ECP 8/16/12. University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences -‐ 2012 Curriculum Plan. BSAB in Applied Biotechnology.
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences -‐ 2012 Curriculum Plan
BSAB in Applied Biotechnology‐biotechnology.cfm
YEAR ONE Fall Courses ENGL 1101 English Composition I CHEM 1211-‐1211L Freshman Chemistry I MATH 1113 Precalculus or General Elective World Languages and Culture (Gen Ed IV) FYOS 1001 First Year Odyssey Seminar General Elective Total
Hours 3 4 3 3 1 1 15
Spring Courses ENGL 1102 English Composition II CHEM 1212-‐1212L Freshman Chemistry II MATH 2200 Analytic Geometry and Calculus World Languages and Culture (Gen Ed IV) General Elective Total
Hours 3 4 4 3 1 15
Spring Courses PHIL 2020 Logic and Critical Thinking
Hours 3
HIST 2111 or 2112 American History
YEAR TWO Fall Courses World Languages and Culture (Gen Ed IV) AAEC 2580 Applied Microeconomic Principles or PHIL 2400 Philosophy, Science, and Nature BIOL 1107-‐1107L Principles of Biology I CHEM 2211-‐2211L Modern Organic Chemistry II General Elective Total
Hours 3 3 4 4 1 15
BIOL 1108-‐1108L Principles of Biology II CHEM 2212-‐2212L Modern Organic Chemistry II General Elective Total
Fall Courses Hours POLS 1101 American Government 3 BCMB 3100 Intro Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 4 PHYS 1111/1112-‐1111L/1112L Introductory Physics: Mechanics, Waves, Thermodynamics / Electricity & 4 Magnetism, Optics, Modern Physics 1 Major Elective 3 PE 1 Total 15
Spring Courses CBIO(BIOL) 3400 Cell Biology GENE(BIOL) 3200 Genetics
4 4 1 15
YEAR THREE Hours 4 4
Major Elective: Emphasis (2)
YEAR FOUR Fall Courses Hours 2 Laboratory Requirement 3-‐4 BTEC(AGCM) 3000 Ethics and Comm in Biotechnology 2 BTEC 3910 Internship in Applied Biotech or 3 BTEC 3990 Independent Research in Applied Biotech MIBO 3500 Introductory Microbiology 3 Quantitative Reasoning Course (Gen Ed III) 3 1 Major Elective 1 Total 15-‐16 Total Hours Over 4-‐Year Academic Period 121
Spring Courses BCMB(ENTO)(BTEC) 4200 Biotechnology 1 Major Elective
Hours 3 3
BTEC(BCMB)(PBIO) 4000L Methods in Biotechnology General Elective (2) Total
4 6 16
ECP 8/16/12
Select 16-‐19 hours from area of emphasis (below).
Plant Science Emphasis Choose 16-‐19 hours: CRSS 4340/6340 Weed Science, CRSS 4340L/6340L Weed Science Lab, CRSS(ENTO)(PATH) 3500 Turfgrass Pest Management, CRSS(HORT)(ANTH)(ECOL)(GEOG) 4930/6930 Agroecology of Tropical America, CRSS(HORT)(ECOL) 4590/6590 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition , CRSS(MIBO) 4610/6610-‐4610L/6610L Soil Microbiology, FORS 4010-‐4010L Silviculture, FORS 4020/6020 Genetics and Breeding of Forest Trees, HORT 3620-‐3620L Plant Propagation, HORT 4110/6110 Plant Nutrition, HORT 4210/6210 Postharvest Biology of Horticultural and Agronomic Crops, HORT 4890/6890 Biodiversity and the World’s Food Crops, HORT(CRSS) 4440/6440-‐4440L/6440L Environmental Physiology, PATH 3530-‐3530L Introductory Plant Pathology, PATH 3830-‐3830L Forest Pathology, PATH(PBIO) 4200/6200-‐4200L/6200L Introductory Mycology, PBGG(CRSS)(HORT) 4140/6140 Plant Breeding
Animal Science Emphasis Choose 16-‐19 hours: ADSC 3110 Intro to Genetics of Livestock Improvement, ADSC 3300 Animal Nutrition and Metabolism, ADSC 3400 Physiology of Reproduction in Domestic Animals, ADSC 4100/6100 Advanced Genetics of Livestock Improvement, ADSC 4410/6410-‐4410L/6410L Applied Reproductive Management in Cattle and Swine, ANNU(ADSC)(POUL) 4370/6370 Monogastric Nutrition, CBIO 4500/6500 Medical Parasitology, CBIO 4730/6730 Endocrinology, CBIO(BIOL) 3300 Developmental Biology, CBIO(BIOL) 3410L Lab in Cellular and Developmental Biology, CBIO(MIBO)(IDIS) 4100/6100 Immunology, ENTO 3650-‐3650L Medical Entomology, POUL 3720 Poultry Breeding, POUL 4050/6050 Advanced Poultry Breeding, POUL 4330/6330 Basic Mycotoxicology, POUL(BIOL) 4060/6060 Reproductive Endocrinology
Food Science And Technology Emphasis Choose 16-‐19 hours: EHSC(FDST)(MIBO) 4310/6310-‐4310L/6310L Environmental Microbiology, FDST 3000 Intro to Food Science and Technology, FDST 4040/6040-‐4040L/6040L Food Chemistry, FDST 4050/6050-‐4050L/6050L Food Engineering Fundamentals, FDST 4060/6060-‐4060L/6060L Food Engineering Fundamentals, FDST 4070/6070 Nutritional Quality and the Effect of Technology, FDST 4080/6080-‐4080L/6080L Instrumental Methods of Food Analysis, FDST 4090/6090-‐4090L/6090L Food Quality Control, FDST 4100/6100 Governmental Regulation of Food Safety and Quality, FDST 4250/6250-‐4250L/6250L New Food Product Development, FDST(MIBO) 4030/6030-‐4030L/6030L Food Microbiology, FDST(MIBO) 4120/6120-‐4120L/6120L Food Fermentations
Applied Economics Emphasis Choose 16-‐19 hours: AAEC 3040 Agribusiness Marketing, AAEC 3100 Food and Fiber Marketing , AAEC 3200 Selling in Agribusiness , AAEC 3400 Intro to Agricultural Policy, AAEC 3580-‐3580L Intermediate Economic Principles, AAEC 3690 Agribusiness Finance, AAEC 3980 Intro to Agribusiness Management, AAEC 4210/6210 Production Economics: Theory with Applications, AAEC 4610-‐ 4610L Applied Econometrics, AAEC 4760 The Economics of Agricultural Processing and Marketing, AAEC 4930/6930 Environmental Law and Governmental Regulations, AAEC 4960 International Agricultural Trade Policy, AAEC 4980/6980 Agribusiness Management, ADSC 3130 Animal Biotechnology, CRSS(HORT) 4140/6140 Plant Breeding, ENVM 3060 Principles of Resource Economics, ENVM 4650/6650 Environmental Economics, FDST 4130/6130 Food Biotechnology, PBIO(CRSS)(BIOL) 4500/6500 Intro do Gene Technology ECP 8/16/12
Laboratory Requirement:
Choose one course from the following: CBIO(BIOL) 3410L Laboratory in Cellular and Developmental Biology, GENE(BIOL) 3210L Experimental Genetics, MIBO 4600L/6600L Experimental Microbiology Laboratory, PBIO(BIOL) 3240L Bioinformatic and Experimental Genome Analysis, PBIO(BIOL) 3250L The Dynamic Genome: Introduction to Bioinformatic and Experimental Research.
ECP 8/16/12