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Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage
Nikolay Noev
IssueNr: Special
IssueYear: 2015
Approaches and Methodologies of Creating, Storing, Presentation and Protection of Digital Resources in the Field of Cultural and Historical Heritage.. Approaches and Methodologies of Creating, Storing, Presentation and Protection of Digital Resources in the Field of Cultural and Historical Heritage.. Citation style: Nikolay Noev. "Approaches and Methodologies of Creating, Storing, Presentation and Protection of Digital Resources in the Field of Cultural and Historical Heritage..". Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Special:1927. Title:
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Approaches and Methodologies of Creating, Storing, Presentation and Protection of Digital Resources in the Field of Cultural and Historical Heritage via Technologies Based on Knowledge Nikolay Noev Institute of mathematics and informatics, BAS
[email protected]
Abstract. This paper presents approaches and methods for creating, storing, presentation and protection of digital resources in the field of cultural and historical heritage. Digital knowledge is described including context-based annotations of objects in a particular subject area. Some major problems and solutions of the digitalization of items, their processing, protecting and organizing them in a repository are highlighted. An online platform is built for the presentation of digital resources based on semantic-based knowledge structures. Keywords: semantic web, ontology, digital archive, online platform
The creation of new digital content of objects in the field of cultural and historical heritage (CHH) is an important task for the future progress of society. This contributes to the spread of cultural values in a global aspect and individual selfdetermination of man. At this paper are presented modern approaches and methods of creating a digital content of objects in the field of CHH. At first is shown building of semantic-based knowledge of specific area. At second are featured methods for digitization of particular objects, indexing and processing them. After that are shown the main approaches to organize that digitalized content into archive. At last is depictured an online platform for presentation of that knowledge and digitalized content. 1.1
Research background
This research is a result of years of investigations and analyzes of approaches and methods of creating and presenting digital content in the field of CHH, performed by many scientists of different areas and different on various applied-research projects. One of those projects is “Research and Identification of Valuable Bells of the Historic and Culture Heritage of Bulgaria and Development of Audio and Video Archive with
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 2015, Special Edition. Innovations and Culture – Regional Problems and Solutions. Workshop Proceedings. ISSN: 1314-4006
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Advanced Technologies (BELL)” 1. During this project was investigated a lots of Bulgarian bell objects and was gained many information of that subject. Research on this project continued with the project “Multimedia fund BellKnow” 2, where the main goal is to present that digital content and knowledge. This research paper is part of work of author on his PhD thesis at this subject. 1.2
Cultural and historical valuable objects bell
The subject area of this research is bell objects. They are artifacts of great artistic value in the field of CHH, that are closely related with the spiritual, social and material life of society through the centuries [4, 18]. To create digital content of objects of CHH should consider their specific features and characteristics at particular subject area. Objects bell may considered by different perspectives: as subject of reality, which has its own parameters (size, shape, characteristics and etc.); as a musical instrument – at music bell is classified as a type of percussion instrument; as the subject of social importance – by the centuries the bell was a means of communication and dissemination of news in small settlements (through different beat bell notifies the population of danger, disaster, holiday, wedding, funeral and etc.); as a work of foundry art the bell was melted by master craftsmen on request of noble people, clergy, rulers and etc.; as a cultural and historical symbol – one of the purpose of the bell has always been to remind people about holidays and events related to the history. An object bell (old Saxon: bellan, to bawl or bellow) is a simple sound-making device. The bell is a percussion instrument and an idiophone. Its form is usually a hollow, cup-shaped acoustic resonator, which vibrates upon being struck. The striking implement can be a tongue suspended within the bell, known as a clapper or uvula, a separate mallet or hammer, or in small bells – a small loose sphere enclosed within the body of the bell.
Semantic based architecture of knowledge of bell objects
The main subject of the idea of Semantic Web, offered by Tim Berners-Lee [2] consist in automation of “intelligent” processing of knowledge of different Internet resources or is explanation and transformation of knowledge at machine-interpretable definitions, through which the computer semantic agents could draw conclusions. The data described by ontology is interpreted as a set of “objects” and a set of “properties” to interact with one another. The ontology also contains a set of “axioms” which place restrictions on “individuals” and a type of allowed relations between them. 1 2
This research is partially supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under Grant IO03/2006. Research project of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. Its main goals are to build a multimedia digital fund with a set of various objects/collections, selected from the Multimedia digital archive of Bulgarian Bells.
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Ontology model of bell knowledge
Semantic description of the bell includes concepts, relations, rules, restrictions, individuals and facts applicable for the subject area. The selection of basic concepts is based on real settings, situations and facts [13]. Formalization of bell knowledge. Bell objects could formal explain with help of different thematic areas of description (named “level of knowledge”). First level of knowledge describe bell objects with common identifying characteristics such as: ID; type; innkeeper; owner; location; part of the set; craftsmanship; a molded by the founder/foundry; layout; technical data; shape; size; weight and etc. Second level (“Describing level”) consist data about describing items of art layout of objects. It describes the depicted content on the surface of objects bell (if any). This content consist knowledge of different cultural events in the community and relations to current object. The last level of knowledge “Technical data” covers various information revealing the technology of casting, the making materials of bells and other diverse additional technical details. Ontology of bell objects. Ontology of bell objects is a “subject ontology” and represents the knowledge about these objects. It aims to semantically describe bells with their characteristics, to define different specifications for them and make relations with other specialized semantic structures. Ontological model of bell objects, along with its main elements (individuals, properties, classes and relations) is presented at [7, 8]. Additional specialized semantic structures. During the process of investigation of bell objects is made clear descriptions of multiple facts, objects and situations related with bell objects. This requires the construction of additional ontological substructures for the subject area: • • • •
Ontology of historical events related to the subject area; Ontology of religious and social themes depicted on bell objects; Ontology of bell-foundry; Glossary of terms (taxonomy) at the field of bells knowledge.
Relations between semantic structures. Part of the content of knowledge of bell objects is supplemented by information from other areas. Relations of that content are mainly in the subject area – between semantic substructures or outside this area – with foreign ontological structures (as saints, metal molding or other). Next schema shows example of relations for “St Ivan Rilski” resource.
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Fig. 1. Example of relations between bell object and “St Ivan Rilski” resource
In this example: individual “bell №01-01” has relation “has art design”. At property of class “art design” of that individual has value “St Ivan Rilski”. This value is related to other ontology structure at this subject area and has linked with Internet resource “St Ivan Rilski”, outside the bell subject area. 2.2
Protection of semantic annotation.
Protection of semantic annotations of objects means inputting e-signature at semantic descriptions of that objects. The addition of e-signatures is performed by model of encryption of RDF graph of text elements or external links, contained in predetermined semantically structured text descriptions. The result of e-encryption is presented as an element of an encrypted XML document [9].
Technologies, approaches and tools for the creation, storing, presentation and protection of digital resources in the field of cultural heritage
The process of digitalization is more complicated than expected if the subject artifact of CHH, which carry additional information and have heterogeneous or sometimes quite unusual properties and forms. For example digitalizing of bell objects, depending of type of process (text, photo, audio, video or 3D) [6, 12], requires different methods of recording, shooting, indexing, processing and etc. Furthermore, for each type of digital material should be taken into consideration various factors, in order to ensure that the digital product will be used stably in its full potential, now and in the future.
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Creating of digital resources.
Digital objects are “digital images” of different type of objects or content (text content, images, photos, documents, audio or video recordings and etc.). Digital objects can be made by two main approaches: creating a new digital content or digitalizing of real object or signal into digital one. Different type of content required a different equipment and methodology. For example, text content may enter by operator or may be scanned. It depends by the purpose of creation of the resource, whether it is a priority the content of the document or its authentic layout. Before digitization should be analyzed specifics of the objects and seeking goals of creation of digital resources: • A digital resource is created to spread or to preserve – by this depends the quality of the resulting recordings; • The digital resource will be used for further analysis – by that depends requirements of the content; • Is the subject endangered of harm – by that depends the choice of technology of digitizing – contact or contactless, in a secure environment; • And so long. Indexing the digital resources. Indexing of separate digital recordings has been done by entering the metadata into objects, as it is consistent with international standards applicable to objects of cultural heritage [11]. The choice of these standards should be consider where the resources will perform in the global network. Good practice is to use the Dublin Core3 standard and technology of adding text boxes (metadata). For all digital objects is generated XML attached file. That file includes text annotations in metadata form, which helps the various archives, library systems and Internet agents to index and process the content of those digital artifacts. The description of digital resources is necessary as part of the method of building digital archive, supporting activities such as classification, searching, filtering and etc. of artifacts in a wide array of resources. After research was formed two lines of organization of metadata (the use of two lines simultaneously is recommended): • Indexing of characteristics of resources – brief descriptions of recordings with purpose of fast processing of computer systems; • Indexing of content of resources – descriptions in detail of the content of the digitized object in order to detect information in that content. Protection of digital resources. Each media recording is marked with interpolation of identification code in its content. This is done in order to guarantees its authenticity, identification and copyright. For images is used insertion of visible and invisible watermark in it [1]. Marking of audio tracks is done by insertion of an identification code in at least significant chan3
Dublin Core (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, DCMI),
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nels adapted to human hearing. For videos are used combined methods of image and sound marking. 3.2
Digital archive.
Storage of digital resources is organized by digital archive that complies with the following goals and objectives: • To store a large amount of media high quality recordings – this store should be well organized; • To create collections by single or multiple criteria; • To provide services of extraction of one or many records in the presentation form (fetching collections of files which are optimized volume, indexed and protected).
Online presentation of digital resources in the subject area, based on semantic knowledge
Platform “Multimedia fund BellKnow” is built with textual data, images, audio and video recordings, which are stored in the digital archives of projects Bell and BellKnow. This platform also presents the knowledge gained in research and analysis of bell objects, during these projects. The following figures represent visually the content of digital records and objects in the platform. The digital data and knowledge of bell objects can be shown individually, grouped objects by location or other characteristics, including the choice of the user. It includes images, media (audio and video) recordings, technical data, historical summaries, analyzes the sound and others.
Fig. 2. Objects at platform “Multimedia fund BellKnow”
The functionality embedded in "Multimedia Fund BellKnow" is based on ontologybased knowledge of the bell object and includes the basic activities such as creation, presentation, search and grouping of objects and information content. Glossary of terms in the specific subject area is added in the platform. It is overlapping ontologi24
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cal substructure and using its semantic annotations. At platform are built in functional modules: optimization and automation of inputting digital resources, their metadata and semantic descriptions; optimization of search in metadata content and semantic descriptions of digital resources; comparison of the digital media resources - collate records of different types (audio, video and photo) of groups of bell objects; presentation of digital resources and objects with their semantic and meta descriptions.
Here is presented built ontological model of knowledge in specific subject area in a field of cultural and historical heritage and describing bell objects. In detail is described the semantics of the subject area, by defining many features, characteristics, metadata, rules, classes of knowledge and relationships between them. It is built online platform “Multimedia Fund BellKnow”, containing digital resources and semantic-based knowledge of bell objects. Has been developed methods and technologies for the creation and indexing of digital resources of various objects in the field of cultural heritage, consistent with their specifics: text, images, audio and video recordings, digital three-dimensional models of volumetric artifacts. Has been developed methods for marking of the digital resources with interpolation of identification code in audio recordings and digital images. Has been created and analyzed the methods of protecting knowledge through an electronic signature applied to digital resources and knowledge about bell objects. Has been developed methodological approaches and techniques for organization and storage of various media recordings in digital repositories. Have been realized digital multimedia repositories in different cultural areas, using adapted methods and approaches: for bell objects; folklore [14]; history [3] and architecture [5]. The approaches of digitization processes, knowledge creation and presentation on online platforms are adapt in other areas of CHH [10, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20].
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