Approximation To Generalized Taylor Derivatives By ... - DergiPark

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h r xf k h h xf h r xf the r th Taylor derivative of f at 0 x if the limit exists (see [5]). Lemma 2.5. If the first-order .... Theory and its Application, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
MSU Fen Bil. Dergi., Cilt 5 , Sayı 2, s 421-423 MSU J. of Sci., Volume 5 , Issue 2, p 421-423

Araştırma Makalesi/ Research Article DOI : 10.18586/msufbd.309725

Approximation To Generalized Taylor Derivatives By Integral Operator Families

Lutfi AKIN1, Yusuf ZEREN2 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin, Turkey 2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey  : [email protected] 1

Received (Geliş):29.04.2017

Revision (Düzeltme):14.06.2017

Accepted (Kabul): 25.08.2017

ABSTRACT This theory has important applications of polynomial approximation in various areas of functional analysis, Fourier analysis, application mathematic, operator theory, in the field generalized derivatives and numerical solutions of differential and integral equations, etc. The study of approximation theory is a well-established area of research which deals with the problem of approximating a function f by means of a sequence L n of positive linear operators. This theory is very important for mathematical world. Nowadays, many mathematicians are working in this field. Keywords: Taylor derivative, Kernel function, Differentiable function, Operator theory

İntegral Operatör Aileleri ile Genelleştirilmiş Taylor Türevlerine Yaklaşım ÖZ Yaklaşımlar teorisi, diferansiyel ve integral denklemlerin nümerik çözümlerinde, fonksiyonel analizin çeşitli bölgelerindeki uygulamalarda, Fourier analizde, uygulamalı matematik alanında, operatör teoride, genelleştirilmiş türevler alanında ve polinomsal yaklaşımın uygulamalarında vs. çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu çalışma L n pozitif lineer operatör dizileri vasıtası ile bir f fonksiyonuna yaklaşımın araştırılması problemidir. Yaklaşımlar teorisi, çalışma alanı için iyi kurulmuş bir teoridir. Bu teori matematik dünyası için çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Günümüzde birçok matematikçi yaklaşımlar teorisi alanında çalışmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Taylor türev, Çekirdek fonksiyonu, Türevlenebilir fonksiyon, Operatör teori INTRODUCTION


L ( f , x ) 

We can see in many problems of theory functions and differential equations to integral operators with positive kernel. For example, some collection methods of the Fourier series are expressed with such integrals. Furthermore, the solution of the Dirichlet problem and the solution of the problem the limit value is given through of positive kernel integrals. Hence, using positive-core integral operators examination the problem of approach to generalized derivatives in terms of both theoretical and practical have great importance (see [1-11]).

 f (t ) K  (t  x ) dt



The main problems related to the convergence of such integral operatör families, it is as follows. 1. Convergence of L ( f , x0 )  f ( x0 ) Examining for

L : f (t )  L ( f , x ) integral operators families and

K  (t  x ) is operator’s kernel.

  0 at a certain x 0 point.

2. When X is a normative linear space and f  X , L : X  X ,

lim L f  f

  0



3. Finding the convergence speeds of problems 1 and 2, that is, when    0 and


MSU Fen Bil. Dergi., Cilt 5 , Sayı 2, s 421-423 MSU J. of Sci., Volume 5 , Issue 2, p 421-423

Araştırma Makalesi/ Research Article DOI : 10.18586/msufbd.309725

  ,   are zero series


L ( f , x0 )  f ( x0 )  o (  ) ,  Ln ( f ; x ) a xb f (x ) , 

r 

( x 0 )  lim


r 1  r!  hk k f ( x  h )  f ( x0 )  0 r  h  k 0 k! 

the r th Taylor derivative of f at x 0 if the limit exists (see [5]). Lemma 2.5. If the first-order ordinary derivative f (x ) exists, so does the first-order Taylor derivative

condition is satisfied (see [2]). Theorem 2.3. Let f (x ) function differentiable from the ( n  1) th order neighbourhood at a certain point



( x ) , and we have f (x ) = f


( x ) . At the same

time, the opposite of this lemma is true (see [5]).

x 0 and let f (x ) function has left and right derivative from

n th order at a certain point x 0 ,

f  n  ( x 0 ) ,

f   ( x0 ). n

Proof. If f (x ) function there is a first-order derivative at point x 0 ,

f ( x 0 )  lim

1   ( x )   for x  (, ), f ( x )   ( x )

f ( x 0  h)  f ( x 0 )



inequality is provide. K  (t ) is non-negative and even this derivative is also the first-order Taylor derivative

function. At the same time

f 


( x 0 )  lim


f ( x 0 )  f


Get for   0 ,

derivative f

2 

( x ) , and we have f (x ) = f

t )  (t ) K  (t ) dt  o (   )

f ( x)  f ( x0 ) 



R n , . 


f n ( x 0 )  f n ( x 0 ) n!

f ( x 0 ) 1!

( x  x0 ) 

f ( x 0 )

1! h0 ,  0

Definition 2.4. f is defined in some neighbourhood of



( x  x 0 ) 2  ......

( f ( x 0 )   ) 2!


is obtained. From here,

the point x 0 and if the ( r  1) th ordinary derivative r 1

f ( x 0 )

x is replaced by x 0  h

f ( x 0  h)  f ( x 0 ) 

equality is provided (see [3],[4]).


( x) .

Proof. Taylor expansion at x 0 point of f (x ) function is below

  

2 

but there exists no second-order ordinary derivative x  x 0 (see [5]).

   if the following equality is satisfied

L ( f ; x 0 )  f ( x 0 )

( x0 )

f (x ) has second-order Taylor derivative at x  x 0 ,

y t



Lemma 2.6. If the second-order ordinary derivative f (x ) exists, so does the second-order Taylor

 ( x  y)  (t )  sup   ( x)   x

  (



 K  (t ) dt  1


f ( x 0  h)  f ( x0 )

f ( x 0  h)  f ( x 0 )  f ( x 0 ) h 

( x 0 ) exists, then we call 421

( f ( x 0 )   ) 2!


MSU Fen Bil. Dergi., Cilt 5 , Sayı 2, s 421-423 MSU J. of Sci., Volume 5 , Issue 2, p 421-423

2 h


Araştırma Makalesi/ Research Article DOI : 10.18586/msufbd.309725

L ( f , x0 )  f ( x0 )

 f ( x 0  h) 

f ( x 0 )  f ( x 0 ) h   lim  f ( x 0 )     h0    f ( x0  t )  2 f ( x0 ) K  (t ) dt  0 

since, 2 


   f ( x0  t )  f ( x0 )  tf ( x0 )  tf ( x0 ) K  (t ) dt

( x 0 )  f ( x 0 )


  f ( x 0 ) K  (t ) dt

is obtained ( f (x ) has second-order Taylor derivative at x  x 0 , but there exists no second-order ordinary

0 

derivative x  x 0 , for example see [5]).





  f (x

 t )  f ( x 0 )  tf ( x 0 ) K  (t ) dt 



 tf ( x 0 ) K  (t ) dt   f ( x 0 ) K  (t ) dt

Theorem 3.1. Let f (x ) function differentiable from the ( n  1) th order neighbourhood at a certain point


Now, define a function as follows

x0 . And let f (x ) function has derivative from n th

  (t )  [ f ( x0  t )  f ( x0 )  tf ( x0 )]  t 2 f  2  ( x0 )

order at a certain point x 0 meaning of Taylor.






From here,


 f (x

L ( f ; x 0 ) 


 f ( x0  t ) 

 t ) K  (t ) dt .



    t K  (t ) dt  0 , (    ) 2

  (t )  0 while t  0


f ( x 0 )  tf ( x 0 )     (t )  t 2 f If


2 

L ( f , x0 )  f ( x0 )     (t )K  (t ) dt  f 0


K  (t )  0 ,   0

 0

 K  (t ) dt  1 

 K  (t ) dt  2  K  (t ) dt


( x0 )  t 2 K  (t ) dt  0

 0

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors expressed their gratitude to the referee for helpful remarks. This work is supported by MAÜ-BAP17-İİBF-07



is obtained. Thus the proof is completed.

 2

+ f ( x 0 ) tK  (t ) dt  f ( x 0 ) K  (t ) dt

ii. K  ( t )  K  (t )



( x 0 ) above (3.1)

For K  (t ) kernel function,

( x0 )

f ( x0  t )  f ( x0 )  tf ( x0 )

replaced by   (t )  t f


2 


L ( f , x 0 )  f ( x 0 )

 


equality is provide.. Proof. Let

 f

2 


( x0 )

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Araştırma Makalesi/ Research Article DOI : 10.18586/msufbd.309725

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