ASDOH Alumni - Constant Contact

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You may have heard, after 15 years as the inaugural dean of A.T. Still University's. Arizona School of Dentistry & O
A.T. Still University of Health Sciences

ASDOH Alumni newsletter

Summer 2016

A message from the dean You may have heard, after 15 years as the inaugural dean of A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-ASDOH), I have decided to return to public health leadership and policy development and will retire June 30, 2017. While my work at ATSU-ASDOH may end, my commitment to advance the inclusion of oral health as a Medicare benefit as well as promote the integration of oral health into primary care continues. The decision was bittersweet, but I am optimistic more great opportunities are in ATSU-ASDOH’s future as well as mine. Please continue to communicate with me and let me know how you are doing – you are my extended family!

Dean’s Advisory Board The newly created ATSU-ASDOH Dean’s Advisory Board held its inaugural meeting in May. This group was formed to provide ATSU-ASDOH with an innovative, meaningful perspective on the future of oral health in the emerging health care system. Their role is to help ATSU-ASDOH create the dentists of the future that will succeed in this evolving interprofessional health care environment. The integration of oral health into primary care is essential to the success of the dental profession and the improved health of our patients. The board consists of CEOs and senior executives of dental manufacturers, distributors, financiers and dental service organizations. The group was so engaged that they decided to meet this October rather than wait a year to review ATSUASDOH strategic initiatives for the next three years.

IPE Program

5850 E. Still Circle Mesa, AZ 85206 480.219.6000

The interprofessional education (IPE) program has really taken off at ASDOH. For the first time ever, all beginning physician assistant (PA), osteopathic medical (DO), and dental students attended a joint class for an introduction to IPE. Over the next year PA and DO students will spend up to two half days in the dental clinic. They will learn about oral health screenings, oral systemic connections, providing dental blocks, and managing dental emergencies. Our D4s at HealthPoint (an FQHC system in the Seattle area) will be spending time in the medical clinic with the DO students to learn how to better assess a patient’s overall health. They will then teach the DO students about oral health and how to identify oral disease. With these efforts, patients can be referred to the dental clinic before a dental problem sends them to the emergency room or worse. Students have really enjoyed getting to learn with, from, and about the other health professions in order to improve patient care.

Research Research activities are in full swing at ATSU-ASDOH. Several faculty members have received research grants for clinical studies, including a digital denture study and a mouthwash study. A D3 student received a grant from the university to initiate a pet therapy project in the SNCU for medically complex patients with severe dental anxiety. Drs. Perry and Spolarich have written and submitted a grant to the National Institutes of Health to expand upon the pet therapy project to include patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This year, students will represent ATSU-ASDOH in research competitions at the ADA meeting, the AADR meeting and the Hinman Student Research meeting. ATSU-ASDOH has also joined forces with Midwestern University to form the Arizona Chapter of the American Association for Dental Research. ATSU-ASDOH will host the first AZ AADR research symposium on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017. All alumni are welcome to register to attend. Continuing education credits will be awarded. Please contact Dr. Spolarich at [email protected] for questions or if you would like to register for the event. So my dear ATSU-ASDOH alumni, please continue to do the great work you are doing, keep your bond with your ASDOH family of faculty, fellow alums and current students. I miss you and look forward to any opportunity to cross paths with you – hopefully at the annual alumni event at the ADA meeting! Best wishes for great success and warm regards,

Jack Dillenberg, DDS, MPH Dean

Meet the ASDOH Alumni Board Robert Anderson, DMD, ’10 Chair

Dr. Anderson is a native of Salem, Utah, and besides the two years when he practiced dentistry in Illinois, he and his family have lived in Arizona for ten years. In addition to dentistry, his passions revolve around his family, consisting of his wife, Diana, and their four kids: Arianna, Rachel, Beckam, and Ethan. Since meeting in 2002 and marrying a year later, Diana has been a huge support to him in his dental career and an inspiration in all other aspects of his life. The Anderson family loves to spend time together out in nature and participate in athletic events, such as running and biking. Dr. Anderson is fluent in Spanish and Bulgarian, although the Bulgarian is admittedly getting a bit rusty. He has a special interest in Dental Sleep Medicine and is a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and the Academy of General Dentistry.

Andi Livingood, DMD, ’11, MPH, ’10 Vice Chair

After graduating from ATSU-ASDOH, Dr. Livingood completed her pediatric dentistry residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. She now serves as the dental director at Tolosa Children’s Dental Center, a non-profit pediatric dental clinic in Paso Robles, California. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.

Michele (Barnard) Pindyck, DMD,’11 Past Chair

After earning her dental degree, Dr. Pindyck and her husband moved to Portland, Oregon where she worked in a private office for two and a half years. She and her husband then moved to New York City for a year and a half for his graduate studies. While working in a private clinic in midtown Manhattan, they were pleasantly surprised when they found out they were going to be expecting twins. With this news, they decided to move closer to family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where they are currently residing. Dr. Pindyck is now working at a private clinic in Mequon, Wisconsin.

Adam Bennett, DMD, MPH, ‘14 Originally from Kirksville, Missouri, Dr. Bennett was involved in multiple student organizations at ATSU with a focus on interprofessional education and interdisciplinary collaboration, culminating in his marriage to the better-half of the Bennett team, a 2015 graduate from ATSU’s School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona. Drs. Bennett live in Medicine Park, Oklahoma, where he works at Fort Sill providing oral health care to soldiers in Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training, while she is completing a Family Medicine residency at Comanche County Memorial Hospital. Currently, Dr. Bennett is stationed at Camp Buehring, Kuwait drilling, filling, and killing cavities for soldiers passing through Kuwait on their way to and from Iraq. His goals include completing a dental public health residency and dedicating his career to improving the oral health of soldiers through the development, application, and assessment of sound, evidence-based oral health policy.


ATSU-ASDOH Alumni Board continued Christopher Chin, DMD, ’10, MPH, ’11 Originally from San Diego, Dr. Chin moved to Missouri to work at a community health center with his wife, Kyla Hollen, ‘10, after graduating from ATSU-ASDOH. They enjoyed their time and were able to serve as adjunct faculty while finishing their MPH degrees. They have since moved to Tucson, Arizona where Dr. Hollen has started a pediatric dental practice (Southwest Kids Dentistry). Dr. Chin serves on the New Dentist Committee for the Southern Arizona Dental Society and the Still Magazine Advisory Committee; and continues his community service through the Men’s Active 20/30 Club of Tucson. When not practicing dentistry, Dr. Chin enjoys Thursday night kickball, bicycling, running, hiking, snowboarding, or just hanging out with his wife and their pooch Missile. Joshua Davidson, DMD, MPH, ’11 Dr. Davidson chose to work in the public health sector immediately after dental school and decided to work at Marshfield Clinic after having completed a rotation there. Nearly five years later, he is still in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Over the years, Dr. Davidson has volunteered a few times and 2013 took him to China. China lacks a solid infrastructure for preventive care, namely hygiene. With his education and experience, Dr. Davidson was able to provide much guidance in combating periodontal disease

Shauna Hayes, DMD, ’07 Dr. Hayes earned her biology degree with a minor in chemistry from the University of Colorado at Denver in 2002. Prior to dental school, she was a registered dental hygienist for more than 15 years. She now owns her own general private practice dental office in Arroyo Grande, California that she purchased in 2010. Before that, she worked in community health in Montana where she was an associate dentist in a busy CHC for three years. Dr. Hayes supports her community and local dental association through volunteering at Give Kids A Smile events, local CDA Cares events, and working pro bono with select families in her private practice. Dr. Hayes has been married for over 25 years and has one child, Brogan, who recently turned six. Her husband, Kyle, helps manage the practice and takes care of their son. David Hoffman, DMD, MPH, ’09, DHSc, ’11 After graduating from ATSU-ASDOH and earning a certificate in orthodontics and doctor of health sciences degree, Dr. Hoffman is now practicing in Scottsdale and Phoenix under the name of Arizona Orthodontic Studio. Born in Southern California, Dr. Hoffman studied at UC San Diego where he met his wife Valerie. They have two daughters, ages 2 and 6. Dr. Hoffman is an officer of the Scottsdale/Paradise Valley Dental Study Club, and has taught pre-doctoral orthodontics at ATSU-ASDOH. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, wood working, and watching the Green Bay Packers. Maryam Meschi, DMD, ’12 Dr. Meschi is originally from San Diego, where she attended the University of California, San Diego for her undergraduate studies. After graduating from ATSU-ASDOH, she completed a two-year residency in pediatric dentistry at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, and is now working as a pediatric dentist in Orange County, California.


ATSU-ASDOH Alumni Board continued Scott Murphy, DMD, ’11 Dr. Murphy has been practicing dentistry at federally qualified health centers in Missouri and Wisconsin since graduating from ATSU-ASDOH. He is currently employed with Marshfield Family Health Center in Ladysmith, Wisconsin and has also been serving as adjunct faculty for ATSU-ASDOH. He served as class vice president during his third year and as class president his fourth year at ATSUASDOH. Currently, Dr. Murphy is a member of the Wisconsin Dental Association, American Dental Association, and the Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Murphy and his wife Pamela, ‘11, had a rewarding educational experience and formed many fulfilling relationships with ATSU-ASDOH. He looks forward to using his extensive leadership experience in the Marine Corps, education, and work to contribute to strengthening ATSU-ASDOH’s connections with the community, faculty, students, and alumni. Golnaz Pahlevanlou, DMD, ’13, MPH, ’12 Dr. Pahlevanlou is currently working at the Community Health Centers of the Central Coast in California. Her MPH has come in handy and she has picked up some Spanish as well. She stays active in the local dental society and volunteers at a free clinic in her spare time. When Dr. Pahlevanlou is not seeing patients, she enjoys traveling, reading, cooking, and being outdoors. She enjoys hiking, playing tennis, going to the beach, and playing volleyball.

Julie Storm, DMD, ’10 Dr. Storm, from Elk City, Oklahoma, completed her undergraduate degree at Oklahoma City University. Upon graduation from ATSU-ASDOH, she practiced in Phoenix with Desert Dentistry focusing on family dentistry and in Tucson, Arizona focusing on pediatrics. In 2011, she returned to Oklahoma to take over the practice of two retiring dentists in the OKC metro area. She is in solo practice in Midwest City, focusing on comprehensive dental care. Dr. Storm belongs to several study clubs and serves as an Adopt-a-Dentist for two elementary schools in the area, volunteers with OKMOM and RAM, and works closely with local sports teams to provide sport guards for athletes. She also provides cash scholarships to high school graduates in the area who want to pursue higher education. Dr. Storm enjoys spending time with her family – husband, Van; daughters, Dori and Arli; and fourlegged child, Nugget.

Sarah Usher, DMD, ’14, MPH, ’13 After graduating from ATSU-ASDOH, Dr. Usher completed the University of New Mexico Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program in 2015. She is currently the dental director for La Casa Family Health Center, an FQHC in rural southeast New Mexico, where she oversees three dental sites comprised of five staff dentists and their dental teams. Her goals for improving healthcare outcomes at her health center include: increasing collaboration between health care providers, offering comprehensive care options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and engaging local youth to become interested in careers in the oral health arena. Interprofessional aspirations have welcomed her as a board member of the American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry and a National Network of Oral Health Access Institute Scholar. International service travel has taken Dr. Usher to Tanzania to serve as a dentist in an orphanage and Antigua, Guatemala to provide needed oral health care to patients with IDD. She enjoys sharing in outdoor leisure activities with her husband including hiking, mountain biking, and exploring new cities.

Alumni news ATSU-ASDOH alum completes LEND fellowship The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) has selected Abrahim Caroci, DMD, ’13, MS, to be profiled for his work during his Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) fellowship in pediatric dentistry at the University of Rochester LEND program. AUCD trainees share their research, clinical, policy, and advocacy experiences and how their training influenced their professional interests and visions for their future. Dr. Caroci is also currently completing a pediatric dentistry residency at University of Rochester-Eastman Institute for Oral Health. Check out Dr. Caroci’s AUCD trainee profile at Read more . . .

Sally Rosenthal Tor Endowed Scholarship Sally Rosenthal Tor, DMD, MPH, ’10, was a 32-year-old wife, mother, daughter, and pediatric dentist. She was a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist born and raised in Tucson. She attended the University of Arizona where she earned a degree in microbiology. She earned her DMD and MPH from ATSU-ASDOH in 2010. During dental school she was inducted into Omicron Kappa Upsilon, the National Dental Honor Society. After dental school Dr. Rosenthal Tor moved to Columbus, Ohio to pursue her dream of being a pediatric dentist by completing a pediatric dental residency at The Ohio State University and Nationwide Children’s Hospital. During her residency she received a Master’s Degree in Dentistry and several research awards for her thesis. Dr. Rosenthal Tor worked as a pediatric dentist for Tucson Smiles and Casa Grande Pediatric Dentistry, displaying a unique ability to care for and comfort kids. She enjoyed skiing, supporting UofA sports, culinary adventures with friends, and above all spending time with her daughter Josie. Dr. Rosenthal Tor passed away peacefully Dec. 9, 2015, at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, following a year-and-a-half of treatment for lymphoma. To honor his wife, Josh Tor started the Sally Rosenthal Tor Endowed Scholarship at A.T. Still University. This scholarship not only honors the life and legacy of Dr. Rosenthal Tor, but each year, one deserving dental student enrolled at ATSU-ASDOH, who has earned their Dental of Medicine Degree and a Master’s in Public Health, is ranked in the top half of their class, and is pursuing a pediatric residency, will be chosen. The inaugural Sally Rosenthal Tor Endowed Memorial Scholarship was presented at the ATSU-ASDOH Awards Breakfast held June 2, 2016 to fourth-year dental student, Kanoelehua Baird. In attendance were Sally’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. David and Susan Rosenthal, and Josh. Baird was born and raised on the island of Kauai. She attended the University of Hawaii-Manoa and graduated with a degree in dental hygiene. After graduation she worked in both private practice and community health for three years before enrolling at ATSU-ASDOH. Baird is an advocate for policy change especially when it relates to the realms of public health and oral healthcare. She is excited to return to her home state as a pediatric dental resident through the NYU Lutheran Dental Medicine program, as a third generation dentist in her family. She plans to use the scholarship to further her education in pediatric dentistry and to carry on Dr. Rosenthal Tor’s legacy. If you are interested in supporting this scholarship, you can make an online donation at or send a check made payable to A.T. Still University University Advancement, Attn: Karen DeCarlo, 5850 E. Still Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206. Your contribution will help keep Dr. Rosenthal Tor’s memory alive and provide much-needed support to a pediatric dentist.


Alumni news continued Alumni gather during the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Session

Front row left to right: Tina Ptacek Martin, ’09; Charlie Brown, ’14; Andreina Ramones, ’11; Maryam Meschi, ’12; Andi Livingood, ’11; Charlie Clark, ’07; Arman Parsa, ‘15. Back row: Roberta Kerr, ’12; Abra Caroci, ’13; McKay Garrett, ‘13; Joe Creech; Michael Pysnak, ’14; Joey Creech, ’14.

ATSU-ASDOH alumni and faculty present to College of Diplomates American Board of Pediatric Dentistry

Charlie Clark, DMD, ’07; Ann Spolarich, PhD, RDH, professor and director of research, ATSU-ASDOH; and Andi Livingood, DMD, ’11, MPH, ’10, at the College of Diplomates American Board of Pediatric Dentistry breakfast meeting in San Antonio on May 27, 2016. The group presented a lecture titled, “The Escalating Problem of Pediatric Substance Abuse: What Your Kids and Patients Aren’t Telling You.”


School/Student news Contestants shine during SparkTank on the Arizona campus ATSU’s Teaching & Learning Center held its second SparkTank event, a live show-style competition focused on teaching and learning on the Arizona campus on Feb. 24. The event featured individual contestants and teams who pitched their ideas to a panel of judges for the opportunity to win $5,000 in project funding. Of the 19 proposals submitted, eight were selected to present in front of six judges and an audience comprised of more than 50 faculty, staff, and students. Then third-year dental students, Varisha Parikh and Christine Castelin, partnered with ATSU-ASDOH faculty member and graduate, Clark Chen, ’12, to present their project titled “Implementing CAD/CAM Dentures.” They were awarded top honors and received $5,000 to fund their project. “After visiting the Avadent digital denture design and fabrication facility in Scottsdale, Arizona we both realized that there is major potential for this technology to become widely used for edentulous patients both in private practice and in community health centers,” said Castelin. “Soon after this field trip, Dr. Chen presented us with the idea for organizing this effort into a proposal for SparkTank so that we may have an opportunity to bring this new technology to our clinic.”

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ATSU-ASDOH faculty receive fellowships in special care dentistry Tim Lukavsky, DDS, assistant director, ATSU-ASDOH, received his Fellowship in Special Care Dentistry at the Special Care Dentistry Association Annual Meeting in Chicago on April 15, 2016. Karen Fallone, RDH, instructor, and Ann Spolarich, RDH, PhD, director of research, ATSU-ASDOH, were among the first of four dental hygienists in the country to receive Fellowships in Special Care Dental Hygiene awarded at the same conference.

ATSU-ASDOH’s Dr. Spolarich honored with Alumni Award of Merit Ann Spolarich, RDH, PhD, course director of clinical medicine and pharmacology and director of research, ATSU-ASDOH, was recently recognized by the Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society with a 2016 Alumni Award of Merit. The award was presented at the Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Weekend in May. Each year, the Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society presents the award to alumni who demonstrate love for and loyalty to Penn Dental Medicine, excellence in the profession of dentistry, and community involvement. Dr. Spolarich, a 1982 dental hygiene alumna of Penn Dental Medicine, is the first dental hygiene graduate to receive the award since it was first presented in 1944.

Presentations and Publications View a list of recent presentations and publications by ATSU-ASDOH alumni, faculty, and students. 6

School/Student news continued ATSU-ASDOH celebrates 10th graduating class ATSU-ASDOH celebrated its 2016 graduating class on Friday, June 3 at Gilbert High School. The graduating class comprised 75 graduates, who earned their Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees. Among the 2016 graduating class were nine military graduates.

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ATSU-ASDOH class of 2020 White Coat celebration Many thanks to our alumni, family, friends, faculty, and staff for their support in welcoming the ATSU-ASDOH class of 2020 with their white coats! Patricia Beré

Henry D. Martinez, DMD, ’13

Dr. Daniel, ’72, & Elizabeth Biery

Nancy E. McCoy, AuD, ’12

Wayne & Kimberly Blackman

Jane Morse, DPT, ’06

L. Nelson Butler III, DDS

Aaron D. Mortensen, DMD, ’09

Michael Chang, MNLM

Drs. Cuong Nguyen & Khanh Chu

Julie Bauer Cook, MA

Kim Anh Thi Nguyen, DMD, ’08

Wayne Cottam, DMD

Joseph Novinger, DO, ’89

Dr. David W. & Janice N. Crouthamel

NYU Lutheran Family Health Centers Sunset Park

Randy Danielsen, PhD, PA-C

Drs. Timothy W. Oh, ’08, & Audree D. Park

C. Lisette Dottavio, PhD

Michael K. Papademetriou, DDS

Dr. Earl & Debbie Duffy

Nancy Parrish

Mai-Ly Tran Duong, DMD, ’12, MPH, ’12

Chelsea M. Richardson, DMD, ’08

Drs. Clyde Evans & Barbara Marchilonis

Greg D. Rubenstein

Ellen Gohlke

Randolph F. Scott, DO, ’84

Leonard Barry Goldstein, DDS, PhD

K. Harvey Summers & Debra Loguda-Summers

Dr. James J. Hisrich & Cindy J. Hisrich

Dr. & Mrs. Fred C. Tinning

Gene Jasper, DDS, & Shirley Jasper

Lisa Delores Valech

Dr. & Mrs. Sabah Kalamchi

Ross D. Werner, DDS

Curtis E. Law

Gary Wiltz, MD

Lisa Lear, DDS

Heinz & Mary Lou Woehlk

Lance, Krista, & Christopher Llewellyn


Want to provide your contact information to other ATSUASDOH alumni for referrals and reconnecting personally? Visit and submit any information to [email protected]. Note that by indicating you would like to be included in the directory, you agree that this information can be shared with other ATSU-ASDOH alumni on a public webpage accessible to those with the link. Please do not include any information you do not wish to be shared in this manner. This is a temporary resource as the university updates the online ATSU alumni directory. Facebook “f ” Logo

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Upcoming events Oct. 22, 2016 | American Dental Association Annual Session Come join ASDOH dean Jack Dillenberg and MOSDOH dean Dwight McLeod for an alumni and friends reception in Denver, Colorado. More details and registration may be found at

Nov. 4, 2016 | Day for Special Smiles ASDOH alumni and their dental colleagues are encouraged to join us for Day for Special Smiles. It’s a great way to give back to those patients who might otherwise not be able to receive dental treatment anywhere else. One day each year, ASDOH reserves the clinic for the event which provides free care to patients with developmental disabilities. Not only will patients be receiving dental care, they’ll also receive a medical screening from medical students and muscular screenings from athletic training students. In 2015, 75 patients were treated and had to turn away a handful of patients due to lack of volunteers and resources. Please join us (you can even wear your Halloween costumes) and have a blast providing free dental care (exams, cleanings, fillings, extractions, etc.) to this often forgotten population. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Mai-Ly Duong, DMD, ’12, at [email protected].

Feb. 17-18, 2017 | ASDOH Alumni Weekend Come back to join us for Give Kids A Smile, alumni awards and a family-friendly BBQ, and free CDE. More information to come soon! Contact [email protected] for more information.