or 616.970.4096. Thank yo
Friday eNews
We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
We are #cwthinkers
Apr. 14, 2017
Dear CW Families,
We have had a GREAT week back from Spring Break! I am so proud of our students when I visit their classrooms to see their thinking and collaboration! Students picked up right where they left off and are starting the 4th quarter strong! I always tell our students this is the most important time of their school year as the choices they make now to be leaders and thinkers will set them up for a great start in either 6th or 7th grade! David
CW News
• M-Step - Testing begins for our 5th grade students on Tuesday, April 18th! We are excited to show and celebrate our year of thinking on this assessment!
• Report Cards are coming home today! • 6th Grade Band: Monday, April 17 at the Fine Arts Center. Students arrive at 6:30 PM. Concert begins at 7:00 PM. The spring concert showcases bands from 6th-8th grade.
• Final CW Blood Drive: Our last student sponsored blood drive will be on Thursday, May 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m! Please go to https:// donate.miblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/91830 to sign up. We are hoping this will be our biggest of the year.
• CPU Build: Our 6th grade students are very excited to participate in our annual CPU build that is the culminating experience in our 6th grade study of clean water issues across Africa! Thank you to all of our families that have donated! The build is on Thursday and Friday!
• Regional Enhancement Millage: Please mark your calendars for May 2nd to vote! This is an important millage for FHPS. For detailed information, please visit https://www.fhps.net/strongschools-strong-communities/
Tweets of the Week Katie Martin @KatieMTLC The intersection of disparate things is where a lot of the best learning and creation happens. #dl2017 #deeperlearning
Grade Level Town Halls Dr. Simpson met with each grade level for a short Town Hall meeting. At the 5th grade meeting, the conversation focused on the upcoming MStep and what it means at CW to celebrate our thinking. Also, he challenged our 5th graders to begin to become the leaders of CW as they transition to 6th graders. During the 6th grade meeting, students watched the short video, Cross The Line. This challenges students to be great at everything they do! Please ask your child about these town halls!
CENTRAL WOODLANDS WEEKLY CALENDAR April 17 - 21, 2017 Monday, Apr. 17 -School Board Mtg, Goodwillie Environmental School -CW & CMS 6-8 Spring Band Concert, FAC, 7 pm (students arrive by 6:30 pm) Tuesday, Apr. 18 5TH Grade M-Step TesHng Starts -6th STEAM Club, A-2, 12:40 pm -6th to 7th Grade Parent/Guardian Mtg @ CMS, 7 pm
Wednesday, Apr. 19 Thursday, Apr. 20 -CPU Build in PE Classes, all day Friday, Apr. 21 -CPU Build in PE Classes, all day ___________________________________ Summer Ranger Sport Camps FHC summer athletic camps are now online. Visit our website fhcrangercamps.com to see the available camps and register online. Registration opens April 1st and will remain open until June.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week May 1 – 5, 2017
Central Woodlands is celebrating our Teachers & Staff and here’s how you can help! 1. Donate a gift card in $5, $10, $15 or $20 denominations to a restaurant, coffee shop or store. Gift cards will be raffled off to teachers and staff throughout the week. There will be a collection envelope in the office. Please have them to the office by April 28. 2. Ask your child to write a letter of appreciation to their teacher and/or favorite staff member and present it to them on Tuesday, May 2 or anytime during Appreciation Week. 3. Check the Sign Up Genius to see if there are other ways you can help. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0A4EA4AB22A46-teacher If you have any questions please contact Molly Gary at
[email protected] or 616.970.4096. Thank you for helping to make our Teachers and Staff feel appreciated for the excellent work they do with our kids every day!
Central Woodlands Variety Show 2017 Information Kate Vincent, Variety Show Chair (616) 450-1473
[email protected]
Please read this information BEFORE you audition. Make sure you check your home calendar. The audition form must be turned into the office before the end of the day on Monday, April 24th. You will be notified of your assigned audition time on Thursday, April 27th. Auditions will be held on Wednesday, May 3rd and Thursday May 4th from 3:45-7:00 P.M. IN ORDER TO AUDITION: •
Have a quality routine to perform. Please have a polished performance ready for auditions.
Provide your own music. If needed; a CD player will be provided. If you are singing, you must provide a Karaoke type CD or sing a cappella. Vocal acts will not be allowed to "sing-a-long" with a CD. You may use live accompaniment. However, if you choose to use live accompaniment, they must attend all rehearsals with you and are responsible for providing their own instruments.
Provide a written copy of your song lyrics during auditions.
Have an idea for a costume. You may wear your costume, but it is not required for auditions. Remember, all costumes must comply with the Central Woodlands dress code.
Provide your own equipment and/or props, if needed.
Acts must be no longer than 3-4 minutes.
PARENTS: Please plan to pick up your child approximately 15 minutes after their assigned audition time. PERFORMERS, EMCEES AND STAGE CREW MEMBERS who have been picked for the Variety Show WILL BE POSTED OUTSIDE THE FRONT OFFICE by the end of the day on MAY 5th. SHOW DATE/TIMES: There will be two performances, both on Monday, May 22nd, 2017. The first performance will be during the school day and the final performance will be held at 7:00 P.M. for family and friends. Both performances will be held in the Central Woodlands Cafetorium.
REHEARSAL SCHEDULE: The rehearsal schedule has been established to ensure a positive performance by each act. While there is some flexibility to accommodate after school commitments, it is expected that all rehearsals will be attended. Please let us know AT YOUR AUDITION if you have conflicts needing to be addressed. Rehearsals will be held in the Cafetorium according to the schedule listed below. These rehearsals are to ensure a smooth transition between the acts. They are not for the purpose of individual rehearsals. Each individual/group act is expected to hold additional rehearsals, as they deem necessary for a polished performance, outside of the rehearsals listed below. The stage crew and emcees must also be present during all rehearsals. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
May 16th May 17th May 18th
3:45-5:30 pm (Technical Rehearsal-Stage crew only) 3:45-6:30 pm (First Dress Rehearsal-Everyone) 3:45-6:30 pm (Final Dress Rehearsal-Everyone)
VARIETY SHOW 2017 PARTICIPATION FORM PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE OFFICE BY APRIL 24TH Name:_____________________ Homeblock Teacher:_____________________ Parent Cell Phone:_______________ Parent Email:______________________ PERFORMANCE: _______YES! I will be performing a solo. _______YES! I will be performing in a group. (Note group requirement below*) Group name: _____________________________________________________ Members of Your Group:_____________________________________________ Type of Performance: ______________________________________________ (Singing, dancing, band, comedy, etc.) Song: ____________________________________________________________ (Please BRING THE LYRICS to the audition for approval) ________YES! If I am not selected for the Variety Show, I still want to be involved as: ________Stage Crew or ________Emcee *All members of a group act must fill out individual participation forms and attach them together when turning into the office. STAGE CREW: Being part of the Crew is a lot of fun, and it is extremely important. The Stage Crew will coordinate the sound system, set up during rehearsals and performances, help run backstage, operate the curtain and design/create posters. ___________YES! I'd like to be a member of the Stage Crew. EMCEE: The role of the EMCEE will be to introduce performers on stage during the Variety Show. You must audition to be an Emcee. You can also audition for a performance. However, you can only be selected for one part in the show. _________YES! I'd like to audition for the part of Emcee. Date/Time Audition Preference: _________Wednesday, May 3rd - 3:45-7:00 p.m. _________ Thursday, May 4th - 3:45-7:00 p.m.