Argumentation and Cooperation for Distributed Extended Logic ...
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Tools are needed to analyse firewall configurations .... illustrator which allows a graphical representation of the rule- set. ... This can lead to the introduction of a.
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A. Leitsch, and D. Mundici, editors, Proceedings of the Third Kurt G del. Colloquium on Computational Logic and Proof Theory, pages 159 171. Springer-.
Jul 15, 2014 - In the context of abstract argumentation [12], abduction can be seen ... Proof theories in argumentation are, however, often formulated as.
Argumentation and Cooperation for Distributed Extended Logic ...
Definition 8 (Justified, Overruled, Defeasible). Let P be an eaſtended logic program. FP be the char- acteristic function of P. and A be an argument then.