Jun 16, 2013 - design stage support using a systemic perspective: Sustainable design of a pyrolitic stove eco-system, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, ...
List of publications (5 selected publications in bold) Eric Coatanéa, 16th of June 2013
A- Peer-reviewed scientific articles Journal articles (refereed) [1] Coatanéa E., Medyna, G., Mbeo Ogeya C., Ritola T., Bakhouya, M. Early design stage support using a systemic perspective: Sustainable design of a pyrolitic stove eco-system, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 2013 (accepted for publication following changes). [2] Micaëlli, J-P., Coatanéa, E., Forest, J., Medyna, G., How to improve Kline and Rosenberg’s chain-linked model of innovation: building blocks and diagram-based languages. Journal of Innovation Economics, 2013 (accepted for publication following changes). [3] Christophe F., Coatanéa E., Ba Khouya M., Thanh An Nguyen, Zeng Y. and Bernard A., A Methodology supporting the Syntactic, Lexical and Semantic Clarification of Requirements in Systems Engineering. Special issue of International Journal of Product development, Inderscience publisher, 2013. [4] Coatanéa E., Bakhouya M., Editorial on the special issue of Computer-aided Tools and Methodologies for Early Design, International Journal of Product Development, Editors Eric Coatanéa and Mohamed Bakhouya, Inderscience, 2012. [5] Medyna, G., Nonsiri S., Coatanéa E., Bernard A., Modeling, Evaluation and Simulation During the Early Design Stages: Toward the Development of an Approach Limiting the Need for Specific Knowledge, Transactions of the SDPS: Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2012 (accepted). [6] Coatanéa E., Tumer I., Jensen D., Nonsiri S., Ritola T., A framework for Building Dimensionless behavioral models for function-based failure propagation Analysis, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.133, Iss.12, 2011 (DOI: 10.1115/1.4005230).
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[7] Brace W., Coatanéa E., Kauranne H., Heiska M., Formal Early design synthesis of mobile work machine, International journal of design and innovation research, vol. 5, issue 2, June 2011. [8] Christophe F., Coatanéa E., Bernard A., RFBS: A model for knowledge representation of Conceptual product development CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier, 2010. [9] Yannou B., Coatanéa E., Fixing targets and evaluating alternatives by pairwise comparisons, The COMPARE method, d'Ingénierie Numérique Collaborative, 2009, 1, No. 1-2, pp. 145-163.
design Revue
[10] Medyna G., Nordlund H., Coatanéa E., Study of an exergy method for environmental evaluation assessment in the early design phase using comparative LCA and exergy approach, Int. J. Design Engineering, Volume 2, Number 3 / 2009, 320 - 345.
[11] Yannou B., Coatanéa E., The COMPARE method for easy and fast specification and design selection by product pairwise comparisons, In Revue internationale d’ingénierie numérique, Conception Collaborative et Ingénierie Numérique, Hermès Science Lavoisier, ISSN 0298-0924, 2008. [12] Christophe F., Sell R., Coatanéa E., Conceptual product development framework supported by Dimensional Analysis and System Modelling Language, Estonian Journal of Engineering, ISSN 1736-6038, 2008. [13] Coatanéa E., Kuuva M., Nordlund H., Makkonen P. E., Saarelainen, T., A uniform environmental metric based on exergy for early design evaluation, Int. J. of Env. Cons. Des. & Man., Vol. 13, No.2, ECM Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2007. Submitted and to be submitted journal articles [1] Sirin G., Paredis C. J.J., Yannou B., Landel E., Coatanéa E., A Model Identity Card to Support Model Development Process in a Simulation Factory Framework, IEEE System Engineering Journal, 2013 (submitted). [2] Coatanéa E., Medyna G., Christophe F., Micäelli J.P., Link between creativity, design and innovation: An analysis of Engineering design creativity from the activity theory perspective?, Journal of Engineering Design, Taylor & Francis, 2014 ( to be submitted).
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[3] Coatanea E., Nonsiri S., Calonius O., An Early Modelling and Simulation approach for Fast evaluation of early design concepts, Journal of Engineering Design, 2013, (submitted). [4] Coatanéa E., Nonsiri S., Mokammel F., Calonius O., Systematic search and ranking approach for physical contradictions using graph theory principles: Application to the case of an air bearing, CIRP Journal, 2014 (to be submitted). [5] Coatanéa E., Francois C., Alizon F., Technology Selection Method: A New Approach identifying Relevant Technology Alternatives during a Product Family Design, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, ASME journal, 2014 (to be submitted). [6] Nygård J., Coatanéa E., Bernard A., Establishing product specifications and configurations in a quotation process- A case study using system dynamics tools, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier, 2014 (to be submitted). [7] Frank A., Coatanéa E., Bernard A., Utilizing modularity for more efficient production of custom built complex products, Journal of Engineering Design, Taylor & Francis, 2014 ( to be submitted). [8] Nonsiri S., Coatanea E., A discrete differential evolution algorithm for product development scheduling, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2014 (to be submitted). [9] Mokammel F. Coatanéa E., Christophe F., Requirement analysis using Natural Language processing and network theory, Requirements Engineering, Springer, 2014 (submitted). [10] Christophe F., Mokkamel F., Coatanéa E., Feasible solutions exploration at early design stage using DSM, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014 (to be submitted). Book sections [1] Coatanéa E., Choulier D., Forest J., Medyna G., Christophe F., Bakhouya M., Creativity from Design and Innovation Perspectives, Volume on creativity of the Encyclopedia on creativity, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship, Elsevier, 2012 (accepted). [2] Research in Interactive Design, Volume 2, Article: Sustainability analysis of the product development life cycle using a metric based on exergy, Springer-Verlag, ISBN-10:2-287-48363-2, 2006.
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Conference proceedings [1] Coatanéa E., Ryynänen L., Calonius O., Mokammel F., Riitahuhta A., Systematic search and ranking approach for physical contradictions using graph theory principles: Application to the case of an air bearing, TRIZ Future Conference 2013, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, France, 2013 (accepted). [2] Christophe F., Mokammel F., Coatanéa E., Bakhouya M., Integration of
evaluation and simulation methods for virtual prototypes, International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 5-6th September 2013, Dublin Institute of technology, Dublin, Ireland. [3] Nonsiri S., Coatanéa E., Bakhouya M., Mokammel F., Model-Based Approach for Change Propagation Analysis in Requirements, 2013 IEEE International Systems Conference, Florida, Orlando, April 15-18, 2013 (accepted). [4] Mokammel F., Coatanéa E., Christophe F., Bakhouya M., Nonsiri S., Impact Analysis of Graph-based Requirements Models using PageRank Algorithm, 2013 IEEE International Systems Conference, Florida, Orlando, April 15-18, 2013 (accepted). [5] Ritola, T., Coatanéa, E., Interplay Between Offering, Provider and Customer in
Product-Service System Design, International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED13, 2013 (accepted). [6] Mokammel F., Coatanea E., Ba Khouya M., Christophe F., Medyna G. Towards an
Approach for Evaluating the Quality of Requirements. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2013) Portland, Oregon, USA (accepted). [7] Ogeya, Mbeo Calvince; Coatanéa, Eric; Galina Medyna, Theory Driven Design
and Real Prototyping of Biomass Pyrolitic Stove, Proceedings of the conference ICED 2013, Seoul, Korea, 2013 (accepted). Ritola T., Coatanéa, E., COMBINING PRODUCT INNOVATION WITH SERVICE INNOVATION TO INCREASE VALUE CREATED WITH A SYSTEM, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2013, November 13-21, 2013, San Diego, California, USA (submitted). [8]
[9] Sirin G., Coatanea, E, Yannou B., Landel E., Creating a domain ontology to support the numerical models exchange between suppliers and users in a complex system design, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences &Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceIDETC/CIE 2013August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA (accepted).
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[10] Sirin G., Yannou B., Coatanéa E., Landel E., Architecture-centric design for a collaborative plat-form of distributed simulation system, International Conference on Research into Design ICoRD ’13 Global Product Development Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 7-9 January 2013, Chennai, India. [11] Sirin G., Yannou B., Coatanéa E., Landel E., Analyse of the Simulation System in an Automotive Development Project, in proceedings of Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) 2012, Paris, France. [12] Ait-Cheik-Bihi W., Bakhouya M., Gaber J., Outbib R., Coatanea E., Gao X. Z., Zenger K., Towards an Integrated Service-oriented Energy Management Platform for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, in proceedings of 2nd IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems, 3–4 October 2012, Espoo, Finland. [13] Coatanea E., Nonsiri S., Bakhouya M., Kiviluoma P., Calonius O., An Early Modeling and simulation approach for fast evaluation of Early design concepts, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2012, August 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL, USA. [14] Nonsiri S., Coatanea E., Bakhouya M., A discrete differential evolution Algorithm for Product Development Scheduling, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2012, August 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL, USA. [15] Medyna, G., Coatanéa, E., and Millet, D, Environmental and economic evaluation of solar thermal panels using exergy and dimensional analysis. In Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing, J. Hesselbach and C. Herrmann, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 647-651. [16] Medyna, G., Coatanéa, E., and Millet, D, Evaluation of parts of a boat cabin based on exergy - focusing on environmental and economic assessments. In Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress 2011, Denver, CO, USA, 2011. [17] Christophe, Francois; Ritola, Tuomas; Coatanéa, Eric; Bernard, Alain; Semantic Analysis of Function-Solution Duality, ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2011, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 11-17, 2011. [18] Coatanéa E., Choulier D., Forest Joelle, CK, An Engineering Design Theory? Contributions, limits and proposals, International conference on Engineering Design, ICED11, 15 - 18 August 2011, Technical University of Denmark.
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[19] Seppälä M., Buda A., Coatanéa E., Selection of Design concepts Using Virtual Prototyping in the Early Design phases, International conference on Engineering Design, ICED11, 15 - 18 August 2011, Technical University of Denmark. [20] Christophe F., Coatanéa E., Wang. M., Zeng Y., Grammatical and Semantic Disambiguation of Requirements at Elicitation and Representation Stages, Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology DTM, August 29-31, 2011 in Washington DC, USA. [21] Medyna G., and Coatanéa E., Decision making and value considerations during the early stages of engineering design. In Global Product Development: Cirp Design Conference 2010, A. Bernard, Ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 397-402. [22] Choulier D., Forest Joelle, Coatanéa E., Engineering design CK theory: contributions and limits, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology DTM, August 15-18, 2010 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. [23] Medyna G., Coatanéa E., Lahti L., Creative processes In engineering: an analogy with the evolution of wikipedia articles, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology DTM, August 15-18, 2010 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. [24] Coatanéa E., Ritola T., Tumer I., Jensen D., A framework for Building behavioral models for design-stage failure identification using Dimensional Analysis, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology DTM, August 15-18, 2010 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. [25] Medyna G., Coatanéa E., Lahti L., Howard T., Brace W., Christophe F., Creative design: An initial analysis and ontology, submitted to MCPC 2009 (Mass Customization and Personalization Conference 2009), Helsinki, Finland. [26] Brace W., Coatanéa E., Kauranne H., Heiska M., Early design modelling and simulation of behaviours: case study of mobile work machine, CPI 2009, October 1921 2009 in Rabat, Marroco, 2009. [27] Ritola T., Alizon F., Coatanéa E., Implementing Mass Customization through Product and Service Platform Strategy” submitted to MCPC 2009 (Mass Customization and Personalization Conference 2009), Helsinki, Finland. [28] Medyna G., ., Coatanéa E., Millet D., Comparative study of environmental evaluation assessment using exergetic LCA implemented in existing software and a
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novel exergetic approach during the early design phase, ICED'09, Stanford university, Stanford, CA, USA, 24 - 27 August 2009. [29] Christophe F., Sell R., Bernard A., Coatanéa E., OPAS: Ontology processing for assisted synthesis of conceptual product development solutions, ASME- IDETC 2009, August 30 - September 2, 2009 in San Diego, California, USA, 2009. [30] Brace W., Coatanéa E., Kauranne H., Heiska M., Early design modelling and simulation of behaviours: case study of mobile work machine, ASME- IDETC 2009, August 30 - September 2, 2009 in San Diego, California, USA, 2009. [31] Brace W., Coatanéa E., Semi formal requirement formulation in system engineering, ICED'09, Stanford university, Stanford, CA, USA, 24 - 27 AUGUST 2009. [32] Coatanéa E., Alizon F., Christophe F., Yannou B., Selecting technology
alternatives for product families through technological coverage and functional verification, In Proceedings of ASME design engineering technical conferences DETC 2008, New-York, USA, 2008.
[33] Sell, R.; Coatanéa, E., Christophe, F., Important Aspects of Early Design in Mechatronic, 6th International DAAAM Baltic Conference on Industrial Engineering, Tallinn, Estonia, 24-26 April 2008. [34] Nordlund H., Medyna G., and Coatanéa E., Study of an exergy method for
environmental evaluation assessment in the early phase using comparative LCA and exergy approach. IDMME conference 2008, Beijing. [35] Christophe F., Sell R., Coatanéa E., Micaëlli J.P., Integrated design framework: Towards an approach for early design. International conference on engineering and product design education, UPC, Barcelona, Spain, 4 & 5 September 2008.
[36] Coatanéa E., Yannou B., Honkala S., Saarelainen T., Makkonen P. E., Lajunen A., Measurement theory and dimensional analysis: methodological impact on the comparison and evaluation process, In Proceedings of ASME design engineering technical conferences DETC 2007, Las Vegas, USA, 2007. [37] Yannou B., Coatanéa E., The COMPARE method for easy and fast specification and design selection by product pairwise comparisons, In Proceedings of CPI 2007, 5th internationale conference in Integrated Design and Production, Rabat, Morocco, 2007. [38] Coatanéa E., Vareille J., Yannou B., Measurement theory and dimensional analysis, In Proceedings of CPI 2007, 5th International conference in Integrated Design and Production, Rabat, Morocco, 2007.
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[39] Coatanéa E., Yannou B., Boughnim N. , Makkonen P. E., Lajunen A., Saarelainen T., Bertoluci G., Combining analysis of different performances through the use of Dimensional Analysis. In proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED’07, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, France, 28 31 august 2007. [40] Yannou B., Coatanéa E., Easy and flexible specifications and product evaluations by expert and customer comparisons with existing products, In proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED’07, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, France, 28 - 31 august 2007. [41] Coatanéa E., Kuuva M., Makkonen P.E., Saarelainen T., Early design evaluation of products artifacts’: An approach based on dimensional analysis for combined analysis of environmental, technical and cost requirements, Proceedings of the 14th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 11th-13th, 2007. [42] Saarelainen, T., Makkonen, P., Coatanea E., Industrial study of cast part development. In proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED’07, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, France, 28 - 31 august 2007. [43] Jokinen, J.; Makkonen, Petri; Saarelainen, Tanja; Coatanea, Eric: A strategy for cast part shape design. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design ICED'2007, Paris, France, August 28-31, 2007. 12 p., Paris, France, 28 - 31 august 2007. [44] Saarelainen, T., Piha, O., Makkonen, P., Coatanea, E. and Orkas, J., Current and future practices in Finnish foundry industry - questionnaire study. Proceedings of the 47th International Foundry Conference. Portoro, Slovenia, September 12-14. Organised by Slovenian foundrymen society, 2007. [45] Coatanéa E., Kuuva M., Makkonen P. E., Saarelainen T., Castillón-Solano M. O.. Analysis of the concept of sustainability: definition of conditions for using exergy as a uniform environmental metric. Proceedings of the 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering Conference, Leuven, Belgium, May 31st-June 2nd, 2006. [46] Coatanéa E., Makkonen P. E., Saarelainen T., Castillón-Solano M. O., A Generic synthetic Framework for conceptual Service design, Proceedings of the 9th International Design Conference- Design 2006, Dubrovnik - Croatia, May 15 - 18, 2006.
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[47] Coatanéa E., Makkonen P. E., Saarelainen T., Castillón-Solano M. O., Cost modelling analysis in sand casting foundry. Proceedings of NordDesign 2006, Reykjavik –Island, August 16-18, 2006. [48] Vareille J., Coatanéa E., Un modèle nouveau de cycle de vie pour la préconception. Proceedings of the 12th French Congress of Research in IUT, Brest – France, June 1-2, 2006. [49] Makkonen P., Castillon-Solano M.O., Coatanea E., Saarelainen T., A strategy for Cast Part Design Process Optimisation: Part I: Customer Inquiry Specification, NordDesign 2006, August 16-18, Reykjavik, Island, 2006. [50] Coatanéa, Eric; Kuuva, Markku; Nordlund, Harri; Makkonen, Petri E.; Saarelainen, Tanja: Sustainability analysis of the product development life cycle using a metric based on exergy. Proceedings of Virtual Concept 2006, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, Springer-Verlag, 8 p., [CD-ROM], November 26 - December 1, 2006. [51] Coatanéa E, Vareille J, L’analyse dimensionnelle, un outil puissant de modélisation du cycle de vie en phase de préconception, Proceedings of the 11th French Congress of Research in IUT, Nice, France, June, 2005. [52] Coatanéa E, and Vareille J, A life cycle modelling for the conceptual design stage using dimensional analysis approach, In Proceedings of ASME design engineering technical conferences DETC 2004, Salt Lake City, USA, 2004. [53] Coatanéa E., Vareille J., A new life cycle model for the conceptual design process, In Proceedings of NordDesign’04, Tampere, Finland, 2004. [54] Coatanéa E., Vareille J., Towards a life cycle model for the conceptual design process, In Proceedings of IDDME 2004, Bath, UK, 2004. [55] Coatanéa E., Vareille J., Dimensional analysis as a cooperative tool for the life cycle modelling during the conceptual design stage, Workshop on design engineering research, University of West Brittany, 2004. [56] Coatanéa E., Vareille J., Design education theory revisited through a generalisation of the use of dimensional analysis theory and a new multilevel design model, Workshop on design engineering research, University of West Brittany, 2004. [57] Coatanéa E., Vareille J., Méthodologie pour l’éco-conception, Journées AUMAFM, Brest, 2004.
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[58] Coatanéa E, Vareille J., Kuuva M., Utilisation d'indicateurs sans dimension pour l'analyse des problèmes multi-contraintes et multi objectifs en pré-conception, in Proceedings of CFM 2003, Nice, France, 2003. [59] Coatanéa E; Vareille J., Kuuva M. , Applying dimensionless indicators for the analysis of multiple constraints and compound objectives in conceptual design., 5th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 17-22, 2003.
B- Non-refereed scientific articles [1] Christophe F., Coatanéa E., Proposal of a computer approach for the expansion of the designer’s creativity, CRECOS seminar 2008, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. [2] Brace W., Christophe F., Coatanéa E., Requirements modelling in SysML: proposal for the creation of a semi-formal requirement procedure, CRECOS seminar 2008, Helsinki, Finland, 2008.
C-Scientific books (monographs) [1] Global Product Development: Proceedings of the 20th CIRP Design Conference, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France, 19th-21st April 2010. [2] Printed Electronic- Now and Future, Chapter of the book Bit Bang: Rays to the future, Helsinki University Print, 2009, ISBN (pbk) 978-952-248-078-1. [3] Wide Wide World-Globalized Regions, Industries and Cities, Chapter of the book Bit Bang: Rays to the future, Helsinki University Print, 2009, ISBN (pbk) 978-952248-078-1. [4] Integrated systems and design, Interstudy teaching text book, ISBN 978-995520-332-2, 2008. [5] Hands-on lab exercises, Interstudy hands-on book, ISBN 978-9955-20-340-7, 2008.
D- Publications intended for professional communities [1] Coatanéa E., Rapid prototyping, presentation and usage (In French), Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Brest, Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique, 1998. [2] Coatanéa E., Sheet metal forming and cutting (In French), Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Brest, Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique, 1997. Page 10
[3] Coatanéa E., Manufacturing and cutting methods (In French), Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé de Brest, Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique, 1997. [4] Coatanéa E., Functional dimensioning of mechanical parts (In French), Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé de Brest, Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique, 1997. [5] Coatanéa E., Fixture system design for machining equipments (In French), Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé de Brest, Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique, 1997. [6] Coatanéa E., Milling methods: Generalities (In French), Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé de Brest, Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique, 1996. [7] Coatanéa E., Production management methods (In French), Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé de Brest, Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique, 1995. [8] Coatanéa E., Design of an innovative deep sea oil platform concept using
floating anchors: A mathematical model of the behaviour of the anchor lines under sinusoidal swell (In French), technical report, IFREMER research laboratory, Brest, France, 1994.
[9] Coatanéa E., Design guidelines for mechanical design transmissions parts of airborne radars systems (In French), (Guide of Guide de conception des systèmes de transmission mécaniques pour radar embarqués), Rapport technique, Thalès (ex.Thomson-CSF), Brest, France, 1994. [10] Coatanéa E., Finite element simulation and design guidelines for multi-layer printed boards Copper-Invar-Copper (In French), (Guide de conception et simulation éléments finis des effets des contraintes thermiques sur des circuits imprimés multicouches Cuivre-Invar-Cuivre), Technical report and course material, Thalès (ex. Thomson-CSF), Brest, France, 1994.
E-Publications intended for the general public [1] Marie Curie Book, Project success story, Chapter: Seeding careers/career development, Eric Coatanéa (published by EU commission), 2009.
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G- Theses [1] Coatanéa E., Conceptual Modelling of Life Cycle Design: A Modelling and Evaluation Method Based on Analogies and Dimensionless Numbers, PhD dissertation, ISBN 951-22-7853-7, ISBN 951-22-7852-9, 2005.
H- Invention disclosures [1] Rapidly reconfigurable pattern, mold or core (invention disclosure) [2] A low consumption air bearing (invention disclosure) [3] A maintenance optimized modular roller conveyor (invention disclosure)
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