of the UN High Commission for R efugee:s> were abducted and beaten-,. presumably with at least tacit support of Argen
Approved for Public Release 8 December 2016
C03211275 888ft83?
Decision by "Condor" Countries to Suspen d Counterterrorism Operatio'n s' 'ih' Europe - The South American countries which had agreed to launch a counterterrorism operation in Europe (Argentina . Uruguay. and Chile) h.ave agr eed to suspend initiation of the plan until Brazil decides whether or not to participate. Brazil has agreed to participate in the intel ligence coordination aspects of Condor in South America but has not agreed to participate in joint actions in Europe. The other Condor countries apparently have not ruled out moving forward on the Pa.r is operation without the Br azilians. Further Demarche on US Priest Held in Argentina - The State Department called in Argentine Ambassador Musich T hursday to reinforce our Embassy's formal protest of the Argentine Government 's denial of consular access to Father Weeks, Weeks was arr ested August 3 on suspicion of involvement in subversive activities, (State 200962)
C032112~~~R ET
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Approved for Public Release 8 1976 December 2016
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Argentine T errorist Leaders Killed - The two top-ranking l eaders of the terrorist Peopl e's Revolutionary Army (ERP) rep o rtedl y were killed Monda y during a joint Army and police raid .)n a subversive hideout . Anothe r five e xtremists, also alleged to be ~r.RP leaders , were reportedly killed in another engagement. The Arg entine Goverllll"ient has not publicly confi r med the deaths of Mario Santucho and Enrique Merlo. The deaths of the operative a nd intellectual leaders of the organization will deal a severe b l ow to an already hard hit subversive movement. In the short term , however , terrorist acts of retaliation are a real possibility. The r e is a press report that at leas t 30 U ruguaya·ns, living as refugees in Argentina, are missing and have be.~ n abducted by a rme d men in Buenos Aires . In an earlier episode, n\Un.erous exiles under the protection of the UN High Commission for R efugee:s> were abducted and beaten-, presumably with at least tacit support of Argentine security offidals. Our Ambassador has commented, on the basis of conversation with Argentine officials including the Minister of Interior, that it appears the Argentine Government has made up its mind to use all mean s at its disposal to eliminate the terrorists once and for all. (Lu enos Aires 4728 and 4716 and APN156) Panamanian L eader To rrijos to Visit Colombia, Canada and Sri ·Lanka To rrijos will meet T h u rsday in Colom bia with t he P re s ide nts o f Venez u ela and Co l ombia . He has also announced plans to visit Canada o h J uly 1.7 whe re he will meet with Prime Ministe r Trudeau. Torrijos _?lso plans to ' attend the Non-Aligned Summit meeting in Sri Lanka next month. H e will be promoting Panama 's position on the u-eaty negotiations in all cases . (F BIS 9)
Presidential library Review of NSC and State Equities is Required
Approved for Public Release 8 December 2016
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July 22 , 1976
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NSA review completed
Presidential library Review ol DOS Eq~£ti es is Required
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