ISSN No : 2230-7850
Vol 3 Issue 9 Oct 2013 ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Monthly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Indian Streams Research Journal
Executive Editor
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Indian Streams Research Journal Volume-3, Issue-9, Oct-2013 ISSN 2230-7850
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Application Of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management Subhash Chavare And Pratapkumar P. Ubale Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Krantiagrani G.D. Bapu Lad College, Kundal, Dist.Sangli. Associate Professor, Department of Geography, K.B.Patil Mahavidyalaya, Pandharpur (MS)
Abstract::- Geoinformatics technology is the synergy of multiple disciplines like GIS, Remote Sensing, GPS, Cartography, Photogrammetry and Geodesy. Geographic information system deals with spatial and non-spatial data, their methods of acquisition, management, analysis, display and dissemination. GIS and remote sensing techniques have opened up wide range of avenues for effective urban planning and management. The urban area facing various problems, it is needed to solve these problems. The remote sensing and GIS can be used in the school planning, road network, shortest path analysis, solid waste management, slum planning, and crime analysis etc. Keywords:Geoinformatics, Urban Planning, multi-criteria analysis. INTRODUCTION Geoinformatics technology is the synergy of multiple disciplines like GIS, Remote Sensing, GPS, Cartography, Photogrammetry and Geodesy. It is fundamental to all the disciplines which use data identified by their locations. Geographic information system deals with spatial and non-spatial data, their methods of acquisition, management, analysis, display and dissemination. Applications of Geoinformatics technology are mainly oriented to real world management problems pertaining to natural and man-made environments. The operational remote sensing satellites are providing earth data in different improved spatial and spectral resolutions. The remote sensing is acquiring information about an object without physical contact with this object. The remote sensing technique is useful for the high resolution satellite data, synoptic view, as well as temporal data acquisition. Now the very high resolution image capturing sensors are available in the remote sensing technology. GIS, RS and GPS have a variety of uses in decision–making, planning and management of agriculture, archaeology environment, geology, health, military, urban and rural development, land use, transportation, water resource, natural and man-made disasters, oil and gas, natural resources etc. Using Global positioning system (GPS) we can collect the database of the various location data sets, such as bus stops, police station, public telephone booth, public water supply point, hospitals, main squares, and so on. The multi-criteria technique is useful in the analysis and finding the suitable and optimum solution for the urban planning and management. Space borne remote sensing technology is a unique tool to provide spatial, multi-spectral and repetitive information for effective planning (Lillesand and Keiffer, 2004).
PROBLEMS OF URBAN AREA: In the 21th century the population of the urban area is growing at the very high rate and creating the problems to urban dwellers, such as uncontrolled immigration, industrialization, pollution: water, air, and noise; road traffic and increasing number of accident, deficit in the basic amenities, sewage problems, waste management, uncontrolled urban expansion, increasing crime rate, urban sprawl, shortage of pure drinking water supply, and slums. So it is needed to solve these problems and make the urban life comfortable and luxurious and problem free. APPLICATION OF GEOINFORMATICS IN URBAN PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT: The application the geoinformatic technology in the urban planning and management as fallows ROAD NETWORK AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: The road network analysis is GIS based tool to solve the traffic and shortest path problem. New road constructions, bridge construction, fly over construction and planning are possible through integrated GIS analysis. We can suggest the shortest path to the fire works department, ambulance for proper management. The shortest path is useful for the police van also to reach the incident point. SLUM PLANNING AND MAPPING: The slum is biggest problem in the urbanization process. The immigrant from the outside they reside along the national highway, railway track and where ever they got the free space and problem will start. The slum mapping is possible using remote sensing satellite images of the different time period (temporal satellite data) and planning of slum area. the change detection technique is useful to measure the growth of the slum area.
Subhash Chavare And Pratapkumar P. Ubale., Application “ Of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management” Indian Streams Research Journal Vol-3, Issue-9 (Oct 2013): Online & Print
Application Of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management
lack of a proper management solid waste. GIS based analysis to suggest suitable site for location of water collection, dumping and management. For study of solid waste management using GIS, GPS and remote sensing techniques, we require data from different sources and integrated to create database for the city/ urban area. Land use/Land cover map, road network, slope, streams, water bodies, population density map, digital map of the city/ urban area and soil map. The multi-criteria technique is useful in the analysis and finding the suitable the optimum location of the waste management site.
CRIME ANALYSIS AND MAPPING: Crime analysis is a study and practice in criminal justice to supports the mission of police departments. Crime mapping is subject set of crime analysis that focuses on understanding the geographic nature of crime and activity. There are many conventional tools that allow crime data analysis but GIS software can create a single visual output that combines multiple data layers into a meaningful output. GIS plays an important role in crime mapping and analysis. There are many implications in regards to GIS and its future uses. Not only can GIS applications benefit law enforcement agencies in their efforts to analyze crime patterns, but they also have the potential to help the public target high crime areas with preventative measures. The GIS is advanced tool in the service area mapping and using this technique we can prepare the service area map of the each police station in the city and we can find the remaining which is not coming under police station and possible to suggest suitable site/ location for new police station point.
GAS AND ELECTRICITY SUPPLY The Gas and electricity supply in the city is now individual connection from the distributor to the customer. But using GIS database system, possible manages and provides the underground electricity and gas through pipeline. URBAN WATER SUPPLY Water is basic need of the human being. The system of the distribution of domestic water supply to the houses in the city can be managed using geographic information system. The water supply bill, new connections, and problem related to the water distribution can be solved through GIS data analysis. For the GIS analysis we require the database of water connections, no. of houses, pipe line maps, cadastral map of the city, source of drinking water, population of the city and water requirement for the various purposes.
DATA REQUIREMENT FOR THE SERVICE ANALYSIS Crime record from Police station Location of the police station SCHOOL MAPPING: In the urban planning the school planning and mapping is important due to requirement of the schools increasing at very high rate. The schools mapping and spatial distribution of the school is for to suggest the optimum location for the school. In the site selection school, it should be out of from the crowd, away from the main road (safe distance), and healthy environment.
CONCLUSION The remote sensing and geographic information system techniques is having potential for the proper urban planning and management. Remote sensing and its image processing technology provide access to spatial and temporal information on urban, at regional, continental and global scales. Further, new sensors and imaging technology are increasing the capability of remote sensing to acquire information at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Urban planning and management, is needed to solve the problems of urban area and make the urban life comfortable and luxurious and problem free.
HOSPITAL SERVICE AREA MAPPING GPS technology useful in the mapping of the location of the hospital and data /information related to the hospital located in the city area. and possible to shortest path from the place of accident towards the nearest hospital. DATA REQUIREMENT FOR THE SERVICE ANALYSIS: Location of the hospital(Latitude & longitude) Address Number of beds Available facilities
REFERENCES: 1.Aronoff, (1989). Geographic Information System A Management Perspective, Ottawa, Canada WDL Publications. 2.Burrough, P.A., (1986). Principles of Geographic Information Systems for land Resources Assessment, Oxford: Clarendon Press. 3.Lillesand T. M. and W. R. Keiffer, (2004). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 5th edition New York: John Wily & Sons, Inc. 4.Reddy, A. M. (2001). A Text Book of Remote Sensing & GIS. 2nd edition, Hyderabad B.S.Publications.
Using this database we can prepare the web GIS application of the city of hospital and it will facilitate to the people in their house using internet and they can access the web GIS application to get the required information about the hospital. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste management is the biggest environmental issue which concern about the human health in the world. The GIS based model for the collection, dumping, and management of the solid waste would reduce the environmental problems of the city and risk of the diseases. This is a crucial problem in India and world also due to the
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