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... Papakura, Auckland 2582 ph 09-299-6228 [email protected] #13. 18 August 2015. FROM THE

#13 18 August 2015

Clevedon Road, RD 2, Papakura, Auckland 2582

ph 09-299-6228

[email protected]

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S LAPTOP Tēnā koutou katoa Quiz Night Thank you to the PSG for a wonderful evening of quizzing. Everyone who attended had a great night’s entertainment. Congratulations to the Scottish Team who won the quiz and the Irish Team who won best costume and table decoration.

ECCS Cross Country On Wednesday this week our school cross country team is competing in the ECCS Cross Country event at Paparimu School. We wish them well for this competition.

Rangitahi Festival This Thursday our Senior Kapa Haka Group are participating in the Rangitahi Festival at Manselll Senior School . This Papakura Schools’ cultural festival is held biannually. Ardmore School is performing at approximately 1.20pm. Thank you to Mrs Ashford, Mrs Matheson and Mr Crotty for all their work in preparing the children for the festival.

Daffodil Day Mufti Day This year the Cancer Society has challenged schools to ‘go yellow’ for Daffodil Day. So on Friday 28th August there will be a mufti day, (gold coin donation with proceeds to the Cancer Society), with as many children as possible wearing yellow for our ‘go yellow’ challenge photo. Daffodils are also on sale at the school office. Nga mihi nui Brigid Peterson Principal



FINAL ENROLMENT EVENING YEAR 9 2016 for IN ZONE ENROLMENTS and OUT OF ZONE APPLICANTS (PROVISIONAL ENROLMENT) THURSDAY 20 AUGUST 4.00pm – 7.00pm in the Administration Block Please attend with your child and bring: Proof of residential address (a) NZ Citizens: An original or certified copy of the student’s Birth Certificate or Passport and provide a photocopy to the school. (b) Others: The student’s and a parent’s Passport and provide to the school a photocopy of the Passport personal details and the current visa pages. If you are unable to attend on THURSDAY 20TH


please make other arrangements by contacting the school receptionist (ph 534-4492).

Local family looking for a rural or semi rural rental property with at least 3 bedrooms. Preferably the rent would be under $500 per week. Please phone Kelly on 0210341458.