Architectures for Energy-Efficient IPTV Networks - UniTN

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network providers are beginning to build private video delivery networks to deliver ... storage, content servers and a local area network (LAN) [8]. ... Cisco 10008.
Architectures for Energy-Efficient IPTV Networks Jayant Baliga+, Robert Ayre, Kerry Hinton, Rodney S. Tucker ARC Special Research Centre for Ultra-Broadband Information Networks, +National ICT Australia University of Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia [email protected]

Abstract: A new energy consumption model of IPTV storage and distribution provides insights into the optimal design of a VoD network. Energy consumption is minimized by replicating popular program material on servers close to users. © 2008 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (060.4256) Networks, network optimization, (060.4258) Networks, network topology

1. Introduction It is widely acknowledged that Internet traffic is growing exponentially and that this trend will continue [1]. Traffic growth is driven by a number of factors, with an increasing number of users taking advantage of a wider range of services, including peer-to-peer (P2P) video distribution and video delivered by Internet protocol (IPTV) [1]. While network providers are beginning to build private video delivery networks to deliver multicast IPTV, delivery through the public Internet continues to be popular [1]. As video traffic grows, the quantity, capacity, cost and energy consumption of equipment required to deliver this traffic will also grow [2-6]. The cost and infrastructure required to supply electricity to Internet switching centers and data centers is becoming a matter of increasing concern [3-6]. Consequently, in addition to the customary design imperatives of capacity, throughput, and service quality, energy consumption has become an important issue [6]. In designing a network for the delivery of Video-on-Demand (VoD), a balance needs to be struck between provisioning a large number data centers located close to subscribers and using a smaller number of data centers with a more extensive transmission network to reach the subscribers. Locating data centers close to subscribers minimizes transport energy requirements, while centralized data centers will minimize storage energy requirements. This paper examines this trade-off between storage and transmission from an energy use perspective. A new energy consumption model of IPTV storage and distribution is formulated and is used to provide insights into the optimal design of an energy-efficient VoD network. The model incorporates energy consumption data from major equipment vendors and includes the metro, edge and core networks as well as storage equipment and video servers (i.e. data centres). To provide a concrete example of how the model can be used, we analyse the energy consumption of an online-movie VoD service in the USA as a function of the number times a movie is downloaded per hour. We show that replicating popular program material in multiple data centers close to subscribers minimizes the total energy consumption. In addition, we show how the model can be used to estimate the appropriate extent of replication as a function of the popularity of the material. 2. Modelling the IPTV Network In this section we present our new model of the IP network and data centers serving VOD using published specifications of representative commercial equipment. The basic IP network can be logically split into three main domains - the access network, the metropolitan and edge networks and the core network, as shown in simplified form on the left side of Fig. 1 [3, 6, 7]. The access network connects each home to the metropolitan and edge networks. The metropolitan and edge networks are the interfaced to the core network. The core network interconnects major population centres. Data centers typically connect directly to the core network through an edge router, as shown on the right side of Fig. 1 [8]. A basic data center serving video has three main sections – data storage, content servers and a local area network (LAN) [8]. Table 1 lists equipment used in our model of the IP network as well as the capacity and power consumption of this equipment. Table 2 lists equipment used in our model for data centers serving movies. In the following we describe the functionality of the equipment in our model.

Fig. 1. IPTV network model.

2.1 IP Network: The access portion of the network connecting subscribers to the network edge is important, but does not influence the trade-off between storage and transmission and so is not included in the present analysis. Energy consumption in access networks has been previously analysed in [7]. The metro and edge network aggregates the end user traffic into higher capacity links and serves as the interface between the access network and the core network. The traffic aggregation is typically performed by large Ethernet switches that connect to border network gateway (BNG) routers for authentication and access control. Finally, a provider edge router connects to the network core. Provider edge routers groom and encapsulate the IP packets into a packet over SONET/SDH (PoS/SDH) format for transmission to the network core. In our model the provider edge routers connect to the core routers by 10-Gb/s PoS/SDH links. The core network usually comprises a small number of large routers in each major city. These core routers perform all the necessary routing and also serve as the gateway to neighbouring core nodes. High capacity Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) fibre links interconnect these routers and connect to networks of other operators. In our model we assume core routers are interconnected by 40-Gb/s PoS/SDH links. 2.2 Data Centers: Within each data center, data is delivered from servers that cache the video content in random access memory. Our model uses HP ProLiant DL380 G5 servers which when configured for video serving consume 350 W and have a data throughput of approximately 800 Mb/s under high load [10]. Long term storage of content is provided by hard disk arrays, together with associated equipment. In our model we use the HP StorageWorks 8100 Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA), which has a capacity of 604.8 Tb and under typical load conditions consumes 4.9 kW. A LAN inside the data centre aggregates the traffic from the servers into higher capacity links and connects to the network core through an edge router. In our model we assume two layers of aggregation in the LAN. Table 1: Equipment used in model of the IP network.



Ethernet Switch BNG Provider Edge Core router WDM Optical Bypass



Cisco 6513 Cisco 10008 Cisco 12816 Cisco CRS-1 Fujitsu 7700 Calient OXC

380 Gb/s 8 Gb/s 160 Gb/s 640 Gb/s 7.04 Tb/s 5.12 Tb/s

Power Consumption 3.21 kW 1.1 kW 4.21 kW 10.9 kW 10.4 kW < 100 W

Table 2: Equipment used in model of data centers. Equipment


LAN Edge Router Servers Storage

Cisco 6513 Cisco 12816 HP DL380 G5 HP 8100 EVA


Vudu Box

380 Gb/s 160 Gb/s 800 Mb/s 604.8 Tb 4 Mb/s 2 Tb

Power Consumption 3.21 kW 4.21 kW 350 W 4.9 kW 17 W

3. Power and Energy Consumption The energy consumption per download (Watt-hours) Edownload for storage and transmission of each movie is given by B 3PES PG 2 PPE ( H + 1) PC HPWDM PSR BR PSD Edownload = 4 + + + + + +2 (1) 3600 CES CG CPE CC CWDM CSR D SSD where D is the number of downloads per hour of the movie under consideration, B is the size of the movie in bits and the movie is replicated in R data centers. PES, PG, PPE, PC, PWDM, PSR and PSD are the powers consumed by the Ethernet switches, gateway routers, provider edge routers, core routers, WDM equipment, content servers and storage disks, respectively. CES, CG, CPE, CC, CWDM, CSR are the capacities of the corresponding equipment in b/s and SSD is the capacity of the storage disks in bits. The factor of three for Ethernet switches and factor of two for provider edge routers in (1) is to include the equipment in the metro network and in the data centre. Both terms in (1) include a factor of two to account for additional overheads such as external power supplies and cooling requirements [5]. The first term includes an additional factor of two for redundancy. H is the number of core network hops. In today's Internet, packets traverse an average of 12 to 14 hops between source and destination [11]. In our model, as the number of data centers increases, the number of core hops is reduced. User traffic must traverse three hops to reach the network core and one hop from the core to the data center. For our demographic model (USA), as the number of duplicate data centers increases from 2 to 20, the number of core hops decreases to 3. To reduce the number of core hops to zero requires approximately 200 duplicate data centers. Fig. 2 shows the per-download energy consumption in the network (including data centres) for each movie plotted as a function of the number times the movie is downloaded per hour. The results are presented for movies that are replicated 2, 20, 200 and 2000 times. For Fig. 2, each video is a 2 hour standard definition (SD) movie (14.4 Gb/1.8 GB). The results show that for a movie that is downloaded less than twice an hour, the total energy consumption required to store and distribute that movie is mimized if there are only two data centres. As the number of downloads per hour of a particular video increases, the energy consumed in transmission increases, and it is more efficient to replicate the material at more locations and thus reduce the transmission distance. Fig. 2 shows that for more than 50 downloads per hour, the total energy per download is minimized with 200 data centers. Therefore popular new-release movies should be widely replicated throughout the network to minimise energy consumption, and progressively withdrawn to fewer data centers as their usage declines.

Fig. 3 shows the contribution of storage, video servers and transmission to the total power consumption (DEdownload) of each movie as a function of the number of downloads per hour for that movie. The movie is replicated in 20 data centers (R = 20). The power consumption of transmission dominates for movies downloaded frequently while the power consumption of storage dominates for videos downloaded only occasionally.

Fig. 2. Energy per download for a 2 hour SD movie. R is the number of data centers containing a copy of the movie.

Fig. 3. Power consumption in the network of a 2 hour SD movie replicated in 20 data centers.

4. Optical Bypass It is well known that optical bypass can be used to reduce the number of hops in the network and thus the capacity requirements and energy consumption of core routers [6]. We have determined a lower bound for the energy consumption in a network in which IPTV traffic is diverted around all core routers using optical bypass (0 core hops) as shown in Fig. 2. This leads to considerable energy savings. 5. Peer-to-Peer Downloads Certain new IP-based set-top boxes (STBs) enable peering between subscribers to deliver program material, rather than delivery directly from a server [9]. Included in Fig. 2 is the energy consumption in an entirely P2P network, in which all data is stored in user equipment and there are no data centers. In our model we assume that the upload capacity of a subscriber/STB is limited to 4 Mb/s by the network infrastructure. In addition, the STBs from which a subscriber is downloading would in any case have been powered on with a probability of 0.25. For high demand content, centralized data centers using optical bypass are at least three times more efficient than P2P. P2P is energy efficient for movies that are downloaded less than once every few days. We note that unlike networks employing public servers, users bear the cost of energy used for storage in P2P networks. 6. Conclusions We have presented a new model of the energy consumed by an IPTV network. We have shown that to minimize total energy consumption, frequently downloaded program material should be replicated at many data centers close to subscribers and rarely accessed material should be restricted to a few data centers. Our model provides guidance on how to allocate program material to data centers, based on the download rate. Energy efficiency is not improved by increasing the number of data centers once the number of core hops between each user and the nearest data center is reduced to zero. P2P is inefficient for distribution of high demand content. 7. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

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