Nov 13, 2013 - Engineering And Procurement Contractors (EPCs) ... Established in 1995, BYD is a top high-tech enterprise
Evaluating Case Studies From 8 Regions:
From the Producers of
* The Philippines * Malaysia * Indonesia * Singapore * Australia * India * Pakistan * USA
ASIA Optimising Power Consistency And Achieving Rural Electrification In Asia Through Microgrids
11 - 13 November 2013 Singapore Hotel Park Royal On Beach Road
Platinum Sponsor
Presentations From Over 20 Industry Experts From 9 Countries Covering: Examining The Business Opportunities Of Building Isolated Microgrids In 20,000 Asian Islands
Supported by
Minimising The Cost By Understanding The Market Potential For Replacing Diesel Generators With Renewables Determining The Benefits Of Using Energy Storage Technologies In A Microgrid System
Producerd by
Producers of
Understanding Different Microgrid Regulations Across Asian Countries: • Malaysia • Indonesia • India • The Philippines call: +44 208 432 0886 (London) +65 6243 0050 (Singapore) email:
[email protected]
Singapore 11 - 13 November 2013
Sponsorship Packages At A Glance The Platinum option has premier positioning and priority in each of the features described below. This is not an exhaustive list, please contact one of our marketing consultants to help you define your objectives Platinum
ConnectTime (bespoke feature, ask for details)
Company logo appearing in a 3 minute video animation at start of Forum
Company logo appearing in Microgrid Forum marketing video
One to one video interviews
Speaking opportunity (subject to content approval)
Logo on the front page of programme - paper and digital version
Premier Positioning & Size
Bi-monthly newsletter logo branding
24 issues
Electronic ticket corporate branding
Company logo on Microgrid Forum’s customised design stage
Company logo in coffee area and registration backdrop
Company logo on Forum home page with link to company website
Company logo on sponsorship and exhibition page of Forum website
These three main sponsorship options are available amongst other options so do please contact one of our marketing consultants to enquire further. Examples of packages include: • Lunch • Drinks reception • Conference bursary • Cultural entertainment sponsorship
Tailored Packages We believe in tailoring your needs by understanding your strategic objectives. This understanding is then transferred to our database, blog and media partners which will allow you to reach thousands of individuals for a good period stretching over 6 - 12 months.
Exhibition Showcase 5
Sponsors logos on stage backdrop, registration backdrop and banners
Regions Lunch & ak Coffee Bre a re A
Rest of the World MiddleKorea East Korea
Sponsorship & Exhibition Enquiries:
Gold Sponsor video animation shown on main stage at start of conference
Exhibition showcase
Sponsor the drinks reception
Who Will You Meet
From Which Functions
Government Utilities/DSO Solar And Wind Operators Engineering And Procurement Contractors (EPCs) Power Electronics And Inverters System Integrators PV Manufacturers Renewable Energy Services Companies (RESCOs) Battery Manufacturers Oil/Gas Companies Mining Companies Mobile Telecom Operators Information & Communication Technology Providers Academic and Research Institutions Investors / Banks Commercial & Industrial End Users Property Developer Hospitals, Universities, Refineries Data Centers
Energy Planning And Development Director Smart Grid Director Operations & Maintenance Manager Electrical Engineer Smart Grid Business Director Chief Engineer, Technology & Projects Chief Technology Officer Contracting & Energy Solutions Manager Energy Storage Systems Manager Energy Business Director Director Of Technical Services Head Of Network Operations Energy Management Manager Professor Of Microgrids Energy Investment Manager Distributed Energy Resources Manager Mechanical & Electrical Dept Manager Facilities Manager Head Of Operations
call Desmond at +44 208 638 0920 email:
[email protected] Europe: or +44 7799 1611 62 Asia:
call: +65 6243 0050
call Kenny at +65 6243 0050 email:
[email protected] or +44 208 432 0886
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Singapore 11 - 13 November 2013
Platinum Sponsor FIAMM Group, born in 1942, manufactures and distributes batteries for automotive (starter) and for
industrial usage (stand-by, emergency), as well as warning devices (clacson and sirens). FIAMM has a global presence in 60 countries worldwide, with around 3000 employees. Today FIAMM Group is also focused on the energy storage systems, with a dedicated business unit; thanks to the unique battery technology “sodiumnickel chloride” FIAMM SoNick, is partner and supplier for advanced solutions on both on-grid and off-grid applications, as well as for electric mobility.
Associate Sponsors energysolutions/en
Supported by
Established in 1995, BYD is a top high-tech enterprise specializing in NEW ENERGY, IT and automobile. As a battery manufacturer leader in the world, BYD designed and manufactured the Fe battery which used in the EV and battery storage. BYD produce 1) Solar lantern - an energy storage product which combines PV, battery and LED could turn the sunshine into electricity to satisfy the basic needs 2) Distributed Energy Storage System which can maximize PV energy self-consumption 3) Containerized Energy Storage Solution is used for grid stabilization, distribution power quality and load leveling. 4) Micro-grid Solution which combine the renewable energy and energy storage to be an independent power source. Up to now, BYD has over 200 MWh Fe Batteries service in EVs, Buses and Energy Storage System.
GILDEMEISTER Energy Solutions is part of the GILDEMEISTER group and specialises in solutions to generate, store and utilise renewable energy for medium-sized and large industrial companies, municipalities and citizens’ cooperatives. The company focuses on a functional chain of sun- and wind energy which can be made available at any time because of its state-of-the-art technology: the CellCube, a vanadium-redox flow storage system. The modular and flexible system adapts to every requirement. The power output and capacity is scalable from the kilowatt to megawatt range without a problem.
British Photovoltaic Association (BPVA) is the National trade association of the UK solar photovoltaic industry. The association was formed in April 2010 after the introduction of the FiT. Since then the BPVAhas grown significantly and has become the most influential and trusted voice of the solar PV industry in the UK. We have created a strong platform for the UK solar PV industry to grow. We are achieving this by offering our members valuable support and benefits as well as activities which enables them to reach their targets. We are a fully independent not-for-profit organisation and the only trade association in the UK with 100% focus on solar PV. Our mission is: “To ensure that solar photovoltaic energy is established as the leading renewable energy source in the UK”. We promote solar PV at national and international levels and assist our members in their business development in the UK and abroad. As the trusted voice of the industry, the BPVA is working hard to make solar PV a mainstream and significant energy source by expanding markets, removing market barriers, strengthening the industry and educating the public on the benefits of solar energy.
The Electricity Storage Association (ESA) is an international trade association established to foster development and commercialization of energy storage technologies. It aims to promote the development and commercialization of competitive and reliable energy storage delivery systems for use by electricity suppliers and their customers.
The Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS) aims to facilitate the business of its Member Companies, and thus developing Singapore as the Regional Centre for the promotion of Energy Efficiency Technologies and Services, showcasing of Renewable Energy Technologies, Carbon Asset Management and Trading as well as Clean Energy Finance.
Media Partners Solar International showcases the technological development of solar PV globally, highlights the advances in scientific research and presents the current global and regional policies and assess how they are affecting growth of the industry. is a leading international directory for worldwide conferences and exhibitions. is equipped with a unique and comprehensive search that helps you find easily any event in any category or location. Each event includes detailed information, like, description, dates, location, map, prices, link to the official event’s website and more. If you search for a conference or exhibition in areas such as Industry and manufacturing, Health and medicine, Technology and IT, Business and finance, sciences, education, services (banking, insurance, tourism, Hospitality and more), government, environment, life style and arts, you’ll find it in
call: +65 6243 0050
[email protected]
Singapore 11 - 13 November 2013
Pre-Forum Workshop
Monday 11 November
Developing A Microgrid Business And Technical Plan This Workshop on Microgrid has been specifically researched and designed to help you examine the challenges, solutions and opportunities for Microgrids in different scenarios. Participants will be able to learn from the failures as much as from best practices, and they are not required to be fluent in Microgrid analysis. There will be sufficient interactive time to learn with your Workshop leader as well as your colleagues facing similar challenges. 8.30
Registration And Coffee
13.00 Networking Lunch Introducing Your Workshop Leader 14.30 SESSION 5 Josep M. Guerrero, Professor in Microgrids, Department of Energy Technology Establishing Codes And Standards For DC Applications In AALBORG UNIVERSITY (DENMARK) Residential, Commercial, And Industrial Settings
SESSION 1 Determining Different Definition Of Microgrid Applications, Interfaces And Services
15.00 SESSION 6 Case Study: Evaluating Costs And Benefits Of A Smart Polygeneration Microgrid Project In A University Campus;
SESSION 2 Evaluating Microgrid System Design And Simulation, Operation And Control
15.30 Coffee Break
Mansueto Rossi, Researcher, UNIVERSITY OF GENOA (ITALY)
16.30 SESSION 7 Evaluating Microgrids Against Other Existing Utility Mitigation Tools And Schemes
10.30 Coffee Break 11.30 SESSION 3: Singapore’s Pulau Ubin Microgrid Project Examining The Microgrid Infrastructure Of The Island Of Pulau Ubin Using Intermittent Renewable Energy Resources
17.00 SESSION 8 Developing Methodology For Comparing Microgrid Baseline To Optimised Microgrid Operations And Business Case Analysis
12.00 SESSION 4 Energy Storage Solutions For Microgrid Applications
Rachid Yazami, Professor and Principal Scientist, Energy Research Institute NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (SINGAPORE)
17.30 SESSION 9 Developing Methods To Negotiate Objectives And Optimisations Between Multiple Microgrids 18.00 End Of Workshop
ABOUT YOUR WORKSHOP LEADER Josep M. Guerrero Professor in Microgrids, Department Of Energy Technology AALBORG UNIVERSITY (DENMARK)
Josep M. Guerrero received his B.S. Degree in Telecommunications Engineering, his M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering, and his Ph.D. Degree in Power Electronics from the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona. He was an Associate Professor with the Department of Automatic Control Systems and Computer Engineering in the Technical University of Catalonia, teaching courses on digital signal processing, field-programmable gate arrays, microprocessors, and control of renewable energy. In 2004, he was responsible for the Renewable Energy Laboratory in Escola Industrial de Barcelona. Since 2011, he has been a Full Professor in the Department of Energy Technology in Aalborg University in Denmark, where he is responsible for the Microgrid research program. From 2012, he is also a Guest Professor at the Chinese Academy of Science in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His research interests include different Microgrid aspects, such as power electronics, distributed energy storage systems, hierarchical and cooperative control, energy management systems, and optimization of microgrids and islanded minigrids. He was the chair of the Renewable Energy Systems Technical Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He is also an Associate Editor for different IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine.
Seow Kang Seng has been in the electricity industry for 37 years, working for PUB, Singapore Power Group and Energy Market Authority as well as providing specialist consultancy services to consulting companies on electricity related areas. He was involved in technical design, testing and commissioning as well as project management of large centralised power station projects, distribution planning, IT projects, smartmeter and smart grid pilot projects, etc. He has contributed to the drafting of rules, codes of practices, regulations, etc. in the liberalisation of electricity markets and the creation of Singapore National Electricity Market and served in the Rules Change Panel of Energy Market Company in its initial operations. He has also taken charge of electricity and gas inspectorate department and emergency planning for the electricity industry.
Mansueto Rossi Researcher UNIVERSITY OF GENOA (ITALY)
In 2000 he graduated cum laude in electrical engineering from the University of Genoa where he also received his PhD in 2004, with a thesis entitled “A new method for the solution of a class of integrodifferential equations occurring in electromagnetism”. He is co-author of more than 50 papers, published on international journals and proceedings of international conferences, and of the chapter “FEM (Finite Element Modeling) Techniques for Electrostatic Microactuators” appearing in the edited book “MEMS/NEMS Handbook: Techniques and Applications”, Springer - Verlag 2006.
Dufresne producers of the The Energy Storage World Forum, which is an annual conference taking place in Asia and Europe is now producing the Microgrid Forum. Over 1000 delegates and a total of 270 speakers from 28 countries attended our past 6 Energy Storage World Forums. The 7th Forum will be in London 4 - 6 March 2014.
“Very useful networking event, interesting speakers and topics“ T.J., Business Dev Manager DYNAPOWER (USA) Rome 2012
“Very dense and informative, congratulations for the organisation”
“Excellent technology advice at a well pitched level” J.D., Power Systems Engineer HORIZON POWER (Australia) Tokyo 2011
G.D., Country Manager MCPHY (France) Paris 2011 “Great! Very exciting topics” R.S.R. Economic Regulatory Compliance Officer CEPALCO (Philippines Utility) Beijing 2010
call: +65 6243 0050
“Great update information from utilities and suppliers” P.F.M., Project Manager ENDESA (SPAIN) Barcelona 2010
[email protected]
Singapore 11 - 13 November 2013
Forum Day 1 8.30 9.00
Tuesday 12 November
Registration And Coffee
Lunch And Exhibition Visit
Welcome Address
Davide Bonomi, Content Strategy Director DUFRESNE – MICROGRID FORUM
Chairman Introduction
Comparing Different Energy Storage Technologies For Microgrids In Different Geographical Scenarios
The winner will have a 20 min speaking slot at our next Forum.
Ashwin Khambadkone Programme Director, Experimental Power Grid Centre (EPGC), AGENCY FOR SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH (A*STAR) (SINGAPORE)
Examining The Market Potential For Replacing Diesel Generators With A Combination Of Energy Storage And Electric Vehicles For Microgrid Sites • Minimising the cost of energy generation and carbon foot print in the remote areas • Examining a wider penetration of electric vehicles as economical means to transport electricity rather than gasoline • Determining different alternative solutions for power generation when electricity can be stored and transported economically like water
Sohail Hasnie Senior Energy Specialist ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (THE PHILIPPINES)
Coffee Break And Exhibition Visit
Developing A Step By Step Business Model For Microgrid’s Energy Storage System And Evaluating The Application of Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery To Meet Power Quality And Balance Output Brian Li Business Director BYD (CHINA)
• What type of technology is available now? • What needs to improve in order to achieve optimum performance and ROI? • To what extent can current grid storage technology be tailored for Microgrid applications? Sally Qiu
Sales Manager, Asia Pacific FIAMM (CHINA)
10.45 Coffee Break And Exhibition Visit
11.30 Developing A Regulatory Framework For Microgrids In Malaysia And Improving The Business Case
11.55 Indonesia Case Study: Managing Economic Operation Of Power Generation To Optimise Supply And Demand On Island Grid
• Preparing monthly, weekly and daily load predictions • Planning power generation schedules (operation and maintenance) • Overcoming the challenges for system control of Microgrid - Frequency Mode - MW Mode - Voltage Control • Optimising electricity systems on island grid
12:20 Examining The Added Value Of Energy Management And Battery Storage In Hybrid Microgrids With Diesel And PV
• Examining different examples of hybrid PV Diesel Microgrids without storage • Integrating an intelligent control system, energy management and forecasting of solar and load profiles • Enabling highest solar shares by understanding the design of battery storage for Microgrid applications
Matthias Vetter Head of Dept, PV Off-Grid Solutions and Battery System Technology FRAUNHOFER ISE (GERMANY)
Building A Large Transmission Infrastructure VS Building Interconnected Microgrids
• Examining the business case of interconnected Microgrids in Asia • Demonstrating the difference between power quality in a Microgrid and the larger grid • Can the energy generated by power from Microgrids be cheaper than the unit cost of grid energy?
• To what extent can we overcome regulatory challenges? • What incentives are needed to drive investments fairly across TSOs and DSOs? • In which Indonesian region is the regulation more favourable towards Microgrids?
Lim Yun Seng Assoc Professor, Dept of Physical Science, Electrical & Electronic Engineering UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN (MALAYSIA) Robert Haendel, Head of Photovoltaic Systems Technology SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF SINGAPORE (SERIS) (SINGAPORE) Palani Balaya Assistant Professor NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE (SINGAPORE)
10.20 Designing Energy Storage Solutions For Microgrid Only Applications
3 Speakers 10 Minutes Each Focusing On A Innovative Key Technology
This session is a unique feature of Dufresne’s Microgrid Forums. Each of 3 companies will present an innovative key technology for 10 minutes. The audience will then evaluate each presentation. Each speaker will have to highlight the potential benefits of one technology across one specific application.
• Evaluating the following technologies - Li-ion - Flow battery - Lead-acid - Supercapacitors - Flywheel - Thermal • Examining the following scenarios and applications - Rural vs Urban - Island vs Grid Connected • Examining renewable penetration with energy storage • Evaluating Microgrids offering grid support and peak shaving
Moderator: Sekhar Kondepudi Associate Professor - Smart Buildings & Smart Cities, Dept of Buildings NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE (SINGAPORE) Panelists: Seow Kang Seng Former Consultant PULAU UBIN MICROGRID PROJECT (SINGAPORE) Ashwin Khambadkone Programme Director, Experimental Power Grid Centre (EPGC), AGENCY FOR SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH (A*STAR) (SINGAPORE) Matthias Vetter Head of Dept, PV Off-Grid Solutions and Battery System Technology FRAUNHOFER ISE (GERMANY) Markson Tang
Closing Remarks From The Chair
End Of Forum Day 1
12.45 Case Study: Understanding the Pulau Ubin Micro Grid Technology • Introducing the “Just-in-Time” energy production concept • The doubly fed induction generator concept for for diesel application • Enabling high penetration of renewable energy Markson Tang Executive Director DAILY LIFE RENEWABLE ENERGY (SINGAPORE)
call: +65 6243 0050
The 7th Energy Storage World Forum London 4 - 6 March 2014 Over 1000 delegates and a total of 270 speakersfrom 28 countries attended our past 6 Energy Storage World Forums
[email protected]
Singapore 11 - 13 November 2013
Forum Day 2
Wednesday 13 November
Previous Day Summary And Chairman Introduction
13.00 Networking Lunch And Exhibition Visit
Understanding How Global Mega Trends Will Impact The Evolution Of Smart Energy & Microgrids
14.35 Developing and Managing Renewable Energy Based Distributed Power Generation Micro Grid Projects
• Examining top global mega trends and its impact on energy & power industry convergence view point • Where does Microgrid and distributed storage fit into the smart grid development roadmap • Analysing the top growth opportunities for Smart Grids, Energy Storage and Microgrid in Asia Pacific
Ravi Krishnaswamy Vice President, Energy & Power Systems FROST & SULLIVAN ASIA PACIFIC (SINGAPORE)
Quantifying The Risk Of Investing In Microgrid Projects And Technologies In Asia
• Understanding the market opportunity of integrating renewables in small scale utility projects • Examining the current trends of financing smart grid projects in the emerging markets • Promoting the development of new technologies and business models
Sunil Gupta Global Head, Technology & Clean Tech Coverage STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (SINGAPORE)
10.20 Evaluating The Potential And Market Opportunities Of Implementing Microgrids In The Government Infrastructure Of Malaysia To Improve Reliability And Energy Efficiency • What is the Malaysian Government policy towards Microgrids? • What is the benefit and associated cost in establishing Microgrids? • Optimal investment vs best available technology
Shahrul Affendy Bin Abu Bakar Superintendent Electrical Engineer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF MALAYSIA (MALAYSIA)
10.45 Coffee Break And Exhibition Visit 11.30 Malaysia Case Study: Meeting The Challenges In Powering Rural Villages Of Sarawak Using Microgrid Systems
• Identifying how the Malaysian Government programme supports Microgrid projects in Sarawak • Examining service quality and meeting the expectations of rural populations in Sarawak • Examining the opportunities for integrating solar, hydro and diesel to build isolated Microgrids in rural areas • Determining the strategies to overcome operation and maintenance constraints in rural Microgrids • Identifying challenges and R&D opportunities in future plan to interconnect Microgrids
Shiun Chen General Manger, R&D SARAWAK ENERGY (MALAYSIA)
11:55 Analysing The Update On Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Technology For Microgrid Applications • Overview of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery technology • What are the differentiators between energy storage systems • Examining the growing market and current installations • Where does Vanadium Redox technology work best in a Microgrid environment
Tom Tipple Head of Emerging Markets GILDEMEISTER ENERGY SOLUTIONS (UK)
PANEL DISCUSSION 12:20 Utilities vs EPCs: To What Extent Can An EPC Become A Power Producer Through Managing Microgrids?
• Utilities and Microgrids: Friends or Foes? • Is there a business case for EPCs to grab the Microgrid opportunity instead of utilities? • How could EPC and Utilities help remote villages to achieve rural electrification with a minimum cost of investment?
• How can we involve the locals in such a way that they have a sense of ownership in the success of the project? • Overcoming lack of available technical support and equipment locally by managing the operations and maintenance of the system • How can we look at creative ways to make the project more financially attractive to investors and tap into and increase the buying power of the local economy?
14.55 Building Microgrids For The Mobile Telecoms Industry To Promote Decentralisation • Evaluating the role and examining the incentives of each stakeholders • To what extent could the Mobile Telecoms industry help to provide electricity? • Reducing the dependence on the resources of the electricity grid
15.20 Coffee Break And Exhibition Visit 16.00 Pakistan Case Study: Examining Renewable Energy Regulation In Pakistan • Providing street lighting in the coastal area • Evaluating the future potential of using solar energy with Microgrids
16.25 Australia Case Study: Mitigating Microgrid Contingencies By Using 20MW Battery Energy Storage System In The Mining Industry
• Determining high voltage system constraints due to heavy loads • Examining battery energy storage system as buffer for controlling network stability under contingencies • Identifying battery energy storage system load shedding capabilities in the heavy industry: - on line compensation - voltage - frequency
Fernando Castillo Electrical Engineer - Power System BHP BILLITON (AUSTRALIA)
16.50 Our Forums culminate with a session where conference delegates are asked to “Build The Action Plan” (BAP), with a step by step guide for a specific number of issues. The “BAP” is moderated by experts from the Microgrid industry who will guide the audience and help with new ideas and past experience. This one hour session is an integral part of the whole Forum taking it to the next level. It’s been exclusively designed by Dufresne with the aim to give you actionable information that you can work on when you are back at your office. Champagne will be served during this session 17:50 Closing Remarks From The Chair 18.00 End of Microgrid Forum 2013
Moderator: Maggie Kuang Analyst BLOOMBERG (SINGAPORE) Panelists: Shiun Chen General Manger, R&D SARAWAK ENERGY (MALAYSIA) Tagor Sidjabat Operation Director PELAYANAN LISTRIK NASIONAL (PLN) BATAM (INDONESIA) Horst Kruse Andre Susanto Renewable Energy Advisor Head of Renewable Energy KALTIMEX ENERGY (INDONESIA) PT IMPRIMA (INDONESIA)
call: +65 6243 0050
Andre Susanto Head of Renewable Energy PT IMPRIMA (INDONESIA)
Join our group on Discuss with professionals from the value chain. Put forward your questions and get to know your peers before and after the conference so you can gain more learning and networking value.
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Singapore 11 - 13 November 2013
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Monday 11 November Tuesday 12 November Wednesday 13 November
Pre-Forum Workshop Forum Day 1 Forum Day 2
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(11+12+13 November)
(12+13 November)
1 Day Pre-Forum Workshop Only
Online: Email:
[email protected] Call: +65 6243 0050 (Singapore +8GMT) +44 208 432 0886 (London)
(11 November only)
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Book BY 23 Aug ’13
Book BY 27 Sep ’13
Book BY 25 Oct ’13
SAVE Book AFTER 25 Oct ’13
The prevailing GST rate will apply for all registrations received from Singapore-based companies and individuals
15% Discount for Government Representatives and Academics. (Subject to approval, identification required) Associations and Partners Discounts Special discounts have been arranged with associations and partners. If a discount code is given to you, please enter it online or contact us at +44 208 432 0886. Discounts cannot be combined. All discounts are subject to approval. Identification stating company name will be required.
REGISTER ONLINE: Delegates are responsible for the arrangement and payment of their own travel and accommodation. The Microgrid Forum has arranged a special room rate at the Hotel where the conference will take place.
FORUM VENUE Park Royal On Beach Road 7500A Beach Road Singapore 199591 +65 6508 2323 This hotel is perfectly located for business and leisure travellers in the city centre of downtown Singapore. A short walk brings you face-to-face with some uniquely Singaporean tourist attractions like the Merlion and the Esplanade.
Produced by
Dufresne producers of the The Energy Storage World Forum, which is an annual conference taking place in Asia and Europe is now producing the Microgrid Forum. Our past 6 Energy Storage World Forums locations include Beijing, Tokyo, Paris, Barcelona, Rome and Berlin. Over 1,000 delegates and a total of 270 speakers from 28 countries attended our specialist events and masterclass workshops. The Forum also has a very active group called Energy Storage World Forum, on LinkedIn (join here: with over 3500 selected members discussing key issues and solutions on a daily basis. The Microgrid Forum will benefit from the insights and research gained from the active community of delegates, speakers and online members from the Energy Storage World Forum worldwide.
PAYMENT INFORMATION The easiest way to pay is online at and an invoice will be sent to you automatically once thepayment has gone and an invoice will be sent to you automatically once the payment has gone through. We may allow payments via telegraphic transfer. Please first email
[email protected] Payment by telegraphic transfer must be made to: Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd 65 Chulia Street OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513 Account Name: Dufresne Private Ltd Account No: 512002544301 Swift Code: OCBCSGSG Payment must be made at the time of booking to guarantee your place, either by credit card or invoice which must be settled within 7 days and prior to the first day of the conference. All transfer charges will be paid by the attendee. An invoice with the participants details will be issued electronically after the payment has been made online via credit card. If payment is via invoice a confirmation of payment will be given and this can be treated as a ticket to entry. If payment has not been received by 830 AM of the first day of the conference then credit card details will be requested onsite and payment will be taken before entry to the conference. All bookings within 7 days of the conference require payment by credit card on booking. VAT/GST/IVA maybe charged additionally to the prices listed.
CANCELLATION/SUBSTITUTION Should you be unable to attend, a substitute from the same company is always welcomed at no extra charge. Regretfully cancellations cannot be facilitated but transfer to a future conference is permissible. We will provide the conference documentation to any delegate who has paid but is unable to attend for any reason. If we have to cancel an event for any reason, we will make a full refund immediately, but disclaim any further liability. IMPORTANT NOTE The Microgrid Forum (Dufresne Private Ltd) believes in content and conference quality. Due to unforeseen circumstances the programme may change and the Microgrid Forum reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the programme or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control and will not be held accountable for any costs incurred by the participants. Data Protection The personal information shown on this form, and/or provided by you, will be held on a database. Occasionally your details may be obtained from, or made available to, external companies who wish to communicate with you oers related to your business activities. If you do not wish to receive these brochures, please email
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Dufresne Private Ltd holds the right to entry, identification required.
Produced by Dufresne Private Ltd 190 Middle Road 10-08 Singapore 188979 Tel: +65 6243 0050
call: +65 6243 0050
Co. Reg. No. 200809512C
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© copyright Microgrid Forum (Dufresne Private Ltd) 2013