Maffulli N (ed): Rotator Cuff Tear. Med Sport Sci. Basel, Karger, 2011, vol 57, pp 142–152
Arthroscopic Transosseous Rotator Cuff Repair Umile Giuseppe Longoa ⭈ Francesco Franceschia ⭈ Alessandra Bertona ⭈ Nicola Maffullib ⭈ Vincenzo Denaroa a Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Campus Bio-Medico University, Rome, Italy, and bCentre for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mile End Hospital, London, UK
Abstract The arthroscopic approach for rotator cuff repair is extensively used worldwide. Different repairing procedures have evolved with the aim of restoring anatomy and function of rotator cuff tendon. Several studies have analyzed biomechanical factors to understand their influence on tendon to bone healing and improve repair configurations. From a biomechanical point of view, single-row anchor techniques are not able to restore all of the original footprint of the rotator cuff, and result in circumferential tension around the tendon. Transosseus simple suture repairs may have greater potential for healing at the tendon-bone interface, because they allow a larger insertion site area and better pressure characteristics. Biomechanically, double-row suture anchor repair increases the area of contact and the initial fixation strength, decreases the load for each suture loop, knot and anchor, and decreases the stress at each suture-cuff contact point. To optimize healing, transosseous-equivalent techniques have been developed. The oblique suture bridges allow greater pressurized contact, low profile, and interconnection between fixation points that permits to shear load. Clinical studies showed equivalent clinical results of single- and double-row suture anchor repair. However, to date, there are no randomized controlled trials on transosseous or transosseous-equivalent techniques for rotator cuff repair. Clearly, studies of higher levels of evidence, including large randomized trials, should be conducted. Future trials should use validated functional and clinical outcomes, adequate methodology, and be sufficiently powered. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Rotator cuff tears are a common cause of shoulder pain and occupational disability [1–4]. More than 50% of individuals older than 60 years have at least a partialthickness rotator cuff tear [5–7], with significant impact on patients’ quality of life, and marked functional impairment [8]. Arthroscopy for rotator cuff repair has become extensively used, as it decreases postoperative morbidity [9–12]. Improvements in surgical techniques, instruments, suture materials and anchor designs [9, 13–17] have
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been developed to optimize results. Traditional techniques included single-row or transosseous repair, succeeded by double-row and transosseous-equivalent repair. These techniques evolved to restore anatomy and function of rotator cuff tendon providing high fixation strength, stability and minimal gap formation, and enhancing tendon to bone healing [18]. Healing of soft tissue to bone starts with constitution of fibrovascular interposition tissue between the tendon and the bone [19–28], where progressively bone grows and collagen fibres extend [29–31]. Several variables can influence this course, including contact area and pressure [32], tendon-bone interface motion [33], repair strength [34] and tissue quality. Recently, tissue engineering [35], biomaterials [36] and platelet-rich plasma [37] have been proposed to enhance rotator cuff healing. Numerous studies have analyzed biomechanical factors to understand their influence on tendon to bone healing and improve repair configurations [38–47]. In particular, some studies focused on the anatomical reconstruction of the rotator cuff footprint [48, 49]. It corresponds to the tendon insertion area on the humeral surface. It extends from the lateral ridge of the tuberosity to the articular margin along the anterior 2 cm of the greater tuberosity. Its average width is 14.7 mm, ranging from 12 to 24 mm [50, 51]. These insights and resulting modification of surgical techniques have been developed because of the high persistent tear rate after arthroscopic repair [52–55]. The re-tears rate has been reported to be between 4 and 40% [56–62], reaching the rate of 90% in massive rotator cuff tear [63]. Several factors contribute to these failures, including tendon degeneration, osteoporosis of the humeral head, insufficient fixation of tendon to bone, inadequate contact at tendon-bone interface [18, 64, 65]. The latest techniques, double-row and transosseous-equivalent repair, seem to have the potential to improve this healing rate. Recurrent rotator cuff defects represent the principal postoperative complication requiring revision surgeries [53–55, 64]. Even though arthroscopic suture-bridging repair has better biomechanical properties, a superior clinical outcome has not been confirmed [66].
Biomechanical Studies
The first-generation technique used for rotator cuff repair was a single-row anchor repair. Failure of healing or re-tears, observed on MRI or US [52, 61], seemed to be correlated with the inability to restore anatomic footprint [48] and with little compression between tendon and bone [32]. Single-row anchor suture repair provides only ‘point’ fixation of the rotator cuff, with a relatively small surface contact area between the tendon and bone, regardless of the type of suture used (simple suture or mattress). The restored area of the original footprint is about 67% [48]. Moreover, it results in circumferential tension around the tendon rather than compression over the tendon on the bony footprint [32]. This determines low fixation and great motion
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of the tendon relative to the tuberosity [33]. The amount of compression also depends on the depth of anchor placement and thickness of the tendon [67]. Transosseous tunnel repair consists of a bone tunnel where a suture exits at its most medial aspect and then passes through the rotator cuff with 1 cm of tissue bite. Transosseus simple suture repairs may have greater potential for healing at the tendonbone interface because they allow larger insertion site area, and better pressure characteristics. The restored area of the original footprint is about 85% [48]. Even though it is 15% smaller than the original supraspinatus tendon insertion, it is 20% larger than that provided by suture-anchor simple suture, suture-anchor mattress suture, and transosseous mattress suture [48]. Expansion of the repair site area with a simple stitch occurs thanks to the presence of two fixation points (medial and lateral) in the coronal plane of the humeral head that are spread apart. In addition to a greater major contact area, the transosseous technique provides higher mean footprint pressures. Its compression vector is in the direction of the tendon to bone, allowing broad fixation and limited motion of the repair [32, 33]. The transosseous technique should therefore provide sufficient strength to allow early range of motion [68, 69] when the tendonbone interface is still weak and complete functional recovery has yet to take place. Some authors prefer suture anchors for rotator cuff fixation versus transosseous tunnel repair because of lower tendency to bony failure with cyclic loading [45, 70, 71]. Suture-row anchor repair has been improved by adding a second row of sutures. In double-row techniques, two rows of anchors are placed respectively in the medial and lateral aspect of the footprint. The medial anchors are usually fixed with a horizontal mattress stitch, and the lateral anchors with a simple stitch. This produces two spread fixation points that increase the area of contact and the initial fixation strength, decreases the load for each suture loop, knot and anchor, and decreases the stress at each suturecuff contact point [72]. The higher number of anchor placement and fixation points with the double-row fixation is associated with better initial biomechanical properties than with single-row fixation [67, 73]. Resistance to cyclic elongation, ultimate tensile load to failure and peak-to-peak elongation are better in comparison with single-row fixation. This construct results in reduced failure rates and gap formation [67]. The lateral sutures fail first, protecting the medial row, and consequently prevent re-tears [73]. To optimize healing biology, transosseous-equivalent techniques have been developed. In comparison with double-row repair, which appears to cover the entire footprint but determines pressurized contact only on 39.6% of it, transosseous-equivalent techniques allow greater pressurized contact between tendon and tuberosity. Pressure seems to promote healing [29, 74–81], but further in vivo studies are needed to better understand its benefits and possible disadvantages, such as on vascularity [82]. The favourable pressure properties are attributable to the oblique suture bridges. Suture limbs from the medial mattress sutures traverse a great distance over the tendon, maximizing the utility of the single-row construct. Moreover, it produces a low profile with medial knots flush with the tendon, unlike the double-row repair which leaves four proud knots on top of the repaired tendon. The suture bridge determines
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edge stability because it flattens the lateral tendon edge preventing contact with the acromion-coracoacromial ligament arch that may cause tears [83]. Another advantage of the transosseous-equivalent technique is that it does not require a suture to pass through the lateral tendon edge, which is often compromised because of the chronicity of the lesion, which makes it fragile and not able to resist tension [54, 84]. By passing through healthy medial tissue, fixation is stronger and healing is favoured [83, 85, 86]. The strength of the repair is also correlated with the interconnection between fixation points, medial to lateral and anterior to posterior. It permits to shear load better than double-row repair, where fixation points are separated [83]. This is particularly evident during rotation, when the supraspinatus force vector produces a relative tension mismatch because it acts on the postero-lateral fixation point [70, 71]. The transosseous-equivalent technique provides significantly more ultimate loadto-failure when compared with double-row repair. Moreover, despite placing suture interference screws distal-laterally, as for transosseous tunnel repair [38], where bone mineral density is lower [87], it can sustain sufficient loads [83]. Another positive consideration about transosseous-equivalent techniques concern the reduced operative time, as they require fewer tendon sutures [82]. Gap formation, strain over the footprint during cyclic testing, stiffness and hysteresis are not statistically different between double-row and transosseous-equivalent techniques [83]. Two novel transosseous-equivalent techniques of suture bridge repair of the rotator cuff include the Roman bridge repair and the low-profile Roman bridge repair.
Roman Bridge Suture Anchor Repair
Two medial row 5.5-mm Bio-Corkscrew suture anchors (Arthrex, Inc., Naples, Fla., USA), double-loaded with No. 2 FiberWire sutures (Arthrex, Inc.), are placed in the medial aspect of the footprint, just lateral to the articular surface of the humeral head [88, 89]. The first anchor is placed in the anteromedial aspect of the footprint. The second anchor is placed approximately 1.5–2 cm posterior to the first anchor. Two suture limbs from a single suture are both passed through a single point in the rotator cuff, producing two points of fixation in the tendon, with a tendon bridge between them. This is performed for both anchors. The medial row sutures are tied using the doublepulley technique. A suture limb is retrieved from each of the medial anchors through the lateral portal, and manually tied as a six-throw surgeon’s knot over a metal rod. A tendon grasper introduced through a lateral portal is used to grasp the medial aspect of the rotator cuff tendon, which is pulled laterally toward the bone bed. The two free suture limbs are pulled to transport the knot over the top of the tendon bridge. This technique is called the ‘double-pulley’ technique, because the eyelets of two suture anchors are used as pulleys to bring the knots down onto the cuff. The two free suture limbs that were used to pull the knot down are then tied as a static, non-sliding knot. This produces a double mattress suture between the two medial anchors. The ends of the
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sutures are cut. The same double-pulley technique is repeated for the other two suture limbs from the two medial anchors. The other two suture limbs of the same colour from each anchor are sequentially passed through two single points in the rotator cuff, producing two points of fixation in the tendon, with a tendon bridge between them. The suture limb is retrieved from each of the medial anchors through the lateral portal, and manually tied as a six-throw surgeon’s knot over a metal rod. The two free suture limbs are pulled to transport the knot over the top of the tendon bridge. The two free suture limbs are then used to produce suture bridges over the tendon, using a PushLock (Arthrex, Inc.), placed 1 cm distal to the lateral edge of the footprint centred relative to the medially placed suture anchors anterior to posterior. The final result is what we call the Roman bridge – a combination of the double-pulley and suture-bridge techniques.
Low-Profile Roman Bridge Repair
A 5.5-mm Bio-Corkscrew suture anchor, double-loaded with No. 2 FiberWire sutures, is placed in the anteromedial aspect of the footprint, just lateral to the articular surface of the humeral head [90]. Two suture limbs from a single suture are both passed through a single anterior point in the rotator cuff. One suture limb is retrieved from the cannula, and passed through a single posterior point in the rotator cuff, producing two points of fixation in the tendon, with a tendon bridge between them. A tendon grasper introduced through a lateral portal is used to grasp the medial aspect of the rotator cuff tendon, which is pulled laterally toward the bone bed. The same suture limb is retrieved through the lateral portal, and then inserted into the bone by means of a PushLock placed approximately 1.5–2 cm posterior to the first anchor. The same suture is now passed again in the posterior aspect of the cuff. The first suture limbs are pulled to compress the tendon in the medial aspect of the footprint. This technique is a ‘single-pulley’ technique, because the eyelet of the anteromedial suture anchor is used as a pulley to bring the suture down onto the cuff. This produces a double mattress suture between the two medial anchors. The two free suture limbs are used to produce suture bridges over the tendon, by means of a PushLock, placed 1 cm distal to the lateral edge of the footprint relative to the medially placed suture anchors anterior to posterior. The final result is the low-profile Roman bridge, a knotless evolution of the Roman bridge repair.
Clinical Studies
To date, controversy exists regarding the optimal fixation technique for rotator cuff repair. Single-row anchor repair has been associated with a high percentage of
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‘good’ results, but on MRI or US a high rates of re-tears has been observed [52, 61]. Significantly lower tear rates have been reported for double-row repair [58, 62]. A comparative study recorded re-tear rates of 40% for single-row and 22.6% for doublerow fixation, 6 months postoperatively [57]. Another study calculated the percentage of complete re-tears between 8 and 25.7% for single-row and between 4 and 9.8% for double-row repair, and a rate of partial re-tears between 30.1 and 38% for single-row and between 17.1 and 27% for double-row repairs [58, 62]. A study on 58 patients undergoing double-row technique showed that 89% of patients present an intact rotator cuff at US, at a mean follow-up of 15 months [91]. Nevertheless, the difference in functional outcome between single- and double-row techniques does not seem to be significant [57, 58, 62, 92]. The transosseous-equivalent technique has been associated with a re-tear rate of 11% on MRI evaluation at a median of 14.6 months [93]. Another study reported a similar percentage of re-tears (28.9%) between suturebridging repair and double-row fixation. The difference between the two studies can be attributed to patient age (57 years [93] vs. 62 years [66]), simultaneous acromioplasty (88 [93] vs. 57% [66]), and number of patients. Thus, these two factors do influence tendon healing. Patients older than 65 are at risk of re-tears [56]. Decompression of the subacromial space is recommended because it promotes healing by favouring stem cells and platelet-derived growth factors migration [66]. Clinical outcomes were comparable between transosseous-equivalent repair and single- or double-row fixation. Functional improvement was independent of the integrity of the supraspinatus tendon. The Constant score ranged between 76.7 and 83.4 points for single-row fixations [57, 61, 92] and between 79.7 and 82.7 points for double-row repairs [57, 59, 60, 92] at a minimum of 22 months of follow-up. Also, shoulder function was not significantly different between single- and double-row techniques. The Constant score for transosseous-equivalent repair increased from preoperative 64%, to 82% at 4 months and 96% at 12 months, but did not change significantly (96%) at 24 months [66]. Similar patterns were found for single parameters of pain relief, activities of daily living, and range of motion [66]. Patient satisfaction was similar for suture-bridging repair and double-row fixation [59]. The observation of independent improvement of functional outcomes has to be explained by the fact that glenohumeral motion is not impaired by supraspinatus tendon lesion [94]. Instead, integrity of infraspinatus tendon is essential for centring mechanism [55, 63, 94, 95].
Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair techniques have been developed to restore tendon footprint and increase pressurized contact at the tendon to bone interface to improve healing [96–99]. To date, there are no randomized controlled trials on transosseous or transosseous-equivalent techniques for rotator cuff repair [100]. Unfortunately the
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aetiology of rotator cuff tears is still largely unknown [20, 22–25, 35, 36, 58, 88, 89, 101–106], and outcome measures are still not able to detect significant differences [107, 108]. Clearly, studies of higher levels of evidence, including large randomized trials, should be conducted. Future trials should use validated functional and clinical outcomes, adequate methodology, and be sufficiently powered.
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99 Rizzello G, Franceschi F, Longo UG, Ruzzini L, Meloni MC, Spiezia F, Papalia R, Denaro V: Arthroscopic management of calcific tendinopathy of the shoulder – do we need to remove all the deposit? Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis 2009;67:330–333. 100 Maffulli N, Franceschi F, Longo UG, Ruzzini L, Denaro V: Clinical evidence for suture anchor repair of rotator cuff tears does add up: some just do not want to see it. Arthroscopy 2010;26:1568–1570. 101 Woodward TW, Best TM: The painful shoulder. Part I. Clinical evaluation. Am Fam Physician 2000; 61:3079–3088. 102 Longo UG, Franceschi F, Spiezia F, Forriol F, Maffulli N, Denaro V: Triglycerides and total serum cholesterol in rotator cuff tears: Do they matter? Br J Sports Med 2010;44:948–951. 103 Tennent TD, Beach WR, Meyers JF: A review of the special tests associated with shoulder examination. Part I: The rotator cuff tests. Am J Sports Med 2003; 31:154–160.
104 Franceschi F, Longo UG, Ruzzini L, Papalia R, Rizzello G, Denaro V: To detach the long head of the biceps tendon after tenodesis or not: outcome analysis at the 4-year follow-up of two different techniques. Int Orthop 2007;31:537–545. 105 Franceschi F, Longo UG, Ruzzini L, Rizzello G, Maffulli N, Denaro V: No advantages in repairing a type ii superior labrum anterior and posterior lesion when associated with rotator cuff repair in patients over age 50: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Sports Med 2008;36:247–253. 106 Lippi G, Longo UG, Maffulli N: Genetics and sports. Br Med Bull 2010;93:27–47. 107 Longo UG, Franceschi F, Loppini M, Maffulli N, Denaro V: Rating systems for evaluation of the elbow. Br Med Bull 2008;87:131–161. 108 Longo UG, Loppini M, Denaro L, Maffulli N, Denaro V: Rating scales for low back pain. Br Med Bull 2010;94:81–144.
Nicola Maffulli, MD, MS, PhD, FRCS(Orth) Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Mile End Hospital, 275 Bancroft Road, London E1 4DG (UK) Tel. +44 20 8223 8839, E-Mail
[email protected]
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