Apr 28, 2017 - End of Year Meal Account: Beginning on May 1, students will not be allowed to make purchases unless there
Friday eNews
We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
We are #cwthinkers
Apr. 28, 2017
Dear CW Families, Our CW PTO is vital in supporting our students and staff! CW would not be what we are without them! Please consider joining our executive board. The following are open positions for next year. 2017-2018 Open PTO Board Positions: Vice President - serve as PTO president during the 2018-2019 school year Co-Treasurer - responsible for outgoing financials Co-Volunteer Coordinator - gather volunteer list and contact information and supply to committee chairs Contact Jessica Decker
[email protected] with questions
CW News • Final CW Blood Drive: Our last student sponsored blood drive will be on Thursday, May 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m! Please go to https:// donate.miblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/91830 to sign up. We are hoping this will be our biggest of the year.
• End of Year Meal Account: Beginning on May 1, students will not be allowed to make purchases unless there are enough funds in their account to cover the purchase. If not, they will be charged full student price for a cold cheese sandwich meal (cheese sandwich, milk, and fruit or vegetable sides). Money still in the account at the end of the school year is carried over to the next year, except for students leaving the district and graduates. (See attachment)
• 5th Grade Families: There is an Instrumental Music Meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, May 17 in the CW Cafeteria. Fifth grade band and orchestra parent/guardians are highly recommended to attend the meeting. You will learn about obtaining an instrument and what to expect in 6th grade instrumental music. Choir families need not attend the meeting. Letters containing student's 6th grade music choice will be sent home with students at the beginning of May.
• CMS PTO is in need of board positions! Think we can
ask 6th grade parents if they are interested? If so, here's the info: CMS PTO is in need a VP (becomes President following year) and a Treasurer (also 2 year term). Please have any interested folks contact Leah Sherman at email:
[email protected]
Tweets of the Week Dr. Kaleb Rashad @kalebrashad #Deeperlearning is NOT a feeling. It's more about how you work with content, others & yourself via @HFMarcChun #deeperlearning
May 2nd Millage On Tuesday, May 2nd, the school districts have an historic millage called an Enhancement Millage. If passed, FHPS would receive $211 per student in additional funding for 10 years. Please vote on May 2nd. Please go to https:// www.fhps.net/strongschools-strongcommunities/ for more information!
CENTRAL WOODLANDS WEEKLY CALENDAR May 1 - 5, 2017 Monday, May 1 -4th to 5th Orienta.on Night: Ada & Thornapple, 6-7:00 pm -4th to 5th Orienta.on Night: Pine Ridge, 7:15-8:15 pm Tuesday, May 2 -GR Ford Museum: Koenigsknecht & Maloney board bus at 9:00 & return to CW by 1:30. Sack lunch. -Variety Show Audi.ons, 3:45-7:00 pm Schedule posted in Nau.lus outside Main Office Wednesday, May 3 -Variety Show Audi.ons, 3:45-7:00 pm Schedule posted in Nau.lus outside Main Office Thursday, May 4 -Shark Dissec.on – Cafeteria: Lillie/TurcoYe, 9:00-10:30 am -Shark Dissec.on – Cafeteria: Black/Smith & Gootjes/Klomparens, 1:15-2:45 pm Friday, May 5 Variety Show Performer List posted in NauLlus outside Main Office by 3:30 pm -Blood Drive, D-7 -Shark Dissec.on – Cafeteria: Gillies/Ten Eyck & Bush/Lanning, 9:00-10:30 am ____________________________________________________________________
We are ready to cut loose! Check out the promo video for FOOTLOOSE on the link below! The FHN Musical Theater class has put a full size musical together in about 58 class hours! You don't want to miss this talented group of kids! Get your tickets at the door or at SHOWTIX4u.com! Thanks for your support of FHN Musical Theater!
Summer Camp This is a reminder letter that Central Woodlands 5th graders will perform their musical at the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center at 7:00 PM on May 9 and May 10. See below for your child’s class. May 9: Smith, Black, TenEyck, Gillies May 10: Klomparens, Gootjes, Lillie, Turcotte, Lanning, Bush Students will have a dress rehearsal the entire morning the day of their show. Please refrain from scheduling any appointments during that time. On the day of the show: Students should wear plain dark blue jeans or pants and gym shoes both in the morning and for the evening performance. Summer Camp t-shirts will be passed out at the morning rehearsal. The evening performance is an important piece of our fifth grade music curriculum. Your child has been specifically choreographed into the show and participation is expected. Students should arrive at the Fine Arts Center at 6:40. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected].
Musically Yours, Robert Ash, Laurie Boomers, and Robert Engelsman
END OF YEAR MEAL CHARGE POLICY Throughout the year, many students have incurred negative balances on school meal accounts from purchases on credit. The school district cannot carry negative balances over the summer! To avoid this situation, beginning on May 1, students will not be allowed to make purchases unless there are enough funds in their account to cover the purchase. If not, they will be charged full student price for a cold cheese sandwich meal (cheese sandwich, milk, and fruit or vegetable sides). Money still in the account at the end of the school year is carried over to the next year, except for students leaving the district and graduates. You may request a refund for any remaining funds, transfer funds to a sibling account, or donate remaining funds to another student by contacting the Food Service Department at 616.493.8774 , or by email to
[email protected] or
[email protected] (include student name, your name and mailing address). Please keep a sufficient balance in your child’s account to cover his/her lunches through the end of the school year. If you are unsure of your child’s meal account balance, or have any questions regarding the lunch program, please call the Food Service office, email us, or set up a parent account at www.sendmoneytoschool.com. Your help with this policy is greatly appreciated. Chris Nelson, FHPS Food Service Director