Record the following information on the Asbestos Project Daily Log: 1. ... project.
6. Area and negative air machine sampling times and associated information. 7.
Project Number: __________________________________ Location (Bldg. & Room): ____________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ Name of Supervisor: _________ ______________________ Work Order Number: _______________________________
Record the following information on the Asbestos Project Daily Log: 1. Description of project 2. Description of regulated area (attach R-sheet, if applicable) 3. Time the regulated area was established 4. Time of entry and exit of regulated area by a. Abatement staff individuals b. L&I inspectors c. Collective bargaining representatives 5. Items of work activity, including completion times for significant portions of the abatement project. 6. Area and negative air machine sampling times and associated information 7. Other unusual occurrences or pertinent information, and time of occurrence 8. Pre-Abatement air sampling activity 9. Personal crew supervisor’s signature at end of the work day