Computer Personnel Research Conference. ... computer science collaboration between distributed student teams. In: ... Le
ARTICLES OF SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW The list of all 41 references of the SLR. [P1] Magni, M., Maruping, L.M., Hoegl, M., Proserpio, L., 2013. Managing the unexpected across space: Improvisation, dispersion, and performance in NPD teams. In: Journal of Product Innovation Management. [P2] Günsel, A., Açikgöz, A., 2013. The Effects of Team Flexibility and Emotional Intelligence on Software Development Performance. In: Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation. [P3] Chen, P.-‐C., Chern, C.-‐C., Chen, C.-‐Y. 2012. Software project team characteristics and team performance: Team motivation as a moderator". In: Proceedings -‐ Asia-‐Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC. [P4] Jiang, L., Carley, K.M., EberCelein, A. 2012. Assessing team performance from a socio-‐technical congruence perspective. In: International Conference on Software and System Process, ICSSP – Proceedings. [P5] Georgieva, K., Neumann, R., Fiegler, A., Dumke, R.R. 2011. Validation of the model for prediction of the human performance. In: Proceedings -‐ Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement, IWSM 2011 and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, MENSURA 2011. [P6] Dyba,T., Dyngsoir,T. 2008. Empirical studies of agile software development: A systematic review. In: Journal os Science Direct. [P7] Siau, K., Tan, X., Sheng, H. 2010. Important characteristics of software development team members: An empirical investigation using Repertory Grid. In: Journal of Information Systems Journal, 2010. [P8] Lee, G., Xia, W. 2010. Toward agile: An integrated analysis of quantitative and qualitative field data on software development agility". In: MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. [P9] Swigger, K., Alpaslan, F.N., Lopez, V., Brazile, R., Dafoulas, G., Serce, F.C. 2009. Structural factors that affect global software development learning team performance. In: SIGMIS CPR'09 -‐ Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference. [P10] Hause, M.L. 2005. Distributed team performance in software development. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education.
[P11] Staples, D.S., Cameron, A.F.. 2005. The effect of task design, team characteristics, organizational context and team processes on the performance and attitudes of virtual team members. In: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2005. [P12] Hause, M., Petre, M., Woodroffe, M. 2003. Performance in international computer science collaboration between distributed student teams. In: Proceedings -‐ Frontiers in Education Conference, 2003. [P13] Hoegl, M., Parboteeah, K.P.. 2003. Goal setting and team performance in innovative projects: On the moderating role of teamwork quality". In: Journal of Small Group Research. [P14] Guinan, P.J., Cooprider, J.G., Faraj, S. 1998. Enabling Software Development Team Performance during Requirements Definition: A Behavioral Versus Technical Approach". In: Information Systems Research. [P15] Å mite, D., Moe, N.B., Torkar, R. 2008. Pitfalls in remote team coordination: Lessons learned from a case study. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). [P16] Da Silva, F.Q.B., França, A.C.C., Suassuna, M., De Sousa Mariz, L.M.R., Rossiley, I., De Miranda, R.C.G., Gouveia, T.B., Monteiro, C.V.F., Lucena, E., Cardozo, E.S.F., Espindola, E.,"Team building criteria in software projects: A mix-‐ method replicated study". In: Journal Information and Software Technology, 2013. [P17] De Melo, C.O., S. Cruzes, D., Kon, F., Conradi, R.,"Interpretative case studies on agile team productivity and management". In: Journal of Information and Software Technology, 2013. [P18] Fernández-‐Sanz, L., Misra, S.,"Analysis of cultural and gender influences on teamwork performance for software requirements analysis in multinational environments". In: Journal of IET Software, 2012. [P19] Staats, B.R.,"Unpacking team familiarity: The effects of geographic location and hierarchical role". In: Journal of Production and Operations Management, 2012. [P20] Maheshwari, M., Kumar, U., Kumar, V.,"Alignment between social and technical capability in software development teams: An empirical study". In: Journal of Team Performance Management, 2012. [P21] Czekster, R.M., Fernandes, P., Sales, A., Webber, T.,"Analytical modeling of software development teams in globally distributed projects. In: Proceedings -‐ 5th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2010.
[P22]Ganesh, M.P., Gupta, M.,"Impact of virtualness and task interdependence on extra-‐role performance in software development teams". In: Team Performance Management, 2010. [P23] Soares, F.S.F., Júnior, G.S.D.A., Meira, S.R.D.L.,"Incentive systems in software organizations". In: 4th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA 2009, Includes SEDES 2009: Simpósio para Estudantes de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Software, 2009. [P24] Chen, D.-‐N., Shie, Y.-‐J., Liang, T.-‐P.,"The impact of knowledge diversity on software project team's performance". In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2009. [P25] Avritzer, A., Lima, A.,"An empirical approach for the assessment of scheduling risk in a large globally distributed industrial software project". In: Proceedings -‐ 2009 4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2009. [P26] Au, Y.A., Carpenter, D., Chen, X., Clark, J.G.,"Virtual organizational learning in open source software development projects". In: Journal of Information and Management,2009. [P27] Zhang, S., Tremaine, M., Egan, R., Milewski, A., O'sullivan, P., Fjermestad, J.,"Occurrence and effects of leader delegation in virtual software teams". In: International Journal of e-‐Collaboration,2009. [P28] Vaccare Braga, R.T., Chan, A.,"Peony: A Web environment to support pattern-‐based development". In: Proceedings -‐ 8th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2008. [P29] Liang, T.-‐P., Liu, C.-‐C., Lin, T.-‐M., Lin, B.,"Effect of team diversity on software project performance". In: Journal of Industrial Management and Data Systems,2007. [P30] Faraj, S., Sambamurthy, V.,"Leadership of information systems development projects". In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2006. [P31] Ashworth, M.J., Carley, K.M.,"Who you know vs. what you know: The impact of social position and knowledge on team performance". In: Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2006. P32]Teleki, S.,"A practical approach to predictable software development performance in small to medium size software development organizations". In: 2004 IEEE/UT EngineeringManagement Conference, 2004. [P33]Williams, L., Shukla, A., Antón, A.I.,"An initial exploration of the relationship between pair programming and Brooks' law". In: Proceedings of the Agile Development Conference, ADC 2004, 2004.
[P34] Hoegl, M., Gemuenden, H.G., “Teamwork Quality and the Success of Innovative Projects: A Theoretical Concept and Empirical Evidence”. In: Journal of Organization Science, 2001. [P35] Faraj, S., Sproull, L.,"Coordinating expertise in software development teams". In : Journal of Management Science, 2000. [P36] Feldgen, Maria, Clua, Osvaldo,"Hardware dissection in Computer Science as a tool to improve teamwork". In: Proceedings -‐ Frontiers in Education Conference, 2000. [P37] Kraus, D., Gramopadhye, A.K.,"Team training: role of computers in the aircraft maintenance environment". In: Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, 1999. [P38] Sawyer, S., Guinan, P.J.,"Software development: Processes and performance”. In: IBM Systems Journal, 1998. [P39] Guinan, Patricia J., Faraj, Samer,"Reducing work related uncertainty: The role of communication and control in software development". In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1998. [P40] Becker, Shirley A.,"Proposed learning environment for goal-‐specific improvements". In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1998. [P41] Chung, Woo Young, Guinan, Patricia, "Effects of participative management".In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCPR Conference, 1994.