Applying Stakeholder Engagement Methodology in

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are various stakeholders who will be involved in every phase of innovation life cycle. .... Are these needs/issues/requirements are within the scope of the ... competence between the formal knowledge training and project induction program. ... Once a Fresher completes the process steps and meets the acceptance criteria, ...
Applying Stakeholder Engagement Methodology in the Context of Innovation Management with the aid of a case Illustration Anuradha Alladi1, Ravi Shankar Pillutla2, Sreenivasa Divi3 1

Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Hyderabad, India. [email protected]

Abstract To implement an innovation in an organization it is essential to get the buy-in from respective stakeholders. There are various stakeholders who will be involved in every phase of innovation life cycle. Hence there is a need for us to apply Stakeholder Engagement Methodology (SEM) in each of those phases to ensure that the innovation process is complete to ensure that the end users are benefitted as a result of an innovation. The paper describes the use of SE Methodology for successful implementation of CDFW during innovation diffusion phase in the organisation. Authors in this paper have been provided with an innovation offering called “Competence Development Framework (CDFW), to induct freshers into the project. CDFW will help learning in less time resulting in making freshers productive faster. This paper describes the Stakeholder Engagement Methodology and its phases in detail, while implementing CDFW is considered for case illustration. The paper elaborates in detail various activities being carried out as part of CDFW implementation with the aid of Stakeholder Engagement Methodology. The paper focused on CDFW implementation during the Idea Diffusion phase only. The advantages of SEM Methodology and CDFW are also presented as part of this paper. Keywords (IM, Innovation Management, Stakeholder Engagement Methodology, Innovation, Stakeholder, Lifecycle phases in IM)



For any projects success it is essential to get the buy-in from relevant stakeholders. Involvement of Stakeholders’ helps bring success for any project. Similarly for an innovation to implement successfully, application of stakeholder engagement Methodology is essential [1]. Any Organisations’ success depends on its ability to adapt to impending change. From an organisations’ perspective, change may mean a new or a different way of working, resulting in improved productivity, reduced rework or simply for better results. Innovation is one of the reasons for change. Managing innovation therefore is crucial in organisations. Innovation Management is a process of managing innovation from Idea Generation through Idea Conversion to Idea Diffusion. Innovation Management [2] involves various stakeholders, who have affect or influence over an innovation. Involving Stakeholders at the right time will enable timely interaction and help manage innovations effectively. Innovation can happen at every level of working in an organisation, taking it from strategic to day to day operations. Development of new idea or a method to better or improvise the existing way of working can also be called as innovation. Innovation is doing something different providing value. Innovation involves taking new idea all through its implementation. The process of innovation management involves many stakeholders, understanding their needs from the innovation point of view. The paper discusses various stages in innovation processes [3], Innovation management, while involving various stakeholders is elaborated in this paper. The authors have discussed in detail about Stakeholder Engagement Methodology (SEM), Innovation Management (IM), and Competence Development Framework (CDFW). Through a case illustration, authors have applied stakeholder Engagement Methodology [1,4], to implement an innovation called Competence Development Framework while going through various phases of SEM. The execution of CDFW methodology [5] and the results from the execution are also shared as part of this paper, along with its advantages.


Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement is a process of engaging stakeholders in a particular context to obtain desired results. In the context of Innovation management, stakeholders will be involved from the idea generation through its implementation. Each stakeholder plays a vital role in achieving goals of an innovation. Stakeholder engagement involves time, resources and commitment to take the engagement forward. [6, 7, 8, 9]


Need for Stakeholder Engagement

In any innovation management process there are various stakeholders involved from the idea generation to Idea Diffusion. There will be different set of stakeholders at each phase of innovation management process. When it comes to implementation of an idea and the end users will also be the stakeholders, as a result of an innovation. The entire process of Innovation value chain involves various stakeholders from different levels and position. Each stakeholder will look for how and what way the innovation helps them. For instance A sales person will look for the new feature of a given product, Finance will look for what would be the investment and Return on investment, a customer facing person will look for what benefits it can provide to the end users to use etc. While an innovative idea is generated, evaluated and diffused, it needs to ensure that each stakeholder is receiving their share in the process [6,7,8,9].


Stakeholder Engagement Methodology

In the context of Innovation Management stakeholders play a vital role in generating ideas, sharing ideas, and to take these ideas further to implement within the organization. Below table 1 elaborates various phases of the Stakeholder Engagement Methodology. In any process or engagement will be effective when the team involves all the stakeholders from within and outside the organization for effective results. Stakeholder Engagement deals with who the stakeholders are; identify them, needs of the stakeholders, strategy to engage the stakeholder etc., from the methodology perspective. Right communication strategy and on time communication will help to take the innovation to the next level [6,7,8,9]. Similarly understand what role each stakeholder plays and what position each one holds over a given engagement will help to arrive at right strategy to engage, resulting in successful engagement and adding value to the engagement. The SEM methodology is domain independent, can be applied to any industry/ domain social activities or construction related subjects. Stakeholder Engagement is a systematic way of engaging stakeholders, to help gather more ideas from the employees in an organization to develop and integrate into new processes, products or services [1, 4 ]. Sl. No

Stakeholder Engagement Phases



2 3

Think Strategically to identify the stakeholders Analyse and Plan


Strengthen Engagement Capacities


Design Engagement Process


Engage, Review and Report

Activities Communication medium to which the team would like to interact with the stakeholders Identify list of Stakeholders in a given context Gather list of needs/requirements/Issues of stakeholders The team try to understand what preparation required to engage the stakeholders The engagement team needs to identify right strategy to engage the stakeholder based on the interest and influence they are positioned at Engage the stakeholders, review the progress and report

Table. 1 Stakeholder Engagement Methodology Phases [1,4 ]



Communication plays a central focus, which revolves around the stakeholder engagement process. It will ensure that the feedback at each phase will help to strengthen the engagement. Communication mode can be any one of the following. In person, periodical meetings, status updates, bulletins, emails etc [1,4 ].


Think strategically to identify the stakeholders

The key phase in stakeholder engagement is to identify strategic priorities for stakeholders in the given context. What material issues are important for them? Are these needs/issues/requirements are within the scope of the program. Whom to engage? What strategy needs to be applied to engage etc.,[6, 7, 8, 9]?


Analyse and Plan

To come up with a basis for stakeholder engagement, the team needs to be aware of who their stakeholders are and what their needs and expectations are. The needs gathered should be complete in all respects; not omitting any stakeholders nor the needs and requirements expressed as part of stage Think Strategically. This also involved capturing unstated requirements of business [6, 7, 8, 9].


Strengthen Engagement Capacities

It is essential at this stage that the team is equipped enough to understand who their stakeholders are, the needs and issues of these stakeholders, in complete form, and the engagement is enabling the team to respond to their needs and requirements in a coherent manner [6,7,8,9].


Design Engagement Process

This stage of engagement is very crucial for the Engagement team, as the team needs to plan effectively to carry out the engagement process with the identified stakeholders. In the case we used Influence and Interest matrix; to understand the position of each stakeholder has over the process [6, 7, 8, 9 ].


Engage, Review and Report

The engagement will be carried out based on the quadrant each stakeholder was placed on the interest and influence matrix i.e. partner, engage, empower and monitor. Stakeholders were informed about the solution development and its progress over Telephone calls, periodical team meetings, status updates, and workshops [6, 7, 8, 9].



Innovation is an idea which is put through a particular process and become the business processes both at the strategic and operational level. Innovation is doing things differently. Innovation is a novel idea or method to achieve better results. An Innovation to be successful, organizations need to invest in people, time, and resources. Creating a culture of innovation requires commitment from the leadership teams. Per Rosabeth Kanter “Innovation is a complex parallel processes, involving lot of chain of actions in the process of its implementation” Kanter “Innovation gets rediscovered as a growth enabler every half a dozen years [10, 12]


Innovation Management

Innovation Management [2] is a process, a journey, involving many phases. The journey of Innovation Management involves lot of stakeholders, starting from Idea generation to Idea diffusion. Many studies have shown that out of total number of ideas generated in an organization, only 5-10 % of them will be actually converted into products, processes or services. Innovation Management is about managing innovation initiative in an organisation. Innovation Management is applied, to develop products, processes and innovation itself. Innovation Management involves people at all levels to contribute for the development of an idea into its desired outcomes. Innovation Management is the responsibility of all the stakeholders not limiting to the originator of the idea or the Research and Development teams in the organisation. Innovation management focuses on implementing new ideas, processes or products in the organization. It helps to introduce a new product or service in less time and easing the concept of time to market. The innovation can be managed to obtain desired results [MGPL Cyberneticscom Conference 2012 Bali]. The process of managing Innovation will be effective when the team involves relevant stakeholders from within the organization i.e. from the time Idea generation through Idea conversion to Idea Diffusion.

Sl No

Phase Name



Idea Generation

List of Ideas generated stakeholders involved to share their ideas, problems, solutions


Idea Conversion

List of ideas reviewed, based on their relevance use of technology to make it usable form


Idea Diffusion

Ideas diffused as part of the processes, services or a new product or service as a result of an innovation

Table 2 Innovation Management Process [2] Innovation involves taking a new idea all through to its implementation, involving number of phases which is termed as Innovation Management. The innovation Management has three phases (1) Idea generation (2) Idea conversion (3) Idea diffusion. Accordingly Innovation management is construed as managing the Innovation [2]. Idea generation involves three sub functions, Internal sourcing, Cross Pollination and External Sourcing. Whereas Idea Conversion has two phases namely Idea selection and Idea development. Idea Diffusion includes Spread of Idea implement or integrate into the organizational processes [2].


Competence Development Frame Work (CDFW)

Competence Development Framework was explored initially and developed into a consumable frame work. The framework was piloted in couple of projects to monitor and review the effectiveness. The CDFW can be applied for any Domain and Technology [13,14]. The CDFW helps to build project specific competence in associates. It is an intermediary approach to build competence between the formal knowledge training and project induction program. CDFW helps to build competencies among the freshers, based on the competencies derived from the project deliverables. The project team will prepare the list of competencies required to complete a project. Based on the items on the list the Competence Assets (CA) is prepared by the experts in the technology/domain area who also have project experience. The trainees are expected to execute these CAs, while following the process steps, to complete a given task [5, 13,14] The Competence Asset (CA) will have three sections: (1) Requirement statement (2) Process steps (3) Acceptance criteria Requirement statement: This section talks about what is the problem statement and what are the instructions required adhering to and what the outcome from the stated problem is, want to accomplish. Process Steps: Is a list of process steps provided in the competence assets, to help the fresher to execute. These are a set of instructions to be followed in a systematic manner when executed will derive, desired outcomes. It is very important to identify applicable process steps, to accomplish a given task. Acceptance Criteria: An Acceptance criterion is set by the expert in the field for every Competence asset prepared. This section states time allowed for a fresher to execute the process steps. If the fresher is not able to execute in a given time, has to iterate the process till he/she reaches the acceptable time limit. Once a Fresher completes the process steps and meets the acceptance criteria, the trainee will pronounce to have competence in a given area, subject or technology.

Sl. No 1 2

Competence Assets Requirement Statement Process Steps

Description To perform a given task Log In.... Pwd... 3 Acceptance Criteria 10 mts Table – 3 Competence Asset structure in CDFW [5]


Applying Stakeholder Engagement Methodology (SEM) during Idea Diffusion Phase

Innovation Management and Stakeholder Engagement are mutually dependent on each other. No innovation can emerge or sustain without stakeholders. Similarly it is the stakeholders who contribute towards innovation based on their needs or issues, whether it is generation of ideas or diffusing an idea. Stakeholders are involved when there is a change or conception of a new idea. In the process of Innovation Management how the stakeholder engagement was inherently built in, to bring out the designed outcomes is discussed as part of this paper with the help of a case illustration. Below figure 1 provides the details of various Innovation Management phases wherein, case illustration talks about only idea diffusion. Stakeholder Engagement Methodology Phases IM Phases


Think Strategically to identify stakeholders

Analyse and Plan

Strengthen Engagement Capacities

Design Engagement Process

Engage, Review and Report

Idea Generation Idea Conversion Idea Diffusion Table -4 Phases in Stakeholder Engagement Methodology and Innovation Management Process The authors were provided with an innovation called CDFW implementation as part of Innovation Diffusion phase in one of the ISUs. The case is about how application of Stakeholder Engagement Methodology helped to overcome the challenges to implement CDFW and bring new joinees on board, in less time [14]. The stakeholder engagement methodology is applied during the idea Diffusion phase of Innovation Management, wherein stakeholders are different during the implementation process. The CDFW was implemented to scale up the employees learning time. Compared to the normal mode of class room training, the new way of up scaling of employees using the competence development framework has resulted in reducing the learning time from 1-2 days to less than 4 hrs [13].


Background for the case illustration

During initial studies availability of skilled resources was identified as one of the pain areas. Unlike other formal training methods where knowledge is imparted and individuals apply the knowledge to bring out an output/outcome, is a time consuming process. Projects with short duration, scaling up, meeting the schedule are a real challenge. Researchers worked on the pain area and came up with Competence Development Frame Work (CDFW). The CDFW will help to train the resources in less time compared to the formal training methods. As a result completing the project with the skilled resources is addressed. Health care package predominantly being used in the hospitals in USA and Europe is identified for implementing the CDFW. The package has various activities to be performed by the hospital personnel to serve the patients. The Health care team is involved in customizing the health care package, based on the specific requirements provided by the individual health care facility. Health Care Team had challenges in bringing the freshers on board, as the associates were taking more time than the project can afford, conversant with the health care facility processes, and make them a productive resource. Competence Development framework is identified to help address these challenges, the team is currently encountering. As part of the case, the freshers were briefed about the package and provided the competence assets to execute [5].


Challenges and need for Stakeholder Engagement Methodology in the process

To implement CDFW process in the health care project, competence assets are required to be prepared. The team identified two resources to prepare the assets, because of the project demands these resources could not spend

any time to prepare, which was delaying the process. Hence the implementation team identified three resources and distributed the competence assets preparation work among them. Similarly we have identified another team of three associates to review these assets, who have experience with the project activities as well as domain. Since we involved more associates into the asset building process, we felt the need to apply Stakeholder Engagement Methodology, as each stakeholder has a specific role to play in the process. These list of activities requires lot of coordination, explain the benefits of implementing the Competence Development Framework, list of tasks to be performed, sequence of the tasks to complete, associates movement across the projects, availability of systems to execute etc., which demanded SEM implementation. Once assets are prepared, the review team is required to be available to review them. The CDFW implementation team had to coordinate with the reviewers by giving them adequate notice so that they will are able to spend time to review the assets. If these associates are involved in key project activities and not able to spare time to review, will result in loosing time. We had to request their time in advance while the assets are under preparation itself, so that the review process is complete in time. Without reviewing the assets, the assets cannot be provided to the freshers for execution, this is a limitation the framework has. The review process will help identifying the gaps and filling them as required. Bringing more associates into the asset building and review process resulted in completing work in less time and more awareness about the framework, resulted in internal proliferation of the framework in other projects as well.


Implementation of CDFW Innovation:

In this paper we have taken case of one of the Health Care package module ADT (Admission, Discharge and Transfer). The freshers were provided with the Competence Assets (CA) to execute. The time taken and the process steps followed were recorded, and shared as part of this paper. From the stakeholder engagement perspective, the CDFW execution team identified stakeholders as project team, SMEs, trainees, project Manager, seniors in the team. Their need was to understand the Health Care package perform and test various activities to be carried out in a typical hospital management arena before they deliver to the customer. SE Methodology phase wise processes were followed to implement the CDFW, were elaborated in the following section in Health Care (HC) Team. Names of the stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities, involved in the CDFW case implementation is illustrated in the table 5 below. Role Responsibility CA Preparer Person involved in preparing the Competence Asset CA Reviewer team involved in reviewing the Competence Asset SME Subject Matter Expert CDFW team Competence Development Framework team HC team Health Care (HC) Team Freshers To executive the Competence Assets PM Over all owner for the implementation process Faculty Person who owns the induction process in the account Table 5-Roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in the Health Care Context The CDFW team identified experts or SME in the given area as one of the stakeholders to prepare the assets. CDFW team identified another team of experts who can review these assets prepared, before providing them to freshers to execute the process steps. There were 5 freshers allocated to the team to undergo induction process using the competence assets. The freshers were briefed about the package information before they actually executed. Time taken to execute the assets was recorded per the acceptance criteria. Those who could not complete within the time were requested to iterate the process till they meet the acceptance criteria [5, 13,14, 15].


SEM Phase -1- Communication

A good communication is essential in motivating stakeholders. Various modes were used to communicate with the stakeholders e.g. Mails, emails, common forums Sl No

Key Activities

Stakeholders involved


Periodical Communication

Project Manager

Periodical communication, clarity in the process


Assessment needs


CDFW execution team

List of Stakeholders both direct and indirect


Project Execution plan to share

CDFW execution team

Project plan with schedule available


Roles and Responsibilities

CDFW execution team

Each stakeholders roles and Responsibilities




SEM Phase -2-Think strategically to identify stakeholders

As part of think strategically, the team has identified following stakeholder to implement the innovation idea. The identification of stakeholders was done based on What, Why and who criteria with respect to the project. Sl No

Key Activities in SEM Phase


Identify the engagement





PM, CDFW Executive team

Purpose of the engagement

Identify the Stakeholders

PM, HC Team

List of the stakeholders


Capture the needs of the stakeholders

CDFW execution team

Needs and requirements list


To involve the faculty


Availability of faculty


Clarity on what to accomplish

PM HC Team

Benefits from the implementation


Identify resources to prepare and review Assets

PM, HC Team

SME, reviewer CA preparer identified



Stakeholders involved

SEM Phase -3 - Analyse and plan:

As part of the phase needs and requirements of the stakeholders are captured, following are some of the activities being carried out during this phase: Sl No

Key Activities in SEM Phase

Stakeholders involved



Analyse the needs of the stakeholders

PM, CDFW Execution Team

Establish the relevance of the needs to the project


To train the new associates into the project

PM, CDFW Execution Team

Induction Plan and process


To bring down the training time

CDFW Execution Team

Save training time, as faster productivity


To make associates Productive in less possible time

CDFW Execution Team

Resources are productive in less time compared to the earlier method of induction


To save faculty time

CDFW Execution Team

Less involvement of faculty


Self motivated training to take ownership for the learning


Freshers can learn on their own and practice the process steps


Iterate process to become efficient and complete within the acceptable time


To ensure that the freshers are internalise the process and complete the exit test within acceptable time


Evaluation compared to the experts’ time

CDFW Execution Team

Data consolidation for the entire batch


SEM Phase -4 -Strengthen Engagement Capacities

To prepare for the engagement, the team has come out with following areas required focus to engage the stakeholders along with the responsibilities to take up the engagement further. Sl Stakeholders Key Activities in SEM Phase Outcomes No involved 1

Application of competence Development framework in the project

CDFW execution Team

Benefits of training the freshers in a different way


Application of Stakeholder Engagement Methodology in the project

PM, CDFW execution team

Benefit of bringing the team together to accomplish the task of inducting the freshers and making them productive in less time compared to the earlier method.


Prepare the team for engagement

HC team, CDFW execution Team

Team is aware of what to do and purpose behind


Team to prepare the CAs

HC team

Identify the list of assets required


Execute the CAs by Cross Functional team to identify and fix the gaps

HC team

Will help in identifying the gaps


Detailed process steps built into the CAs will help to execute

HC & CDFW execution team

The assets are complete in form


Conforming to the Methodology while preparing CAs

CDFW execution team

Application of the CDFW methodology in to the Competence Assets


Review CAs and provide inputs as and when required

CDFW execution team

Review to identify the gaps to fix


Understand the process flow

CDFW execution team

Step by step process helps to execute better and faster


Influence Vs document

CDFW execution team

Will help understand the position of the each stakeholder




SEM Phase -5- Design Engagement Capacities

We arrived at the strategy based on the Interest Vs Influence matrix, wherein, each stakeholder based on their interest and influence with respect to the engagement and in the execution of competence assets have been mapped. E.g. engaging an SME to prepare the competence assets, scores high influence but low interest, he need to be motivated and explain the benefits the team will gain over a period of time, has actually helped the CDFW team to convince to prepare the Competence Assets. To prepare an asset it requires some time and effort which is very precious for a person like SME. Other stakeholders based on their role were placed in the matrices; respective engagement strategy was applied to engage them as part of the engagement process.

Fig. 1 SEM Strategy applied in Health Care Team [16] The key activities during the Design Engagement Strategy Phase are:

Sl No

Key Activities in SEM Phase

Stakeholders involved



Influence Vs Interest matrix with engagement strategy

CDFW execution team

Position of the stakeholder is ascertained, which will help in engaging the stakeholders with appropriate strategy


CAs prepared

SME in HC Team

Assets are prepared based on the project skills and requirements


CAs reviewed

Reviewed assets are available by the SMEs


Identify Gaps in the process steps

SME in HC Team, CDFW execution team HC Review team


Update the CA with the identified gaps

CA Reviewer

Gaps and fixed, competence assets are complete with required relevant information


Gaps are listed and worked out

SEM Phase -6- Engage, Review and Report

The CDFW team engaged the stakeholders listed above to carry out the engagement based on the preparation carried out under different phases and involved stakeholders based on various criteria explained through interest and influence matrix above. E.g. Account Manager was informed about the progress we are making during the processes; CDFW team and the project Manager were partnering to ensure that the CDFW implementation was carried out without delay. Both were actively involved in resources to prepare Competence Assets, review the assets, getting them validated and identify the gaps before executing these assets. Similarly Freshers, SME and CA prepares have high influence over the process and low interest; they need to be motivated to involve in the process, to bring out desired results. Competence Assets Reviewers required to be empowered to review the process steps and provide their comments, gaps if any while executing. They are also required to be empowered to do the given tasks since they have good knowledge about the package and experts in executing the processes pertaining to the health care package. Sl No

Key Activities in SEM Phase

Stakeholders involved



Explain the CA execution process

HC & CDFW E Team

Aware of the CDFW methodology


Provide the CAs to the freshers

HC & CDFW E Team

Availability of the CA to the freshers


To execute the CAs


Following the process steps


Record time taken to execute the CAs

Freshers, HC Team

Time to execute the assets is recorded


Monitor the execution process

CDFW E team

Ensure procedure is followed while executing the assets


Record the execution details

HC team

Record the qualitative and quantitative details of execution process


Consolidate data of execution of each CA

HC Team

Time taken by each associate for each Competence Asset is recorded and consolidated

Applying Stakeholder Engagement Methodology, while implementing the CDFW, in the health care project is tabulated below in a summary form. Application of SEM Phases during implementation of CDFW 1.



Think Strategically stakeholders


Analyse and Plan



Processes followed in the Project to implement the CDFW 1.

Emails, one to one, phone calls, periodical meetings etc

1. 2. 3. 1. 2.

Need for additional resources Allocating freshers into the team Make the freshers productive in less time Training them on ADT module Save the faculty time

Save training time List of assets identified (7) in ADT Identify SMEs to prepare the assets List of assets prepared (7) and reviewed Assets are tested to identify gaps if any Update assets per review comments and gaps 5. Design engagement strategies Use of Interest & Influence Matrices to ascertain the stakeholder position over the project, to come up with the right strategy to engage. 2. Reviewed assets are available for use 6. Engage, review and report 1. Share the ADT Module functionality 2. Share the CDFW and the expectations 3. Freshers to execute the assets 4. Time to execute the assets is captured 5. Consolidate data for every associate for each asset Table -6 Health Care Case illustration where SE Methodology was adopted to implement CDFW 4.


Strengthen engagement



3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.

CDFW implementation Data

Below table explains various assets in the ADT module, and the freshers identified to undergo the execution of the Competence Assets and execution time is recorded. The table also has time an expert can perform and acceptable time for the freshers to complete the process steps. There are 7 competence Assets were made available, the CDFW process is explained to the freshers, provided the assets for execution to each freshers. Requested freshers to record the time take to execute the process steps. Similar process followed for all the five freshers for 7 assets below table has captured their execution data. Those who could not complete were requested to iterate the process till they meet the acceptable time limit to complete the process steps prescribed in the assets. Competency Assets/Resource

Time taken for execution in minutes CA-1















Acceptable Level








Trainee -1








Trainee -2








Trainee -3








Trainee -4








Trainee -5








Table-7 Implementation data of freshers as part of competence development process


Advantages of applying CDFW and Stakeholder Engagement Methodology

Health care team had following benefits by implementing the CDFW in the health care project while applying Stakeholder Engagement Methodology is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Understanding the CDFW process, resulting in well-defined process steps and error free end product Understanding the ADT Module, while breaking into deliverable slices Self-motivated learning, productive freshers resulting in enhanced productivity Gain knowledge about the package in less time, and clarity on tasks to be performed Reduced training time for faculty, freshers and other resources Opportunity to learn new concepts Improved team cohesion, resulting in completing the given time The process resulted in part of project induction process Extended the practice to other modules under the package in the same project


Flexibility with the application of Stakeholder Engagement Methodology

Stakeholder Engagement Methodology has helped to ensure that we identify stakeholders involved and provide sufficient clarity with respect to their role and contribution towards completion of a given tasks to each stakeholder. The methodology also helped to cope with various challenges posed on the way like resources moving out, reviewers’ not available, unavailability of systems, reworking on the process steps etc., all these because SEM gives us a handle on these issues to see from the stakeholders view. The whole exercise of CDFW implementation and training the freshers took 2-3 months time to complete, as we have adopted Stakeholder Engagement Methodology.


Summary and Conclusion

In this paper we discussed about what is stakeholder engagement methodology, various phases involved in SEM, innovation, innovation management, three phases in innovation management, and application of stakeholder engagement in the innovation context. Application of SEM in an innovation i.e. CDFW in the Health Care context, and its implementation against the SEM phases is illustrated. In this paper, SE Methodology has been applied to engage the stakeholders to prepare the Competence Assets, review the assets and execute these assets to train the trainees while implementing an innovative idea. The paper describes through an illustration the use of SE Methodology in diffusing an innovation offering such as CDFW as per the lifecycle phases of innovation management. The innovation offering ‘Competency Development Framework (CDFW) has been taken through the innovation management- Idea diffusion phase in the health care project along with illustration and data on execution details is elaborated in this paper. In many instances there exists certain stakeholder on the innovation value chain whose perception of value about an innovation is quite varied and difficult to fulfil. In such situations, unless there is a systematic approach that one can adopt to engage each stakeholder, it is not possible for an innovation endeavour to be successful. The SE Methodology clearly demonstrates this benefit by which one can engage with the stakeholder. Also the SE Methodology is independent of the level or type of innovation and hence can be applied in all innovation contexts. By applying SE Methodology one can enhance the success of an innovation endeavour in itself. Further research can be done and scope for further study to make it more rigorous as possible.



Authors would like to thank the Health care team for their help and support in making the CDFW implementation process smoothly.




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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.