Isn' t this the goal of the school board in the first place?) Well... I guess that question will be answered when the decision is made.
Nov 4, 2013 2.00 AM Both parents work and this impacts our work schedule, as well as we need our children in
secondary school to be home prior to my elementary children to be picked up off the bus and to bab sit them at home.
Nov 3. 2013 11: 26 PM It affects picking up our children at the end of the day to take them to various sporting activities. Nov 320139:37 PM Impacts availabili
for extra curricular participation.
Nov 3, 2013 7:49 PM I would like to get home earlier and getting home later then normal will shorten my time to do things such as homework...
Nov 3 2013 5:30 PM Because students rely on sleep to progress on their studies
Nov 3, 2013 2:23 PM My boys already get up at 6am, very early now to catch the school bus. This would cause them to et up that much earlier. Which would make them more tired throughout the day.
Nov 3, 2013 3:06 AM We are more comfortable to see our two daughters walking together to school because the belltime for each of them at this moment allows them to do this. With your proposed belltime we would have
a hard time taking the younger one to school who is in the elementary school still
Nov 3, 2013 12:50 AM Children who relied on public busing can no longer stay after school for extra help, sporting events/activies, art programs etc.0
Also first time around the school board said younger children learn better in the morning and teenagers in the afternoon. So why are high schools starting earlier and the elementary schools starting later? Makes no sense! Why not cut useless jobs in the board system to save the money?
Why not fire employees who don' t do their job properly instead of moving them around in the system??
Why because their union will protect the slackers while some of the best teachers have
to carry them to make the school run and functional. Nov Z 201310:51 PM Hard enough getting up in the morning. If early extra curriculurs, up even earlier then now. Nov Z 2013 9:56 PM Too early.
Nov Z201 5:57 PM There are studies about students that prove we do not retain information early in the morning. In my opinion, it is better to keep the time or start later as if you want us to learn, then you should realize
by changing the time to 8 am, we are more prone to be late for class and not pay attention during
our first period. Please consider the studies before deciding on this. As a student, this is truly an inefficient idea.
Nov Z 2013424 PM Transportation issues Nov 2, 2013 3:47 PM This change is not in line with the research that suggests that teenagers learn better later in the
day. I believe that by having them start earlier in the day there will be a higher number of student absences, the students will be less focused and overall it will have a negative impact on the
learning and achievement of our teenage children.
Nov 2 2013 3:06 PM I It interferes with many things in our schedule.
t 4
Nov 2, 2013 244 AM This means starting earlier; I am in favour of the students starting later as they need to get more sleep at night
Nov 1, 201310:10 PM My child has a paid after school job and is part of sport teams that will be impacted if the after school bell times are later.
Nov 1, 2013 7:45 PM I like my bus pass, as I am involved in a sport team every season and I use my bus pass to get home after practices and games. Without my bus pass, I would have to use bus tickets or buy a buy ass for each month, which is annoying.
Nov 1, 2013 7:12 PM the sly way things are worded that usually means a future change above and beyond this smaller change- reason- years of experience of this style of question
Nov 1 2013 3:00 PM 5 minutes? I would like to see school start at 9: 30 and finish at 3: 30
Nov 1, 2013 2.39 PM Early school day end timing creates opportunity for good, bad and ugly... curricular activities...
not everyone is into extra
not everyone have part-time jobs... most everyone would go home to an
empty house. We need to keep our children of all ages safe and not alone.
Nov 1, 2013 2:28 PM The earliest I can drop my son off to daycare is 7:45am and this time change would cause me to look for new daycare.
Nov 1, 20131: 35 PM From sleepfoundation. org:" Teens' natural sleep cycle puts them in conflict with school start times. Most high school students need an alarm clock or a parent to wake them on school days. They are
like zombies getting ready for school and find it hard to be alert and pay attention in class. Because they are sleep deprived, they are sleepy all day and cannot do their best.0 0
Schools that have set later bell times find that students do not go to bed later, but get one hour
more of sleep per school night, which means five hours more per week.0 0
Enrollment and attendance improves and students are more likely to be on time when school starts. Parents and teachers report that teens are more alert in the morning and in better moods; they are less likely to feel depressed or need to visit the nurse or school counselor."
Nov 1, 20131: 30 PM MAny studies suggest bell times should be later NOT earlier for high school students. Not clear at all how a 5 minute change is beneficial or worthy of the effort
Nov 1, 20131: 07 PM You stated that your research shows teenagers learn better later in the day. Then why should they go to school earlier? They should be the ones starting at 9: 20am, not the grade schools.
Nov 1, 201312:56 PM from the Board' s information" Those secondary schools currently using Grand River Transit will move to yellow buses for daily transportation to and from school."
Won't this just add more
Nov 1, 201311: 41 AM Proposed start and end times are earlier, not later. If teenagers learn better later in the day, then this will not help the students at St David' s.
Nov 1, 201311: 10 AM Children involved in sports or arts programs who take public busing now would no longer have transportation home after school.
Nov 1, 2013 231 AM The movement to yellow school buses instead of transit buses for student transportation
Nov 1. 20131: 35 AM i need sleep Oct 31, 201311: 15 PM After school activities and study help from teachers will be limited due to no transportation home are our taxes going to be reduced? Why should our children' s privileges be??
Oct 31 20139:41 PM Timing for work does not work. We just get out the door as it is. Oct 31, 2013 9:12 PM Because my children get bused in from outside of Waterloo they already have to catch the bus quite early so 10 minutes will make a big difference to them.
Oct 31, 2013 8:50 PM have the boards cosidered parents who work shifts. in general it seems to me that students are rarly in class for a full day. to many pd and optional days. like this past thanksgiving Oct 31, 2013 8:37 PM Not enough information to make an informed decision at this stage. I do appreciate the cost
savings, and being able to use the money saved toward education vs. transportation, but if it meant for example that students would have to get up an hour earlier to catch a school bus, I would not
support the change. I' d want to know more details before weighing in on something that would impact my family to that degree.
Oct 31 2013 8:23 PM If teenagers learn better later in the day why is the bell being changed to earlier?
Oct 31, 2013 6:41 PM Spoke with representative at WCDSB and was informed that there is no guarantee of GIRT bus
passes for kids to access city buses for after-school sports. Was told kids may have to" find their own way home". Also, makes before school committees( SAC) start at 0630/ 0645 vs 0700/ 0715. These early meeting times already discourgage students from participating in this very important part of school life and an early start will possible inhibit even more students from participating. Location of St. Benedict!s school does not have safe access to cycle to/from school from areas like
Hespeler or Preston as there are no bike lanes/ side walks down Franklin or Bishop.
Oct 31, 2013 6:01 PM There will be too much time in the morning wasted just waiting for school to start and then less time for family time later in the day, yes it is only 10 mins but we value our time as a family but I guess that is now going to become less and less, maybe this is the cause of all the marriage break ups?
Oct 31 2013 6:00 PM because i like to sleep Oct 31 2013 5:59 PM I wouldn't be able to get to school on time if i took the 7: 42 bus from my house Oct 31, 2013 5:53 PM Already starting bell times are too early, especially considering if teenagers would learn better if thev started later, not earlier.
Oct 31, 2013 4:23 PM The reason we selected no is because there is nothing wrong with the time school starts now. Kids go in late to school as it is and if you make it earlier you will have a higher rate of late attendance.
It will also mean more school busses on the road when people are travelling to work. We also can't see how moving a bell time can save you any money.
Oct 31, 2013 4:08 PM Early times for teens is not the way to go. I' d rather she 930am or 10 am start time for high school students. teens need there sleep and not in class
Oct 31, 2013 2:50 PM It is very hard for my daughter getting up at Gam now to get ready and catch the bus at 7: 10am... if school began earlier i really couldnt see her getting up at 5: 30.
Oct 31, 2013 2:37 PM students have part time jobs that they work till 11 or later at night and to get them up and on the bus for 7: 30 is already a struggle... making them get up even earlier wont work.9 a
I think starting school at 8: 20 is early and to make it 8 is insane.
Oct 31, 2013 2:06 PM It is inconvenient for me and many other students not only to change our sleeping habits to accommodate the proposed changes, but adds stress to families of students that do not walk or
take a bus. Changing the times by ten minutes earlier in the day does not align with the fact that teenagers learn better earlier in the day. It is contradictory to give us earlier times and say we learn better in the and them give us earlier school hours and later school hours to the elementary students. The proposed changes are the exact opposite of what was stated in the proposed plan and the recent stud
Oct 31 20131: 36 PM Too Early start time.
Oct 31, 20131:35 PM Last year you argued that high school students require more sleep to increase academics. This year student achievement is being disregarded to save money with earlyier start times. I think our schools are well balanced the way they are. I also have a son in elementary and moving their start times later makes it harder for me to get them to school because I need to get to work. I will have to
arrange for before school day care. 1 million is a drop in the bucket if it improves overall academics across the board with bell times remaining the same. Oct 31 201312:33 PM Too early for kids Oct 31, 201310:55 AM - more people will be absent 0 parents are affected
Oct 31 2013 2:33 AM Too early! Cannot get to school in time. This, ay result in more' fates' to class Oct 31, 20131:49 AM I cannot support anything that starts secondary school any earlier. Studies and science supports the notion that the teenage brain is not wired to handle early morning learning and anything that forces an earlier start to the teenage day is not something I can support.
Oct 31 20131: 27 AM I can barely get my kid up now Oct 31, 20131: 00 AM Dependent on GIRT reduced bus rates; however if replacement of yellow school bus will be in effect we will be ok
Oct 31, 201312:27 AM When early in the morning teens aren't able to fully pay attention in class. Our bodies naturally don' t function so early in the morning. Going to bed early doesn't help that at all. I know other students who go to bed as early as 8pm and still look like zombies in the morning. But when the afternoon comes around everyone is more awake, more active, and pay more attention in school.
Oct 31, 201312:16 AM Too early. Some students have to wake up early as is just to catch a bus. Teenagers typically go to bed later because of homework. There fore we need as much sleep as we can get!
Oct 30, 2013 10:16 PM city bus
Oct 30, 2013 9:53 PM The 8 am start time does not benefit teenagers. Most of the studies show that their best learning times are later in the day.
Oct 30, 2013 9:14 PM start time is too early for high school students and should be earlier for elementary students. I also am opposed to stopping the use of the GIRT and using yellow school buses. Use of the GIRT at a reduced rate is very important for the safety of our children who participate in after school sports.
Oct 30, 2013 8:28 PM Based upon the study that is being used to support this initiative, it was stated that adolescents learn better with a later start time and elementary students with earlier start times. Therefore why is St. Benedicts start time being pushed back and not starting later.
Oct 30, 2013 7:50 PM I need sleep. In my opinion school already starts too early, moving it back 10 minutes will result in the amount of lates schools see increasing a lot
Oct 30, 2013 7:36 PM Children need to work or have activities afterschool, they would need to be up at 6:30am or earlier in order to get to school on time. I think they' ll be too tired to learn.
Oct 30, 2013 7:32 PM My reason to not agree with this changes is that, and as per the letter i received from the school, says that secondary students " teenagers learn better later in the day" how can you suggest to move the bell time to an earlier time????? It does not make sense to me and I do not agree with it
Oct 30 2013 7:22 PM To early to get to school Oct 30 2013 5:55 PM I like it like this
Oct 30 2013 5:26 PM too early its fine thee way it is
Oct 30, 2013 5:26 PM because it is a conflict with getting other kids in my household to school as they are in elementary school aswell. This is also a conflict with my work schedule. Just keep the times the same and everyone will be ha
Oct 30 2013 5:17 PM Too earl
Oct 30, 2013 4:22 PM 8:20 is already early enough and ending school 10 minutes earlier makes no difference to me. If anything I would prefer it starts later so I have more time to sleep. It was also mentioned that teenagers learn better later in the day so I don't see the point in starting early anyway.
Oct 30 2013 3:53 PM because i dont want to wakw up earlier Oct 30 2013 3:23 PM I would prefer a later start time verses and earlier start time
Oct 30, 2013 3:13 PM too early in the morning and everyone is tired to pay attention to what the teachers are saying Oct 30, 2013 2:55 PM Not sure if GIRT service will be available for my children now that the Board has pulled away from GIRT and going to school buses instead. They don' t qualify for busing and I pay for and they take the GIRT schoolspecial home from school
Oct 30, 2013 2:44 PM I have 2 children.
The bell time changes
would set forth a 1 hour start time for my children. The younger one starting an hour later. This does not support my eldest child taking my younger child to school, nor does it support our drop off times should the children get driven to school by either myself or my husband. Too much of a time span! Very inconvenient!! Oct 30, 2013 2:23 PM My child must take public transit to school as we are just blocks outside the yellow bus zone. This means we are already rising at 6 am., an even earlier start time would have a significant impact.
Oct 30, 2013 2:20 PM I already come 5 minutes late. Now with the new bell times I' ll be 15 minutes late. Teenagers need their sleep the extra few minutes does a lot, the bell should ring at a later time not earlier.
Oct 30, 20131: 54 PM Too early. We are already rushing and earlier bell times means more rushing and waking earlier. Oct 30, 20131: 37 PM It is already hard enough for a teenager to get up early enough to get to school for 8: 20am and studies have proven we actually learn better and absorb more when school starts later in the day. Oct 30, 20131: 20 PM my son is bussed and although school is out at 3: 01, he is almost an hour before he gets home. Later dismissal means later arrival at home. No time to unwind and do homework before supper.
Will interfere with after school sports and other activities. In the real world, work starts early so they need to get used to it
Oct 30, 20131: 15 PM At this time students that are on city busses have avalibilty to stay after school for activities. Sports and after school activities will suffer! 0
Co-op placement will also suffer as students will now have to pay for a bus. Oct 30, 2013 1: 12 PM Its my last year, I rather have 10min of extra sleep. 10 minutes is not even a huge difference, so if it were to change I wouldn' t care too much either
Oct 30, 2013 12,48 PM MY child gets dropped off by a parent on their way to work. This could be an issue if she needs to find a bus. Also, it is my experience that teens aren' t fully awake at this time and I believe your stated study showed teens learn better LATER in the day, not earlier.
Oct 30, 2013 12--47 PM too much of a hassle in the morning, and instead i would have to wake up at 6:30 instead of 6: 50 because i have to catch a bus. and with the amount of homework I' m up too late. Oct 30, 2013 12-45 PM best interest of student
Oct 30, 2013 112:43 PM It's hard to wake up teenagers
Oct 30. 2013 12:37 PM students are less alert in the morning as it is. making school times even earlier will only affect students ne
Oct 30, 2013 12:37 PM They already start early I don't think the bell time need to be changed Oct 30, 2013 12.35 PM We are teenagers that usually stay up late due to all the hoemwork and our social life after school, so it is very difficult to wake up early, making it hard to concentrate throughtout the day.0 0
Thank you,0 conerned student
Oct 30, 2013 12:32 PM Sleep is nice Oct 30, 2013 12:30 PM i don think it should change 10 minutes wont make much difference
Oct 30, 2013 12:29 PM i like it the way that it is Oct 30, 2013 12:29 PM City busing sometimes wouldn' t be able to make it earlier due to bus route from dad' s house
Oct 30, 2013 9:36 AM I already have to get up way before I really should be which is not building healthy habits. Your going to say go to bed earlier but guess what, I can't. I' m a teenager we stay up late and go to bed late that's how it works. I' m really only alive at lunch. I barley make it through first and second
period. And who's going to take me little brother too school? And what happens if I miss my bus and nobody's home? Or if I stay after school, how will I get home. I need my get pass which is apparently going to be gotten taken way, which is down right stupid. Rethink you whole bell times
situation because as far as I' m concerned everyone is perfectly fine with how they are right now.
Oct 30, 2013 12:56 AM I want the students to continue to use City buses so that they can participate in school activities and still be able to get home on their own. Buying a full bus pass rather than a$ 5 pass may be too costly for some families.
Oct 30, 20'1312:17 AM As a student, I need all the time I can get after school for homework, studying, and also activities outside of school. Many students have jobs,sports, clubs, and arts outside of school. Realistically, an extra ten minutes in the morning will result in teenagers going to bed even later, thinking they
can get up earlier. As well, our school already has the latest bell times I know of any school. I' d rather it be changed earlier, as I do not have enough time as it is, balancing school with other
activities. School should give enough time for homework, as well as enriching every other aspect of a students life.
Oct 29, 2013 9:51 PM Teenagers need their sleep. This bell time means my children will have to wake up at 6. They have activities late at night and won't get enough sleep
Oct 292013 9:45 PM It's too early for a teenager to have to get up in the morning Oct 29, 2013 9,23 PM conflicts with current work andsporting scheduling Oct 29, 2013 8:56 PM I have a babysitting job after school and wont be back in time to watch the kids
Oct 29, 2013 8.45 PM 8am is way too early to start school and WCDSB says that" younger children learn better earlier in the day and that teenagers learn better later in the day" but suggesting that we start earlier which suggests that we won' t do as well in our classes because they'll be earlier. Oct 29. 2013 1 A3 PM It will be very inconvenient. They should start 10 min later. Oct 29, 2013 124 PM My daughter can take my other 2 daughters to school if her school would start at 8:20 or 8: 30. If it starts at 8: 10 she wont be able to do that AGAIN!!!!
I think secondary schools should start 10- 15 min later then elementary. 0 And I also thought older kids learn better if they start school later not earlier
Oct 29, 2013 1125 AM IlDifficulty in getting teenager to class this earl
Oct 28, 201311: 59 PM It interferes with doctors appointments and rides into school. My daughter relies on the bus pass to et to and from work and doctors appointments.
Oct 28 2013 9:27 PM schedulin
Oct 28 2013 7:17 PM Part time jobs would be affected and also sports after school would end too late Oct28 20136:42 PM childcare
Oct 28 2013 6:23 PM It is hard enough getting teenagers to school and then change the bell times.
Oct 28, 201134:01 PM child would need to take an earlier bus. We dont want him to have to get up earlier than 6: 45. THE RATIONALE IS TO HAVE TEENS START LATER AND THEN YOU PROPOSE AN EARLIER TIME.
PM Too earl
Oct 28, 20131: 00 PM Early morning team practices. They are there at 6: 30 am if school goes in earlier they will have to be there even earlier for morning practices.
Oct 28, 2013 11: 56 AM The students in my house hold have a hard enough time getting up now,teenagers need sleep surveys have shown that.And besides now they are going to be bussed in yellow buses! nope
Oct 28, 2013 2:21 AM Too early. 8: 26 is bad enough. Teenagers learn better later in the day. If a switch is to be made, make the start times later in the day.
Oct 28 20131: 41 AM It is not possible for me to pickup my child at 2: 05 pm Oct 28 20131:40 AM To earl
Oct 28, 2013 12:57 AM time frame to get to jobs.
Oct 28, 2013 12-*01 AM I have children attending other schools- the huge time difference would make my life very difficult in terms of childcare and transportation. Also, this would interfere greatly with extra curricular activities. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!
Oct 27, 20131120 PM Adolescents tend to go to sleep later and wake later. 1 don't believe this is a step in the right direction for our students.
0d 27, 201310:32 PM my reason for selecting no is because you mentioned that it is going to change to the yellow buses. My children are involved in most of the sports or atleast tryout for them and with the grand river
transit system they can get to and from games and tryouts with no trouble. if this is cancelled they will have to rely on other means to get to and from these events. i work from 8-6pm.
Oct 27, 2013 7:52 PM The 20 minutes in the morning are extra minutes that I can spend sleeping so that I can preform better in the day. Also, with school ending earlier, this would cause much inconvenience for me when I have to pick up my younger siblings from elementary school. Also, I need to take the GRT bus to get to school for my student council meetings on Monday, I think that the yellow buses are very inconvenient for me because they only come at one specific time and if I were to miss it there is not another bus that I could take and I would bother my employed parents by making them drive
me. Overall, I believe my making this time change to when school begins is a negative thing. If the GRT or the yellow buses are causing such a loss in money, then raise the GRT bus passes slightly, or implement a slight charge for the children that do take the yellow buses.
Oct 27 2013 7: 12 PM tickle down effect on elementary schools Oct 27 2013 6;32 PM` current times work with elements
times and work times
Oct 27, 2013 6:31 PM I think that it will be hard for kids to adapt to the changes in both elementary and secondary school times. Also if the high school kids are taking a yellow bus it would be taking away their GRT bus passes then causing us parents to have to purchase them for a lot more than what we are paying now. It may be saving money for the schools but when you think about it, it is harder for the kids and parents to adapt with the changes and I personally do not agree with your proposal with
changing the times because it would just be harder for the kids and parents to adapt with the changes. My eldest kid has spots until 6 then has a job until 10. by then time she gets home and to bed it is well past 11 and then has to wake up at 5: 45 to catch the bus then next morning. Now she isnt getting enough sleep thing about when you wan to change everything to earlier. Kids wont be getting enough sleep and will have trouble staying awake in the morning and during classes. It will be bad for their education
Oct 27, 2013 4:13 PM Okay are you stupid? you just said teenagers learn better later in the day now you want to make REZ start earlier! Like how stupid are you?
Oct 27, 2013 3:20 PM It gets rid of the convenience of having the GRT bus pass that I use to get to work and it effects the times travelling because I work after school. 3: 11 is also a very awkward time to end at, where as 3: 01 3: 00 is very easy and convenient to tell people.
t f
Oct27, 20131: 39 PM With before school activities, students will have to be at school even earlier then they are not. 6:30 am football practice comes early and if bell times are changed they will be even earlier. Oct 27, 2013 2:54 AM dick
Oct27, 2013 2:43 AM because i dont wanna wake up at 5:00am and yall said 2 years ago we need more sleep so water u doin
Oct 27, 2013 1, 04 AM The research cited 2 years ago and referenced again now indicates that older students learn better
later in the day. Moving the bell time earlier for secondary schools( albeit only by 10 minutes, in this case) therefore makes no sense. In addition, I have to assume that the Board would incur
additional costs by using yellow school buses in place of Grand River Transit for high school students to travel to school. This must limit any cost savings that would occur. I encourage those who looked at this plan to have another look and realign bell times so that elementary schools start earlier and high schools start later, but without changing things as drastically as suggested 2 years ago.
Oct 26, 2013 10-01 PM My child has a difficult time making the already early start to her day. As well she is left alone for many hours as it is after school. Oct 26 2013 9:01 PM Change in transportation going from GRT to school bus. Oct26 20137:43 PM it's 10 minutes there is no point Oct 26 20136:47 PM Mv child would be late for school
Oct 26' 20136:45 PM having an earlier start time would cause me to be late everyday Oct 26 20136:02 PM Just because we will be more lazier than what we are now Oct26" 2013 511 PM I have a sport team after school
Oct 26. 2013 3-33 PM Because my son is already a mess in the morning with how early he has to get up.0 0
Also... my concern is with Yellow school buses, how can he stay 1 h later after school and still do his after hours school clubs and still get a bus home, as GRT has been helpful this way.0 0
I would agree only if we kept the use of GRT Oct 26, 2013 3:19 PM This proposed bell time change contradicts the view that older students learn better later. This would involve the students getting up even earlier and leaving the house earlier which for some is already difficult. Oct26 201311: 19 AM After school activities Oct 25, 2013 11, 03 PM It will have a negative impact on our extra curricular programs we deliver to our students. It will
also have an increase in the costs to our on-calls and supply teacher costs which has a direct impact on the services we can offer our students.
Oct 25, 2013 9:09 Pull For us the time change is only 20 minutes, but for others it will be 30. That's too big a difference. If students currently using Grand River Transit now need dedicated yellow buses, I can't see much
savings. Many students use Grand River Transit and pay from their own pocket because they' re not in the bus use zone, the change of time will impact them as well... will Grand River Transit change their schedules to accommodate?
Oct 25 2013 B:41 PM Conflicts with schedules at work/home Oct 25"20136:20 PM JUST NO ITS A VERY BAD IDEA RETHINK IT AND KEEP THEM THE SAME
Oct 25, 2013 6:19 PM i think that this is not a smart idea as many of us already have to get up at quarter to six. its pretty ridiculous. and if you give us all yellow school buses then if we miss the bus we are going to have to bring money to catch a grt bus which is down right ridiculous. it feels like when you are making this decision you are just thinking for yourselves. we all have a life outside of school which won't be
helped because we will have to go to bed earlier in order to get up earlier. and i don't think that any teachers will want to be at school that early. our bell times are perfectly fine the way that they are. you even did research about how teenagers learn better later in the day. and so you make us go to school earlier, i understand the last proposed bell times didn't go well but neither are these ones.
also what about the elementary kids we have to bring to school in the morning? those parents are
going to have to find a new way to get their kids to school in the morning. you don't know how many people i know that are very UNHAPPY with your new bell times. RETHINK THIS AND JUST KEEP OUR BELL TIMES THE SAME!!
Oct 25, 2013 6:18 PM some kids after school have jobs that run later into the night then have to get up early. think about changing them they would have to get up earlier and not be able to comprehend as much because they are so tiered. Changing the buses also would be tough because a lot of people depend on the grt to get them to and home from school and to after school jobs. the price of the
passes is awesome and changing to a yellow bus would be hard because it would be more money
for the parents even know the school is saving more money. Students are staying up late too trying to finish homework and stating the times earlier would make them get up earlier and cause them to be more tiered.
Oct 25 2013 5:44 PM I believe, from the studies that I have read that children in hi hschool need to sleep later. Oct 25, 2013 4:57 PM I work at 3:00 and my bus ride is almost an hour Oct 25, 2013 4*47 PM Working scheldule and teamsports times will make me miss alot more class
Oct 25, 2013 4:30 PM This interfers with pickup time of a sibling from elementary school- schedules would no longer align Oct 25 2013 4:17 PM after school activities
Oct 25 2013 4:05 PM Does not work with( city) bus schedule times. Oct 25, 2013 2:44 PM No more GRT bus passes which I use during the week to get around for work, school and activites. Oct 25 2013 2:06 PM cant make it on time for my part-time job and extracuricular activities
Oct 25, 2013 2:00 PM This start time is already too early- kids have far too much available time with school ending as early as it does. Doesn't make sense from a developmental perspective either.
Oct 25, 2013 1: 58 PM My understanding of the research on teenage physical and cognitive development is that teenagers are less able not more able to retain information later in the day not earlier. Oct 25, 2013 2:33 AM 8: 01 for a start time is just to early, especially during the fall and winter months when our children are taking the public transit and they are leaving their homes walking alone in complete darkness to catch the bus!!!!!! I feel this would be a real SAFETY issue if schools change to a start time of 8: 01
Oct 25, 2013 t42 AM too early for teenagers to function well, conflicts with our schedule. 0025 20131: 09AM child arives home too late
Oct 25, 2013 12-,41 AM Times changing by 15 minutes won't change the way the students learn. After school activites would be later, and all of our routines would get messed up. Plus I think a lot of the students like how early school ends.
Oct 25, 2013 12--14 AM Both of my children have jobs, and this would not give them enough time to eat their dinner/finish homework/ get ready for work.
Oct 24, 2013 11*49 PM The kids get up early enough as it is to catch the bus to school. This would impact them move.
Oct24 201311: 39 PM Having to leave the house at 7:00 a. m every morning Oct 24 2013 11: 06 PM i cant even get to school for 8: 20, let alone would i be able to for 8: 00
Oct 24, 201311: 06 PM Every try getting a teenager out of bed in the morning and now it will be earlier, He cant function as is. Surveys indicate they need their sleep and function better later in the day...Teenagers out at two o five, a lot of time unsupervised roaming around..
Oct 24, 2013 9:59 PM My child will have to get up before 6pm to make her bus on time. This will not be sustainable as she has homework everynight along( GOAL IS TO BE ON THE HONOUR ROLE) with her work hours and a member of National sporting team, she often does not get to bed until 11 pm after. Teenagers have enough stress and pressure on themselves( Social presure, work, homework, sports, and
school) do really need to take their sleep from them as well. The extra 20 minutes in bed each morning makes a big difference in their success or failure. Teenagers require more sleep not less to thrive.
Oct 24, 2013 7:45 PM I work after school and at the time I leave I barely have enough time to get ready and then leave and if these times are changed I' m not going to have enough time for ANYTHING. I' ll barely be able to eat and get ready. Also I have extra curricular activities after school and if these times change
I' m going to be at school even later then I normally would, leaving a little amount of time for homework and assignments.
Oct 24, 2013 6:09 PM 1. As you noted in the cover letter, it is known that teenagers learn better later.0
2. Anyone who has a long bus ride already has to get up too early to catch the bus. 6: 30 am for example.0
3. This also makes it an awful early start for teachers with children in daycare, etc.
Oct 24, 2013 5:19 PM impact to after school job( income for university) impact to my younger siling- will not be home in time for her bus. 0
family stress- financial stress
X24 20134:14 PM 20 minutes doesn' t make any difference. Oct 24.201133-16 PM my two sons prefer to start early and finish earl
Od 24, 20133:14 PM my child will have to take the city bus even earlier then he already does. He is out of the house by 7am. Plus he is also home home at a good time to pick up his brother from the bus stop. I would have to arrange for someone else to get him.
Oct 24. 2013 2:27 PM- would not make a difference
Oct 2492013 2:10 PM As a student, I don't believe starting the school 10 mins later will effect the students learning in any way. With everyone using the school buses, it will not be beneficial. I strongly disagree with these bell times.
Oct 24, 2013 2:07 PM I dont think changing the bell times by 10 mins. is going to help. If we start using the yellow school buses, what happens if we miss it, where if we have grt there is more than one bus to get on.
Oct 24, 2013 2-06 PM Why are the kids( per your bell-time schedule on website) starting earlier by 10 minutes and ending
only 5 minutes? Regardless, teenagers will not go to bed earlier for 5 minutes( or 10) so the end result will be the kids will have less sleep. What is it that we are trying to do? Help our kids or save money?
Oct 24 21131:48 PM The kids need more sleep not less. Oct 24, 2013 1: 29 PM Cause it's stupid and I don't want it
Oct 24, 20131: 26 PM You contredicted yourself in the letter saying teenagers learn better later in the day so why start it earlier its hard enough to wake up at 6:45 to catch me bus i honestly dont know if i could handel waking up any earlier
Oct 24, 2013 1: 22 PM I do afterschool activities and if school ended later I wouldn't have as much time to do homework.
Oct 24, 20131: 10 PM Actitvities outside of school start right after school, coming home later will mean less time to do homework before leaving to do other tasks
Oct 24, 2013 12.47 PM If older students learn better in the afternoon, I see no reason for the high school students time to change. I would agree on a later time change but not an earlier one. There are 5 of us in the
morning to get ready for school, work, and changing times even by 20 min would interupt our morning routine.
Oct`24,20113 12:25 PM The current time is early enough- to get a special needs child ready in the morning OCt 24, 201311: 59 AM St. Mary's already ends late in the day. No secondary school should end past 2:40. This proposed move would further erode extra- curricular activities. Move the bell times earlier in the day.
Oct 24, 2013 2:03 AM Because it is a known fact that teenagers learn better later in the day rather than earlier. My son takes the bus and would have to get up even earlier. At this age they have too much homework, part time jobs and outside activities and not enough sleep as it is. Getting up even earlier he may not want to continue going to school at all.
Od 24 20131: 29 AM Start time is too earl W24.20131: 27 AM Not good for our schedule
Od 24 20131: 13 AM what difference is five minutes going to make and at what kind of cost savings?
Oct24, 201312:59 AM I' m afraid that if we lets this go this time, it may lead to further and more drastic changes in the future. While, like most kids my age, I would like the extra ten minutes in the morning, I would have less time for after school activities, so I would prefer to keep the current bell times. Oct 24, 2013 12:38 AM If teenagers learn better later on in the day( stated in the previous webpage right before the survey)
I am wondering why you would want to make secondary school begin earlier in the day. Lastly I wanted to bring to your attention that it is problematic for parents who have students in both elementary and secondary schools because of the nearly one hour time difference when classes begin. Instead, if the elementary schools and secondary schools starting at approxiamtely the same time it is easier for parents. This let parents drop off their kids at the same time rather then bringing each individual child to school at different times. 0
Myself, I am a parent of two kids, one in elementary school and one in secondary school. If these proposed changes are made, I as a parent will have to drop off my kids at two different times which roves to be inconvenient.
Oct 24, 2013 12-11 AM Starting school this early in the morning is potentially very hazardous to student health. It gives many students less time to prepare themselves in the morning, forcing them to wake up earlier. Often highs school students work on homework late at night( 11 pm+) to finish homework. This
early bell time can cause very sleeping patterns to become very inefficient and reduce learning. Oct 24 201312:07 AM i can't et up earlier. the time we have now is good for me.
Oct 24, 201312:04 AM The start time is too early. My son's part time job often has him working until 11: OOPM some weeknights. By the time he gets home and winds down, he is usually not in bed until after midnight.
Oct 24, 2013-12-03 AM Some students work and try need all the sleep they can get, along with helping sibling get ready in the morning
Oct 23, 201311: 54 PM The buses already cause me to get home almost a hour later than the" schools bell time" and increasing the delay in this bell time will not benefit me coming home later then wanted.
Oct 23, 2013 11: 36 PM we already end later than other schools Oct 23, 201310:41 PM I think that more teenage kids will not be on time and furthermore at their ages I really don't think the concentration level is there earlier in the day
Oct 23, 201310:33 PM An extra 10 minutes added onto school times is both unnecessary and unwanted, plus students will have to get to school earlier, students now have their schedules arranged so the current times work
Oct 23, 201310:21 PM I feel that a 10 minute difference would not have an impact on the learning abilities if students.
Oct 23, 2013 9:07 PM I think that with school starting later, it will not help students to focus more, they will still come to school late, and it affects many students with after school programs, and
art-time jobs
Oct 23 2013 8:54 PM Time does not work for me
Oct 23, 2013 8:45 PM The primary reason would be that, though it seems like a minimal change to the schedule( in comparison to the previous preposition of 1 hr) it does dramatically affect myself in my divided time after school. I participate in a number of clubs and teams after school, as well as occasionally work during weekdays. By changing the time by 15 minutes, it inconveniently reduces the time I have to complete homework, projects, studies, relaxation time, practice of productive pass-times and
beneficial sleep for the NEXT day of school. I am a yellow-bus student, and just like what was said, the 15 min difference does not change much- but I still have to wake up early/at the same time regardless of whether my bus comes at it's current designated time or 15 min later. This means that I will not be getting sufficient hours of sleep.0 I believe that our current schedule is favoured by the majority of students in the region, and that there WILL be major complications if it were to change. I also believe that the School board should
be looking at other influential factors in improving academics-such as improving the nutrition of food served in schools( cafeteria).
Oct 23, 2013 8: 12 PM 1. The supporting information in the proposal is teens learn better later, however yet we propose they start school earlier? Make sense? No. 0 2. My children are bussed, and we struggle with 7:20am already our kids will then be getting up before Gam and travelling to school before daylight? I would however be on board with a later start time, but this is ridiculous
Oct 23, 2013 8:09 PM because the start times you r proposing is earlier now. it has been proven that school students do better later in the day. school should start later in the day!!! not earlier!!!!! you r saying the current bell is @ 8: 21 and proposed bell times is 8: 00 but that is so wrong for high school students!!!!!!!!!! M start times should be later!!! go do some research on this matter and you will find out start times
later in the day is better for the students
Oct 23, 2013 8:00 PM Because I have several activities to do at the end of the day and I get home from school around 3:50 everyday. So, I already et home at a later time. Oct23, 20137:32 PM I feel it would be too much of an adjustment on all the children in my house for getting up, catching a bus to and from school for high school and elementary. My children are 5 years apart and go to different schools. The current times are suitable for my household
Oct 23, 2013 7:03 PM Teenagers need their sleep! Their bodies need to get a full 8 hours of rest at least. They would need to wake significantly earlier and most have activities in the evening and/ or jobs to work at until 9 p. m. or later( retail, food industry etc) which would result in very long days and ultimately this will impact their health. Also, I have a child in high school and a child in elementary school and the times would interfere with eachother.
Oct 23, 2013 3:59 PM I have to work after school and will not be able to make my shifts if the buses get me back home later. Also our route wont fit all the people on our city bus into a school bus.
Oct 23, 2013 3:56 PM Many students have to arrive at work on time, this 10 minute delay affects busing and travel to work. If anything a change to earlier bells would be better. Oct 23, 2013 3:55 PM these changes to the bell times do not support those students such as myself who work at 3: 30. i
do understand some children may be able to change their work schedules but what about those who can't?!?!?! i also feel that this is a waste of our time. if anything, change the times to start earlier
0d2%20133:11 PM Because it will make me less awake for school and doesn't even end that much earlier
Oct 23, 2013 2:41 PM Not enough time in the morning for me to get school because of bus times in my area. I arrive at 8: 15 so I will not be able to socialize or get all my school books for the next period. Also morning sports would have to start even earlier to accommodate getting ready after practices/tryouts
Oct 23 2013 2:23 PM too earl ..... kids need their sleep Oct23. V13 ZIN PM the main reason is for jobs and extra curricular activities it will make it a lot harder to make the
practices and such people already have a hard time making them for instance your mom gets off work at 4 and your practice is 5 that means you have to rush home and some how get dinner before your practice most of the time you have to be at your practice 30 minutes to a hour before which puts a massive crunch on your parents and yourself
Oct 23, 2013 2:03 PM` I have to take two buses to school and sometimes they arrive late and sometimes they arrive early. My mom can't drive me and I don't want to be late fore school. If this schedule is off then it' going to be difficult for me to get to my destination.
Oct 23.20132:01 PM` you selfish bastards. stop looking out for number land start looking out for the people who give you dat cash flow.
Oct 23. 2013 1* 59 PM too early, grt buses will be fuller, Oct 23, 2013 1: 52 PM The reason for the proposal mentioned in your letter is to" 1. To align start and stop times to studies which suggested... teenagers learn better later in the day." Why is St.David' s time being moved to
an EARLIER time slot? Yet St. Mary's, for instance is proposing a later start time of 9:05, which is ali nment with the WCDSB reasoning.
Oct 23, 20131: 37 PM What appears to be a minor change in the end time of the day, impacts significantly upon our daughters, after school program, volunteer work, and employment.
Oct 23, 2013 1, 35 PM I feel as if changing the bell time will only effect students in a harsh way and will not be helpful to anyone. 0
Some students who take the GRT buses come to school as early as 8: 05! This will not benefit them in anyway. 0 Some people have after school activities that they need to attend right after 3. This can also effect many teenagers. 0 As a teenager I can honestly say we want to get out of school earlier not later. Most teens will be okay with the start bell staring at 8: 30( Example) and leave at 2: 30. 0 Even if the study shows that teens work better later we will not enjoy staying later. This will make us
mad and will make school work more frustrating even if it's only 10 minutes later.0 0
Thank you for letting my express my opinion. Oct 23, 2013 1: 31`°PM later times are needed not earlier
Oct 23, 20131: 31 PM It will take longer for students to get home and some students may have work after school since some schoolspecials come half an hour after the bell rings
Oct23, 20131:26PM I have a part time job and it will effect me because i will be approximately 10 min lates and i might et fired.
Oct23 20131: 25PM students brains aint working any earlier Oct23, 20131: 25`PM' 20 minutes earlier is too early. bus pick up is already 7: 30 am therefore it will even be earlier with these changes. Also if studies have show teenagers learn better later in the day then starting earlier does not support this.
lid23 2013122PM Ilts pretty lame... 0Ct23."20131: 16 PM My children have a tight schedule with their bus, and with the new time they will most likely not make it to the bus.
Oct 23, 2013.1: 16' PM' Nothing is wrong with the bell times we have now. Yellow school buses aren't needed. I would strongly dislike waking up earlier to go to school. 5 minutes is barely a change, how would, that even make a difference??
but definatly NO yellow school buses!!
Oct 23, 2013 1: 16 PM I can only get to school by getting a drive, if these times take place I would arrive late everyday. It takes me over 30 minutes to walk to school and I' m still within walking boundries? That's dumb. Oct 23, 2013 1: 14 PM Our chool board has been fine without the changes and I do not think that we need to make any changes
Oct 23, 2013 1: 13 PM cuts into time after school for activities
Oct 23, 20131: 12 PM The primary reason for me selecting no is that if the times changed after school activites would be change alot
Oct 23, 20131: 11' PM I dont want to wake up earlier, and the times are good as they are. Also it wont save 1 million dollars i dont believe that
r r
Oct 23, 2013 1: 11 PM Interferes with my part-time job
Oct 23, 2013 1: 11 PM i am about to get my first part time job and moveingg bell times forward willl affect it
Oct 23, 2013 1: 10 PM Its a bad idea and it affects people lives afterschool flobs, s orts,etc Oct 23, 2013 1: 10 PM Oct 23, 2013 1: 10 PM Oct 23 20131: 10 PM Oct 23, 2013 1: 09 PM
cuts into parttime jobs and after school activies Cut into part time jobs and outside of school activities The loss of bus passes cuts into extra criccular time and part time jobs
Oct 23, 2013 1 M PM losing buss pass
Oct 23, 20131: 07 PM Because many people have activities after 3: 00 and making the school finish later will affect many activitiesO
Thank you.
Oct 23, 2013 1: 06 PM Because time after school is valuable for completing homework, time before school is useless and will only make me more nervous coming to school. I would personally like to see school start ASAP and end earliest as possible.
Oct 23, 20131:06 PM I dont want to wake up ealier or take a yellow bus. The bells are fine how they are abd the buses are fine. ha ha this WONT save ONE MILLION DOLLARS Oct 23, 2013 1, 06 PM NO YELLOW BUSES!!
Oct 23, 2013 1* 05 PM I don't want to wakeup earlier, or take a yellow bus. things are fine the way it is, i don't thnk it will save me a million dollar haha
Oct 23, 20131:05 PM 1 selected" No" because this does not benefit students, and parents are greatly impacted because they have to drive their children to school earlier. The belltimes are fine the way they are. Oct 23, 2013 1 M PM my daughter takes the bus home, and already has trouble making it to her extra curricular activities on time. Even tem minutes would make her late and she may have to give up some activities she loves.
Oct 23, 2013 12:36 PM dont make cuts that hurt parents; make cuts at administration and board level
Oct 23, 2013 11*52 AM I believe that our school already has an early start time. If the premise of changing start time is for the benefit of the students and you clearly state that high school students learn better later in the day why would anyone support starting them earlier. This is sure to impact their success in school, which is already at risk because of the current early start times according to the information you have provided. It is already difficult for students to get up in the morning, with inadequate sleep without forcing them to start even earlier. For students participating in extra curricular activities including sports that could mean even an earlier start for those teams or events that meet prior to school. Please consider these changes carefully before making decisions that impact our students ability to focus and learn well.
Oct 23, 2013 11: 32 AM If the changes are suggesting that high school students learn better later in the day why would the new proposal suggest starting them even earlier in the day.
Oct 23, 2013 11: 28 AM Having to drop off kids at different times makes it difficult for me Oct 23, 201311: 16 AM' your letter says that high school students learn better in the afternoon but yet you want to start
school earlier. How is this going to help the students? Also, I' m constantly hearing that students are late at their first class, do you honestly think changing to 8am is going to make them go early, if anything they will miss the first class. My answer is NO
Oct 23, 2013 10*32 AM If changed I have to wake up too early to take city bus
Oct 23, 201310:06 AM The present time is already early enough and students are not having enough time to get to school start at present. There will be more late students. Also having students dismissed earlier is not necessary. After school jobs do not start until 4 or 5 m. Oct 23 20134:25 AM Tired students
Oct23 2013 4:20 AM My child will not be able to get u Oct 23, 2013 4*W AM starting earlier and adding 5 minutes to the school day Oct 23, 2013 3-48 AM not enough time
Oct 23 2013 254 AM Don t want to get up earlier.
Oct 23, 2013 2:42 AM I think this change wouldn' t be beneficial to students and could possibly cost more. The city buses are packed on the way to school as it is and if they were switched to yellow school buses about double the buses would be needed to support the amount of students that need to take the bus to
school and back. Also, the system that is currently in effect is very useful to students like myself
that upgraded to the unlimited GIRT student bus passes, so they can take a regular bus instead of the school special if they need to come early or stay late for school activities. This pass also helps students get to other activities after school because they are unable to travel to these locations in any other way.
Oct 23 2013 231 AM We learn better later in the morning Oct23, 2013 222 AM I do not have concern with the school hours; however, I do not agree with the change from GIRT transportation to yellow school buses. A GIRT bus pass provides more independence for our child
and also provides the opportunity to arrive/ depart school at alternate times if necessary due to extra curricular activities, appointments, etc.( not by school special, but using the regular transit system with their student pass).
Oct 23, 20131: 58 AM My son takes the city bus to school, and finds that he has to leave early as it is, for him to have to leave Even earlier I would feel stressed about him making it on time
Oct 23, 2013 1: 56 AM My kid has to get up earlier to catch bus.
Oct 23, 2013 1: 53 AM I have to get up much earlier to catch city bus. Oct 23. 2013 1: 40 AM Its hard enough getting child to school on time.) feel 8: 20 is too early as it is!! Oct 23, 2013 1- 36 AM Part time jobs will now interfere with schooling teens may have to quit jobs
Oct23, 20131: 05AM because myself and other students find it quite hard to learn and focus early in the morning and that extra 20 mins of sleep could impact us alot. Oct 23, 2013 12.55 AM Transportation issues Oct 23 2013 12:33 AM Not enough time for students to get to school.
Oct 22, 2013 11: 32 PM if teenagers learn better later in the day why would you change the times to earlier in the morning Oct22 20131123 PM because this is total fat cat bullshit
Oct 22,201311: 15 PM I start work at 3: 00 pm that 15 is going to make me late for work. 15 minutes will not benift any student.
Oct 22,201310:51 PM Younger child that requires care of her older siblings. Would mean higher cost for finding alternate childcare.
Oct 22, 2013 10.49 PM I work up until 12 midnight sometimes for schoolwork and even 20 minutes of sleep in the morning can make you have a way more refreshed morning.
Oct 22, 201310A7PM It is very inconvenient to my daughter's sleep schedules and besides, secondary school students learn better later in the day.
Oct 22, 201310:39 PM` I take my son to school on my way to work because we are out of bounds I would be very late if school started at 8: 35
Oct 22, 2013 10:30 PM It is proven that a teenager's internal clock shifts forwards leading to sleeping late and staying up late within the period of adolescence. This was used as a part of the reasoning to shift bell times later. Though I personally could see how it may benefit certain small minority groups and the school board itself, this change could destroy the rest of the students. It' s a heavy loss for a small win. I
know 20 minutes may not seem like a large amount of time, but when you are scrounging for uniform items while attempting to eat a' balanced breakfast' and print off homework. My parents work late, and as a bit of a side effect, I' ll work into the night too. Its difficult enough to get up at 5: 45 and not fall asleep in first period, but to try and do so at 5:25, would be impossible. Other things of note including disrupting an internal cycle most people run on, and generally, making it difficult where even in summer months, you would have to rise before the sun.
Oct22, 201310:29 PM My son has to leave the house in the morning by 7: 15. Any earlier is unacceptable. If you an guarantee the bus pick will not be earlier then I' m ok with the change
Oct 22, 2013 10:23 PM' The bell time change would not have a real, beneficial impact on teenage learning capabilities.
Teenagers would rather get up earlier and be home earlier, rather than wait. The fifteen minutes would not make a difference in how well they learn. It would have a serious impact on extracurricular activities, which the School Board and schools claim to be so supportive of. The
sheet we were given also lacked evidence of how the school board is said to save one million
dollars, which makes the claim unreliable and seemingly false. There is no point in changing the times, when it won't do a large part of what it is meant to do.
Oct22, 201310:14PM Students are already getting up so early- I do not want to change this for an even earlier start. Oct 22,2013' 10:02`PM After school activities and part time jobs maybe affected, even though it is ten minutes my daughter takes the bus home and time is already tight to get to activities.
Oct 22, 2013 10.00 PM I don't feel the change is needed and it's hard enough to get kids up as it is now to be on time!! Oct 22 2013 9:59 PM driving schedules
Oct 22, 2013 9:46 PM The time change would not work with my work schedule as my employer would not be able to accommodate the time change as I would be late to work every day
Oct 22, 2013 9:30 PM I already wake up at 5:45 to be at school for an 8:25 bell time. This is already very unreasonable and we all know that teenagers have a different internal clock. u
Also this will effect extra curricular activites is we are having to get up earlier to catch an earlier bus.c
Oct 22, 2013 8:36 PM St. Mary' s already has the latest start time of all of the high schools in the regions. I see no need for us to change. Also, it will impact after school extracurricular activities as well as student who have part time jobs.
Oct 22, 2013 8:26 PM Getting younger siblings to school will not be possible because of almost a hour difference in start times.
Oct 22, 2013 8:08 PM In order for my teenagers to get enough sleep to have a successful school day, they must try to go to bed at 9: 30PM. As emerging adults, they are also trying to explore things later in the evening later television shows, jobs, friends).
It is difficult enough to try and get 8 hours of sleep and get up
for an 8: 20AM start.
Oct 22, 2013 8:00 PM If teens learn better later in the day, why would we make them start even earlier? Also, now I can meet my daughter at home after work. I wouldn't be able to do this if she were earlier.
Oct 22, 2013 7:48 PM Have younger children that my oldest child picks up and the time change would interfere with that and would not make a good impact on our family
Oct 22, 2013 7:42 PM I have my daughter pick up siblings at st Gregory's and this time change would not allow her to do so which would be detrimental to our family„ I strongly disagree with the time change and think it should be left alone if you want to focus on something it should be removing cell phone use in schools because right now that's what is interrupting the learning of our children,,,,,
Oct 22 2013 7:12 PM doesn't work with my schedule Oct 22 2013 5:45 PM Students are so tired and rushed to class.
Oct 22, 2013 523 PM doesnt work with work schedules. Oct 22 2013 521 PM do not work with our work schedules and children are not bussed, too far to walk there.
Oct 22 2013 4:16 PM Keep things the way they are now Oct 22. 2013 4:16 PM my son will not be able to get to school on time
Oct 22, 2013 4:07 PM Sleep. Students need sleep to perform well. Going to bed earlier doesn't seem to be an option. Oct 22, 20133:59 PM I work steady Midnights I work 11- 8 and would never be able to drive my kids to school on time. They are not in a bus zone, therefore due to myself having to pay the mortgage my kids would be late every day for class. I would of preferred a later time to start like 830 or later.
Oct 22 2013 3:49 PM Because if teenagers learn better later in the day, what's the point of starting the day earlier Oct 22, 2013 3.'03 PM I think that is too early for students to get up in the morning and the students will be late for school. Oct 22, 2013 219 PM my son is currently home before his younger sister gets home from her day care program. if the bell time changes she will be home first which will cause a great deal of stress and financial issues
for our family to have to find someone to care for her for 15 minutes. it is unreasonable to change bell times at this point once routines and child care have already been established
Oct 22, 20131: 59 PM My daughter is a out of bounds student and I pick her up afterschool- if you change the time to end at 205 pm it will interrupt my work schedule
Oct 22 20131: 51 PM doesn't work well with my elementary school child and myself for work. Oct 22, 2013 1. 44 PM The same reasons I voted no before.
Oct 22, 2013 1: 43 PM My attendance wouldn' t be good and I don't learn well in the morning
Oct 22, 2013 1: 19 PM I won't be able to make it to work on time. Money saving is use less if your students don't show up Oct 22, 201312:50 PM I already don't get home till 4: 30 when school sports after school and then I' m in a rush to eat and go to hockey so changing the bells to start school later would make me be in more of a rush to get to hockey Oct 22 201312:48 PM Not enough time to drop kids off in the morning
Oct 22, 201312:45 PM I already get to school around 8: 10 and i wake up at 6:30. 1 refuse to get up any earlyer and if the school does change the times im going to be late everyday. its NOT a good idea to do this. teenagers dont learn well early in the day i say change it to starting at 9am and going till 2: 00
Oct 22, 2013 12*45 PM I have trouble waking up in the morning and wake up at 7: 30 and am out the door by 8: 00. 1 live all the way in Hes eler.
Oct 22 201312:44 PM Start 10 minutes earlier. End 5 minutes earlier. No thanks. 10 for 10 I' d be OK with.
201312:43 PM Citv Bus comes outside the school for 2: 30 not 2: 50 Oct: . 201312:43PM The GIRT bus pass I get with the current bell times is my only way to get to work after school. With
the new times, I would have to start taking either a taxi or finding some other alternative.
5ct'22, 2013 12.39 PM its such a little time change but it messes up a lot of peoples schedules. Me personally, I won't be able to get a ride in the morning as my mom has to be at work. Oct 22, 20113 1239 PM mv son does not work better in the morning
201312:38 PM Too early for teenagers. Make the secondary bell later and the elementary earlier. Oct 27, 2013 12.37 PM Extra curriculars already run until 500 and with the new proposal, they won't end until 6: 30 7: 00
depending on the club/ sport
Oct 22, 20131237 PM' We start and finish at a perfect time and I' m not getting up any earlier.. I am a competitive swimmer and I have practice in the morning until 8 there is no way I can be at school for that time Oct 22 2013 12:36 PM cuz
Oct 22, 201312:35 PM I do not wish to be here longer in the day than i already have to... also considering i barely get to work on time as it is.
Oct 22, 201312:35 PM Kids learn best in the morning, teens learn better once they are fully rested. If you guys ask me they should increase the time to 8:40
Oct 22, 2013 12:29 PM it is hard to get up to go to school allready at 8:21 i can' t even imagin a half hour earlyer and to get out of school a half hour earl er is not worth it.
Oct 22, 20134:04 AM Teenagers unsupervised for too many hours until parents get home from work. Some students are extremely responsible and use this time wisely. Unfortunately, others use it unwisely, opening homes to others for inappropriate activities. Younger students will have supervision. 0
Secondly, I agree, teenagers are not wired for early mornings. Have a look at first period classes from Grade 6 and up, they are practically in comas! The primary students are th ones up at the crack of daw; anyone who has raised children know these facts.
Oct 22, 2013 1: 10 AM Older children learning better later in the day. It's been proven! I would support a later start time of 8: 30am
Oct 21, 201311: 50' PM Because St. MAry;s is already the latest starting and finishing school and it affects extra curricular games and especially teachers and students having to miss school to participate Oct 21, 201310:40 PM The kids are used to the current bell times.0
Why mess with times? Oct 21 201310:27 PM extra curricular activities, work outside of school hours Oct 21, 201310:03 PM High school students function better later in the day, so why would you get them coming in even
Oct 21, 20138:31 PM I thought older students( secondary) needed to start later as studies show that they learn better later in the day but this was an earlier start time. This makes no sense!
Oct27, 2013 6:34 PM Family reasonsO Timing works for students as I see itO wil cut into extracurricular
Oct21 2013 6:23 PM Kids out too earl
Oct 21 2013 5:52 PM Sleep time
Oct 21, 20135:21 PM Too early. Disruptive to families Oct 21 2013 4:30 PM cuz
Oct 21, 2013 3:37 PM Due to the fact that I work at both secondary and elementary, this early start time would conflict with my ability to schedule elementary times( the elementary lunch time would conflict).
Oct 21 2013 3:12 PM REZ already starts early enough. dont change the bell times
Oct 21, 2013 3:12 PM St. Mary's already has the latest start/dismisal time of the 5 high schools. Why should we have to start and finish even later? The later dismisal effects students who have part time jobs and extra
curriculars where they will miss even more class time. These time changes will affect every student from JK- 12, find other ways to save a million dollars.
Oct 21 2013 2:38 PM I don' t agree!
Oct 21 20132:28 PM It impacts my family in a negative way.
Oct 21 20131: 29 PM too early for my son to get to school Od21 `20131: 13 PM I don't know many students that can even function let alone learn at 8:01. Considering some students need to travel by bus, these students would be leaving at 7 am. I also believe it is not safe especially during the winter months because it will be extreme) dark.
Oct 21, 20131:01 PM parent convenience for walking and driving their children to an dfrom school. Older children being able to pick up younger students at tehir elementary schools if times remain the same.
Oct 21, 201312:57 PM I can't get the two secondary school level kids out the door on time now! If they start any earlier they will be late! They barely make it now! Oct 21 201312:52 PM Don't want a change b/ c of jobs, extracurricular activities
Oct 21, 201312:38 PM teenagers need their sleep. 8: 10 is too early to be at school and ready to learn. They are still half asleep at that time
Oct 21, 201312:22 PM In your introduction you stated the teenagers learn better later in the day. Why would we start earlier when it doesn't benefit the teenage learner?
Oct 21 201311: 48 AM kids need to get to jobs at the end of the day and also need to get there sleep Oct 21 2013 8:23 AM The time works for all our family member's schedules.
Oct 21, 2013 3:16 AM This change means that St. David will start earlier- contrary to the research that teenagers benefit from a later start.
Oct 21, 2013 2:46 AM Times should be shifted forward, not backwards. We are putting our students at a disadvantage with their learning if we do otherwise, and I have no desire to do so, and no support for such a decision.
Oct 21 20131: 02 AM Due to my work schedule not changing my work schedule to satisfy our needs Oct 21, 201312:34 AM many students drop off as well as pick up younger siblings from school, this early start will not accommodate the drop off Oct 21, 20131233 AM - the extra help I offer to students after school will be significantly reduced; I have several events that take place in the evenings.
Oct 21, 20131221 AM 8:20 is early enough for a teenager to start school. Remember that one of the original reasons for looking into changing the secondary bell times( supposedly) was that" teenagers learn better later
in the day". If we are truly concerned about what is best for our students, then having them start school with even less sleep is not the way to go about it. That being said, I wouldn't want the bell time to be too much later than 8: 20, if that was an option.
Oct 21, 20131205 AM Our commuting time would have to move to even earlier, affecting our children' s daycare costs. Oct 20, 2013 11, 48 PM This would not allow my kids to have a person to pick them up from the bus on time. Oct 20, 2013 10*12 PM Mornings are busy and families struggle to meet time restrictions as it is. Oct 20, 2013 8:53 PM Because I agree that the students attending Secondary school learn better with a later start to the day. Making it earlier would likely impact the students in a negative way.
Oct 20 2013 225 PM Conflict with out current scheduling
Oct 20, 2013 211 PM Due to my work schedule, my teenage makes sure that her younger brother gets on his bus before going to school. With the change, I would require another form of before school daycare. The 20 minute change is actually a 40 minute change for our family.
Oct 20. 2013 1: 01 PM It is too early for teens- they sleep in at this age Oct 20, 2013 12: 12 AM Difficulty for my children to participate in after school activities and still work at their jobs.
Oct 19, 2013 9:11 PM If research show that older students learn better later in the day, then they should not be starting earlier rather they should be starting later. This isn' t what you are proposing. Oct 19, 2013 9:05 PM We already have the latest starting time of the 5 high schools, why should we have to be penalized and have to start even later.? This is ridiculous.
Oct 19 2013 8:52 PM This would be too early for teenagers. They should start later not earlier. Oct 19, 2013 7:48 PM I think high school gtudents have a hard enough time starting at 8: 20 judging from what I' ve seen, so to start the day even earlier would make it worse. Don' t they also say that older children learn better later? That comes straight from the introduction to the survey: ... younger children learn better earlier in the day and that teenagers learn better later in the day. I' d support a later start at high school, but not an earlier one.
Oct 19 2013 7:11 PM 5 minutes is only oin to make students late and cause no sufficient savings
Oct 19, 2013 3:27 PM because students have jobs and other things to do and with changing the time it will effect our other stuff.
Oct 19 2013 3: 17 PM I like the times that are set now
Oct 19 2013 2:52 PM This is too early; especially if it means child waiting for school bus on top of this early start Oct 19 2013 2:28 PM Secondary is even earlier...not what stats say Oct 19, 2013 1: 41 PM School should start earlier to allow students to be able to get to part time jobs and not miss time in classes when involved in after school activities.
Oct 19, 201311: 39 AM Part time jobs for students and after school sportsll Get set for the real world no one starts at 9: 05
Oct 19 20131:43 AM Teenagers need their sleep in the morning. School should start at 9: 30 AM. Oct 19 20131: 10 AM Daycare
Oct 19, 2013 12-08 AM too-early. my high school kid cant help et younger ones to school. Oct 18, 201311: 45 PM High school students struggle to get on time to class as it is-- making this earlier will make it more
difficult for them. Teenagers need to start LATER in the morning( 9- 10 am) instead of earlier!
Oot 18 201311:44 PM Hi h school students learn better later in the day. Why are we proposing starting earlier. Oct 18, 201311: 26 PM There is no proof students learn better by starting later. There is as much evidence that suggests there is no truth as there is suggesting that it does.0 Starting later would signal the end of extra- cu rricu lars.0 Starting later would mean less oppourtunity for teenagers to earn money at part time job. Oct'18, 201311: 24 PM Teens have a hard time waking up in the morning and if they have a long bus ride they will have to et u too early. Oct 18,:201310:48 PM Have to et m own children off to school.
Oct 18, 201310:41 PM i am fine with the times that are current) taking
lace and see no need for change.
Oct 18 201310:30`PM Family and kids at home. Oct 18, 20139:51 PM Not worth the change for 15 minutes
Oct 18 2013 9:43 PM It works! Oct 18,' 2013 9:28 PM As an educator, it is often difficult enough to" wake" students up and get them energized in period 1 no matter what the lesson entails. I have taught students from one year to the next and see
differences in their attention and focus depending on if I have them period 1 or later in the day. Although I understand the financial advantages to this, I believe that having adolescents wake up
even earlier is going to make matters worse for everyone( students, teachers) in period 1. Oct 18. 20139:23 PM Because you idiots at the board office could have saved close to a million if you had implemented the MOU. The money you save from this just replaces the money you threw away.
Oct 18. 2013 8.56 PM This all depends on when this is coming into effect. I have co- op starting at 12pm, and i leave class just before 11 am, and i just make it to the GRT in time.
Oct18 20138'37 PM Work, Bab sittin Oct 18 2013 8:35 PM Impact on xtra curricular
Oct 18, 2013 8,20 PM I prefer when school ends earlier, rather than later. Ending at 2: 24pm allows me to go do 40 minutes of volunteer work right after school.
Oct 18, 2013 8:19 PM The students will be required to get up very early to catch the bus. They will not be awake for first period because they will be too tired to think. Studies have shown teenagers do not perform well early in the morning. Oct 1$ 2013 8:18 PM I don' t like change
Oct 18, 3013 8:04 PM Teenagers need to start later, not earlier. They already have a difficult time with an 8: 20 start Oct 18, 2013 7:54 PM if the finding is that teenagers learn better later in the day how is this in their best interest of the students to have their school day start earlier? Oct 18, 2013 7:53 PM Disrupts the flow for staff in- relation to other high schools as pertaining to supply teacher, cupe, etc
Oct 18, 20137:46 PM Bells already start too early for students to be ready to learn, making them even earlier is a bad idea for their education.
Oct 18, 2013 7-45 PM I have a hard time getting my children to get up now for 1 st period and alot of the times they skip that period, with the start time being 20 minutes earlier i am afraid they will never go. Oct 1$ 2013 7:43 PM too early for students to be awake& attentive Oct 18 2013 7.26 PM Would have to find daycare for my children
Oct 18, 2013 7:21 PM Running Co-op... many businesses do not open until 9:00... this will also effect afternoon Co- op... students now are expected to stay until 3:00
Oct 18, 2013 7:15 PM The early start time is a struggle already to get to work 15- 30 minutes prior to the bell. To reduce it an extra 10 minutes will be even more stressful form self and my family. Oct 18, 2013 7:10 PM Research shows later bell times for high school students increases alertness and engagement.
Knowing this, why would you have students begin earlier? Oct 18 20137:08 PM need to cut saleries of inflated administration long before changing bell times
Oct 18, 2013 7:07 PM An 8: 00 am start is not beneficial for secondary students. The research suggests the 8: 20 start is already before their optimal learning time.
Oct 18, 2013 7:06 Phil If studies show that secondary students learn better later in the day why should our start time be earlier by 20 minutes? Doesn' t seem to make sense. If our start time was 8: 50 or 9: 00am( 20 minutes later) then I would support the change in bell times.
Oct 18 2013 7:04 PM Decreased student engagement. Oct 18, 2013 6:58 PM Teenagers learn best in the afternoon, it is proven. Start times should be much later then earlier! Kids get into more trouble in the afternoon.
Oct 18, 2013 6:50 PM St. Mary' s is already a late start time for students; and they carn't get to class by 8. 55 already; if we move the bell time later, they will just take this opportunity to not even come to class at all.
Oct 18 2013 6:43 PM yellow buses don't work for co-op students Oct 18, 2013 6:35 PM Many students have difficulty arriving to school at 8:21 aml) If anything these students would benefit from a later time like St. Mary's
Oct 18 2013 6:27 PM Child care, travel times,winter driving
Oct 18, 2013 6:24 PM Students have a hard enough time getting up and enough sleep, so why are we making the day start earlier?
Oct 18, 2013 6:23 PM Huge impact on co-curricular activities. SMH is already at a disadvantage in terms of a late start. Oct 18 2013 6:20 PM It is too early in the morning for optimal teenage learning. Oct 18, 2013 6: 18 PM Secondary students are already getting up early. Studies indicate teenagers require more sleep than elementary school students and the proposal has them getting up even earlier than they already do. While I support the goal of costs savings, it seems the approach is rather backwards.
Oct 18, 2013 5:59 PM why change what has been perfect!U making highschools students start later is not teaching them anything about the workforce or university. start times at either work or university start early in the morning not later!
Oct 18, 2013 5:58 PM The yellow bus transit is not working; my kids are involved in the school teams and art clubs and never have the opportunity to use the buses to come home safely...what are they supposed to do?? Not join teams and clubs... it makes no sense. Also adjusting the time schedule is a bad idea since it is a struggle for some of the kids to get to their school on time for 8: 20 with the way that public transit works. If the savings are going to the classrooms, then the board should be transparent enough to show on paper where the dollars are going.
Oct 18 2013 5:56 PM On-calls and supply coverage for our school
Oct 18, 2013 5:51 PM As it is the start times are too early. Every study published is clear that teenagers need more sleep and later sleep. Already these kids are up and at the bus stop by 7:20. The bell times should move later not earlier.
Oct 18 2013 5:47 PM Before and after school care for younger siblings.
Oct 18, 2013 5:44 PM There is no significant change that impacts the learning to teenagers as is the primary reason in my opinion. This change is anything but lip service. If you are gg to respect the research then a more significant time change is warranted.
Oct 18, 2013 5:33 PM Timing in the morning for transportation purposes. Plus afternoon is tight already to get to part time job. St Mary' s has a later than most start time...dont make it later
Oct 18, 2013 5:30 PM I feel the bell times have worked for many years so why change it now. Several families rely on there older children to pick up younger siblings to avoid high child care costs. Oct 18 2013 5:26 PM it is earlier than before Oct 18 2013 5:08 PM extra curricular activities will mean that students will miss more classes
Oct 18 2013 5:02 PM why fix what isn' t broken? It has worked in the past 40 rs has it not?
Oct 18, 2013 3:51 PM Family work schedules. Let us not pretend that this is or ever was about student learning... that is an insult to our intelligence. This is about money not children and the need to protect the waste of resources that occurs at the Board level. reduce consultants, superintendants and trustees and
you will easily meet your targets. Voters will remember what the Board' s priorities are.
C -
Stephanie Reidel From: To:
Belltimes Stephanie Reidel
RE: bell time concerns
From: Chris Woodcroft
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 10: 45 AM To: Shesh Maharaj Cc: David DeSantis
Subject: bell time concerns Shesh,
The following concerns are with regard to the proposed bell time changes
The million dollar savings will be in the Transportation but could potentially through reduced enrolment, increased on- calls due to athletics etc. have a zero or negative net difference on the bottom line of our budget in the end with a very negative impact on the culture of our communities.
Increase in on- calls and supply costs in particular with St. Mary( who are already struggling with the late start time) and Monsignor Doyle
Reduction in coaches because of later start times— if the
only way to meet the need is to bump game start
times back we will most likely lose coaches
Reduction in student participation because of later start for SMH and possibly MDCSS( due to jobs)
Concern around supervision of high school students who have finished their day at 2: 05pm but do not play until 3: 30pm
Elimination of the GRT passes with the switch to yellow buses will marginalize students access to the diverse culture of our communities which include clubs, arts and athletic events which run both before and after school and into the evenings.
Many students choose our system specifically because of the bus pass. This fact along with further marginalized start times will result in students choosing the other system. St. Benedict starting at 8:00 and St. Mary starting at 9:05. Do we know what the bell times will be for the public schools? The significant gap in start times will cause many problems in terms of coordinating game times, meetings, etc. which are equitable in terms of the impact on our communities.
Ultimately when our Vision is" Our Catholic Schools: Heart of the Community, Success for each--
A place for
all" this proposal to eliminate GRT and marginalize start times will erode the vibrant communities we are
building as we work towards this Vision. If the savings is one million dollars, it is not worth the impact on our communities as it conflicts with our Vision.
D -
Board members of the WCDSB, I would like to inform you that I cannot support the proposal of changing the bell times. I do appreciate the board's effort to reduce financial costs; however, addressing this issue on this front will only inflict burden on the home front. As for a school start time of 9: 10 a.m., this will impact both my wife and I as our places of
employment have a start time of 9: 00 a. m. Although the time difference of when either of us will be actually be at work may appear to be small, this is the best case scenario. In other words, any unforeseen circumstances, such as inclement
weather, would only further delay our arrival at our places of employment. As for a later dismissal time, this too would cause some unrest. Our children are involved in various extra-curricular activities, thus delaying the dismissal would only
make it more challenging to get them to these activities on time, I' m well aware that the reasons I mention pertain to my situation; however, I' m fairly confident that many parents in our school community will share the same hardships if the bell times were to change.
At this time, I would like to take a minute to speak for the parent school community as a whole. Our Lady Of Grace is situated in an area of the city where many families have financial hardships, with some families even needing assistance with food. This I know for a fact as I' m on the SVDP{ St. Vincent de Paul} team at Blessed Sacrament Parish and our food deliveries include households near the school. The reason I' m bringing this to your attention, is that the school has
implemented the" Nutrition for Learning" program this year and has been very successful. Delaying the start time would cause children of families in need, to wait a bit longer before they receive any nourishment.
In closing, i would like to thank the board for taking the time to read my concerns and hopefully take them under careful consideration.
Another member writes:
I do not agree with the proposed time change either. It would be very difficult for many families. I drop many kids off at
school as part of my day. I see many kids being left unattended. Many parents don' t have the option to pay someone to help or be late for work. I appreciate trying to save money I just don't feel changing the school times to be the way
If they need to change the times lets have the elementary students start school earlier and high school students start later. The older kids have part time jobs they work late they also have extracurricular activities that runs late into the evenings. They could use the extra sleep.
i I
Stephanie Reidel
Christine Kelly
From: Sent:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11: 21 AM
Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Our bell times would change to 9: 20. Most parents on council felt this times was out of line. Many felt they could adapt
to earlier. Working parents would have to put their children in child care both before and after school.
As well, they
questioned how small school sports would survive. Some schools would need to be back at their home site by 2: 30. For others, like ours we wouldn' t need to be back until close to 4:00.
All in all, it was not looked on favourably. Christine Kelly Principal
St. Agnes School 254 Neilson Avenue. Waterloo Ontario N2J 2M3 Phone: 519- 885-3180 Fax: 519-885. 3183
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel-Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie. MaschioHanson; Lea Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni; Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert;-RomaLee Bumbacco-Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri- Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter, Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft, Dan Witt; Daniel Huffer; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan
Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; . Lorde.Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark.Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October's Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant Corporate Services
Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A PO Box 91116
Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2
519) 57 9-3660 e'xt 2275 1
Stephanie Reidel Susan Sawyer
From: Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 5: 29 PM Stephanie Reidel RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Hi Stephanie
My bell times are not proposed to change from current. Therefore I didn' t bring this to my school council. Thanks, I
say Susan Sawyer
Principal, St. Aloysius Sch00% 504 Connaught St., Kitchener, ON.
WC IC2 Phone;
519-893-5830 519-893-6971
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel- Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek
Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gent'Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr, John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzarl; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni; Robert Dalley; Rodney Eckert; Romal-ee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri=Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcraft; Dan Witt;
Daniel Hunter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Weidaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Lorrie Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant
Corporate Services 1
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Daniel Ingoldsby
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10:56 AM Stephanie Reidel RE: Bell Times;- School Council Feedback
There is no feedback as there is, no change proposed for St. Ambrose From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10:42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel-Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr, John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Brun!; Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spltzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri-Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor, Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft; Dan Witt; Daniel Hutter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay Lorrie Temple; Lou Bellini; Luda Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked.that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant Corporate Services
Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A
PO Box 91116 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2
519) 578- 3660 ext 2275 Fax:( 519) 578- 9967 steohanie. reid et@ wcdsb. ca
Please direct all Accounts Receivable queries to:
[email protected]
Stephanie Reidel. From: Sent:
Rodney Eckert Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11: 10 AM
To: Subject:
Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
St Anne( K)— Not in favour
Roo Eckert Principal St Anne School 250 East Ave. Kitchener, N21- 1 1Z7
519) 745- 7847 Front: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman, Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel-Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner, Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer, Mike Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger, Philip Brun!;
Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spltzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri- Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft; Dan Witt; Daniel Huffer; David DeSantis; Derek Halme; Gale Daly;. Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Lorrie Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage. Subject; Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant
Corporate Services
Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A
PO Box 91116 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2 519) 578- 3560 ext 2275
Fax:( 519)578- 9967
Please direct all Accounts Receivable queries to: or@wcdsb. ca
f& 0JY
Stephanie Reidel Dan Witt
From: Sent:
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 9:06 AM
To: Subject:
Stephanie Reidel
FW: Bell Times- St. Benedict School Council Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
Below is the feedback from St. Benedict School Council on the proposed changes in bell times and bussing: Unanimous disapproval of the proposal
8:00 is too early for teenagers to start school
Teenagers done as early as 2: 00 in the afternoon increases the period of unsupervised time in the afternoon if no one is home. This is inviting problems. Elimination of GIRT bus passes will limit access to afterschoo) activities and conflicts with our Vision of Success for each A Place for All— this will work against our efforts to engage students in afterschoo) or early morning activities
Elimination of the GIRT pass along with an unreasonable 8:00 start time will lead to students choosing our public counterpart. It should be known that students choose our system because of the economical upgrade of the bus pass.
Concern around the implications on start times for athletics given the increasing gap in bell times between secondary schools.
The board needs to recognize how this change will negatively impact school communities and the well- being of students and families. Thanks, Dan
ban Witt Principal
St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School
50 Saginaw pkwy. P. O. Box 578 Cambridge, Ontario, Ca. NiR 5Wi dan.wittCc.
519-621- 4050 ext 5620 fax) 519- 621- 4057
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan anti..;Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel-Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford;. Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace;- Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Giadding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni; Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert;• RomaLee Bumbacco-Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri- Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tanya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcraft; Dan Witt; Daniel Hutter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wetdaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan
Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker, Lisa Mackay; i
Stephanie Reidei From: Sent: To: Subject:
Amy Flynn
Monday, November 18, 2013 10:00 AM Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
Here is the feedback I have gotten so far... For the change:
easier to get the little ones out the door with 20 miss. extra
20 miss. doesn' t make a big difference so if it saves money I' m all for it more sleep for the students is good Not giving input because' the board does what it wants regardless of input Against the change: (too long so I just copied and pasted responses)
For our rural school to have the bell time moved by 20 minutes would be.very disruptive for both childcare reasons and extracurricular activities.
Our school has petitioned the school board in the past to allow a daycare to run in our school. Maryhill has no
formal daycare in the St. Boniface School boundary and the options for unlicensed childcare are limited. The school board did not allow a before/ after daycare program to run out of St. Boniface School. As a result many parents adjusted their work schedule or found a responsible high school student to accommodate for
this. Changing the bell times and not providing any before school childcare options leaves parents with no options. Most of the activities that the children in our rural community participate in are approximately a 20 minute drive away. Many programs such as hockey begin at 4:00 pm. Children would not be able to be transported to their program and have time to change if the bell times change. This will mean that parents will have to choose to either
be consistently late to a program or pull their child out of school early. Because the school board does not allow our children to go on field trips to go skating or siding parents need to ensure their children obtain these
skills. Changing the bell times will severely limit the programs our children can participate in. The school board cannot have it both ways. The school board has neglect providing necessary services
such as childcare or extracurricular activities so the responsibility has fallen to the parent. By changing the bell times they are taking away the parent's ability to meet their children's childcare and extracurricular needs. I am extremely opposed to changing the bell times." I agree. Later Bell times make the already difficult task of arranging for before and after care near impossible My Mom comes in the morning to take the kids to school then goes into work late but could not do this for me if the Bell times changed. I would have to make other arrangements. With the limited options in Maryhill this would be very difficult
For me to take a later shift then I would not be home to take the kids to their after school activities so they would miss out
My husband works 10- 12 hour days and really can' t help out with these tasks
Akxt4 , tdH.,. Principal
St Boniface School 1
CAeme n Stephanie Reidel From:
Albert Simoes
Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, November 12, 201311: 30 AM Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Hi Stephanie, Here is some feedback.....
How will the million dollars be saved and is it one million a year or over what amount of time?
Will-St. Clement School see any benefits from the savings?
Al Simoes
St. Clement School
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert S(moes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel- Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek
Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herd; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni;
Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert, RomaLee Bumbacco-Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri-Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft; Dan Witt; Daniel Hurter, David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer, Jim Stickland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Gifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Lorrie Temple, Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October's Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times.changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant Corporate Services
Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A PO Box 91116
Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2 519) 578-3660 ext 2275 Fax:( 519) 57$-9967 stenhanie. reidei@wcdsb. ca
Dain Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Gerald Foran
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11: 46 AM Stephanie Reidel RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
When discussed at my School Council meeting, they were not in favour of the proposed change. They said they would be voting against it on the survey. Gerald Foran Principal
St. Daniel Elementary School 39 Midland Drive Kitchener, Ontario
N2A 2A9 Phone: 519- 893- 8801, Fax: 519- 893- 9020 mailto: Gerald.Foran
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel- Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Gifford; Gloria Lasovich James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod;. Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie
MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer, Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni; Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter, Terri- Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcraft; Dan Witt, Daniel Hunter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford;. Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Lorrie Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant
Corporate Services Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A PO Box 91116 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2
519) 578- 3660 ext 2275 1
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Gary Lankowski Tuesday, November 12, 201310:53 AM Stephanie Reidel RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
Since the letter indicated that our bell times would be without change, it was not discussed at our School Council
Meeting in November. Gary Jankowski Principal
St. Gregory Catholic School 34 Osborne Street Cambridge, Ontario
N1S 3H1
Phone: ( 519) 621. 6770 Fax: ( 519) 621. 6778
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber, Brian Goodyear; Bryan anti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel- Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner, Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer, Mike Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni;
Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter, Terri-Lynn Gelsel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft; Dan Witt; Daniel Rutter; David' DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stjckland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay, Lorrie Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage
Subject: Bell Times- School Council Feedback Good morning.everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant Corporate Services
Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A PO Box 91116
Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2
519) 578- 3660 ext 2275 Fax:( 519) 578-9967 1
3olnn Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Gloria Lasovich
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 12: 36 PM Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Our council was okay with the later start time of 15 min... if-it is going to save $ 1, 000,000 and that money is going into the classrooms for students.
There was a question raised about the survey being available in different languages.
Gloria Lasovich Principal St. John School
99 Strcnge Street, Kitchener, Ontario, N26 1114 Phone: 519- 579- 0890
Fax: 519- 579- 0561
From; Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl
Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel-Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek Haime; Gary Laskowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista. Mooney, Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni;
Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri- Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter, Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris.Woodcroft; Dan Witt; Daniel Hotter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Lome Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage
Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant Corporate Services Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A 1
Stephanie Reidel Mark Godin
From: Sent: To: Cc:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11: 01 AM Stephanie Reidel
Shesh Maharaj; Maria Ivankovic Sell Times- School Council Feedback
Our School Council here at SJS sent out their own letter to parents for feedback about concerns and encouraged ALL parents to go to the website to complete the survey
They met last week Tuesday Nova 5h to review the letters they received back from parents 53 letters were against the change in time to 9: 15 11 letters were for the change to 9: 15
Parents provided reasons in their responses to School Council which School Council examined and summarized
The concerns focus on costs to parents to now get before and after school care due to the late time start; the effect on their children' s after school activities, the lateness of the last children getting off bus at 4:40PM; the effect on SJS going to extra- curricular activities at other schools after school; the late start time that affects almost all working parents;
many were shocked we were not being asked to start earlier School Council is preparing a letter to go to Shesh and the Board of Trustees with their concerns. School Council is requesting that someone from the CEC come to SJS to meet with them to address their concerns( that is in the letter they drafted that will be forthcoming)
The Committee of the Whole of the Board is meeting here at SJS January 13,, 2014 and our School Council Chair was
going to ask if they can speak to the Board about their concerns on January 13 when they are here, Next step:
Yesterday Council sent out a letter asking parents if this decision is a go: what it will.cost them in new extra.babysitting fees and how many parents may have to pull their children and send them to Grnadview assuming Grandview starts earlier. They will have that information collated by Nov 22, 2013. That' s about all I have so far.
Their letter should be coming to CEC Shesh and the Board by Nov 18' h Mark
Mark Godin Principal
St Joseph Catholic School WCDSB 980 Westminster Drive South
Cambridge, ON N3H 1V2
Phone: 519-653- 4482 Fax: 519-653- 4637 Cell; 519- 716- 5403
Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal."
Kevin Kruze, Forbes Magazine 2013
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel-Schmitt; Debra Curds; Derek
Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Gifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace;. Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Lang Clifford; Laurie
MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
S"Itko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni; Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco-Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya 1
November 19, 2013
St. Joseph Catholic School Council
980 Westminster Drive Cambridge, ON N3H 1V2
Shesh Maharaj Superintendent of Business and Finance Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St. W., -- Unit A
PO Box 91116 Kitchener, ON, Canada N2G 4G2
Dear Mr. Maharaj
This letter is being authored through the combined efforts of the fifteen parents on St. Joseph Catholic School Council. We wish to address our concern about the proposed
change in school times at St Joseph School. When your survey was sent out last month,
we followed up with a letter to parents encouraging them to respond electronically to your survey and sent out our own paper survey soliciting their opinions, concerns and
preferences. We had 87 families submit responses to our paper survey. 74 paper surveys indicated that they were not in favour of the change and provided concerns, seven were in favour and provided reasons and six were satisfied either way.
We would like to summarize their reasoning and why we are concerned about the proposed changes. In the forms returned to us parents indicated that:
Parents who have after school care will likely require before school care as a 9: 15 AM start time will be too late to drop their children off at school and travel to work; this will result in a cost passed onto families of having BEFORE and AFTER school care— this creates an affordability issue There are no child care facilities in this area of Preston and St Joseph School does not
have before and after School care ( and even if they did the School Board price is unaffordable). So where do the children who have to be dropped off before 8: 45 AM go?
Most people in the community rely on limited use of daycare because of their income
circumstance; people cannot afford before and after school care. For instance many people working during the day begin work at 9: 00 and drop their children off at school at 8: 40 when yard supervision begins. This has always worked for them. Employers do
NOT see 9: 15 as a logical start time. With a change they will require a caregiver. Small children have already been awake since 7: 00 AM ( young children do not sleep in, teens sleep in), now they will be delayed in entering school until 9: 15 AM. The majority of our parents believe our school already started too late in the morning. Our already late starting time was noted on the forms returned to us. We are not using our children' s best time to learn early in the morning.
By 3: 25 PM most of our students are exhausted and very hungry. Your proposal has them dismissed at 3: 45 PM. We consider anything after 3: 00 PM with our own children
as completely unproductive time as they have been awake since 7: 00 AM. Traditionally now, when we pick up our children at 3: 25 ( or if they go to an after school sitter) the first thing they wish to do is snack and have a rest or play outside. A 3: 45 end
time just means more tiredness, lack of play time or outdoor time in winter as it is dark early and teachers dealing with lack of attention at the end of a late day. Children benefit from being home early to engage in alternate activities. There was agreement that almost ALL after school activities in the community begin at 4: 00 PM: dance, music lessons, gymnastics, hockey, Cambridge Kips, many other late afternoon sports and activities parents have their children involved in. From St. Joseph
School, parents already race at 3: 25 PM to meet these timelines, a 3: 45 PM end time will mean parents will be taking their children out of school early as they have no intention in ending these commitments for their children. We have chaperoned our school at team sports events and school trips. A late start time
and end of the day time does not match any of the times we are familiar with in the school system. When we accompany our students to tournaments and games we are
already the last ones to arrive due to our late dismissal time. Next year it will be even later. There are 40+ families who live in Preston Heights and in the Toyota neighborhood.
With the change in time, the last child to be dropped off by bus would be at 4: 4013M. Parents stated that this is unacceptable and too late in the day. A number of parents ten children) indicated that instead of riding a bus and getting home at such a late time, they will transfer to Parkway Public School which is scheduled to have a 3: 20 PM end time.
Parents also indicated that Grandview will have a 3: 30 PM end time and as a result this
would assist them in not accessing MORE childcare, so they will consider switching to Grandview as the extra costs of babysitting in the morning is something they cannot do.
Parents are concerned that our teachers, who do many things for our students after school ( sports, clubs, tutoring, Corrective Reading) will end doing these activities. Many of them run from 3: 25 to 4: 15. They will not want to do these from 3: 50 to 4:40 PM. They have families to attend to as well. This concerns this as we have a very active school and teachers are very giving at our school.
Our school has a breakfast program run by parents Tuesday and Thursdays from 8: 15 to 8: 55 AM. Most parent volunteers race out of the school building to get to work shortly after 9: 00 AM. None of our volunteers indicated that they could or would stay until 9: 15 AM so we definitely know that our Breakfast Program will likely be cancelled. It is attended by 80 to 100 students consistently each Tuesday and Thursday. There were other comments but in some cases they were individual concerns that could not be grouped in the above categories.
Parents in favour of the change to a 9: 15 start time consistently stated only two reasons:
Stay at home moms would have more time in the morning to get their children ready The change would allow for more sleep time for their children in the morning before getting their bus
Parents with no preference did not state any reasons. On their forms returned to us, they simply stated " no preference... doesn' t matter to our family what happens..." or comments of a similar nature.
As School Council, we are quite concerned that the outcome has already been decided now that the WRDSB has announced their intent to move ahead with the changes in
school time. Since we share bussing with the WRDSB we cannot imagine that the WCDSB will vote to not do the same thing. In fact we believe we are probably tied into their decision.
It is quiet disappointing that as Catholic ratepayers our opinions and our needs ultimately probably do not matter from the beginning. If this change happens at our school we will be very saddened that the WCDSB will have gone against the wish of the majority of parents at a school. We believe your data probably matches our data in terms of parent needs. Our parents were very clear that the desire not to change was based on financial costs that will be passed onto parents and lifestyle issues that affect young children.
It will not be a surprise if a change in school time result is a decline in enrolment at St.
Joseph School when families have other options that will support them in saving money. Although costs will be saved in bussing, enrolment change will result in losses to the school system budget as well as losses to our community as we value all our students' presence. At the Board, it may be thought that if this decision to change school time is all it takes for parents to change systems, then they are not committed to Catholic Education. However, at the Board it needs to be understood that parents cannot afford
what they cannot afford, and must care for their families even if it means changing school systems. Unfortunately for some families, finances and costs override faith education.
We hope that our information provides you with some other perspectives as you
deliberate this decision. Should the Board decide to move ahead with the change, we would value the visit of a senior Board official or Trustee from the WCDSB to address
our concerns and how these challenges can be overcome., as they will not go away and cannot be ignored.
Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely, Sent electronically On behalf of the St Joseph Catholic School Council
cc. Mr. Wayne Buchholtz Board Chair WCDSB WCDSB Trustees
Mr. Larry Clifford, Director WCDSB
Stephanie Reidel From:
Bill Haber
Seat: To: Subject:
Monday, November 18, 2013 10: 18 AM Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
Hi Stephanie
We discussed it at our last School Council meeting. The adjustment is small for our school and no one had concerns. Bill
From: Stephanie Reldel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan anti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel- Schmitt; Debra Curds; Derek
Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Gifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pelli2zari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni; Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco-Sodaro; Sean Spiitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy S(ca; Tanya Hunter; Terri- Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tanya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft; Dan Witt; Daniel Hunter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wetdaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan
Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Lary Clifford; Laura Shoemaker, Lisa Mackay; Lorne Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At.October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with arty feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant
Corporate Services
Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A PO Box 91116
Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2
519) 578- 9660 ext 2275 Fax:( 519)578- 9967 step ha nie. reidel @wcd s
Please direct all Accounts Receivable queries to:
[email protected]
Stephanie Reidel Paul Mendonca
Tuesday, November 12, 201310:48 AM
To: Subject:
Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
All were opposed to the idea. From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM
To: Albert Simces; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryt Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel- Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek
Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner, Jo Ann
Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschloHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt, Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni, Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco-Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri-Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter, Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcraft; Dan Witt; Daniel Hutter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline We{tlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan
Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helfe.rty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Lorrie Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant Corporate Services
Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A PO Box 91116 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2
519) 578- 3660 ext 2275 Fax:( 519) 578-9967 steohan ie. reidel @wcdsb. ca
Please direct all Accounts Receivable queries to: ortMwcdsb. ca
t' JA1.I3 Y « I
EpIkfi 4 l
0QCA Stephanie Reidel From:
Leo Pellizzari
Sent: To: Subject:
Thursday, November 14, 2013 7: 37 PM
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Fallow up
Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
I have heard the following concerns from my parents of moving my start time from 8:50 am to 9: 10 with a finish at 3: 40 pm from 3: 20 pm:
the new time will affect the timing of childcare as both parents are working and one is using public transportation with 2 transfers. Has inquired about bell times at the public school down the street. will make childcare coverage problematic
in am and problematic for pick up in pm after school athletic activities at school will be starting late and thus interferring with personal athletic and afterschool activities. Athletic programs at schools will be affected as students must choose to attend personal after school activities
they have paid for. Who will then come out for school activities.?
how do we coordinate away and home games when competing with schools on other bell times. What will wait times be to keep these congruent?
I dont know how many have surveyed , but personal comments to me about changes to bell times at st mikes has not been favourable. This is a marginalized community in some respects with double income eamers. Also families are connected to afterschool programs at Langs Community Centre across the street. This will affect start times of Langs' Programs for our most marginalized students which Langs serves.
Hope this helps. Thanks Stephanie
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 41 AM
To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSantis; David Lynch; Deb Zettel- Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek
Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran, Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan; Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie Schnarr; John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Peterson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer, Mike
Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Brun!; Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert, RomaLee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri-Lynn Gelsel; Tierney Hunter; Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor, Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft; Dan Witt; Daniel Hutter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan
Grundy; John Dietrich; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger, Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Louie Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia. Santamaria; Maria Ivankovic; Marie Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant i
Stephanie Reidel From:
Bryan Cinti
Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10:46 AM Stephanie Reidel
RE: Bell Times- School Council Feedback
They are against it. Directed them to the survey. Thanks
Bryan Cinti
Principal, St. Teresa( K)
From: Stephanie Reidel
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10: 42 AM To: Albert Simoes; Amy Flynn; Bill Haber; Brian Goodyear; Bryan Cinti; Catherine Wendling; Cathy Kuntz; Cheryl Casselman; Christine Kelly; Daniel Ingoldsby; David DeSanbs; David Lynch; Deb Zettel-Schmitt; Debra Curtis; Derek. Haime; Gary Lankowski; Gerald Foran; Gerry Clifford; Gloria Lasovich; James Noonan;-Janet Foote; Jeffrey Dinner; Jo Ann Giesler; Jodie.Schnarr, John Klein; Karl Herod; Kathryn Peace; Kendra Duench; Krista Mooney; Larry Clifford; Laurie. MaschioHanson; Leo Pellizzari; Lois Pederson; Lori Tait; Lynn Woodbeck; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Godin; Mary Mayer; Mike Sitko; Nancy Sabo; Pam Garbutt; Pat Runstedler; Paul Gladding; Paul Mendonca; Paul Smith; Phil Leger; Philip Bruni;
Robert Dailey; Rodney Eckert; RomaLee Bumbacco- Sodaro; Sean Spitzig; Susan Hunt; Susan Sawyer; Tammy Sica; Tanya Hunter; Terri- Lynn Geisel; Tierney Hunter, Tim Lowenberger; Tonya Reesor; Tyrone Dowling; Chris Woodcroft; Dan Witt;
Daniel Hutter; David DeSantis; Derek Haime; Gale Daly; Glenda Leusink; Jacqueline Wettlaufer; Jim Stickland; Joan Grundy; John Dietrich.; John Klein; Kathleen Helferty; Kevin Hinsperger; Larry Clifford; Laura Shoemaker; Lisa Mackay; Lome Temple; Lou Bellini; Lucia Santamana; Maria Ivankovic; Mark Sauve; Simone Beaucage Subject: Bell Times - School Council Feedback
Good morning everyone
At October' s Administrator Meeting Shesh asked that, where possible, you bring up the proposed bell times changes at your next school council meeting.
Please provide me with any feedback your school council may have had. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant
Corporate Services Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber St W Unit A PO Box 91116 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G2 519) 578-3660 ext 2275 Fax:( 519) 578-9967
steohanie.reide I0 wcdsb. ca
Please direct all Accounts Receivable queries to: orffi) wcdsb. co
E 1
APPENDIX E- PHONE LOG Question: Do you support the change? School
11/ 11/ 2013 BMT
11/ 8/ 2013 CTK
10/ 24/ 2013 10/ 2412013 10/25/ 2013 10/21/ 2013 10/23/ 2013 10/25/2013 10/25/2013
Holy Rosa Holy Spirit Holy Spirit John Sweeney John Sweeney John Sweeney John Sweeney
Additional Comments or Reasons
Yes or No
10/24/ 2013 BMT
Y Y/ N N Y/ N
has 3 kids
says there are some issues with the times on sheet will work but doesn' t want it make parents lives more complicated
long day for country kids 1 hr bus ride
10/23/ 2013 Ms r Doyle
11/ 11/ 2013 OLOF
10/30/ 2013 OLOF
No reason to change. Already late enough, disrupts schedule- also disagrees with PA days
11/ 11/ 2013 OLOG
After school commitments
11/ 11/ 2013 OLOG
but prefers current times
10/ 23/2013 OLOL
11/ 14/ 2013 Resurrection
10/ 23/2013 Sir Edgar Bauer
prefer current times
too earl
11/ 11/ 2013 StAgatha
10/ 22/2013 St Anne K
Y/ N
11/ 11/ 2013 St Anne K
Work schedule
10/ 24/2013 St Benedict
Dark in the morning at bus stop
10/ 31/ 2013 St Benedict
No GRT- how to get to before school activities or home from after school ones?
1114/ 2013 St Benedict
too earl -
11/ 13/ 2013 St Benedict
11/ 11/ 2013 St Bernadette
11/ 8/2013 St Boniface
11/ 8/2013 St Boniface
10/ 24/2013 St David
prefer current times, but is possible
research shows they learn better later Too early for student to get u extra curriculars& traffic home too late
10/ 25/2013 St David
on spec ed bus
11/ 5/2013 St David
indifferent- good if it saves money
10/ 22/2013 St Dominic
11/ 8/2013 St Dominic
10/ 22/ 2013 St John
10/23/2013 St John
11/ 13/2013 St Joseph C
11/ 1/ 2013 St Kateri
11/ 6/2013 St Kateri
11/ 11/ 2013 St Kateri
10/ 30/2013 St Marys
11/ 11/ 2013 St Marys
Work schedule
but prefer current
10/24/ 2013 St Nicholas
Y/ N
11/ 11/ 2013 St Nicholas
10/ 30/2013 St Paul
Too early to get kids up and ready in AM
11/ 14/ 2013 St Paul
too earl
extracurriculars, homework time, dinner etc.- would want to pick kids up early sometimes
11/ 5/2013 St Teresa
indifferent- good if it saves money
11/ 11/ 2013 St Teresa E
Work schedule
11/ 11/ 2013 St Teresa K
Work schedule
10/ 23/ 2013 SVDP
1116/ 2013 SVDP
11/ 8/ 2013 SVDP
Prefer current times- work schedules
prefer current times
10/22/ 2013
After 9 is unfeasible. Will contact media
10/ 30/ 2013
11/ 11/ 2013
Secondary School- name not mentioned
11/ 18/ 2013 OLOG
Work Schedule
10/22/ 2013
agrees it is a better time
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, November 05, 2013 6: 10 PM Belltimes Feedback
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Completed
If you are going to make changes to bell times, it should occur at the beginning of a school year and parents should be given adequate notice. A change in bell times may require a change in childcare or work arrangements which cannot be made on short notice.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:, To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 21, 2013 1: 30 PM Belltimes feedback
Follow up Flagged
I have filled out the survey, and said I will support the changes for elementary, although I prefer the times now. I would much rather see the high schools get a later start time. My teenager can barely get up by that time, they are generally later sleepers, than younger kids, and its scientifically proven they are more likely to be night owls.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 8: 18 PM Belllimes Bell times
Follow up Flagged
Hello, I am not in favour of the bell time change. As working parents we are not able to change our start time in the office. I am certain this is a large concern for many, many parents. Furthermore, I think there is so much waste in the system already, why not look to extend teaching hours instead or get rid of some of the unnecessary spending( the ridiculous contracts for textbooks or reading programs). Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Sent from my Wad
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To:
Monday, October 21, 2013 11: 00 AM
secondary school bell times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
As a parent of three students, now graduated, I'd like to point out that students being bused from rural areas get on the bus sometimes almost 1 hour before the school bell time. For my kids, this meant they had to be ready and waiting for
the bus before 7:30 a. m. during their high school careers. Making the bell time later would be a huge benefit to these . students -
it would have helped my kids out greatly even to get 20 min. more sleep in the a. m.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Sunday,October ,
Elementary belltimes
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Regarding the start time I believe 8: 30am is appropriate. My daughter must catch her bus by 7: 30am. She' s
already up by 6: 00am every morning. The end time of 3: 00pm is also appropriate since most days she doesn' t get home until 3: 45, assuming the driver is on time! Changing to earlier or later is going to cause such upheaval in the day. She has horseback riding, what time— 4: 00pm— 6: 00pm. Another day, swimming, what time—4: 45—7: 30pm. Another day indoor soccerwhich can start as early as 5: 00pm. Add to that each day homework and projects. Can we add 20 minutes to accomodate saving you money. Sure. But who loses? The kids do. All these activities are in place and this is when activities are offered whether it' s
swimming, soccer, dance, or whatever. A bus student will now not get home before at least 4: 15. Right off the bat, that cancels my daughters activities. We try to have them earlier, to allow time for homework requirements and that is certainly a priority.
I just.think it is going to upset people' s lives. Why fix what is simply not broken? Parent
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
3 9. 00 AM
Belltimes belltimes high school
Follow up Flagged
My son goes"to SMH: I am tired of hearing how teenagers learn better later in the day?
Parents should teach their children the value of sleep and ensure they get proper amounts of sleep, ie bedtimes. regardless of age.
Also, when I was in high school, we paid a student rate for a monthly bus pass and took GRT to school. I was surprised at the only $5 a semester rate currently.
My son will not take the yellow bus to high school, this is-taking a step backwards in responsibility. We will pay the GRT rate for a student bus pass and he will continue to take GRT to school. Maybe all students should do this, this could save " approximately" millions! Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Friday, Vc o Belltimes Proposed bell time changes
Follow up Flagged
This email is in regards to the school' s start and end times. I do not think that there should be any changes to
the school' s schedule. 20 minutes is not going to make a world of difference to any child' s learning abilities. The children have already established their routines and the parents have already built their schedules around
this. The only people that this new schedule would benefit would be the school staff as they would not have to start as early as they do. I do not believe that the schedule of more than 200 parents should be disrupted in order to benefit a handful of teachers. Start and end times should remain as they are 8am- 3pm. Respectfully,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Monday, October 28, 201310:12 AM
To: Subject:
Follow up
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Blue Category
I have completed the survey and would be ok with the time change but that does depend on what the impacts are to the transportation changes as well. In the letter that was sent home it states that those students who use Grand River transit will move to yellow buses for daily transportation to and from school. What does this look like for students who currently use Grand River transit to and from school- are the students picked up and dropped off at different locations? Currently
my daughter is very close to a bus stop so if her pick-up and drop-off location are much further away, then that would be a concern for us.
Also just curious, why does St. Mary's start school so much later than the other Catholic schools? Regards
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
ursday, October 31, 2013 2:30 PM Belltimes
Changes to Bell Times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
We do not agree to the proposed time change as it will create additional hardship for parents who have earlier employment start times. It seems to us that every so called improvement by
all School Boards is an attempt to save money and only that. Without further clarification as to why the Board needs to save this amount of money and a forthcoming explanation as to what and how the savings will benefit the education of the children and not the administration itself we as tax payers vote No . to the proposed changes.
Stephanie Reidel From:
Maly, November 01,
Sent: To: Swbject:
Bellfimes school belltimes
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Hello there,
I am so sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the change of the school bells until now and still hope my opinion will apply.
I am in agreement for the 20 min bell change for the reason of understanding that the school would like to
save money where they can and it is better for my schedule as well. However.I am putting my faith in the school board hoping that they keep the children' s best interest at heart. Thank-you for giving me a voice in this decision
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Monday, November 04, 2013 7: 30 PM
To: Subject:
Fwd: Proposed Bell Changes
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I received your letter home today concerning the proposed changes to the bell times. It was not made clear how changing the bell time will save one million dollars and how this saved money would be reallocated.
At this time, with the time information provided, I cannot support the proposed change.
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incorporated herein by reference. Seller specifically rejects any additional as or conflictmg terms and .
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Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Monday, November U4, 2013 8:44 PM Belltime5
bell times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I completed the survey but wanted to add that 2 years ago I was very supportive of changing the bell times later for Secondary students especially with the evidence showing the need for adolescents to sleep later which enhances learning and reduces later. Unfortunately it was not approved then.
Now the current proposal is the opposite! Already my disabled child must get up at 6: 30 to be ready for a 7:40 bus. We cannot shave 10 minutes off that already hectic schedule and asking caregivers to arrive at 6: 15 is just asking too much!
I' m not sure if this will apply to the special ed. bus routes as well but maybe they can be
more flexible. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To:
Wednesday, November 06, 2013 9: 32 AM
Re: Secondary school bell times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
It the current proposal then is going way backwards in time to have later start for elementary and earlier for secondary. Secondary schools don' t need an earlier start. Most of them start too early already. Closer to 8 for elementary is too early especially if there' s bussing involved. 8: 30 is a good average start time for elementary and 9' is acceptable for secondary. Just my personal opinion.
0.6r 01 9: 18 Ali
o s—, c -I bell'times
Good mornin
The mentioned study referred to original proposal 2 years ago where we wanted to start elementary schools closer to Sam and secondary school closer to 9.. The feedback at the time from parents was that it was too early to get younger children up and they disagreed with the studies we had presented. The secondary parents
disagreed with moving their schools to later as they thought it interfered with homework time, and afterschool jobs. It was mentioned as part of the background for our current proposal. This is why the current change is for a later start for some elementary and early start for some secondary
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant Corporate Services WCDSB
519) 578- 3677 Ext 2275
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 9: 06 AM To: Belltimes
Subject: Secondary school bell times
I noticed that for St. Benedict' s High School and Resurrection High School, the proposed bell times are actually
earlier than current which goes against YOUR argument that teenagers learn better later in the day. 1
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, November 06, 2013 7:44 PM Belltimes
bell times
Follow up
To whom this may concern,
I have reviewed the proposed bell times for every school. I would first like to say that it is insulting that you mention that a study performed has proven that children learn better earlier in the morning, yet you offer no statistics or reality to the study performed. Secondly if that were even the case many of the school times are
only being affected by minutes at a time. i think that the school board needs to be a bit more efficient in their decisions to waste our hardly earned tax money. More money is being wasted conducting this survey than
there would be for any potential gain. Many people spend a lot of time planning out their days so that their young ones can be taken care of during the hours parents are working. I would also like to mention that I work a pretty flexible job and either time change would not affect me. There are hundreds of families who work shift work, part time, and even more than one job. No time change would cater to everyone at any given time
and I think the old saying is good enough for all of this. " If it isn' t broken then don' t fix it." learning is an acquired skill and student should be able to learn at different times of the day, week, or even year. People will graduate to work different jobs at different times and in different places. I understand that the school board works as hard as possible to do the best for our children, but in this case you have directed your time and
effort in the wrong direction. I hope my comments have been taken into consideration for all schools and that this is just a bump in the road and that you please don' t waste your budget on silly surveys. I say this in the politest manner and do not mean to cause any offense. Sincerely,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Thursday, November 07, 201311: 54 AM Belltimes Bell time change
Follow up Flagged
Our family is NOT in favor of the change. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Thursday, November 07, 2013 4: 06-PM Belltimes Bell times
Follow up Flagged
I would like bell times to stay the same. Thanks Sent from my BlackBen)* www.blackbg=. com
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
I nurgaW, Belltimes Proposed changes
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
Unable to to do survey as it would not load properly This proposed change for elementary would have a great negative impact on our household. It would delay a parent getting to work, as well it would greatly impact extra curricular twice per week.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Friday, November uts, 2
Bell time Survey
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
I vote that bell times stay as they. Parents have already made childcare arrangements which are hard enough will out having to do it again. As well student are at school late enough. I believe the younger children would be exhausted getting out later.
Stephanie Reidel From:
ovember 08, 2013 6: 33 PM
To: Subject:
Belltimes school busses
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
The five minute bell time does not concern me, but the loss of GRT passes for high school students does concern
me. There'are many students involved in activities after school that rely on GRT busses to get home. Having a GRT pass gives students the flexibility they need to get a ride home at any time.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
734' pIVII
Belltimes Proposed changes
Follow up Flagged
Yes, I think it is a great idea to change the belltimes.
1 believe it would be beneficial for the board and our family needs as well.
Saving the board funds to help in other much needed areas is a big positive. We support the bell time changes!
P Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Monday, November 11, 2013 3:49 PM Belitimes
Cc: Subject:
We are ok with the new proposed bell times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
Sent from my Phone
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
on ay, Belltimes
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
ovember 11, 2013 8: 11 PM
Follow up
I wanted to share that I feel it would be horrible if the bell times were changed. Parents work schedules would have to be changed, childcare needed.
If the kids day ended later, when would they have time for activities, sports??
They would be getting home later which would mean starting homework later. And then later bedtimes. And really,not many children will " sleep in" if their day stars later. I understand i just missed that cut off time for the survey but I needed to share my opinion. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
o ember 11, 2013 10: 26 PM
Proposed Bell Time Changes
Follow up Flagged
I would like to agree with the new proposed bell times. On a personal level they would be very helpful to my
family as I leave for work before my daughter gets up for school most days and my husband is left to get her ready in the mornings. This is not bad but since he works nights it would give him a little longer to sleep before he has to get up with her to prepare for the school day. We also have to employ a babysitter for after school with the current bell times and our service needs would be fewer therefore saving us money that could
be put toward future education. As a family, we are all for the proposed bell changes. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
MMOM onday, November 11, 2013 9:09 PM Belltimes Bell times
Follow up Flagged
I do not agree with changing the bell times for elemrntary schools and would like to keep the existing bell times
t a
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, November 11, 2013 10: 25 PM Belltimes
Blltimes for elementary shool Follow up Flagged
Good morning, I would like the belltime to be remain the same.
I stay at the bus stop until my kids get on the bus before going to work. Changing the bell time to later means
later.bus. It will be impossible for me to make sure my kids are safely on the bus if the time is changed. Also the change will affect after school activitis as well. Many rograms starts right after the school ends. If the school ends later, kids won't be able to make it to the activities or will be late alwys. Thank you
T r
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Monday, October 21, 2013 8: 45 AM Belltimes
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
To whom it may concern,
I do not support moving the hell times earlier. I find that children need to sleep to a reasonable time in the morning.
Being at school and ready by 8: 10am is too early. My children are now at a school with a later bell time-
9: 00am. TheY feel awake in the morningg because the Y can sleepP until their bodies are ready to wake up. They do not feel rushed in the morning. They can eat a proper breakfast to help provide their brains with the nutrition they need to learn.
Years ago, we were at a school with a 8: 30am start. We moved and I made sure the new school would have a
late start time.
My children participate in after school activities, and our later time has not affected that at all. My older daughter also has a job that is not affected by her later start time. Myself and children do not support an early school bell start time. Sincerely,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Monday, October 21, 2013 4:40 PM
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
Belltimes bell changes feedback
While changing bus times may save some money, another area to consider that could also save money would
be promoting an increase in walking to school ( rather than busing). Both ideas could be incorporated into the current effort. Perhaps the board could consider increasing the distances for eligibility for bus pick up. Children have a great capacity for walking long distances.
Students in school use school time to participate in DPA( daily physical activity). By getting parents on board, DPA can be part of the before and after school time, saving the school day for more academic activities.
Walking school buses are one way to promote more walking to school. There is growing research in the area of promoting more walking to school.
Stephanie Reldel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Thursday, October 24, 2013 3: 56 PM Belltimes bell time/ uniforme
Follow up Completed
To whom its may concern,
Can you please explained how changing the bell time for some school will save money as our school is already early 8: 30-3 and will change to
and for other school is not ,
8:20-2: 50 in the others side some school like my nieces school they start at 9: 00-3: 30 and there time will change to 9: 15- 3: 45 . The time should change for all school as the same time that not fare for all the kids . can just explained what is happing here
probably its batter to move them to different school . the second subject is uniform will you please consider a uniform for catholic school
instead of wearing normal clothes it is a big headache finding the prober clothes for them all year along, will please but this in your study it will help us save some money
as for you saving with bell time changing .
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Thursday, October 24, 2013 12: 09 PM
Bell time changes
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
I am writing regarding the purposed bell time change.
I think that the school board needs to come up with ways to save money that do not impact the lives and schedules of students and parents.
With my daughter's school start time changing to 9: 00am, will not be able to get to work on time. In most places of employment, including mine, being late for work everyday is cause for termination. My daughter is not old enough to get herself off to school alone and I have no family members available to assist in getting
my daughter to school. I cannot afford before school day care (which is not available at her school anyway). I know that I cannot-be the only parent in this situation and I hope that the school board will take our opinions to heart and are not just asking for same to make it seem like our opinions matter. It was a bad idea two years ago and it is a worse idea now!
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Friday, October25, 2013 8: 07 AM
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
Sorry I don' t like the times you want to change it too Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
Stephanie Reidei From: Sent: To: Subject:
Belltimes bell time
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Red Category
Monday, October 21, 2013 8:59 PM
Follow up
Hello, I' ve just completed the online survey and I think this is a great idea, but was wondering when this would come into effect?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 7:32 PM Belltimes times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
Hi, r
all in favor of the later bell times, as it doesnt really affect my work time, but just curious as to why they would change
the time ahead when it states that younger children learn better earlier in the day?
Also, the secondary students would use school buses instead of GIRT, but wouldnt this incurr a cost to the board? Sincerely,
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 230 PM
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
1 am having a hard time finding the survey but I can just tell you please keep times the same Thank you J
Stephanie Reidel. From: Sent: To:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 8:04 AM
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I' m ok with the time change
Sent on the TRUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
Stephanie Reidel From:
onday, October 21, 2013 8: 31 PM
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I was not able to access the survey monkey questions. Please forward the link...
As for my feedback I do not support the change of bell times for my child and her school. It is a 20min difference that isn't going to allow for much change in their schedules in terms of extra sleep time, except maybe by 5 minutes. It seems to be a waste of energy to change. Unless the board intends to discuss change of school times with all extra curricular programs that
children are involved in then this is going to cause more stress to children and parents having to get them there on time. I know many children from our school are active in after school activities and this would make things much more difficult to be part of.
Changing school times also affects the schools teams and would involved teachers/coaches being at school or with the team until later times in. the evening. If they coach a team instead of a game
starting by 330 or 345 it wouldn't start until 4 or 415 meaning not finishes until well after 5pm ... am happy to answer the questions on survey monkey if you forward me the link as it wouldn't open as a website link. Thanks
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 9: 56 PM Belltimes
Proposed changes to bell times
Fallow up Flagged
Dear Mr Mahara'1,
I currently have 2 children, one in elementary school and one in secondary school. I have read the letters sent home and completed the survey. I do have one problem that needs to be addressed. Do you really care about any of the children at all or does it always come down to dollars???
The first part of the letter goes on to explain that 2 years ago this was proposed and one of the reasons for changing the
bell times was that younger, elementary school children learn better earlier in the day and that teens learn better later in the day. This being said why would you change my younger sons times to 10 minutes later and my-teens bell time from 0821 to 0800. Does this make sense to anyone at the school board. How can you say one thing then propose to do the complete opposite??? Sometimes I really wonder how my children are as bright as they are with such confused people running the school system.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, November 12, 2 Belltimes
School Bell Times Survey
I do not agree with the time changes
Stephanie REidel From:
Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 21, 2013 4: 58 PM Belitimes bell change
Follow up Flagged
I would prefer to NOT change the bell times. What we have at the school I work with and my kids school works fine for our family. Thanks
I i
Stephanie Reidel From:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 11: 22 AM
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Belltimes Comments
Hello There
I just filled my survey online and really had to send an email and reiterate that this would make dropping off very difficult for parents who work in office environments and have an 8: 30 or 9:00am start time. If this change were to occur, I would be in a position to require before AND after school care.
I' m sure many parents would share this dilemma.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
wednescay, October 23, 2013 8:
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Fwd: Proposed bell times- disagree
Hi there,
I would be really disappointed to see this change to the bell times. Main concern being the morning from 830 to 850. In my situation both parents are working and starting at 8am. With the 830 start this allows one parent to take kids to the bus stop and still manage to get to work in reasonable time. This avoids extra costs to us for morning before school care.
I am sure this would put many other parents who are in similar situations into a tough position, resulting in more child care costs to parents as a result for many who are not given so much time flexibility in their employment. Regards,
Sent from my iPhone
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Monday, November 04, 2013 11: 30 AM
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
I think the belltimes should remain the same. I have already had to adjust my work schedule so be able to
drop-my son of in the morning and making the tim a even later would make it harder for working parents. I don' t really understand how starting 20 mins later and finishing 20 mins later would save the school board so much money??
Thank you
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
ay, November 04, 2013 4:43 PM Belltimes Time Changes
Follow up Flagged
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Monday, October 21, 2013 8:52 AM
To: Subject:
Belltimes Bell times-- Bus Schedules
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
I know that you are changing bell times to accommodate the buses.
I am very disappointed in the bus schedule this year. Therefore if the bus schedule stays the same, I do not support the change in bell times.
It takes my kids 40 minutes to get 5 minutes down the road. On the way
home it takes another 40 minutes. After school activities start as early as 4 or 4:30, and with a 40 minute ride
home my kids will miss out. Everyone says that our kids are into electronics too much, but getting them to physical after school activities are getting harder to do. Sincerely,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Thursday, October 24, 20 13 4:56 P BelltimesBell Times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I was unable to complete the survey. After logging in, I was unable to see anything appear. Therefore I can say that for what the letter said, young children are better behaved first thing in the morning( I find from observing my own son). Therefore I do not understand why a later start time is being considered especially when it contradicts what is written within the letter. I will adhere to whatever the start time is, but for those who work full time, I would believe that a start time before 9am would be better for most families. For myself, I start work at 9am. In an ideal world and if I could ask, if
they started school before 9am, I could make it to work on time. However, whatever happens, will happen. Kind Regards,
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 21, 2013 7:41 PM Belltimes
Follow up Flagged
To whom it may concern: Greetings!
I am very not happy for the proposed bell time change. I need to be at work-every 9 am Monday to
Friday. & if you have to change the start bell time at 8: 50 1 would miss the bus &
wont be at work on
time. & if I can't work , the family wont have no food to eat. & I cannot afford to hire a babysitter for a before school care. Thank you very much.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 21, 2013 7:30 Belltimes
Proposed Bell Times
Follow up Flagged
As a result of after school activities that begin as early as 4pm (and for which we already arrive late) this change to bell times leaves us with no alternative but to change to the Public system.
How very sad... I have faith and trust in our board
and fully expect the right thing be done -
NOT the cheapest.
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To: Subject:
Monday, October 21, 2013 5:40 PM Belltimes
bell time change
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I have attempted twice to complete your survey and cannot find it on the website provided. Therefore I have decided to email my concerns instead. I am a hard working parent who will find this change very challenging for child care. Also I enjoy coming home at night and spending time with my child. My child also has activities afterschool and with this change he will not be able to attend his activities.
Please do not change the times!!!! Thanks, anks
his information ' is directed in confidence solely to the person named above and may not otherwise be distributed, copied or disclosed. Therefore, this information should be considered strictly confidential. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately via a return email for further direction. Thank you for your assistance.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:50 PM Belltimes Bell times
I understand the want to re- allocate funds from bussing to the schools needs. However changing the times later for the primary children effects the ability for them to maximize their learning ability. it is a known fact younger children learn better earlier in the day. I don' t think it's a fair trade off to exchange that for another area of school needs. I would not want to see this for my child or any other child. Already it is a long day for them and a later start is a longer day for them.
As for secondary, earlier would be too early and later effects jobs for our teens turning into young adults. My teen daughter has a job right after school that she works daily and would lose as a direct result of bell time changes. We are not in support of either. Kind regards,
Sent from my iPad_
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Monday, November 18, 2013 10: 13 AM Belltimes
I think it is absolutely ridiculous to propose starting school even earlier. As it is my son has to leave the house at 7: 30 to catch his bus, to have to learn 20 minutes earlier is insane, teenage boys need sleep, and it you want the students
awake, alert and participating in class you can' t have them getting up before dawn. Many of these students have activities, jobs and homework that keeps them up unt11- 11 or later in the evening, how can they function if they have to get up with less than 8 hours of sleepl If anything, have the school day go longer, NOT start earlier!
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 8:25 AM
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
Belltime survey- elementary school
Please do NOT change the bell times for the catholic elementary schools.
As parents who work- this would be seriously detrimental. Thank you.
sea Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Wednesday, November 13, 201310:47 AM Belltimes
Re: Elementary School Bell Times
School Name: Messed John Paull II CES WCDSB Please note that 1 support the proposed bell times:
START: 8:20am't END: 2: 50pm
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To: Subject:
Monday, November 11, 2013 8:36 PM
Follow U P Flag: 9 Flag Status:
Follow u P Flagged
Belltimes Bell times
I am a mother of
tudent at Blessed John Paul school in Kitchener. I just recieved this survey today
so please excuse my ate submission. I would like to vote that our bell times stay the same. Morning at 830 and dismissed at 3 pm. Thankyou
Sent from Samsung mobile
I i
her T
Stephanie RdIdel From: Sent:
Thursday, October 24, 201-3 6:03 PM
To: Subject:
Belltimes Blessed Mother Teresa
Follow Up Flag: FlagStatus:
Follow up Flagged
I have no problem with the change of bell times. Works for me.
Stephanie Reidel From:
o er3 6: 59 PM
ues ay, Belltimes
Fw: Proposed Bell Times for Blessed Mother Teresa
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Red Category
T +esday; OctoFk13 657, 1
[email protected].
.Pposed Belt 1%
f1pr Bles$W Kother TOO
I was extremely disappointed to hear of the proposed bell time changes at Blessed Mother Teresa. Both of my children have attended there for several years and I must say the bell times where something that worked
really well for our family. it is very difficult to one find a sitter you can trust let alone someone that is willing to
pickup your kids. Both myself and my husband work full time and bussing is not a option due to boundaries yet I as a parent am not comfortable having my children walk to school or home for that matter. it is a good 20 min walk and personally that's a long walk for a child in the winter months.
Concerned Parents
j esScd M c+
h eX TcnesnL
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Monday, October 28, 2013 4:20 PM
Bell Times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
Hi, I am unable to complete survey- website says that the survey site is closed. I am in favour of the " Proposed Bell Times" - Start at 8: 55 a. m. and Ending at 3: 25 p. m. tudent at Blessed Mother Teresa School. Thank you.
6` 11o4
Monday, November 11, 2013. Waterloo Catholic District School Board
Re: School Bell Times Survey
To whom it may concern,
We are writing this letter to object to the proposed bell time shift for Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic r Elementary School starting the 2014- 2015 school year. The times currently presented are a 20 minute shift to
8:55am through 3: 25pm from 8: 35am through 3: 05pm.
We moved into our home in this neighbourhood three years ago with the specific intention of walking our two children to a local school. Our selection of Blessed Mother Teresa, besides its excellent reputation, was
facilitated by the starting and ending times of the school day. As two working parents within the community, we have each made significant adjustments to our work schedule to balance the requirement of walking to school with the desire to have our children attend an outside school program for the least amount of time. Currently, our eldes
walks to school accompanied by one of us along with our youngest
who will also be attending school in the coming year. Once dropped off, our work day can finally commence, usually by about 9am. Meanwhile, the other one of us has already started an early work day in order to complete work in time for a reasonable pick- up. The current end time of the school is 3:05pm, which because of the core hours required at work does not allow a pick- up directly after school. As a resultlilWust
already attend the Extended day after-school program and typically attends for 1 hour will follow the same schedule next year.
By shifting the starting time later by another 20 minutes in the morning, the time to commence work would be shifted by the same amount and would not be acceptable. The scheduling of the entire school day is a tough balance that is made.extremely hard with a shift to a later start time. Since the start of work. is nonnegotiable for the one involved in drop-off, we will be forced to use the before school care program in addition to the after school program. At your current rate of$ 14 per child per program, this will.equate to approximately 11760($ 14/ program/ child * 2 programs*
2 child * 5 days/ week* 42 weeks/ year) of child care costs per year
for both of our children! By the current start and end times, we would anticipate$ 5880 for both. This shift will double our fees and is unacceptable.
We feel that the fees that we would be forced to incur would be the same for any family of two full-time
working parents. Please consider that some families will not be able to handle a child care cost increase of this magnitude. We ask you to refrain from this time shift for these reasons.
Kind regards,
MaOj 6
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
c o
To: Subject:
Belltimes Bell Times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
11: 1: 27 277AAM
Follow up
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing this email in regards to the proposed bell time changes for Canadian Martyrs elementary school. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was to hear that the start of school could begin as late as 9: 10 AM. As you noted in your letter, two years ago the WCDSB conducted a consultation to look at different ways to
A) save money and ( B) " To align start and stop times to studies which suggested younger children learn better earlier in the day and that teenagers learn better later in the day."
The proposed bell time change goes completely against that goal: Canadian Martyrs is an elementary school, and from my understanding, already has one of the later start times.
Secondly, I believe this proposed change will impact families in their pocket books. We currently have our daughter enrolled in the" after school program" and are VERY pleased with this service/program. However, we
find the 9:00 AM start time already a bit late and moving it to 9: 10 AM will be unmanageable for our family (my husband and I need to get to work!). Many families may need to seek before AND after school care and this is an added, unaffordable cost. Our son will be attending JK next year as well.
Thank you so much for allowing our input into the process. May I suggest that if the bell time changes go forward, Canadian Martyrs should see their start time begin earlier in the morning? I would fully support a start time as early as 8: 30 AM.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information and/or clarification. Thank You.
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FCAffb Stephanie Reidel From:
Monday, November 11, 2013 6:03 PM
To: Subject:
Belltimes belltimes
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
I had meant to complete P the survey, Y and I thought 9 that I would be able to comment up until midnight tonight. I see that the survey is closed.
I just wanted to say, despite the potential savings, I prefer the current belltimes. There were several reasons why we chose Catholic school over the. public school system, and though a faith- based education tops our "reasons list," the school times were also
a consideration for my family. You see, my husband works an evening shift. The current.bell times allow him to see his daughter for one hour each morning, Mon -
I thank you for the opportunity to voice our opinion, and I trust that whatever decision is made is for the best-- regardless of whether the bell times change or not.
Warm Regards,
IA rly Vam 11. E Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Thursday, November 07, 201312:09 PM Belltimes
Fw: Bell time changes for Holy Family Follow up Flagged
This email is in regards to the proposed bell time changes for Holy Family Catholic School in New Hamburg. I am NOT in favor of having the school bell times changed. Sincerly
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Fri ayy, October 25 2013 1: 09 PM
RE: survey issue
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Hi Stephanie,
The school is Holy Family in New Hamburg. I would like the bell times NOT to change as my kids are already arriving home at close to 4pm. With sport commitments, finishing up homework, etc. it leaves very little time. Also, the children who live in our neighbourhood who mostly attend Baden Public getout of school around 2:40... my kids have no time just doing " kid things" - playing outside, having. friends over, etc. Thanks so much for your time.
From: Belltimes Sent: October 25, 2013 9: 46 AM TO
Subject: ItE: survey issue
Please send an email stating if you can work with the proposed change and if not, why. I will include all the e- mail feedback with the survey results. I will also need to know the school.
Stephanie Reidel Executive Assistant
Corporate Services WCDSB
519) 578- 3577 Ext 2275
ursday, October 24, 2013 6: 17 PM
To: Belltimes
Subject: survey issue
Hi There,
I filled out the survey for the school I work at, but I would also like to fill out the survey for my children's school. When I went to the address given: https:// www.suD= s/ WCDSB- elementary- bellUmgs, it brings me to the end,
saying I've already completed the survey. I really would like to have input for my children's school. Do you know how I can get around this? i
V10\ J RasQv-
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, October 30, 201311: 44 AM Belitimes
A concern about bell time changes
Follow up Completed
My name isfIJIM I havel khildren attending Holy Rosary School. I completed the short survey about the proposed changes to bell times at our school. It really was short- only asking whether we could support the
changes. I said " yes" as a 10 minute change is really not that difficult. My concern, however, has to do with the
scheduling throughout the day. At our school the kids eat lunch at 11: 15, which I find is WAY too early. I assume that if they start their day 10 minutes earlier they will also be starting lunch 10 minutes earlier as well which makes lunchtime even more" too early". Does the school day always need to be balanced in that way or is it possible to make the " before lunch time" longer and have everyone eat lunch at a more realistic hour? I think it should be at noon. Thank you.
Stephanie Reidel
From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
ues ay,
c o er 22, 2013 8:21 PM
Bell times- Holy Spirit Cambridge Follow up Flagged
To whom it may conceA We have received a letter saying
the school board is engaging in bell times changes. I do not agree with this change I feel that the board can and should concentrate in ither aspects of the children' s well being and education rather than worry about chaging the bell times. It seems to me that this is a ridiculous waste of time you can not say that later start times will better the children I have serious doubt as to who has researched such a thing. Why not concentrate on the programs you are offering the children in the school that you are unable to complete for instance the Empowerment reading program 110 scheduled
lessons for the year and last year they only got to 65/ 68 so now those kids are behind another year and my son is already behind from an issue that stemmed back from jk/ sk so now in grade he is still behind. Leave the bell times the way they
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, October 23,.2013. 9: 12 Belltimes
Holy Spirit Catholic School Follow up Flagged
I just filled out the survey on proposed bell time changes, and I am quite disappointed as I feel it doesn' t reflect the true impact on the proposed changes. It was basically one question and had I known that I would have responded differently. The reason I would have responded differently, is although I can understand the benefits to the school board, I am a mother of two young students and you clearly state " To align start and
stop times to studies which suggested younger children learn better earlier in the day and that teenagers learn better later in the day." so how can I possibly support changes that hat my young children starting at a later timemNc& would-be-(as-yau kindly pointed-Gut).djetr-imentaLto-_ their education—I understand.bA dgetarV - - constraints and considerations, but at what point is it decided that a dollar is worth more then the well being of children at an entire school? I feel if you push the start times back my children will suffer. If you push the start times back, the public school in our neighbourhood will start nearly a full hour before Holy Spirit meaning
those children instantly get a head start in life. I struggle with having my children dismissed at nearly 4:00 on hot summer days when they should be outside playing; not confined to a class room. I don' t understand how you can say this is benefits the students when your study clearly states the opposite. Instead of pushing the start times back at Holy Spirit, leave them or move the forward so that my kids are in school at their peek learning time.
As I mother, I have never put money before the welfare of my children, shame on you for asking me to. Regards,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 6: 14 PM Bell6mes
Concems for Holy Spirit late starttfinish Follow up Flagged
Hello there,
I am not in support of changing Holy Spirit's bell times so that they will be 20 minutes later. (9:20/ 3:50) 1.) Workshops- I feel that the fact that our school is situated on the outlying area of the school board it is already difficult for staff members to attend after school workshops, meetings, etc. and arrive on
time. Delaying our bell times would make it near impossible for us to attend these events.
2.) Sporting Events- The same argument can be made for Sporting events. It would be very difficult for our teams to make it on time for games. Thus the players would have to leave class early (as would the coaches),
creating a disruption in their leaming (and that of the students belonging to the coaches, classes. I also feel that it would create a hardship on families that creed to be at work for 9:00. As it stands we have supervision on the yard at 8:45, so they are able to leave their children at that time.
3.) Parent's Concerns-
1 would however, be in support of changing our bell times so that they would be 20 minutes earlier. (8:40/ 3: 10). 1 believe this would be a very positive change in regards to each of the three reasons I outlined earlier. Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Red Category
Av I' m
Holy Spirit School f= lagged
To Whom It May Concern:
I just wanted to express my deep concern with your proposal to change the bell times at Holy Spirit School.
I currently work in and dropping my children off at 8:45am for the current 9am start allows me enough time to get to work for my loam shift. If school started at 9:20am, I would have to use childcare services every morning which
would double what 1 currently pay my sitter, since I only utilize her after school at this time. Also, on Survey Monkey, it said that studies show that elementary school students who started school earlier performed better, yet you are proposing that they start later in the morning. How does this support the students to succeed?
As for having school end at 3: 50pm, this is also an issue for after school commitments. My children are involved in after school sports programs that begin at 5pm. Having school end 20 minutes later would not support them to fulfill their commitments and arrive in a timely manner.
So to answer your question- no, 1 cannot make this change work. The only way I could make it work would be to pull my
kids out of Holy Spirit and put them in Moffat Creek Public School. Thank you for your attention. f
Ste harde Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, November 11, 2013 7:07 PM Belltimes School Bell Times
Follow up Flagged
I went to survey monkey but it is now closed. As far as the new school bell times, I would rather it stay at 9:00 and 3: 30 as we have extra curricular activities starting at 4pm. However, I can adjust my schedule if need be.
corm Stephanie Reide.l_ From:
I ues ay, October 22, 2013 6:04 PM
John Sweeney Belltimes
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
I just wanted to comment on the proposed belltime changes for John Sweeney School.
I realize this is something that is affecting numerous people, family, employees etc. However, I also understand this survey is a way to express what will and will not work for the students and families ofthe school. I have a daughter in
a daughter They are early risers with early bedtimes. We already i If there are studies that show
struggle to get dinner, bath and homework done
younger kids learn better early in the morning, why on earth are we pushing the belltime back? I did not support this change 2 years ago and I still do not support this change.
Stephanie Reidel From:
ueday, November 12,
To: Subject:
Belltimes Change in Bell Times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
9: 23 PM
Follow up
Good evening,
I realize I have missed the survey deadline but would like to enter a few thoughts for what they are worth. A lot of parents have made changes to work schedules so one parent is responsible for the morning and one for the evening. The repercussions associated with changes these set schedules can impact careers and incomes drastically. Our 10 government issued yearly ELD( Emergency Leave Days) will be eaten up within weeks if one parent arrives early or leaves. Some employees dock wages when employees that leave early or late from work. I understand the school board stands tofave quite a bit of revenue as a result of these changes however I hate to think the money made would be gathered as a result of parents of the students losing money. Thank you for considering my comments. Kind regards,
ohn Sweeney Elementary School Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
d i
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 21, 2013 5: 28.PM Belltimes
I am a Caregiver for the Region of Waterloo. The Bell time changes proposed will create BIG problems for my
drop off and pickup times for my parents and myself. I provide drop off and pickup tunes for all three schools and there is just no way I can be at all three schools at one time. Please take this into much consideratidn. I would imagine I am speaking for many of the caregivers in the area. Thank You.
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To:
n ay, October 25, 2013 12: 30 PM
Belltimes Our Son is in
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
Grade John Sweeney Elementary School
To whom this may concern, I would very much appreciate it if the Bell times 0) John Sweeney did not change! This would greatly effect both my husband' s and my lob expectations as well as our Child Care plan that we have established!
With thanks!
Stephanie Reidel From:
I ues ay, October 22, 2013 8:33 AM
Beil6mes -
Brianna Woods
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Hi I' m a student at Monsignor Doyle,qNrAWeven though I' m leaving this year. l think the school day should stay the same because of the city buses, part time jobs, siblings and extra curricular activities
I' ve had an amazing time at Doyle and I truly wish these times don' t change. Of course as a young adult I respect any changes you do make.
But I hope it's one that all students and teachers can peacefully come to school, learn and be happy.
0UY lid
Stephanie-Reidel From: Sent:
Saturday, November 02, 2013 4: 12 P
Changing to bell time
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
My two kids are going to Our Lady Fatima WCDSB school, they will learn better and we are very happy for new changing bell time start 8: 50AM and end 3: 20PM. We planed to suggest this change to school but this is a chance for us Thank you
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, October ,
2013 3:24
Our Lady Of Fatima Belltimes
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I have completed the survey but would like to stress the fact that I prefer to keep the times the way they currently are.
Changing them would added cost to us for Before school care that we currently don't require
My children also already have good routines with the current start time and would really prefer they not change Thank you
nu Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Monday, November 11, 20"
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
belltimes survey
I wish to vote on the belltimes for the waterloo district separate school board. My children attend Our Lady of
Grace Catholic Elementary School on Gracefield Crescent in Kitchener. I vote to support the proposed new bell times of 9: 10 am start and 3: 40 pm dismissal. Thank you very much. Sincerely
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Monday, November 18, 2013 7: 05 PM
Belltimes Bell time Changes
I am a student at Resurrection Catholic School and although I missed the survey, I would Pike to say NO NO NO to earlier ball times. I already wake up at 6:30 and it is extremely unreasonable for you to ask me to wake up
any earlier. If you really care about students you would make bell times later at high schools so students can have more rest and learn better as studies have shown.
A concerned Student
Stephanie Reidel From:
oVember 04, 201312:48 PM
class vote
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
8 students voted for.current bell times because they cant get up any earlier and some work until 11pm at night 6 students voted for proposed bell times
http:// bit. ly/ ncGc6l
http: // vimeo.
com/ 54578133 .
http:'// bit. ly/ isTmNy PETER ETRIL SNYDER PAINTING
FESTIVAL www.memorytree. ca/ chariieawards
http:// www. userLv dsbtv
http: / Jwww. schooltube. com/ user/ rezty
Resurrection Catholic Secondsr'Y School
455 University Avenue West Kitchener,
http: // bit. ly/ HGgd7n
vimeo. com/ 60170123
CA Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Friday; November 08, 201311: 52 AM
Bell Times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
I am a parent with two children, one in the elementary school and one in the secondary school. My daughter
goes to Resurrection and they want to change the time to 8: 10 as opposed to 8: 20. 1 know it is only 10 minutes but it is already bad enough that they are starting school so early. My son goes to St. John' s and they want to change the time from 9 to 9: 15. 1 don' t agree with either. Whatever happened to the good old.dayswhen everyone went to school from 9 until 3: 45? There was never a problem then and the kids need to adapt to the
way the working world works not the working world adapting to It's just an excuse to change what used to work well. I wish the 70's and 80' s were back because there never was any kind of problems. The kids adapted just fine and the parents were happy with it the way it was.
Stephanie Reldel From:
Monday, October 21, 2013 8: W PM
To: Subject:
Belltimes Bell Times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Blue Category
Follow up
To whom it may concern, I was unable to take the-survey online at the provided link https:// www.sur elementM-belltimes, it leads you to Survey Monkey's home page. s/ WCDSB-
We will have two daughters registered at Sir Edgar Bauer school,for the 2014/2015 school year and will be able to make the proposed bell time change from 8: 30AM to 8: 40AM and from 3: OOPM to 3: 10PM work. Re ands
t4y VAU6 Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
uesday, October 22, 2013 11:24 PM
Belltimes Belltime comments
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Dear S. Maharaj,
In response to your correspondence sent home with my daughter(s) from Sir Edgar Bauer the following is our reply:
While I understand the need to take a general approach with your correspondence it is important to note that
point 1 is inaccurate from our perspective. Presently,.our children start school at 8: 30. You're proposed starting time of 8: 40am. doesn't align with reason l of your proposal. In sum, they won't be aligning with the studies
suggesting younger children learn better earlier in the day so we don't support the proposed changes. Can you kindly provide me the reference information identifying the studies you are referring to?
Similarly, your comments indicating that by revisiting the bell time enrolment peak my interest:
The reason we are revisiting the bell time issue relates to monetary savings. The savings from the 20 minute proposal is approximately one million dollars. Our enrolment continues to decline like most school boards in Ontario, and funding is reduced as enrolment declines. We see this as a way to.protect funding that goes into the classroom which would otherwise be reduced because of declining enrolment. All of the savings achieved through bell time changes will be.used for this purpose."
What exactly are you referring to when you say, " We see this as away to protect funding..."?
Are you implying that people are leaving the school board because the start time is too early? If that is the case can you provide data that backs that statement up? Regards,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Saturday, October 19, 201312: 38 AM Belltimes
Bell times survey link Follow up Flagged
FYI- The survey monkey site still has the 2012 survey at the address supplied. Please send another notice out so parents are aware when corrected!
St.Agnes 9: 20 start- Bell Time
My personal concern is that my children aren't old enough yet to get themselves ready for school unattended and walk g unattended as our kids walk across Ejr4$ t with no light or crossinggg uard. Althou gh we have tried to work with region and g board to ensure safe passage with no results. Therefor I take them to school and I don' t think my employer will be
flexible to allow 10 am start( I require 20 mins to get to work)as this doesn' t work for the needs of the company and
would have me working 6: 30 and dinner and homework would be delayed later and later. No time for extra curricular programs if dinner isn' t done until 7: 30..What time would teachers be on yard duty to allow for supervision to allow
parents to get,to work as you cannot justify getting a babysitter for 15- 20 mins in morning? I respect the needs to address budgets a'nd cost savings but again$ 1 million shared amongst all the families impacted financially and child safety Wed...... I think$ 33 per student can be saved in reducing newsletters, office supplies, etc. I think the boards budget needs to be reviewed internally as each year regional property tax is increase to fund these budgets and as a family we budget our finances and the school board needs to do the same too I Thank you for the opportunity to express our concerns for our children' s education.
Sent from my Wad
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Monday, November 11, 2013 5: 14 PM
Belltimes Bell Times WCDSB
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
With regard to the proposed bell change at St Anne' s school Kitchener.
We would prefer that they stay the same as they are now. These times work with our work schedule somewhat. It is difficult already to juggle full time employment and school schedules.
Ann e, Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
School bell time feedback
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
WonClay, November 11, 201312: 15 PM Belltimes
I' m a mom at st. Anne' s school in kitchener, and wanted to give my feedback about the times changing. I think it a terrible idea, we just made a change this year if 20 min, if they wanted it to be later they should ofjust did it then. My life is scheduled around drop off and pick up, so adding another 20min would just be terrible. Thank you
Sent from my Whone
Anne-YN Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
onday, November 04, 2013 3: 30 PM Belltimes Bell times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
Our school has already changed the start time this September from 8: 35 to 8: 55 at St. Anne's in Kitchener. I do not think another 20 minutes is acceptable. Elementary children learn better earlier in the day and teenagers learn better later in the day. I don't feel 9: 15 is early in the day. Thank you
An one- K Stephanie Reidel From: S Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
ovem er 01 201311: 52 AM Belltimes St Annes Kitchener
Follow up Flagged
I hope you consider the survey monkey very seriously when proposing new school times.
I do not
think this is in the best interest of the kids as you are making it more and more difficult after school. up at 6 am everyday and always have been. They are
awake and active in the morning, when they get home from school, just like adults, they are tired and need some "downtime".
It is very hard to do homework after school with the later times and it is
impossible to plan for this in the morning, both myself and my husband work, The new school times Y learn better early. You already are not in the best interest of the children, a s,y ou state y g pushed back the bell time last year and it you want two buses bring us back to the earlier route and
get a second route for the older school after.
Very disappointed that this is even a proposal,
ffn Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Friday, November 08, 2013 10:44 AM Belltimes
St. Anne Kitchener- Bus time change- not consumer focused
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
I am e-mailing today to express my concern that the board once again wants to change the bell times for St. Anne School K).
The bell time for our school was already changed by being pushed out by 20 minutes for the current school year to accommodate cost savings by eliminating our single run bus routes and doubling us up with another run. What the board is now proposing as a 20 minute bell time change, actually amounts to 40 minutes for St. Anne students.
I understand the focus for fiscal savings and support the board for thinking ahead and looking for ways to protect
money that goes into the classroom I am also concerned to make sure we have the funds to support the-classroom.
My concern over this proposed time change is that it is proven the children will lose focus as the day goes on and valuable learning time will be wasted.
By moving our children' s day by now a total of 40 minutes later, we affect their ability to focus in the classroom and hinder their ability to successfully concentrate to complete homework at the end of the school day. The boards even states that when the proposal was originally made 2 years ago that you were trying to align start and
stop times to studies which suggest younger children learn better earlier in the day. Yet for St. Anne school we seem to be moving the bell times in the opposite direction to the proven research and previous recommendations? Further, as noted earlier, this year our bus run has been doubled up with another run and we were made the second
run. Ironically the first run is for a high school, again contradicting studies that younger children learn better earlier in the day and that teenagers learn better later in the day. Another item the board should be considering is the undue hardship placed on parents to arrange and pay for child care that was previously not required due to these delays I am not suggesting that the board stop pursuing cost saving measures by changing belt times, but that you not move St. Anne elementary school in the opposite direction of studies showing this would have a negative impact on optimal leaning conditions for younger children.
We have moved bell times! either leave us as we are currently or move us back to our previous bell time, making the
high school we currently share a run with the later bell time. What is the purpose of moving St. Anne out another 20 minutes, would we then become a third bus run??
I hope that this will be considered when making your decision and that St. Anne Kitchener ELEMENTARY kids will not get left behind in the shuffle to save money. THE KIDS SHOULD COME FIRST, these kids are our future-and we are your customers, let's stay customer focused in our actions.
i c
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: n To: Subject: Attachments:
Saturday, October 19
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
201 3 9:04 AM
Belltimes bell times CCF10192013_ 0001. pdf
Hi Shesh, I' ve reviewed the proposed times and I' m completely against them. If you review the proposed changes to St. Anne' s elementary school they contradict the survey and coincide with secondary school proposals.
It suggests that elementary start times should be no earlier than Sam and no later than 8:45 am. How is it that St. Anne' s is already at 8: 55 am which I find too late. They are proposing a 9: 15 am start time now. We just had a 30 minute adjustment from last year. That' s a change of 50 minutes in 2 yrs. If enrollment is
should need less buses not more buses, so funding can' t be the underlying issue. You already saved millions by going to all day every day correct?
Having young kids at school until 4pm must be a type o on the proposal sheet. This will have a negative impact on after school quality of living. Please call me to clarify this embarrassing oversight.
Consistiently inconsistent with your stance on start times could be the underlying cause of the reduction in enrollment. Just one short year ago the board said parents spoke out loud and clear against changes.
r Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
er 24,
Belltimes bell times
Follow up Flagged
To whom it may concern
I am writing this to say that I am absolutely not in favour of the bell time changes for St.,Anne's in Kitchener. We already had a 20 minute change this year without any consultation from parents. We have already adjusted our schedules to accommodate this change. Adding another 20 minutes next year would be a 40 minute change which we are opposed to. This is not acceptable nor fair to expect us to do this drastic of a Change.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Fn ay;`October 18, 201311: 59 PM
To: Subject:
Belltimes Bell times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged-
As a parent/ guardian of a child and a grandparent of a child at St Anne' s school in Kitchener, I am appalled by
the hypocrisy of the letter that was sent out on Friday October 18/ 13. In the first part you proclaim that two years ago you considered starting school earlier in the morning for the
younger students and later in the morning for the teenage students because a study suggested this was the best possible course of action. I, in fact, agree with this.
But that proposal got shot down because I' m sure teachers in the elementary schools were the loudest complainers followed by the high school parents.
So even after having obtained a study that showed that earlier times for younger students was best the board decided to change the times for September 2013 to later times.. oh and on that note...thanks for the NO
notification by either the school or the bus about these time changes:. made for a lovely first day of school. Now on the the children in junior kindergarden who attend all day. Let' s see, l currently have my grandchild 20 minutes... now you are expecting a 4
dropped off at my home at 7 am. He has already been up for say...
year old child or a 3 year old ( in the cases of children who don' t turn 4 until December) to be able to handle
about 2 1/ 2 hours BEFORE school even starts and then go to school and be there until 3: 45pm and EXPECT
them to learn and not have melt downs due to being exhausted for being up for 91/ 2 hours? REALLY? REALLY?
So now, how long is all day kindergarden going to be around? Is this plan going to be used as an excuse to go back to half days?
If you have studies that show conclusively that the elementary students learn better earlier and the teens learn better later, telling the whining wankers to shut up, grow some balls and do the right thing by the children. They are supposed to be our future.
But as for moving the start time up to 9: 15 am. I am conclusively and positively against the later start time. I am even against the 8: 55 start time.
But really, do you care?
ne_ Stephanie Reide From: Sent:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 6: 50 PM
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Belltimes Fw: Belltimes......
Follow up Flagged
I want to add to my previous a- mail,
The apparent study that was done that states that Teenagers learn better later in the day? I would love to know who did this study, because in my opinion that is totally ludicrous. Teens only seem to learn better later in the day,they more than likely stay up WAY TOO LATE in the evenings and don't get to bed early enough, so they need to sleep in and finally wake up by noon. It is not a fact they learn better it is only a way letting them stay up even later because now they don't have to get up as early for school. What are our poor teenagers going to do later in life when they have to get a job and wake up early and go to work? Are their employers going to say " why don't you come in later in the day because a study was done that states you work better later in the day"? I highly doubt it. We are allowing what seems right now for our teenagers, to have an everlasting affect' on them later in life. I'm no psychologist but this is very easy to see. Thanks again for your time,
Feel free to reply with your comments.
Oy[ ri
mal message
To: belltimes cC
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 6: 15 PM Subject: Belltimes......
First, As a parent of an Elementary( St Anne's) student I would like to voice my opinion on the proposed Belltimes that have come up again. My question is, why do we need more time in the morning before school to have our kids sitting around waiting for school to start? The start times have already changed by 24mins this school year, starting later will only make the day feel longer and gives less time after school for other things like FAMILY time. The end of the day will become even more rushed and give kids less chalice for extra-curricular activities as well.
Stephanie Reidel From; Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October21, 2013 8:34 AM Belltimes Proposed Bell Times St. Anne School Kitchener
Follow up Flagged
Dear Sir/ Madam: i
I am e- mailing today to express my concern that the board once again wants to change the bell times for St. Anne School K). The bell time for our school was already changed by being pushed out by 30 minutes for the current school year to accommodate cost savings by eliminating our single run bus routes and doubling us up with another run. What the board is now proposing as a 20 minute bell time change, actually amounts to 50 minutes for St. Anne students. As I understand the drive for monetary saving and applaud the board for thinking ahead and looking for ways to protect money that goes into the classroom I am also concerned. My concern is that the children will lose focus as the day goes on and valuable learning time will be wasted. By moving our children' s day by now a total of 50 minutes later, I believe will affect their ability to focus in the classroom and hinder their ability to successfully concentrate to complete homework at the end of the school day. The boards even states that when the proposal was originally made 2 years ago that you were trying to align start and stop times to studies which suggest younger children learn better earlier in the day. However for St. Anne school we seem to be moving the bell times in the opposite direction? Further, as stated earlier, this year our bus run has been doubled up with another run and we were made the second run. Ironically the first run is for a high school, again contradicting studies that younger children learn better earlier in the day and that teenagers learn better later in the day.
I am not suggesting that the board not pursue cost saving measures by changing bell times, but that you not move St. Anne elementary school in the opposite direction of what studies show are optimal learning conditions for younger
children. We have already moved bell times, either leave us as we are currently or move us back to our previous bell time, making the high school we currently share a run with the later bell time. What is the purpose of moving St. Anne out another 20 minutes, would we then become a third bus run??
I hope that this will be considered when making your decision and that St. Anne Kitchener ELEMENTARY kids will not get left behind' in the shuffle to save money. THE KIDS SHOULD COME FIRST. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours,
This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. unauthorized use, disclosure or copying is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, notify us immediately. Thank you.
An r,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Monday, October 21, 2013 9: 56 AM
To: Subject:
Belltimes Change in bell times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
my daughter goes to St.anne' s in Kitchener Bell times were already changed this year from 8:35 to 8:55. 9: 15 would be 40min difference then original bell time, not 20.
my daughter is bored in the morning after everyone else has headed out for there day. I do not support time change, it promotes laziness,,sleeping in and boredom. there is no concrete info provided that this change will in fact save millions?
please provide.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Wednesday, October 29,'2013 10:57 AM Belltimes bell times
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Flag Status:
I am fine with the proposed bell times of 8: 45am and 3: 15pm for St. Augustine school
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
uesday, October 22, 2013 12:55 PM Belltimes
St. Augustine bell change
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
Good Morning,
I do not agree with the proposed changes to St. Augustine' s bell times. My kids all have extra curricular activities and they begin at 4pm. It is hard enough right now, to get them to their programs when they get off the bus at 3: 20 - 3: 25 and I need to leave by 3: 40 to drive to these locations.
One of my daughter's activities is gymnastics. She does have friends that leave school each week to participate in the same activities at a different level. This is ridiculous in my opinion. School is very
important and so are physical activities. By delaying school, that will require children to come home later and either not be able to participate in these activities or those programs times will have to be delayed as well, making for a longer night and not an adequate amount of time to sleep. I also do not agree-that children learn better earlier or later. My oldest has a very high GPA and I believe this is due to rules and limitations. He has a bedtime of 10pm and is usually up around 6: 30 -
7: 00am. He .
has adequate sleep and a proper diet. We have limitations of video and computer games. He does participate in Army cadets. There needs to be balance in these children' s lives and also discipline and responsibility. My daughter is in grade0and does very well at school. She participates in gymnastics and has piano lessons.- She has a schedule to accommodate he activities but still gives her time to read 30 mins each day. She is in bed between 8: 00 - 8: 30pm allowing for adequate rest for her mind and body. and this is the only time that I agree that he learn better in the morning. It is easier My youngest is in,
for him to focus in the morning and burn off the excess energy in the afternoon. His teachers are. amazing and have structured their classed to suit these children' s needs.
I have
children in St. Augustine and$
at Monsignor Doyle. I did not agree with the proposed time
change-Tor Doyle either. The delay in beginning secondary school leaves me in a predicament of finding after school care for my younger4children. Even if I could find care for them, it would cost me a small fortune and I would not be able to work. Another reason I disagree with the change is that I have seen
how hard it is to balance schedules when bell times are later. before my son started Jlf, I had him in home
daycare. My sitter, having 4 children of her own and one with special needs, school began at 9am. As soon as the kids were home. from school, it was a mad dash to get homework complete, eat and be out the door for activities. The chaos that sometimes surrounds children and parents to find balance is something to consider.
As a parent, I would like my children to have a good balance in their lives and teaching them now will hopefully instill in them the need for this in the future. I wonder if parents work places will adjust their work times as well to accommodate parents who were able to get their kids off to school in the morning
that may not be able to do this anymore. While the school board may be trying to save some money, please consider what this also does to parents and caregivers financially.
I appreciate the opportunity to share my humble opinions.
IC Stephanie Reidel i
From: Sent: To:
Secondary' Bell times
Follow Up Flag:
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Flag Status:
riday, October 25, 2013 10:49 AM
After reviewing the new bell times, and talking with my daughter( grade0at St. Benedict), I decided to vote no'.
My daughter and many of her classmates already feel very tired in their first class. as a 10 - 15 min walk to get to her bus stop. Currently, the sun has just It's also a safety issue for us. risen when she leaves so there is good light. If the time were moved back 20 min, she would be leaving in the pitch dark. As much as I feel we live in a safe community, I'm not comfortable with this. If this change were made, would we be able to get a closer bus stop?
Thank you for bringing this issue to parents before making a decision,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
0. C
uesday, October 22, 2013 6:12 PM Belltimes
St. Boniface bell times
Follow up Flagged
Hi There
I would not support a bell change at St. Boniface. The 20 minute proposed change would make it VERY difficult for me to get home in time to take my children to their after school activities. I have a
half hour drive and"adding another 20 minutes onto that will make me arrive home much too late. I would be happy to start the end and end the day 20 minutes earlier--if this became an option.
C-em M4 Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
vVeariesday, October 23, 2013 9:20 PM
St.Clement School
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follaw up
I do not support the proposed time changes.
Please keep them as they are.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Monday, October 21, 2013 8:30 AM
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
I tried to participate in the Catholic Secondary School board survey however our school was not on the list.
My children attend St. Clements Catholic School in St. Clements Ontario and changing the bell time to 8:50 from 8:30 would cause considerable problems for our family and our working environment.
Now that SK has gone full time I have already had to change my schedule at work in order to see my kids off on the bus in the morning. However if they change the start time to 8:50 am from 8: 30 am this would cause considerable problems for our working environment. I Strongly DISAGREE with the proposed changes.
CA Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow,Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 12: 29 PM Belltimes Proposed Bell Times
Follow up Flagged
I have children who attend St. Daniel' s. I have no problem with the proposed bell times of: Start: 9: 10 am End: 3; 49 pm
Sent from Kim' s iPhone
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 21, 2013 1: 12.PM Belltimes
St. Daniel
Follow up Flagged
I do understand the reasons behind the bell time change and 10 minutes later will need that I now require to find a sitter for 10 minutes in the morning as I still need to be a work by 9.. 1 would like to see yard monitors to continue to be on the yard at 8:45 for those of us who drop our children off on the way to work. Thanks.
Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 2: 55 PM Belltimes
Survey Follow up Completed
Hi there- I have a son who attends St David' s so I read the letter that came home about changing bell times& busses
accordingly, but I don't believe enough information has been provided yet. I see that there are valid budget advantages to the boards if this change were adopted, but have a couple more questions that may impact my decision: I
1. if switching the bell times& moving to the yellow school buses would mean my son would have to get on a bus at, say 6:45am instead of the current 7: 30am time he has to leave the house to catch the city bus, that would impact my decision. Do you know what the yellow bus pickup times would be in Eastbridge?
2. Also,.since he participates in extracurricular activities, would I be correct in assuming that a) he' d have to take a city bus home on those days( i. e. leaving school at 4pm or 5: 30 after a game or practice), and b) that the school would no longer pay for his bus pass? i. e. such expenses would be out of each family' s pocket? If you could please confirm those items, I' ll be able to make a decision and complete the survey accordingly. Thanks in advance for your help!
b0s. a Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Friday, October 25, 201 Belltimes
for St. David Catholic Secondary School r Follow up
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
I tried to do the survey which the letter states by Nov 11 but the survey is closed and its only Oct
Please leave the morning bell as it is. If the board wants to save money, lower the heat. The kids often wear shorts in the fall and winter because the classrooms are too warm. In St. Agnes many of the teachers opened the windows in the winter time because the classrooms were too hot and the kids were
falling asleep. That's money going out the window. The thermostats can be lowered by 1 degree Celsius in all schools and board offices this year and then lower it again the following year by 1 degree. I have done this in my house. 1 degree is barely noticeable but you can definitely see the savings add up over the winter.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Bell changes and busing
An area of concern I have about the changes to the bell schedule and school buses is that we live 0.2km too close to St
David for my children to qualify for the student bus pass. My daughter currently catches the GIRT school special to get to school paying regular bus fare. After the proposed changes I have heard that GRT passes will no longer be given out and the school specials will no longer run. Since she will not qualify for a yellow bus how will the changes effect the students who fall just outs_ ide of the bus zone? Without the student specials running how will these students easily get to and from school in the winter and bad weather?
Other than the busing concern I really like the new bell times,
avid Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 28, 2013 9:52 AM Belltimes
Re: Technical issue with survey Follow up Flagged
Hi Stephanie,
Here are my comments related to bell time changes St David and St Luke as there is a combined impact on our family. I also have some feedback relates to the move to yellow school buses from GRT.
Since our daughter already gets up before Gam, a change to an earlier bell time at St David will make it an
even earlier morning. Since she swims 12- 15 hours per week often not getting home until late this earlier morning routine will factor into how much sleep she gets overall or may result in her quitting a sport she has a natural ability and talent for and that she loves.
As well, since St Luke is not moving bell times by the same amount at the end of the day, our daughter would no longer be able to get our son at school at the end of the day impacting our child care. The other piece I noted in the letter is the move from GRT to yellow school bus. I believe that this will pass the
cost of transportation back to the parents for students who want to stay at school or go in early for extra help or extra curricular activities. A yellow school bus does allow for not flexibility for these activities and for students working on assignments or projects together but on different buses who would then not have the flexibility of going to someone' s home to do school work.
As well, I think moving to a yellow school bus will not facilitate the development of skills for using public transit at an impressionable age.
With an increasing push for active transportation and use of public
transportation for better traffic demand management moving to a yellow school bus will be counter to this effort.
If you could incorporate my comments into the overall feedback that would be great. Thank you so much.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smart-phone. From: Belltimes
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 9: 14 AM Subject: RE: Tec nical issue with survey
a LAC)
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
I uesday, October 29, 2013 8:17 AM Belltimes Bell times
Follow up
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
I have no concern for the exact time that school starts and ends.
My concern is the spin off effects, in particular the type of transportation used to get to high schools. Currently the GIRT is used by my daughter to get to St. David's, I like this because we purchased a extended pass which gives her choice,
independence, and freedom to determine how and when she gets to and from school on a frequent, reliable,
environmentally friendlier way to travel ( I believe yellow school busses are most useful for rural use and school trips).
yellow school busses are chosen it is more expensive for me personally and dissuades my daughter from being involved
in school activities because my daughter would be using the yellow bus which comes to school and leaves school at one
preset time. I would have to purchase a GIRT pass in addition to my funding of yellow school busses because she is involved in extra curricular school activities.
The only way 1 would support the proposed bell times including the choice of transportation is if I could choose to pay for a GIRT bus pass and get refunded my tax money that would be funding yellow busses. I
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Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Tuesday, October 29, 2013 7:50 AM Belltimes
Proposed bell time change for Sir Edgar Bauer school
Follow up
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
We have no objections.
It would be nice to make St. David CSS bell times later as well, since the teenagers have a really hard time getting up and getting going, but that' s a whole other discussion. :-)
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Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Wednesday, October 23,.2013 11: 35 AM
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Bell Times Change Proposal- St. Dominic Savio
Good morning; With regard to the bell change proposal for elementary schools: I DO NOT support this later bell time proposal.
You list two (2) reasons for the bell changes, below are my comments and feedback for both; 1) Studies show that younger children learn better eArlier in the day.
Oddly enough, your proposal for St. Dominic Savio is changing bell times to later in the day, which is counter to the results of the study for younger children. Only a minute fraction ofthe student body in this school would actually be teenagers.
The vast majority of parents start work between 7:00- 9: 00 am. Changing bell times to 9: 15 will displace many
already struggling making arrangements to ensure their children get to school while they are at work. For this reason, I can not support this change. If you were to change the bell times for this school to be earlier, anywhere from 8: 00 - 8: 45 am, I would be supportive of that move.
2) Budget Cuts - to save costs to counter act declining funds due to declining enrollment'
Have you evaluated the ripple effect later bell times are going to have on the community at large?
having to adjust work start times, greater need for before school child care, employers in the community with higher levels of employees starting at later hours, GRT bus schedules being able to accommodate parents later start times( assuming their employers do as well), how many parents will face employers not willing to adjust work times to accomodate school bell times, increased cost to parents for longer before school child care( not all use both before and after), traffic flow, etc. I
We have been hearing what seems like a never ending cry from both the board and teachers for decades now, in reference to lack of funds and therefore have suffered through numerous budget and program cuts, while on the other hand, income levels for both board staff and educators continue to rise.
French, art, music, sports, quality field trips and extra curricular activities have all suffered immensley or been eliminated altogether in the name of budget cuts and declining funds however, the amount of gadgetry, electronics, teacher aids and salaries continue to rise at an astronomical rate.
Ontario's teacher colleges continue to be flooded every year preparing graduates to either go abroad or sit in the unemployment line while retired Ontario teachers continue to enjoy collecting a sizeable pension on top
of being handsomely paid for ongoing teaching positions whether as a substitute, temp, EQAO test markers, mat/medical leave sub, or contract worker. If our school boards can not find room within our school system to
employ the droves of graduates coming out of Ontario's Teacher Colleges each year, then Ontario should shut 1
Stephanie Reidel From:
Monday, October 28, 2013 4: 13 PM
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
Bell Times
My son is infl at St. Dominic Savio school and I feel changing the bell times to 9: 15 and.3:45 is not a good idea. You say children learn better earlier and teens later. Most of the children at St. Dominic's are children
not teens, so starting later does not make sense. By 3: 45 most children are done and hungry and want to be home. So I feel the times should stay the same or,start earlier and end earlier.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
onday, November 04, 2013 7: 24 PM Belltimes proposed bell times change
Follow up Flagged
Hi, my name'is Joana Almeida and I am a single mother of two boys attending St. Dominic Savio Catholic School I am strongly opposed to the proposed bell time change from 9:00 am to 9: 15 am. I
already find 9:00 am to be a very late start time for an elementary school and very inconvenient for me to be able to make it to work in the morning. I can't think of too many jobs( fulltime) that would allow parents to start passed 9 am so I have no idea how the board finds this proposal reasonable for families. Wouldn't it make more sense to move the start time to earlier for kids that are too young to be left alone in the morning? I would be in favour of that.
I have a decent job so I do not qualify for childcare subsidy but still struggle to make ends meet and as it is I find it difficult to afford the after school care I pay for at the moment. If the proposed bell times change to 9: 15 am I will be forced to pay for before school care as well and I just don't know how I could afford it. Even with the after school time moving to 3: 30 that won't make a difference to me because I work 9 to 5 so I still have to pay for after school care.
I really hope this proposal doesn't go thru.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Ir) 1C N,)-
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
To: Cc: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, November 11, 2013 4:43 PM Belltimes
A difficult question to answer fairly Follow up
Your survey question (shockingly, the only one asked) asks only whether or not I" can support the change." To which I answered, yes, I physically can adapt my schedule to fit this change. Yet you do not ask the obvious follow up— do I believe that this change is in my son' s best interest. No I do not. Your letter clearly states that elementary students learn best earlier in the day. This describes my* son perfectly. He is up at
6am and If you started school at 6: 30am I would wholly support your proposal. Yet despite your own admission of these
research findings, you propose delaying St. Dominic' s start times by 15 minutes. What a terrible idea for primary-aged children 1 Start the day earlier, not later! As it is, my wife must take my son home at 12: 15pm on 2 days of the week so that he can have a nap instead of misbehaving in class for the remainder of those days. And if it turns out that another school gets to start earlier at the expense of St. Dominic, I have yet to see a surveyor
vote on that decision. Let me vote to have St. Dominic start earlier and that other school start later, if I am being asked my opinion. Thanks, Tim
z- o o
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
bunoay, October
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
6:21 PM
Proposed bell times
My children go to St. Elizabeth school in Cambridge. I just wanted to make another comment about the proposed bell times— I
like most parents work— right now I manage to
get to work on time as I drop my kids off at 8:45am when supervision at the school begins— if the
proposal was for an
earlier begin time at school 1 would be in agreement— but the later proposed time would cause me many issues. Right
now my mother picks up my kids from school, she lives in Kitchener, if the proposed time went through I would have to most likely get my mother to drive from Kitchener in the morning to take my kids to school. 1 would like to know why the school board is proposing this change— what would
it accomplish?
Thank you,
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Stephanie Reidel From:
Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, October 21, 2013 2: 50 PM Belltimes
Bell Times
Follow up Completed
Good afternoon,
Child at St. Elizabeth, Cambridge, Adler Road 10 mins would not be a problem for us
Thank you
Ffo pis Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
ay, UMOber 28, 2013 9:3
Bell times
Follow up
Follow.Up Flag: Flag Status:
I am writing ire regards to the purposed bell time change. Your letter states that,schools will not change by more than 20 minutes, however, I thik that they s. 01'board has forgotten that they have decided to close two of their w sc
ojs; St
and S-t Ambrose,
tF. Flrecis' ciwtrentlytaits at 830am, my::son will be;moved to St. Vincent. Vincent's new.schoollstart time will be 9: 00, that is a difference of half an hour:
For the students currently at St. Francis who will St. Anne's, the difference
Will be:50 minutes as the.purposed bell time for that school is 9:20. That is just unider an hour, not the 20 minutes that the school.board has said it would.:be;` I am sure that the school board did not take these two *schools into consideration. We
have already had to deal with the ektremely disruptive change of having our childre'n's schools closed, and now this bell time change.
Perhaps the school.,board should come up with ways to save money that do not disrupt the lives of the students and parents. I start work at 9am and now my sons' start time will also be.9am. I have no one to assist me in getting my children to:'
school in the mornings and have already.had to make arrangements With;my job to
to`the:change in the schools they will be going to. I cannot afford before school day care which regardless, St. Vincent does not offer:
Being late for work everyday is something that my company will not allow; I will end up loosing; my job if I cannot get to,work on time everyday.
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GS Stephanie Reldel From: Sent: To: Subject:
nes ay, October 23, 2013 3:41 PM Belltimes
Bell time changes
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
I cannot support,the change in bell times ( my son goes to St. Francis).
Changing the start time to 8 45 will`make it impossible for me to drop my son off at school and make it to work on time.
I thought toe pfirpose was to make bell times earlier than they currently are as
younger clhildr!en: team better earlier in the day.:. so I am not understanding why riy son' s bell time would. be later rather than earlier.
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YOLn Ck S Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
urs ay, October 31, 2013 6:41 PM
To: Subject:
Belltimes Bell Time Change
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
My son goes to St. Francis school. Last year the school board decided to close his school and St. Ambrose in order to save money. Now the school board wants to change the bell time of his school to 9am (since St.
Francis is closing, he will be attending St. Vincent. Closing his school has made our family have to make new arrangements with family and our jobs. Now changing bell times means we cannot get to work on time as we start work like many others at 9am. At what point will the school board stop imposing changes that parents do not want and are in no way benneficial to the children in order to save money? I' m afraid too see what comes next from the school board!
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Friday, November 08, 201311: 52 AM Belltimes
Bell Times
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status:
I am a parent with two children, one in the elementary school and one in the secondary school. My daughter
goes to Resurrection and they want to change the time to 8: 10 as opposed to 8: 20. 1 know it is only 10 minutes but it is already bad enough that they are starting school so early. My son goes to St. John' s and they want to change the time from 9 to 9: 15. 1 don't agree with either. Whatever happened to the good old days when everyone went to school from 9 until 3: 45? There was never a problem then and.the kids need to adapt to the
way the working world works not the working world adapting to the kids. It's just an excuse to change what used to work well. l wish the 70' s and 80' s were back because there never was any kind of problems. The kids adapted just fine and the parents were happy with it the way it was.
C C op
St Joseph Catholic School
980 Westminster Drive South Cambridge ON
N3V 1V2
November 13, 2013
Larry Clifford, Director of Education Waterloo Catholic District School Board 35 Weber Street West Kitchener ON N2G 4G2
Dear Mr. Clifford,
We appreciate the opportunity to voice our opinions in the matter of school bell changes that are being considered for Fall 2014.
As with any change, there are various opinions and concerns. The range of concern from the staff of St Joseph is varied. Some believe that the 20- minute later start and
finish would be fine. To others it is believed that there are so many factors that have to be voiced to make sure that the correct decision is made for our school,
considering the population of our school, and the extra- curricular involvement of our school. There is also the personal aspect of the change, which may affect the projected savings. The physical building itself may notbe conducive to the change.
While considering the merits of arguments presented, please keep in mind that we
already have one of the latest dismissal times in the board (8:55 -
3: 25).
It has been said that younger students learn better earlier in the morning. We have observed young children hungry and tired late in the day. Sometimes tears abound and children have fallen asleep in their chairs in JK/ SK If the school day begins later, there is no guarantee that these children will sleep in, and there could be more of the same occurrences with a later dismissal time.
We are not a school that provides before and after school care. Will the changes
cause hardship for some of the families? Concern has been expressed for parents who need to be to work in the morning
after dropping off their children or sending their children off to school. Will children be left to get themselves off to school? Will children be dropped off earlier
in the morning? Who will supervise these children? Our school prides itself in its involvement in extra- curricular activities. In recent
years, until the present school year, we have competed in the league of small schools
in basketball and volleyball. We have had successful teams due to the dedication of
the students and staff. Competing in the league does exclude some students. With a game start time of 4:00,( and sometimes not ending until 7: 00) due to the variation in dismissal times, the schedules often conflicted with students who are involved in
community sports and resulted in students not being available or having to leave early. That means that the students who only have school sports to participate in will be left out ( Please note that in the 2012- 2013 sports season, we had boys'
basketball and both girls' basketball and volleyball compete in the regional
tournaments. Our girls' volleyball team finished 40, overall when competing against
the top 8 teams in the region! A great feat for a school with the population that we have!)
If our dismissal time is 3: 45, our future in league play is virtually over as we are in the same league with schools who dismiss at 3: 00. We would not be able to travel to schools and get there in time for a 4: 00 start.
The ability of schools to provide sports activities in the past has presented itself with very negative connotations when teachers have withdrawn support. We would hope that the same sentiment toward teachers would not resurface, as there may be less involvement, solely due to changes in the bell times and the lack of ability to form teams.
The ability to fit school outings into the new times has been addressed as a concern. Will the new school times allow a fit for school outings? The sessions are usually structured as morning sessions and afternoon sessions. Our school would be out of sync with most programs offered. Would buses be available for school trips with
the new busing schedule? Currently, we are already the last school to arrive for workshops and presentations ( sometimes late). Would the proposed change cause
difficulty to have students arrive earlier for field trips,.particularly those who are bused and do not have an alternate form of transportation as parents are already at work?
Regarding the proposed changes to both our school and St. Benedict's, we are concerned about the difference in times between St. Joseph and St. Benedict's and
the transition into high school. The population of our school requires busing to attend St. Benedict' s. After ten years of a 9: 15 start time to attend school at the
elementary level, they will be required to get up much earlier to catch the bus and begin school for the 8: 01 school time. The start time alone is 1 hour and 14 minutes earlier. The transit time has not been factored in. This would have to be a factor
when considering whether to attend the closer public high school or make the effort to attend the Catholic high school that is further away. With the variation in bell times from one school to another, will it be difficult to co-
ordinate PD activities. There will be an increase in the cost of supply teachers, as
they will be required to not cover a half-day, but perhaps a greater length of time. With the current bell times, staff at St. Joseph are often the last to arrive at
workshops, due to needing to wait for the arrival of the supply, the later lunchtime
and the distance travelled to the meeting point. The change in school times will
require a full day supply, as we do not have the capability to cover classes internally
which may increase monies spent in a different area. St. Joseph is a building that does not have air conditioning. We are in an open space without the benefit of shading trees. In the warm, humid weather, the school is almost unbearable. By changing the bell times to a later start and finish, we are
moving the school times further into the heat of the day and not taking advantage of the cooler morning air. For security reasons, we have had to have the windows in the intermediate wing secured so that they do not open more than six inches. Therefore, we do not have adequate air flow with classes of over 20 students, and
the rooms are very hot, humid and stuffy. The comfort of our students must be taken into consideration, as the heat and humidity leads to lack of focus and motivation . which has an impact on academic achievement, student success and student behaviour.
On a personal note, with our present bell times, it is difficult but not impossible to make medical appointment arrangements outside of the school times. With the
proposed changes, it may be impossible to arrange for those appointments and cause staff to utilize sick benefits to cover those appointments, causing an increase in cost in another area.
We realize that there is a need to have a balanced budget.- We realize that you have
a huge decision to make to ensure that the Waterloo Catholic District School Board
is acting responsibly in the application of funding to our students. We acknowledge your right to make the decisions, but we do ask that when the decision to adjust the bell times for our school is made, please consider the concerns that we as a staff
have expressed. We believe this to be a long-term change and it must be made with the students of St. Joseph in mind.
Staff of St. Joseph School, Cambridge
Cc Wayne Buchholtz, Chair, WCDSB Trustees
Shesh Maharaj, Superintendent of Corporate Services
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
o er 28,
013 9:
on ay, Belltimes
Re: Technical issue with survey
Follow Up Flag:
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Hi Stephanie,
Here are my comments related to bell time changes St David and St Luke as there is a combined impact on our family. l also have some feedback relates to the move to yellow school buses from GRT.
Since our daughter already gets up before 6am, a change to an earlier bell time at St David will make it an even earlier morning. Since she swims 12- 15 hours per week often not getting home until late this earlier
morning routine will factor into how much sleep she gets overall or may result in her quitting a sport she has a natural ability and talent for and that she loves.
As well, since St Luke is not moving bell times by the same amount at the end of the day, our daughter would no longer be able to get our son at school at the end of the day impacting our child care.
The other piece 1 noted in the letter is the move from GRT to yellow school bus. I believe that this will pass the
cost of transportation back to the parents for students who want to stay at school or go in early for extra help or extra curricular activities. A yellow school bus does allow for not flexibility for these activities and for
students working on assignments or projects together but on different buses who would then not have the flexibility of going to someone' s home to do school work.
As well, I think moving to a yellow school bus will not facilitate the development of skills for using public transit at an impressionable age.
With an increasing push for active transportation and use of public
transportation for better traffic demand management moving to a yellow school bus will be counter to this effort.
If you could incorporate my comments into the overall feedback that would be great. Thank you so much.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Belltimes
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 9: 14 AM To: Annette Collins
Subject: RE: Technical issue with survey
Stephanie Reidel From: PMMM
Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 5: 49 BellSmes Proposed Change to Bell Times- St. Luke
Follow up Flagged
I have just completed the survey regarding the proposed change to bell times at my daughter' s school- St. Luke Catholic School in Waterloo.
My response was that I would be supportive of the proposed change, but that is conditional on one thingthat the times not be aligned with those-of Lester B Pearson, which is located right next to St. Luke.
These schools are in a newer subdivision, with houses on 30-40 lots, which means sign ifica nt.density and not a lot of curb space for parents to park. The result is a long stretch of Chesapeake and side streets crammed with
cars parked on both sides of the road and parents (and kids) crossing the street mid- block, coming onto the roadway from between parked cars, etc. Currently, the schools have bell times approximately 15 minutes apart, and even at that the morning time, in particular, is very chaotic and bordering on unsafe. I dread to think what would happen if the schools were starting at the same time. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input. Regards,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
monaay, c o er 21, 2013 3:35 P Belltimes Proposed Bell Times St Margaret
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To whom it may concern,
I am not in favour of changing the bell times at St Margaret School. The bell times work well for our family and I don't see how changing bell times by 20 minutes would impact enrolment at all.
Stephanie Reldel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
fR-6 r
ay, October 4, 2013 8:0
Change of Bell Times
Follow up Flagged
We are more than happy to welcome the new proposed bell time for our childrens' school St. Margaret of Scotland. 0830 is really early to get a young family up, fed and ready for school. The extra 20 minutes that an 0850 start time would give us would be beneficial to all and get the day off started in a more relaxed manner.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Saturday, October 19, 2013 8:24 PM Belltimes
Re: St Margaret's of Scotland
Follow up Flagged
Although I filled in the survey in support of a 20' bell change, I would personally benefit more from a change to 20' earlier, or no change at all.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
nesday, October 23, 2013 9:02 AM
St Mary's bell time changes Follow up Flagged
This idea of new bell time changes at st Mary's is horrible. Do not change it Sent from my Whone
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
St Mary's High School Concerns
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on ay, November 04, 2013 10: 47 AM
I filled out the survey and gave my" yes" approval vote. My only concerns are that the school activities, namely the sports, start times stay the same. Full commitment and numbers for sports are dropping due to the necessity for the students to work. As a parent who has had three students attend high school, family dinner gets harder and harder if start start times for extra curricular activities gets later. As SMH' s proposed time change is only 10min I see as a coach and as a parent that the start times for the games can remain the same, so long as the other schools time changes arent later than a 3: 11 end time.
Amat Victoria Curam -
Victory loves Preparation
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Tuesday, Oc o er 2, 2-0-1-3 8:43 AM
Elementary Bell Times- NO
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Completed
The survey monkey link is not working in the email for me. There is no way i would support making the Elementary bell times later. It goes against all common sense. Parents need to get to work so dropping off later makes parents even later, if I drop my son off for 8: 501 am late every day guaranteed. Teenagers need more sleep, every study supports this- already my daughter has to be o a bus at 7: 20. Its a pretty easy conclusion to start elementary earlier and secondary later.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:45 AM
St Matthew
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Follow up
Changing the bell times specifically for St Matthew would have a great negative effect for most families. Our household starts work at 8:30 AM. This puts drop off at school as tight as it can be already. Pushing back the bell times will force our family-and many others into a situation where we will not be able morning to get to work on time. The only solution would be before school care at OWL and I am quite sure that the day care will NOT be able to support the needs of the parents.
I did not even bring up the financial hit that would affect all of us. That is an obvious. Big NO THANK YOU from us!!!
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Ties ay, October 2, 2013 8:28 PM
Belltimes Proposed bell times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
I am a parent of a child that attends St. Matthew's Elementary Catholic School in Waterloo. Giving feedback on bell times. We would prefer current bell times( 8: 30am start and 3pm end) due to child care that has already been arranged for the year.
Stephanie Reldel From: Sent:
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Sunday, November 03, 201312:12 PM Belltimes
Survey Follow up Flagged
Hello there,
I tried to type in the link that was indicated in the letter but the link didn' t work. I do want to submit my feedback which is NOT to change the bell times. 8:30am is a better option for parents who work,.as it allows time to get to work. If Bell time was to be changed to 8:50am, that would imply an extra cost to pay for' before- school' day care. ( My kids go to ST. Matthew School in Waterloo)
Many thanks,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
on ay, November 11, 2013 7:08 PM
To: Subject:
Belltimes St. Matthew
Follow Up Flag:
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To whom it may concern:
Finally, you have come to your senses and are looking at changing the bell times for our school to a later morning time. Whoever decided to have an elementary school.start at 8: 30 am, especially in wintertime, should have had their head examined.
I am VERY happy to make an 8: 50 pm start time and a 3: 20 pm end time work for our family. Thanking the Lord for answering our prayersl
m a4,
Stephanie. Reidet From: Sent:
Monday, November 11, 2013 5: 12 PM
Bellti mes
Proposed Bell Time changes- Elementary
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged .
I am a parent of two children that currently attend St Matthew' s elementary school in Waterloo. In addition to the
significant tax savings of up to a million dollars as stated in the survey, I strongly favour the-proposed bell changes as the additional sleep will greatly benefit my children each morning giving them increased health benefits from the additional rest as well as the ability to be more attentive leading to an increase in their ability to learn. Thank you for the opportunity to voice my bell time change thoughts.
Chad Stephanie.Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Wednesday, October 23, 20 Belltimes
Bell times
Follow up Flagged
I have no problem with the changing of the bell times if it saves the region a My children go to St. Michaels in million dollars, and allows students that go to PHS to get a school bus, instead of having the parents have to pay for a$ 60 bus pass each month. Great idea in my opinion!
Stephanie Reidel From:
I ues ay, November 12,
To: Subject:
Belltimes WCDSB Bell Times
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
I support keeping existing bell times for the Waterloo Catholic School*Board. Any modification in the current bell times will result in a significant increase to our family child care costs. One of the reasons we choose to send our children to St Nicholas Catholic Elementary School was the current bell times.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Monday, November 11, 2013 6:55 PM Belltimes Bell Times
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Hi there, I vote for no change on bell times.
I understand the savings for the school board, but this is VERY costly for most parents- together, would be more costly than the savings you are hoping for, for the schoolboard.
Stephanie Reidel From:
ovember 07, 2013 9:
I hursday,
Elementary School Survey- St Nicholas
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To Whom it may concern
Your survery access does not work on Survey monkey for elementary schools.
I am totally against the change in bell times just so the school boards can save money on buses for a MINORITY of the total population of our school system. I personnally watch the buses at my boys school( St Nics- Laurelwood). There are a grand total of 3 buses coming and going on a daily basis( affecting 100 students TOPS). I say cancel the buses all together and force those parents to adjust their personnel schedules, shuffle around their work schedules just like the MAJORITY of us that do it every day.
Your proposed changes will increase our families daycare cost by 300.00 per month and put mine/ my wifes employment
at risk for being late for work. If this takes place I will be forced to remove my children from St Nic's and go down the street to Laurelwood Public.
1U cJhola Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To:
0 R onday, October 28, 2013 7:58 PM
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
The bell times for St. Nicholas.are pushing it the way there are now to get my daughter to school and myself to work on time.
Changing the times by 15 minutes would be a complete nightmare and I
seriously object to this change.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag.Status:
Thursday, October 24, 2013 10: 21 AM Belltimes
Feeback on bell times
Follow up Flagged
We prefer to keep the current bell times for St. Nicholas School. thanks,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent.. To: Subject:
2013 1: 26 PM
Belltimes Are the proposed St. Nicholas bell time changes correct?
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Dear friends,
In the survey, proposed bell times for St. Nicholas school are 9: 15 am to 3: 45 pm. Fifteen minutes later than currently scheduled. Is this correct? .
How would working parents get to their jobs in the morning, if their underage children are not going into school until 9: 15 a.m.?
And isn't the proposal in response to studies that shows younger children learn better earlier in the day, while
teenagers learn better late in the day? If this is the case, why would a later start time be proposed for St. Nicholas students?
I support the board looking at every possibility to save$ 1M, but this move to a later start seems to be going in the wrong direction for children and their parents. Best re and
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Friday; October 25, 2013 9: 14 AM Belltimes
new proposed bell times for St Nicholas
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I have to strongly protest the changing of the bell times to 9: 15 am and ending at 3:45pm. Have you given any thought to working parents, that are already stressed getting kids to school for the 9 am bell time and then also getting to work themselves!!!
in addition,.there are children that have after school programmes and activities that start by 4 or 4:30 pm.
There is not much hope of getting them to these' important recreational activities( like dance or piano or sports) that enrich the children' s' learning experiences.
I would be much more supportive of an earlier start and dismissal time( i. e. start at 8:45 am and end at 3: 15 pm).
THINK about the impact of the change you are proposing. Not every mom is a" stay at home" mom ( or dad) that can accommodate this.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Monday, November 11, 2013 5: 31 PM Belltimes bell time S
Follow up Flagged
Hi ,
I ' m Father of two kids in St Paul School .
I agreed of the new timing .... Also anther suggest
for bell time from 9- 3. 30
Stephanie Reidel From:
St. Daniels
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
er 10, 201312:07 PM
Follow up
My children attend St. Paul school and I have already completed the survey as a parent.
The bell time at St. Daniels is currently 8: 30- 3: 30, the proposed bell times are 8: 40-3: 40, I vote " no" on this change. I feel it is to late for the children, most kids are up early and many studies have shown that children learn more
In the morning, so to consider putting the start time later will not be beneficial for the children. The end time is also to late, I work with the primary students and some of these kids do all they can to get through the last part of the day and
are asking by last recess" is it time to got home now?", I think we' re asking to much of our small children. I can see this working for the secondary schools by not at the elementary level. Thanks.
a- Pa U' k
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Weanesoly,.UCtODer 30, 201310:22 AM
To: Subject:
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up
St.Paul Catholic School
Good morning,
I tried logging into Survey Monkey to do the bell time survey but it did not work. the proposed new time for St. Paul school is 8: 20 start and 2: 50 end.
I am OK with change provided that
it would not affect the after school program that my children attend or the cost associated to the after school program.
Thank you,
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent: To: Subject:
Belltimes Belltimes
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Follow up
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1310:36 AM
My child attends St. Paul School in Kitchener and 1 would like the bell time to remain the same as it is now. Thank-you.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
Sunday, November 10, 2013 9: 58 PM Belltimes
To: Subject:
Elementary belltimes
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
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Re: St Teresa( I)
proposed bell times of 9:20 AM and 3:50 PM would be fine.
Stephanie Reidel From: Sent:
nesday, November 06, 2013-007 PM
Proposed Bell Time Change
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
To Whom It May Concern,
In regards to the proposed bell times, my husband and I are strongly opposed! I have filled out the online survey and wanted to take the opportunity to voice my concerns to this email as well. 1 st, in the letter we received home from school, it states that there was a survey done on when the best times for children to learn are. The findings were that younger children learn better earlier in the day. My daughter' s current bell time at St. Teresa's is 9:00am. You now want to make it 9.20am. I am sure you can see this is a later bell time, not earlier. My
daughter will still get up at 6: 45 regardless if you change the bell time or not. Since she will have a later start, I can no longer put her on the bus as I work full time like so many parents. This means I would have to take her to school earlier therefore making her day longer and increasing my costs approx. $ 240/ mos! Since she is already very tired at the end of
her day; I can only imagine what being at school longer will do to her!
2nd, the letter sent home also stated that the school boards will save a substantial amount of money but nowhere does it state details on where all these savings will be found. It does however say that some kids that are currently bused via city bus will now have school bus routes. That seems like an increase to me. Further more, it seems to me that one of the reasons to have JK's in full time programming was to save bus money. Where is this money savings going?
3rd, my understanding from your letter and in speaking with other parents is that you attempted these bell time changes 2 years ago and it was met with resistance at that time. So why are you wasting time and money doing it again? it's time to move on to more important issues!
res Stephanie Reldel From: Sent:
o er
3 4: 28 PM
ri ay, c Belltimes
Comments on the Proposed Bell Time change for St. Teresa School, Kitchener
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
The proposed change of 20 minutes later in the morning( bell time to-9: 20 amyfor my children' s school is completely
unreasonable for working familiessuch as mine. It would mean that we would need to find and pay for before- school care in addition to paying for after-school care( which we already do), and our children' s day at school/ childcare would
be unnecessarily extended, since the later bell times would make no difference for our schedules at the end of the day. How is any person working 9 to 5 supposed to adjust easily to this arrangement, especially with young children who would then require care both at the end and the beginning of the day?
The sensible solution is.clearly to change the high school students' bell times to later( notthe elementary school times). As a clinical psychologist, I am well aware of research indicating that the teenage brain thrives on keeping later hours and needs more sleep, and later bell times would accommodate these needs( as well as likely improving morning
attendance for tired, slow-moving teenagers). Families of teenagers are also not the in the position of having to find childcare before and after school, as are the families of much younger children and so are less affected in their own work schedules by this change. The impact on after-school jobs and extra- curricular activities to these teenagers would
be much less than the impact on working families who would need to figure out how to extend care for their children at both the beginning and the end of the day. Sincerely,