arXiv:1610.08348v1 [math.AP] 26 Oct 2016

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Oct 27, 2016 - There are a vast number of papers related to this question. We now give ... At the start of the 21st Century, [17] provided a positive answer.
arXiv:1610.08348v1 [math.AP] 26 Oct 2016

Uniqueness Results for Weak Leray-Hopf Solutions of the Navier-Stokes System with Initial Values in Critical Spaces T Barker

OxPDE, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford,UK October 27, 2016

Abstract This paper concerns that establishment of certain classes of initial data, which grant short time uniqueness of the associated weak LerayHopf solutions of the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. In particular, it is shown that this holds for any solenodial initial data, with finite L2 norm, that also belongs to any critical Besov space −1+ 3 B˙ p,p p (R3 ) with 4 < p < ∞. The same conclusion is reached, when the initial data belongs to certain subsets of V M O−1 (R3 ) instead. Our results rely on the establishment of certain continuity properties near the initial time, for weak Leray-Hopf solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, with these classes of initial data.



This paper concerns the Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes system in the space-time domain Q∞ := R3 ×]0, ∞[ for vector-valued function v = ∗

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(v1 , v2 , v3 ) = (vi ) and scalar function p, satisfying the equations ∂t v + v · ∇v − ∆v = −∇p,

div v = 0


in Q∞ , with the initial conditions v(·, 0) = u0 (·).


This paper will concern a certain class of solutions to (1.1)-(1.2), which we will call weak Leray-Hopf solutions. Before defining this class, we introduce some necessary notation. Let J(R3 ) be the closure of ∞ C0,0 (R3 ) := {u ∈ C0∞ (R3 ) : div u = 0} ◦

with respect to the L2 (R3 ) norm. Moreover, J 12 (R3 ) is defined the completion ∞ of the space C0,0 (R3 ) with respect to L2 -norm and the Dirichlet integral Z  12 2 |∇v| dx . R3

Let us now define the notion of ’weak Leray-Hopf solutions’ to the NavierStokes system. Definition 1.1. Consider 0 < S ≤ ∞. Let

u0 ∈ J(R3 ).


We say that v is a ’weak Leray-Hopf solution’ to the Navier-Stokes Cauchy problem in QS := R3 ×]0, S[ if it satisfies the following properties: ◦

v ∈ L(S) := L∞ (0, S; J(R3 )) ∩ L2 (0, S; J 12 (R3 )). Additionally, for any w ∈ L2 (R3 ): Z t → w(x) · v(x, t)dx




is a continuous function on [0, S] (the semi-open interval should be taken if S = ∞). The Navier-Stokes equations are satisfied by v in a weak sense: ZS Z

0 R3

(v · ∂t w + v ⊗ v : ∇w − ∇v : ∇w)dxdt = 0 2


for any divergent free test function ∞ w ∈ C0,0 (QS ) := {ϕ ∈ C0∞ (QS ) : div ϕ = 0}.

The initial condition is satisfied strongly in the L2 (R3 ) sense: lim kv(·, t) − u0 kL2 (R3 ) = 0.



Finally, v satisfies the energy inequality: kv(·, t)k2L2(R3 )


Zt Z

0 R3

|∇v(x, t′ )|2 dxdt′ ≤ ku0 k2L2 (R3 )


for all t ∈ [0, S] (the semi-open interval should be taken if S = ∞). The corresponding global in time existence result, proven in [26], is as follows. Theorem 1.2. Let u0 ∈ J(R3 ). Then, there exists at least one weak LerayHopf solution on Q∞ . There are two big open problems concerning weak Leray-Hopf solutions. 1. (Regularity)1 Given any initial data u0 ∈ J(R3 ), is there a global in time weak Leray-Hopf solution that is regular for all times 2 ? 2. (Uniqueness) Given any initial data u0 ∈ J(R3 ), is the associated global in time weak Leray-Hopf solution unique in the class of weak LerayHopf solutions? Under certain restrictions of the initial data, it is known since [26] that 1)(Regularity) implies 2)(Uniqueness)3 . However, this implication may not be valid for more general classes of initial data. Indeed, certain unverified non uniqueness scenarios, for weak Leray-Hopf solutions, have recently been suggested in [21]. In the scenario suggested there, the non unique solutions are regular. This paper is concerned with the following very natural question arising from 2)(Uniqueness). 1

This is closely related to one of the Millenium problems, see [16]. By regular for all time, we mean C ∞ (R3 ×]0, ∞[) with every space-time derivative in L∞ (ǫ, T ; L∞(R3 )) for any 0 < ǫ < T < ∞. 3 The connection made there concerns the slightly narrower class of ’turbulent solutions’ defined by Leray in [26]. 2


(Q) Which Z ⊂ S (R3 ) are such that u0 ∈ J(R3 ) ∩ Z implies uniqueness of the associated weak Leray-Hopf solutions on some time interval? There are a vast number of papers related to this question. We now give some incomplete references, which are directly concerned with this question ◦ and closely related to this paper. It was proven in [26] that for Z =J 12 (R3 ) and Z = Lp (R3 ) (3 < p ≤ ∞), we have short time uniqueness in the slightly narrower class of ’turbulent solutions’. The same conclusion was shown to hold in [12] for the weak Leray-Hopf class. It was later shown in [22] that Z = L3 (R3 ) was sufficient for short time uniqueness of weak Leray-Hopf solutions. At the start of the 21st Century, [17] provided a positive answer for question (Q) for the homogeneous Besov spaces −1+ p3

Z = B˙ p,q with p, q < ∞ and

(R3 )

3 2 + ≥ 1. p q

An incomplete selection of further results in this direction are [27], [11], [18], [8] and [10], for example. A more complete history regarding question (Q) can be found in [18]. An approach (which we will refer to as approach 1) to determining Z such that (Q) is true, was first used for the Navier-Stokes equation in [26] and is frequently found in the literature. The principle aim of approach 1 is to show for certain Z and u0 ∈ Z ∩ J(R3 ), one can construct a weak Leray Hopf solution V (u0) belonging to a path space XT having certain features. Specifically, XT has the property that any weak Leray-Hopf solution (with arbitrary u0 ∈ J(R3 ) initial data) in XT is unique amongst all weak LerayHopf solutions with the same initial data. A crucial step in approach 1 is the establishment of appropriate estimates of the trilinear form F : L(T ) × L(T ) × XT ×]0, T [→ R given by: Z tZ F (a, b, c, t) := (a ⊗ c) : ∇bdydτ. (1.9) 0


As mentioned in [18], these estimates of this trilinear form typically play two roles. The first is to provide rigorous justification of the energy inequality for 4

w := V (u0) − u(u0 ), where u(u0 ) is another weak Leray-Hopf solution with the same initial data. The second is to allow the applicability of Gronwall’s lemma to infer w ≡ 0 in R3 ×]0, T [. The estimates of the trilinear form needed for approach 1 appear to be restrictive, with regards to the spaces Z and XT that can be considered. Consequently, (Q) has remained open for the Besov spaces 3

−1+ Z = B˙ p,q p (R3 )

with p ∈]3, ∞[, q ∈ [1, ∞] and 3 2 + < 1. p q The obstacle of using approach 1 for this case, has been explicitly noted in [17] and [18]. ’It does not seem possible to improve on the continuity (of the trilinear term) without using in a much deeper way that not only u and V (u0 ) are in the Leray class L but also solutions of the equation.’([17]) For analagous Besov spaces on bounded domains, question (Q) has also been considered recently in [13]-[15]. There, a restricted version of (Q) is shown to hold. Namely, the authors prove uniqueness within the subclass of ’wellchosen weak solutions’ describing weak Leray-Hopf solutions constructed by concrete approximation procedures. Furthermore, in [13]-[15] it is explicitly mentioned that a complete answer to (Q) for these cases is ’out of reach’. The first result of this paper is to resolve this case by means of the following theorem. Theorem 1.3. Consider a weak Leray-Hopf solution u to the Navier-Stokes system on Q∞ , with initial data 3

−1+ u0 ∈ B˙ p,p p (R3 ) ∩ J(R3 )

(3 < p < ∞). Then, there exists a T (u0) > 0 such that all weak LerayHopf solutions on Q∞ , with initial data u0 , coincide with u on QT (u0 ) := R3 ×]0, T (u0 )[.


Our main tool is the new observation that weak Leray-Hopf solutions, with this class of initial data, have stronger continuity properties near t = 0 than general members of the energy class L. In [9], the case p = 4 was treated for the mild solution. Let us mention that throughout this paper, S(t)u0 (x) := Γ(·, t) ⋆ u0 where Γ(x, t) is the kernel for the heat flow in R3 . Lemma 1.4. Let 4 < p < ∞ and assume that −1+ p3

u0 ∈ J(R3 ) ∩ B˙ p,p

(R3 ).

Then for any weak Leray-Hopf u solution on QT := R3 ×]0, T [, with initial data u0 , we infer the following. There exists β(p) > 0 and γ(ku0k

3 −1+ p

B˙ p,p

(R3 )

, p) > 0

such that for t ≤ min(1, γ, T ) : ku(·, t) − S(t)u0 k2L2 ≤ tβ c(p, ku0 kL2 (R3 , ku0 k

3 −1+ p

B˙ p,p

(R3 )



This then allows us to apply a less restrictive version of approach 1. Namely, we can instead show that there exists a path space XT that grants uniqueness for weak Leray-Hopf solutions with the same initial data in this specific class (rather than for arbitrary initial data in J(R3 ), as required in approach 1). A related strategy has been used in [10]. However, in [10] an additional restriction is imposed, requiring that the initial data has positive Sobolev regularity. Another notion of solution, to the Cauchy problem of the Navier Stokes system, was pioneered in [22] and [23]. These solutions, called ’mild solutions’ to the Navier-Stokes system, are constructed using a contraction principle and are unique in their class. Many authors have given classes of initial data for which mild solutions of the Navier-Stokes system exist. See, for example, [7], [19], [25], [29] and [33]. The optimal result in this direction was established in [24]. The authors there proved global in time existence of mild solutions for solenoidal 6

initial data with small BMO −1 (R3 ) norm, as well as local in time existence for solenoidal u0 ∈ V MO −1 (R3 ). Here, V MO −1 (R3 ) is the closure of smooth compactly supported functions (denoted by C0∞ (R3 )) in the space BMO −1 (R3 ). In particular the following continuous embeddings hold (for finite p) −1+ 3 1 H˙ 2 (R3 ) ֒→ L3 (R3 ) ֒→ B˙ p,p p (R3 ) ֒→ V MO −1 (R3 ). Subsequently, the results of the paper [28] implied that if u0 ∈ J(R3 ) ∩ V MO −1 (R3 ) then the mild solution is a weak Leray-Hopf solution. Consequently, we formulate the following plausible conjecture (C). (C) Question (Q) is affirmative for Z = V MO −1 (R3 ).

Unfortunately, we are unable to fully resolve conjecture (C). We state a partial answer when an additional assumption is placed on the Lebesgue integrability of the initial data. Theorem 1.5. Consider a weak Leray-Hopf solution u to the Navier-Stokes system on Q∞ , with initial data u0 . Suppose further that for some p0 > 2 u0 ∈ V MO −1 (R3 ) ∩ J(R3 ) ∩ Lp0 (R3 ).


Then there exists a T (u0) > 0 such that all other weak Leray-Hopf solutions on Q∞ , with initial data u0 , coincide with u on QT (u0 ) := R3 ×]0, T (u0 )[.

The main observation is proving an estimate near the initial time, for weak Leray-Hopf solutions with this class of initial data. Recently, in case of ’global weak L3 solutions’ with L3 (R3 ) initial data, an estimate of this kind was established in [31]. See also [3] for the case of L3,∞ initial data, in the context of ’global weak L3,∞ (R3 ) solutions’. Lemma 1.6. Let 2 < p0 and assume that u0 ∈ J(R3 ) ∩ Lp0 (R3 ).

Then for any weak Leray-Hopf u solution on QT := R3 ×]0, T [ ,with initial data u0 , we infer the following. There exists an α(p0 ) > 0 such that for t ∈]0, min(T, 1)] : ku(·, t) − S(t)u0k2L2 ≤ tα c(p0 , ku0kLp0 (R3 ) ).


Let us remark that previous results of this type are given in [8] and [10] respectively, with the additional assumption regarding positive Sobolev regularity of the initial data. By comparison the assumptions of Theorem 1.5 are weaker and approach used in the proof is completely different. 7

2 2.1

Preliminaries Notation

In this subsection, we will introduce notation that will be repeatedly used throughout the rest of the paper. We adopt the usual summation convention throughout the paper . For arbitrary vectors a = (ai ), b = (bi ) in Rn and for arbitrary matrices F = (Fij ), G = (Gij ) in Mn we put √ a · b = ai bj , |a| = a · a, a ⊗ b = (ai bj ) ∈ Mn ,

F G = (Fik Gkj ) ∈ Mn, F T = (Fji ) ∈ Mn, √ F : G = Fij Gij , |F | = F : F , For spatial domains and space time domains, we will make use of the following notation: B(x0 , R) = {x ∈ R3 : |x − x0 | < R}, B(θ) = B(0, θ), B = B(1), Q(z0 , R) = B(x0 , R)×]t0 − R2 , t0 [, z0 = (x0 , t0 ), Q(θ) = Q(0, θ), Q = Q(1), Qa,b := R3 ×]a, b[.

Here −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞. In the special cases where a = 0 we write Qb := Q0,b . For Ω ⊆ R3 , mean values of integrable functions are denoted as follows Z 1 [p]Ω = p(x)dx. |Ω| Ω

∞ For, Ω ⊆ R3 , the space [C0,0 (Ω)]Ls (Ω) is defined to be the closure of ∞ C0,0 (Ω) := {u ∈ C0∞ (Ω) : div u = 0}

with respect to the Ls (Ω) norm. For s = 2, we define ∞ J(Ω) := [C0,0 (Ω)]L2 (Ω) .


∞ (Ω) with respect to L2 -norm and We define J 12 (Ω) as the completion of C0,0 the Dirichlet integral Z  12 |∇v|2 dx . Ω

If X is a Banach space with norm k · kX , then Ls (a, b; X), with a < b and s ∈ [1, ∞[, will denote the usual Banach space of strongly measurable Xvalued functions f (t) on ]a, b[ such that 

kf kLs (a,b;X) := 

Zb a

 1s

kf (t)ksX dt < +∞.

The usual modification is made if s = ∞. With this notation, we will define Ls,l (Qa,b ) := Ll (a, b; Ls (R3 )). Let C([a, b]; X) denote the space of continuous X valued functions on [a, b] with usual norm. In addition, let Cw ([a, b]; X) denote the space of X valued functions, which are continuous from [a, b] to the weak topology of X. We define the following Sobolev spaces with mixed norms: 1,0 Wm,n (Qa,b ) = {v ∈ Lm,n (Qa,b ) : kvkLm,n (Qa,b ) +

+k∇vkLm,n (Qa,b ) < ∞},

2,1 Wm,n (Qa,b ) = {v ∈ Lm,n (Qa,b ) : kvkLm,n (Qa,b ) +

+k∇2 vkLm,n (Qa,b ) + k∂t vkLm,n (Qa,b ) < ∞}.


Relevant Function Spaces

In order to introduce the main function spaces utilized, we first introduce the frequency cut off operators of the Littlewood-Paley theory. The definitions we use are contained in [1]. For a tempered distribution f , let F (f ) denote its Fourier transform. Let C be the annulus {ξ ∈ R3 : 3/4 ≤ |ξ| ≤ 8/3}. Let χ ∈ C0∞ (B(4/3)) and ϕ ∈ C0∞ (C) be such that ∀ξ ∈ R3 , 0 ≤ χ(ξ), ϕ(ξ) ≤ 1, 9


∀ξ ∈ R3 , χ(ξ) + and ∀ξ ∈ R3 \ {0},


ϕ(2−j ξ) = 1


ϕ(2−j ξ) = 1.



X j∈Z

For a being a tempered distribution, let us define for j ∈ Z: ˙ j a := F −1 (ϕ(2−j ξ)F (a)) and S˙ j a := F −1 (χ(2−j ξ)F (a)). ∆


Now we are in a position to define the homogeneous Besov spaces. Let s s ∈ R and (p, q) ∈ [1, ∞] × [1, ∞]. Then B˙ p,q is the subspace of tempered distributions such that (2.5) lim kS˙ j ukL∞ = 0, j→−∞

:= kukB˙ p,q s





˙ j ukq k∆ Lp




Remark 2.1. This definition provides a Banach space if s < p3 , see [1]. Remark 2.2. It is known that if 1 ≤ q1 ≤ q2 ≤ ∞, 1 ≤ p1 ≤ p2 and s ∈ R, then s−3( 1 − 1 ) B˙ ps1 ,q1 ֒→ B˙ p2 ,q2 p1 p2 . Remark 2.3. It is known that for s = −2s1 < 0 and p, q ∈ [1, ∞], the norm can be characterised by the heat flow. Namely there exists a C > 1 such that −2s1 for all u ∈ B˙ p,q : s1 −2s1 . −2s1 ≤ kkt S(t)ukL (R3 ) k C −1 kukB˙ p,q p Lq ( dt ) ≤ CkukB˙ p,q t

Here, S(t)u(x) := Γ(·, t) ⋆ u where Γ(x, t) is the kernel for the heat flow in R3 . Throughout, for p > 3, we will denote sp := −1 + p3 < 0. Finally, BMO −1 (R3 ) is the space of all tempered distributions such that the following norm is finite: kukBM O−1 (R3 ) :=

1 x∈R3 ,R>0 |B(0, R)| sup


|S(t)u|2 dydt.


0 B(x,R)

Note that V MO −1 (R3 ) is the subspace that coincides with the closure of test functions C0∞ (R3 ), with respect to the norm (2.7). 10


Decomposition of Homogeneous Besov Spaces

Next state and prove certain decompositions for homogeneous Besov spaces. This will play a crucial role in the proof of Theorem 1.3. In the context of Lebesgue spaces, an analogous statement is Lemma II.I proven by Calderon in [6] and will be stated later in proving Theorem 1.5. Before stating and proving this, we take note of a useful Lemma presented in [1] (specifically, Lemma 2.23 and Remark 2.24 in [1]). ′

Lemma 2.4. Let C be an annulus and let (u(j) )j∈Z be a sequence of functions such that ′ Supp F (u(j) ) ⊂ 2j C (2.8)


X j∈Z

2jsr ku(j) krLp


< ∞.


Moreover, assume in addition that 3 s< . p


Then the following holds true. The series X u(j) j∈Z

s converges (in the sense of tempered distributions) to some u ∈ B˙ p,r , which satisfies the following estimate:

≤ Cs kukB˙ p,r s

X j∈Z

2jsr ku(j)krLp




Now, we can state the proposition regarding decomposition of homogeneous Besov spaces. Note that decompositions of a similar type can be obtained abstractly from real interpolation theory, applied to homogeneous Besov spaces. See Chapter 6 of [4], for example. Proposition 2.5. For i = 1, 2, 3 let pi ∈]1, ∞[, si ∈ R3 and θ ∈]0, 1[ be such that s1 < s0 < s2 and p2 < p0 < p1 . In addition, assume the following relations hold: s1 (1 − θ) + θs2 = s0 , (2.12) 11

θ 1 1−θ + = , p1 p2 p0 3 si < . pi

(2.13) (2.14)

Suppose that u0 ∈ B˙ ps00,p0 . Then for all ǫ > 0 there exists u1,ǫ ∈ B˙ ps11,p1 , u2,ǫ ∈ B˙ ps22,p2 such that u = u1,ǫ + u2,ǫ , (2.15) ku1,ǫ kpB˙1s1

p1 ,p1


p2 ,p2

≤ ǫp1 −p0 ku0 kpB˙0s0 ,


p0 ,p0

≤ C(p0 , p1 , p2 , kF −1 ϕkL1 )ǫp2 −p0 ku0kpB˙0s0 . p0 ,p0

Proof. Denote,


˙ j u, f (j) := ∆ (j)N

f− and



:= f (j) χ|f (j) |≤N

:= f (j) (1 − χ|f (j) |≤N ).

It is easily verified that the following holds: (j)N p1 k Lp 1

≤ N p1 −p0 kf (j) kpL0p ,

(j)N p2 k Lp 2

≤ N p2 −p0 kf (j) kpL0p .





Thus, we may write (j)N p1 k Lp 1

≤ N p1 −p0 2(p1 s1 −p0 s0 )j 2p0 s0 j kf (j) kpL0p

(j)N p2 k Lp 2

≤ N p2 −p0 2(p2 s2 −p0 s0 )j 2p0 s0 j kf (j)kpL0p .

2p1 s1 j kf− 2p2 s2 j kf+



(2.18) (2.19)

With (2.18) in mind, we define N(j, ǫ, s0 , s1 , p0 , p1 ) := ǫ2

(p0 s0 −p1 s1 )j p1 −p0


For the sake of brevity we will write N(j, ǫ). Using the relations of the Besov indices given by (2.12)-(2.13), we can infer that N(j, ǫ)p2 −p0 2(p2 s2 −p0 s0 )j = ǫp2 −p0 . 12

The crucial point being that this is independent of j. Thus, we infer (j)N (j,ǫ) p1 k Lp 1

≤ ǫp1 −p0 2p0 s0 j kf (j) kpL0p ,

(j)N (j,ǫ) p2 k Lp 2

≤ ǫp2 −p0 2p0 s0 j kf (j) kpL0p .

2p1 s1 j kf− 2p2 s2 j kf+




(2.21) Pm

˙ Next, it is well known that for any u ∈ B˙ ps00,p0 we have that j=−m ∆j u converges to u in the sense of tempered distributions. Furthermore, we have ˙ j∆ ˙ j ′ u = 0 if |j − j ′ | > 1. Combing these two facts allows us to observe that ∆ that X X X ˙ ju = ˙ m f (j) = ˙ m f−(j)N (j,ǫ) + ˙ m f+(j)N (j,ǫ). (2.22) ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ |m−j|≤1



u1,ǫ j :=




u2,ǫ j :=

˙ m f−(j)N (j,ǫ) , ∆


˙ m f+(j)N (j,ǫ) ∆




It is clear, that

2,ǫ j Supp F (u1,ǫ j ), Supp F (uj ) ⊂ 2 C . ′


Here, C ′ is the annulus defined by C ′ := {ξ ∈ R3 : 3/8 ≤ |ξ| ≤ 16/3}. Using, (2.20)-(2.21) we can obtain the following estimates: (j)N (j,ǫ) p1 k Lp 1

p1 −1 ϕkL1 )2p1 s1 j kf− 2p1 s1 j ku1,ǫ j kLp ≤ λ1 (p1 , kF 1

≤ λ1 (p1 , kF −1 ϕkL1 )ǫp1 −p0 2p0 s0 j kf (j) kpL0p ,



(j)N (j,ǫ) p2 k Lp 2

p2 −1 2p2 s2 j ku2,ǫ ϕkL1 )2p2 s2 j kf− j kLp ≤ λ2 (p2 , kF 2

≤ λ2 (p2 , kF −1 ϕkL1 )ǫp2 −p0 2p0 s0 j kf (j) kpL0p . 0

≤ (2.27)

It is then the case that (2.25)-(2.3) allow us to apply the results of Lemma 2.4. This allows us to achieve the desired decomposition with the choice X 1,ǫ u1,ǫ = uj , j∈Z

u2,ǫ =

X j∈Z


u2,ǫ j .


p Corollary 2.6. Let p > 4 and suppose that u0 ∈ B˙ p,p ∩ L2 . Let p0 > p and θ ∈]0, 1[ be such that θ 1−θ 1 + = . (2.28) 2 p0 p Furthermore, let θ δ= > 0. (2.29) 2(1 − θ) If div u0 = 0 in weak sense , then for all ǫ > 0 there exists weakly sp0 +δ ¯2,ǫ ∈ L2 such that divergence free functions u¯1,ǫ ∈ B˙ p0 ,p 0 ∩ L2 and u

u0 = u¯1,ǫ + u¯2,ǫ , k¯ u1,ǫ kp˙0sp0 +δ Bp ,p 0


p0 −p



ku0 kpB˙ sp , p,p


k¯ u2,ǫ k2L2 ≤ C(p, p0 , kF −1 ϕkL1 )ǫ2−p ku0 kpB˙ sp ,


k¯ u1,ǫ kL2 ≤ C(kF −1 ϕkL1 )ku0 kL2 .


(sp0 + δ)(1 − θ) = sp .


u0 = u1,ǫ + u2,ǫ ,



Proof. Note that This and (2.28) are enough to apply Proposition 2.5 to obtain the following 0 decomposition: (we note that B˙ 2,2 coincides with L2 with equivalent norms)

ku1,ǫ kp˙0sp0 +δ ≤ ǫp0 −p ku0 kpB˙ sp , Bp0 ,p0



ku2,ǫ k2L2 ≤ C(p, p0 , kF −1 ϕkL1 )ǫ2−p ku0 kpB˙ sp . p,p

For j ∈ Z and m ∈ Z, it can be seen that   −1 ˙ j u 0 kL . ˙ m (∆ ˙ j u0 )χ ˙ ϕkL1 ))k∆ k∆ 2 |∆j u0 |≤N (j,ǫ) kL2 ≤ C(kF

It is known that u0 ∈ L2 implies

ku0 k2L2 =

X j∈Z



˙ j u 0 k2 . k∆ L2

Using this, (2.38) and the definition of u1,ǫ from Proposition 2.5, we can infer that ku1,ǫ kL2 ≤ C(kF −1 ϕkL1 )ku0 kL2 . 14

To establish the decomposition of the lemma we apply the Leray projector to each of u1,ǫ and u2,ǫ , which is a continuous linear operator on the homogeneous Besov spaces under consideration.


Short Time Uniqueness of Weak LerayHopf Solutions for Initial Values in Critical Besov Spaces


Construction of Mild Solutions with Subcritical Besov Initial Data

Let δ > 0 be such that sp0 + δ < 0 and define the space ′

Xp0 ,δ (T ) := {f ∈ S (R3 ×]0, T [) : sup t−

sp0 2

− δ2

0 0 such that (for (x, t) and r as above) we have |∇k v(x, t)| ≤

c0k = C(k, λ, ku0kB˙ sp0 +δ ). p0 ,p0 r0k+1

Thus, sup (x,t)∈Qλ,T

|∇k v| ≤ C(k, λ, ku0kB˙ sp0 +δ ). p0 ,p0



Using this and (3.39), we obtain by local regularity theory for elliptic equations that sup |∇k πv⊗v | ≤ C(k, λ, ku0kB˙ sp0 +δ ). (3.42) p0 ,p0


From these estimates, the singular integral representation of πv⊗v and that (v, πv⊗v ) satisfy the Navier-Stokes system one can prove the corresponding estimates hold for higher time derivatives of the velocity field and pressure.


Estimates Near the Initial Time for Weak LerayHopf Solutions with Critical Besov Initial Data

Before proceeding, we state a known lemma found in [30] and [32], for example. Lemma 3.2. Let p ∈]3, ∞] and 3 2 + = 1. p r


Suppose that w ∈ Lp,r (QT ), v ∈ L2,∞ (QT ) and ∇v ∈ L2 (QT ). Then for t ∈]0, T [: Zt Z

0 R3


|∇v||v||w|dxdt ≤ C

Zt 0

kwkrLp kvk2L2 dt′

1 + 2

Zt Z

0 R3

|∇v|2dxdt′ .


Proof of Lemma 1.4

sp ∩ L2 . We will write Proof. Throughout this subsection, u0 ∈ B˙ p,p

u0 = u¯1,ǫ + u¯2,ǫ .


Here the decomposition has been performed according to Lemma 2.6 (specifically, (2.30)-(2.33)), with ǫ > 0. Thus, k¯ u1,ǫ kp˙0sp0 +δ ≤ ǫp0 −p ku0kpB˙ sp Bp0 ,p0



k¯ u2,ǫ k2L2 ≤ C(p, p0 , kF −1ϕkL1 )ǫ2−p ku0 kpB˙ sp




and k¯ u1,ǫ kL2 ≤ C(kF −1 ϕkL1 )ku0 kL2 .


Throughout this section we will let w ǫ be the mild solution from Theorem 3.1 generated by the initial data u¯1,ǫ . Recall from Theorem 3.1 that w ǫ is defined on QTǫ , where δ

4c(p0 )Tǫ2 k¯ u1,ǫ kB˙ sp0 +δ < 1.


p0 ,p0

In accordance with this and (3.46), we will take 1 Tǫ :=   δ2 p p0 −p 8c(p0 )ǫ p0 ku0kBp˙0sp



The two main estimates we will use are as follows. Using (3.1), (3.6) and (3.46), we have kw ǫ kXp0 ,δ (Tǫ ) < Cǫ

p0 −p p0


ku0 kBp˙0sp .



The second property, from Theorem 3.1, is (recalling that by assumption u¯1,ǫ ∈ L2 ): (3.52) w ǫ ∈ W21,0 (QTǫ ) ∩ C([0, Tǫ ]; J(R3 )) ∩ L4 (QTǫ ).

Consequently, it can be shown that w ǫ satisfies the energy equality: kw


(·, s)k2L2


Zs Z

|∇w ǫ (y, τ )|2dydτ = kw ǫ(·, s′ )k2L2


τ R3

for 0 ≤ s′ ≤ s ≤ Tǫ . Moreover, using (3.1), (3.46) and (3.48), the following estimate is valid for 0 ≤ s ≤ Tǫ : kw ǫ (·, s) − S(s)¯ u1,ǫ k2L2 (R3 ) + 1

× s

≤ Cs p0 −2 1 2θ0 −1

1 +2δθ0 p0 −2

Zs Z

0 R3


p0 −p p0

ku0 k

|∇w ǫ (·, τ ) − ∇S(τ )¯ u1,ǫ |2 dydτ ≤

p0 −p p0

p p0 sp B˙ p,p


p p

ku0 kB˙0sp )4θ0 × p,p


4θ0 2θ0 −1


ku0 k2L2

2(1−θ0 )




1 θ0 1 − θ0 + = 4 p0 2


and C = C(p0 , δ, θ0 ). Let Sǫ := min(T, Tǫ ). Define on QSǫ , v ǫ (x, t) := u(x, t) − w ǫ (x, t). Clearly we have : v ǫ ∈ L∞ (0, Sǫ ; L2 ) ∩ Cw ([0, Sǫ ]; J(R3 )) ∩ W21,0 (QSǫ )


lim kv ǫ (·, τ ) − u¯2,ǫ kL2 = 0.


and τ →0

Moreover, v ǫ satisfies the following equations ∂t v ǫ + v ǫ · ∇v ǫ + w ǫ · ∇v ǫ + v ǫ · ∇w ǫ − ∆v ǫ = −∇pǫ ,

div v ǫ = 0 (3.58)

in QSǫ , with the initial conditions v ǫ (·, 0) = u¯2,ǫ (·)


in R3 . From (3.51), the definition of Xp0 ,δ (Tǫ ) and (3.46), we see that for 0 < s ≤ Tǫ : Zs

kw ǫ (·, τ )krL0p dτ ≤ C(δ, p0 )s

δr0 2


p0 −p p0


ku0 kBp˙0sp )r0 . p,p



Here, r0 ∈]2, ∞[ is such that 3 2 + = 1. p0 r0 Moreover, the following energy inequality holds for s ∈ [0, Sǫ ] 5 : kv ǫ (·, s)k2L2 + 2

Zs Z

|∇v ǫ (x, τ )|2 dxdτ ≤ k¯ u2,ǫ k2L2 +

0 R3


Zs Z

0 R3


v ǫ ⊗ w ε : ∇v ǫ dxdτ.

This can be justified by applying Proposition 14.3 in [27], for example.



We may then apply Lemma 3.2 to infer that for s ∈ [0, Sǫ ]: kv


(·, s)k2L2


Zs Z

|∇v ǫ (x, τ )|2 dxdτ ≤ k¯ u2,ǫ k2L2 +

0 R3


Zs 0

kv ǫ (·, τ )k2L2 kw ε (·, τ )krL0p dτ.



By an application of the Gronwall lemma, we see that for s ∈ [0, Sǫ ]: kv


(·, s)k2L2

Ck¯ u2,ǫ k2L2

  Zs exp C kw ǫ (·, τ )krL0p dτ . 0



We may then use (3.47) and (3.60) to infer for s ∈ [0, Sǫ ]:   p0 −p  r0  p δr0 kv ǫ (·, s)k2L2 ≤ C(p0 , p)ǫ2−p ku0 kpB˙ sp exp C(δ, p0 )s 2 ǫ p0 ku0 kBp˙0sp . p,p p,p (3.64) Clearly, for s ∈ [0, Sǫ ] we have ku(·, s) − S(s)u0 k2L2 ≤ C(kv ǫ (·, s)k2L2 + k¯ u2,ǫ k2L2 + kw ǫ(·, s) − S(s)¯ u1,ǫ k2L2 ). Thus, using this together with (3.47), (3.2.1) and (3.64), we infer that for s ∈ [0, Sǫ ]: ku(·, s) − S(s)u0k2L2 ≤  r0    p0 −p   p δr0 p +1 + ≤ C(p0 , p)ǫ2−p ku0kpB˙ sp exp C(δ, p0 )s 2 ǫ p0 ku0 kB˙0sp p,p


  p0 −p 4θ0 p 1 +2δθ0 p + Cs p0 −2 ǫ p0 ku0 kB˙0sp × p,p

× s

1 2θ0 −1

1 +2δθ0 p0 −2


p0 −p p0


p p0 sp B˙ p,p

 2θ4θ−1 0 0

+ ku0 k2L2

!2(1−θ0 )



Take ǫ = t−γ , where 0 < t ≤ min(1, T ) and γ > 0. Observing (3.50), we see that in order to also satisfy t ∈]0, Tǫ ] (and hence t ∈]0, min(1, Sǫ )]) , we should take δp0 (3.66) 0 0, − 2 p0


1 4γθ0 (p0 − p) + 2δθ0 − >0 p0 − 2 p0


 4θ γ(p − p) 1  1 0 0 + 2δθ0 − > 0. 2θ0 − 1 p0 − 2 p0 (2θ0 − 1)


With these choices, together with (3.66) and (3.67), we recover the conclusions of Lemma 1.4.


sp ∩ J(R3) Construction of Strong Solutions with B˙ p,p Initial Data

The approach we will take to prove Theorem 1.3 is as follows. Namely, we sp , by construct a weak Leray-Hopf solution, with initial data u0 ∈ L2 ∩ B˙ p,p perturbation methods. We refer to this constructed solution as the ’strong solution’. Then, Lemma 1.4 plays a crucial role in showing that the strong solution has good enough properties to coincide with all weak Leray-Hopf solutions, with the same initial data, on some time interval ]0, T (u0 )[. With 25

this in mind, we now state the relevant Theorem related to the construction of this ’strong solution’. Let us introduce the necessary preliminaries. Let 4 < p < ∞ and define the space sp

Kp (T ) := {f ∈ S (R3 ×]0, T [) : sup t− 2 kf (·, t)kLp (R3 ) < ∞}. 0 0 such that if kS(t)u0kKp (T ) < ǫ0 ,


v(x, t) := S(t)u0 + G(v ⊗ v)(x, t)


kvkKp (T ) < 2kS(t)u0kKp (T ) .


v ∈ W21,0 (QT ) ∩ C([0, T ]; J(R3)) ∩ L4 (QT ).


πv⊗v ∈ L2 (QT ) ∩ L p2 ,∞ (Qλ,T )).


then there exists a v ∈ Kp (T ), which solves the Navier Stokes equations in the sense of distributions and satisfies the following properties. The first property is that v solves the following integral equation: in QT , along with the estimate

The second property is (recalling that by assumption u0 ∈ L2 ): If πv⊗v is the associated pressure we have (here, λ ∈]0, T [): The final property is that for λ ∈]0, T [ and k = 0, 1 . . ., l = 0, 1 . . .: sup


sp , k, l). |∂tl ∇k v| + |∂tl ∇k πv⊗v | ≤ c(p, λ, ku0kB˙ p,p


Remark 3.4. It is then immediate that the solution constructed here is a weak Leray-Hopf solution with initial data u0 on QT . 26


Proof of Theorem 1.3

Proof. Let us now consider any other weak Leray-Hopf solution u, defined sp on Q∞ and with initial data u0 ∈ J(R3 ) ∩ B˙ p,p . Let Tb(u0 ) be such that kS(t)u0 kKp (Tb(u0 )) < ǫ0 ,

where ǫ0 is from (3.74) of Theorem 3.3. Consider 0 < T < Tb(u0 ), where T is to be determined. Let v : QT → R3 be as in Theorem 3.3. From (3.76), we have kvkKp (T ) < 2kS(t)u0 kKp (T ) ≤ 2kS(t)u0kKp (Tb(u0 )) = 2ǫ0 .


We define w = u − v ∈ W21,0 (QT ) ∩ Cw ([0, T ]; J(R3 )) ∩ L4 (QT ).


Moreover, w satisfies the following equations ∂t w + w · ∇w + v · ∇w + w · ∇v − ∆w = −∇q,

div w = 0


in QT , with the initial condition satisfied in the strong L2 sense: lim kw(·, 0)kL2 = 0



in R3 . From the definition of Kp (T ), we see that for 0 < δ < s ≤ T : Zs

kv(·, τ )krLp dτ ≤ C log(δ)kvkrKp (T ) < ∞.



Here, r ∈]2, ∞[ is such that

3 2 + = 1. p r

Using Proposition 14.3 in [27], we infer that the following energy equality holds for t ∈ [δ, T ]: kw(·, t)k2L2 ≤ ku0 k2L2 − 2

Zt Z

0 R3

|∇u|2dydτ + ku0 k2L2 − 2 27

Zt Z

0 R3

|∇v|2 dydτ −



u(y, δ) · v(y, δ)dy + 4



Zt Z

Z tZ δ

∇u : ∇vdydτ


v ⊗ w : ∇wdydτ.


δ R3

Using Lemma 3.2 , we see that Zt Z

|v||w||∇w|dydτ ≤ C

δ R3


kv(·, τ )krLp kw(·, τ )k2L2 dτ +


1 + 2

Zt Z

|∇w|2dydτ ≤

δ R3

≤ CkvkrKp (T )


kw(·, τ )k2L2 1 dτ + τ 2

Zt Z



δ R3


The main point now is that Lemma 1.4 implies that there exists sp γ(ku0 kB˙ p,p (R3 ) , p) > 0

and β(p) > 0, such that for 0 < t < min(1, γ, T ) : sp kw(·, t)k2L2 ≤ tβ c(p, ku0 kL2 , ku0 kB˙ p,p (R3 ) ).

Hence, sup 0