arXiv:0712.3730v2 [math.AP] 10 Mar 2008

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sc lo encantan loutch) an) dr. Jo Tu. Vou(h) dh) dt. J B(q,KT) ... Ta 11-KT,KT[JGine-tY B(9,KT) h)|de(h) dt dr . 1 ve-vY BẤg ..... (V12 + 42) k– M(I)(0) wun ni...11.

arXiv:0712.3730v2 [math.AP] 10 Mar 2008


Abstra t. We show that divergen e-free L1 ve tor elds on a homogeneous group of homogeneous dimension Q are in the dual spa e of fun tions whose gradient is in LQ . This was previously obtained on Rn by Bourgain and Brezis.

Contents 1. Introdu tion 2. Approximation on normal subgroups 3. Proof of the estimate 4. Ellipti regularity 5. Further inequalities 5.1. L1 divergen e 5.2. Fra tional spa es 5.3. Higher order onditions Referen es


Introdu tion

1 3 6 8 8 8 9 11 15


On Rn , the Sobolev embedding theorem states that W 1,q (Rn ) ⊂ L n−q (Rn ) when q < n. When q = n, the embedding of W 1,n (Rn ) in L∞ (Rn ) that is suggested by homogeneity arguments of the riti al Sobolev spa e is known to fail. However, maps in the riti al Sobolev spa e have many properties in

ommon with bounded or ontinuous maps. An example of su h a property was obtained by Bourgain and Brezis, who showed that divergen e-free ve tor elds see W 1,n fun tions as if they were bounded fun tions [1, 2℄; that is, if F : Rn → Rn is a divergen e-free ve tor eld, one has Z ϕ · F ≤ CkF kL1 (Rn ) k∇ϕkLn (Rn ) . (1.1) Rn

A striking onsequen e of this fa t is that if U is the solution

−∆U = F ,

Date : Mar h 10, 2008. 2000 Mathemati s Subje t Classi ation. Primary 26D15; Se ondary 35B65, 35H20,

43A80, 46E35.

Key words and phrases. subellipti estimates, riti al Sobolev spa e, Sobolev Slobodetski spa es, divergen e-free ve tor eld, homogeneous group, stratied Lie algebra. 1



given by onvolution with the Newton kernel, then ∇U ∈ Ln/(n−1) (Rn ), whereas without the ondition on the divergen e, the best result that an be obtained is that ∇U belongs to weak Ln/(n−1) , the Mar inkiewi z spa e Ln/(n−1),∞ (Rn ). The proof of Bourgain and Brezis relies on a Littlewood Paley de omposition, and yields in fa t a ne essary and su ient ondition on the divergen e of an L1 ve tor eld for this ve tor eld to indu e a linear ˙ 1,n (Rn ). The estimates on fun tional on the homogeneous Sobolev spa e W Rn an be transported on smooth domains [3℄ or on manifolds. The present paper starts from the question whether similar estimates hold without the lo al stru ture of the ommutative group Rn , and gives an answer on homogeneous groups. A homogeneous group G is a onne ted and simply onne ted Lie group su h that the Lie algebra g of left-invariant ve tor elds is a graded, nilpotent and stratied Lie algebra, that is (1) g = V1 ⊕ V2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Vp , (2) [Vi , Vj ] ⊂ Vi+j for i + j ≤ p and [Vi , Vj ] = {0} if i + j > p, (3) V1 generates g by Lie bra kets. Pp While the dimension of G as a manifold is n = j=1 mj , where mj = Pp dim Vj , the homogeneous dimension Q = j=1 jmj plays an essential role. In parti ular when q < Q, it was shown that [4, 5, 9℄ Qq

S 1,q (G) = {u ∈ Lq (G) : Yi u ∈ Lq (G) for 1 ≤ i ≤ m} ⊂ L Q−q (G) ,

q where {Yi }m i=1 is a basis of V1 and the measure used to dene L (G) is the left- and right-invariant Haar measure µ on G. In this paper, we show that fun tions in S˙ 1,Q (G) are seen like bounded fun tions by divergen e-free L1 ve tor elds. Before dening these, we dene the bundle Tb G by restri ting the ve tors to be in V1 . The ve tor-eld F is divergen e-free if Z F ψ dµ = 0 , G

for every ompa tly supported smooth fun tion ψ ∈ Cc∞ (G). We nally use the notation ∇b u = (Y1 u, . . . , Ym u). Our main result is:

Theorem 1. If ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (G, Tb∗ G) is a se tion of the otangent bundle and the ve tor eld F ∈ L1 (G; Tb G) is divergen e-free, then Z hϕ, F i dµ ≤ CkF kL1 (G) k∇b ϕkLQ (G) . G

The proof uses the strategy developed by the se ond author to give an elementary proof of (1.1) [12℄. That proof relied on splitting the integral on hyperplanes, and using Hölder ontinuity of the restri tion of ϕ on hyperplanes. One ould then split ϕ into one part whi h is bounded and another whose gradient is bounded. The estimate on the latter relied on the divergen e-free ondition. One on luded then by Hölder's inequality. In the setting of homogeneous groups, hyperplanes are repla ed by osets of odimension 1 normal subgroups. While on Rn the splitting of ϕ on hyperplanes only used derivatives of ϕ in dire tions parallel to the hyperplane, on a homogeneous group using only the dire tions of V1 parallel to the normal subgroups is not su ient to have the right esimates for the splitting. In order to ir umvent this problem, our spliting relies on information about



all the derivatives of ϕ in some neighbourhood of the normal subgroup. The splitting estimates are then obtained with Jerison's ma hinery for analysis on homogeneous groups [8℄, and depend now on some maximal fun tion asso iated to ϕ. As a onsequen e ofP Theorem 1, we give a regularity result for the subel2 lipti Lapla ian ∆b = m i=1 Yi .

Theorem 2. If F ∈ L1 (G, Tb G) is divergen e-free, then the problem −∆b U = F

has a solution U ∈ S˙ 1,Q/(Q−1) satisfying the estimate k∇b U kLQ/(Q−1) ≤ CkF kL1 (G) . On Rn , Bourgain and Brezis have also proved that if F ∈ L1 (Rn ; Rn ), one ˙ −1,n/(n−1) (Rn ) if and only if div f ∈ W ˙ −2,n/(n−1) (Rn ). In view of has F ∈ W Theorem 1, we ask the question whether their result extends to homogeneous groups.

Open problem 1. Let F ∈ L1 (G; Tb G) be a ve tor eld. Does one have

F ∈ S˙ −1,Q/(Q−1) (G; Tb G) if and only if divb F ∈ S˙ −2,Q/(Q−1) (G)?

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In se tion 2, we state and prove Lemma 2.1 about the approximation of a fun tion u ∈ S˙ 1,Q (G) on a normal subgroup Gi of G. This lemma is the main new ingredient for the proof of Theorem 1, whi h is the obje t of se tion 3. In a short se tion 4, we show how the ombination of Theorem 1 with lassi al regularity estimates on homogeneous groups leads to Theorem 2. In the last se tion 5, we give generalizations of Theorem 1 in several dire tions: L1 divergen e ve tor elds, riti al fra tional Sobolev spa es, and higher order onditions. The resear h of S.C. was supported in part by a grant from the NSF; the resear h of J.V.S. was supported in part by a grant of the Fonds de la Re her he S ientiqueFNRS. 2.

Approximation on normal subgroups

In order to prove Theorem 1, we sli e G into osets of odimension 1 normal subgroups that are onstru ted as follows. Fix 1 ≤ i ≤ m, let gi be the linear spa e spanned by {Yj }j6=i and by Vℓ , 2 ≤ ℓ ≤ p, and let Gi be the image of gi by the exponential map. Sin e g is graded, gi is an ideal of g, and Gi is a normal subgroup of G. Sin e G is simply- onne ted, one has G/Gi ∼ = R. The Haar measure ν on Gi is normalized so that Z ν(Gi ∩ e−tYi A) dt . µ(A) = R

Lemma 2.1. There exists C > 0 su h that, for every u ∈ C ∞ (G), λ > 0 and 1 ≤ i ≤ m, there exists uλ ∈ C ∞ (G) su h that (2.1) (2.2)


ku − uλ kL∞ (Gi ) ≤ Cλ Q M (I)(0) , 1

k∇b uλ kL∞ (G) ≤ Cλ Q −1 M (I)(0) ,



where I(t) =




|∇b u(e

1 Q h)| dν(h) Q

and M (I) is the HardyLittlewood maximal fun tion of I . The proof of this Lemma relies on several tools developed by Jerison for the analysis on Lie groups [8℄. First, let R denote the omposition by the inverse: Ru(g) = u(g−1 ). If Y is a ve tor eld, then the ve tor eld Y R is dened by Y R u = RYRu, where Rg = g−1 . If Y is a left-invariant ve tor eld on G, then Y R is a right-invariant ve tor eld on G. The group onvolution on G is dened by Z Z −1 u(h)v(h−1 g) dµ(h) . u(gh )v(h) dµ(h) = (u ∗ v)(g) = G


From the asso iative law, if Y is a left-invariant ve tor eld, one has and (2.3)

Y (u ∗ v) = u ∗ Y v , (Y u) ∗ v = −u ∗ Y R v .

One an dene dilations on G. First dene its derivative at the identity dτ : g → g by dτ x = τ i x on Vi , for 1 ≤ i ≤ p. One he ks that dτ is in an automorphism of g as a Lie algebra. Therefore, the dilation δτ : G → G an be dened as the group automorphism su h that the dierential of δτ at the identity is dτ . Note that µ(δτ A) = τ Q µ(A). For η : G → R, one further denes 1 Iτ η(g) = Q η(δτ −1 g) , τ so that, if η ∈ L1 (G), Z Z

Iτ η dµ .

η dµ =



The dilation also allows to dene balls. Take the unit ball B(e, 1) around the identity e to be the image of an eu lidean ball on g by the exponential, and dene B(g, λ) = gδλ B(e, 1). The adjoint representation Ad : G → GL(g) is dened as follows: Ad(h) is the derivative of the automorphism g 7→ hgh−1 . One has ∂ [Ad(h)Y ]u(g) = u(ghetY h−1 ) ∂t t=0 and Ad(δt h)Y = t−1 δt Ad(h)Y . Sin e g is nilpotent, one also has

1 Ad(eX )Y = Y + [X, Y ] + [X, [X, Y ]] + · · · 2 1 [X, [X, . . . [X, [X, Y ]] . . . ]] . + (p − 1)!

Finally, we need to transform some derivatives into derivatives with respe t to right-invariant ve tor elds .



Lemma 2.2 (Jerison [8℄). There exist dierential operators D(k) su h that for every η ∈ Cc∞ (G),


X ∂ Iτ η = YkR Iτ D (k) η . ∂τ k=1


For every Y ∈ g there exist dierential operators Dj su h that for every η ∈ Cc∞ (G), p X m X t j R (k) δt Y Iτ η = Yk Iτ Dj η . τ j=1 k=1

Proof. The rst statement is exa tly (b) Lemma 3.1′ in Jerison's paper Pof p [8℄. For the se ond statement, let Y = i=1 Y j with Y j ∈ Vj . Part (a) in the same Lemma 3.1′ [8℄ states that Y jη =

m X


YkR Dj η ,



for some dierential operators Dj . Sin e

Iτ (Y j η) = τ j Y j Iτ η



Iτ YkR Di η = τ YkR Iτ Di η ,


our statement follows immediately.

Proof of Lemma 2.1. Choose η ∈ Cc∞ (G) su h that g ∈ Gi and t ∈ R, dene

uλ (getYi ) = (u ∗ I√λ2 +t2 η)(g)



η dµ = 1. For every

Let us rst he k (2.1). We need to estimate |uλ (g) − u(g)| for g ∈ Gi . One has learly Z λ Z λh i i ∂ h ∂ uλ (g) − u(g) = u∗ u ∗ Iτ η (g) dτ = Iτ η (g) dτ . ∂τ 0 ∂τ 0 Therefore,

uλ (g) − u(g) =

m Z λh X

i u ∗ (YkR Iτ η (k) ) (g) dτ

k=1 0 m Z λh X


k=1 0

i (Yk u) ∗ (Iτ η (k) ) (g) dτ ,

where η (k) = D (k) η was provided by Lemma 2.2, and (2.3) justied the integration by parts. Therefore, for some C, K < ∞, X Z λZ m (k) −1 |uλ (g) − u(g)| = Yk u(h)Iτ η (h g) dµ(h) dτ 0






1 τQ



B(g,Kτ )

 |∇b u(h)| dh dτ .



Now note that B(g, Kτ ) ∩ etYi Gi = ∅ when |t| ≥ κτ , for some κ < ∞; therefore Z Z Z λ 1 |∇b u(etYi h)| dν(h) dt dτ . |uλ (g) − u(g)| ≤ C Q ]−κτ,κτ [ Gi ∩e−tY B(g,Kτ ) 0 τ Sin e ν(e−tY B(g, Kτ ) ∩ Gi ) ≤ CsQ−1 , we obtain, by Hölder's inequality, Z λ Z 1 Z 1 1 Q dt dτ |uλ (g) − u(g)| ≤ C ′ τ Q −1 |∇b u(etYi h)|Q dν(h) 2κτ 0 Gi ]−κτ,κτ [ 1

= QC ′ λ Q M (I)(0) .

Now we prove (2.2). First one notes that for g ∈ Gi , t ∈ R,

Yi uλ (getYi ) =


√ t (u λ2 +t2

∂ √ ∂t I λ2 +t2 η)(g)


whi h an be estimated as above: 1 t −1 Q |Yi uλ (getYi )| ≤ C M (I)(0) 1 1 M (I)(0) ≤ Cλ − 2 2 2 2Q (λ + t ) Now, assume j 6= i. Sin e Gi is normal, etYi esYj e−tYi ∈ Gi for every s ∈ R, when e Yj uλ (getYi esYj ) = (u ∗ I√λ2 +t2 η)(getYi esYj e−tYi ) and

Yj uλ (getYi ) = (Ad(etYi )Yj )(u ∗ I√λ2 +t2 η)(g)  = u ∗ (Ad(etYi )Yj )I√λ2 +t2 η (g)  = u ∗ ( 1t δt Ad(eYi )Yj )I√λ2 +t2 η (g) .

By Lemma 2.2, this an be rewritten as tYi

Yj uλ (ge


p X m X


j=1 k=1 p X m X



j=1 k=1



(λ2 + t2 ) tj−1



j 2

YkR I√λ2 +t2 Dj η (k)


t2 ) 2

Yk u ∗ I√λ2 +t2 Dj η .


where ηjk = Dj η is given by Lemma 2.2. Estimating ea h term as previously, one obtains tYi

|Yj uλ (ge

)| ≤ C

p X j=1


tj−1 (λ2 + t2 )


j − 1 2 2Q

M (I)(0) ≤ C ′ λ Q −1 M (I)(0) .

Proof of the estimate

Lemma 2.1 brings us in position to prove Theorem 1:

Proof of Theorem 1. De omposing ϕ and F as ϕi = hϕ, Yi i and F = one has Z m Z X ϕi Fi dµ . hϕ, F i dµ = G


Fixing now 1 ≤ i ≤ m, one has, Z Z Z i ϕ Fi dµ = G




Fi (etYi h)ϕi (etYi h) dν(h) dt .


i=1 Fi Yi ,



Let us estimate the inner integral. For simpli ity, rst assume that t = 0. For every λ > 0, one has Z Z Z i i i Fi ϕiλ dν , Fi ϕ dν = Fi (ϕ − ϕλ ) dν + Gi



where ϕiλ is given by Lemma 2.1. On the one hand, one has Z Fi (ϕi − ϕiλ ) dν ≤ kFi kL1 (Gi ) kϕi − ϕiλ kL∞ (Gi ) Gi (3.1) 1

≤ Cλ Q kFi kL1 (Gi ) M (I)(0) . On the other hand, Z Z i Fi ϕλ dν =


 ∂ Fi (hesYi )ϕiλ (hesYi ) ds dν(h) Gi −∞ ∂s Z Z 0   = Yi Fi (hesYi )ϕiλ (hesYi ) ds dν(h)





Gi 0





 Fi Yi ϕiλ + ϕiλ Yi Fi (hesYi ) dν(h) ds .

Sin e Yi Fi = − j6=i Yj Fj , this be omes Z 0 Z Z X   i Fi Yi ϕiλ − Fi (h)ϕλ (h) dν(h) = ϕiλ Yi Fi (hesYi ) dν(h) ds .






Sin e Yj ∈ gi when j 6= i, and sin e ν is right-invariant on h, integration by parts on Gi yields Z m Z 0 Z i X  Fi (h)ϕiλ (h) dν(h) = Fj Yj ϕiλ (hesYi ) dν(h) ds . Gi




We have thus the bound Z Fi (h)ϕiλ (h) dν(h) ≤ kF kL1 (G) k∇b ϕiλ kL∞ (G) Gi (3.2) 1

≤ Cλ Q −1 kF kL1 (G) M (I)(0) .

Choosing now (3.3)


kF kL1 (G) , kFi kL1 (Gi )

one obtains by (3.1) and (3.2) Z 1 1 1− Q Q i F ϕ dν ≤ CkF kL1 (G) kFi kL1 (Gi ) M (I)(0) . i Gi

By translation of this inequality we obtain, for every t ∈ R, Z 1 1− 1 Fi (etYi h)ϕi (etYi h) dν(h) ≤ CkF kLQ1 (G) kFi kL1 (eQtYi G ) M (I)(t) . Gi




Integrating this inequality on R, one obtains by Hölder's inequality Z ∞ Z Z i Fi (etYi h)ϕi (etYi h) dν(h) dt Fi ϕ dµ ≤ −∞



1 Q L1 (G)

≤ CkF k ′



kFi kL1 (etYi Gi ) dt i

≤ C kF kL1 (G) k∇b ϕ kLQ (G) ,

1− 1 Z Q



Q  Q1 M (I)(t) dt

sin e by the maximal fun tion theorem (see e.g. [10℄), there exists C ′′ < ∞ su h that kM (I)kLQ (R) ≤ C ′′ kIkLQ (R) .  4.

Ellipti regularity

Theorem 2 follows from Theorem 1 and the theory of regularity on homogeneous groups. P Proof of Theorem 2. By Theorem 1, one an write Fi = m k=1 Yk hki , with

khki kLQ/(Q−1) (G) ≤ CkF kL1 (G) .


Yj Ui = Yj G ∗

m X

Yk hkj =


m X k=1

Yj Yk (G ∗ hij )

where G is the fundamental solution of −∆b . By the analogue of the Calderon Zygmund inequality for homogeneous groups [4, 9, 5℄,

kYj Yk (G ∗ hij )kLQ/(Q−1) (G) ≤ C This on ludes the proof. 5.

m X khkj kLQ/(Q−1) (G) ≤ C ′ kF kL1 (G) . k=1

Further inequalities

5.1. L1 divergen e. Theorem 1 an be extended to the ase where the divergen e of F is in L1 :

Theorem 3. If ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (G, T ∗ G) is a se tion of the otangent bundle and

the ve tor eld F ∈ L1 (G; Tb G) and divb F = f ∈ L1 (G) in the weak sense, i.e. Z Z f ψ dν F ψ dν = − G


then Z hϕ, F i dµ ≤ C(kF kL1 (G) k∇b ϕkLQ (G) + kdivb F kL1 (G) kϕkLQ (G) ) . G

This version of the inequality is more stable. It an thus be lo alized by multipli ation by uto fun tions. In parti ular, that under the assumptions of Theorem 1 , if G is a multiply onne ted Lie group, one has the inequality Z hϕ, F i ≤ CkF kL1 (G) (kϕkLQ (G) + k∇b ϕkLQ (G) ) . G



Sket h of the proof of Theorem 3. The proof follows the strategy of the proof of Theorem 1 and requires the following renement in Lemma 2.1: 1

kuλ kL∞ (G) ≤ Cλ Q


M (J)(0) ,


J(t) =



One obtains in pla e of (3.2) Z i Fi (h)ϕλ (h) dν(h)



1 Q h)| dν(h) . Q



≤ Cλ Q


 kF kL1 (G) M (I)(0) + kdivb F kL1 (G) M (J)(0) .

Choosing again λ given by (3.3), one has Z i Fi (h)ϕ (h) dν(h) Gi

  1 1 kdivb F kL1 (G) 1− Q Q ≤ CkFi kL1 (G M (J)(0) . kF k M (I)(0) + 1 L (G) (Q−1)/Q i) kF kL1 (G)

One on ludes then as in the proof of Theorem 1.

5.2. Fra tional spa es. In Theorem 1, we an also repla e k∇b ϕkLQ (G) by a fra tional SobolevSlobodetski norm. In order to dene the latter, the group G is endowed by a norm fun tion ρ : G → R+ su h that

ρ(δt g) = tρ(g) , ρ(gh) ≤ c(ρ(g) + ρ(h)) ,

ρ(g−1 ) ≤ cρ(g) ,

for some onstant c > 0 (see e.g. [10, Chapter XIII, 5.1.3℄). One an hoose for example

ρ(g) = inf{λ > 0 : g ∈ B(e, λ)} .

Denition 5.1. Let u ∈ L1loc (G) and 0 < α < 1. We say that u ∈ S˙ α,q (G) if kukqS˙ α,q




|u(h) − u(g)|q dµ(g) dµ(h) < +∞ . ρ(g−1 h)Q+αq

The generalization of Theorem 1 to fra tional spa es is

Theorem 4. Let α ∈]0, 1[ and p ≥ 1 be su h that αq = Q. There exists

Cα,q > 0 su h that if ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (G, T ∗ G) is a se tion of the otangent bundle and the ve tor eld F ∈ L1 (G; Tb G) is divergen e-free, then Z hϕ, F i dµ ≤ Cα,q kF kL1 (G) kϕkS˙ α,q (G) . G

The new ingredient needed to prove Theorem 4 is



Lemma 5.2. Let α ∈]0, 1[ and q ≥ 1. If αq > Q − 1, there exists Cα,q > 0 su h that, for every u ∈ Cc∞ (G), λ > 0, and 1 ≤ i ≤ m, there exists uλ ∈ C ∞ (G) su h that ku − uλ kL∞ (Gi ) ≤ Cα,q λα−


Q−1 q

M (Iα,q )(0) .

α− Q−1 −1 q


k∇b uλ kL∞ (G) ≤ Cα,q λ


Iα,q (t) =





M (Iα,q )(0) .

1 |u(etYi h) − u(g)|q q . dµ(g) dν(h) −1 Q+αq ρ(g h)

Proof. Dene uλ as in Lemma 2.1. In order to he k (5.1), we estimate uλ (g) − u(g) for g ∈ Gi . One has learly Z λh Z λ i i ∂ ∂ h u∗ u ∗ Iτ η (g) dτ = Iτ η (g) dτ . uλ (g) − u(g) = ∂τ 0 0 ∂τ One writes now

∂ 1 Iτ η = Iτ η˜ , ∂τ τ


∂ Iτ η . ∂τ τ =1 Z Z d d Iτ η dµ = 1=0. η˜ dµ = dτ G dτ G η˜ =

Note that This brings us to


1 u(h) Iτ η˜(h−1 g) dµ(h) dτ τ 0 G Z λZ Z 1 = [u(h) − u(k)] 0 G µ(B(g, τ )) B(g,τ ) 1 Iτ η˜(h−1 g) dµ(k) dµ(h) dτ . τ Thus, for some K > 0, uλ (g) − u(g) =

|uλ (g) − u(g)| Z λ ≤C 0






1 τ 2Q+1 α+ Q q





τ τ 2Q+1

B(g,Kτ )

B(g,Kτ )

B(g,τ )

 |u(h) − u(k)| dµ(k) dµ(h) dτ

B(g,τ )

|u(h) − u(k)| Q

ρ(k−1 h) q

 dµ(k) dµ(h) dτ .

Now note that B(g, Kτ ) ∩ etYi Gi = ∅ when |t| ≥ κτ , for some κ < ∞. Therefore Z λ α+ Qq Z Z τ |uλ (g) − u(g)| ≤ C 2Q+1 0 τ ]−κτ,κτ [ Gi ∩e−tYi B(g,Kτ ) Z |u(h) − u(k)| dµ(k) dν(h) dt dτ . Q B(g,τ ) ρ(k −1 h) q +α



Sin e ν(e−tY B(g, Kτ ) ∩ Gi ) ≤ CsQ−1 , we obtain, by Hölder's inequality, Z λ α+ Qq +(2Q−1)(1− 1q ) 1 τ ′ |uλ (g) − u(g)| ≤ C 2Q τ 2κτ 0 Z Z Z 1 |u(h) − u(k)|q q dµ(k) dν(h) dt dτ −1 Q+αq Gi B(g,τ ) ρ(k h) ]−κτ,κτ [

= C ′′ λ

α− Q−1 q

M (Iα,q )(0) .

(The ondition αq > Q − 1 was used to integrate τ α− (5.2) is similar.

Q−1 −1 q

.) The proof of 

The method above also works if we dene the Sobolev spa es of fra tional order using the TriebelLizorkin denition [7, 6℄. 5.3. Higher order onditions. In the Eu lidean ase, estimates similar to Theorem 1 still hold when the ondition on the divergen e is repla ed by a ondition on higher-order derivatives [11℄. The same ideas apply to homogeneous groups. Nk N We onsider se tions given by maps F : G → k Tb G, where is the tensor produ t. These se tions an be identied as dierential operators of order k, given by X F u(g) = Fi1 ···ik (g) (Yi1 · · · Yik u)(g) . i1 ,...,ik ∈{1,...,m}


allN su h se tions korder operators. Now we N

onsider Ndierential Nk shall k ∗ k ∗ ∗ Tb G), the ve tor subspa e of k Tb∗ G Tb G) , and Sym( Tb G = (

onsisting of tensors whi h are invariant under the a tion of the symmetri group Sk . N N Theorem 5. Let k ≥ 1, F ∈ L1 (G; k Tb G) and ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (G, Sym( k Tb∗ G)). If for every ψ ∈ Cc∞ (G), Z

F ψ dµ = 0 ,



Z hϕ, F i dµ ≤ Ck kF kL1 (G) k∇b ϕkLQ (G) . G

A restri tion appears in the statement of Theorem 5: for every g ∈ G, ϕ(g) should be a symmetri klinear form. On Rn this restri tion is not really restri tive, sin e all ve tor elds ommute, so that every korder dierential operator is symmetri . This is not any more the ase on a non ommutative group, hen e the question arises whether the restri tion to symmetri k linear forms is essential. In the parti ular setting of the three-dimensional Heisenberg group this gives:

Open problem 2. Consider the Heisenberg group H1 , whi h is a three-

dimensional homogeneous group su h that X = Y1 , Y = Y2 and T = [X, Y ]. Assume that Fi ∈ L1 (H1 ), for 1 ≤ i ≤ 4. If

T F1 + X 2 F2 + Y 2 F3 + (XY + Y X)F4 = 0,



then, by Theorem 5, Fi ∈ S˙ −1,4/3 (H1 ), for i = 2, 3, 4. Does one also have F1 ∈ S˙ −1,4/3 (H1 )? The next Lemma is the essential step in the proof of Theorem 5.

Lemma 5.3. If k ≥ 1, (Fi1 ···ik )1≤il ≤m ∈ L1 (G) and X


Yi1 . . . Yik Fi1 ...ik = 0 ,

i1 ,...,ik ∈{1,...,m}

then for every u ∈ Cc∞ (G), Z F1···1 u dµ ≤ Ck kF kL1 k∇b uk . G

Proof of Theorem 5. Sin e klinear symmetri forms ω of the form ω(X1 , . . . , Xk ) = X ∗ (X1 ) · · · X ∗ (Xk ),

N for Xi ∈ g and X ∗ ∈ g∗ generate the nite-dimensional spa e Sym( k g∗ ), it is su ient to prove a similar estimate for every ϕ(g; X1 , . . . , Xk ) = u(g)X ∗ (X1 ) · · · X ∗ (Xk ). Without loss of generality, we an assume that the kernel of X ∗ is spanned by Y2 , . . . , Ym , and that X ∗ (Y1 ) = 1. Writing F as X F = Fi1 ···ik Yi1 · · · Yik , i1 ,...,ik ∈{1,...,m}

with Fi1 ···ik ∈ L1 (G), one obtains Z Z uF1···1 dµ . hϕ, F i dµ = G


The fun tions Fi1 ···ik satisfy the assumptions of Lemma 5.3, whi h yields the

on lusion.  We now have to prove Lemma 5.3. The main ingredient is an improvement of Lemma 2.1 in whi h the de ay of higher-order derivatives of uλ is


Lemma 5.4. There exists C > 0 su h that, for every u ∈ Cc∞ (G), λ > 0, and 1 ≤ i ≤ m, there exists uλ ∈ C ∞ (G) su h that for every t ∈ R

(5.4) (5.5)


ku − uλ kL∞ (Gi ) ≤ Cλ Q M (I)(0) , Ck k∇kb uλ kL∞ (Gi etYi ) ≤ √ k− 1 M (I)(0) . Q λ2 + t 2

Proof of Lemma 5.4. Dene uλ as in the proof of Lemma 2.1. One still has (5.4). Now let us prove (5.5). Let i1 , . . . , ik ∈ {1, . . . , m}. One has Yi1 · · · Yik uλ (getYi ) = (u ∗ ηit1 ···ik )(g) ,

where ηit1 ···il is dened re ursively by η t = I√λ2 +t2 η and ( ∂ t if i1 = i, η t l+1 ηi1 ···il+1 = ∂t i2 ···i tY t [Ad(e i )Yi1 ]ηi2 ···il+1 if i1 6= i.



We now laim that for every l ≥ 0 and i1 , . . . , il ∈ {1, . . . , m}, there exists (j) q ≥ 1, ηr ∈ Cc∞ (G) and θr ∈ C ∞ (R+ ), with 1 ≤ r ≤ q and 1 ≤ j ≤ m su h that X ηit1 ···il = θr (t)I√λ2 +t2 YjR ηp(j) , (5.6) 0≤r≤q 1≤j≤m


Ci1 ···il ,r,k

θr(k)(t) ≤

. r+k (λ2 + t2 ) 2 Note that the onstants Ci1 ···il ,r,k are independent of t and λ. Indeed, for l = 1, (5.6) follows respe tively from (2.4) together with Lemma 2.2, and from (2.5). Assume now that (5.6) holds for l ≥ 1. One has in parti ular X ηit2 ···il+1 = θr I√λ2 +t2 YjR ηp(j) . 0≤r≤q 1≤j≤m

If i1 = i, one has, by Lemma 2.2, ∂ X θr (t)I√λ2 +t2 YjR ηr(j) ηit1 i2 ···il+1 = ∂t 0≤r≤q 1≤j≤m



θr′ (t)I√λ2 +t2 YjR ηr(j) +


θr′ (t)I√λ2 +t2 YjR ηr(j) +

θr (t)


θr (t)

0≤p≤q 1≤j≤m

0≤r≤q 1≤j≤m



0≤r≤q 1≤j≤m

0≤r≤q 1≤k≤m


η˜r(k) = D (k)


∂ √ I 2 2 Y R η (j) ∂t λ +t j r


t I√ 2 2 Y R η˜(k) , + t2 λ +t k r

YjR ηr(j) ,


from whi h (5.6) follows. If i1 6= i, by Lemma 2.2 again X ηit1 i2 ···il+1 = 1t [δt Ad(eYi )Yi1 ] θr (t)I√λ2 +t2 YjR ηr(j) 0≤r≤q 1≤j≤m



θr (t)I√λ2 +t2 YjR η˜r(j) ,

0≤r≤q 1≤j≤m


η˜r(j) =

ts−1 (j) R k s Di1 Yk ηr . 2 2 (λ + t ) 2 1≤k≤m X


Thus (5.6) is established, and brings us in position to on lude as in the proof of Lemma 2.1 that 1


|Xi1 · · · Xij uλ (getYi )| = |(u ∗ ηit1 ···ik )(g)| ≤ C(λ2 + t2 ) 2Q − 2 M (I)(0) .  We end this se tion by the proof of Lemma 5.3.



Proof of Lemma 5.3. As in the proof of Theorem 1, we need to estimate Z F1···1 uλ dν G1

were uλ is now given by Lemma 5.4 instead of Lemma 2.1. One has Z Z 0 Z i ∂ k h sk−1 uλ (hesY1 ) ds dν(h) F1···1 (hesY1 ) k F1···1 uλ dν = ∂s (k − 1)! G1 −∞ G1 Z Z 0 k s ∂k + (−1)k uλ (hesY1 ) k F1···1 (hesY1 ) ds dν(h) . ∂s G1 −∞ k! The rst term gives Z Z 0 i ∂ k h sk−1 F1···1 (hesY1 ) k uλ (hesY1 ) ds dν(h) ∂s (k − 1)! G1 −∞ Z 0 k  Z X k sl−1 F1···1 (hesY1 ) = Y1l uλ (hesY1 ) ds dν(h) . l (l − 1)! G1 −∞ l=0

By Lemma 5.4, one has Z Z 0 sl−1 F1···1 (hesY1 ) Y1l uλ (hesY1 ) ds dν(h) (l − 1)! G1 −∞ Z 0 sl−1 kF1...1 kL1 (esY1 G1 ) ≤C M (I)(0) ds l 1 −∞ (λ2 + s2 ) 2 − 2Q 1

≤ C ′λ Q


kF1···1 kL1 (G) M (I)(0) .

For the other term, by the assumption (5.3), one has Z Z 0 sk−1 ∂k uλ (hesY1 ) k F1···1 (hesY1 ) ds dν(h) ∂s G1 −∞ (k − 1)! Z Z 0 X sk−1 uλ (hesY1 ) =− (k − 1)! G1 −∞ (i1 ,··· ,ik )6=(1,...,1)

Yi1 . . . Yik Fi1 ...ik (hesY1 ) dν(h) ds .

One has then Z Z 0 sk−1 uλ (hesY1 )Yi1 . . . Yik Fi1 ...ik (hesY1 ) dν(h) ds (k − 1)! G1 −∞ Z Z 0 h sk−1 i = (−1)k Fi1 ...ik (hesY1 )Yˆik . . . Yˆi1 uλ (hesY1 ) dν(h) ds , (k − 1)! G1 −∞

∂ where Yˆj = ∂s + Y1 if j = 1 and Yˆj = Yj otherwise. One obtains then as previously Z Z 0 i h sk−1 uλ (hesY1 ) dν(h) ds Fi1 ...ik (hesY1 )Yˆik . . . Yˆi1 (k − 1)! G1 −∞ 1

The proof ends as the proof of Theorem 1.

≤ CkF kL1 (G) M (I)(0)λ Q





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Department of Mathemati s  Hill Center, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 110 Frelinghuysen Rd., Pis ataway, NJ 08854-8019

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