APUSH course guide 2013-2014.pdf - Hicksville Public Schools

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This course surveys the history and government of the United States of America. .... AP United States History Flash Cards Barron's, 5 steps to a 5, Kaplans,.

2013-2014 “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” - St. Francis of Assisi Teacher: Dr. A. Maxeiner


Extra help day: Room 303

Tuesday 2:30-3:00

This course surveys the history and government of the United States of America. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THIS CLASS and the US History and Government Regents Examination IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION. This class also prepares the students for the Advanced Placement United States History Examination. Depending on the college or university they attend, students may receive credit for one or two American History college courses. ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO TAKE THE AP EXAMINATION. Materials: binder, paper, hole puncher, pens and pencils, Recommended: USB drive, USA/World notebook map (about $3.00) Texts: Henretta et al. America’s History Yazawa Documents to Accompany America’s History volume 1 Fernlund, Documents to Accompany America’s History volume 2

How quarter grades will be determined (Except 4 th quarter ): Interim Assessment 10% Essays, Projects, and Tests 40% Quizzes 20% Homework 20% Classwork 10% Final grade Quarters Regents Examination

22.5% x 4 10%

Weight: The final grade, at the conclusion of the school year, will be multiplied by 1.1.

Criteria for entering AP Economics or AP Government next year: Students who are currently taking honors or AP must MAINTAIN an average of 85 or above to be recommended for an Advanced Placement class the next school year. Webpages: Homework will be posted on Dr. Maxeiner’s Hicksville webpage http://www.hicksvillepublicschools.org/Page/4102 Most homework, including outlines and essays, will be handed in to turnitin.com. This will create a portfolio of your work, as well as checking for plagiarism. Student Help online: Regents Exam Prep Center http://regentsprep.org/ http://www.edusolution.com/historycenter.htm Student grades will be posted on PowerSchool. Parents must come to the Main Office to register. Please note that students CAN NOT change their grades if they access PowerSchool. Students should be encouraged to see their grades, and to take responsibility for improvement, or be confirmed in their success. ATTENDANCE: If a student is illegally absent from a course more than eighteen times, he/she may receive NO CREDIT for the year. Any student who misses a test for an excused absence must make the test soon after returning to class. Any student who has an unexcused absence on the day of a test will receive a zero. MAKEUPS will be on Tuesday. In most cases, after an assignment has been evaluated and returned to the class, I will not accept a late assignment. Homework  Reading the textbook and other written work is very important in a history class.  Assignments may be found on Dr. Maxeiner’s web page, as well as in class.  Assignments are to be turned into turnitin.com.  The primary homework consists of reading and outlining approximately one chapter in the textbook (America’s History) and summarizing approximately one document in Documents to Accompany America’s History.  Students will take a homework quiz about every week.

Homework is graded on a 6 point scale: Completed (6=100%) One day late, or poorly done (5=83%) More than one day late (4=67%) Late AND poorly done (3=50%) Copied/plagiarized (1-16%) Work may NOT be redone. Missing (not completed) (0= 0%) Be prepared to take notes in class, and to keep all handouts and old tests Classwork Participation is very important in this class. This grade consists of punctuality, behavior, participation in class discussion and effort shown on in-class assignments. Failure to behave properly in class will result in a deduction from this grade. It is possible to receive a grade of 0 for participation even with good attendance.  The grade starts at 80 out of 100. Points are added for knowledgeable and enthusiastic participation in class.  Points will be deducted for behavior which prevents learning, which includes lateness. It is expected that all students will be in their

seats and working when the bell rings.

 

 

No food or gum in class. No hats. No overcoats. Remain seated until the bell rings unless directed otherwise. A valid Internet use card will be required for class sessions held in the library or computer rooms. Points will be detracted ANY TIME A CELL PHONE, IPOD, OR ANY OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICE IS SEEN (whether or not it is used.)

From 7:38 to 2:25 no electronic device may be used by students in Hicksville H.S.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is an act of theft - theft of the mind. When writing a paper, students may find themselves plagiarizing, either intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s ideas as your own. To avoid plagiarism, use a citation for everything you borrow unless that information is common knowledge.

Look on Dr. Maxeiner’s web site for resources on citation style and avoiding plagiarism.

When in doubt, cite your source. It is acceptable to have many citations in a paper.

As in most colleges today, we will use the online site turnitin.com to check for the originality of student work. Turnitin.com is also an excellent way to keep student’s work organized. Copying homework is plagiarism. Students who let others students copy are just as guilty and may also receive a mark of zero.





Blank Is it on the topic, but not in essay format? Is it about the topic, but does not use documents, or does not address the TASK? DBQ-Does it use at least half the documents plus one but has NO background (outside the documents) information? Thematic—does not complete the entire TASK. Does what is asked, minimally. (Passing for Regents) The documents, and outside information are present, and attempt to support an argument in a well-organized essay. (Passing for Advanced Placement) The topic is defined in the introduction, the thesis gives the blueprint for the essay, there are a few sentences of background, and at least three facts per body paragraph, but few inferences are made to explain the significance of the documents or facts to the topic. There is an attempt at a rebuttal, or historiography, as well as inferences. You are an authority on the subject.

0 1 2

0 0 1

0 25 55

Troll Troll Dreadful























Exceeds Expectations Outstanding

And your style is polished. EXTREMELY RARE





Drop 5 points for a major error such as confusing Communists with Fascists – a minor error would be confusing Communists with Socialists. Drop 1 point for annoying minor error or confusing there/their, number/amount, using apostrophes for plurals, or using also, because or but at the beginning of a sentence.

Recommended Review Books: AMSCO www.amscopub.com more detail 5 Steps to a 5 AP US History, more study tips AP United States History (REA) more practice tests AP United States History Flash Cards Barron’s, 5 steps to a 5, Kaplans, Cliff Notes AP US History Crash Course just before the test