Arbat Temporary Refugee Camp Profile - UNHCR

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Camp opened: 25.08.2013. Pattern in Population Change : Relocation from. Arbat transit camp to Arbat Permenant Camp. Arb
Arbat Temporary Refugee Camp Profile Geographic Snapshot and Contextual Bckground GPS coordinates : 45.56437482 35.40950474 Region and State : Sulaymaniyah. KR - Iraq Size of camp area : 300,000 m² Pattern in Population Change : Relocation from Arbat transit camp to Arbat Permenant Camp Areas of Origin : Majority is from Qamishli, Syria. Camp opened: 25.08.2013 Refugee Population: Approx 3,455 (Persons) Planned capacity: 5,000(Persons) 40   35  

Age and Gender Breakdown as of 31 May 2014

30   25   20  




10   5   0  

Sector St andard Standards for Indicators Met

0-­‐4  Years  

Current Situation

Population registered on Protection: 100 % of PoCs individual basis; fixed (Level registered on individual basis. 1) registered on family basis Food: Extent food aid is appropriately distributed: Kilocalorie (Kcal) / person/ day: 2,100 Education: 100% of children registered are enrolled in school. 100% of children enrolled receive school supplies. Health: Extent PoCs have access to primary health care. 1 health centre for 10,000 persons. 1-4 consultations/ person/ year

05-­‐11  Years  

12-­‐17  Years  

18-­‐59  Years  

60+  Years  

Analysis Fixing (registered as Level 1) is completed. proGres (UNHCR global database)registration completed for 40% with complition pending population relocation to Arbat permanent camp.

Kcal person /day: 2100

Quality and quantity of food aid provided.

53% enrolled in school. 100% receiving school supplies.

Completion of the new construction on the permanent site.

1 temporary health post. 11.2 consultations/ person/ year.

Comprehensive PHC services are provided 24/7 covering all PoC. Consultation rates are above the expected average due to high rates of upper respiratory tract infection.

The planned average area per Shelter: Average camp area per person: 38.4 sq. m.; person 30 sq m; The current average area per Shelter and infrastructure established, improved and 100% of households living in person: 33 sq. m.; maintained. adequate dwellings. 100% of households living in adequate dwellings. Basic Needs: 100% of households whose needs for basic and domestic items are met

Refugees received Core Relief Items (CRIs) kits upon arrival in the camp, including distribution of 100 % of households are met. winterization and summer kits. UNHCR coordinated summer distributions by other agencies.

WASH: Liters of water/person/ Liters of water/person /day: day: 20; 23.2; Persons per latrine: