Application of a finite-element model to low-frequency sound ...

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Results show that the sound insulation characteristics of a party wall at low frequencies strongly depend on the modal characteristics of the sound field of both ...
Application of a finite-element model to low-frequency sound insulation in dwellings Sophie P. S. Maluskia) and Barry M. Gibbs Acoustics Research Unit, School of Architecture and Building Engineering, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, United Kingdom

共Received 20 October 1999; accepted for publication 18 July 2000兲 The sound transmission between adjacent rooms has been modeled using a finite-element method. Predicted sound-level difference gave good agreement with experimental data using a full-scale and a quarter-scale model. Results show that the sound insulation characteristics of a party wall at low frequencies strongly depend on the modal characteristics of the sound field of both rooms and of the partition. The effect of three edge conditions of the separating wall on the sound-level difference at low frequencies was examined: simply supported, clamped, and a combination of clamped and simply supported. It is demonstrated that a clamped partition provides greater sound-level difference at low frequencies than a simply supported. It also is confirmed that the sound-pressure level difference is lower in equal room than in unequal room configurations. © 2000 Acoustical Society of America. 关S0001-4966共00兲05510-7兴 PACS numbers: 43.55.Rg, 43.55.Ti 关JDQ兴


Noise from adjoining dwellings increasingly is recognized to occur below 100 Hz due to powerful modern hi-fi and home cinema systems with enhanced bass response.1,2 Laboratory measurements at these frequencies are known to be highly variable, because of the nondiffuse sound fields in the source room and in the receiving room.3–5 The room resonances also are pronounced because the effects of room absorption are less at low frequencies than at mid- and high frequencies. Rooms in dwellings are much smaller than the standard volumes in laboratories and the modal character of the sound fields is even more influential. Even if laboratory measurement conditions could be adjusted to reduce modal effects,6,7 the sound reduction index obtained could not simply translate to the sound-level difference in the field. Analytical and numerical methods have been employed in previous studies of the sound insulation of separating 共party兲 walls in simulated test and field conditions.8,9 Using analytical methods10–15 and finite-element methods 共FEM兲,16–19 the effect of room dimension on the sound insulation of a party wall has been considered. The reliability of the methods is strongly dependent on the way the model is defined, but good agreements between prediction and measurement have been obtained.11,12,14 Using these methods, it has been demonstrated that the sound-level difference between rooms is not only a characteristic of the party wall, but also of the room configuration. However, in previous studies, the party walls were modeled as simply supported17,18 or as mass controlled. The work reported here is of an investigation using FEM of the effect of wall-edge condition on the sound insulation of party walls between rooms of volume less than 50m3, at low frequencies. The in situ sound insulation properties of the party wall are expressed as the sound-pressure level difa兲

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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108 (4), October 2000

ference between rooms, thereby eliminating the need of initially estimating the reverberation time, which is problematic at low frequencies.20–22 The selected FEM model was validated by comparing the predicted with the measured frequency response of a full-scale and a 1:4 scale room. In addition, comparisons were made for the sound-pressure level difference between 1:4 scale model rooms. An investigation then followed of the effect of edge conditions on the sound-pressure level difference across masonry walls and of the effect of room configuration. II. EFFECT OF EDGE CONDITION

Although the FEM model could include party wall-edge conditions, ranging from the simply supported to the clamped, it was not immediately obvious how real masonry walls should be treated. Therefore, as a prelude to the main study, the structural eigenfrequencies of two full-scale walls were measured and compared with the expected eigenfrequencies for a range of classical edge conditions. Two brick and mortar walls were used with dimensions 2.88⫻2.49⫻0.115 m and 1.84⫻2.49⫻0.115 m. The brick dimensions were 0.223⫻0.180⫻0.070 m and the mortar joints were typically 13 mm. Both walls were bonded into side walls of the same brickwork, and joined with concrete floor and roof slabs. An electrodynamic shaker was attached at a position which did not correspond to expected vibrational nodes, within a frequency range 0–200 Hz. An accelerometer was used to record the acceleration amplitudes at points on a 0.300⫻0.355-m grid for the first wall and on a 0.305⫻0.250-m grid for the second. The measured signal was displayed on an oscilloscope and compared with a reference signal. The nodal lines were determined when the measured signal was a minimum and/or when the measured signal changed phase with respect to the reference signal. By this method, it was possible to identify modes 共1,1兲, 共2,1兲, 共3,1兲, and 共1,3兲 for the first wall and modes 共1,1兲, 共1,2兲, 共2,1兲, 共2,2兲, and 共1,3兲 for the second.


© 2000 Acoustical Society of America


two simply supported edges with two clamped edges. The edge conditions of a typical party wall therefore lie between simply supported and clamped, a phenomenon already observed by Balike.24 The walls investigated formed corner junctions and it was recognized that party walls would form T- or cross junctions with the side walls and thus have a stiffer edge constraint. The approach, therefore, was to investigate the range of possible edge conditions likely, including simply supported, clamped, and mixed. The real conditions could be assumed to lie somewhere in this range.

III. TWO-ROOM MODEL A. Acoustic field

The sound pressure throughout the volume of an enclosure with the dimensions L x , L y , and L z is governed by the wave equation25

FIG. 1. Frequency error for a 2.88⫻2.49⫻0.115-m brick wall.

In order to distinguish the likely corresponding edge conditions, the eigenfrequencies and their order were compared with theoretical prediction according to Leissa.23 It was assumed that the two walls are isotropic, although it was recognized that they had different bending stiffness in the vertical and horizontal directions due to the differences in the number of mortar joints per unit length. The properties of the wall being unknown, the factor containing the stiffness and the surface density was calculated from the eigenfrequencies of the mode 共1,1兲. The edge conditions were identified by calculating the frequency error ␧, obtained between the theoretical and measured eigenfrequencies for simply supported 共SSSS兲, simply supported with one clamped edge 共SCSS兲, simply supported with two clamped edges 共SCSC兲, as predicted value⫺measured value ⫻100. ␧⫽ predicted value


Figures 1 and 2 display the frequency error for the first and second walls, respectively. Large discrepancies result if all edges are assumed simply supported. The smallest discrepancies are obtained when the wall is assumed to have

⳵2p ⳵2p ⳵2p 1 ⳵2p ⫹ ⫹ ⫽ , ⳵ x 2 ⳵ y 2 ⳵ z 2 c 20 ⳵ t 2


where p is the pressure, t is the time, and c is the speed of sound in air. Equation 共2兲 can be rewritten as a Helmholtz equation ⵜ 2 p⫹k 2 p⫽0,


where k⫽2 ␲ f /c. In order to obtain the normal modes of the enclosure, the six surfaces were assumed hard, i.e., the air particle velocity is equal to zero and the variation of the pressure normal to the surface of the walls also is equal to zero

⳵p ⫽0, ⳵n


where ⳵ n is the normal to the surface of the wall. Using separable functions, the boundary condition is satisfied by the form

冋 册 冋 册 冋 册

p⫽ p o cos

␲ n xx ␲n yx ␲ n zx cos cos , Lx Ly Lz


for 0⭐x⭐L x , 0⭐y⭐L y , 0⭐z⭐L z where n x , n y , n z are integers and p o is the maximum pressure amplitude. The corresponding wave number components are k x⫽

␲nx ␲ny ␲nz , k y⫽ , k z⫽ , Lx Ly Lz


with k 2 ⫽k 2x ⫹k 2y ⫹k z2 .


The eigenfrequencies can then be calculated from Eq. 共7兲, where f n x n y n z ⫽ 共 c/2兲关共 n x /L x 兲 2 ⫹ 共 n y /L y 兲 2 ⫹ 共 n z /L z 兲 2 兴 1/2.


The acoustic field can be discretized into finite elements,26 by considering the pressure function p in each element as FIG. 2. Frequency error for a 1.84⫻2.49⫻0.115-m brick wall. 1742

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兵 p 其 ⫽ 关 N 兴 e兵 p 其 e, S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation

共9兲 1742

where 兵 p 其 e are the nodal values of the pressure function associated with the element and 关 N 兴 e is a listing of so-called shape functions of the coordinates only. Using a Rayleigh–Ritz method, which considers the total acoustic sound energy as the sum of the acoustic potential energy and the acoustic kinetic energy,27 Eq. 共9兲, Eq. 共3兲 can then be discretized to give a matrix equation of the form 共关 K 兴 ⫺ ␻ 2 关 M 兴 兲 兵 p 其 ⫽⫺i ␳ 0 ␻ 兵 Q 其 ,


where K is the stiffness matrix and M is the mass matrix, where 兵p其 and 兵Q其 are the amplitudes of nodal pressures and flows, respectively. The two matrices are only calculated once and are independent of the frequency. The eigenfrequencies f of the enclosure are obtained when there is no acoustic force 兵 Q 其 ⫽0 关 K 兴 ⫺ ␻ 2 关 M 兴 ⫽0.


The frequency response of the enclosure is calculated according to Eq. 共10兲. This is called the acoustic finite element 共AFE兲 method.28 B. Structural field

The wall separating the two rooms was modeled as a finite isotropic panel. According to Cremer,29 the wall can be considered as a thin plate when ␭ b ⭓6h, where ␭ b is the governing bending wavelength and h is the wall thickness. Thus, a wall of 200-mm brick can be assumed to be a thin plate below 619 Hz. Such a condition is confirmed by Ljunggren,30 who was able to assume a lower limit for thin plate theory as ␭ b ⭓2h. The vibration displacement w of the wall23,31 is expressed as B

⳵ 2w ⳵ 2w ⫹ ⳵y2 ⳵z2


⫽⫺ ␳ s

⳵ 2w , ⳵t2


where ␳ s is the mass per unit area, B is the bending stiffness where B⫽Eh 3 /12(1⫺ ␯ 2 ), E is the Young’s modulus, and ␯ is Poisson’s ratio. A solution of this equation is ˜ exp关 j 共 ␻ t⫺k y y⫺k z z 兲兴 , w 共 y,z,t 兲 ⫽w


˜ is the maximum amplitude displacement and where w k 2y ⫹k z2 ⫽k 2b ⫽ 共 ␻ 2 ␳ s /B 兲 1/2,


where k b is the free-bending wave number at angular frequency ␻. The rectangular wall initially was assumed simply supported, i.e., no translational displacement at the edges. The normal vibration velocity distribution takes the form v共 y,z 兲 ⫽ v n y n z sin关 ␲ n y y/L y 兴 sin关 ␲ n z z/L z 兴 ,


where L y and L z are the panel dimensions, n y , n z are integers, and 0⭐y⭐L y , 0⭐z⭐L z , and k y ⫽ ␲ n y /L y , k z ⫽ ␲ n z /L z . Substituting k y and k z into Eq. 共14兲, the natural frequencies of a simply supported wall are given by23

冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册

␲ B f nynz⫽ 2 ␳s 1743


ny Ly


nz ⫹ Lz

Using a variational method,27 the thin panel is also discretized into finite elements and gives an equation of a form 共关 K s 兴 ⫺ ␻ 2 关 M s 兴 兲 兵 w 其 ⫽⫺ j ␳ 0 ␻ 兵 F 其 ,


where 关 K s 兴 and 关 M s 兴 are the stiffness and the mass matrices, respectively, 兵w其 is the displacement vector, and 兵F其 is the force applied to the surface of the wall. As for the acoustic modes, the structural eigenfrequencies are obtained when no force is applied on the surface of the wall, i.e., j ␳ 0 ␻ 兵 F 其 ⫽0 共关 K s 兴 ⫺ ␻ 2 关 M s 兴 兲 兵 w 其 ⫽0.


Again, K s and M s are both calculated only once. The numerical method used to define the structural modes and the displacements is called the structural finite-element 共SFE兲 method.28 C. Sound transmission between rooms

Sound transmission between two rooms is modeled by taking into account the sound fields of the source room and of the receiving room, the structural behavior of the party wall and the coupling. A link is formed between the structural and acoustical systems to model the sound transmission. Equations 共10兲 and 共18兲 are grouped into a global coupled system of equations

K s⫺ ␻ 2M s



K⫺ ␻ 2 M

册再 冎 冋 册

w Q ⫽ , p F


where C is the geometrical coupling matrix. The acoustic model and the structural model are subdivided into connected finite elements. The number of elements is dependent upon the upper frequency of interest with the initial assumption that six elements would be required to properly represent the pressure/displacement over the governing wavelength.32 If the number of elements is too few, then numerical errors result,33 if too large, computer processing time becomes too long. In the investigation described here, the simulation run was longer than processing time, since the network system was shared with other users. Consequently, an optimum between accuracy of simulation and required CPU power was required. It was found that for dimensions representative of rooms in attached dwellings, 4⫻4 ⫻2.5 m and 3.5⫻4⫻2.5 m, the difference between FEM predicted eigenfrequencies and values obtained from Eq. 共8兲 was less than 10% for an 8-mesh model, i.e., 8 3 elements.34 For a brick party wall, the error was less than 10% for an 11-mesh model, i.e., 113 elements. However, for the software package employed, both mesh sizes had to be the same when linking the acoustic model with the structural model.28 By selecting the 10 AFE mesh model, the simulation ran within an error of 7%. When the panel was modeled with a 10-mesh model, the simulation ran within an error of 8%. The coupled system was therefore modeled using a 10-mesh model for room and party wall. IV. VALIDATION



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The results of the FEM model were first compared with measurements of a 1:4 scale model of a single room of di-

S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation


FIG. 3. Dimensions of the model transmission rooms, with microphone positions indicated.

mensions 1.2⫻1.2⫻0.6 m. The measurement bandwidth was 100–800 Hz, corresponding to 25–200 Hz, full scale. The enclosure mesh model was designed using P3/PATRAN,35 then transferred into SYSNOISE 5.3 where the values of mass density and sound velocity were assigned to the sound field of the enclosure. Absorption was not included at this stage. Ninety room modes, 30 of which had eigenfrequencies above the frequency range of interest, were then processed. A point source with a specified power level was assigned to one corner, opposite to the party wall, in order to excite the maximum number of room modes. The level of the experimental sound power being unknown, only a specified power level was assigned to the point source. This was not likely to be a problem since the effect of source power cancels on calculating the level difference between the two rooms. The frequency response was obtained with a resolution of 1 Hz. A field-point mesh was processed to produce the soundpressure levels at position 1 共0.4,0.5,0.6 m兲 and position 2 共0.8,0.8,0.2 m兲, as shown in Fig. 3, to allow a comparison with measurement. The 1:4 scale room was made of 24-mm blockwood, with one wall of 10-mm perspex. The model was placed in a small acoustic chamber with low background noise level, and was positioned on resilient foam to reduce vibration from the floor. To provide a sound source which approximated a point source, a loudspeaker was placed outside of the model room and radiated through a 10-mm hole in one corner. Two 1/2-in. microphones were placed at the same positions as selected in the simulation. A maximum length sequence 共MLS兲 signal was used as a source of excitation.36 The spectra of the sound levels at two microphone positions were obtained with a resolution of 0.5 Hz. Predicted and measured sound-pressure levels are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 for two microphone positions. In both cases, the level of the predicted frequency response was altered to adapt to the level of the measured frequency response. As expected, the sound field shows peaks and dips, corresponding to the modes of the enclosure and the agreement in the predicted and measured response signature is promising. This was despite the fact that the computer model did not include absorption. The finite peaks in the prediction were the results of 1744

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FIG. 4. Frequency response at microphone position 1.

storage and processing limitations of the computer. This gave a false absorption to the model which, when translated into an equivalent reverberation time, gave values varying between 2.2 and 2.75 s. These values are similar to measurements for hard-walled chambers. At high frequencies, the agreement between prediction and measurement is not as good because of the limited number of elements used to describe the frequency response and because of the expected increased effect of absorption. The simulation also indicates the effect of the perspex panel resonances on the sound field at 350, 430, and 630 Hz while the measured frequency response did not show such effects. The predicted and measured sound levels also were calculated with a 1/12-octave band resolution and results are presented as a level difference between predicted and measured sound-pressure levels in Fig. 6. Large differences often are the results of quite small shifts between the observed and expected resonant frequency peaks. The discrepancy between prediction and measurement decreases with increase in measured bandwidth as indicated in Fig. 7, which shows level difference calculated with a 1/3-octave band resolution. A peak at 141 Hz, which corresponds to the first room mode, is evident in all curves. The discrepancy is less for microphone position 1 than for position 2. This can be explained by the fact that the former was closer to the loudspeaker than

FIG. 5. Frequency response at microphone position 2.

S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation


FIG. 6. Level difference between predicted and measured sound-pressure levels, in 1/12-octave bands.

the latter, and was therefore less affected by the room. The simulation overestimates the overall sound level by approximately 5–10 dB. This could be for two reasons. The first is that the sound power of the point source and its position may have been incorrectly assigned. Second, as stated earlier, damping was not included in this FEM model. The simulation therefore overestimates the sound field when processed inside any room of hard walls. The effects of the two causes would be expected to partially cancel when calculating sound-level difference between rooms. A transmission room model was created by linking the acoustic FE model with the structural FE model. It was then compared to the same 1:4 scale model to which a second identical enclosure was added to form the transmission room. Four microphone positions were selected, the two positions 共1 and 2兲 defined previously and two more 共4 and 5兲 in the receiving room as seen in Fig. 3. Measurements were conducted for two perspex walls, of thickness 10 and 5 mm as shown in Fig. 8. The plate was attached to the source room using wood screws at 100-mm centers along the perimeter.

FIG. 7. Level difference between predicted and measured sound-pressure levels, in 1/3-octave bands. 1745

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FIG. 8. Perspex panel fixed to source room model.

The two sides of the perspex panel were sealed with flexible mastic to prevent acoustic leaks. It is by no means straightforward to physically model required edge conditions. A clamped condition24,37,38 is particularly difficult to model since plastic deformation occurs when too firmly clamped and small displacements result when not clamped sufficiently. Simply supported edges can be created by cutting a notch parallel to the edges, with the plate beyond the notch clamped37 as shown in Fig. 9. The simply supported condition is approximated with a rotational stiffness ⌳⫽

冉 冊冉 冊 hb h


B , ⌬l


where B is the bending stiffness of the plate, notch width ⌬l⫽3 mm and notch depth h b ⫽2 mm for the 5-mm, plate and h b ⫽2.5 mm for the 10-mm plate. This gives a rotational stiffness of 1.5 103 N which is 6.4% of the plate stiffness and 2.9 103 N for the 10-mm plate, which is 12.5% of the plate

FIG. 9. Dimensions of the notch.

S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation


with no damping and with surface absorption included. The results are presented in Fig. 11. The three curves display the same signature with good agreement between the measured and the two predicted frequency responses. With no damping, the large peaks and dips in the predicted frequency response do not correspond to measured resonances above 100 Hz. When a surface admittance was assigned to the six surfaces, corresponding to a surface absorption coefficient of 0.02, the agreement was better over the whole frequency range. However, importantly, the effect of surface absorption was small up to 100 Hz and could be neglected. This allowed the FEM models to remain simple and the resultant computational times to be short enough for the following survey. V. EFFECT OF WALL BENDING STIFFNESS AND EDGE CONDITION FIG. 10. Level difference between predicted and measured sound-pressure levels, in 1/3-octave band.

stiffness. Flanking transmission in this case was assumed to have little effect. The sound-level difference was calculated between positions 1 and 4 for the 5-mm and 10-mm simply supported panels. They were then compared with the predicted soundpressure level difference in 1/3-octave bands as shown in Fig. 10. The FEM prediction underestimates the soundpressure level difference by 5 dB over much of the frequency range with increasing discrepancy at high frequencies. This can be explained in part by the fact that the simply supported edge condition was physically modeled with a nonzero rotational stiffness. So far, the damping had not been assigned to the acoustic model, for reasons of simplicity and increased computational speed. Therefore, full-scale measurements of the frequency response of a 5.75⫻4.89⫻4.28-m chamber were compared with the predicted response of the same enclosure

The validated FEM model now provided a tool for a parametric survey of the effect of wall and room characteristics on sound-level difference. The effect of wall-edge condition was investigated by numerically modeling a fixed room configuration of 40 m3 and 35 m3. The party wall was assumed to be of brick with dimensions 4⫻2.5 m. Three thicknesses were considered: 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 m. The sound-pressure level difference was calculated from 31.5 to 160 Hz. One point source was assumed positioned in one corner of the 40-m3 room, opposite to the party wall.11 The frequency response in each room was calculated to a frequency resolution of 1 Hz. A field mesh box in each room was defined with 152 points in each. The points were at least 0.5 m from the walls and 0.3 m from the ceilings and floors. The 152 points were then averaged and the narrow-band values recalculated to give the 1/3-octave band level difference. The narrow-band sound-pressure level difference of a 0.05-m and 0.2-m thick wall for simply supported and clamped conditions are shown in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. The presence of alternative maxima and minima due

FIG. 11. Effect of the introduction of surface absorption in the numerical model. 1746

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S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation


FIG. 12. Sound-pressure level difference across a 0.05-m brick wall.

FIG. 15. Sound-pressure level difference of the 0.2-m wall.

to room and wall resonances is observed.14 When presented as 1/3-octave values 共Figs. 14–16兲, the sound-pressure level difference still displays maxima and minima. The soundlevel difference of the simply supported 0.05-m wall 共Fig. 14兲 increases with increasing frequency, with a gradient of about 6-dB/octave and the sound insulation can be assumed to be mass controlled. The sound-level difference of a simply supported 0.2-m thick wall 共Fig. 15兲 decreases with increasing frequency at about 6-dB/octave. The sound insulation can be assumed to be stiffness controlled and this supports the findings of Parkin,39 Bergassoli,40 Gargliardini,11 Gibbs,41 and Osipov.14 The clamped edge condition adds to the stiffness of the thick wall and gives the largest level difference overall. The beneficial effects of clamping, also, are observed for the 0.1-m wall 共see Fig. 16兲, but not for the 0.05-m wall. The positions of the first excited structural mode of the two edge conditions explain the different trends. In the cases of the simply supported 0.05-m and 0.1-m walls, both have their first structural modes excited below the first acoustic mode and the sound transmission can be assumed mass-law controlled. In the cases of the clamped 0.1-m wall and of the

FIG. 13. Sound-pressure level difference across a 0.2-m wall.

FIG. 14. Sound-pressure level difference of the 0.05-m wall in 1/3-octave bands. 1747

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FIG. 16. Sound-pressure level difference of the 0.1-m wall.

S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation


FIG. 17. Effect of room configuration on a simply supported 0.2-m brick wall.

0.2-m wall, the first structural mode is excited above the first acoustic modes and the sound transmission is stiffness controlled. The sound-level difference of the 0.1-m wall displays a transition between stiffness and mass control.42 The effects of the mixed edge conditions present less strong dips than the simply supported cases and change with the wall thickness. The sound-pressure level difference of the 0.05-m and 0.1-m wall tends to be greater than that of the simply supported. The sound-pressure level difference of the 0.2-m wall lies between that of simply supported and clamped. Consequently, it has been demonstrated that edge conditions control sound insulation at low frequencies and their effect alters with wall thickness. The classic monotonic decrease and increase with frequency for the stiffnesscontrolled and mass-controlled regions, respectively, are not observed. However, despite the fact that the sound fields in the source room and in the receiving room are not statistical, the curves display trends which can be interpreted by reference to the classical mechanisms. VI. EFFECT OF ROOM CONFIGURATION

Room configurations, representative of dwellings in the U.K.,43 were considered to examine their effect on the sound-level difference of a 0.2-m brick wall with different edge conditions. This thickness was selected as representative of single-leaf party walls typical of attached dwellings. A small sample of ten room configurations, varying from 20 m3 to 40 m3, was selected. The volume of the two rooms was modified by changing the room length only, keeping room width and height at 4 and 2.5 m, respectively. Figures 17–19 show the spread of data for a simply supported, clamped, and mixed edge conditions wall when placed in equal and unequal room configurations. In all cases, the sound-pressure level difference decreases with increasing frequency but with gradients ranging from ⫺6 to ⫺15 dB octave. The spread of data varies with edge condition and is greatest for the simply supported condition. Changes in acoustic–acoustic couplings and acoustic–structural couplings and structural resonances are the reasons for those differences. This confirms the work 1748

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FIG. 18. Effect of room configuration on a clamped wall.

of Pietrzyk.18 Coupling and panel resonances cause fluctuations over the frequency range 40–160 Hz. Strong coupling takes place when the acoustic modes have the same distribution, as in equal rooms. If data for equal rooms are removed, the spread of data is reduced for all edge conditions. Also, the spread is small when no structural modes are present, recalling the work of Kropp12 and Pietrzyk13 on limp walls.44 Figures 20 and 21 display the average sound-pressure level difference for each edge condition for even rooms and uneven rooms, respectively. Again, the simply supported wall is found to insulate less than the clamped wall. Values for the mixed edge condition lie between those for the simply supported and clamped. Between equal rooms, the sound insulation decreases faster with increasing frequency than that in unequal rooms. The sound-level difference data for the three edge conditions were averaged for equal and unequal rooms and are presented in Fig. 22. As expected, a decrease in sound-level difference with increasing frequency has been observed for both cases and the mean sound-level difference in equal rooms is lower than that in unequal room configurations. Such behavior is expected as strong acoustic–acoustic cou-

FIG. 19. Effect of room configuration wall with mixed edge conditions.

S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation


FIG. 20. Sound-level difference between equal rooms. FIG. 23. Symmetric and asymmetric transmission rooms.

FIG. 21. Sound-level difference between unequal rooms.

FIG. 22. Effect of room configuration on the sound-level difference. 1749

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pling takes place between identical modes.8,12,44 The effects of the equal room configurations are therefore true not only for the mid and high frequencies,45,46 but also for low frequencies in small rooms. Attached dwellings can have asymmetric rooms as seen in Fig. 23. To investigate the effects of this room configuration on the sound insulation of the 0.2-m wall, the area of the party wall could not be maintained at 10 m2, otherwise the room volumes would have to be in excess of 50 m3. Therefore, rooms with volumes of 20 m3 and 30 m3 with party walls of areas 2⫻2.5 m2 and 3⫻2.5 m2 were investigated. The difference in room-level difference between asymmetric and symmetric room configurations is shown in Fig. 24 for the 20-m3 configuration and in Fig. 25 for the 30-m3 configuration. In general, the sound insulation of the party wall in the asymmetric configuration is 3 dB greater than in the symmetric configuration, but with increased differences depending on the degree of mode coupling. The asymmetric room configurations thus tend to improve the sound insulation of party walls by weakening the coupling between the acoustic

FIG. 24. Difference between asymmetric and symmetric sound-level differences for a 0.2-m wall between 20-m3 rooms. S. P. S. Maluski and B. M. Gibbs: Low-frequency sound insulation



FIG. 25. Difference between asymmetric and symmetric sound-level differences for a 0.2-m wall between 30-m3 rooms.

modes. Figures 24 and 25 also show that the edge conditions have negligible effect since the wall area is small and therefore few structural modes are excited in the frequency range of interest. VII. CONCLUDING REMARKS

The sound transmission between dwellings at low frequencies has been investigated using an FEM model. The FEM utilization was justified by good agreements between measured and predicted sound-pressure level and level difference in 1:4 scale and full-scale rooms. The effect of party wall-edge condition on the soundpressure level difference between rooms was investigated for walls of different thickness and different room configurations. It was found that the sound-level difference between rooms is strongly influenced by the modal characteristics of the rooms, as well as of the party wall, producing a large spread in data below 100 Hz. The wall edge conditions affect the sound-pressure level difference since they alter the structural modal frequency distribution, a phenomenon already observed by other workers.46–49 The level difference produced by clamped thin walls is lower than the simply supported case, since the rigidity of the wall is increased and structural eigenfrequencies are shifted upwards towards room eigenfrequencies.46–48,50 The level difference of clamped thick walls is higher than the simply supported case,46,47,49,50 since the edge condition adds to the controlling mechanism which is stiffness. The different room configurations existing in dwellings tend not to alter the effect of edge conditions on the soundpressure level difference of party walls. The sound-pressure level difference is lower when the volumes of the two rooms are equal, because of increased acoustic coupling. This is unfortunate since the majority of attached dwellings has a floor plan which mirrors that of their neighbor. Therefore, the rooms on each side of the party wall will be of the same dimensions. If the room volumes could be made to differ by about 40%, then the reduced acoustic coupling obtained would increase the sound insulation by 3 dB and more. 1750

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