Behind the postcolonial: architecture, urban space and political culture in. Indonesia / Abidin Kusno London: ... Buildi
Architectural Urbanism, Social + Political Space : A Selective Bibliography Compiled by Aileen Smith, November 2005 This bibliography consists of a selective list of books and articles relating to Architectural Urbanism, Social + Political Space. Those books held within the AA Library are indicated with a shelfmark.
Books (Alphabetically by title) After the World Trade Center: rethinking New York City / edited by Michael Sorkin and Sharon Zukin ISBN 0415934796 711.123(747) SOR
Anywhere / Cynthia C Davidson New York: Rizzoli, 1993 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 ANY
Archilab’s future house: radical experiments in living space / Marie-Ange Brayer London: Thames and Hudson, 2002 ISBN 0500283575 AA SHELFMARK: 728.3.036 BRA
Archilab’s urban experiments: radical architecture, art and the city / Marie-Ange Brayer London: Thames and Hudson, 2005 ISBN 0500283125 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036:711.4 BRA
Architecture and modernity: a critique / Hilde Heynen Press, 1999 ISBN 0262082640
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Architecture and urban space: proceedings of the 9th international PLEA Conference held in Seville, Spain 1991 / London: Kluwer Academic Publications, 1991 AA SHELFMARK: 697.7 CON
Architecture from the outside: essays on virtual and real space / Elizabeth Grosz Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001 ISBN 0262571498 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 GRO
Art space and the city: public art and urban futures / Malcolm Miles London: Routledge, 1997 AA SHELFMARK: 7.067.3 MIL
At home: an anthropology of domestic space / edited by Irene Cieraad Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1999 ISBN 0815605625 AA SHELFMARK: 304.3 CIE
Atlas of contemporary public space: an un-volumetric architecture / Aldo Aymonino Milan: Skira, 2005 ISBN 8876242732 AA SHELFMARK: ON ORDER
Behind the postcolonial: architecture, urban space and political culture in Indonesia / Abidin Kusno London: Routledge, 2000 ISBN 0415236150 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036(5):711.433 KUS
Beijing 798: reflections on art, architecture and society in China / Rui Huang Beijing: Trimeznone 8 Limited and Thinking Hands, 2004 ISBN 9889726238 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036(51B) HUA
Beyond form: architecture and art in the space of media / Christine Calderon New York: Lusitania Press, 2004 ISBN 1882791096 AA SHELFMARK: 518.5:72.01 CAL
Body and the city: psychoanalysis, space and subjectivity / Steve Pile London: Routledge, 1996 ISBN 0415141923 AA SHELFMARK: 159.937.5 PIL
Building change: architecture, politics and cultural agency / Lisa Findlay London: Routledge, 2005 ISBN 0415318769 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036:301 FIN
Charter of the new urbanism / edited by Michael Leccese and Kathleen McCormick New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000 ISBN 0071355537 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4(73) LEC
China’s urban transition / John Friedmann Minneapolis, Minn: University of Minnesota Press, 2005 ISBN 0816646155 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(51) FRI
CIAM discourse on urbanism, 1928-1960 / Eric Mumford Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000 ISBN 0262133644 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036:711.4 MUM
Cities people planet: liveable cities for a sustainable world / Herbert Girardet Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2004 Isbn 0470852844 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433:577.4 GIR
City levels / editors Ally Ireson and Nick Barley ISBN 3764363150
Basel: Birkhauser, 2000
Civic realism / Peter G Rowe Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997 AA SHELFMARK: 711.644 ROW
Collage city / Colin Rowe 0262680424
Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 1984 ISBN
AA SHELFMARK;72.01:711.4 ROW
Colossal urbanism: the Tokyo experiment / Stan Allen University, 1996
New York: Columbia
AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.01(52) COL
Conditioning: the design of new atmospheres, effects and experiences / Verb: conditioning, edited by Albert Ferre Barcelona: Actar, 2005 ISBN 849595186X AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 VER
Connection: the changing status of the city, of architecture, of urbanism, the generation of activity, physically linking programs, people and uses / Verb: Connection Barcelona: Actar, 2004 ISBN 8495951061 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036 VER
Constant’s New Babylon: the hyper-architecture of desire / Mark Wigley Rotterdam: Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art; 010 Publishers, 1998 ISBN 9064503435 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036:711.418 WIG
Content: triumph of realization / Rem Koolhaas ISBN 3822830704
Koln: Taschen, 2004
AA SHELFMARK: 72.036(492):92OMA KOO
Costa Iberica: upbeat to the leisure city / MVRDV ISBN 3895273195
Barcelona: Actar, 2000
AA SHELFMARK: 711.455.03(46+(469):301.2 MVR
Creative city: a toolkit for urban innovators / Charles Landry London: Earthscan, 2000 ISBN 1853836133 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.01.036 LAN
Ctrl [space]: rhetorics of surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother / edited by Thomas Y Levin et al Karlsruhe: ZKM Center for Art and Media/Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002 ISBN 0262 621657 AA SHELFMARK: 7.036:654.1:301 LEV
Cybercities reader / edited by Stephen Graham ISBN 0415279569
London: Routledge, 2004
AA SHELFMARK: 518.5:711.4.036 GRA
Delirious New York: a retroactive manifesto for Manhattan / Rem Koolhaas London: Thames and Hudson, 1978 / Rotterdam: 010 Publisher, 1994 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036(747) KOO
Design of urban space: an inquiry into a socio-spatial process / Ali Madanipour Chichester: Wiley, 1996 ISBN 0471966378 AA SHELFMARK: 711.6 MAD
Dimensions of play: ways of thinking architecture and the city / Anyone Corporation (Any,12) New York: Anyone Corporation, 1995 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 ANY (MLC)
East Asia modern: shaping the contemporary city / Peter G Rowe London: Reaktion, 2005 ISBN 1861892497 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.036(5) ROW
Eastern harbour district Amsterdam: urbanism and architecture / Jaap Evert Abrahamse Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2003 ISBN 9056623079 AA SHELFMARK: 728.1.036(492A) ABR
Ecourbanismo: entornos humnos sostenibles; 60 proyectos = Ecourbanism: sustainable human settlements: 60 case studies Barcelona: G. Gili, 1999 ISBN 8425217237 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433:577.4 RUA
Event cities 2 / Bernard Tschumi Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000 ISBN 0262700743 AA SHELFMARK:72.01.036:711.4 TSC
Everyday urbanism: featuring John Chase New York: Monacelli Press, 1999 ISBN 1885254814 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433(73) CHA
Everyday urbanism: Margaret Crawford vs. Michael Speaks / Rahul Mehrotra Michigan: University of Michigan, 2005 ISBN 1891197347 AA SEHLFMARK: 711.433.01 MEH
Exit utopia: architectural provocations, 1956-76 / Martin van Schaik Prestel, 2005 ISBN 3791329731 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01:711.4.03 VAN
Farmax: excursions on density: MVRDV / edited by Winy Maas and Jacob van Rijs with Richard Koek Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 1996 ISBN 9064502668 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(492):92MVR MAA
Five minutes city: architecture and [im]mobility: forum and workshop Rotterdam 2002 / Winy Maas Rotterdam: Episode Publishers, 2003 ISBN 9059730038 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036 MAA
Food + the city / Karen A Franck Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2005 ISBN 0470093285 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4:641.5 FRA
Gender space architecture: an interdisciplinary introduction / Jane Rendell, Barbara Penner, Iain Borden London: Routledge, 2000 ISBN 0415172535 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01+3-055.2 REN
Global cities: cinema, architecture and urbanism in a digital age / Linda Krause Rutgers University Press, 2003 ISBN 0813532760 AA SHELFMARK: ON ORDER
Global dimensions: space, place and the contemporary world / John Rennie Short London: Reaktion, 2001 ISBN 1861891024 AA SHELFMARK: 330.191.6 SHO
Great leap forward: Harvard Design School Project on the City / Chuihua Judy Chung, Jeffrey Inaba, Rem Koolhaas et al Koln: Taschen, 2001 ISBN 382860484 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433(51):330 CHU
Ground Zero / Paul Virilio London: Verso, 2002 ISBN 1859844162 AA SHELFMARK: 301 VIR
Happy: cities and public happiness in post-war Europe / edited by Cor Wagenaar Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2004 ISBN 9056624083 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(4) WAG
Here comes the sun: architecture and public space in 20th century European culture / Ken Worpole London: Reakton, 2000 ISBN 1861890737 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(4) WOR
Hieroglyphics of space: reading and experiencing the modern metropolis / Neil Leach London: Routledge, 2002 ISBN 0415198925 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4:3 LEA
Imagining Ground Zero: official and unofficial proposals for the World Trade Centre competition / Suzanne Stephens with Ian Luna and Ron Broadhurst London: Thames and Hudson; New York: Rizzoli in association with Architectural Record, 2004 ISBN 0500342016 AA SHELFMARK: 725.23(747) STE
In search of a new public domain: analysis and strategy / Maarten Hajer, Arnold Reijndorp Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2001 ISBN 9056622013 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(492) HAJ
In the metro / Marc Auge Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2002 ISBN 0816634378 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.03(44P):92AUG AUG
Informal city: Caracas case / Alfred Brillemburg ISBN 3791333917
Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2005
AA SHELFMARK: 711.433(87C) BRI
Joel Sanders: writings and projects / foreword by Terence Riley; introduction by Joseph Rosa New York: Monacelli Press, 2004 ISBN 158093143X AA SHELFMARK: 72.036(73):92SAN RIL
Lagos wide & close: an interactive journey into an exploding city / Rem Koolhaas Amsterdam: Submarine, 2005 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.036(669L) KOO (DVD-DESK)
Landscape urbanism: a manual for the machinic landscape / edited by Mohsen Mostafavi and Ciro Najle London: Architectural Association, 2003 ISBN 1902902300 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4:712 MOS
Latent utopias: experiments within contemporary architecture / Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher Graz: Steirischer Herbst coproduction with Graz 2003, Cultural Capital of Euorpe 2002 ISBN 3211838651 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036 HAD
Learning from China: the tao of the city / Carl Fingerhuth Basel: Birkhauser, 2004 ISBN 3764369434 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.036(51/4) FIN
Learning from Las Vegas / Robert Venturi Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1977 ISBN 026272006X AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.01(793) VEN
Life between buildings: using public space / Jan Gehl Forlag, 2001 ISBN 8774072412
Copenhagen: Arkitektens
Log: observations on architecture and the contemporary city Anyone Corporation, 2005 ISBN 0974652148
New York:
Massive change / Bruce Mau London: Phaidon, 2004 ISBN 0714844012 AA SHELFMARK: 7.011 MAU
Metacity/datatown/ MVRDV, text by Winy Mass, edited by Jennifer Sigler Rotterdam: 010 Publisher, 1999 ISBN 9064503710 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.01.036:92MVR MVR
Michael Bell: space replaces us: essays and projects on the city / Michael Bell, with postscripts by Sanford Kwinter and Steven Holl New York: Monacelli Press, 2004 ISBN 1580931316 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036(73):8-4 BEL
Mutations: Harvard Project on the City / Rem Koolhaas Barcelona: Actar, 2000 ISBN 8495273519 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036 KOO
New Babylonians / Iain Borden + Sandy McCreery 2001 ISBN 0471499099
London: Wiley-Academy,
New Tokyo lifestyle think zone / Minoru Mori, Hiroo Yamagata, Bruce Mau Tokyo: Minoru Mori: Kajima Institute Publishing Co. Ltd, 2001 ISBN 4901543008 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.036(52T):301 MOR
New urbanism: Peter Calthorpe vs. Lars Lerup / edited by Robert Fishman Michigan: University of Michigan, 2005 ISBN 1891197355 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.01 FIS
New World Trade Center: design proposals from leading architects worldwide / Max Protetch New York: Regan Books, 2002 ISBN 0060520167 725.23(747) PRO
New York stories / Anyone Corporation (Any 22) Corporation, 1998 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 ANY
New York: Anyone
Out of ground zero: case studies in urban reinvention / edited Joan Ockman Munich: Prestel, 2002 ISBN 3791327909 AA SHELFMARK: 711.523 OCK
Parasite paradise: a manifesto for temporary architecture and flexible urbanism / compilation and editing by Liesbeth Melis Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2003 ISBN 9056623303 AA SHELFMARK: 728.1.036 MEL
Placing words: symbols, space and the city / William J Mitchell Mass.: MIT Press, 2005 ISBN 0262633221
AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036:518.5 MIT
Postmodern geographies: the reassertion of space in critical social theory / Edward W Soja London: Verso, 1989 ISBN 0860919366 AA SHELFMARK: 308 SOJ
Postmodern urbanism / Nan Ellin New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999 ISBN 156898135X AA SHELFMARK: 711.433 ELL
Post urbanism & reurbanism: designs for Ground Zero: Peter Smithson vs. Barbara Littenberg and Steven Peterson / edited by Roy Strickland Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2005 ISBN 1891197363 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.01(747) STR
Production of space / Henri Lefebvre Oxford: Blackwell, 1991 ISBN 0631181776 AA SHELMFARK: 721.011.2 LEF
Promise of the city: space, identity and politics in contemporary social thought / Kian Tajbakhsh Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 2001 ISBN 0520222784 301.18:711.4 TAJ
Provisional city: Los Angeles stories of architecture and urbanism / Dana Cuff Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000 ISBN 0262032767 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(73LA) CUF
Public space: design, layout and management of public open space in Rotterdam / Johan Goossens Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 1995 ISBN 9064502617 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.036(492R):711.52 GOO
Public space and democracy / Marcel Hemaff and Tracy B Strong University of Minnesota Press, 2001 ISBN 0816633886
AA SHELFMARK: 321.7:711.4.036 PUB
Public spaces / CHORA, Raoul Bunschoten ISBN 1901033767
London: Black Dog, 2002
AA SHELFMARK: 711.52:72.036 CHO
Questions of space: lectures on architecture / Bernard Tschumi Architectural Association, 1990 ISBN 0904503895
Recombinant urbanism: conceptual modeling in architecture, urban design, and city theory / David Grahame Shane Chichester: John Wiley, 2005 ISBN 0470093315 AA SHELFMARK: 711.433.036 SHA
Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the creation of a political space / Hung Wu London: Reaktion Books, 2005 ISBN 1861892357 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(51B) WUH
Revisions of space: an architectural manual / Dick van Gameren NAi Publishers, 2005 ISBN 9056624431
Rhythmanalysis: space, time and everyday life / Henri Lefebvre Continuum, 2004 ISBN 0826472990
Sexuality and space / Beatriz Colomina 1992 ISBN 1878271083
New York: Princeton University Press,
AA SHELFMARK: 721.011:8-4 COL
Shanghai: architecture and urbanism for modern China / Peter G Rowe Munich: Prestel, 2004 ISBN 3791331159 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036(51S):711.433.036 ROW
Situationist city / Simon Sadler Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1998 ISBN 0262692252 ISBN 7.01.036(4) SAD
Situationists, art, politics, urbanism / Libero Andreotti AA SHELFMARK: 7.036 AND
Barcelona: Actar, 1996
Sixteen acres: the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site / Philip Nobel London: Granta Books, 2005 ISBN 1862077134 AA SHELFMARK: 725.23(747) NOB
Skateboarding: space and the city: architecture and the body / Iain Borden Oxford: Berg, 2001 ISBN 1859734936 AA SHELFMARK: 301.162:796.694:72.01 BOR
Slow space / edited by Michael Bell and Sze Tsung Leong 1998 ISBN 1885254733
New York: Monacelli,
AA SHELFMARK: 711.4:72.01.036 BEL
SMLXL: Office for Metropolitan Architecture / Rem Koolhaas and Bruce Mau Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 1995 ISBN 1885254016 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036:92OMA SIG
Social logic of space / Bill Hillier, Julienne Hanson Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984 AA SHELFMARK: 72.013:301.162 HIL
Space and place: the perspective of experience / Yi-fu Tuan Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977 AA SHELFMARK: 72.011 TUA
Space and power: politics, war and architecture / Paul Hirst Press, 2005 ISBN 0745634559
Cambridge: Polity
AA SHELFMARK: 355.01:72.01 HIR
Space condition: international architecture symposium / Roger Riewe Wien: Springer Verlag, 2005 ISBN 3211206345 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01 RIE
Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture / Bill Hillier Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996 ISBN 052156039X AA SHELFMARK: 721.011 HIL
Spaces of global cultures: architecture, urbanism, identity / Anthony D King London: Routledge, 2004 ISBN 0415196205 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036(5/42):711.433 KIN
Splintering urbanism: networked infrastructures, technological mobilities and the urban condition / Stephen Graham London: Routledge, 2001 ISBN 0415189659 AA SHELMARK: 711.4:518.5 GRA
Starting from zero: reconstructing downtown New York / Michael Sorkin London/New York: Routledge, 2003 ISBN 0415947375 AA SHELFMARK: 711.123(747) SOR
Tracing modernity: manifestations of the modern in architecture and the city / edited by Mari Hvattum and Christian Hermansen London: Routledge, 2004 ISBN 0415305128 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.01.036 HVA
Transitions: space in the dispersed city / Carsten Juel-Christiansen Copehagen: Dansk Arkitekutr Center, 2000 ISBN 8790668286 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(489):725.91.036(45) JUE
Transurbanism: Arjun Appadurai, Arjen Mulder, Knowbotic Research, Lars Spuybroek, Scott Lash, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Andreas Ruby, Edward Soja, Rem Koolhaas, Brett Steele, Roemer van Toorn, Mark Wigley / Jobe Brouwer Rotterdam: V_2 Publishing; NAi Publishers, 2002 ISBN 9056622366 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036:576.1 BRO
Tri-Towers of Babel: questioning Ground Zero / Bernard Tschumi New York: Columbia University, 2003 ISBN 1883584256 AA SHELFMARK: 711.123(747) TSC
[Un]common place: art, public space and urban aesthetics in Europe / Bartolomeo Pietromarchi Rome; Barcelona: Fondazione Adriano Olivetti; Actar, 2005 ISBN 8495951983 AA SHELFMARK: 7.036:711.4(4) PIE
Unfolding urbanism: AADRL seminar and workshop led by Andrew Benjamin London: Architectural Association, 2001 ISBN 1902902173 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.01:72.01.036 ARC
Unknown city: contesting architecture and social space / edited by Iain Borden Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001 ISBN 0262024713 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 BOR
Urban condition: space, community and self in the contemporary metropolis / written and edited by the Ghent Urban Studies Team (GUST); project directors Dirk de Meyer and Kristiaan Versluys Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 1999 ISBN 9064503559 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4:301.18 DEM
Urban flashes Asia: new architecture and urbanism in Asia / edited by Nicholas Boyarsky and Peter Lang London: Wiley-Academy, 2003 ISBN 0470858311 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036(5) BOY
Visions of the city: utopianism, power and politics in twentieth-century urbanism / David Pinder Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005 ISBN 0748614885 AA SHELFMARK: 711.4.036 PIN
Warped space: art, architecture, and anxiety in modern culture / Anthony Vidler Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000 ISBN 026222061X AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 VID
Writing spaces: discourses of architecture, urbanism and the built environment, 1960-2000 / Greg Crysler London: Routledge, 2003 ISBN 0415274931 AA SHELFMARK: 72.01.036 CRY
Journal Articles (Chronologically by year and month) 2005 ‘4dspace: interactive architecture’ / article by Lucy Bullivant and others in AD Profile 173: Architectural Design vol.75 no.1 January/February 2005 / p.5-98 2004 ‘Urban morphology and place identity in European cities: built heritage and innovative design’ / article by Aspa Gospodini in Journal of Urban Design vol.9 no.2 June 2004 / p.225-248 2003 ‘Open source’ / article by Dennis Kaspori and others in Archis no.3 2003 / p.13-101 (text in Dutch+English) ‘Babilonias: la ciudad, entre la utopia y la catastrophe [Babylons: the city, between utopia and catastrophe]’ / article by Luis Fernandez-Galiano and others in Arquitectura Viva no.88 January/February 2003 / p.27-77, 126127 (text in Spanish, summaries in English)
2002 ‘Society seen through the prism of space: outline of a theory of society and space’ / article by Bill Hillier and Vinicius Netto in Urban Design International vol.7 no.3/4 December 2002 / p.181-203 ‘Gender and architecture (part II) / article by Susan R Henderson and others in Journal of Architectural Education vol.55 no.3 February 2002 / p.125-160 2000 ‘Promise of new urbanism’ / article by Jennifer Hock and others in Places vol.13 no.2 Spring 2000 / p.16-75 1999 ‘Introducing gender to the critique of privatized public space’ / article by Kristen Day in Journal of Urban Design vol.4 no.2 June 1999 / p.155-178 ‘Urban planning versus community building: small-scale urbanism in Japan’ / article by Carola Hein in Archis no.5 May 1999 / p.44-51 (text in Dutch+English) ‘Dutch model: architecture, urban design and landscape’ / article by Moriko Kira and others in SD: Space Design no.2 (413) February 1999 / p.5-104 (text in Japanese, summaries in English) 1998 ‘Civitas / what is city?’ / article by Peter G Rowe and others in Harvard Architecture Review vol.10 1998 / p.6-187 ‘The art of castramentation’ / article by Daniel Bertrand Monk (looks at theories of social space and the concept of utopian settlements and colonies) in Assemblage no.36 August 1998 / p.64-83
‘Positionen im Raum [Positions in space]’ / article by Sandro Marpillero and others in Daidalos no.67 March 1998 / p.16-123 (text in German+English) 1997 ‘Designing the public realm’ / article by Jon Rowland in Architects’ Journal vol.206 no.8 September 4, 1997 / p.35-42 1996 ‘Grand Lyon: espaces publics et la politique de developpement social urban [Lyons: public space and the politics of urban social development]’ / article by Juliette Garnier in Moniteur Architecture AMC no.71 May 1996 / p.91-114 (text in French) 1995 ‘Rethinking public space’ / article by Libero Andreotti and others in Journal of Architectural Education vol.49 no.1 September 1995 / p.2-37 1994 ‘Design in the public realm’ / article by Thomas Walton and others in Places vol.9 no.2 Summer 1994 / p.2-92 ‘The periphery’ / edited by Maggie Toy, guest editors: Jonathan Woodroffe, Dominic Papa, and Ian MacBurnie in AD Profile 108: Architectural Design vol.64 no.3/4 March/April 1994 / p.6-96 1992 ‘Spatial narratives’ / article by Mark Rakatansky in Harvard Architecture Review vol.8 1992 / p.102-121
1989 ‘The future of urban open space’ / article by Clare Cooper Marcus in Places vol.6 no.1 Autumn 1989 / p.4-93
Compiled by Aileen Smith, Deputy Librarian November 2005