Applications of generalized fractional integral operator to unified ...

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Sanjay Bhokare Group of Institutes, Miraj. Miraj 416410, India e-mail: [email protected]. Haridas Pawar. Department of Mathematics. SVERI's College of ...
Stud. Univ. Babe¸s-Bolyai Math. 63(2018), No. 1, 59–69 DOI: 10.24193/subbmath.2018.1.04

Applications of generalized fractional integral operator to unified subclass of prestarlike functions with negative coefficients Santosh B. Joshi, Sayali S. Joshi and Haridas Pawar Abstract. In this paper, we have introduced and studied various properties of unified class of prestarlike functions with negative coefficients in the unit disc U . Also distortion theorem involving a generalized fractional integral operator for functions in this class is established. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 30C45. Keywords: Univalent function, coefficient estimates, distortion theorem.

1. Introduction Let A denote the class of functions of the form ∞ X f (z) = z + an z n



which are analytic in the unit disc U= {z : |z| < 1}. Let S denote the subclass of A, which consists of functions of the form (1.1) that are univalent in U. A function f ∈ S is said to be starlike of order µ(0 ≤ µ < 1) if and only if ( 0 ) zf (z) > µ, z ∈ U Re f (z) and convex of order µ(0 ≤ µ < 1) if and only if ( ) 00 zf (z) Re 1 + 0 > µ, z ∈ U. f (z) Denote these classes respectively by S ∗ (µ) and K(µ).


Santosh B. Joshi, Sayali S. Joshi and Haridas Pawar Let T denote subclass of S consisting of functions of the form ∞ X f (z) = z − an z n , an ≥ 0.



The classes obtained by taking intersections of the classes S ∗ (µ) and K(µ) with T are denoted by T ∗ (µ) and K ∗ (µ) respectively. The classes T ∗ (µ), K ∗ (µ) were studied by Silverman [9]. The function Sµ (z) = z(1 − z)−2(1−µ) ,

0≤µ . 2 If f (z) is given by (1.2) and g(z) defined by g(z) = z −

∞ X

bn z n ,

bn ≥ 0 ,


belonging to T , then convolution or Hadamard product of f and g is defined by ∞ X (f ∗ g)(z) = z − an bn z n . n=2

Let Rµ (α, β, γ) be the subclass of A consisting functions f (z) such that zh0 (z) − 1 h(z) 0,



= f (z),

for δ1 = · · · = δm = 0 ,

is said to be a multiple fractional integral operator of Riemann-Liouville type of multiorder δ = (δ1 , · · · , δm ). Following [2], let ∆ denote a complex domain starlike with respect to the origin z = 0, and A(∆) denote the space of functions analytic in ∆. If Aρ (∆) denote the class of functions Aρ (∆) = {f (z) = z ρ f¯(z) : f¯(z) ∈ A(∆)}, ρ ≥ 0; (4.2) then clearly Aρ (∆) ⊆ Av (∆) ⊆ A(∆) for ρ ≥ v ≥ 0 . The fractional integral operator (4.1) includes various useful and important fractional integral operators as special cases. For more details of these special cases, one may refer to Raina and Saigo [6]. Throughout this paper (λ)k stands for Γ(λ+k) Γ(λ) .


Santosh B. Joshi, Sayali S. Joshi and Haridas Pawar The following results will be required for our investigation.

Lemma 4.2. [2]. Let γk > − βpk − 1, δk ≤ 0 (∀ k = 1, · · · , m). Then the operator (γ ),(δ )

m m I(βm maps the class ∆p (G) into itself preserving the power functions f (z) = z p );m (up to a constant multiplier):     m   Γ βpk + γk + 1 Y (γm ),(δm ) p   zp . (4.3) I(βm {z } = );m Γ p + γ + δ + 1  k k k=1 βk

Theorem 4.3. Let m ∈ N, hk ∈ R+ , and γk , δk ∈ R such that 1 + γk + δk > 0 (k = 1, · · · , m), and ( ) m Y (1 + γk + 2hk )hk ≤1 (4.4) (1 + γk + δk + 2hk )hk k=1

and f (z) defined by (1.2) be in the class Pµ (α, β, γ, σ) with 0 ≤ α < 1, 0 < β ≤ 1, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ µ ≤ 21 , 0 ≤ σ ≤ 1. Then (m   Y Γ (1 + γk + hk ) (γm ),(δm ) I(h−1 );m f (z) ≥ m Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk ) k=1   A∗ β(1 + γ)(1 − α) 2 . |z| − |z| , 2 {1 + β [2γ + 1 − (1 + γ)α]} (1 − µ)(1 + σ) (4.5) and (m  Y (γm ),(δm ) I(h−1 );m f (z) ≤ m


 . |z| +

Γ (1 + γk + hk ) Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk )

A∗ β(1 + γ)(1 − α) |z|2 2 {1 + β [2γ + 1 − (1 + γ)α]} (1 − µ)(1 + σ)

 , (4.6)

for z ∈ U . The inequalities in (4.5) and (4.6) are attained by the function f (z) given by (2.6), where ( ) m Y (1 + γ + h ) k k h k A∗ = . (4.7) (1 + γk + δk + hk )hk k=1

Proof. By using lemma 4.2, we get m  Y (γm ),(δm ) I(h−1 );m f (z) = m

 Γ (1 + γk + hk ) z Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk ) k=1  ∞ Y m  X Γ (1 + γk + n hk ) − an z n . Γ (1 + γ + δ + n h ) k k k n=2 k=1


Applications of generalized fractional integral operator


Letting G(z)

 m  Y Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk )


Γ (1 + γk + hk )


= z−

∞ X

(γ ),(δ )

m m I(h−1 f (z) );m m

φ(n) an z n ,



where, φ(n) =

m Y


(1 + γk + hk )hk (n−1) (1 + γk + δk + hk )hk (n−1)


) ,

(n ∈ N\{1}) .


Under the hypothesis of Theorem 4.3 (along with the conditions (4.4)), we can see that φ(n) is non-increasing for integers n (n ≥ 2), and we have ( ) m Y (1 + γk + hk )hk 0 < φ(n) ≤ φ(2) = = A∗ , (n ∈ N\{1}) . (4.11) (1 + γk + δk + hk )hk k=1

Now in view equation (1.8) and (4.11), we have |G(z)|

|z| − φ(2) |z|2

∞ X



( ≥

m  Y k=1

 . |z| −

Γ (1 + γk + hk ) Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk )

A∗ β(1 + γ)(1 − α) |z|2 2 {1 + β [2γ + 1 − (1 + γ)α]} (1 − µ)(1 + σ)


and |G(z)|

|z| + φ(2) |z|2

∞ X



( ≤

m  Y k=1

 . |z| +

Γ (1 + γk + hk ) Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk )

A∗ β(1 + γ)(1 − α) |z|2 2 {1 + β [2γ + 1 − (1 + γ)α]} (1 − µ)(1 + σ)


It can be easily verified that the following inequalities are attained by the function f (z) given by (2.6). (m   Y Γ (1 + γk + hk ) (γm ),(δm ) I(h−1 );m f (z) ≥ m Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk ) k=1   A∗ β(1 + γ)(1 − α) 2 . |z| − |z| , 2 {1 + β [2γ + 1 − (1 + γ)α]} (1 − µ)(1 + σ)


Santosh B. Joshi, Sayali S. Joshi and Haridas Pawar

and (γm ),(δm ) I(h−1 );m f (z) ≤


m  Y



 . |z| +

Γ (1 + γk + hk ) Γ (1 + γk + δk + hk )

A∗ β(1 + γ)(1 − α) |z|2 2 {1 + β [2γ + 1 − (1 + γ)α]} (1 − µ)(1 + σ)


Which are as desired in (4.5) and (4.6). This completes the proof of Theorem 4.3.  Acknowledgments. The work of second author (Sayali S. Joshi) is supported by NBHM research project (2/48(7)/2016/NBHM/RP/R and D II/14977). Also, the authors wish to express their sincere thanks to the referee of this paper for several useful comments and suggestions.

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Applications of generalized fractional integral operator Santosh B. Joshi Department of Mathematics Walchand College of Engineering Sangli 416415, India e-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Sayali S. Joshi Department of Mathematics Sanjay Bhokare Group of Institutes, Miraj Miraj 416410, India e-mail: [email protected] Haridas Pawar Department of Mathematics SVERI’s College of Engineering Pandharpur Pandharpur 413304, India e-mail: haridas [email protected]