Area/Perimeter Gizmo Assignment - MissKalwaney

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Area and Perimeter Gizmo Assignment ... 1) Take some time to play around with the gizmo called “Rectangle: Area and ... perimeter info to check your answer. c.
1 of 2 pages. Staple all pages together and hand in assignment when complete.

Area and Perimeter Gizmo Assignment Name:_________________________________________ Online user name_______________________ 1) Take some time to play around with the gizmo called “Rectangle: Area and Perimeter”. Use buttons, rulers and other features of this gizmo and to see how it works. Spend no more than 5 minutes doing this. (This is an important lesson because as you move forward in your life you will be required to use a computer to figure out a lot of things. Using your own knowledge of computers, some curiosity and sometime to play with features sometimes helps you learn more than being told exactly what to do)

2) Click on the button called “Show perimeter” now click on “Show Area” and lastly click on show grid. 3) Now click on the RECTANGLE tab on the left hand corner of the screen. Using the sliders, set Base (b) to 7.0 and Height (h) to 4.0. (To quickly set a value, type a number in the box to the right of the slider and press Enter.)

a. Which sides of this rectangle are 7.0 units long? Which sides are 4.0 units long? Click on Click to measure lengths and measure the sides, using the Gizmo rulers. (For help using the rulers, click on Gizmo help below the Gizmo.) b. The perimeter of this rectangle is the distance around the rectangle. Find the perimeter by adding all the side lengths. What is the perimeter? Click on Show perimeter info to check your answer. c. Use your work to make a shortcut method for finding perimeter of a rectangle. What is your method? (Hint: Notice that there are two pairs of sides with the same lengths.) d. Drag A, B, C, and D to make other rectangles. Find the perimeter of some of these rectangles. Does your method always work? If not, try again. e. What is the perimeter of a rectangle with b = 11.0 m and h = 2.0 m? Use the Gizmo to check your answer. f. If you know the perimeter of a rectangle is 15.0 feet and the base is 5.0 feet, how can you find the height? Explain your method and then find the answer.

2 of 2 pages. Staple all pages together and hand in assignment when complete.

2. Turn off Show perimeter info. Set Base (b) to 8.0 and set Height (h) to 2.0. a. Which sides of this rectangle have length 8.0 and which sides have length 2.0? Use the rulers to check the lengths. b. Count how many grid squares fall inside this rectangle. That is the area of the rectangle. Click on Show area info to check your answer. Turn off Show grid. c. A rectangle with base = 8 units and height = 2 units has an area of 16 square units. How can you find the area of a rectangle without counting squares on a grid? d. Drag A, B, C, and D to see other rectangles and find the area of some of them. Does your method always work? Use the Gizmo to check. e. Use your method to find the area of a rectangle with b = 5.6 cm and h = 11.0 cm. Use the Gizmo to check your answer. f. If you know the area of a rectangle is 10.0 square inches and the height is 2.0 inches, how can you find the base? Explain your method and then find the answer. Assessment Questions (5): Answer the following questions on this paper and also online below the gizmo. I will receive this information on the computer and it will count towards your mark. MAKE SURE YOU SUBMIT THESE ANSWERS ONLINE FOR FULL MARKS!!! 1. Find the perimeter of a rectangle with base = 9 ft. and height = 4 ft. Perimeter = 13 ft.

B. Perimeter = 26 ft.

C. Perimeter = 36 ft.

D. Perimeter = 96 ft.

2. Find the area of a rectangle with base = 7 cm and height = 11 cm. o

A. Area = 18 cm2

B. Area = 36 cm2

C. Area = 77 cm2

D. Area = 308 cm2

3. What is the area of a square with side length = 10 inches? o

A. Area = 20 sq. in.

B. Area = 40 sq. in.

C. Area = 100 sq. in.

D. Area = 400 sq. in.

4. What is the perimeter of a square with side length = 3.5 m? o

A. Perimeter = 7.0 m

B. Perimeter = 12.25 m

C. Perimeter = 14.0 m

D. Perimeter = 49.0 m

5. If the perimeter of a square is 48 yards, find the area of the square. A. Area = 144 sq. yd.

B. Area = 192 sq. yd.

C. Area = 576 sq. yd.

D. Area = 2304 sq. yd.