Getting Started 6. Creating The Game 6. The Developer Interface ...
Mobile Game Development with ARIS Classroom Course Manual
Updated: 06-13-2012
Software Training for Students (STS) University of Wisconsin-Madison
Table of Contents Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������4 About this Class���������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Topics��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
Required Skills��������������������������������������������������������������������5 Getting Started�������������������������������������������������������������������6 Creating The Game���������������������������������������������������������������������6 The Developer Interface ������������������������������������������������������������7 Making Your First Objects����������������������������������������������������������8
Adding Quests and Characters��������������������������������������� 11 Working with Quests�����������������������������������������������������������������14 Working With More Complex Characters�������������������������������15 Connecting Quests and Characters����������������������������������������18
QR Codes�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Adding QR Codes�����������������������������������������������������������������������21
Web Links������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Adding Web Links����������������������������������������������������������������������23
Panoramic Images����������������������������������������������������������� 24 Adding a Panoramic Photo �����������������������������������������������������24
Appendix - Setting Things Up����������������������������������������� 26 Installing ARIS���������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Making ARIS account����������������������������������������������������������������26 Making ARIS alpha editor account������������������������������������������26
© University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, Software Training for Students
ARIS Games
ARIS Games
Introduction About this Class This class will introduce various concepts associated with ARIS, a mobile game development tool. ARIS provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) environment, allowing users to create games without getting heavily involved with scripting or coding. ARIS is also focused on real-life geographical interaction, a setup that helps further immerse players within the game environment. In this class, we will begin by reviewing basic concepts related to working in the ARIS environment, as well as the important concepts related to development using this tool. As we progress further into the options provided by ARIS and the tools available for use, we will also review more advanced concepts such as web interactivity and conditional objectives.
Topics • What is ARIS? • The Interface • Plaques • Characters • Quests • QR Codes • WebLinks • Panoramic Images • Beginning with ARIS
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Required Skills
ARIS Games
This course requires basic computer knowledge, including web browsing. Experience using a touch-screen handheld device, especially one using iOS, will be advantageous but is not mandatory. Experience playing the ARIS game Dow Day will also be greatly advantageous but, again, is not mandatory.
Other requirements You will need to create two accounts with ARIS: a developer account usable through your web browser, and a player account you will use to actually play the game on your iOS device. You may use the same account name and password for both accounts. You will need an iOS device to play games made in ARIS.
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ARIS Games
Getting Started In this class we will be creating an interactive documentary set on the University of Wisconsin campus in 1967 that teaches the player about the protests occurring at the time. The player will assume the role of a reporter tasked with investigating the protests, as well as interviewing various characters to learn their thoughts regarding the protests. The various media files we will use in this project are available in the class files folder, accessible through the STS website. You should have access to an iOS device for the duration of this class, as this is the only way to test, troubleshoot, and play your ARIS game. You should have ARIS preinstalled on your device; it is accessible in the App Store by searching for “ARIS” or through accessing id371788434. You will also need to use two separate ARIS accounts: one for use as a player on your iOS device and one for use as a developer on the associated website.
Creating The Game We will start by creating and naming our game. We will be using Firefox for the purposes of this class, but any popular web browser should be able to support the ARIS developer environment.
Open Firefox and navigate to the ARIS developer website, available at Log in using your ARIS developer account. Next, we will be creating a new game. Move to the tab “Create New Game” and enter a name and description for your game.
WARNING: All ARIS games require a unique name! You should try adding something specific, such as your name or the date, to the title of the game to ensure successful game creation.
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The Developer Interface Modify Game Background Settings
ARIS Games
Map Mode Selector
Edit Quests or Web Hooks Object Library
Add, Delete, or Organize Objects The developer interface uses Google Maps as a map service provider. If you’ve used Google Maps or a comparable application in the past, you should notice many similarities. It is important to feel comfortable with the map interface, so feel free to play around with the various tools for a few minutes. Game Settings: This is where you can change the various background settings related to your game, including the title, description, icon, beginning and ending screens, as well as a variety of other options. Quests Editor: To create, delete, or modify any quests included in your game you will use this menu. Web Hooks Editor: ARIS is capable of interacting with physical objects in the real world with a web connection. For example, a button can trigger quest completion or a video screen attached to a computer can play on command. Object Library: This is where all objects created in this game will be displayed. Underneath the library, we can see the buttons allowing us to create new objects, add folders, or delete objects.
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ARIS Games
Making Your First Objects 1.
On the bottom-left side of the screen, press the “Add Object” button and select “Plaque.” You should see a new object created called “Unnamed Plaque.” This will be the what viewers first see when the open the game.
What is a plaque? A plaque in ARIS works very similarly to a plaque in real life - it is something that the player can view, but not truly interact with. In our case, we will use the plaque to introduce the player to the game setting and show a video. It will also give the player a copy of the video that they can view at any time.
To modify our plaque, double click on it. Make the following changes to the object: • The name of the plaque will display on the top of the screen when viewed. Name our plaque “Introduction.” • The content of our plaque will be displayed to the viewer. The default content is included in the script.txt file in the class files folder and is as follows: “In this situated documentary you roleplay as a reporter assigned to cover the anti-Dow protests taking place at UW on October 17-18, 1967. After viewing the video click on the GPS tab in order to locate your editor. He will give you your first lead.” • We will be attaching a video to this introductory slide. Use the Media Picker button to open the appropriate menu. Select the “Video” folder and press Upload New. Press the “Find File To Upload” button and navigate to introduction.3gp in the class files folder. • We will be giving the player a copy of this video that they may rewatch at any time, but first we must make sure to save our changes.
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ARIS Games
Deleting Objects
We will now revisit the “Add Object” menu at the bottom of the screen. Click on it and choose “Item,” which should cause an “Unnamed Item” to be created.
What is an Item?
A n y o b j e c t y o u c r e at e i n t h e O b j e c t s L i b r a r y c a n b e e a s i ly deleted by dragging and dropping it to the trash can.
An item in ARIS is an object that modifies the character it is associated with. There are three types of items: Normal, Web Item, and Attribute. ◊ Normal items are probably what first come to mind. They are put into the player’s inventory and can be viewed or used as parts of quests or character interactions. ◊ Web items work similarly to normal items but can link to webpages. ◊ Attributes affect the qualities of the player. For example, a character could have 3 “+1 Strength” attributes, which could make their character stronger and able to unlock new quests.
To modify our item, double click on it. Make the following changes to the object • Name the item “Intro Video.” • Click on the “Icon Picker” button and change the icon to “Movie.” • Click on the “Media Picker” button and select the intro video we have already uploaded. • Press “Save and Close” to confirm our changes.
Finally, we will make a change to our introduction plaque so that it deposits the Intro Video into the player’s inventory when it is viewed. Double click on the Introduction plaque.
Click on the “Change Player Inventory When Viewed” button. Press the make changes.
button to
By default, Give Item will appear under the “Action” dropdown menu. Under the “Item” dropdown menu, select the “Intro Video” item that we have created. Press close once you have made this change.
Before testing our game, we need to assign the plaque we’ve created as the introduction screen. After saving and closing the current menus, click on the “Game Settings” button near the top of the Game Objects menu.
In the “General Settings” tab, which appears by default, use the Introduction Plaque dropdown menu to select the plaque we’ve just created.
This is a good time to test our game to make sure it is working properly. Try searching for it using the iOS ARIS app and testing it to ensure that the introduction plaque appears as we
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ARIS Games would like it to and that it deposits the item into the player’s inventory. If you are having difficulties, try closing and reopening the game on your iOS device to ensure that it is fully updated. If you encounter additional problems, double-check to ensure all steps were properly followed or ask your instructor for assistance.
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Adding Quests and Characters
1. The first character we will be making is the newspaper editor the player works for. Add a character using the “Add Object” menu the same way we added plaques and items. Double click on your new “Unnamed Character” to make changes.
What is a Character? A character is probably the most straightforward type of object in ARIS. Many characters work exactly the same way a character works in a play or game, allowing the player to participate in conversations, use or receive items, and unlock or complete quests. Keep in mind that a “character” does not have to be a character in the traditional sense. For example, a vending machine in real life could be simulated by using a character that had (very) limited dialogue and a conversation option to swap money for soda. Any fixed object that the player interacts with can be considered a character for the purposes of ARIS game development.
We will be making several changes to this character. Begin by making the following basic changes: • Change the character’s name to “Editor.” • Click on the “Media Picker” button and use the “Upload Now” function to select Editor.jpg from the class files folder. • Add a greeting and closing script. The default options are available in the script.txt file included in the class files folder. • If you like, you may add Developer Notes that you can see whenever viewing this character using the developer interface.
We will be adding a dialogue option next. ARIS used a basic extensible markup language (XML) to create character dialogues. Even if you have not used one before, don’t feel overwhelmed! There’s only a few things to remember to learn the basics. The following tags will be used in ARIS dialogues: ◊ : This tag will occur at the start and end of
Software Training for Students (STS)
The Basics XML
Ex tensible Markup Language
u s e s c e r ta i n s p e c i al w o r d s c all e d
type of text being used.
to show
t h at a w o r d s h o u l d b e v i e w e d a s a ta g r at h e r t h a n r e g u la r text.
d e a c t i vat e a ta g , s i m p ly t y p e t h e s am e ta g b u t w i t h a
f o r wa r d s la s h at t h e b e g i n n i n g .
a b o l d ta g w o u l d l o o k l i k e
e xam p l e :
< b o l d > THIS .
t h at ta g s d o n o t a p p e a r o u t s i d e o f d e v e l o p e r m o d e , s o a
p lay e r r e a d i n g t h i s s c r i p t w o u l d s e e :
a b o l d ta g w o u l d l o o k l i k e
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ARIS Games every multi-step dialogue involved in the game. It is not necessary if an interaction only has one screen to display. ◊ : Short for non-player character, this tag alerts ARIS that the character object is talking. ◊ : Short for player character, this tag alerts ARIS that the player is talking.
To begin adding dialogue, add a new conversation option by clicking the “+” option at the bottom of the character editor window. 4.
Change the text in the “Option” column. This is the question that the player can conceivably ask the character to initiate conversation. The default option for this is “New Conversation”. We need to change that to “Ok. How do I get started?”
Add in a script that they player will read once selecting the conversation option. The default conversation is available in your script.txt folder and reads as follows: You should have time to do a couple interviews before the protests start. Try to get the story from a few different perspectives. Here is your first lead... Why don’t you start by heading up to the Chancellor’s office in Bascom Hall? I’ll get right on it. Hurry and we’ll see you later. Good luck.
Once you are satisfied with your dialogue, press the “Save and Close” button on the bottom of the screen. 6.
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The next step is to place the editor on our map. Simply drag the “Editor” item from the Game Objects list on the left side of the page onto the map. We will be placing him in front of the Memorial Union, which is where the interactive portion of the game will begin.
Software Training for Students (STS)
ARIS Games Before moving on, we will take a look at the map menu for characters. To bring up this menu, simply click on the Editor location on the map. The following options are available: •
Label: What the character will be displayed as on a map. For example, if you wanted the player to speak with someone named “Editor” when they arrived at “Memorial Union,” you can name the location Memorial Union without modifying the actual conversation partner’s name.
Error Range: How close a player must get to the character to initiate conversation. It is best to give the player a reasonable cushion in case of GPS issues, construction, or other problems that can arise.
QR Code and Error Text: These will be detailed later on in this manual.
Hidden: A hidden character will never appear on the map. However, they can still communicate with the player through the next option, Auto Display.
Auto Display: This setting allows characters to automatically greet the player once they come within the error range. A hidden treasure chest, for example, could be a hidden character that automatically grants the player treasure once they come nearby.
Quick Travel: This setting allows the player to communicate with the character even if they are not within the error range. This is helpful for game testing or for any assistance characters.
Edit Requirements: Character requirements allow you to determine when a character appears or disappears. If the player has satisfied the character’s requirements, they will appear on the map. If they have not, the character will not appear even if the “Hidden” box is unchecked.
Delete This Location: This option will remove the character from the map. Note that if we click this button, the Editor on the map will disappear but the actual character saved in the Game Objects menu will be unaffected.
Check the Quick Travel box so that we can test our game without actually going to the character’s location.
The player will not be interacting with the editor after their initial conversation, so we need to make him disappear once this happens. Click on “Edit Requirements” to adjust when this character will appear. Click on the “+” in the bottom-right corner to add a new requirement. To have this character appear when we would like them to, we will add the following requirement: •
Player Has/Not: Player Has Not
Requirement: Greeted Character
Objects: Editor
10. Once this is complete, save and close the requirements editor. We’ve finished adjusting the settings for our first character! Page 13 Software Training for Students (STS)
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Working with Quests Right now we have created a backdrop for our game’s beginning. The next step is to let players know where they should start and what their goal is. We will do this through the use of quests.
What is a Quest? A quest is a task given to the player. We will begin by making a basic quest telling the player to talk to the Editor character, but not all quests have to be this straightforward. Quests can include item or location requirements, dependencies on prior actions, or even objectives based on uploading or commenting on player videos or pictures.
To create or modify quests, click on the “Quests Editor” button in the Game Objects menu. A list of all quests in the game will appear, which will be blank for us since we have not added any quests yet. Press the “+” button on the bottom-right to create a new quest.
Click on the quest title (“New Quest” by default) and change it to “See Your Editor.” This is the first task we will assign to the player. While the player will see the quest name in their quests tab, it is helpful to include a description of the quest to further direct and immerse the player. You may edit the quest description in the “Text when Active” column of the Quests Editor. The default description is available in the script.txt file and appears as follows:
Your editor sees you crossing the street and comes to meet you in front of the Memorial Union. He looks very hurried and is speaking quickly.
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This quest will be started at the beginning of the game, so we do not need to add any triggers to activate it. However, we want to complete it once the player has talked to the editor and received their next task. To do this, click on the “To Complete” button. Software Training for Students (STS)
ARIS Games Press the “+” Button to add a new completion requirement. We want ARIS to recognize that this quest has been completed once the player has talked to the editor at all. To do this, we will need to make the following changes: •
Player Has/Not: Player Has
Requirement: Greeted Character
Objects: Editor
Save your changes in both the Requirements Editor and Quests Editor by pressing both “Save and Close” buttons.
Working With More Complex Characters Our next task will be to add additional characters and quests to fully immerse the player. We will be adding two more characters: the Dean in Bascom Hall and a protestor at the foot of Bascom Hill.
Add a new character using the “Add Object” button in the Game Objects menu. This character will be our protestor. The protestor will also hand a protest flyer to the player if they engage them in conversation, so we have to make a new item as well.
Use the “Add Object” button again to add an Item. We will configure this first.
Double click on the “Unnamed Item” to make changes to it. We will be making the following changes: •
Item Name: Protest Flyer
Media Picker: Click this button select “Image.” Press “Upload Now” and then “Find File To Upload,” navigate to the class files folder, and select Flyer.jpg.
You may add a description if you like. The default item description is available in the script.txt file and reads as follows:
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All of the interviews and documents that appear in Dow Day are based on archival documents found at the Wisconsin State Historical Society Library. For example, this flyer is an excerpt from an actual flyer that was handed out in October of 1967.
Our item is now complete! Press “Save And Close” to save our item so we can begin working on our protestor.
Double click on the “Unnamed Character” we made before to bring up the customization menu. We will be making the following changes: •
Character Name: Protestor •
Picker: Just like we did with the flyer, we will be uploading an image to the protestor. The protestor’s portrait is called “Prostestor.jpg” and is also available in the class files. •
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The greeting script is available in the script.txt file. It is as follows:
Dow Rally at 10:30! Dow Rally at 10:30! Sure, I can answer a few questions. Wait, you don’t write for the State Journal do you?
The protestor exists to help enhance the game environment and provide background information to the player. The player will be able to ask the protestor why they are protesting and will receive an explanation and the protest flyer in response. To do this, we need to add a
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ARIS Games dialogue option just like we did before. To do this, press the “+” button on the bottom of the screen and make the following changes to the conversation: •
Option: Why are you protesting?
Script: Available in script.txt, the default script is as follows:
Because I am against Dow and other companies coming to the UW to recruit students for the war effort. It is time for the students to take action and it is time for the administration to listen to the students. Sure, but why single out Dow? Because Dow makes napalm and I don’t support companies who aid the war effort. It is pretty simple - allowing Dow onto campus is the same as supporting the war and the University should not be in the war business. Here, have a flyer. See you at the rally!
We want to make sure that the protestor hands out the flyer. To do this, press the “+” button in the “Exchange” column. This allows the character to give or take items from the player.
Press the “+” button to add a new item interaction. Make the following changes:
Action: Give Item
Item: Protest Flyer
Our protestor is now completed! Close out of the Item Exchange window and press the “Save And Close” button to save our character.
10. Drag the protestor from the “Game Objects” menu onto the map. We will be placing them at the base of Bascom Mall on Park Street. 11. Click on the “Protestor” icon on the map to make changes. We don’t want the protestor to appear until the player has talked to the editor, so we need to make a few changes. 12. Click on the “Edit Requirements” button. Press the “+” button to add a new requirement with the following attributes: Software Training for Students (STS)
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ARIS Games •
Player Has/Not: Player Has
Requirement: Greeted Character
Objects: Editor
13. We should remove the protestor from the map once the player has talked to them once. This prevents multiple characters from cluttering the game map and makes the game for more dynamic. To do this, we will add another requirement to the protestor. •
Player Has/Not: Player Has Not
Requirement: Greeted Character
Objects: Protestor
14. Finally, check the “Quick Travel” button to make sure that we can test our game without leaving the classroom.
Connecting Quests and Characters
We will be adding the Dean in Bascom Hall next. We will be looking at how to use quests to direct the player and some additional character options we have not yet explored.
Use the “Add Object” button to create another character.
Double click on the “Unnamed Character” to modify the character settings. Make the following changes: •
Character Name: Dean Kauffman
Media Picker: Set the photo to “Kauffman.jpg,” available in the class files folder.
Greeting Script: This is available in script.txt and reads as follows:
The Chancellor is in the middle of meetings right now, so he asked me to come out to talk to the press.
We will be adding two dialogue options to this character, so click the “+” button on the bottom of the page twice.
Set the first conversation Option to “Why not cancel Dow interviews?” and the second to “How should the UW handle the protestors?” Set the Script for both texts to the related conversations in the script.txt file. They should read as follows: Why doesn’t the University simply cancel the Dow
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interviews? We invited Dow onto this campus and they are our guests. They are providing a service to our students. If a student wants to interview for a job at Dow or any other company that comes to campus, then they have a right to do so.
How does the administration plan on handling the demonstrators? The University has already established rules that prohibit students from disrupting University functions or the operations of companies who have been invited here. These rules were passed by the faculty last year after students disrupted the speech by Robert Kennedy.
Save and close the window once you had set the dialogue options.
Drag the “Dean Kauffman” character from the Game Objects menu to Bascom Hall on the map at the top of Bascom Hill.
Click on the “Dean Kauffman” icon on the map to adjust the settings. We want it to be clear to the player that they need to go to Bascom Hall, so we will make the Dean appear as “Bascom Hall” on the map. Do this by changing the “Label” field to “Bascom Hall.”
Click on the Edit Requirements button. We only want the Dean to be an approachable character once the player has talked to the Editor, so we will make this a requirement. Click on the “+” button to add a requirement and use the following settings: •
Player Has/Not: Player Has
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Requirement: Greeted Character
Objects: Editor
Close the Requirements Editor and click the Quick Travel button to enable testing from the classroom. Save and Close the Bascom Hall location modify window.
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QR Codes
ARIS Games
QR codes, or Quick Response codes, are two-dimensional barcodes that have a larger storage capacity than standard barcodes. The code is made up of black square dots arranged in a square pattern on a white background. QR codes can be on anything from a billboard, a webpage or a shampoo bottle. QR codes are a third way, in addition to physical travel and quick travel, for a player to access content in ARIS. ARIS allows players to scan QR codes using your camera on an iOS device through the Decoder tab.
Adding QR Codes 1. Click “Add Object” in the lower left-hand corner of the alphaeditor and select “Item.” 2. Double click on “Unnamed Item” in your Game Objects tab. 3. Name your item “Marchers on Bascom” 4. Click “Media Picker” and a new menu will appear. 5. Select the video folder and click “Upload New” 6. Select Marchers Bascom_Long.3gp from the class files. 7. Click “Save and Close.” 8. Click and drag slowly “Marchers on Bascom” to the top of Bascom Hill on your Google map. 9.
Double click on “Marchers on Bascom” on your map.
10. A menu will appear titled “Modify a Location.” In the QR Code space, you will see a QR code image and a 4 digit code. This code and image is automatically assigned to your object.
11. Double click on the QR code image. It will appear in another browser tab where you can print it out or save it. Software Training for Students (STS)
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ARIS Games 12. Take this printed out code to Bascom Hall and place the QR code on a bulletin board. Now players can scan the code and see the video of protesters marching up Bascom Hill while standing on Bascom Hill.
13. Check “Hidden.” Now the player will only be able to access this video when they scan the QR code.
14. Click “Save and Close.”
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Web Links
ARIS Games
Weblinks are used to link to an internet page from your ARIS game. Instead of engaging in a conversation with a character or picking up an object, when you encounter a web link in the game, you will be automatically linked to the webpage. Web links work the same way as characters, plaques and objects.
Adding Web Links 1. Select the “Add Object” button in the lower left-hand corner of the alpha editor. 2. Select “Webpage.” 3. “Unnamed WebPage” will appear in your editing panel. 4. Double click on this unnamed webpage and an editor will appear. Here you can give the webpage an icon and a title. Name the webpage “Dow History.” 5. In the URL text box, type or copy and paste the URL: hayden. 6. Click “Save and Close.” 7. Click and drag “Dow History” in your Game Objects panel and place it in the library mall on your Google Map. 8. Double click on the object on the map and the “Modify a Location” menu will appear. 9. Check “Auto Display” and “Quick Travel.” 10. This will allow players of your game to see the object in your game and interact with it without going to the exact location. If you want the players to be at the exact location in order to interact with the object, do not check the “Quick Travel” box.
11. Click “Save and Close.”
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Panoramic Images Panoramas are photos that captures an unbroken, continuous view of an entire surrounding area. You can easily add panoramas to your ARIS game using the free app Photosynth. Panoramic images are objects that allow you to upload spherical images that are played back with the iOS device’s gyroscope. Panoramas are useful, in addition to physical travel, quick travel and QR codes, for a player to access content in ARIS. The panoramic photos should be placed at the location it was taken.
Adding a Panoramic Photo 1.
Select the “Add Object” button in the lower lefthand corner of the alpha editor.
Select “Panoramic”
“Unnamed Panoramic” will appear in your editing panel
Double click on this unnamed panoramic and an editor will appear.
Here you can give the panoramic an icon and a title, and upload the panoramic photo.
Select “Add Media” under “Choose Media.”
Select the “Upload New” button and select BascomProtesters.jpg from the class files folder.
Name your panoramic “Dow Day Bascom Hill.”
Click “Save and Close.”
In your Game Objects panel, click and slowly drag your “Dow Day Bascom Hill” panorama and place it on the top of Bascom Hill on your google map.
10. Double click on the object on the map and the “Modify a Location” menu will appear. 11. Check “Auto Display” and “Quick Travel.” This will allow players of your game to see the object in your game and interact with it without going to the exact location. If you want the players to be at the exact location in order to interact with the object, do not check the “Quick Travel” box.
12. Click “Save and Close.” Page 24
Panoramic photos
D o w n loa d PHOTOSYNTH ( f r e e ) o n y o u r i OS d e v i c e i n t h e i t u n e s a p p s to r e . yo u c a n ta k e pa n o r ama s a n d e - ma i l t h e m t o y o u r s e l f , t h e n u p loa d t h e m i n to y o u r g am e .
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ARIS Games
Appendix - Setting Things Up Installing ARIS In the iTunes App Store, download ARIS. It is a free application for iOS devices. To configure ARIS, go to your iOS device’s setting. Select ARIS and flip “Show Games in Devel” and “Others See You” to the “ON” position to see games in development.
Making ARIS account Open ARIS on your iOS device. Select “Create an account” and enter your necessary login information. Congratulations! You now are an ARIS user.
Making ARIS alpha editor account Go to the website A login screen will appear. Select “Need To Register?” in the bottom left-hand corner of the login screen. Enter a username, password and e-mail then click “Register!” Now you can create and edit ARIS games.
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Software Training for Students (STS)