Official Full-Text Paper (PDF): Asian Research Consortium Customer Preferences towards Online Purchase of Products.
Asian Research Consortium Asian Journal of Research in Marketing Vol. 5, No. 6, December 2016, pp. 28-36. ISSN 2277-6621
Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Customer Preferences towards Online Purchase of Products Dr. N. Ramesh Kumar*; Dr. P. Kishore Kumar**; Shilam Srinivas*** *Professor, Department of Management, SVS Group of Institutions, Bheemaram, Hanamkonda, Warangal, Telangana, India. **Professor, Department of Management, SVS Group of Institutions, Bheemaram, Hanamkonda, Warangal, Telangana, India. ***Assistant Professor, Department of Management, SVS Group of Institutions, Bheemaram, Hanamkonda, Warangal, Telangana, India.
Abstract In the light of growing market for electronic trading, majority of the customers are being attracted towards online shopping. As a result of this number of companies are investing in this area. Naturally the online marketers are exploring this area to make the most of it. Owing to its huge market potentiality and cut throat competition, online shopping is also posing challenges to the marketers. In order to formulate most competitive market strategies, it is mandatory to understand the customers’ needs and preferences in online shopping. In this context the present paper assumes immense importance. The main objective of this research article is to study online purchase preferences of the respondents for selected products, category wise. A structured questionnaire was administered on the sample respondents. Multiple responses for each question were allowed .Multiple response analysis is done using SPSS software. The study revealed that mobile phone, iron box, water purifier, text books, face wash, and T-Shirts are the most preferred products to purchase online for majority of the respondents.
Kumar et al. (2016). Asian Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 5, No.6, pp. 28-36.
Keywords: online shopping, online retailing, consumer preferences, online purchase behavior, online stores, digital marketing.
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