Accurate application of business development modelling methods and techniques has a major impact on ... carried out in a property developer company.
ISSN: 2250–3676
Volume-2, Issue-2, 275 – 277
Research Student, Department of CSE, Holy mary Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad, India 2 Professor, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kalady, India 3 Professor and Principal in Yashwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded, India Abstract
Accurate application of business development modelling methods and techniques has a major impact on organizational improvement capabilities and functionality of information systems that shall support activity of the organization. This paper is to introduce modelling methodology that would be usable for building of virtual organizations. One of the main reasons is the lack of such systems that would support design, collaboration, and integration in accordance with principles of virtual organization. We have to contribute how to avoid mistakes, reduce the implementation time and total costs decreasing during whole lifecycle of the integrated systems. The proposed model identifies and models the involved business processes and the relevant data. It is designed to monitor the flow in the industry or organization procedure though the involved business entities. It aims to support the decision making process of new products and services. Nowadays ERP solutions are very expensive. It is necessary for small and medium-range companies to hunt for an approach for the ERP solutions. By using UML architecture we can reach the business process and to acquire ERP systems efficiently.
Index Terms: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Unified Modeling Language (UML), Virtual Organization (VO), Virtual Enterprise (VE). --------------------------------------------------------------------- *** -----------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION Business process modelling allows the analyst to capture the broad outline and procedures that govern what it is a business does and thereby provides an overview of where the proposed software system being considered will fit into the organizational structure and daily activities. The virtual organization paradigm is gaining a growing importance in manufacturing as an instrument to help companies face the challenges of fast evolving market conditions within global environment. [1] With enterprises becoming bigger and bigger, the legacy business systems may not be flexible enough to adapt this change and the discordance between business and information systems in their organization may occur [2]. To any level of the organization that they consider the “top-down” approach and sets the base on which there may be structured, besides a clear set of detailed analyses, an adequate cohesion assessment of the management activities. Current paper verifies usefulness of Rational UML Profile for Business Modelling by providing selected components are carried out in a property developer company. A research and development method is the natural requirement to creation of adequate supporting infrastructure. While ERP
has its origins in manufacturing and production planning systems, the scope of ERP has expanded in the mid-1990s to include other functions: order management, financial management, production control, quality control, asset management and human resources management. The concept of ERP could be named as "back-office" functions [3]. Recently, the functional scope of ERP systems has further expanded to include various functions such as Electronic Commerce, Supply Chain Management, and Customer Relation Management. It is designed to monitor the flow in the system though the involved business entities. For the design of the data and business processes models a number of Unified Modelling Language (UML) language’s diagrams are developed. UML is not only a useful business process modelling tool, but most robust and flexible notation available; the notation that can support complexity management, reducing building time as well as increasing the quality of target product. UML consists of two vital tools: a notation and a meta-model. The notation is a set of diagramming syntax, which lets you think about and convey your analysis and design. The meta-model is the definition of the notation. UML is rich and complicated notation for describing software systems [4].
IJESAT | Mar-Apr 2012 Available online @
ISSN: 2250–3676
Volume-2, Issue-2, 275 – 277
2. METHODOLOGY Modeling Methodology provides mechanisms (language, tool and methods) which can be used for transformation of first requirements into reference models. Modeling language defines generic textual or graphical constructs for modeling adapted to the needs of people who are creating and using models. Modeling tool, usually software application, allows writing of models – language constructs arrangement with accordance to rules. Modeling tool should provide for analysis, design and use of VE models. Modeling methods support the modeling process by means of guidelines, which guide a user in making models. UML Profile for Business Modeling provides a good balance between usability (and thereby may be commonly accepted by business users) and precision, a series of case studies was carried out in property developer companies. Object-oriented modeling has proven to be an excellent technique for modeling business processes in a company. Recently, business modeling is a new area for object-oriented modeling and has generated a lot of interests. UML consists of two vital tools: a notation and a meta-model [5]. The notation is a set of diagramming syntax, which lets you think about and convey your analysis and design. The meta-model is the definition of the notation. System architecture is a view of the whole system. System architecture perhaps is the most important artifact that can be used to manage these different viewpoints. According to the company OMG this language is convenient for specification, visualization, design, development and documentation of systems. Mainly it is designated for software systems but also for other systems of un-software and corporate nature as well.
3. BUSINESS USE CASE DIAGRAMS Many small and medium-size companies, as large-size companies replace their ERP systems, are supposed to adopt a new ERP system which meets with the change of status. An ERP system consists of five subsystems, including manufacturing, sales, human resource and payroll, trading and accounting. A use case diagram illustrates a set of use cases, actors, and relationships between actors and use cases. The purpose of use case diagram is to show a context of an ERP system. Research conducted allowed to identify individual business use cases defining company activity, business actors and business workers that interact with the business use cases. Level by level the processes and the activities along with the cost drivers and the respective UML diagrams are developed. The UML diagrams can support the potential development of an information system.
4. USE OF THE UML MODELING LANGUAGE Definition of the UML language is based on several principles, by those there is possible to tailor and expand the language according to users’ requirements: Four-level architecture the architecture allows recursive description of the language and itself-specification through meta-model. Expendability The language may be constantly developed to absorb new findings from VO modeling theory. For this purpose meta-model offers standard extension mechanisms. Object orientation Object orientation means a way to problem understanding and solution. It supports system development based on definition of the objects/components and their properties. Lexical structure Lexical elements are the smallest expressive units. Using them there is possible to create models according to syntax rules in the form of two-dimensional diagrams and textual files. System decomposition Usually description of the system requires analysis from many views. Expression of any meaningful view in UML stands for utilization of convenient diagram. The language contains nine different kinds of diagram each of them has its own specific purpose. No single diagram is sufficient for system description on its own.
IJESAT | Mar-Apr 2012 Available online @
ISSN: 2250–3676
5. CONCLUSIONS Virtual organizations are playing an increasing role, providing the companies with a powerful tool to handle all issues of fast changing and evolving conditions. It aims to support the decision making process regarding: The costing of the products and services, the separation of the product varieties and services, either by the presentation and promotion of new products, or by the production termination of some of them, and the planning and development of new products and services. most important UML strengths in the business modeling domain includes; all-embracing modeling capabilities, taking into account not only behavioral features, of the company, but logical ones and optional business goals as well; reliable tool support; standardization and common familiarity with the notation, especially among information system analysts and designers. Small and medium-size companies are inferior in organization, human resource, and using the international business process to large companies. The conceptual ERP model could help for developers of small and medium-size companies to understand ERP systems clearly and develop ERP system more easily. Adopting the ERP model, small and medium size companies can acquire ERP systems more effectively. Business modeling needs can effectively be met using only a subset of UML language enriched with stereotypes defined in Rational UML Profile for Business Modeling.
Volume-2, Issue-2, 275 – 277
[4] P.l Hruby, “Structuring Specification of Business Systems with UML (with an Emphasis on Workflow Management Systems,” OOPSLA ’98 Business Object Workshop. [5] P.l Hruby, “Structuring Specification of Business Systems with UML (with an Emphasis on Workflow Management Systems,” OOPSLA ’98 Business Object Workshop IV, [6] Object Management Group (2009). Business Process Modeling Notation. Version 1.2,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like thank to our management of Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kalady, Dr. B.S. Krishnan, Dr.S.G.Iyer, Principal, and Prof. R.Rajaram for their precious collaboration for providing facilities and system implementation.
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IJESAT | Mar-Apr 2012 Available online @