Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium Decors for Saltwater Fish & Freshwater Fish Tank.
Instant Reef by Archer USA. Toll-Free: 1-866-272-4378
Instant Reef by Archer USA Toll-Free: 1-866866-272272-4378
8-Foot Tank
Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium Decors
for Saltwater Fish & Freshwater Fish Tank
$637.20 $84.60
Instant Reef by Archer USA Toll-Free: 1-866866-272272-4378 $63.00
Instant Reef by Archer USA Toll-Free: 1-866866-272272-4378
Please Read Carefully! How to Unpack
1. DO NOT lift, bend or pull coral branches. ALWAYS lift from the base rock. 2. Remove Tie-Down Wires at bottom (if applicable)
How to Install & Complete Nitrogen Cycle IMPORTANT! Rinse Before Installing! $84.60
1. Rinse Artificial Reef thoroughly to remove all packing debris. (i.e. use garden hose, light pressured water) 2. Soak Artificial Reef in freshwater for TWO Hours.
IMPORTANT! “Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle”! Fish, Especially Saltwater Fish, are Very Delicate. To Avoid the Loss of Fish, search the web for “Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle” & “New Tank Syndrome”
$637.20 $29.70
For NEW TANK, DO NOT Add Fish in Large Quantities. Use STARTER FISH or FISHLESS Cycling method. Cloudy water is Normal and is called “Bacterial Bloom”. Nitrogen Cycle takes 6~8 weeks to complete, so be patient.
Artificial Live Rock w/ Coralline Algae
For EXISTING TANK, DO NOT remove existing live rock and/or old decor at once, they are important Bio-Filters and Hiding Places for Territorial Fish. Replace only 1/3 of the old decor per week. Always avoid sudden changes of environment for delicate fish. Allow 24-hour intervals if installing more than one Artificial Reef. It is recommended to use fake corals with live rock.
Reducing Live Rock being removed from the ocean! $26.10
6-Foot Tank $32.40
Instant Reef by Archer USA Toll-Free: 1-866866-272272-4378
Instant Reef by Archer USA Toll-Free: 1-866866-272272-4378
Instant Reef by Archer USA Toll-Free: 1-866866-272272-4378