ment of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in the Arabic lan- guage. ... problems related to observation,
College of Arts and Science / Courses ANTH 298. Honors Research. Research to be done in consultation with a member of the faculty in anthropology. Open only to those beginning honors work in anthropology. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits. [1-6; maximum of 6 credits total for all semesters of ANTH 298] (No AXLE credit) ANTH 299. Honors Thesis. Open only to seniors in the departmental honors program. Students completing this course with distinction, including a thesis and final examination, will earn honors in anthropology. Prerequisite: 298. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits if there is no duplication in topic. [1-6; maximum of 6 credits total for all semesters of ANTH 299] (No AXLE credit)
Arabic ARA 210a. Elementary Arabic. Development of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. [5] (No AXLE credit) ARA 210b. Elementary Arabic. Continuation of 210a. Development of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. [5] (INT) ARA 220a. Intermediate Arabic. Practice and development of all language skills at the intermediate-advanced level. Intensive work in spoken Arabic with emphasis on vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Advanced grammar, modern Arabic word formation, verb aspect usage, and structure of complex sentences. Three hours of class work per week with an additional two hours per week of individual work in the language laboratory. Prerequisite: 210b or equivalent by examination. [4] (INT) ARA 220b. Intermediate Arabic. Continuation of 220a. Practice and development of all language skills at the intermediate-advanced level. Intensive work in spoken Arabic with emphasis on vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Advanced grammar, modern Arabic word formation, verb aspect usage, and structure of complex sentences. Three hours of class work per week with an additional two hours per week of individual work in the language laboratory. Prerequisite: 220a or equivalent by examination. [4] (INT) ARA 230a. Advanced Arabic. Further development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in the Arabic language. Emphasis on grammar and literary techniques. Offered on a graded basis only. Prerequisite: two years of Arabic or equivalent. [3] (INT)
153 ARTS 115F. First-Year Writing Seminar. Independent learning and inquiry in an environment in which students can express knowledge and defend opinions through intensive class discussion, oral presentations, and written expression. May be repeated for credit once if there is no duplication of topic, but students may earn only up to 3 credits in any 115F course per semester of enrollment. [3; maximum of 6 credits total for all semesters of 115F] (AXLE credit category varies by section) ARTS 120. Photography I. Black-and-white photography. The aesthetics and techniques of the black-and-white medium; 35mm camera use, film exposure, image quality, and darkroom practices. [3] (HCA) ARTS 121. Alternative Photography. Methods in image making. Photographic narratives, book making, pinhole cameras. [3] (HCA) ARTS 122. Digital Imaging I. Creation of still, photo-based images using digital cameras, scanners, and computer software for digital output. Issues in contemporary art. [3] (HCA) ARTS 130. Painting. Technical and conceptual aspects of painting. Individual instruction based on ability and experience. Prerequisite: 102. [3] (HCA) ARTS 140. Ceramics. Introduction to ceramic design and preparation of clay objects. Hand-building, wheel-throwing, ceramic sculpture, surface enrichment, glazing, and kiln-firing. [3] (HCA) ARTS 141. Sculptural Ceramics. Expressive art forms in clay. Assembled components, surface enrichment, and firing techniques. [3] (HCA) ARTS 150. Sculpture. Changing concepts, materials, and processes in sculpture. Individual instruction based on ability and experience. [3] (HCA) ARTS 151. Assemblage. Additive processes in sculpture. Problems involving found objects, kinetic/time-based ideas, and site-specific installations. [3] (HCA) ARTS 152. Installation Art. Historical survey from 1900 to present; studio practice; formal and conceptual issues. [3] (HCA) ARTS 160. Digital Animation I. Animation with computers. Traditional and experimental animations; interactive web-based projects. [3] (HCA) ARTS 171. Video Art. Video as an art form. Group and individual productions. Viewing and discussion. Project analysis and critique. Relationship to such traditional media as photography and film. [3] (HCA)
ARA 230b. Advanced Arabic. Continuation of 230a. Further development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in the Arabic language. Emphasis on grammar and literary techniques. Offered on a graded basis only. Prerequisite: 2 years of Arabic or equivalent. [3] (INT)
ARTS 172. Performance Art. History, theory, and practice of performance. Vocal studies and conceptual music, personal narrative, performance as a response to the cult-of-celebrity, body art, and performance with new technologies. Collaborative and solo performance projects. [3] (HCA)
ARA 240. Media Arabic. Listening to, discussing, simulating, and analyzing Arabic media materials. Coverage of current and historical events, such as TV broadcasts, headline news, documentaries, and public discussions on political, religious, and cultural issues. Offered on a graded basis only. Prerequisite: 230b. [3] (INT)
ARTS 173. Interactive Portable Media and Cellphone Art. Use of inexpensive media devices such as cell phones, music players, and other portable electronics to create campus-wide participatory events, including art projects, web interactive movements, unexpected musical environments, and grass roots media campaigns. Collaborative and solo projects. [3] (HCA)
ARA 250. Arabic of the Qur’an and Other Classical Texts. Syntactical and morphological features of Classical Arabic. Differences and similarities with Modern Standard Arabic in vocabulary usage, semantic extensions, and context; vocabulary borrowing. Texts drawn from the Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira (biographical) literature. Offered on a graded basis only. Prerequisite: 240. [4] (INT)
ARTS 174. Sound Art. The evolution of sound art and avant-garde sound performance technique from the 1900s to the present. Artistic conceptualization, vocal experimentation, multimedia sound installation, online network, and interactive performance projects. Student practice with a variety of digital sound recording programs, live performances, and analog instrumentations. [3] (HCA)
Art Studio
ARTS 180. Sources of Contemporary Art. Contemporary studio art practice, issues, and theories. Visual and conceptual influences on living artists; idea formation. Students must participate in artist-in-residence projects. [3] (HCA)
ARTS 102. Drawing and Composition I. Introduction to drawing: visual problems related to observation, idea formation, composition, media, and various forms of expression. Figure and landscape may be included. [3] (HCA) ARTS 110. Printmaking I: Relief and Intaglio. Introduction to printmaking media, including relief and etchings. Traditional and experimental approaches. Prerequisite: 102. [3] (HCA) ARTS 111. Printmaking I: Screen Printing and Lithography. Introduction to printmaking media, including screen printing and lithography. Traditional and experimental approaches. Prerequisite: 102. [3] (HCA)
ARTS 190. Social Collective Art Practice. History and practice of making art within the social collective experience. Small group projects based on everyday living in The Commons. No credit for students who have taken 115F section 1. [3] (HCA) ARTS 202. Drawing and Composition II. Prerequisite: 102. [3] (HCA) ARTS 203. Drawing and Composition III. Prerequisite: 102 and 202. [3] (HCA) ARTS 205. Life Drawing II. Prerequisite: 102. [3] (HCA)