appointment of qualified accountant

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12 Mar 2008 ... Fosun International Limited. (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability under the Companies Ordinance). (Stock code: 0656).
Fosun International Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability under the Companies Ordinance) (Stock code: 0656)

APPOINTMENT OF QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT The Board is pleased to announce that Mr. Tse Man Kit, Keith has been appointed as the qualified accountant of the Company with effect from 12 March 2008. Reference is made to the announcement made by Fosun International Limited (the “Company”) on 30 November 2007 regarding, among other things, the resignation of Mr. Law Siu Wo as the qualified accountant of the Company. The board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) is pleased to announce that Mr. Tse Man Kit, Keith (“Mr. Tse”) has been appointed as the qualified accountant of the Company with effect from 12 March 2008. Mr. Tse, aged 34, is a member of CPA Australia and a member of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of accounting, auditing, financial reporting and management. The Board would like to welcome Mr. Tse in joining the Company. By Order of the Board Fosun International Limited Guo Guangchang Chairman Shanghai, the PRC 12 March 2008 As at the date of this announcement, the Company’s executive directors are Mr. Guo Guangchang, Mr. Liang Xinjun, Mr. Wang Qunbin, Mr. Fan Wei, Mr. Ding Guoqi, Mr. Qin Xuetang and Mr. Wu Ping; the non-executive director is Mr. Liu Benren; and the independent non-executive directors are Dr. Chen Kaixian, Mr. Zhang Shengman and Mr. Andrew Y. Yan.