As a result, the eleven countries Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Rep. of ......
Thesaurus of Geosciences IUGS) dan juga beberapa bahasa di wilayah Asia.
ENGLISH – KHMER – CHINESE INDONESIAN – JAPANESE – KOREAN LAO – MALAYSIAN – THAI VIETNAMESE – FRENCH Sponsored by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
With the contributions of: Cambodia Mr. Hong Bona, Mr. Kong Makara Mineral Resources Development Office General Department of Mineral Resources Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy
Lao PDR Malaysia Thailand
Indonesia Ms. Nenen Adriyani Dr. Koji Wakita, Ms. Terumi Hasegawa
Geological Survey of Japan / AIST
Mr. Ekawat Sitthithaworn
Mineral Resources Information Center Department of Mineral Resources
Geological Survey Institute, Indonesia
Mr. Mustafar Bin Hamzah
Division of Information Management Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia
Mr. Qiherige (Qihirag.lee), Dr. Zhang Minghua
Division of Information, China Geological Survey
Mrs. Chansavath Boupha
Mines Information Center, Department of Geology & Mines
Mr. Tran Hong Hai, Ms. Pham Thi Nga
Center for Information & Archives of Geology Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam
Dr. Jeong Chan Kim
Geological and Environmental Hazards Division Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
CCOP Technical Secretariat Mr. Chen Shick Pei, Director Ms. Marivic P. Uzarraga, Geodata & Information Manager
CIFEG Mr. Michel Laval, Director Mr. François Lyonnais, Information System Manager
Compiled by CCOP and CIFEG. CCOP (Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia) Thai CC Tower, 24th Flr, Suite 244-245 889, Sathorn Tai Road, Sathorn Bangkok 10120 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2 672 3080 / Fax: +66 (0) 2 672 3082 E-mail:
[email protected] / Website: CIFEG (Centre International pour la Formation et les Echanges en Géosciences) 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin B. P. 36517 45065 Orléans cedex 2 (France) Tél. 33 (0)2 38 64 33 67 / Fax 33 (0)2 38 64 34 72 Website:
Cover Design: Piyawatchara Pramalnrut, CCOP Sylvie Orlyk, CIFEG Copies of this book are not for sale.
Preface ............................................................................................................
Introduction English .................................................................................................... vii French ..................................................................................................... xiii Khmer ..................................................................................................... xix Chinese ................................................................................................... xxv Indonesian .............................................................................................. xxxi Japanese .................................................................................................. xxxvii Korean .................................................................................................... x1iii Lao .......................................................................................................... 1i Malaysian ............................................................................................... 1v Thai ......................................................................................................... 1xi Vietnamese ............................................................................................. 1xix Main list .........................................................................................................
Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences
Preface In 1999, UNESCO’s Division of Earth Sciences proposed to develop a regional geo-science information network to assist the national geoscience organizations and institutions in East and Southeast Asia in their access to geoinformation and to facilitate the sharing and exchange of geoscience data. As a result, the eleven countries Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Rep. of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam collaborated to establish the SANGIS Network (South-East Asian Network for a Geological Information System). From 2001 the activities were coordinated by two regional organizations; CCOP (Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia) whose Technical Secretariat is in Bangkok (Thailand), and CIFEG (International Centre for Training and Exchanges in the Geosciences) based in Orleans (France), with financial support from UNESCO and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The SANGIS Network aimed at the up-grading and harmonisation of existing data management systems in order to stimulate the circulation of data, to facilitate access to information and to promote the creation of an efficient regional geoscientific network. A SANGIS bibliographic database for earth science based on international bibliographic standards to allow and facilitate data research was then developed. In addition, this database was made accessible through the Internet, allowing exchanges of information regionally and internationally. In order to facilitate the data standardisation, the member countries manage their bibliographic data with the use of specific SANGIS software, which contains scientific and geographic keywords for an easier indexing and classification of the scientific papers. These keywords (in English), which are also used to search the SANGIS database through the web, were derived from an existing geoscience thesaurus in several western languages, developed by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). During the SANGIS implementation period, many member countries encountered difficulties when having to use keywords in English for the bibliographic data management, instead of their own national language. Consequently, the idea of an Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (AMTG), compiling the IUGS Multilingual Thesaurus of Geoscience in the national languages of 9 of the SANGIS network member countries was adopted. After fruitful and successful co-operation between the member countries, the AMTG was realized and made available in digital format on the SANGIS Web site ( UNESCO has also proposed that, together with the digital version, a hard copy version of the AMTG be produced. It is hoped that this Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences will effectively contribute to the exchange of data not only between the East and Southeast Asian Countries, but also amongst the entire Earth Sciences scientific community worldwide.
Giuseppe Arduino (UNESCO) Chen Shick Pei (CCOP) Michel Laval (CIFEG) Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences -v-
The Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (AMTG) is sponsored by UNESCO and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is the result of collaboration amongst 9 Member Countries of the SANGIS Programme (Southeast Asian Network for a Geoscience Information System) and was co-ordinated by CCOP (Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia) and CIFEG (International Center for Training and Exchanges in the Geosciences). The AMTG is based on the Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (MT) of the International Union of Geological Sciences/Commission on the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (IUGS/COGEOINFO) and the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI). This MT was developed by a joint working group (WGMT: Working Group for the Multilingual Thesaurus) with members from both organizations (IUGS/ICSTI). The main aim of the AMTG project is to facilitate data exchanges between the various SANGIS organizations and linguistic groups in the field of Geosciences. A thesaurus is a word list which allows standardising terminology. It is used to assist in indexing and retrieving information of databases. A thesaurus allows terms, related by a similar subject, to be grouped into hierarchies and crossreferences to other groups of terms which may be relevant to the subject. It provides the user with a single preferred term to describe a subject and allows terms to be selected at a general or specific level, depending on the level of indexing required. For the principles and the methodology of thesaurus building, please refer to the ISO Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual and multilingual thesauri (ISO TC46 SC5, ISO 2788 and 5964). As in other thesauri, the terms in the AMTG are linked together by three types of relationships: •
hierarchical relationships, which link some terms to other terms expressing more general and more specific concepts, i.e. broader terms and narrower terms. Hierarchically related terms are grouped under 36 general subdivisions (areas of knowledge or "microthesauri") covered by the AMTG. For instance the term Homo has for broader term Hominidae and for narrower terms: Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo neanderthaliensis and Homo sapiens.
associative relationships, which link terms to similar terms (related terms). In the AMTG, these relationships are established for terms which have the same broader term, for instance: Homo has the following related terms: Australopithecinae and Ramapithecinae.
equivalence relationships, which link "non-preferred" terms to "preferred" terms. This relationship is indicated respectively by the terms "Use for" and "Use". For instance: the non-preferred term "a layer" is linked to the preferred term "crust". Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - vii -
The methodology used for the set up of the AMTG was influenced by the following observations noted in almost all SANGIS Member Countries: -
lack of national thesauri in the field of Geosciences;
regarding the indexing aspect, lack of specific bibliographic methods in the various documentation centers.
So, contrary to the MT published by IUGS, the AMTG used an "a priori" methodology. The main focus was not to compare concepts and terms in the various languages and to analyse the indexing techniques, but to understand the meaning of English key terms and translate them in each of the member countries national language. Geoscience is a wide and inter-disciplinary field; it was therefore essential to invite a number of experts from various fields of Geosciences for each country, to agree on universally accepted translation of English key terms. CIFEG has developed a search interface which now allows the AMTG to be searched online. This interface is available through CCOP's Website (
Contents The printed version of the AMTG contains 5,867 terms expressed as descriptors or non-descriptors in 11 languages: English (the base reference), Khmer, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Malaysian, Thai and Vietnamese. As in the MT sponsored by ICSTI and IUGS, the AMTG terms are classified into 36 groups or fields. 20 correspond to the major subdivisions of Geosciences, 11 concern the systematic parts of classification domains such as stratigraphy and fossil groups and 5 distinct fields describe concepts common to all subdivisions (properties, methods, etc.). As previously said, the relationships among the indexing terms are based on the relationships established for the English (Am) language in the MT sponsored by IUGS/COGEOINFO. Broad term – narrow term relationships are not expressed in the AMTG; however the Use and Use for relationships have been integrated in the main list of each language. For further explanation about the relationships established for the English language in the MT and the classification schemes of the systematic fields, please refer to the Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences, 2nd edition edited by J. Gravesteijn, C. Kortman, R. Potenza and G.N. Rassam and sponsored by IUGS/ICSTI.
Presentation The AMTG includes a main list of key terms in English (English language of IUGS Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences) as well as several languages of the East and Southeast Asian Region. The main list shows the key terms in the English alphabetical order. Each entry is composed as follows: •
a key term in English (Am) preceded by a sequential number and the abbreviation of the field of application. Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - viii -
10 entries corresponding to the various translated languages versions of the printed AMTG are presented in alphabetical order of the English column. The nature of the term from a documentation point of view is indicated (Descriptor or Non-descriptor). As explained previously, whatever the Asian language this part is based on the English (Am) classification: -
if the term is in regular print, it is a descriptor if the designation is in italics, the term is not a descriptor and is followed by "Use:" and one or several descriptors indicating (in regular print) the preferred term(s). If several descriptors are assigned, these are separated by a semicolon. the non-descriptors related to a descriptor are indicated by "UF:" (Use For).
Below is the full list of the field codes and their explanations according to the IUGS Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences: APPL CHEE CHES COMS ECON ENGI ENVI EXTR EXTS GEOC GEOH GEOL IGMS IGNE IGNS INST ISOT MARI MATH METH MINE MING MISC ORGS PALE PALS PHCH SEDI SEDS SOLI STRA STRS STRU SURF SUSS TEST
Applied geophysics Chemical elements Inorganic chemical compounds - systematics Commodities and mineral deposits - systematics Economic geology Engineering geology Environmental geology Extraterrestrial geology Meteorites and planets - systematics Geochemistry Hydrology General geology Metamorphic rocks - systematics Petrology Igneous rocks - systematics Instruments - equipment Isotopic geochemistry, absolute age, geochronology Marine geology Mathematical geology Methods Mineralogy Minerals - systematics Miscellaneous Organic compounds - systematics Paleontology Paleontology - systematics Physical and chemical properties, processes Sedimentology and sedimentary petrology Sedimentary rocks - systematics Solid Earth geophysics Stratigraphy Stratigraphy units - systematics Structural geology Geomorphology and Quaternary geology Soils - systematics Textures and structures Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - ix -
Contributors to the AMTG database Members of the working group and editors of each language versions included in the AMTG database are: Cambodia Mr. Hong Bona, Mr. Kong Makara Mineral Resources Development Office, General Department of Mineral Resources Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy, Cambodia China Mr. Qiherige (Qihirag.lee), Dr. Zhang Minghua Division of Information, China Geological Survey Indonesia Ms. Nenen Adriyani Geological Survey Institute, Indonesia Japan Dr. Koji Wakita, Ms. Terumi Hasegawa Geological Survey of Japan / AIST Korea Dr. Jeong Chan Kim Geological and Environmental Hazards Division Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) Lao PDR Mrs. Chansavath Boupha Mines Information Center, Department of Geology & Mines, Lao PDR Malaysia Mr. Mustafar Bin Hamzah Division of Information Management Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia Thailand Mr. Ekawat Sitthithaworn Mineral Resources Information Center Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Thailand Vietnam Mr. Tran Hong Hai, Ms. Pham Thi Nga Center for Information & Archives of Geology (CIAG) Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam (DGMV) Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences -x-
CCOP Technical Secretariat Mr. Chen Shick Pei Director Ms. Marivic P. Uzarraga Geodata and Information Management CIFEG Mr. Michel Laval Director Mr. François Lyonnais Information System Manager
Bibliography International Organization for Standardization (1974) Norme Internationale ISO 2788, Documentation - Principes directeurs pour l'établissement et le développement de thesaurus monolingues. 1ère Ed., 13 p., Réf. n° : ISO 2788-1974(F). Derek Austin, Janet Waters (revisers) (1979) ISO TC46 SC5, Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri - revised text. Bibliographic Systems and Standards Office, the British Library, London WC1E 7DG., 85 p. American Geological Institute, Crystal S. Palmer, ed. (1986) GeoRef Thesaurus and Guide to Indexing. 4th Ed., Alexandria, Va., USA, 512 p. Glashoff, H. (1980-1981) The multilingual thesaurus in geology, a switching tool between bibliographic databases developed by IUGS and ICSI AB. Bull. BRGM, Section IV, No. 3, p. 201-206. Rassam, G. N., Gravesteijn, J., and Lagarde, E. (1980-1981) A joint international bibliographic data base in geology: an experiment whose time has come. Bull. BRGM, Section IV, n° 3, p. 215-222. Gravesteijn, J., Kortman, C., Potenza, R., and Rassam, G. N. (1995) Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences. 2nd edition, New York, Pergamon, Information Today, Inc., Medford, NJ, 685 p.
Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - xi -
L'Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (AMTG) est soutenu financièrement par l'UNESCO et le Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères (MAE). Ce travail, réalisé par 9 pays membres du Programme SANGIS (Southeast Asian Network for a Geoscience Information System), a été coordonné par le CCOP (Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia) et le CIFEG (Centre International pour la Formation et les Echanges en Géosciences). L'AMTG est un manuel basé sur le Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (MT) et financé par l'International Union of Geological Sciences/Commission on the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (IUGS/COGEOINFO) et l'International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI). Ce MT a été développé par un groupe de travail (WGMT : Working Group for the Multilingual Thesaurus) commun aux deux organisations (IUGS/ICSTI). Le but du présent AMTG est de faciliter l'échange de données dans le domaine des géosciences, entre les différents groupes linguistiques et organisations du réseau SANGIS. Un thesaurus est une liste structurée de mots qui permet de standardiser une terminologie. Ceci est utilisé pour faciliter l'indexation et la recherche d'informations dans les bases de données. Un thesaurus permet aux termes concernant un même sujet, d'être regroupés en hiérarchies et références croisées avec d'autres groupes de mots susceptibles d'être en relation avec ce sujet. Cela fournit à l'utilisateur un seul terme préférentiel pour décrire un sujet. En fonction de la finesse de l'indexation requise, il permet de sélectionner les termes à un niveau général ou spécifique. Pour plus d'informations sur les principes et la méthode de conception de thesaurus, le lecteur se référera au document "ISO Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual and multilingual thesauri (ISO TC46 SC5, ISO 2788 and 5964)". Comme dans les autres thesauri, les termes de l'AMTG sont interconnectés selon trois types de relations : •
relations hiérarchiques, qui expriment des rapports de supériorité et de subordination entre les concepts, c'est-à-dire des termes génériques et spécifiques. Les termes reliés hiérarchiquement sont regroupés selon les 36 subdivisions générales (domaines de connaissance ou "microthesauri") que couvre l'AMTG. Par exemple, le terme générique pour Homo est Hominidae et les termes spécifiques sont : Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo neanderthaliensis et Homo sapiens.
relations associatives, qui relient les mots-clés aux termes de notions proches (termes associés). Pour l'AMTG, ces relations sont appliquées aux mots-clés ayant le même terme générique. Par exemple, Homo est associé aux termes : Australopithecinae and Ramapithecinae. Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - xiii -
relations d'équivalence, qui relient les termes "non préférentiels" aux termes "préférentiels". Cette relation est indiquée respectivement par "Use for" et "Use". Par exemple, le terme "couche A" est relié au terme préférentiel "croûte".
La méthodologie utilisée pour la mise en place de l'AMTG a été induite par les observations suivantes valables pour la quasi-totalité des pays membres de SANGIS : -
inexistence de thesaurus national dans le domaine des géosciences ;
du point de vue de l'indexation, manque de méthodes bibliographiques spécifiques dans les divers centres de documentation.
Ainsi, contrairement au MT publié par l'IUGS, l'AMTG utilise une méthodologie dite a priori. Le travail principal des participants n'a pas été de comparer les concepts et les termes dans les différentes langues, ni d'analyser les techniques d'indexation, mais de comprendre et adopter les concepts représentés par les mots-clés anglais et les traduire dans leur langue nationale. Les géosciences sont un vaste domaine pluridisciplinaire ; il a donc été nécessaire d'associer et de réunir, dans chaque pays, de nombreux experts des diverses spécialités des géosciences afin de s'appuyer sur leur expérience et leurs connaissances pour obtenir des traductions admises par la communauté scientifique. Le CIFEG a développé une interface Internet de consultation de l'AMTG accessible en ligne via le site du CCOP à l'adresse
Contenu La version imprimée de l'AMTG contient 5 867 termes (descripteurs / non-descripteurs) dans les 11 langues suivantes : anglais (la référence de base), cambodgien, chinois, coréen, français, indonésien, japonais, laotien, malais, thaïlandais et vietnamien. Comme dans le MT financé par l'ICSTI et l'IUGS, les termes de l'AMTG sont regroupés en 36 domaines ou champs d'application. 20 d'entre eux correspondent aux subdivisions majeures des Géosciences, 11 concernent la systématique des domaines de classification tels que la stratigraphie et les groupes fossiles et 5 champs distincts décrivent les concepts communs à toutes les divisions (propriétés, méthodes, etc.). Comme indiqué précédemment, les relations entre les termes d'indexation sont basées sur celles établies pour la langue anglaise (Am) dans le MT financé par l'IUGS/COGEOINFO. A la différence près que les relations terme générique – terme spécifique ne figurent pas dans l'AMTG. Cependant, les relations Use et Use for sont présentes pour chaque langue. Pour de plus amples explications sur les relations retenues pour l'anglais dans le MT et sur les classifications des champs de systématique, se référer au Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences, 2nd edition, J. Gravesteijn, C. Kortman, R. Potenza and G.N. Rassam (ed.).
Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - xiv -
Présentation L'AMTG est formé à partir de la liste alphabétique des mots-clés anglais (en fait, la liste du MT de l'IUGS) traduite dans quelques langues nationales de l'Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est. Chaque ligne de cette liste se présente comme suit: •
un mot-clé en anglais (Am) précédé par un numéro séquentiel et l'abréviation du champ d'application ;
sa traduction dans les 10 langues. La nature du terme du point de vue documentation est précisée (Descripteur / Non-descripteur). Nous rappelons ici que, quelle que soit la langue, cette partie s'appuie sur la classification anglaise (Am) : -
si le terme en caractères normaux (droits), il s'agit alors d'un descripteur,
si le terme est en caractères italiques, c'est un non-descripteur suivi par "Use:" et un ou plusieurs descripteurs en écriture droite indiquant donc le ou le(s) terme(s) préférentiel(s). S'il y a plusieurs descripteurs, ils sont séparés par un point-virgule.
la relation "descripteur / non-descripteur" est indiquée par "UF:" (Use For).
Ci-dessous la liste des codes à 4 caractères des domaines d'application tels que figurant dans le IUGS Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences : APPL CHEE CHES COMS ECON ENGI ENVI EXTR EXTS GEOC GEOH GEOL IGMS IGNE IGNS INST ISOT MARI MATH METH MINE MING MISC ORGS PALE PALS PHCH
Géophysique appliquée Eléments chimiques Composés chimiques inorganiques Minerais et substances utiles Gîtologie Géologie de l'ingénieur Environnement Géologie extraterrestre Météorites, planètes Géochimie Hydrologie Géologie générale Roches métamorphiques - Systématique Pétrologie, roches ignées et métamorphiques Roches ignées - Systématique Instrumentation - Moyens techniques Géochimie isotopique, géochronologie Géologie marine Géologie mathématique Méthodologie Minéralogie Groupes minéraux - Noms minéraux Termes généraux Composés organiques Paléontologie Paléontologie - Systématique Propriétés physiques et chimiques, processus Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - xv -
Sédimentologie Roches sédimentaires - Systématique Physique du Globe Stratigraphie Stratigraphie - Systématique Géologie structurale Géomorphologie - Géologie du Quaternaire Sols - Systématique Textures et structures
Les participants à la base de données de l'AMTG Les membres du groupe de travail et les correcteurs pour chaque langue de la base de données de l'AMTG sont : Cambodge Mr. Hong Bona, Mr. Kong Makara Mineral Resources Development Office General Department of Mineral Resources Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy, Cambodia Chine Mr. Qiherige (Qihirag.lee), Dr. Zhang Minghua Division of Information, China Geological Survey Corée Dr. Jeong Chan Kim Geological and Environmental Hazards Division Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) Indonésie Ms. Nenen Adriyani Geological Survey Institute, Indonesia Japon Dr. Koji Wakita, Ms. Terumi Hasegawa Geological Survey of Japan / AIST Laos Mrs. Chansavath Boupha Mines Information Center Department of Geology & Mines, Lao PDR
Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - xvi -
Malaisie Mr. Mustafar Bin Hamzah Division of Information Management Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia Thaïlande Mr. Ekawat Sitthithaworn Mineral Resources Information Center, Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Thailand Vietnam Mr. Tran Hong Hai, Ms. Pham Thi Nga Center for Information & Archives of Geology (CIAG) Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam (DGMV)
CCOP Technical Secretariat Mr. Chen Shick Pei Director Ms. Marivic P. Uzarraga Geodata and Information Management CIFEG Mr. Michel Laval Directeur Mr. François Lyonnais Ingénieur Système d'Information
Bibliographie International Organization for Standardization (1974) Norme Internationale ISO 2788, Documentation - Principes directeurs pour l'établissement et le développement de thesaurus monolingues. 1ère Ed., 13 p., Réf. n° : ISO 2788-1974(F). Derek Austin, Janet Waters (revisers) (1979) ISO TC46 SC5, Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri - revised text. Bibliographic Systems and Standards Office, the British Library, London WC1E 7DG., 85 p. American Geological Institute, Crystal S. Palmer, ed. (1986) GeoRef Thesaurus and Guide to Indexing. 4th Ed., Alexandria, Va., USA, 512 p. Glashoff, H. (1980-1981) The multilingual thesaurus in geology, a switching tool between bibliographic databases developed by IUGS and ICSI AB. Bull. BRGM, Section IV, No. 3, p. 201-206. Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - xvii -
Rassam, G. N., Gravesteijn, J., and Lagarde, E. (1980-1981) A joint international bibliographic data base in geology: an experiment whose time has come. Bull. BRGM, Section IV, n° 3, p. 215-222. Gravesteijn, J., Kortman, C., Potenza, R., and Rassam, G. N. (1995) Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences. 2nd edition, New York, Pergamon, Information Today, Inc., Medford, NJ, 685 p.
Asian Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences - xviii -
snÞanuRkmPUKBÖviTüasaRsþCaPasaCatiénRbeTsnImYy²enAtMbn;GasuI (AMTG) RtUv)anerobcMeLIgeRkamkar]btßmÖBIGgÁkar yUeNsáÚ (UNESCO) nig RksYgkarbreTsénsaFarNrdæ)araMg . kargarenHRtUv)aneFIVeLIg edaymankarcUlrYmBIRbeTscMnYn R)aMbYn EdlCasmaCikénbNþaRbeTsGasuIGeKñy_ sMrab;RbB½n§B½t’manPUKBÖviTüasaRsþ (SANGIS) nig edaymansRmbsRmYlBI KN³kmμaFikarsRmbsRmYlsMrab;kmμviFIPUKBÖviTüasa®sþenAtMbn;GasIuxagekItnigGeKñy_ (CCOP) nig mCÄmNÐlGnþrCatisMrab;kar bNþúHbNþal nigkarpøas;bþÚrB½t’manPUKBÖviTüasaRsþ (CIFEG) . snÞanuRkmPUKBÖviTüasaRsþCaPasaCatiénRbeTsnImYy²enAtMbn;GasuI (AMTG) RtUv)anerobcMeLIgedayEp¥kelIsnÞanuRkm BhuPasaénPUKBÖviTüasaRsþ (MT) rbs;shKmGnþrCatiénviTüasa®sþPUKBÖviTüa¼ KN³kmμkarTTYlbnÞúkRKb;RKgnigGnuvtþB½t’man PUKBÖviTüasaRsþ (IUGS/COGEOINFO) nig RkumRbwkSaGnþrCatisMrab;B½t’manviTüasa®sþnigbec©keTs (ICSTI) . snÞanuRkm BhuPasaénPUKBÖviTüasaRsþRtUv)anerobcMeLIgedayRkumkargarrYmmYy ¬RkumkargarsMrab;erobcMsnÞanuRkmBhuPasa¦ edaymansmaCik cUlrYmmkBIGgÁkarTaMgBIr IUGS/ ICSTI . eKalbMNgcMbgénkarbegáIt AMTG KwedIm,ICYysMrYldl;karpøas;bþÚrTinñn½yrvagGgÁkarepSg²rbs; SANGIS nigRkum PasabreTssMrab;vis½yPUKBÖviTüasaRsþ . kRmgevvcn³sBÞ KWCabBa¢IBakümYyEdlmanlkçN³RsbtambTdæanénBakübec©keTs . Bakübec©keTsTaMgenHRtUv)an ykmkeRbIR)as; edIm,ICaCMnYykñúgkareroberog nigkarEsVgrkB½t’manTinñn½y . kRmgevvcn³sBÞenH)anpþl;nUvBaküEdlmanTMnak;TMngeTAnwgBaküEdlmann½yRsedogKña ehIyEdlRtUv)ancgCaRkumtam zananuRkm nig tamÉksareyagénRkumBaküTaMgLayEdlGacmanlkçN³TMnak;TMngeTAnwgBaküenaH . kRmgevvcn³sBÞenHnwg pþl;pgEdrdl;GñkeRbIR)as;[)ansÁal;nUvBaküNaEdleKniymeRbI edIm,IBN’naBIRbFanbTmYy nigeFVI[BaküTaMgenaHRtUv)aneRCIs erIsykmkeRbItamkMritTUeTA b¤ Cak;lak; edayEp¥kelIkMriténkareroberogEdltRmUveLIg . sMrab;eKalkarN_ nigviFIsaRsþksagkRmgevvcn³sBÞ sUmemIlkarENnaMrbs;GgÁkarbTdæanGnþrCati (ISO) sMrab;kar e)aHBum< nigkarbegáItkRmgevvcn³sBÞÉkPasa nigBhuPasa (ISO TC46 SC5, ISO 2788 and 5964) . dUcmanenAkñúgkRmgevvcn³sBÞdéTeTotEdr BaküTaMgGs;enAkñúg AMTG RtUv)anP¢ab;Kña tamTMnak;TMng 3RbePT ³ - TMnak;TMngtamzananuRkm EdlP¢ab;BakümYycMnYneTAnwgBakümYyepSgeTot edIm,IbBa¢ak;n½y[kan;EtCak;lak; nigTUlM TUlay ]TahrN_ Bakümann½yTMlMTUlayCag nigBakümann½yceg¥ótCag BakütamzananuRkmRtUv)anEbgEckCa 36 Rkum ¬vis½yyl;dwg b¤kRmgevvcn³sBÞxøI²¦ EdlmanenAkñúg AMTG enH . ]TahrN_ Bakü Homo sMrab;Bakümann½yTUlMTUlay Hominidae ehIysMrab;Bakümann½yceg¥ot ³ Homo Erectus, Homo habilis, Homo neanderthaliensis and Homo sapiens . - TMnak;TMngCasm