Ardilafiza's Dissertation: Re-conceptualize NKRI Based on UUD 1945

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Based on UUD 1945. Submit by humas3 on June 28, 2012 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 2133. Dr. Ardilafiza, SH., M.Hum. On Tuesday (27/6), Faculty of Law ...
Ardilafiza's Dissertation: Re-conceptualize NKRI Based on UUD 1945 Submit by humas3 on June 28, 2012 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 5087

Dr. Ardilafiza, SH., M.Hum On Tuesday (27/6), Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held open dissertation examination. Ardilafiza as the Promovendus (a candidate for a doctorate) defended his dissertation entitled “The Re-conceptualize of United Nation of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) based on The Constitution (UUD 1945)”. According to Ardilafiza, the philosophical debate about the form of Indonesia has never ended. “Because after more than 62 years of independence, empirically there is still some separatism groups who want to seperate themselves from NKRI, the conflicts between the ethnic groups have been solved and emerge other conflicts,” he said. Ardilafiza continued, juridically the debates about the form of a country also couldnot be ended, because the changes of Indonesia’s Constitution which has been done for four times has produced horizontal conflicts between the articles. And those conflicts cannot be understood as something principal by the law makers, therefore they have effect to emerge juridical conflicts which are vertical between UUD 1945 and the laws under it and horizontal between the laws of local government and other laws. The result of the study shows the construction of NKRI’s constitutional jurisdiction based on UUD 1945 gives a big contribution to produce uncertain form of a followed country. Recent philosophical conflicts which are cannot be solved still continue with the changes of UUD 1945. It is worsen by the construction of Law number 32 of 2004 about Local Government which cannot understand the changes of UUD 1945. “Therefore the existence of these laws do not fill the weaknesses of UUD 1945 but cause more chaos about the form of a country,“ he said. Therefore, Ardilafiza suggests, the ce-conceptualized of NKRI must be done by changing the UUD 1945 or at least re-design the laws which are related to local government to be based on UUD 1945. The result of this study is expected to be able to give solutions and balance between the form of a unity state and a state with pluralism of various regions. “The present of a country does not give uniforming to all regions, threfore the existence of a region will end, but the balance must be able to protect the concept of localism, the form of unity state must be given a diffferent character to the concept of common theories,” he explained. Ardilafiza was born in Bukittinggi, 29 January 1960. He finished his Bachelor of Law in Universitas Andalas on 1984, while he done his Master of Law in Postgraduate of Universitas Padjajaran Bandung on 1993. In this time, in addition to work as a lecturer in Faculty of law Universitas Bengkulu, he is also as the Head of the Center of

Constitution Discussion. The board of examiners in this open dissertation examination are Dr. Sudarsono, SH., MS (Promotor), Prof. Dr. Isrok, SH., MS (Co-Promotor), Dr. Jazim Hamidi, SH., MH (Co-Promotor), Prof. Dr. Suko Wiyono, SH., MH., Dr. Ibnu Tricahyo, SH., MH., Dr. A. Rahmad Budiono, SH., MH., and Prof. Dr. Yuliandri, SH., MH. After defending his dissertation in front of the board of examiners, Ardilafiza diserves to get the title of the Doctor of Law Science, with 3.96 GPA, with the predicate of very satisfy, in 4 years and 10 months. [mit/ translated by a. wicaksono]

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