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Qiang Guo, John Derrick and Neil Walkinshaw. Department of Computer Science,. The University of Sheffield,. Regent Court, 211 Portobello, S1 4DP, UK.
Applying Testability Transformations to Achieve Structural Coverage of Erlang Programs Qiang Guo, John Derrick and Neil Walkinshaw Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 211 Portobello, S1 4DP, UK {Q.Guo, J.Derrick, N.Walkinshaw}

Abstract. This paper studies the structural testing of Erlang applications. A program transformation is proposed that represents the program under test as a binary tree. The challenge of achieving structural coverage can thus be interpreted as a tree-search procedure. We have developed a testing-technique that takes advantage of this tree-structure, which we demonstrate with respect to a small case study of an Erlang telephony system.

Keywords: Erlang, Testing, Transformation, FBT, Structural Coverage.



Erlang [1] was, along with its Open Telecoms Platform (OTP), originally developed by Ericsson for the rapid development of network applications. However, its usage has now spread beyond that domain to a number of sectors. Erlang has been designed to provide a paradigm for the development of distributed soft real-time systems, where multiple processes can be spread across many nodes in a network. With its OTP libraries, complex Erlang applications can be rapidly developed and deployed across a large variety of hardware platforms, and this has caused it to become increasingly popular, not only within large telecoms companies such as Ericsson, but also with a variety of SMEs in different areas. It is increasingly used to develop applications that are business-critical, for example, its use in Ericsson’s AXD-301 switch that provides British Telecom’s internet backbone. The ability to rigorously test Erlang applications is vital. In recognition of this, there has recently been a concerted drive to develop more automated testing tools, which complement the rapid Erlang development cycle. Tools such as QuickCheck [2] are being eagerly adopted within the community. So far, the main thrust of the Erlang testing effort has been directed towards functional testing. Structural code-coverage has not been considered. This is however an important problem, and is often a requirement if the system under test is to be certified for a range of safety standards (e.g. the US Federal Aviation Authority software standards [13]). Achieving code coverage is a wellestablished challenge; the tester has to find a suitable set of test inputs that


Q. Guo, J. Derrick and N. Walkinshaw

will exercise every branch for every predicate in the program. Finding a suitable (and reasonably sized) set of inputs is often problematic, and a number of techniques such as symbolic execution [7], evolutionary search algorithms [9] and testability-transformations [6] have been proposed to address it. This paper presents a technique that leverages certain features of the Erlang language to enable complete structural test coverage. The approach is inspired by Harman et al.’s notion of testability transformations [6]. We have developed a transformation that transforms an Erlang program into a binary tree. Each node in the tree corresponds to either a true or a false evaluation of a predicate in the original program. Predicates that may be hidden within functions in the original program are made explicit. Identifying a suitable test set to achieve structural coverage is thus reduced to a search over the binary tree. To facilitate the debugging process, a simple debugging framework is presented. The framework takes advantage of the tree structure of the transformed program. This enables the developer to control and observe the execution of a program by directly manipulating the internal variable and parameter values. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides a background to Erlang and the structural testing problem. Section 3 introduces our program transformation. Section 4 shows how tests can be generated to cover the transformed program. Section 5 contains a case study with respect to a small telecommunications system, and section 6 contains conclusions and future work.



This section provides a brief introduction to Erlang. 2.1


Erlang is a concurrent functional language with specific support for the development of distributed,fault-tolerant systems with soft real-time requirements [1]. It was designed from the start to support a concurrency-oriented programming paradigm and large distributed implementations that this supports. The Open Telecom Platform (OTP) is a set of Erlang libraries for building large fault-tolerant distributed applications. Extensive libraries for common network-applications and protocols are included, and there is a collection of source code and trace-analysis tools that provide a base for debugging and profiling tasks. It also provides a set of common and reusable behaviours, which encapsulate common behavioural patterns for processes, where the library module implements the generic behaviour, and the developer is left to add those aspects of behaviour that are specific to their system. With the OTP, Erlang applications can be rapidly developed and deployed across a large variety of hardware platforms, and this has caused it to become increasingly popular, not only within large telecoms companies such as Ericsson, but also with a variety of SMEs in different areas such as Yahoo! Delicious, and the Facebook chat system.

Applying Testability Transformations to Erlang Programs


However, verification and validation of Erlang systems is to-date a largely adhoc, manual process. Consequently there is an inherent danger that important functionality remains untested and undocumented. Thus along with its recent growth in popularity, there has been a concerted drive to develop more automated and systematic techniques. 2.2

Structural Testing of Erlang Implementations

In structural testing, the goal is to achieve some level of coverage of the source code. Branch coverage, where the aim is to cover every branch from every decision point in the source code, is one of the most popular measures. The challenge of generating a suitable test set is two-fold: (1) to identify a suitable set of test inputs that will reach every branch, and (2) to ensure that this set of tests is sufficiently small so that can be executed in a reasonable amount of time. An Erlang program consists of a set of modules, each of which defines a number of functions. Functions that are accessible from other modules need to be explicitly declared by the export command. A function named f name in the module module and with arity N is denoted as module:f name/N. An Erlang function fi is coded as a sequence of executional units fi = hcpi(1) , ..., cpi(n) i, each of which defines a set of statements. An example is demonstrated in Figure 1. -module(client). : -export([idle/2]). : idle(AT,{MB,RS,CSs})→ : P1 = gen server: : call(hd(CSs),{request,AT,MB}), : case P1 of : {error,invalid mobile}→ : action:show(invalid mobile), : {next state,idle,{MB,RS,CSs}};: {ok,connected, CalledFS, RS}→ : action:show(mobile connected), : {next state,connected, : {MB,RS,CSs},?T}; :

{error,already connected}→ action:show(already connected), {next state,connected, {MB,RS,CSs},?T}; {error,busy}→ action:show(sever busy), idle(AT,{MB,RS, lists:append(tl(CSs),hd(CSs))}); Other→ action:show(action invalid), {next state,idle,{MB,RS,CSs}} end.

Fig. 1. An Erlang Example

From the structural-testing perspective, the aim is to identify a set of testinputs that will collectively ensure that every branch in client:idle is executed at least once. Along with the input parameters, it is also necessary for the tester to control the values that are returned by gen server. In this case, we would need to ensure that the variable P1 is at some point assigned to one of the four predicate conditions (e.g. {error,invalid mobile}), as well as an aribitrary value that corresponds to none of them.


Q. Guo, J. Derrick and N. Walkinshaw

The simplest strategy is to construct a separate test set for each branch. For each unit cpi(k) a test set is designed and applied to fi . The I/O behavior observed from hcpi(1) , ..., cpi(k) i is used to evaluate cpi(k) . When the test of cpi(k) is complete, the process continues to the next unit. The process continues until all units have been tested. Such a test strategy could give rise to two disadvantages. First, this approach can be wasteful; testing cpi(k) requires the execution of all preceding units, {cpi(1) , ..., cpi(k−1) }, regardless of whether cpi(l) , l < l < k, has already been tested. Secondly, identifying a suitable combination of inputs can be very challenging. The execution of cpi(k) is heavily dependent by the results of executing hcpi(1) , ..., cpi(k−1) i as the parameters for cpi(k) may be affected by previous results. From this small example, it is possible to identify the input requirements by hand, simply from inspecting the predicate conditions. However, this approach becomes intractable when the software increases in scale and complexity. Given a conventional Erlang system with multiple modules, where certain branches can only be reached by complex combinations of conditions, an automated approach is required.


Transforming an Erlang Program into Binary Format

This paper proposes a program transformation that converts an Erlang function into a tree-structure. The transformed function retains the functional behavior, but makes the predicates that control its behavior explicit. This has two benefits that address the problem mentioned above. The tree-shaped structure makes it possible to identify an efficient test-set. Making the predicates explicit makes it possible to automatically identify the set of inputs that are required to reach every unit in a function. The rest of this section will introduce the program transformation. 3.1


To formalize the description, we introduce the following notations. Let cpi(k) |cond(k) denote that the unit cpi(k) ∈ fi is executed under the condition of cond(k). If cond(k) = true, cpi(k) is activated for execution; otherwise a dummy operation1 is performed. Let cpi(l)