Neighborhood uses social media and other means of communication to ... leadership trainings through the Plano Citizens A
BEST Neighborhoods Designation
APPLICATION PACKET FY 2017-2018 Submission Deadline: October 6, 2017
Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
Program Overview The BEST Neighborhoods Designation Program was developed in 2016 to recognize neighborhoods that have gone above and beyond to create a community that is Beautiful, Engaged, Safe, and Thriving – BEST! Through this program, the City wants to acknowledge residents working collaboratively to create the strong neighborhoods that make Plano a desirable place to live, work, and play. BEST Neighborhoods are recognized at three levels: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. All awardees receive mention of designation status on, a file image of designation status for neighborhood websites, newsletters, etc., and bragging rights! Platinum level awardees additionally receive two neighborhood entrance signs, inclusion in a custom online Story Map, and social media promotion.
Application Details Applicants must complete all four application sections. Responses in Section Two and Section Three will be scored and utilized to determine designation status. In Section Two, applicants must answer all questions addressing the following categories: Beautiful, Engaged, Safe, and Thriving. Each of these questions is worth 5 points, for a possible score of 100. Eight bonus points, 2 possible points per question, are available in Section Three. Awarded neighborhoods are recognized at three levels:
Silver Level: 60-69 points Gold Level: 70-79 points Platinum Level: 80+ points
A complete application must include answers to all questions as well as a written description and supplemental documentation when requested. This additional information helps provide verification that each criteria has been met. Please note: Questions answered in the affirmative without the written description and/or supplemental documentation will not count towards your total score. Supplemental materials may include photos, newsletters, emails, screenshots, and/or other materials that best support information provided in this application. Supplements can be submitted in hardcopy form or as email attachments. Please ensure that all documents are labeled clearly and submitted with the completed application.
Application Deadline Completed applications must be submitted to the Neighborhood Services Department by 5pm on October 6, 2017. Applications will be accepted in person or via email to
[email protected]. After careful review of all applications, awardees will be announced on or before November 6, 2017.
Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 1 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
Section One: Applicant Information A. Neighborhood Group Information Group/Organization Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Group/Organization Type:
Annual Dues:
Homeowners’ Association
Crime Watch Group
Neighborhood Association
Other: _______________________
Representative Name: _________________________________ Position: ___________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Preferred Method of Contact:
Alternate Contact Name: ______________________________ Alternate Phone: ___________________________ Group/Organization is registered in the City of Plano’s Neighborhood Registration Database (if HOA or NA) or with the Police Department (if Crime Watch Group) and all registered contact information is up to date. (Updates can be made with the Neighborhood Services Department for HOAs and NAs and with the Police Department for Crime Watch groups.) YES
List names and positions of your primary leaders (i.e. board members, area coordinator, block captains) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Neighborhood Information Name of Neighborhood: ___________________________________________________________________________ Neighborhood Boundaries (map attachment optional): _______________________________________________ Council District (check map): ________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Number of Households: __________________________________________________________________ Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 2 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
Section Two: Qualification Questions A.
Beautiful – possible 25pts 1. Neighborhood has current maintenance efforts (contracted or volunteer-based) to maintain community spaces. Examples may include entrances, common areas, creeks, etc. If yes, please describe efforts. Limit 350 characters. YES NO
2. Neighborhood has pursued, or is currently pursuing, a Neighborhood Vitality & Beautification Grant through the City of Plano within the past 2 years. YES
If yes, please describe projects. Limit 350 characters.
3. Neighborhood has a program to recognize neighborhood beautification efforts by residents. Examples may include “Best Yard of the Month,” “Best Christmas Lights,” etc. If yes, please describe program. Limit 350 characters.
4. Neighborhood has well-maintained entrance signs, monuments, sign toppers, or other types of signage that indicate a clear “sense of place”. If yes, please describe signage or monuments. Limit 350 characters.
5. Neighborhood organization promotes speakers and/or programs related to physical home maintenance or improvements, such as Great Update Rebate, Home Rehabilitation Program, Property Standards, etc. YES
If yes, please provide example of promotion or list speaker details below (name, date, topic). Limit 350 characters.
Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 3 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
Engaged – possible 25pts 6. Neighborhood actively uses social media and other means of communication for engaging neighbors. YES
Supplements Required
Choose all that apply:
Phone Calls
NextDoor: ______________________________
Facebook: ________________________________
Twitter: _________________________________
Website: _________________________________
Other: __________________________________
7. Neighborhood hosted at least 4 neighborhood events in the last 12 months. YES
Choose all that apply and list information.
Event dates:
Event locations:
Neighborhood Block Party National Night Out Neighborhood Picnic Holiday Events Neighborhood Clean-Up Event Other:___________________________ 8. Neighborhood has a ‘Welcome Committee’ that welcomes new residents to the neighborhood. If yes, please describe welcome efforts and provide packet or photo of welcome packet. Limit 350 characters.
Supplements Required Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 4 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
9. Neighborhood representatives attended at least 1 of 4 Neighborhood Leadership Council Breakfasts and at least one of the following in the last 12 months: HOA Legal Clinic, Neighborhood Roundtable, or Neighborhood Summit. YES
10. Neighborhood uses social media and other means of communication to encourage residents to connect with city government outlets. YES
Supplements Required
If yes, choose all that apply and provide an example.
Plano City Newsletters
City of Plano Facebook
Plano CityCall
City of Plano Twitter
FixIt Plano App
Safe – possible 25pts 11. Neighborhood has a registered and active City of Plano Crime Watch group. YES
If yes, please describe group, activities and provide Crime Watch #.
Limit 350 characters.
12. Neighborhood has visible Crime Watch signs at major entryways to the community. YES
Supplements Required
13. Neighborhood organized at least one community presentation by either Plano Fire-Rescue, Plano Police Departments, or Property Standards in the last 12 months. YES
If yes, please list details below. Event date: Event location: Topic: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___
Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 5 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
14. Neighborhood uses social media and other means of communication to encourage residents to connect with City of Plano safety-related programs. YES
Supplements Required
If yes, please choose all that apply:
CARE Program
Community Camera Program
Teddy Bear Program
Youth Police Academy
Operation ID Program
Law Enforcement Explorers Post
Other:________________________________________________ 15. At least 2 board members, committee members, and/or block captains have graduated from the following City of Plano's safety-related training: Community Emergency Resource Team (CERT), Citizens Assisting Plano Police (CAPP), Citizens Parking Patrol, or Citizen Police Academy. YES
If yes, please list participant and program information:
Participant Name
Program Name
Year Completed
Thriving – possible 25 pts 16. Neighborhood uses social media and other means of communication to encourage residents to promote sustainable planting and maintenance choices, including drought tolerant plantings, water conservation practices, etc. YES
If yes, please describe methods of promotion. Limit 350 characters.
Supplements Required Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 6 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
17. Neighborhood organization has applied sustainable planting and maintenance choices in public spaces in the community. If yes, please describe. Limit 350 characters.
Supplements Required 18. Neighborhood organized at least one presentation by the Sustainability and Environmental Education Division in the last 12 months. If yes, please list details below.
Event date: Event location: Topic: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___
19. Neighborhood group actively assists or supports neighbors in need. A few examples may include seniors mentoring school-aged children, companionship for seniors, a moms support group, or assisting neighbors with minor home repairs or clean ups, or volunteering as a group for Plano CARES.
If yes, please describe group(s). Limit 350 characters.
20. At least 2 board members, committee members, and/or block captains have graduated from leadership trainings through the Plano Citizens Academy or the Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Plano program. YES
If yes, please list participant information:
Participant Name
Program Name
Year Completed
Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 7 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
Section Three: Narrative Responses – possible 8 pts extra credit 21. Plano is becoming an increasingly diverse community (e.g. age, race, ethnicity, language, etc.). Please describe specific efforts by your organization to build an inclusive sense of community in your neighborhood during these changing times. Limit 5-10 sentences.
22. Please describe specific ways in which your organization is working to increase overall participation in your community efforts. Limit 5-10 sentences.
23. What future plans does your organization have in place to maintain or advance your neighborhood as a BEST Neighborhood? Limit 5-10 sentences.
24. Is there anything unique or special about your neighborhood not covered by this application that you would like to share? Limit 5-10 sentences.
Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 8 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
Would you and your organization be interested in an information sharing and/or mentor relationship with other neighborhoods in Plano? YES
Section Four: Applicant Certification In signing and submitting this application, I certify that the information in the application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that the board and members of the organization I represent are fully aware of the application submission as well as the content I have provided.
*Signature (Applicant): __________________________________________ Print Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________________ *If your computer does not allow electronic signatures, please print, sign, and submit this page with completed application.
STOP! Review the following check list before submitting completed application: Yes! Our organization is registered with the City of Plano and our contact information is accurate. Section One: Applicant Information Complete Section Two: BEST Qualification Questions Complete Section Three: Narrative Questions Complete Section Four: Applicant Certification Complete Required Supplemental Documentation Attached – Supplemental materials may include photos,
newsletters, and/or other materials that best support information provided in this application. Please ensure that documents are labeled clearly and submitted with the completed application. Any Additional Supplements Attached – optional Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 9 of 10
BEST Neighborhoods Designation Application, FY 2017-2018
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Who can apply? Registered neighborhood groups (homeowner associations, neighborhood associations, and crime watch groups).
How do we submit our application? Drop off completed applications to the Neighborhood Services Department located at 7501 Independence Parkway, Building A, Plano, TX, 75025, Attn: BEST, or email your completed application to
[email protected].
How do we submit required supporting documents? Supplements can be submitted in hardcopy form or as email attachments. Please ensure that all documents are labeled clearly and submitted with the completed application. What is a Story Map? A Story Map combines maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content to help creatively tell your story. Neighborhood Services creates a custom Story Map every year to highlight our Platinum Awardees and all of their wonderful neighborhood work that makes Plano great!
Can our Silver or Gold neighborhood reapply to increase our designation level? Yes; Silver or Gold designated neighborhoods may re-apply every year to try for an increased designation level.
Do we need to reapply every year if we are already a Platinum neighborhood? No; Platinum designation is good for 5 years. At that time, Platinum neighborhoods may re-apply to try for another 5 year designation.
When is the application deadline? Completed applications must be submitted by 5pm on October 6, 2017.
When will awardees be announced? Awardees will be announced on or before November 6, 2017. Neighborhood Services Department, 7501 Independence Pkwy., Bldg. A, Plano, TX 75025, Ph. 972.208.8150 Page 10 of 10