Application for employment

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Mar 1, 2018 - The main project is psychological and education support for ... Management, planning, training creation an
Organization: ASPEm Requested Profile: Junior EU Aid Volunteer – Awareness-raising and education Country: Palestine - Nablus Period: 6 months (1/09/2018-28/02/2019) Deadline: 01/03/2018 Hosting Organization: Human Supporters Association (HAS)

Project Description: Human Supporters Association is implementing psycho-educational and psycho-social projects in Nablus. Human Supporters Association’s mission is to empower, mobilize, and serve the local community with a special focus on children, youth, and women. The aim is to teach them how to become proactive in their own society in a positive, productive manner, and to pave the way for future community leaders with a self-critical approach. Our mission is to help Nablus’ traumatised children and youth developing, thanks to treatment or adequate help. This group provides treatments with psychological support. Our objective is therefore to help affected people and reintegrate them back into society giving children, youth, and women equal opportunities to have an impact on their society. In addition, we strive to build a tolerable society and eradicate discrimination against social classes, as well as gender and religious inequality. The main project is psychological and education support for children in Nablus and social meetings for their families, as well a capacity building for the educators and the local team about education practices, tools, learnings and strategy.

Operational details & security context: The Nablus District, in the northern West Bank, includes three refugee camps, eight towns and 43 villages and its home to approximately 316.000 people, 39.7% of whom are children aged 15 or below. Nablus, its main town, has been for centuries one of the main Palestinian cultural and commercial centres. School facilities across Palestine suffer from deteriorated classrooms and facilities. It is difficult to maintain or develop safe, engaging and healthy educational services. In addition to this, in Nablus the average number of children per classroom is 28 in urban/rural areas and 33 in refugee camps. As a consequence, quality of teaching is very low and students complain of teachers’ insufficient knowledge of subjects, boredom related to rote memorization, dictation and recitation as teaching techniques, teachers’ lack of communication skills, the scarcity of academic, career and psychological counsellors and a lack of extracurricular activities. Teachers are either not trained or not enabled to pay enough attention to all students; hence, children with challenges (that can be caused by a number of factors, including traumatic experiences, harsh housing/family conditions, learning difficulties or health problems) are often not detected or not properly followed.


Furthermore, the city, the camps and many of the small villages in the area lack safe public places for children and youth, and, despite their talents and natural aspirations, youngsters have very limited opportunities to invest in after-school leisure activities, which would enhance their sense of cultural identity and belonging, and are torn between their dreams for the future and the scarcity of services and spaces addressed to them. Palestine is a very low-risk area for international volunteers, although this can change depending on the specific local context. But in most cases, it will not influence the safety of the volunteer during its deployment.

Tasks: Education and psychological capacity building: -To create, organize and facilitate capacity building trainings for educators who are working with children and women from local community. -To transfer psychological and educational experiences, skills and tools to the local team and to the educators. Education and psychological strategic planning: -To support local team and educators in planning, organizing and implementing innovative and relevant education and psychological activities for beneficiaries. Raising awareness management - To create, organize and manage raising awareness campaigns - To promote the education and psychological programs to the benaficiaries, local and international partners of the association in the global education. - To look for relevant partners involved in education field.

Required competences:


Development and management of education learning system skills

Teaching and educator skills

Psychological support skills

Facilitating and raising awareness skills

Management, planning, training creation and organizational skills

Knowledge about formal and non -ormal education system, tools and practices

Transversal skills (autonomy, team leading, adaptation...)

English speaking language

Eligibility and exception criteria: The candidate for EU Aid Volunteers must be a citizen of the EU or a third country national who is a long-term resident in an EU Member State, and must have a minimum age of 18 years. The selection process is based on equal opportunities for all people and all candidatures will be treated similarly.

Minimum Requirements: 

Having a knowledge about the Middle East

Basic communication skills

IT skills (Microsoft office ,web-site)

Basis in project management

Capacity in working in team

Open minded

Capacity to work under the pressure

Social person

Learning Opportunities: 

Developing personal and professional skills (intercultural, adaptability, education, psychology...).

Developping new tools and practices in education field

Learning a new language (Arabic)

Intercultural Exchange

Working conditions: The volunteer will work 6-7 hours per day and 30-35 hours per week, the weekend is Friday and Saturday, HSA opens from Sunday to Thursday (8:30 -5:00). HSA closes in the occasion of the major religious and national holidays (11 days in a year including religious holidays), staff meetings take place once a week and every Sunday there is a meeting for the volunteers. There is an agreement explaining all the activities that include an interaction between the volunteer, the volunteers' mentor and the director. Indeed, the volunteer will be supported by a mentor that will also be responsible for the follow up with the volunteer. The volunteer will be working as part of the team as well as with other volunteers. The material for implementing volunteering activities will be shared by the hosting organization to the volunteer.


Living conditions: The volunteers will stay in a hostel / guest house arranged by H.S.A. Living facilities are simple and basic but safe. Male and female volunteers will share same living area with separate lockable rooms. HSA will facilitate the good integration of the volunteers thanks to activities with local volunteers, as well as the opportunity to visit and discover other cities in safety conditions.

Financial conditions: EU, Sending and Hosting organizations will cover costs for: 





Medical checks before and after deployment


Insurance during deployment

Each EU Aid Volunteers will receive: 

Monthly subsistence allowance of 377 € (calculated on the local living costs)

A resettlement allowance of 100 € per each month of service

Application process: To apply as EU Aid Volunteers in ASPEm's partner projects in Palestine, please submit:   

your application form SuD HAV in English your self assessment questionnaire in English your Europass CV in English

by March 1, 2018 at 12:00 (CET) to [email protected] mentioning your name and the exact title of the EU Aid Volunteers vacancy you apply for in the e-mail subject. *Please note that each form is made of multiple sheets, so make sure you fill in all parts.

Selection process: 

Between the 2/03 and the 16/03/2018: the pre-selected candidates will have a Skype interview with ASPEm and HSA.


Between the 19/03 and the 31/03/2018: the candidates interviewed will know if they are selected to participate to the pre-departure training (online & face to face training organized by the European Commission).

Between April and July 2018: The pre-selected candidates will participate to the online and face-to-face pre-departure trainings.

The final selection announcement will be done after the pre-departure trainings by the end of July 2018.

*Please be aware that this schedule is only tentative and the actual dates for selection, training and deployment may change depending on the actual availability of training sessions and the duration of visa application processes for the different destinations, etc.

For information: [email protected]