A simple song for soprano solo & continuo in four verses Vocal score and ... A03
Recit & Song 'From the realms of peace above' Tenor solo & Piano Vocal ... B02
BACH J.S. 'Jesu, joy of man's desiring (Instrumental arrangement by J. Marston).
Artavian Publications Catalogue of Music produced by John Marston qpOPOPOPpq
Gorwell House, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 7JP Tel: 01271-323202 E-mail:
[email protected] www.artavianbaroque.co.uk
This catalogue represents the music I have transcribed, adapted, arranged & composed for various events and performances over the years. These are performance editions, so my object has been to produce clear music in modern clefs with bar numbers for ease of rehearsal. If further copies of parts are required, you are welcome to photocopy any extras needed; I am just providing one of everything (unless otherwise requested), but enough scores to enable singers etc to have a copy each. I have also taken on commissions to create parts for groups, the most recent being Bach's Easter Oratorio for Linden Baroque, and a Vivaldi Overture and Aria for a concert in Fleet. I am happy to consider such ventures in the future. I try to keep the cost of the music down - mainly to cover just the materials and printing. I hope you enjoy these works as much as I have done over the years. It has definitely turned up much great music that has been new to me.
John Marston Payment may be made by cash or cheque (made payable to John Marston). Music can be posted via Royal Mail for an extra £3.50 p&p irrespective of quantity ordered. Please e-mail me with details of the music required & order, or any queries.
Music Catalogue - John Marston (Artavian Publications) October 2012 GENERAL by Composer A01 ARNE Thomas - Accompanied Song - 'Celia's Complaint" £2.50 A simple song for soprano solo & continuo in four verses Vocal score and optional Flute/Violin parts ARNE Thomas - Songs from COMUS arr. with piano accompaniment (orchestral reduction) A02 Recit & Ballad 'On every hill & grove' Soprano solo & Piano Vocal scores x2 £3.00 A03 Recit & Song 'From the realms of peace above' Tenor solo & Piano Vocal scores x2 £3.00 A04 Recit & Song ditto Orchestral version Tenor solo Violin 1 & 2, Viola, Bass Score & parts £3.00 A05 Aria 'Now Phoebus sinketh in the west' Bass solo & Piano (originally high voice) Vocal scores x 2 £3.00 A06 Trio 'Live & love!' Two sopranos & Bass solos & Piano Vocal score x4 £4.00 A07 AVELING Claude The Singing Lesson - a humorous duet for Soprano & Tenor (1906 Soprano, Tenor, Piano Score x3
B01 BACH J.C. Six Italian Canzonettas for Two Sopranos & Continuo Vocal Scores x 3
B02 BACH J.S. 'Jesu, joy of man's desiring (Instrumental arrangement by J. Marston) Keyboard, Violin & Flute Score and parts
B03 BACH J.S. Sinfonia to Cantata 21 Oboe solo, Violin 1& 2 Viola, Cello, Bassoon Score & parts
B04 BACH J.S. Concerto A minor after Vivaldi BWV 593 arr. J. Marston for two harpsichords Harpsichords 1 & 2 parts
B05 BACH J.S.(?) 'Aria' (Trio) BWV 587 after Couperin? arr. Marston for two flutes/recorders & bass Flutes/Recorders 1&2 Bass parts £4.00 B06 BACH J.S. EASTER ORATORIO BWV 249 Instrumental parts only: Tr. 1,2,3, Timps. Ob.1&2, Fl.1&2, Bassoon, Vln 1&2, Vla, Bass/contrabass
BACH J.S. Organ trios arr. Two Harpsichords/Keyboards by J. Marston B07 Trio 1 Eb major BWV 525 Keyboards 1&2 B08 Trio 2 C minor BWV 526 Keyboards 1&2 B09 Trio 3 D minor BWV 527 Keyboards 1&2 B10 Trio 4 C minor BWV 585 Keyboards 1&2
£8.00 £8.00 £8.00 £8.00 Complete Set of 4: £26.00 B11 BACH J.S. Organ trio BWV 585 arr. as Trio sonata for Two Oboes & Bassoon Score, Oboes 1 & 2, Bassoon parts £6.00 B12 BEETHOVEN Ludwig Notturno for Viola and Piano Score, Piano & Viola parts
B13 BIBER Heinrich Sonata in D minor Score, Violins 1&2, Violas 1&2, Basso parts
B14 BLOW John Two Trio Sonatas Score, Violins 1&2 Bass Viol, Basso parts
B15 BOISMORTIER J-B Trio Sonata in D major arr. John Marston for Two violas & Continuo Score, Violas 1&2, Cello parts
B16 BUXTEHUDE Dietrich Sonata in A WV 272 Score, Violin, Vla da Gamba Basso parts Also gamba part arr. for cello BYRD William Consort Songs: B17 From Virgin's Womb this day did spring (A Carowle for Christmas Day) Alto range B18 Lullaby Alto range B19 Tho' Amaryllis dance in green Soprano or Tenor/Alto range B20 Ye Sacred Muses Alto range All for Voice & Four-Viol consort Scores & parts
Each - £5.00
C01 CAIX D'HERVELOIS Première Suite pour Flute & Basse Continue Score, Flute & Basse parts
C02 CAMPRA Le Carnaval de Venise; Air 'Mes yeux, fermez-vous à jamais' (Soprano) Full Score, Dessus (Violin), Violas 1,2&3, Basse, Vocal Score
C03 CAMUS Sébastien. Air de Cours: 'Amour, Cruel amour' ( Soprano & Continuo) Score & Basse part figured
C04 CAVALLI Francesco Recit & Aria from Erismena 'Speranza' Soprano solo & Continuo Scores x2
C05 CHARPENTIER Marc-Antoine ACTEON Pastorale en Musique Score, Violins 1&2 Basse parts, Vocal Score
C06 CHARPENTIER Marc-Antoine MEDEE Tragédie en Musique en Cinq Actes avec Prologue Score, Dessus 1&2, Violas 1&2 Basse parts, Vocal Score
C07 CHARPENTIER Marc-Antoine MEDEE Air pour Medée (Soprano): 'Quel prix de mon amour?' Soprano solo, Score, Vocal Score, Dessus (Violin), Violas 1,2&3, Basse parts
C08 CHARPENTIER Marc-Antoine Pièces à Cinque Parties H 508 & H 540 Violins 1&2, Violas 1&2 Basse parts
C09 CHARPENTIER Marc-Antoine Concert à 4 Parties Violins 1&2, Viola, Basse
C10 CHARPENTIER Marc-Antoine Sonate à Huit H 548 Score, Flutes(recorders) 1&2, Violins 1&2, Viola, Viole (Cello) Clavecin (Cello)
C11 CHARPENTIER Marc-Antoine Offerte pour Orgue, Violons, Flutes & Hautbois H 514 Score, Flutes, Oboes, Bassoon, Organ, Serpent (optional!), Violin 1&2, Viola, Basse parts
C20 COUPERIN François Gavotte en Trio arr. John Marston 2 Flutes & basse or 3 Flutes Flutes 1&2, Viole (or arr.Flute 3) parts
C21 COUPERIN François Grand Ritournelle arr. for two Harpsichords by John Marston Keyboards 1&2
C22 COUPERIN François L'Astrée Score and Violins 1&2, Basse, Clavecin(Basse2) parts
C23 COUPERIN François La Sultane Violins 1&2, Violes 1&2 (Cello 1&2 arr.) Clavecin (Basse)
COUPERIN François CONCERTS ROYAUX orchestrated by John Marston These suites have had a Violin 2, and Viola part composed to flesh out the texture of these wonderful pieces. The Violin 1 & Basse parts are as in the original. The viola part may be omitted, as they have also been designed to work as trio sonatas. The Sixth Concert takes the form of a Trio Sonata, and the Thirteenth is an unaccompanied Duo for two bass instruments alone. Couperin at times indicates instrumental entries, especially in fugal pieces, so must have had orchestration for at least some of the concerts in mind as an option. C12 Premier Concert Violins 1&2, Viola, Basse £6.00 C13 Second Concert Violins 1&2, Viola, Basse in preparation C14 Quatorzième Concert Violins 1&2, Viola, Basse £6.00 C15 Sixième Concert (Trio) Violins 1&2, Basse cont. in preparation C16 Huitième Concert Violins 1&2, Viola, Basse 'dans le goût Téatrale' £8.00 C17 Onzième Concert Violins 1&2, Viola, Basse £6.00 C18 Treizième Concert (Duo) Basses 1&2 £6.00 C19 Quatorzième Concert Violins 1&2, Viola, Basse £8.00 All supplied with Score and parts Price for all six: £32.00 D01 DELIUS Frederick 'The Splendour falls on Castle walls' Arr. Marston for Soprano solo Soprano, Piano Score
E01 ECCLES The Judgement of Paris Soloists: Mercury - Baritone, Paris - Tenor, Juno - Soprano, Pallas - Soprano, Venus - Soprano Chorus, Flute, Oboe, Trumpet, Violins 1&2, Viola, Basso Score & parts
E02 ELIZABETHAN MADRIGALS arr. for Four-Viol consort
1) Never weatherbeaten sail - Campion 2) The Silver swan - Gibbons 3) Rest sweet nymphs - Pilkington 4) Weep, weep mine eyes - Wilbye 5) Farewell dear love - Jones Instrumental - Four-Viol consort (May also be used to accompany the singers in a performance)
F01 FAURE Gabriel Pleurs d'Or Soprano & Tenor Duet, Piano accompaniment Score
F02 FERROBOSCO Alfonso Four Note Pavane 'Hear me O God' (Words added by Ben Jonson) Vocal Score (Soprano & Organ) £5.00 G01 GABRIELI Giovanni Brass Canzona IV 1615 Trumpets 1&2, Trombones 1,2,3,4 Score & parts
G02 GASPARD LeROUX Five Trio Sonatas Violins 1&2, Basso Score & parts
GEMINIANI Francesco Six Concerti Grossi Op 3 1755 Revision G03a. Concerto No 1 in D major G03b. Concerto No 2 in G minor G03c. Concerto No 3 in E minor G03d. Concerto No 4 in D minor G03e. Concerto No 5 in Bb major G03f. Concerto No 6 in E minor All with Rip. & Conc.: Violins 1&2, Violas 1&2, Cellos, Contrabasso. Score & parts
£10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £10.00 Set of all six: £50.00
H01 HANDEL George F. Queen Caroline's Birthday March Score, Violins 1&2, Viola, Cello
H02 HANDEL George F. Trio Sonata arr. by John Marston from the Overture to Esther Violins 1&2, Basso. Score & parts
H03 HANDEL George F. Oratorio - Esther (abridged by John Marston for a performance in 2009) SATB soloists, SATB choir, Ob 1&2, Bassoon, Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello & continuo Score & parts £60.00 H04 HANDEL George F. Aria 'Se vago rio' from Aminta & Fillide (see also cantatas below) Soprano with Vln 1,2,3, Cello Score & parts
H05 HAYDN Joseph Symphony no.6 1761 'Le Matin' Fl. Ob.1&2, Bassoon, Horns 1&2, Violin concertante, Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello concertante Cello, Contrabass Score & parts £12.00 H06 HAYDN Joseph Symphony No.24 1764 'In Nomine Deo' Fl. 1&2, Vln. 1&2, Vla, basso, Contrabasso, Keyboard continuo Score & parts
L01 LULLY Jean-Baptiste Instrumental music from Le Ballet Royal d'Alcidianes (1658) Dessus -Violin 1 + woodwind ad lib. Haute Contre - Viola 1 or Violin 2, Taille - Viola 2, Quinte - Viola 3, Basse also Soprano Score & parts £15.00 L02 LULLY Jean-Baptiste Chaconne des Maures from Le Ballet d'Alcidianes Dessus, Haute Contre, Taille, Quinte, Basse (as above)
L03 LULLY Jean-Baptiste La Petite Chaconne en Trio from Le Ballet d'Alcidianes Two sopranos, Violins 1&2, Basse Score & parts
L04 LULLY Jean-Baptiste Theatre & Dance Music miscellaneous Violins 1&2, Violas 1&2 (&3), Basses Score & parts L05 LULLY Jean-Baptiste Instrumental pieces from La Grotte de Versailles Flutes 1&2, Violin, Viola 1,2,&3, Basse Score & parts.
L05a. LULLY Jean-Baptiste Overture to La Grotte de Versailles arr. Two Harpsichords by John Marston Harpsichords I & II, Score & parts. £5.00 L06 LULLY Jean-Baptiste Overture to Le Bourgeois Gentilhamme Dessus, Violas 1,2,&3, Basse Score & parts.
L07 LULLY Jean-Baptiste ARMIDE - Tragédie en 5 Actes avec Prologue (abridged by John Marston) Dessus (Flutes 1&2, Oboes 1&2 Violins), Violas 1,2,&3, Basses Soloists: 3 Sopranos, High tenor, 2 Basses Score, Vocal Score & parts. £90.00 L07a. LULLY Jean-Baptiste XERXES Ballet suite Dessus, Haute-Contre (Viola 1 or Violin 2) Taille (Viola 2) Quinte (Viola 3) Basse Score & parts
L08 LULLY Jean-Baptiste Fils (his son) Concert donné au Soupé du Roi 1707 Dessus (Violin 1 + woodwind ad lib.), Haute-Contre (Viola 1 or Violin 2), Taille (Viola 2) Quinte (Viola 3), Basse. Score & parts
L09 LUPO Thomas Second Pavan à Tre Treble, Tenor and Bass Viols Score & parts
M01 MARCELLO Benedetto Arianna's Aria 'Come mai puoi vederme piangere' Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello, Continuo Score & parts
M02 MARCELLO Benedetto Two Alto Arias 'Dove fuggisti' & 'Volgi, mio Dio' Aria 1 (secular): Vln 1&2, Basso cont. Aria 2 (sacred version): Violas 1&2, Basso cont. Score & parts £6.00 M03 MARAIS Marin Seven Pieces from Pièces de Viole Book II Viola da Gamba, Continuo Score & parts
M04 MOZART Wolfgang A. Andante for Flute & Orchestra in C major Flute solo, Ob.1&2, Bassoon, Vln. 1&2, Viola, Basso
M05 MUFFAT Georg Harmonico Tributo Two Sonatas arr. as Trio Sonatas Sonata 1 Violins 1&2, Basso Continuo Score & parts Sonata 5 Violins 1&2, Basso Continuo Score & parts
£8.00 £8.00
M06 MUFFAT Georg Concerto Grosso No. 12 'Propitia Sydera' Violins 1&2 Conc & Rip. Violas 1&2 Conc & Rip. Cello Conc & Rip, Cembalo (Basso) Score & parts. PURCELL Henry: Incidental Music: P01 Bonducca Six instrumental pieces Tr. (opt) Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso Score & parts P02 Distress'd Innocence Instrumental music Suite Vln. 1&2, Viola, Basso Score & parts P03 The Double Dealer Instrumental music Suite Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso Score & parts P04 Welcome Odes & Songs - Overtures & Ritornelli Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso Score & parts
£10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £10.00
P05 PURCELL Henry Twelve Sonatas of Three Parts Vln 1&2 Basso, Basso continuo Score & parts
P06 PURCELL Henry Ten Sonatas of Four Parts Vln 1&2, Basso, Basso continuo Score & parts
Q01 QUANTZ Johann TrioSonata E minor Flute, Violin or Flute 2, B.cont. Score & parts R01 RAMEAU Incidental music to Daphnis & Aeglé Flute, Oboes 1&2, Bassoon, Vlns 1&2, Viola, Basse Score & parts S01 SCARLATTI Alessandro Six Concerti Grossi (pub. 1740) No.1 in F minor No.2 in C minor No. 3 in F major No. 4 in G minor No. 5 in D minor No. 6 in E major All for Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello, All supplied with score and parts
Set of Six £25.00
SO2 SCHMELZER Johann Tre Balletti à Quattro Vln 1&2, Viola 1&2, Basso Score & parts
T01 TELEMANN Georg Trio Sonata in F major Treble Recorder, Viola da gamba (or Viola) and Cello Score & parts
T02 TELEMANN Georg Viola Concerto in G major Viola solo, Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello Score and parts
V07 VIVALDI Antonio Trio Sonata in D major Flute, Violin, Cello & continuo Score & parts VIVALDI Antonio String Concerti à 4: V01 C minor RV 118 V02 D major RV 121 V03 D major RV124 V04 G major RV145 V05 G major RV 146 All for: Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello Score & parts
£4.00 each, Set of Five £16.00
V06 VIVALDI Antonio Concerto for Two Trumpets in C major Trumpets 1&2, Violins 1&2, Viola, Cello Score & parts V08 VIVALDI Antonio Sinfonia in Ut 'L'Incoronazione di Dario' RV 719 Violin, Viola, Cello continuo Score & parts
V09 VIVALDI Antonio and others (Galeazzi, Somis, Bigaglia) (Bergamo manuscript) Violin Sonatas Violin & Continuo £5.00
CANTATAS CB01 BACH J.S. Cantata 82 'Ich habe genug' Oboe, Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello Parts only
CB02 BATASTIN (Jean-Baptiste STUCK) Heraclite & Democrite Soprano & Bass soloists, Vln1&2, Basse Score & parts
CB03 BATASTIN (Jean-Baptiste STUCK) Neptune & Amyone Soprano & continuo Score & parts
CB04 BOISMORTIER Le Printems Soprano, Dessus instrument (Flute &/or Violin) and Continuo Score and parts
CC01 CAMPRA L'Heureux Jaloux Soprano and Continuo Score & parts
CC02 CAMPRA Arion Soprano, Flute Allemande, Continuo Score & parts
CC03 CHARPENTIER Andromède, Tragédie excerpts Tenor, Soprano, Vln 1&2, Viola, Basse Score & parts
CH01 HANDEL Aminta e Filide (1708) Two Sopranos, Vln 1&2 (&3), Basso continuo Score & parts
CH02 HANDEL Figlio d'alte speranze Soprano, Violin, Continuo Score & parts
CH03 HANDEL Look down, Harmonious Saint (St Cecilia's day) Tenor, Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello Score & parts
CH04 HANDEL George F. QUEEN ANNE Birthday Ode, Nos 1,2,3,5,6,8,9 only SATB Soloists & Chorus; Trumpet 1&2, Ob. 1&2, Fl. 1&2 (Editorial), Bassoon, Vln 1&2, Viola, Bassi Score & parts £12.00 CM01 MONTECLAIR Arianne & Bacchus Soprano, Flute, Basso continuo Score & parts
CM02 MONTECLAIR La Bergère Soprano, Flute, Violin, Basso continuo Score & parts
CM03 MONTECLAIR La Mort de Didon Soprano, Violin, Basso continuo Score & parts
CM04 MONTECLAIR Le Triomphe de la Constance Soprano, Viola da Gamba solo, Continuo Score & parts
CR01 RAMEAU Aquilon & Arithie Bass/Baritone, Violin, Basse de Viole, Continuo Score & parts
CR02 RAMEAU Le Berger Fidele Soprano, Dessus 1&2, Basse de Viole, Continuo Score & parts
CR03 RAMEAU L'Impatience Tenor/Soprano, Viola da Gamba solo, Continuo Score & parts (inc cello version of gamba part)
CR04 RAMEAU Orphée Soprano, Dessus (Violin), Viole solo, Continuo Score
CR05 RAMEAU Cantate pour le Jour de la Sainte Louis Soprano, Dessus (Violin etc), Basso Continuo Score & parts
CV01 VIVALDI Faranace's Aria 'Gelido in ogni vena' Soprano, Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello Score & parts
CV02 VIVALDI Juditha Triumphans Aria 'Veni, veni me sequere' Soprano, Chalumeau (or Flute) Vlns, Viola, Cello, Organ Score & parts
CHORAL MUSIC ChA01 Anon. (17th Century) Lute Book Lullaby 'Sweet was the song the Virgin sang' arr. Marston SATB Unaccomp. Score
ChB01 BRIDGE Frank Song 'E'en as a lovely flower' arr. for choir by John Marston SATB with Piano Score
ChB02 BYRD William Madrigal 'And as the pleasant morning dew' SSAATB unaccomp. Score
ChC01 CHARPENTIER Exaudiat à Huit voix, Flûtes & Violons H.162 (Psalm XX) Choir I SATB, Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello; Choir II Vln 1&2, Viola, Cello; Flutes 1&2, Continuo organ Score & parts
ChC02 CHARPENTIER Magnificat à Trois Voix H.73 Alto, Tenor, Bass soloists, Dessus 1&2 (Violins) Basse continue obligée Score & parts
ChE01 EAST Michael Madrigal - Hence Stars, too dim of light - Viol accompaniment Viols 1,2,3,4,5 Viol parts only
ChE02 ELGAR Pleading arr. Marston SATB unaccomp Score
ChE03 ELGAR The Wind at Dawn arr. Marston SSA & Piano Score
ChG01 GABRIELI Andrea Motet - 'Ne Confide' SSAATB unacomp.
ChG02 GABRIELI Andrea Madrigal - 'Occhi serene' SATB unacomp.
ChG03 GABRIELI Andrea Motet - 'Vieni himeneo SSSAATTB Trombone accompanying bass line/continuo Score, trombone part
ChG04 GABRIELI Giovanni Motet - 'Exultet jam angelica' arr. Marston for two choirs and brass ensemble Choir 1: SSSATB Choir 2: SATB Trumpets 1&2, Trombones 1,2,3,4,5 Organ Score & parts £12.00 ChH01 HANDEL Chorus from Messiah 'Since by man came death' arr. Marston for male voices T(orA)TBB & organ Score HUMFREY Pelham VERSE ANTHEMS with symphonies: ChH01 Almighty God who mad'st they son SSATB Vln 1&2, Basso ChH02 By the waters of Babylon SSATTB V ln 1&2, Basso ChH03 Hear my crying, O God SATTB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH04 Hear my prayer, O God SATB Vln 1&2, Basso ChH05 Lift up your heads SATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH06 Like as the hart SATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH07 Lord, teach us to number SATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH08 O be joyful SATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH09 O give thanks unto the lord SATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH10 O Lord my God SATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH11 O praise the Lord SATTB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH12 Rejoice in the Lord SAATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH13 The King shall rejoice SATTB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso ChH14 Thou art my king, O God SAATB Vln 1&2, Viola, Basso
Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts Score & parts £10.00 each
ChH15 HUMFREY Pelham Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis SATB with Organ Scores x5
ChL01 LASSUS Orlando Choral Song 'Bonjour mon coeur' arr. Marston SATB unaccomp.
ChM01 MARCHANT Stanley Anthem 'The Souls of the righteous ' transposed down lower pitch SATB Score £2.00 ChM02 McDOWELL Edward Song 'O Lovely Rose' arr. for choir by John Marston SATB unaccomp. Score
ChM03 MONTEVERDI Madrigal à 3 'Perchè se m'odiavi' TTB, Organ Score
MONTEVERDI from VESPERS 1610: ChM04 Deus in adjutorium & Ave Maris Stella SSAATTBB Trumpets (Cornets)1&2, Trombones 1,2,3,4,5, Organ ChM05 Omnes hanc ergo sequamur SSATTB Trombones 1,2,3,4, Organ Score & parts
Score & parts
£12.00 £10.00
ChM06 MOZART W. Anthem 'Love divine' arr. Marston SATB & Organ Score
ChP01 PURCELL Henry Verse Anthem 'Save me O God' SSATB, Organ, Basso (optional) Score & parts
ChS01 SCHUBERT Song 'Die Rose' arr. for choir by John Marston SATB with Piano Score
ChT01 TALLIS Thomas Anthem 'O Lord give thy holy spirit SATB unaccomp.
PIANO TRIO arrangements I have arranged the Violin and Cello parts of various piano trios to be played by Clarinet and Viola respectively instead, and also other instrument swaps. This seems to work well in practice. PTB01 BRAHMS Johannes Piano trio Op 114 Viola part (originally cello) PTB02 BRAHMS Johannes Trio for Piano, Horn and Violin Op 40 Horn part arranged for CLARINET or VIOLA Parts for either PTB03 BRUCH Max 8 Stücke (Piano Trio) Op 83 Violin part (originally Clarinet but Violin given as an alternative by the composer) PTC01 CLARKE Rebecca DUMKA - Duo Concertante Violin & Viola with Piano (1940) Clarinet part (originally for Violin) PTM01 MENDELSSOHN Felix Piano Trio D minor Op 49 Slow Movement Clarinet part (originally violin)
£2.00 £2.00 £2.00 £2.00 £2.00
Music by JOHN MARSTON CHURCH MUSIC SETTINGS FOR SERVICES: Mar01 A Mass for St Peters - Setting of Eucharist for congregational use Unison with Organ Score Mar02 Four Acclamations - for use during Eucharist - congregational SATB/Unison & Organ Score Mar03 Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in C major SATB & Organ
£4.00 £3.00 £5.00
ANTHEMS easy to moderate difficulty All £2.00 unless otherwise marked Mar04 Anthem for Advent - Gabriel's Message easy SATB with organ optional Score Mar05 Anthem - Hosanna to the Son of David moderate SATB with organ Mar06 Anthem - How sweet is the shepherd's sweet lot. easy/moderate with easy instrumental parts SATB Flute, cello & organ Score and parts Mar07 The Lord's prayer easy/moderate SATB unaccomp. Mar08 Anthem - Love one another moderate SATB & Organ Mar09 Anthem for Easter - The Day draws on with golden light easy/moderate SATB & Organ Mar10 Anthem for Easter - The strife is o'er moderate with easy optional (beginner's) trumpet part SATB & Organ Mar11 Anthem for Christmas - There is no rose easy SATB & Organ Mar12 Two Hymns for Epiphany easy/moderate SATB Mar13 Anthem/Hymn for Easter Walking in the garden easy SATB & Organ Mar14 Hymn for Christmas - What child is this? easy Unison & Organ Mar15 Anthem (Easter) - Now the green blade riseth (French trad, arr. Marston) easy SATB & Organ ANTHEMS more difficult All £2.00 unless otherwise marked Mar16 Anthem - Jesu my sweet lover (14th C words) Two versions moderate to difficult S, S(or A) Organ Mar17 Anthem for Good Friday - Fly Ravish'd Soul difficult AATB & Organ Mar18 Anthem - Thou hast made me - John Donne sonnet difficult SATB & Organ Mar19 Anthem - Tu es Petrus (Thou art Peter) moderate difficulty SATB & Organ Mar20 Anthem - Tu es Petrus Version 2 easier version SATB & Organ SECULAR CHORAL MUSIC Mar21 Songs of Innocence - settings of 7 of William Blake's poems SATB unaccomp. £5.00
INSTRUMENTAL Mar22 Piano Trio for Clarinet, Viola & Piano Score & parts
SONGS & SONG CYCLES Mar23 Twelve Songs of the late T'ang dynasty (1966) for Baritone & Piano £12.00 Mar24 Six Yeats Songs (1965) for Baritone & Piano £8.00 Mar25 Connie the Condom Tester - Humorous (!) song for Baritone & Piano with chorus (unison) £2.00 PASTICHES Mar26 Messe pour l'Orgue (in the style of Couperin by Jean-Antoine de Tonmars 1669) Mar27 Early one morning Alto/Baritone Song, in the style of Benjamin Britten, with Piano
£8.00 £2.00